Newspaper Page Text
..-a - -n ,;., ;V y f . :.""r TH&WSBErDAILYrREVIEW,.IISIEE ARIZONA,. SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24, 190 rNRa. I rCC -. QT m MJ '- i .1' .v 4 . . DOUGLAS SOCIETY DURING PAST WEEK -0U Mrs. J. V. Stoaehouso 'entertained Dart, ilr. ami Mrs. Stoachousc, Sir. at wfctet Monday owning for Mrs. and Mrs. Hick, Mra. Hodo. Hicks, who la vSaltiBg Mra. G. Mub- Mfcta Theresa Torpor gave a eIx tain. Her guests vara ,Mr. and Mrs, o'clock dinner Thursday evening at her W. W. Windham. Mr. and Sirs. R. L. homo oa Twclftu street. Tlio occa Scott. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Muatala, eioa -was tho joist celebration of her Mr. sad Mrs. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. own and C T. CoaneH'a birthdays. Hoteakiss, Miss Cly Mustain. Tho decorations In the room were Mrs. II. J. Wright entertained the pink and green. la tho dining room Moadey Afternoon Bridge club at her covers were laid for eight, and a sot. heme on Ninth street. en-course dinner was served. Tho Mm. Charles B-lylha -will bo hostess favours wero pink carnations. The at a 6 o'clock dinner this evening Jn placo cards were hand-painted, and honor of Mr. Blytho's birthday. Her were original quatrains, which were guests will be Miss Francis Stoller rtad between course. In tho center asdVf. D. Georgewa. of the tnble was the birthday- caKe, Mrs. John Brodio entertained wi- and tho candles, which were lit dur. nosday afternoon at her homo oa Fit- ,DB tho last course. Thoso present iccnta street, la honor of Mrs. W. A. ere: Mr. and Mra. C. T. Connell, Jullaa. of Tucson, who was vUItlngm Mr. and Mrs. T, T. Hlnes, Miss Kate tho city. During lha informal social Heeney, Miss Torpey. Mr. Sydney afternoon the hostess, assisted by her Williams, Mr. M. F. Torpcy. daughter, served dainty refreshments. Mesdame E. B. Williams, J. P. Thoso present wore Mesdamcs Sea- Sexton and Otto Smith received Taaas, Fulwller. Tellfcr, Mclntcwh. Mil- I hareday afternoon at tho Country ler,, Julian, of Tucson, and Misses rlub. The afternoon was spent infor MHIer and Smith. mally at golf and Lridge. Tea was Km. J. n. Wyllo entertained at ulu- served after tho garies. Those pres nor oa Sunday evening, at her homo ont mk: Mesdatnes Cass, Alfrea Jit tho a & A. smolter" Her suests Paul. Julian, of Tucson. Hooper, Hal werej Mcsdames Scott, Roulsbouse l.'burton, Stonehouse. Windham, Mus Roslgnol, Echols, Stacker; Misses Co tin. Hicks, Packard, Thomas. Adam ra Thomas; Messrs. Stewart. Dum- n, Kac. Audy Scott. Barclay, Pirtle. partner, Harvey and Hall Forsytne Wright, Hotchklss, on der Undo; Howard Wylie. Tho euests wtir nar. Misses Jennie Hess, Florenco McCros- Ucolarly gifted with musical talent, kr. Cly Mustain. Anna Curry, Irene lag tho afternoon clke, sandwiches, and -a pleasant evening- was spent lutthlll. Sue Gardner. .coffee and tea were- servec. Thoso around the piano, with solori by Mrs. The men of tho Baptist church en- present were Mvsdamcx speed. Hill. Iloslsnol and Mrs. Thomas, and piano tertalned tho ladies of tho church Nash, IUicy, McXalr. Logic. Bell, numbers by Mr. Bumgartner and Mr. Thursday evening at tho homo of Mrs. Gale. Coweu. J. D. Shultz. Curry. S. Korsythe. Sargent. An impromptu progrnni was C. ShulLz, Whipple, Kelly. Nichols, Mra. E, W. Sircocson entertained rendered. Mrs. Vestry sang a solo, Boice; Misses Whipple. Esther Curry, tho Saint Cecelia Guild Wednesday Mrs. A. J. Taylor gaw a reading. Miss Bculah Reese. Florenco Bell and little aPcrnoon at tho rectory. Those pres- Elcnor Sargent sang a solo, and then Gladys Gale, Ursulla Reese and Dale cnt were: Mesdames Hooper Hotch- thero was also a reading or a French Shultz. kiss. Sexton, Cass, Bell. McGarty, jovo