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Q ''wset" Ul t tif 1 h A PAGE TWO e-ts d r THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. BISBEE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 1209. 1 It J I i ul ra 1 : ; m u ir i 'A i M );i Ui n i i ill DrinkBeer . 05LS As a lcMxl .11 a tonic, livery component in beer i-J t;n;d for you. Hccr is the beverage where vigor and health arc th rule and nervous ' 6 the exception. Malt is a food, lutlf digested. Hops arc a tonic The Idtle alcohol is an aid to digestion. But insist on a. pure beer a beer that's well aged. Get a beer that is clean, filtered T.nd sterilized. That always moans Schlitz. cfjM W S Ati fr ik Rmnrm Af'h'm. The BecrThat Made Milwaukee Famous FINE WEATHER SEES HUGHE me ANNA THE BROCKEN SCENE FROM FAUST I Palace Grocery Co. Phone 300. Agents For Opposite Depot C C C FLOUR, MOSES BROS.' HIGHEST PATENT. M. J. E. COFFEES and TEAS, MERRITT'S BEST BUT TER. CARNATION WHEAT FLAKES. Also agents fof MQERLEIN'S NATIONAL EXPORT AND BARBAROSSA BEER. PURE WHOLESOME STRENGTH-BUILDING BARBA ROSSA THE FINEST BEER IN THE WORLD It represents the best materials money can buy and the highest skill employed In the brewer's art. It Is fully aged, unvaryingly ripe and mellcw, pure and sparkling, and sterilized In the bottle. It's first centcct with the air Is In your glass when you drink It. If you even suspect that coffee and tea are hurting you, try "BARBAROSSA" and use It just as you would food and water. It's the purest family beveridge you can obtain. It's the peer cf the many special brands of American beer. mm KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIED ARTISTS' MATERIALS AND FRAMING. We make a specialty of Developing, Printing ns Enlarging. Mail orders given prompt attention. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ilOWLAND & DEWEY CO. 1 SOUTH BROADWAY -CS ANGELES, CAI "PORNJ If You Have a Want you want to j get a want in Review Want Ads Good Game Between Local Teams New Three Story Brick of Banco Mercantil Is Fast Nearing Completion. LA CANANKA. Jan. 11. Tho n threo story building of tho Uanco Mer cantile is nearing completion and will bo ready for occupancy before the month of February has pasted. Built entirely of pressed, brlclr, admirably planned, and flttca ltn every con venience that n. placo of Its kinrt sbouli have. It is by far tuo mo3t attractive business building in. tho city. A pleas ing ovldenco of Cannnea'g present ac tivity is the fact that every room not reserved for the bank's uso has been leased to a desirable tenant. Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Mitchell, ot Ixs Angeles, uro at tho Hotel Sonora. Mr. Mitchell was formerly manager of ho reduction d.vlsion of tho Cananea consolidated, and Is at t'10 present Jme a Hrectlng force In tho South Jananea Mlnln: company. Accom ..anted by C. v. Mcllenry. superlutend nt of the last immeu concern, he went .nt 10 the mine today for a stay of s f or mere. Mike Kyan bad a narrow escape from serious injury wh le attending tc Us duties as saift boas at the Nolc Brando mine a couple of tlajs agu fly a misstep from a cage ho fell sev ral feet and was lwully bruised aor 3.iakeii up. Thaaki to his lrih gri de was only away from work a fe hours; and, burring a bandaged face ae is none tho worse for thv aee'dent The warm sunshlno that gave Sac day a summer-Kke appearance, thawtt all the winter ftellng out of the men: Ixts of tie ball tram and brought them ost In uniform to face their time-tried enemy, the IIocos. Tula ir rei.reseiblo bunch has been iiamnic" ng away at the big tram for over a year without gaining a xingle vjjtorj: lot reinforced by a strong twtteryand Harper, a Tast Douglaslte, they had lond, foad JiupeF. The wore was fle to five nntil the ninth Inning, when the Inevitable balloon, taat has cast "ts shadow over so many diamonds ot the southwest, went up among the dim white clouds. Tho Hoscos wept and gnasLed t3e r teeLa, but Jadge' Carillo's ltoys kept slamming the leather ot acalnst tie iHbtant fence. The champions got into real, earnest snet'on. and sent ten runs across the pan In swift succession. To ree tno'r Fpeedy work is w understand why the manager of tho lately organized Tuc son team did not Include Cananea In the list ot challenges wi'ch he exacts to issue. E. K. Whyte Is In tho cily from tna Monito mln'ng camp. Harry Mierkowltz, of Is Angeles, is here on a short buMnesw trip. Uils M. Illock, a HermosIlU bust ncss man. is greet'ng friends and look ing after his local affairs. Mr. and Mrfc. J. V, llrown left to day for their new home In Seattle, Washington. L. E. Dean, or Xogales, I register ed at tho Hotel Sonora. 1'. M. Sarina. of Mexico City, lg an Alexandria guest. J. 11. Larrozola Is stopping at tho Sonora from Fronteras. It. It. Arnold, of Del I'ilaT. is at tlie Alexandria. J. D, Duncan, of Yuma, Arlzoaa, s a guest of the Alexandria. Albert Carter is registered at the Alexandria from the Pass City. J. E. Mclean and wife, of Naco, are itaying at the Hotel Sonora. The Ladles Aid Society mctat the hospitable hduio ot Mrs. F. V. Ashton rlday afternoon to elect a -new set of ilflcers for tho present year. Do "Ic'ous refreshments were tervedand a program of entertainment carried -nt beforo tho details of election w?re taken up. The follow ing officers were selected: Mrs, W. II. Lyou. president; Mrs. K'ng. vle presidsnt; Mrs. V. T. Taomas, chairman of the business committee; Mrs. Wll'Iara Gmahllng. secretary, and Mrs. Fisher, treasurer. A party ot young