Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT THE B1SBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1909. ' j li 1 i i i ''JLJ?b Agents for the Red Cross Shoe Do Your Feet Ever Hurt? M If you could look Inside of your shoe with your foot u 1 vol' would koo why. Tbo eolo of your foot bonds, tho sole of your shoo bend scarcely at all. . NInety-fivo out of ovary 100 cases of foot suffering can bo traced to bUfT solos. Their con'stunt friction is what brings hard, callous places, what irritates the delicate norves and tendons and makes our feet draw, burn, ache! The Tenderest Feet Are Comfortable In the Red Cross Shoe ' ccitk tbefec?' JP MAGNFGENT BUILDING OR PENITENTIARY NEARLY READY All the heavy work at tho new ter ritorial prison at Florence has been completed, that is, ail tbo foundatfcu3 for tho 2400-foot man wall, tho radial building, tho octagonal niacbluery building, tho entrance tunnel and tower and tbo boiler and engine lieJs. tic, and tho work of conV-rjctlon above Kround will now movq forward rry rapidly. All these foundations aro of heavy rw-luforced concxle and, extend into tho ground to various drpths for the reason that every foot first concrete cell buIMlng. shall hao been completed tho moulds will be long to tho territory, and then tho prison superintendent can construct .nn . ....... i. .j.j ..!. n t me counin .. .1... ..' i i.. i- tu his support or opposition to a bill I means much. congress passed a law appropriating 124.000 to tho territories for printing and a lot of other incidentals con nected with tho legislature. This law was ignored by tho lower houso yes terday and tho usual $400 appropria tion made for postage. Under Mr. O'Neill's argument, tho council re ferred tho bill to tho Judiciary com mittee and a resolution was parsed asking tho attorney general to look in to the matter. If cur taxpayers can man who Is going to prove vaiuasio id this legislature. He thoroughly under stands his business, has a splendid delivery, a level head and a magnifi cent conception of tho necessities oi In fact, already ho is a Mr. Finley, the councilman from metit and tho steel reinforcing. Tho zame is true of tho forms of all other coucreto work at thlrison. They will belong to the territory and Captain Kynnlng proposes to store them care- Pima and Santa Cruz, shows his past fully mrav ami nu l!ntn In imttlni- na training In the elesrsnt anil smooth of tho excavations for tho foundations all ctaer wells and buildings that may .way in which he gets bis business bo was contnucd down till thoroughly be needed Hereafter. Iforo tho council. He is quick on his compact and sol.d ground was V o - feet, apt with his word, competent In hencatJ, says tho Florence Diade-Trl- DA Ml nc CMfil Akin I delivery ami knows from tho start buuc It will be Imporsib'o for these foundations to crack as the result of 'Cltllng. Wo desire to remark acre parenthetically that in all our forty Man' experience In newspaper work. o uwver saw public work more thoroughly, t-tibtautlally or conscien tiously executed than lias been the wcrk on this" now pr son up to d.v The contractors, the architect and the superintendent of the pr'son. who is h msclf it skilled and experloucod con tract jr and builder, hav vi d ' one another In glv ng the territory aue received fcr its money. Tjo ter ritory was partlcu'arly fortunato when it obtained the services of Thornton FItxhugh as supervising architect, Messrs Greenville and Gregg as con tractors on tho concrete work, and Capta'a Kynnlng as director of tho prieon labar used in the general con- AAAUShMFNTS vrhtit hn wnnta nnrl hrw tf cot it rPriA TAKES OVER GOLD Democrat predicts that ho Is going to . , bo very useful to his party and his NEW YORK, Jan 25. Develop- territory during tho next sixty days. monts over tho week odd bad no effect iu moving speculative interest in the biock market. The Dank of Knglaud was permitted to take up South Afri can gold laid down in tho London