Newspaper Page Text
. A J .,i V v wyn m A w" i ii fm n It h i, a i i i It J : . CITY LOCAL AND SOCIAL NEWS ' THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15, 1909. PAGE SEVEN PERSONAL MENTION Colonel and Aire. L. W. Powell loft osterday for Kl Paso, where they will attend the opening of the El Paso Country club. L, K. Allen left last night for El 1'ato to attend the golf tournament. City Engineer McNol&h left for El l'nso last night. Ir, h R. Shine neat to El Paso .ast slgbL J. It Leo passed through trout Can .nea to Douglas last night. K. N. Grayort, of Phoenix, until re cently In the employ of the Triplet Market of thai city, 'has taken a block .it the Tovrca Meat market Gravert, who la aa expert coutter of long ex perience, has many friends lu Blsbee. J. Ii. Colby, of Tuoxrn, route agent of Arizona for Wells Fargo & Corn lany. la in the city today lu tiro Inter i'ts of. tho company. He will return 'o Tucson this evening. Will Shirley, a minor, departed for Falrvlcw, Texas, yesterday morning. lie will pay his parents an extended visit, and will look at Texas land with -i view to taking up fanning as a profession. Walter Douglas departed for El lao in his privato car Nncozarl jes tcrday evening. A. A. Graf, of Phoenix, is visiting with his brothers, Carl. Frank and Earnest. In this city. He uxpects to feavo shortly for Los Angeles. Dr. M. O. Parden, of Alainogordo, New Mexico. Is looking after business interests in this city, - J H. Talbot, general manager ol 'lie C & A. properties la Courtland jnd W. G. Slmontonof tho same oamp, caino to the city yesterday it, .he formera auto. Dr. and Mrs. D. I Cunningham, o. Tombstone arc visitors in Blsbee to ay. a E.Ellmwood lias returned fron Phoenix, whero ho went to attend th. Arizona bar banquet Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cunningham, o Tombstone, were In Blsbee esterda. to attend the meeting of the Moder .Mining; company. a J. Flanigaa has returned fron Phoenix; whero he lias been to attena Tho supremo court. Franklin W. Smtli left yesterday for Parker, Arizona, whero ln will look over that mining district. Superintendent Talbot, of the C. & A. Interests at Courtland, came in from tho east yesterday. W. A. Dutch left jestenlay for his home In 'Kansas City after spending neveral days In Blsbee. Deputy Will White went to Tomb stone yesterday on official business. o Don't forget tho regular Saturday night dance at tho old opera house. -Music by the entire band. o IN FROM NACO, FLOWING WELL. The flowing well which was recent y struck In the Huachuca mountains, s gaining in volume every minute. This has been encountered ou the Ccbb ranch, and flows ISO gallons a nilnute. s. o Don't forget the regular Saturaa light dance at the opera house. Music. oy tho entire band, o AN AUTO LINE. Hubbard & Co wen have purchased a large taurine car. and will run a staco lma between here and land daily. This line will begin the first of tho month. o Stage dally (oxcept Sundays) toauu rom Ieadvine, Courtland, Gleasou. -eaves Brophy's stables, Lowell and xadvllle, 8:00 a. in. sharp. Faio aeh way, $2.60; 50 .pounds free 207 - o IN FROM COURTLAND. FINDING GOOD ORE IN BISBEE-DULUTH Tho DUboe-Duluth people, who are( now kinking a double compartment I Bliaft upon their property, have found, some good ore during the past few' dajs. Some of I ho gold nuggets which are beng taken out of tie property are as line as can be found anywhere, j John Corning, superintendent of the property, htates that they will continue development work aa rapidly us pos slble. Thoy own six claims. They are working In a pink porphyry taking out freo cold rock and horn silver Court-' Tno Iwlso Is three feet wide Tho company reports every ining very en couraging. o GRAF BROS. Fire Insurance Phone B-1 11. Copper Queen Hotel w. from flMlingtand returned in th evening by auto. i. ' o This is chauge day at the Koal. goed program. YOEMEN INSTALL OFFICERS. Tho Brotherhood of American Yoe men Installed officers for the coming year Wednesday evening at Pythian Castle. The ceremonies were beau tiful and impressive, and a largo num ber of members and guests filled tho Ylfllt A f tnr ihm lni.