Newspaper Page Text
o i- v THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8, 190 9. PAGE THREE ' U I TERRITORIAL AND COUNTY NEWS SERVICES - HELD AT SALOON Poslofflce Open At Sylvanite. Several Big Strikes Report ed At New Camp. COCHISE COUNTY RAY 80 MILES SQUARE CONSOLIDATED yui RESEVATiON BUILDING DIG MILL OPEN TO PUBLIC (Special to the Review.) SYL.VANITE. N AI, Jon. rtRms,i Interesting Items About Ari-Company Claims To Have Ten Expected That Hundreds Set- zona's Size That Will Sur prise Most Natives. or Twelve Million Tons In Sight. WH1TK RIVISR . Jaa 7.-Iluudrtd llHOBNUt Jan. r--We expect to tiers Will Flock In Rail road Is Talked Of. YUMA. Jan. 7: The townslte on ,. v& , . - . ' lTtxr:1rmrz4 th iont or sfctr at tlie ter ttrnoS" milT at 1 Cwrgj) W. Hlveley. of Kodoo .the first rt A v con)arlgon w1U Mif- weh Hot bo luiateler to hoW serviot In Syhai Ate. aw j. , ,he aIj Kottlrs. The 5 and Jn. ;le living it Arizona do Bftt ,,,. ,,! liv tL first of Julv for the Indian reservation Is now being or liie ter ,. ... . -a tUn mmrltv nt manned. It will He mldwav between .UW '. U .J, ..... ..f....j ... . less than 2000 tons lunia onu ijctici. near me line 01 IOBni (if tfao Mill RAiZlArtt- TIP . ...( 1 .tm .-ntlmiil nml Ha In. ...Ill ...w.h..- address a large audience at Bob er 1,800 H Ims. Had 0QatoLT VT.rVatemenr was W aucf loTed oi 'to the "C HuSUSuaS? lat he would J n0rth. Uw,da?r 2S6 f1, T"; " l porter at The Hotel bidder when too entry Is opened. ktL . x . W0UWJKest lino running eait and west Adami ty Mr. Sherwood Aldrlch. The llmo for U13 opening . f this prnon here the fourth Mondaj " j across the territory Jurt north of Pima tbo presidnt of the Ilay Consolidat- reservation has not been officially Li,J?"i n?f Vi', .i, mor csvy nd innlnatiag at Yuma on Gd MlnU,s coniI)any, when asked con- decided upon as jet, but It will bo Edwin J. Clark, our pioneer mer- lht Colorado river. corning the future plans of tho com widely advertised both as to time cfcaaf, has received his commission y , territory contains I13fi0. u$lQl regard Jt tho Pinal county and method as soon as It Is known ircstralster and Tuesday Sylvanite be- square .j Ar'sana would make nronortr .when It will be ready for occupation, came a full fledgedpostofflce. He has nlnoty.four Rhode islands, or fifty-six yr Xidtlch is a member of a party While there are no official statements ordered up to,date fixtures, and has all Delaware, or nln9 Maryland, or oi wealthy mining men who arrived to be had In regard to the date It is or tho lock boxes rented, with a dc- thrtt) indtanan. or two Illinois. It is n tn0 city recently and loft for tho confidently hoped that the project mand for over twice as many more. 'tarRW. than England. Wales and Ire- Kelvin district where several days will be In shape to admit these lands . 1 v" v" ' an wcl)er,cnce1inet1 lend combined, or greater than tho wm be spent In a trip of inspection, for entry in tho spring or early sum lurglst, has orened an nssay onice in etTjj.jaej arca of Denmark. Greece, partially to gather facts from which mer. The maps which must be made tie old building formerly occupied by porJuga, and Belgium, with enough m o determined tho capacity 01 before the lands can be apportioned aruejr & union. He Is Kept busi ,and .cft tQ make tWQ an(1 on)aaif tho mU1 to ere-te(i. Others in the are in the hands oi able draughts and.all seem to be well pleased wttnRlua(, islan(js. party wero: D. Jackllng. of Salt men and will bo completed as quick- his work. I cochlso county Is SO miles square Lake, manager of the Utah Copper vly as possible. Several new; strikes this week .iaye ttltU an 0, C400 SQUare mlle8. company: W. P. Dunham and J. W. Tho farm unit on the Indian reser kept the enthusiasm at the bollrag xa,-ajo cotmty Is 40 miles wide and Dunham, of Los Angeles, who have a