people gave a pleasant surpr'so party to Mrs. W. II. Nichols at the Cananea-Duluth camp Saturday evening. After refresh ments and cards cad been enjoyod, tho party had a splendl.v nioonl'KBt ride back to the city. Tho party con sisted of Mr. ana Mrs. Hartly, Misses Moore. Inch. McDaniel and Clark, Messrs. Simpson, and Stiles. "Faust." with Its long speeches and pessimistic pholobophy, witches, kltch nn, its btudents" cellar and tho other features of tho German play would have "ho chance of success in the United States. The tragedy, with the spirit ot its philosophy and tho feel ing of its humanity, is all that our stage can hope to thow. If this is done sufficiently clearly to tell tho story, as U done by Sanford Dodge In his version of "Fnust." and jKiInt the niora that lies in the conclusion of the first part of tho original. It should command the sympathy of students and tho applause of tho public. Mr. Dodge In his stage setting and acting has achieved this most difficult task. He has ulno given the spectator a hint of the finality of tho story In tho pjpo theosis of Margaret It would be more satisfactory of course if tho ultimate salvation of tho man by tho woman could bo shown; but this would be Im practicable on the American stage, and tho tragic scenes find a ary na tural denouement In tho punishment ot tho man, and in the escape of the woman from the clutches ot the llend. The reverent ot student of "Fau&t" can no more complain of the dramatic treatment of a portion of tho com 1 plcto story, than can tho student of history, when tho playwright selects an opisodo from a relgh or an incident in a life for a dramatic inspiration. "Faust" bound with Satan., his sacra fico of Margaret to an Inordinate pas sion, the ttruggie ot his better naturo to rotrlve the past, the sorrows of tho .woman, which appeal trumpet-tongued a the Mercy-scat, and the fall of "Faust," a victim to rebellion against God, represent a complete and en grossing story, sufficient for tho "play goer, sufficient, so far, for the moral ist; while th eimaglnatlon, full of the qntlro subject, can tako up the second jmrt and dream out tho scene in heaven, where, tried and purWed, Faust eventually joins his earthly lot In the glorified choruses of Paradise. As ho lias said beforo, Sanford ; Dodgo is a 1om and painstaking, student ot the drama, and his version of "Faust," which will be seen at the Orphcum tonight Js worthy of your attention. The whole question et the sentenc ing for contempt I court of Messrs. Gompcrs, Morrison and Mitchell, of the American Federation of Labor, will be threshed out at a meeting of tho executive council of the federation beginning in thie City today. Surgeon General R. M. O'RoIll. who has been at th'o head of tho mod leal departments of tho army since 11)02, will be retired for ago Thursday and will be succeeded by Colonel G. W. Torney, now in charge of the gen eral hospital at San Francisco. The social eent of tho week wilt be the wedding of Miss Beatrice Mills and th Earl pf Grananl, whiolt wil take placo Thursday, at tho New York home of tho bride's parents. INTERSTING NOTES FROM WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. Jmi, lLr-The pres idential electors will meet today In tho capitals of tho various states to cast their ballots foi prcsICent and vice president, and tor chooso messen gers to carry the votes to Washing ton, where the official count will tako placo in February, beforo the two houses of congress, assembled in joint session. President-elect Taft will spend Fri day and Saturday In Atlanta, where elaborate arrangements are being made for his reception and entertain ment. The Bhlps ot tho Atlantic lieet homeward bound ou their cruise around the world, -will scatter during the week for brief visits at Naples, Genoa, Algiers, Athens and other Mediterranean pouts. The case of Patrick Calhoun, pres ident of the street railway company of San Francisco, who is charged with bribery of public officials, in set lor trial today. Tho committeo appointed by Gov ernor Hughes, of New York, to In quire into the business and methods of Wall street, will moot today to take up the Investigation of the nf falr,B of tho Now York Produce ex chango and New York Cotton ox change. The Cuban congress will meet Wednesday to scrutinize tho vote In tho recent presidential election. The regular sessions will not begin until after the inauguration of Presldcn' Gomez, on January 28. , HOTEL ALEXANDRIA La Cananea i J. WHOLESALE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. La Cananea, Sonora, Mexico PALACE LIVERY STABLE Cananea, Mexico. Fine Teams and Turnouts, Boarding and Sale Stable. THE CANANEA STORES jc?. ? SHOE DEPARTMENT We Sell Standard Makes at Standard Prices as Charged in United States WE PAY the DUTY Men's Shoes s Plain and Fancy Shapes in al 1 leathers, Gun Metal, Patent, Vici Kid, Calf, etc. Tan Russian Calf Fancy Tipped "Bench Made" Shoes. Ox Blood Calf Fancy Tipped "Bench Made" Shoes. Willow Calf Fancy Tipped "Bench Made" Shoes. The Shoes thatMaKe "Life's Walls Easy". r We have a complete stock & f dmous "Pia-Mati" Shoes for Children. The kind that ' feet grow as they should Gun metal short vamp plain toe, hand welt shoes. Gun metal, Russia calf and patent leather pumps. Patent leather ankle strap pumps. Patent Kid Oxfrds trimmed with brown suede or genuine buckskin, latest 1909 shapes Come in and look our stock over, we like to show the goods for we know they are right. The Cananea Stores, Cananea, riexico I ' h A i y