(nll.ttnn a ,w.Ut E. Hotmer came In yesterday Umo was enjoyed. DanclaK vas tno Courtland. Ho spent jho day inttrar,in ,nr ,hc. ...,nnP, ti, mll.i- inil tn lta Al'nnllllT . r" was splendid and altogether the even ing was delightfully spent RETURNS FROM VISIT. .Don't forget that the Rojtl changes tonight. Good program. VJ'J o FAST DRIVER WHACKS UP. "Mrs. Herat of Hlgglns Hill is ex acted home today from New York., a here ahe has been visiting for the last three months. o New Hotel Sonora, Cananoa. Re- lodoled and first class In every way. IcDanle! Bros, proprietors. 21'S o JOHN BLAIR BETTER. F. M. Abrams. proprietor of the Naco hotel, made a business trip to tho city yesterday. He reports Naco quiet, but on. tho up grade. o EXCHANGE Four nice lots ton Cnlhuaaua Hill for Douglas property. I. W. Wallace. 44S o 1 ON THE GOLF LINKS. Mrs. M. P. John and Mrs. Jesse Yoakntn spent yesterday on the golf links at Douglas. The wore was 50 to 52 -without a. handicap. They re turned on tho evening train, DANCE AT UPPER LOWELL CLUB HOUSE Regular Friday night dance, com mencing 8:30 p. nu finishing in time to catch the 11:30 car for Blsbee. First class music. Best floor In town. Cone. a MISSIONARY SOCIETY. John Blair, who lias bepn confined l tae Copper Queen hospital for ana time past, was up town yester ay for the first time. Blair has uu .ergono a very serious s:ege. o Hqv pictures at the Iloyal tonight. .VI ways wear the Royal smile. 40U Start the New ear Right One of tho best resolutions you could make for the New Year would bo to resolve to save Ten Dollars every month until you have One Thousand Dollars. By taking Five Shares of stock in this Association, of a par value of Two Hundred Dollars a share, on which you would pay Ten Dollars per month you would soon have the Thousand Dollars. Your payments, together with the Interest earnings on your shares, will mature this stock In a few years and tho money Is yours. Or you may wish to build a Home of Your Own, If so the Asso ciation offers you the opportunity of obtaining money for this pur pose and your payments will be less than you would pay In rent for the same building. Information will be cheerfully given If you will call pr drop a card to the. COCHISE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Itoom I, Bank of Blsbee Building; Jesse Yooitnm, AssL Secretary. TO GIVE RECEPTION. Tire ladies of the Episcopal guild will give a reception to the new rec tor. Rev. K A. Bolt at the Y W. C. A. The ladles arc anxious that all members' be present upon this oc casion. . o Don't forget the regular Saturday night dance at the opera house. Music by the entire band. IN NEW HOME. Mr. and- Mm. H. W? Owen, .whoshate been -Riv"nz in, "Lowell, moved into their new home up Tombstone Can on near tho laundry. Toe house has been completely renovated and is one of the very comfortable residences in this city. o $10.00 REWARD. Strayed, 1 bay horse, 8 years olo Weight 900 pounds. Branded 2H lei hip. 1 bald face black horse. 12 yean, old, weight 1.000. Branded W. Spike E and R, L. on left hip. Return samo to Coughran's Cigar Store, Brewery O'Jlch. and receive reward. 4U o LEAVES FOR TOMBSTONE. Luke JosepX tho colored man who was recently fined for fast driving, squared his account with the law yes terday by hand ng Justice Burdick $7.60 of the hard white metal of the realm. It Is said that certain other drivers, who have thv habit of using the crowded business streets of the city as a speedway, are In imminent peril of coming face to face with a similar f"te. o DOUGLAS REAL ESTATE Any parties wisniug to buy Douglas real cstatu on monthly payments can meet mo at Blsbee in John W. Hogau's office, on the ISth and 19th of this month. It is the only bank for your money and where it will pay you back with-compound interest Now Is tho time to buy before the in crease In value, where you can get tho benefit of the new railroad that is now under construction which will fur ther Increase the industries of our city. M. J. Donohoe, 1120 G avenue, Douglas, Ariz, o JOHN DOE INTOXICATED. Are You Going to Build? IF YOU ARE, TELL YOUR CONTRACTOR TO BUY THE HARD WARE FROM US AND YOU WILL BE SURE OF GETTING THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY AND THE LATEST DESIGNS. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. BISBKE HARDWARE CO. NEXT ANGIUS BLDG. Introducing OUR SPECIAL MAIL ORDER DEPT. We art building up the Largett Mall Order Business In the South west We want YOUR trade. A good way to get acquainted is to write for OUR MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE to remlmf you that we can tend you anything In our line with the same satisfaction as If you bought it at our store. We sell "Quality" CLOTHE? FOR MEN AND BOYS. Also a complete line of Furnish ing! and Hats. Your Money Back If not what you want. 1 Mullen & Bluett Clothing Co. Corner First and Spring Sts. "The Quality Store" : Established Dver a Quarter - . Of a Century -" t LOS ANGELES, CAL. ' w' ..... Charles W. Hicks, county treasurer, leaves this morning for the count'y seat, where he will reside for the next two cars. Ills fam'ly have al ready preceded him and sre com fortably located there. Hicks has g26 completed his business here and goes' to Tomustone permanently, o SUPERVISORS MEET TONIGHT A maudlin character, who modestly confessed to tho name of John Doe, wa broucht before Justice High yes terday morning charged with disturb ing the peace. Tho label attached to the offense of this man was as inno cently misleading as the name ho gave, tor it seems that Doe" had been literally aunlhilat'ng the peace for three or four days previously. John was given six days and a most solemn warning. "There Is a certain Richard Koo who had better be lying low, too, was the justice's significant remark. o "Morning In the Alps" and "Life Boat Maneuvers" will be shown at Slive subjects. Popular prices of 10 and 1G cents. Don't aiiss it. ! o NORTHERN MEXICO QUIET Tho board of supervisors meets to Tho Woman's Homo Missionary So ciety or UK .Meinour, cnurcu v,m fc o nR ovcr meet with Miss Sophie Ives at her Mlg vshcU bcen held up ,n home, 137 Tombstone Canyon, this afternoon from ,iz to ocock. ine officers who ladlos nave Been mviiea to onus uiuir . - ., . mnVf the case of several of the Justices of thimbles: Refreshments will be ser ved and the guests anticipate an after noon of pleasure, o THE J. B. ANGIUS GROCERY Beas to Announce That We Are Again Ready for Business. Vil'.o our new store is not as yet fully completed, we are prepared to supply your wants through our order department, and we again solicit the ordere or old ana new customers, w;ia the assurance that your trade will be .apprecterxd and receive our most care ful attention. Our entire new stock has been received and our customers may aavo the satisfaction of knowing that every article supplied by this store in the future Is new, clean and frosh. Tho following line of high grade jxxbs. which has so pleased our cus tomers In the pasL will again be numbered among our specialties: Jone Dairy Farm Products, Masa Dairy & Ice Co. Butter. "Bos" Patent Flonr. "Ferndell" Brand Cannea Goods. Hill's Bros. Coffee. Our entire line of canned goods is Df tho 1908 canning, fresh from the factories: the frji ts and vegetables of last sunnnerH xrrowth. Our line of fresh fruit aad vegetables Is always complete, as we receive a sVpment -v iiav. and oar shippers have ln- frnrtlnns to kttn& us the best of have been -making a conslderaoie "yell" on account of the district at torney's new rulings. It Is stated that the onlv Question arising Is the man ner in which the bills have been pre sented and not the bills, o HOME AT SUPERIOR. J. J. Hill, who came In yesterda from Xacozarl, states that there Is not very much doing In mining busi ness In that section, owing to tne quiet which has prevailed over the country. "Wo have felt tho