vallon will range from twenty to thlr point., One of them has bonanza ore more Uiau ,00 j y Vtitb uli gf of cJaima adjoining tho Ray;,ty acres, according to the quality of that is many tiaies better than any- y ot 9i300 gquare miles, or larger A. Slllsbury of Los Angeles. G. Hop-'the soil, and will consist of arable thing found before In the d'strlct. tne y,.,., lhe stale of jiassachutts. kius of New York city, AV. B. Mc land minus roads and ditches. It Is real stuff that causes mining excite- The naturai reS0urces of the terri- Kelvle and 11. Hereschoff of New ! considered that this amount of land meuts. Yesterday quart2 from claims iory are unlimited. Rich mineral ores Y'ork. These men represented sev-lwlll be ample for tho support of a two miles north of the camp was , ,.,,,, , ., ....r.., it .m.-irt .mi ,niinnU nf -nnimi About two family. This is the Intention of the uruuKHl. in liia. uiua linu u uuuac afire. Tho wise ones say that "tho boom is on" and it can't be headed off adaI,t0j to n kInds of farm projuctSf tho present party being among tno specifying that the unit shall be such with an earthquake. ith tropical and temperate. Under list, paid a visit to Phoenix and the amount as Is necessary for the sup Tho telephone company has inoveu ..,..,. j.., f .,' . .,. . i. ,!, port of a family. Tho decision Is In Its booth to tho Maze news and cigar Jk,,, a population equal to some of At that time Mr. Aldrlch said. that regard to the land on the Indian res- cnr-c vinnin-a ina mir i nrT iti inn - . - m .m i . - -" thn lntir Afi1lt1rv 1 a area. Thousands of acres ot rich land months ago anomer party numoer- su.u.uCUl, u.c . .vb.u.u w. . ... !... m .ia . V rnm unit n av I ! InnHo can be Irrlcated. The soil is well Ins fourteen capitalists, memuors ot " u . '"" .""" " -.c"" - eiujv. yui r I'ui- ""i 111 " ,v.. !,. c. ,t,i. Maze wigwam and otherwise Improved " tho appenrfnee of Sylvanlte's ino't managing editor of the weekly paper IMipular resort. he. Is about' to launch to J. Herbert Quick of Iowa Sir. Quick Is a former mayor of Sioux City. In addition to j doing considerable work as a jourmil- uas been satisfactory i. hniMin nr tho nn mill ma nn. ervatlon alone. der consideration, as published at For tho Arizona s'ae of the project that time Nothing has Intervened to 'he farm unit, has not been an- change tho plans cf the company, nounced. It can affect only the few U14 development work which has thousand acres which have been flic been carried on wuii eleven uriMs upoa buusimiuuui fiu mc rauuiuuu. ci, ana lue area 10 dc retain iii be mado sufficiently large to support a tanuiy. Tne homers 01 mis iana will also be given a cfain leugm c time during which they may relin quish possession of the surplus land, aid they may use their own discre tion its to when the reitnquisnment NOTES OF INTEREST. In overv way Wets' and "dry" In Chicago are Jst be uas fouUtJ time to write several and the plans for the. mill are now preparing to fight it out at the polls """eis wnicu raev wun conRraeraoie being completed by no engineers, next April vr the question of wheih-. faTor ,rom the TeaiiBg public. xr. Aldrlch said that the company er the xalooas bhnll be banlshetl from ! A ."U.SJ" iand important session of ow hpd ton to twelve million tons the cty , the legislature Is promised In South 0f ore in sight, all very fine. run Congressman E. ." Hill of the Dakota this winter. After electing ainK about 2 1-2 per cent copper, rv...... r.11.,,1 ,Hutrint o...,orc Governor Crawford to the United irhinli ran he mined very cheanlv br i UUllU .U&in. tV- !. V3 MX.. V l'.