mar ket at a concessioj in price, and with-1 out any competition on behalf of. Paris. ' Tho Moving Picture Patents com Thls Is the first week for this to hap- pany is tbo name of a new organlza ien cince a polled will back into last tlon which b'ds fa'r to rule tho mov ycar. and marks tho culmination of it.g picture shows In very much the accumulations of gold by the Hank of same manner as does the theatrical France, which has been golag on dur trust in that business. Tho excuse given lug that jicriod. Tho general list, by tho -new organization for Its cx whlle neglected and listless, was istenco Is tiat there have been a Arm. , great many worthless reels thrown c- j the market. To remedy this they havj Chicago Grain. I CHICAGO, Jan. 25. Wheat slumped agreed to produco in" tlio' United States J omy eiguieen new reels each wee, claiming that each of them will bo of tho best. It is understood that rnoi of tho big dealers of tho country -.iavo gene In on tho deal enough v least to make It "stick." Tho Kojal theatre, of this city, which etsn to bi dil.ic a gi'od business unl-j. its presetr. nian aceraent. has contracted for the new service, and aro cerli 1 ia. the will In future bo able to awirj t!u ..nblli with perfect confidence that all of the pictures they show hereafter will bo of a high order and will pleaso tho numerous audiences whiea havo oi lato been attending that popular amusement house. Armlns Are Here. Tho Armin Players arrived in IJis" beo Sunday and gave their first bill Sunday alght to a liberal and appre ciative audience. TfiitTwaa followed by"From Shoro to Shore" last night, which was thoroughly appreciated. Tho Armin Players form ono of the first clabs Hock companies which come to thin city, and their vlslta hero hau always beea oa of the pleasing occasions of tjo theatro-loviag people or this city. Mr. Armin has been in Disfece on seTe occasions, and bis appearance has been; marked with success. Ho is a theatru manager of repute and hln long experleuco in tho business has placed him well to lh head of tho pro fession. They will bo In DUbeo for somotim and their changes will bo looked for ward to with particular Interest by all Tho popular prices will at oaco ap peal to tho people of this city, who will take advantage of tho bargain prices. ttZZ&Z"Z&M&&&&&&&y i ORPHEUM M. M.KING Mgr. " x ASSAY OFFICE struct'on work. We base the fore- 'ato In the day and was accompanied oUolUIVl koiur siaiciuent uioa our perianal by tiio Rreatest activity of tho-sesbton. . aialnly Instrumental la locat'ng th prices with May at 1.07, and July ST ASS3yerS, Chemists, MetallUr- i'm 4iv. u, wu Have Kepi an eio upon ' uau Its eolo is flexible. Though Of regular thickness, it bends with the foot. Not n -novemont is s -pored, not a muscle restricted. The moment you slip it on, you not! its wonderful case and suppleness. Coaio in and try it on. Bend It. "Walk in it. It doesn't cramp, bind or "Iraw" the foot it fits like a glove Try it onco and nothing could induce you to go back to stiff sole shoes! Several of tho new Spring StjJes aro here and wo will bo plad lo fit jou lth these celebrated shoes or Oxfords. It will put an end to your "foot troubles," for Red Cross Shoes are made of the finest kid leathers obtainable. ' SHOES the pair - 84.00 OXFORDS the pair - 3.5ff See them in the Show Windows? BISBCE'S BUSIEST, BIGGEST AND BEST STORE. A Want Ad Pays 5 . - STAGE DAILY I (except Sundays) to and from Leadville, Courtland and I Gleeson. Leaves Brophy's stables, Lowell and Lead- ville at 8:00 a. m. sharp. Fare each way S3.50; 50 ; pounds baggage free. - Uncle Sam s 2Sg MONEY LOANED ON EVERYTHING. MINING STOCK Especially. A large stock of Jewelry and Sporting Goods always on hand. - Main Street - New Building Bisbee Improvement Company, MANUFACTURERS OF ICE, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND POWER. office oppos'ite depot TELEPHONE SERVICE. the work and know whrreof wo speak. Tho elevation upon wh ch the prison It. located was twelve feet above tho surrounding ground and Architect Fitshug'i raised thi e'evation threo feet by flll'pg In. ienre the base of tho rrtron walW Is rfteen feet above the surrounding ground. to be ti'od as a dining room, have , btxefP receipts about 11,000. Mar been completed and are ready for tho !;!. ? to 15c higher. Westerns. 