slump in business affairs In northern Mexico perhaps more than In many places on this side of .the line, as wo wero de pending entirely on tiro expenditure or northern money to open up our properties. When this stopped com ing we stopped developing our mining properties. o TO MEET MISS JONES. P. 0. Box 627. PHONE 235 Office independent Fuel and Feed Co. Wholesale and Retail' Dealers In COAL MAIN WOOD, HAY. GRAM. Also General Transfer Wrk 0FFICF 50 BREWERY AVE. 1 TRY AN INSERTION IN 1 to $$ REV IE W Saved WANT Saved $$ COLUMNS sg fcl I IMMEDIATE RESULTS WANTED WANTED 10 Miners Cleater House, 20 New management. to board at Opera Drive . 496 WANTED Clean rags at Review flee at once. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 6 room house, 103 Schooj H1U. ( FOR SALE One Story & Clark, plaiw. Cheap for cash. Inquire 133 Tomti stono Hanvon. or Review office. 484 Friday afternoon the beard of dl rectors will hold a special reception at the Y. W. C- A. in honor of Miss Elizabeth Jones, who arrived in the city yesterday. Open house will be observed from 3 until 5 o'clock. A h ? aJUwr5SS3- Prdaltonarthenme8mnrnd T. K'.tSSTWr ?I urges them be present this L i .. .., ,!, .lon-irfnro aiiemoou. Ju interesting program wm SS? be carried out in which many of the ....ii,. .fctii vuit friends. Blsbee favorites will participate, after .-.ISnell. where they will visit Wends, refreshments will be and relatives before going on to Uie r . fntiirn home. Miss Clare is wen, society, known and liked in Blsbee where she has been honored on sev eral occasions. o CAVALIERS PLAN DANCE. FOR SALE Rooming: house, 32 rooms, inquire Review office 46 1 FOR SALE Furnitufe for four rooms, almost new. AddIv Mrs. Emll Marks. No. 24 Tank Hill. 378 FOR SALE One elegant cut under buggy. Original cost $1S3.00. Now affered at S83. Inquire Uurman Furniture Co nhone lu 113. 363 FOR RENT. FOR". RENT Furnished house, five rooms and bath Inquiries must be made at one. Mrs. Fred Sutter. Phone 129. FOR RENT Two rooms for light housekeeping. 15.1 School Hill. 490 FORT RENT Four room bouse, un furnished. Inquire Mrs. T. C. Wright, hack of Mason's Market, Brewery averrae; 41)1 FOR RENT- tage. FOR' room furnished cot- 151 Opera Drive. RENT Furnished Famous Indian Hot Spring's A noted resort for health ane pleasure. Rates, $2.00 to $3.01 per day. Twenty minutea ridi from Hot Springs Station, Gra ham County, Arizona. These wonderful waters are recom mended to cure rheumatism gout, dropsy, liver, kidney an stomach troubles, blood dla orders and women's ailments Beautiful l3wna and shade trees Large plunge and swimming pool; also fish lake and boating lawn tennis and croquet an swings. Try our wonderful mud and mineral baths. If you are sick, get well, it wen. get pleasure andresL Dr. W. E. Lindley, a prominent physician, la now located at th Springs, aad will make a specidty of diseases of all kinds. I iff gorefrandi J1L 'SanirariuIS HENRY MCDONALD Plumbing and Repair Shop I Fix it anything Let me figure on your plumbing. No company to draw dividends. No body but yourself to make a.prsflL LOWEST PRICES. GURANTEED WORK Opp. Independent F. & F. Co. Phone B-215 FREE SAMPLE OFFER 15 DAYS ONLY Beautiful, Bright, Sparhrlns. Famous DIAMOND RING Ladies' or Gentlemen's S5 BARNATT0 Brilliancy equals genuine Jetectiom baffies experts fills every require ment of the most exacting pleases tho most fastidious, at onry one thirtieth the co3t of the real diamond. As a means of introducing this, marvelous and wonderful, scintillating gem, and securing as many new friends as quickly as posolble, we are making a special Inducement for the New Year. We want you to wear thi3 beautiful Ring, this master-piece of man's handi craft, this simulation that sjparkles with all the beauty, and toshes with all the nro of AGENUINEDIAMOND Wo want you to show it to your friends and take ordera for na, aa it oella tself sells at sight and makes. 100 PROFIT! 