story by Rev. C. C. Young. Fol- Tim Indies of tho Methodist church Alabio; Washington. Lawhon. Earl' Da- lowing the program was a bible con- gave Mrs. Dan Ross a crystal shuw-, vis, H. C. SUIlm&n, While. Butler, S. test after tho order of tho old-tlmo er today at her home on Fourteenth' C Long, spelling match. Mr. Taylor and Mr. street. Tho occasion was in honor of The. Harmony Embroidery club met Tomlinson were selected captains aua their fifteenth wddlne anniversary, with Mrs. John Hoffman Tliursday chose up. Mr. Taylor's side -won the Mrs. Ross was. presented with a hand afternoon at her home on Fourteenth victory. Punch and cake were served some piece of cnt glass from tho Aid street. At five o'clock tho hostess during the evening. About forty-five society besidcF a ntttuber of Individ served an excellent lunch In the din- guests were present- ' ual pieces. Sng room. Thoso present ivere; if es-, xiI0 Somen's club met Monday al- Mre Uen IUco cttrtaIne.I a num- Mamos Iverson. Struthers. Fred Smith, icrnoon at tho .hotel Gadsden. The bcr ot y0nng pcoplo Tuesdav evening Jcsaic Wood. F. V. Mdhoney. John Mc- BlU(jy nonr was spout with the ques- in uoncr of ner Drtnilay, idi guest' Inloth. J. J. Tcilfer, Jota Rrotlle. D. tlon of "International Marriages, y,,, weari5 tne Damo ot a town Robson. A. K. Adamson, Grlffoth. Mrs. pans were read by Mrs. Brown and tn ni(j,ien pictures. In iho guessint Iverson will entertain the club next Mrs- young, followed by round table ,h,, Tizca wero won bv Misses Thursday diwjusslon of this interesting jsub'ect uess Quaric3r Sophie peschke and Mrs. Schuyler Colffas Ixwg enter- Tcoso present were; Mcsdaines Wal- Mr KrinblH and Ray Radford. Miss talncd the Homo Mission Circle of tht tIes i!n)wn, Gabriel, East. Youns. Mc- ueacn anil 3tr vanitjDer won prize. Methodist church Wednesday 'after- l)onajd, Califcher, Krentz. Hoiden. in ibc contest of nicknaming states, noon at her homo on Fifth street Do. BrDHD) kqss, McPherson. Pierson, J5r KrlDbin and 5n3S Blrd played sev- lldons cakes and chocolate wero nodgeman. McGarty. J. T. Bou din. tra, ianufui piano numbers. Miss served during the afernoon. The TreaMe, Wyant; Mlares Nell Cline. Bessj0 ueacj, jy,, two delightful rcc- ladics nresent were: Mesdamca Dal- -t nnitmr. Tho next meetins of uitinne m.-j xt nrAr.i n tj,.. qulst, Poiser, Ormond. Ieterson. Long, Qlo cml) jh j, a noclal hour ihstead gcne of tho Rrl vho Hspcd und tho DIcus. Wylic: Miss Walls. , of the usual study hour. DOV wno fctuttered. Refreshments of fr10 Mrs. W. A. Julian, who has been vis iting the city from Tacson. was Wien a reception by Iho Daughters of the Rebekah Tuesday evening. After the business meeting watt over a program was rendered. Miss Maggie Kelly, Messrs. J. C Hammond and II. W. i Jones sang beautiful solos. Mrs. Stlll- nutn gave a reading. Miss Alberta Argetsinger gave a piano solo. Mrs. Vestry and Mrs. Clay Sparks sang a duet. Mrs, Stlllmaa and Mrs. A. Sea mans each Rave excellent readings. After tho program and refreshments tho rest of tho evening was ttpeut in dancing. I Mrs. G. H. Dowcll entertain the' ladles' Aid society of tho Methodist church at tea yesterday afternoon at her homo on Fifth street. Waldort salad, wafers and te:r wero served during tho aftornoon. Thoso present were Mesdames Robs', Howe, Chase, DIcus. Gabriel. Wyant. Deinlng, Wright, Gibson, Mayo, Ormond, Thompson, Nichols. T. P. Nichols. Peterson, Ramsey. Bouldln, or Chan ntng, Texas, Combs, Drjve, Seaman, Reno, Perry, Long, Emerson: Mis-ses Roena Deming, Barbara AToigemutn, French of Los Angeles. j Mrs. Reese and Mrs. Shultz enter-' talned the ladies of tho Presbyterian church Thursday attemoon at Mrs. Reese's homo on Nfnth and