-B J.m a , r m - unlikely to realize hi. ambition to sue- states senate, tne m-r siaiors win pro the cave-In process. The building ot ibkcs piace. ceed' Frank B Brandegee in the I ceed to deal wlht bills proposlnn a the .smelter is a certainty later on. Lauds on the Arizona side are for United States senate two-cent railroad fare, a county option but not Immediately. Probably with- the greater part held in private own Colonel James Hamilton Lewis haa b,n alMl amendments to the new pri- !n a COUplo ot years such a plant ershlp and over 05 per cent of the voluntarily eliminated himself from'01" I"- T,ie establishment of a wJj be installed. The present mill acreage under the project has alrenny the list of aspirants for the democrat-' state immigration l.ureou is another wm be fox concentrating purposes, heen signed up. All In excess o. 10 Ic mayoralty nomination In Chicago ntter that will receive attention. Two hundred men are now employed acres must be disposed of within a two years honce j George T. OHvr, one of the leadlmj: by ilie company inA the building of given time. This Will mean a rush of Kentucky tho setoud largest dls- candidates to succeed United Slate the mni will greatly increase that , settlers to this part of the country tilling state in the union, with 119 Senator Knox ot Pennsylvania, is tb. 'luni. er. and the early colonization of many counties, has only four In which the ! Publisher of three daily newspaper , v. Aiartch wld that he did not thousands of acres. A railroad has sale of liquor is rot prohibited by,la Pittsburg. He belongs to a verj look for anj- saarp advance in the- been already projected through tne law wealthy family which made Its mil ptiw t coprer during the next few valley to the Mexican boundary ana Congressman Robert C. Davey of "ous m lne Bfeel L"s'nees a numoer m0nths, that It would probably hang " " aiu.i-u a " j" "- innicinno i.n Moa isn:t sv in Vnnr . of years ago. During the last cam Orleans, was a conspicuous member 'paisn Mr. Oliver is ssld to have raised of the important committee on inter state 1 'VIU' m trwoiim mmmnrpii 'fflftrirwirerc more than half the counties have accepted prohibition the voters soon will be calle.1 upon to vote upon a constitutional amend ment for prohibition Liquor laws and measures for a more economical administration ot business of the state will occupy tne greater part of the attention of iu Massachusetts legislature this ses sion. An instance ot how public men of prominence sometimes mysteriously disappear from the public horizon is furnished by the case of William D. Uynum, a former Indiana democratic leader who a few years ago was re garded as a national authority on the tariff question. After hi3 retirement from congress Mr. Bynum left In diana and has since been living quiet ly In Oklahoma. According to report Senator La FoIIette has offered the position ot tress.' COMMERCE MEETS around tho fifteen cent mark. Ine nue announcement 01 eniry is umu.-. Tlnv rnmnAnr mn operate nt a O0d -1 JE0.090 for the republican national I mnr,in r nront wit, ronnor at this nflllRI AQ PHAMRPR nmTnUltf. 9Mumv-hk PMtctliMrcr noRi ' . w .i.,t.. -.. ........ U.M w nu ll1 , " zz... i. . T..v . price, .nr. iimutn wk uim.11 ji-. elates. Though. a(3vejn voHUes toTRMto fam at Arizotfa had amitft ""j )"u bc rem "iit "" Held the icau in tut prouueuoa 01, a candidate for hl.j public office. I copoor for 100S. Pegardinir the'rl tDouglas latcrnatonal ) o TTt.h nronprHpa Mr. Aldrlch said The board of directors of the cnam- they were operating with about the.ber of commerce und mines held us usual output. regular weekly meeting in the office He would not admit that there was 101 me secretary jcsieruaj uuuuwu John W. Hogar REAL ESTATE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC, and EMPLOYMENTSAGENCY. AT THE SAME OLD STAND. PHONE 271 Q. Can you gle me the origin of Mi and Mrs.? A It Is derived from the word" .Via stre" meaning Master, used b the Norman-French. A proprietor u. en employer of laborers was known as "Malstre Jones" and his wife as Malstress