00 for you, absolutely without effort on your part. We want good, honest representatives everywhere. In every locality, city or country, in fact, in every country throughout the world, both men' and women, young or old, who will not sell or pawn The Barnatto Simulation Diamonds under the pretcnae that they are Genuine Gems, as snch action with simulation diamonds sometimes leads to trouble or embarrassment. If you want a simulation diamond a substitute tor the genuine DONT WAIT ACT TODAY, as this advertisement may not'appear again. Fill out Coupon below a"d mall at once First Come First Served. Write here name of paper in which you saw-this advertisement.- The Barnatto Diamond Co., Glrard Bldg., Chicago. Sirs: Please send Free Sample Offcy Ring, Earrings, Stud or Scarf (Stick Pin Catalog. Name. t No. .. .R. F. D. R, No.. .St. P. O. Box Town or City State EXPERTS TO CONSULT City Engineer JIcNeish went to EI Paso last evening for the purpose of conferring with engineers of the ti, ,,r,(l,- nmn7i4 naval'er leias ciiy nu rusura io uc iimuo clnb ! announcing a series of dances he has drawn tip- for Blsbee s new to be held during tic months of Feb-! water works project. McNeish car ruary.and March. The present plans rled w'th him a roll of prints the include, five dances to be given on diameter or a stove pipe. This trip January 6 February 9, February 23. and consultation is undertaken at the March 9 and March 23. A'l are to be instance of the city council, who on held at tho Odd Fellows Hall. Harry vwibbki. uk uy iu i -Miller has been elected president of glneer's plans should have the O. R. the new organization and E. B. Wal- of the most competcpt engineers avail lace will act as secretary. ab,e- ?tabh? among the experts w m, lace win act as secretin. j e,aboratc pr nU wUn NEW SECRETARY ARRIVE3. Mr. McNeish. is City Engineer Ander - ' son, of El Paso. It is probable that Miss Elizabeth Jones, who will me piaus, ueiure ueius auaiij m FOR SALE Old papers. 25c per hundred Applv Review office. FURNITURE of six room- house tor nahi reasonable; F. O. 1401 or & CaMle Hill. ' room wltn board if desired In private fam'ly. Gentleman preferred. Quality Hill phono rri 485 FOR RENT Batching cabin. Inquire 101 Youngblood Hill. Eugene La- nqy. 4Vb FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms, 17 Quality Hill, 453 MISCEllAr.cNOUS . VffA I !.HlfAiAtft; .,i ti iintw. tx Smith as cen- will receive a still further and final everything in the Los Angeles mar-cral gery. of tna y, W. C. A-, ar- checking over. net as soon as n cum"- riTC(j .jn the city yesterday ariernoon While we have always aimed to give at 5;20 from her home at Fajrneld, our customers the best serv'ce possi- Iowa M,gs joncs has had twelve ble, our increased isciiiues lor Mur- year8- experience In association work. irn and delivery will enable us to car for our trade with far greater promptness than has ever been pos sible la the pasL The announcement of tho opening ol our biff new storo will appear In a few days, at which time an Invitation will be extended to the people of Bls bee to call and Inspect a thoroughly op to date, clean, sanitary, mooei grocery store. In the mean time we will appre ciaXo your orders, which w-o will promptly fill and deliver. We have always" tried to make our urstem "of quick deliveries the best Jn h town, aad the Increased trade we receivd up to the time of tho Are was 11 warii If you wis to depend on receiving what yoa order and having It deliver ed to yew la a reasonable tlrae. order It from Anglus. At old stand on Ma"n street FJscao 29. 49 GETS UNIQUE PRESENT. Attnrnov E. fl. Strlckler la the nos- She was at one time state secretary -.c nninnr. enuvenlr In the at Sioux City, Iowa, and comes to Bis- form cf a gmau gteei handled kn'fe, bee from Cedar Rapids, where sho wnIca waa eat him recently by an held the same position oeiore coming ijiIDUe ot tno gtate penitentiary at here. The atsociation is fortunate 4n Frankfort. Kr. Years ago when this securing the services of such a secre tary who comes to her new duties so highly recommended. COAL man wa3 being tried for a most in human murder. Stickler was the court reporter. "Hre knife, which Is far from a crude affair, considering that it was .mamif&ctnred - clandestinely .. ... .oT , IT. j, .