B. Dur? - Plain Facts About the Hair 4 It is the duty of every one who Is interested in hair preservation to learn enough about tho subject to toll whether .an advertisement for a hair remedy in reasonable or unreabonablo. In this connection, tho United States Post Office department has begun n much needed campaign against falso and mislead lot, statements in advertisements in general. While - this work is highly commendable and should be , greatly extended, stCll at the samo time It tends to paternalism rather than to personal self-reliance. IF YOU know that the claims for a hair remedy aro un reasonable and untrue, that knowledge will save you Money and reent disariwintment. The trouble lies in the fact that certain ocr am bilious Proprietors employ advertising writers who ao nut know the composition f tho remedies the? niHo about, aud even If they did, they aro not ex pected to know tho tberaueutlc action of tho various ingredients. Two very familiar and oft rcieatcd statement!) arc, thUt the hair must bo watered and fed Just like a plant, and that tho color of the hair. nnc destroel, cau bo restored, by natural process. While both of these statements are false in very par. Mcular. it requires somo little knowledge of tho hair rollick to understand why the statements aro false. The hair follicle is a pear shaped sack in the scalp that holds tho hair root At the bottom of tho hair follicle and extending up Into it for a short dis tance, is a nipple sliapcd projection that remains In tho scalo when n hair root is forcibly pulled out This projection is the hair jiapllia from which the hair "roof grows. Tho continuous addition to tho bottom of the hair root, forces the hair proper out though tho scalp. The hair papilla is surrounded by tho hair root, . which thus takes a bulbous form. Above the hair root or bulb which occupies about thrce-fnurths of the entire follicle is tho neck of tho hair follicle, be low which tho mos.t penetrating fluids known to Medical Sclouco can not penetrate. Therefore, the story ot feeding the starved nnd impoverished hair roots with an external application is ail a myth. The short portion of the hair folliclo above its neck opens somewhat like a funnel and is filled with tho outer scalp skin. Opening into this outer portion are tho highly important oil or sebaceous glands which, from their location, aro most exposed to dis ease. When these oil glands becomo Infected witli a certain niicrobic growth (tho causa of dandruff) thero id hair dlseaso and finally hair death. For tunately this outer iiortion ot tho hair follicle can bo treated by carefully rubbing Into tho scalp a buR-al-Io remedy. What remedy should !kj used? ManI- festly one that will destroy the growth that causes" dandruff, itching scalp aud falling hair. Newbro's Herplcide is tho flrtt remedy that was prepared for the particular pnriKwo of destoylng this Invisible vegetable guwttu In fact. It is called lun "ORIGINAL remedy that kills tho dandruff germ." Newbro's Herplcldo was not made until ater Prof. Uniia, of Hamburg. Germany (ask your doctor about him) discovered that dandruff is a highly contagious disease caused by a microbe. Tho almobt marvelous success of Nowbro'a Herplcide. has cuit-cd advertis ing writers to claim germicidal properties for other hair remedies, many of which wero on the market yiars before Prof. Unna'u discovery. Do you think that thh) new claim for old remed ies Is a reasonable one? Rememlier, that the hair gets Its life, color and strength direct from the blood, and that good blood, deep breathing and bunllght fa vor hair development. Out-door exerdsc. to Insure free circulation in the scalp, also scalp massaging for the sarao purpose, nro very