535 pouring of tho concrete. Under tho sf'' yearlings. ?5.&07.00; lamb3, original plans Tor th s building the Jn V03 5-oo0"7-75: westerns, $5,250 partition wal's were to bo of wood, . but this plan has been changed and i " the partition walls will be made of I v. vritfoc!5 Market, reinforced concrete, the roof also be- it'" ""' Jan- 25 Amalgamated Ing of the same material. There will pSe' ..'.: AlOT,cai1 Smelting. 150 H; Xew York Central, 130; Penn sylvania.. 182: Reading. 137; South ern Paclllc, 120-1-S: Union Pacific I In l-o. Cattle and Sheep. CHICAGO. Jan. 25. Cattio receipts about 17,000 head. Market. 10 to 15c higher. Beeves. $4.107.00; Texans, 1.204JO; westerns, $3 855.53; ' stockers and feeders. $3'.15,5.10; , cows and heifers. $LS55.35; calves,' $5,500)7.20. . I gists. CRITCHETT AND FERGISON Successors to Hughes & Crltchett, Agents for Oro Shippers, 112 San Francisco St, El Paso, Texas. FURNISHED ROOMS at the LETSON HOTEL Everything thoroughly cleaned and under new management. Opposite Cngllsh Kitchen. Main street. CHRIS. JENSEN. Propr. be 'no wood in the buildlurr except, possibly, the window casing, ac-we he structure will be absolutely fir proof. The same plans will lie fol lowed in the construction of all other leildlngs within the main wall ot the orUon, hence the entire structure J wll; ha abtoiiiMv lire proof. I The first o'lt.r section of Cxy con UNION CITV. Tenn .Inn --p,, ceie lower wnicii ijses from 'u en- Marshli instlnivi T -, .-n .iV-.T. . ' trance tunnel, which extends- from i J$" 2Z ' me oasement ot me tower oui to tno hIs wJra ,, Im1iv ... zzri.,,," "T l ailniliilstralliin li;itlilin- vllnoll nut. ..... . . "-" . .w wj. NIGHT RIDEK OR DEATH. administration building, situated out side of the main wall on Do north E'de of the prison. The roof and sides of the tunnel are of reluforced concrete and tho tloor of cemerit. It La3 a fall of eighteen Indies from the I towp- to the administration building ) for dmlnago purposes In case watex i should get into it accidentally, or when washing it out. Electric lights are strung along the roof of this tun nel, and on top of the roof two lines of iron pipe were laid to carry the electric wires from the dynamo In tho .uachlucry building outside the prisou nail. The roof of this tun nel is about four or ilvo feet below the surface of tho ground. An inner concrete tower will rise from tho cen- INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 25. The con ter of the main toucr bement. Jeav-' ,c.ntion or the United Mino Workers ing a space of about two feet between ot America, entered Its second ek tbo Inside wall of the main tower and todaj. Tellers instructing a vote for tjp outside wall or the inner tower. a national iwsJdeat will be able to re ihls space will be occupied by a port the result tomorrow, according to spiral btcel stairway, connecting tho indications. entrance tunnel with the top of the j ! 0 main tower. Tho latter tower will ordered Tr iqi ami-i extend a short distance above tho I - roof of the octagonal machinery ! OMAHA. Jan. 25. General W. II. building. The smoke stack from th Cart who recently assumed com-boilci- will be carried into the inner niand f thn rt..n.irtm.Tif of forl tcwer .and the latter will be carried i1M ordered to the Philippines! his property burned. Ho said he went with Fred Plnyor. wlio Is sentenced to bo hanged, to tip rendezvous and took the oath. o CARRIE NATION EGGED. 