-vfont of bite of metal, the very collect fOperatino the "Black Diamond" Vein) . , .vr tn ,.,. nf Tf.tavgi2i"5,,SiS5LSS mo' s ren to the prison author-Black-Diomoad Coal lnNw Mexico ,Uej'wlth & request that It be rent fb r S2f? w,q,ne" th - reporter- of the trial. prfCC L "i25J2L di2T OnVne of tse men happened to know ""wer and bosi-Me jMhB, 'jir. Strlckler. He at once mailed it product Is the best for bouse and Tjjgbcc )n account of quality. GALLUP SOUTHWESTERN COAL COMPANY. GALLUP, NEW MEXICO. S. DEAN, General Manager Why pay more when you can get h best In the market at the fol lowing prices: :onnd Steak 19e per lb. Shoulder Steak. 4 lbs. for ...,25c lamburger Steak, 3 lbs; for ..25c T Bone Staek v-..17c lb. Tenderloin Steak ..17c lb. "orterhouse Steak 17Hc lb ' oin Steak ......15c lb. ork of all kinds TlaC lb. '.oin Roa-it 4 1240 lb. Prime Rib Roast 12c lb Shoulder Roasts - 8c lb. ftnmp Roast ...10c lb. fiort Ribs Beef Cc lb. Ml kinds of Sausage ....12c lb BAUER'S CASH MARKET. HUGHES BLOCK. Opposite Y. M. C. A. and Central School Building. Your patronage respectfully so licited. Phone in your order for a nice Chicken for Sundays A. BAUER, Jr. 8 ECO N Li HAND turnlture bought aad sold. Brooke-Cooper Furniture Co., O. K, street " f53 FOR CLEAN, neat, newly furnished rooms, equipped, either for light housekeeping or rooming purposes, to suit tenant, apply at tire, office of S. K. W'UIams, or at the "Star lodging house. 300 : .&?! SaV'Va s'z MONEY T, LOAN MONEY TO LOAN, apply to Jonnsoi. & Halgler O. K. block. oppaai SENIORITY IN C0PJGRESS. FOR SALE. Old papers at Coc pV hundred at b& Review olfle. BISBEE LUMBER CO. (Incorporated) EMIL MARKS, Manager. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Oregon and Texas Pine, Redwood Shingles, Mouldings, Builders' Hardware DOORS AND SASH OF ALL KINDS. MIN1N TIMBERS AND WEDGES CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. TELEPHONE 253. Experience Carrie Influence Old Members Relied on For Worfc. A man's standing In consrpw Is snlned by nenjrlty. His Influence there come from length of scrvire. provided, of course, that It is the right kind of ervft New men. no matter how ambltisic and zealous, have very little influence. Tbey do not and cannot begin their work where their predecessors left off Sliccchmaklng docs not bring them In fluence. Work brings It mmlttee work. Members rank In their committee by seniority. Besides, new members do not get and cannot get In the usual course of things appointments to the more Important committees. Tbei appointments go to the tried men. wb' by length of rcrvlce coupled with abll Ity are chosen In the houso for the va cant T'laccs. . Some constituencies know this and aer accordingly. Some constituencies Ignore the fact and gain nothing by Ignoring 1L In fact, they lose wclsbl In the councils of congress by fre quently changing their representatives simply to gratify the ambitions of lo cal politicians. Boston Herald. Ail Year Excursions to. Atchison, Kan. Chicago, ML Mexico City, Max. Colorado Sp'gs.CoL Council Bluffs, la. Denver, Col. Duluth, Minn. Ft. Wrth, Tex. Houston, Tex. Kansas City, Mo. Leavenworth, Kaft Memphis. Tenn. Mineola.Tex. Minneapolis, Minn. New Orleans, La. w Omaha, Ne Pac Junction, la. Pueblo, CoL St. Joseph, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. St. Paul. Minn. Sioux City, la. Winnipeg, Man. THRfE VESTIBULED TRAINS DAILY pass Benson in either direction. The Sunset Route is the most pleasant for winter trips Low altitude and warm weather make the trip delightful. " CHOICE OF ROUTES IS LEFT TO - , PASSENGER AND TEN DAYS' STOP- ;. OVER IS ALLOWED ON ALL TICKETS AT NEW ORLEANS. SOUMERNPACinCCOMPANY Call on or write Carl Bock, Agent, Benson, or address, M. 0. BICKNELL, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, Tucson, Ariz. - mTHsM t ,1' M