Jones. Gradua'ly tho till any deHnite plans ror tne tawng over of adiolnlnir claims, clllnir the J fact that the Ilay already, had 1000 acrc. cuuun li Mgc jumt; auu extensive Investment in equipment. That the Bay has been reaching out for more ground has been a current rumor here and has gained credence bv the presence, it the time, of the visits of the Ray pple. of those in terested In other properties nearby o- But few men can rcs'st the tempts was given to most any person and the tlon to swallow undeserved prise, word changed Into "Mister" and "Mis .Cynics and nesslmlstH have a baru row to ho in this contrary old world. : -: - 0vm00&000mmvwi0m0m0mri "&Z&& &??? l Ma,in Street ' &8sS0iaB&& mc dime lor MJ SAFETY PAZORfi VV SAFETY RAZORS Each Cne Guaranteed If not Satisfactory Your Money Refunded Complete Outf t in Metal Box for 10 Cents , : : : : : : : : : : : : - A Whn you compare Dime Safety Razors with others offered, you will come to the same conclusion as Thousands of others have, that it Is as good a razor as one costing SO times as much. That it possesses all the necessary qualities for a quick, clean, easy shave. It Is backed by the manufacturer's guarantee. It not satisfactory It may be returned and your money refunded. We have only a limited quantity of Dime Safety Razors, and this announcement is all that's neces sary to sH the lot, and sell them quickly. If you are interested call early and avoid disappointment. You Shave with D.I A TC Not with the S &'B Jmm mm the HANDLE Extra Blades 3 for IQc Remember please that the DIME SAFETY RAZOR is not a TOY. It is tried and true and as good a razor as one costing 50 times-as much, You shave with the blade not with the handle. Each blade is thor oughly tested, and sell three for 10c. ! , 1 Extra i-!rc7 -? 3 for -: lOo ct TiriiBaiiiBinivrt fciriBfciMrinmm l0lMtptA0HmrtAf? rtrtaiftJMrmj It belnc the first meeting of the month, considerable routino business was transacted. Owing to the absence from the city of Director Packard action looking to holding the next session of tho American Mining con gross in Douglas was postponed. Mr Packard Is expected to return today, and In all probability action will b" taken at once. At the last meeting of the board a resolution was adopted that tno per sonnel of the various committees be rearranged. It was thought the com mittees wero too large ror efficient work and after a full discussion it was decided to have each committee consist of three members, the board of directors to select the chairman and he to select tne other two mem bers of his committee subject to con firmation by the beard of directors. The committee of Insurance and tax ation was abolished, the Insurance dt partment being given to the comml' tec on real estate and the taxation feature to bo cared for by the com mittee on civic improvements. The gentlemen selected for chairmanships of the various committees arc as 10I lows: Auditing, C O. Thomas: transpor tation, H. N. Reno; trade extension. E. P. Grindell; real estate and insur ance. J. B. Speed; entertainment, Har ry Van Alen; mlns and mining. G. W. Casa; advertising and publicity, C. T. Connell; civic Improvements, L. C. Hanks; membership, W. P. Mc Nalr. The chairmen of the various com mittees arc requested to meet with the board of directors at the weekly meeting to be held next Tuesday af ternoon. Bills to the amount of 206.30 wero allowed. A gtod deal of new work has been outlined by the cham ber ot commerce and all ot it tends to tho promotion of a successful s-'a son for 1009. There seems to bo a growing opinion of the good work t'.ls organization is doing and nd better evidence of this can be had than by the many new applications for mem bership. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT EIGHTY YEARS OLD ANN AHBOR.