1xNDON. Jan. 25. Mrs. Carrti. Na. tlon. who is attempting to deliver a series of lectures here, met with a hos tile reception .of tho Canterbury music hall tcday. She was pelted with eggs, ono striking her In the face, and the audience maintained a chorus of hiss es. o UNITED MINE WORKERS. DR. H. A. SCHELL Eye Specialist Will next Tislt Bisbee, Naco and Douglas In January. 38 N. Stone Ave., Tucson, Ariz. up with the smoke stack to within a few feet of the top of ihe latter, to servo as a Kupitort for tho smoko stack. Tho toilers will be set on their foundations next week and they are as lino a pair of tubular boilers ax we ever haw. They arc five feet' In d'ameter and about sixteen feet long. Tho foundations were built up from solid ground with solid concrete, rein forced by Iron from the old Florence bridge. Captain R lining In using all the Iran from this old bridge In rein forcing tho foundations and all It is costing the territory is $1 per ton paid fcr. hauling it from the old b:ldge sdto to tho prison ground. All the brldgo timbers are being utilized by Captain Kynnlng in structures outside the pris on wall, and lit this way he is saving the territory considerable money. j 10 win sail irom Han Francisco or. March 5. His successor has'aot yet beea named. o Th annual senior and Junior champ ionshis of tho National Amateur Union of America will bo held In Seattle next year. The Exposition is building a big athletic stadium from where all sporting events will take place. Returned Olympic contestants will alto bo present- o . 1 . NUItb FROM THE $ 33,1 A nsl-itV CAPITAL. .toDall HealEstate a nl i i 5SOT2T oca BISBEE iABM - or nB- VJIZ.'- zzioai Both houses aro getting down to work easier and morn ran'riiv ti-.r. Tlio original plan for the wain wnlls ' . ""rc. ims much aa be said of tbo prison called for a thickness of V tliclr credit at the start. Herctc- nin. lnrJiou -it Iho liacri nml tn:r tnp'.M 9 fOrO Several daTS LaVO Tiassml t.nfnm at tl4op. but as-tlw contractors ar f ,D,,,S JF0 Introduced and pass- to be held resixmsiblo for tlx- t.-il.lllt "ut, "" oooT passed two bills cf the walls for six months after Ihclr anu nad el others under consldcra compktloa, they decided, wlu Uo con- "on , tn,J wi-d cay of tho session, sent of the architect, to increase the 'n IaC'; al things aro now working thlcknts throughout five Inches. ui. uro junscons trips havo henco taej are making tho main wall rrr,Jlrra"Kea' PrcBram has been tt ii.- ,. i l....,,, n ini,.w, af uau uui iiuu ijiiix art nmnw tnodn the ton. Tho plan of the guard walk ?v. Uat. ?. legislators should re st the tan of the wall has also been r,.Der,tna? en la B"ch a thing as CJsnged by substituUng Iron pipe rail- ,uo"nS o last, ing for the solid cement panels' sped- , fled in tlio original plan. The changes rr . r1?1 coun,J' n3? Many rea- are made by tho contractors without ,, "7 "?K Prooa otiu reprcsen extra charge to Uia territory; hence tho latter Is getting considerably more for Its money than the original contract called for, a thing that seldom happens on public work. The well, which Is 170 feet deep, and contains ninety feet of water, seems to be inexhaustible and the water for drinking and other purposed is tho best In tbo country. A part of the steel cells has nrrlved on tho grounds. The cell building will hold only sixty-eight" cells, and each cell holds four prisoners, hence the cells will hold only 272 prisoners, but tatlro in the lower hrman thia rp Already Mr, Duffy has demonstratec mai no is a man cf parts and that he Is going to bo ono of tho most dominating Influences In this session. Personally, Mr. Dnffy is one of tho inosi pieasant men in tho territory. Is known as a staunch and loyal friead and a patriotic- and capahlo cit izen. Arizona needs such men as Mr. Dnffy and has been needing them for a long time. Councilman Woedin has some Ideas on statehood himsnlf. and ho pro- little over half tho number of prisoners ttilwwta 7S,T nX, now confined in tho Yuma pri.n. labKet tfcn SS'7 These facts make another cell bulldog (At least hTineS as muth when an Iinperatlvo necessity. Architect Fltz- ho g rSzs memorialk hugh has drawn plans for a new cell tjBK congresa for statehood, and said building to bo constructed en irely of . jhathowanted toatlcksomo such an reinforced concrete. It will contain amendment tn iKi ,.i . ...... over 100 reinforced concrct colls and , congress might know that wo wero can bo constructed as a cost of about . not nmRuu!.,, i,, . i- ,.. . ft Arti ,1-v I -- , . I -,.