helpful. Worry. In digestion and sedentary habits oppose hair growth, while the dandruff germ- will actually destroy the hair, unless It I eradicated and kept out ot tho .scalp with Newbro's Herplcide. HerpicldeIs delightfully cooling and refreshing to tho scalp and almost marvelous result's sometimes follow lw continued use. It stops itching of the scalp almost Instantly. YOUR MONEY will be refunded if Herpicide is not as represented Send 10 cents in stamps to The Herpicide Company, Dept. l Detroit, Mich, for sample and booklet. -Two'' ' sizes: 5Cc and 5I.0C. At Drug Stores. When you call for Herplcide, do not accept a riutstltute. Applications at Prominent Barber Shops. BIS SEE DRUG CO., Special Agents See Window Display at Bisbee Drug Co., Special Agents. fiiftfk'.LfiL" -' j' M -s Mrs. J. B. Wylie entertained a few Hrg B Pearson entertained a chicken sandwiches, hot chocolate and young people wcanesuay evening nt-few,Wenaj, at 1 o' luncneon to- home-made cako were served. na lniormai musicaie. i nose wjiu eu- day Jn honor of Mrs. TreaKie 01 reorw prc8cnt were: Misses May joyca it wero: njjsyt-c .mh.i ji.yu, njjnois, and airs, wyani. 01 iuij Minio Rice. OUvo Wright, Sophie t)hlo The pnests Vcrc Mesdamet I'echke; Messrs. ITarrey and Hall jucbardson, W. II. Reno, Wyam Forsythe, Cecil Brannon unil Normau Teakle, Gabriel. Wr.ttles and Jos Mayo- . Calisher Tliosc Bird. Tliwsln Ttanh TTnttln tinrl ATfivKll w. v, ,...vv. . ., ... Dawson, Idclla AVestbrook. Katl.frlDeJ 3larvii, Clyuenc Simpsou. Sophie Peschke. .Cly Mnstalo, Anna Cirry. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, wlio are tne n Mondar evening the Licbllng A,inni tji,. vr. ,,,; v n.iilfnni: gucsto of Mr. and Mrs. Mustain, were ijan ciuu will.mttt with Mrs. J. W. jjesgra. Keiscj, Wimberljv Pcarsoll. entertained at whist Tuesday evening gtonehouso on hurth street and C Lenoir, Ililliam. Mayo, Grace Krln- by Mr. end Mrs. R. L. Scott, at their avonuq, Tho program will bo Jutst- j,iu. iulkner, Brannon. Hooper and homo on Eight stm-c and' C avenue. cstlng and varied: Mrs. Schmcidlng JlICO In tho whist game Mrs. Windham won wU, rcad a paper on "Study at Wei-, JIrs Ht4g aKSuted by heiv daugh- tho ladles' first prize, a Mexican mar llh Uazf." Mis. ITay will pre- tcni 5lr& vorthlngtou and Miss Jen- drawawork lunch cltth; Mrs. Stone- pare an artlcIo on "Mozart." and Mrs. n,e jiegj,, .yo a pretty afternoon houso won the second prae. a burai Kadford mill give a wiulhern reading j,artv on Avednesd.ty In honor of Mrs. leather matador; Mr. Hicks won th .Messrs. Roy and Alfred Riley will have , T j(0aidin. of Chuncing. Tex., wwho n s pnie, a uel-k ui i."sra" charge 01 me music.ii auu js Yl6itln" her daughter. won the prize, a handsome J served. Thoi present were: Mes- plate, which sho graciously presented dames Speed, Howe, Chase. Broadus, to Mrs. Boultln. Following the game East, Nichols, McNcmera, I lines, Ro- itra. Ititirbnn TL-nfl HO. Tinner. fiv-rln.l r!,in1fl Cnrnn. a dainty three-course luncheon was irentlemen cards. Mr. and Mra. Earl Davis wer tn. piano numbers vlll be played by awarded the boobies, ueiresnmenu. JJra wylie. Harold HIrsU I-tvona Aa of coSee and sandwiches wero. serv- amscrat jgabel Struthere, Henel Tinker. & Thoso present were Mr. and jir8 stonehouse, llcniiiin Schmeldlng. Mrs. Sam Finley, Mr ana Mrs. Georgo Doris Conley. Analyn Clinton. Majory V. Hill. Mr. and MB. Mustain, Mr. and Xorton. NlUi Sls.sou and Kathcryn Or Mrs. "Windham, Mr and Mrs. Earl m0nd. Mrs. East. Miss Hess and Mra. l.ewls played two pretty piano duels, and little Miss Gwcna Lewis King a solo, ac companied by Miss Hess. The guest of honor also played a piano number. In the game of tho afternoon. "What Comes Up If You Plant It," Mrs. TOWER'S FISH BRAND WAl kKFKUUr V OILED CLOTHING bolo bclfer-weori long' ona more $s-v bodJy comfort fs? because cur on -vjy icrge ponerns.yer cosli no more Ihon the jusl as good kinds 3S93UCKER53W7 SOLO EVERrWMERf. tttrj 9W-HCTI OWEff.'f MfnM me - . . i yqnol tncta.1 MB-t j A JM Lis "ak rv .w ba' J(WF"T v' Bs 1 f.' r-j. wvHsMvwHtwtt0mvimmKvmvvkw t i "&&&& &&?