- Jan 7. President James B. Angell of the University ot Michigan, the oldest university pres ident la America in point ot service,! was eighty years ,pld toay. it was the JCTslre ot'the alumni and students of the 'university tfiat a public cele bration of the anniversary bo held, but the plana to (his end vere aban deacd In deference to the expressed wj6 Qt President Angell. There was so stoDDtajr me flood oi congratuia- Itory message, however, which were Beat, to the venerable educator by friends and admirers in every section of tho country. From, the standpoint of years ot service as a university presidcnt Dr. An cell In entitled to bo called The Grand Old Man ot Kdacation." Tic has been at the heafi of the Univer sity of Michigan -since 1871. Before coming to Ann Arbor ho had served J five years as president of the Univer sity of Vermont, making a total of 42 years that ho has spent at the If-ad cf educational Institution.-. Ho was bom In ScHnatc, Rhode Is-' liM t-.wr 7 i29, n a hoii6ebo!d at eeafert&feto circumstances. He en- Itered Brown University In 1845. In .1819 ho graduated. Bnd but for throat iruuuiu UO WUIUU 1M1U I.IUU1CU tui the ministry. Ho spent several years In tho South and Europe, and upon nls return he became a professor of modern languages nt his alma mater. Ho continued to teach for seven years and then became editor ot tho Prov idence "Journal," which work he fol lowed for seven years. He became president of the University of Ver mont In 1806, and five years later moved to Ann Arbor to become presi dent of the University of Michigan. It has been given to Dr. Angell to have under his direct personal influ ence more young men and women than has fallen to the lot ot any otn er university president now living In all probability, of any university ; president of modern times. As head i ot the University ot Michigan he has I left his personal impress, to a greater ) or less degree, on more than lOO.'WO students. Counting in his whole en , recr as an educator, it is safe to say ; that he has conio in direct pers-i tO'ich with at least 135,000 seareh-r after higher education. Resides "making" the University of Michigan and In doing so making It the model tor most of the other state universities that have attained more or less fame as educational centers In the last quarter ot a century. Dr. Angell has been a man ot large In fluence beyond the confines of the campus and the world ot education In general. He has frequently had his advice sought by presidents and other national leaders in various walks of life. Ils career as a dip lomat embraces a mission to China and another to Turkey, and bis ser vices have been drafted several times when Important treaties were to ue drawn up by the United States with some of the powers. S0N0RA IMPROVING, SAYS M. QUENNER M. Quenner; well known in tnls eprtlnn anil all over Sonom. Is in the city from the Sahuarlpa dUtrict in! Sonora. where he han beenjor some time on business. Mr. Quenner has recently patented a pulverizer and concentrator which he is now going to make a test ot oi the dry placer gold In the Altar district, having in terested New York parties in the new method. Speaking of the Suhuarlpa country, Mr. Quenner cald that new life was rapidly returning to that section ot Sonora and now that the "Yaqui troubles have been amicably and peaceably settled It 13 expeccd that there will be much development work started in that section In the near, future. Chipiona Mine. The Chipiona mine, located llu niles east of Moctezuma, is now work tig about one hundred and fifty men This property Is owned by the Cion gulta Copper company and recently it has shown large bodies of copper and silver ore. A small concentrator has Just been completed with a capacity of fifty tons of ore per day and Is now In operation. Three small furnaces were recently installed by the Roy & Tltconib company ccC one of these Is now turning out matte carrying 45 per cent of copper and silver. Representatives of the Allls Chal mers company are now at the Ctii. plona mine making estimates and get ting np plans for a large concentrat ing mill which it is said, the ore bodies fully justify. It is proposed to build a railroad to connect with the Southern Pacific lino which is planned to go south via Moctezuma to connect with the Guad alajara coast line cf the comiony. This proposed railroad would be six ty mi lee long over an easy route and would make the connection at Tonlchi George Beebo is president ot the Clenguita company and is at tne prop erty. Frank Fritz is the general manager of the work at the mine and mills. James Anderson, who at one Horse Blarikets-- All kinds of Rainproof Covers Protect Your Horse E. R MASON -CO. Incorporated Phone L 24, Lowell, Arizona henry Mcdonald Plumbing and Repair Shop I Fix it anything Let mc figure on your plumbing. No company to d;aw dividends. No body but yourself to make a profit. LOWEST PHICFS. GURANTEED WORK Opp. Independent F. & F. Co. Phone B-215 THE QUKEN HOTEL at Douglas, Ariz. Having been thoroughly overhauled, Is now' open for business at popular prices. SPECIAL RATES TO BISBEE PATRON3 . AMERICAN PLAN ONLY. MEALS F1RST-CLAS3 H. W. JORGEENSEN, CIVIL ENGINEER 4 4 CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE Assayers, Chemists, Metallur gists. CRITCHETT & FERGUSOtf,' Successors to Hughes & Crltchett. Agents for Ore Shippers, 112 San Francisco St. El Paso, Texas Barnaby Building, "Biabee, Ariz. 4 U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS at the LETSON -HOTEL Everything thoroughly cleaned and under new management. Opposite English Kitchen, Main street. CHRIS. JENSEN, Propr. ?. . We Want lYott lo . D. E. Jleller. II. J. Wright. HELLER A WRIGHT, Assayers and Chemists, Metallurgical &. Mining Engineers, Represent Ore Shippers to Douglas Reduction Works. DOUGLAS :: :: ARIZONA K Jim nowi t j rhat, we anticipate a big business J Jfor the coming ear, and In view J of that fact we havt endeavored to? , 5 make , Our Stock Complete I Wo have especially enlarged on the j J purchases of Stationery and Writing Tablets No where In the City ot BIsbeo can you find such an assortment of fancy Box J'aper and Writing Tablets. We carry a full line of Eaton-Hurlburts Box Paper and the J J. C. Blair Writing Tablets, there tare no better made and the prices J , Jaro reasonable. , i We Want To Fill Your Prescriptions 5 SThat is where every Druggist 1 tstakes his reputation. We want to J ' I bo one of those that enjoy the full) ' (im'.f n nntnmnhiia in nnm-is ? confidence of the Doctors and the has charge ot the machinery and 1st J Patients, and we are proud to sayj attending to all repair work. Thomas I J that wo enjoy that confidence. All Hopkins, formerly of Butte, Montana, l Jot our Laboratory Drugs and Is superintendent ct the smelter i Chemicals are purchased with the I n ' . New Quarters R&B With an up-to-date line of Grocer ies and Provisions, Wines, Liquors, Cigars .and Tobacco. All Vege tables In Season. Fresh Meats and Poultry. Also Agents for A. B. C. Beer. Second Store East of Fire Depart ment, Naco Road. Rafaeiovich & Brajevlcli PHONE 141 PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. C. STANFORD Attorney at Law. Bisbee Arizona L. G. BEENE GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR. My work Is first-class and PRICES right. SEE ME AT WARREN ANDERSON APACHE If the operators of the Anderson Apache mine ever run Into a well tie fined vein of the character of some silver ore recently encountered, which Is regarded as probable, the copper deposits already known tov exist will have to "go ;somo" In value to keep from beliig a secondary product. Some samples taken by Superintend