& st0re oPs-Ss? f35Zr& ;jiijain-fi)ii-T.-m,vlri-" ui o u. in. and closes nt 6 p. m. The January Sale of Undermttslins W must close at 6 p.m.Wednesday A SELLING EVENT THAT HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED K arc phasid tha. our efforts to give the public a great sawug sale of undermuslins. al the very time when mnsiln undLrwea" coeds -.hould bo supplied m has met with such general approval, as was shown by the phenomenal sales of the few days Embracing as It does auch extenhive varieties of the best sorts of undermuslins, and at prices that have neve leen equaled by an fctore. the sale Is one of most interesting Imnortante. In Knit., nf th low urie.- In effect at the otHmlns of this sale they have again been lowered to lnsnre an al.Milnto clean-up of every garment offered at tho close of this. sale Wednesday venlng at i. yvn raimi as jei uikcu navantage or this timely offering come tomorrow there little prices mean savings jon cant airora o'clock. If to miss. Drawers 25c Worth 35c and 50c 2Sc for drawers- made of good onality Muallc, trimmed with Tucks. I.ace and Embroidery. Splendid values at the regular p.ires J&c and fe Drawers 50c Worth 75c COc for drawers, with wld ruffles, pno row, ot Insertion, Lce .vlgo or Em boldery Ruffle, with tucks alwve. If Bold regularly would b eprlced at 75c Drawers 75c" Worth SI. 00 and S1..25 75c for drawers made of Cambric or good Muslin, with I.awn ruffles, trim, mod with Lace and Insertion, or deep .Embroidery Ruffles, usual $LfK) and JLC0 values. Drawers $1.00 Worth $1.50 and $1.75 51.00 for drawers of splendid quality Cambric and Muslin, In many styles, oao style has deep ruffle with two rows ot Lace Insertion and edged with Lace find Embroidery and II. S. tucks. Regular $1.50 and J1.75 values. Gowns 85c Worth $1.25 and $1.50 5c for gowns of good quality Mtwlln, yoke of Tucks nnd Insertion, or rrhemisa style, finished with Emhrold- frr Carments are full length and Generously r-roportloned Regular ' tlJtt and $1X0 values. 'LL Corset Co v's25c Worth 35c and 50c 25c for corset covers that sell regularly for 35c and 50a Two styles, one trimmed with Lace, the other with Embroidery, both have front of tncks. Four for $1.00. Evening Gowns and Party Dresses at HALF PRICE EVENING GOWNS of rich Satins. Silks, Crepe IX- CTicsf. Voiles, Net. etc that express. lh- thought ai.d style con ceptions of the Woild'c forenicWt deslguers. The Empire and DIreclorie influence predominates Jn . tho construction of i-hese lovely dresses. The artistic designs with these Ideas as a foundation have produced raiment hitherto uaexcellcd for beauty of line and graceful draping. Evening Gowns of surjiasislns beauty, originality and ex clusiveness constitutes this offering wl.'ch we feel sure will meet with the approval of all and tho llttlo prices aro just HALF that would bo asked if the garments were sold regularly. We omit details, only a comparative price HsL NOTE THE GREAT SAVINGS S25.0G Costumes at Half Price, only $12.50 $30.00 Costumes at Half Price, only $15.00 $40.00 Costumes at Half Price, only ...$20.00 S50.CO Costumes at Half Price, only $25.00 $65.00 Costumes at Half Price, only $32.50 $75.00 Costumes at Half Price, only $37.50 S80,G0 Costumes at Half Price, only $40.00 $90.00 Costumes at Half Price, only $45.00 Display and Sale on Second FFoor of Our Hen's Store on Main St. Corset Covers 50c Worth 75c 50c for comet covers, full front with rows ot VuL Insertion, Laco Edge, drawn with ribbon. Other styles Em broidery trimmed. Thcso sell reg ularly for 73 cents. J ' ' no, Hoper, Overlook. Could. Sames, and little Gwena and Herbert Lewis, and Lady Betty Worthlngtoa Gus Ohlsou, who at one timo waa to charge of the International Jco printing department, came down frocj Qlsbeo this momlng and stopped for a w days licfore proceeding on to Dal 'is, Texas. Thero Is littlo about tho "art preservative" that Gus Olilson does not know. Bert Cosgrove. who conducts a min eral agency at Moctezusna. returned to. Douglas yesterday from Chicago and will return south in a day or so. E. T. Stewart, recorder of Gila county, was in the city yesterday as the guest of Harry Duey, manager ot the Anderson Apache mine. He went out to tho mine today to have a look at 1L Jim Finch came In yesterday from his mine near Nacozarl. 1 Wm. Klino and TL N. French wero among the returning Douglasites from Courtland yesterday. Sirs. Alice WalJron of Tucson ar rived this morning in tho interests of the Rebekah lodge. R. Pesquera came up from Nacozarl yesterday and is registered at the Roy. Mrs. J. E. Tapp and son returned home to Naco today. J. W. Sullivan, a prominent cattle man from Sellgman, Arizona, Is a guest at the Queen. W . Meyer came up from Naco- 7arl yesterday and returned today. J. 1. O'Connor, a contractor for the new Courtland road, Is In the city on business. J. I Campbell, chief engineer for the E. P. & S. W. road, with head quarters at El Vano. Is registered at the Queen. Frank Gowan of Los Angeles has ac cepted a position as pianist at the Lyric theater. Mrs. S. R. Comfort and Miss Flor ence Comfort, who have been visiting Mrs.. Gerald Windsor in Nacozari, re turned hero on their way to Juarez last night Chester Williams returned yester day from a visit in San Antonio. Mrs. A. E. Holcratt, ironi ucna. 1 TRY AN INSERTION IN '" CO $$ REJ I B W ..$ $ . Saved WANT Saved $J COLUMNS ss o 1 1 IMMEDIATE RESULTS "1 I I I I I I III H I FOR 8ALC I FOR RENT. FOR SALE Furniture of four rooms. Completely furnished. Home for rent cheap If taken at once. Cen trally located. Calt Review office. i'Cak. -was in tho city yesterday on her - ' ' ' Corset Covers 75c Worth $1.00 and $1.25 T5c for corset covers worth $1.00 and JUS, full front of Ijjce Insertion", wee tucks, edged wIlli"Laco and drawn with Ribbon. A variety ot other styles with and Embroidery trimming. Corset Covers 85c Worth $1.50 85c for corset covers In a variety of styles, made of Cambric or Nalaseok, trimmed with exclusive l-ee. En broideries, profusion of Tucks and Ribbons, worth regntaJy J 1.56. Gowns $.1.15 Worth $1.75 and $2.00. $1.15 for Mtii'llo Gowns, swtre seek, flalshed wHh Kmbro4lorr ami two rows of "Rfbfeoii, Mf-h T Ml tacked yoke seek ad 9ttwma Ma! wtth EshroMery. RfCMrt' prteed at $1.75 wwl :.e. wav to Nacozarl to visit her son, J. R. Holcraft. H. A. Ganlinlenof Creed. Colorado, who has been visiting In the city, ten yesterday for Courtland. Mrs. Ed Hylo and children Tvent to Clifton today. ,. r tt r .iri r.himM vester- .- M... IcH in r?n1!frtrnla. ! Tt v Cheslov has accepted a pofci- m tlon in tho shipping department or tho m Copper Queen store. ( Mr. aud Mrs. E. G. Mustain, Miss M Cly Mustain, Mrs. Wyndham and Mr. n.i -ir nii-ta went to Blsbec yes- trrtlnv in a slsht secmg trip. ' t -f. Hnnwln nf TpmiK! aiTlVeU tO" l. ..IO, Uuuw . ...A, ' ' ' ' ' day to visit her daughter. Mrs. Woods, on Tenth street. Why pay more when you can get tho best in the market at tho fol lowing prices: Round Steak 10c per . SheaMer Steak. 4 lbs. tor ....