ent Houlton from oco of the winzes at a point forty feet bejow the 300 level gave surprising values. One of these ran sixty-eisht per cent lead and 682 ounces silver, A second sam. pie went 52 per cent copper and 154 ounces In silver, in the earlier dayfl of the mine, on the upper levels, large bunches of rich silver were frequent ly encountered. But that Is largely speculative and copper stilt remains king on the An-derson-Apacne works. Development work during the month past has been centered largely on two winzes below the 300 and the big drift that is be ing run towards the Intersection of the two faults. Both winzes, -which are about forty feet below the- 300 level, have gone down in ore tha has paid the way of each of them. The drift lsjn four hundred feet on tne contact anu every trw icei suiui: uin. Another Item of Interest in the Apache field is that Michigan people are sinking a shaft about fifty feet north of the- Anderson-Apache line. The shaft Is already down about 150 feet. This will tend to prove up the Anderson-Apache. The management and directors of the company were never more en-trmsIastic-Qver their property than now. . Pure Food and Drug Law i 'Isabels attached, and as such are used in the Prescriptions that are compounded In our store. ? 1 ? Mn fToriAW DnflflP (lr In Hun nu i auujf i i iuco wu in win Store All of our merchandise is marked!; . with a legitimate profit, and any-! thing that is purchased in our j store, you may rest assurea uiat.? you have got value received. I We Want You To Trade I With Us and wc arc suro that we can jpleasej J you, at least let us try and prove jit to you. E. G. STRICKLER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Special attention given to Criminal and Commercial Law. Offices over Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Bisbee. Arizona. Phone No. 306. Why pay more when you can itet the best In tho market at tho fol lowlngprlceiii Roimd-jsteak v 10c per lb. Shoulder .Steal;, 4 lbs. for .,..25c Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. for ..25c T BoaevStaek ..17c lb. Tenderloin Steak 174c lb. Porterhouse Stealc 17c lb. LoinSteaJr,.i 15S lb. Pork, of all kinds 17 Wc lb. Loln'Ttoast 12c lb. PrimdUb-3lat 12c lb. Shoulder. Roasts ,.-. 8c lb. Rmap-'Koast 10c lb. ShorttUb-Beef--".'---6,.4c lb. All kinds of Sausage ....12J4C lb. BAUER'S CASH MARKET. HUGHES BLOCK. Opposite T. M. C. A. and Central School Building. Tour patronage respectfully o- llciteiL Pheae In your order for a n'ce Chlckon fo- Snmlajv. A- IMUEIl, Jr BALL 8 BLEDSOE J DRUG STORE PHONE NO. 307. No. 28 MAIN ST.; BISBEE, ARIZONA Our Prices Are RIGHT WE SELL THE BEST FAT BEF. MUTTON, PORK, SAU8AGE and POULTRY at the LOWEST PRICE. GIVE US YOUR BUSINESS. J. F. Mosher's Market Located temporarily near Caatle Rock, Tombstone Canyon. DR. H. A. SCHELL Eye Specialist Will next visit nisb'ee. Naco and Douglas in Jannary. 38 N. Stone Ave, Tucson. Ariz. F. C HURST, Architect. MUHEIM BLOCK, 'Phone 333. C. I. McRETNOLDS, ,. .. Attorney-at-Law. 4 Mexican Mining and Corporation Law. Antler's Building. 4 Phone 470. Blsbee Ariz. FRANK H HEREFORD Attorney and Counsellor at Law TUCSON, ARIZONA. Agent for Land Script 4 444444-4 4P444 JAMES S. FIELDER, Attorney at Law, DemlDg. N. M. Practice In the Coiirts of Eastern Arizona, Western Texas and New Mexico. DR. W. E. HANK1N, Dentist. Phone 68. Sank of Bisbee Bids., Main St DYSPEPTICS CAN EAT IT with aafety. The healthy peojo eat It with eagernea. - -TRY ONE LOAF OF V. B. C BREAD and yon'Il kep "on trying anothff every day, - VIENNA BAKERY CO. PHONfifilrt. r-.., FOR SALE. i Old papers at 2S per hundred at th lUvIew offlce. MAZE CAFE CAHETTO & CO-ProBrlclorc I; Elegantly Fitted Up for Ladlea and ; Gentlemen. j We band)? the Tony Fanst Coffee. J JOHNSON JJENNKJER BUTLDINO Main Street Rlsbeo. Arizona. -i? I' t