-c Hambarger Steak, 3 lbs. for ..2Sc T Bono Stack c ft. Tenderloin Steak ljc lb. fVtrtorWMwn Ste-dc ......1C IB. k04" :: v,-S "OrK ail jurran .,.....-- - Lola Roast 12HC - Prle Wb Roast 15e ft. ttioMr Reasts e Raap RmC -c ft. Short IHb Beef 6C Jh. Alt W of Sausage ....12a Hi BAUER'S CASH MARKET. HUGHES BLOCK. OttMMite Y. M. C A. ad Ceatral Sehosi Dirtte. Vow p-rfroMHe -teetfJlr so- HeHed. PJwa ia yow or4r lor a lee Chkn for SBys. A. MmR, Jr. FOR SALE Small machlno for cut ting Tnalachlto with drill and saw attachment. Account leaving. $1.00. Call Monday morning, 13C back of Pythian Hall. 5SI FOR SALE Encyclopedia 185.00 Ceu tury and I. C. S. ilutzl Mining ccurse, ery cheap. Box JStiS, Bia bee, Arizona. 561 FOR SALE One C-hohj Buck range. 1 fancy Iron bedstead, completu. AH good as new. 51 Mason Hill. 532 FOR SALE In Sulphur Springs val ley. 1G miles Snax Blsbeo or Doug las, a-4 milo from school, 160 acre fenced, 2 room house, furnished, corral, ciicken bouso and yard, wagons, implementa. Mock, etc, 1-i mllo south of Millionaire Tanch. C. J. Afden. Box 210'J, Hlsbce. Ariz SCO FOR RENT Two deslrablo rooms far Llght Housekeeping neu Lowell mine Next above Casey House. 57S FOR RENT. OR SALE: Superior Dining Room, Lowell, by tho 1st. G7f FOR RENT A four room houso on Jones Hill, Naco Road, suitable for two families. Two rooms furnished. Key at Chapman's, or address Box 003 BIsbeo. J. G. Sutherland. 58S FOR RENT Threo furnished rooms. No. 117 School Hill. Inquire at Mrs. Lnyton's. 5SS FOR SALE Dobson's transfer busl ncss, including wagon and team. 02t 103 Schoo. 60t FOR SALE C room house Hill. FOR SALE Furniture for four rooms, almost new. Apply Mrs. Emil Marks, No. 2-1 Tank IUII. 37S MISCEULANcNOUa " SECOND HAND furniture bought. nnd sold. S!wlns machines for rent. Brooks-Cooper Furniture Co., O. K. strceL FOR CLEAN, neat, newly fnrnlsaed rooms, equipped, eRher tor light housekeeping or rooming purposes, to suit tenant, apply at tho office of S. X. Williams, or at the "Star lodging house. 390 FOR RENT 3 room house. Tomb stone Canyon. BIsbec-Naco "water with iiousc. Will rent cheap. Mrs. J. T. Keating, above schooL 533", FOR RENT C room Douse, No. IK Tank Hill. Reasonable rent. Inquire ," Joseph McNeils, o. 17 Tank Hill, or r O. Box UG. 55 FOR RENT Cozy four room cottage in Warren. Completely furnished. Phone L. 61. Southwestern Realty corapany. FOR RENT Four room house, un furnished. Inquire - 0 Brewery Gulch. i - K5: LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between Country club and.' Ixiwcll, a ladles' hair comb. Finder please return to Copper Queon Ho tel and receive suitable reward. 55V FOUND I"alr at gold rimmod glasss. Call at Review. . MONEY TV LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN, apply to Jonnaou & Halgler, O. K. block, oppoett afencC -i - -------- - ..--a. Start the New Year Right Obo of tho best resohrtions toh coM make for the New Year ironM bo to raeolve to svo Tom Dolters every month until you have Obo TfcotMmnfl DoUftrs By tnkteg FWo Shares ot stock la this Association, ot a par value ot Two IlMMlrcd Dollars a stare, oa wW' you would pay Ton DoBarB per moata you -would soea aavo tho Thousand Dollars. Yowr jwymeBts, together wRa the iRtercst earalnss on your share. wl Baatare.Dils stoek ia a few years aad iho soacy i yoare. Or yoa may wish to baila a Hoo of Yonr Own, K so tho Asso timtitm outers yon tho opportaaity of oMaJelng oey far' Oris tar-. pee aaa yor jtaystcats will he lees titan yoa wM Jy la reat for the oamo lwiMtag. iBfonsatioB will he clvccrfnHy idvea it you -will call or drop a eard tu the. . COCHISE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. ' : Booh 1. Bask ot Dtebee BatWiag. Jease Yoakna. Asst SeeTetarr. I vy fi ai 41 ' 1 ol tt fOT '' t !' I t't't'rt'rt'ft't'f