-.. vu w.,u MU UWU l .,iuv. aui7 iviniurceu coacreie ecu is just as safe, much more sanitary and far chcaier than is the steel cell and aiost of the modern prisons are using these concrete cells. After the a guardian. C.3p-.f M I).-, br Ostcsal- Atjcnuint C.., Cip January 22, 1909. Dear Friend: . This morning mama sent me with a big basket to the grocery. I bought so many things that I couldn't get the salt in the basket and I had to carry it home on my arm. Here is a list of things I bought: A dozen ripe yellow bananas. A dozen large juicy oranges Some nice fresh beets Fresh, full rown turniDS A pound of cheese A pound of coffee A dozen fresh eezs And a sack of salt. Your friend, JACOB. P. S. I boughlthe salt and the basket full of things where we always trade at Bisbee Commercial . Company . Opposite Orpheum Brewerv Gulch. Pnone 97 Brady O'NollI raised a ouestinn that fflAV refltllt In ArfmTin (Mt.flnt Ifa ff:,r- crs into the federal trcahury. In 1908 &r2Jff&ffidffib&SP Urs.TTlialew's Soothing Sjrmp H Wo nMt forcwT Sill 11 -VI VK TEAW irPAINt CCTBH I WIND COUr,.ul lthiU rera-lforDIAKBHaiA. 80H br Irnr)tiDr- fKt?'ih.r."rld- B " "! for-MmWU gr 8otkln Sjtjp." itid taka no ottor kll .. . ' . I cut. m IW.ICTW oninnwfit Qsr t ! t Commencing Sunday, Jan. 24 WALTER ARMIN PRESENTS THE Armin Players - 15 1 15 in the great play "PROM SIRE TO SON". I NEW Plays People Scenery PRICES 25c, 35c, 50c SEATS ON SALE TODAY. KKhkKKKK V V - Famous Indian Hot Spring's iS Hpit3ari3 jL SanitarnRl MbTi-'ttrt-MUjnAJr rPiJt lv'tSi :'5SS5S: alck, gc well, Ukcu, get pleasure andrcst. A noted resort for health anc pleasure. Kates, $2.00 to J3.0I per day. Twenty minutes rld from Hot Springs Station, Gra ham County, Arizona. Thee wonderful waters are recom mended to euro rheumatism gout, dropsy, liver, kidney an! stomach troubles, blood dis orders and women's ailments Beautiful lawns and shade trees Largo plungo and swimming pool; also fish lako and boating lawn tennis and croquet an swings. Try our wonderful mud and mineral baths. It you are Dr. W. E. Llndley, a prominent physician. Is now located at th Springs, and will make a specialty of diseases of all kinds. Horse Blankets All kinds of Rainproof Covers Protect Your Horse E. B. MASON CO. Incorporated Phone L 24, Lowell, Arizona WHO IS WHO? A guarantee does not consist of what is said, but in WHO says it. There is some satisfaction in dealing with reliable, responsible, permanently located people. Dicus Plumbing & HeatinQ Co; Phone 268 FREE SAMPLE OFFER 15 DAYS ONLY Beautiful, Bright, Sparkling, Famous DIAMOND RING Ladies' or Gentlemen's 5 RARNATT0 Brilliancy equals genuine detection baffles exports fills every require ment of tho most exacting pleases the most fastidious, at only ono thirtieth, the cost of tho real diamond. As a means of introducing this marvelous and wonderful, sclntl I latins, gem, and securing as many new friends as quickly as possible, we ara making a special Inducement for the New Year. Wo want you to wear this beautiful Ring, this master-piece of man's hancM craft, this simulation that Sparkles with all the beauty, and flashes with iS tho firo of A GENUINE DIAMOND Wo want yon to show it to your friends and tako orders for us, as it selbv tself sells at sight nd mates. fPfWfrrS1 MLhlM.ix.iLj 100 PROFIT 100 '"" " for yon. absolutely without effort on your part. Wo want good, honest representatives everywhere, in erery locality, city or country, in fact, in every country throughout the world, both men aaJ women, young or old. who will not sell or pawn The Barnatto Simulation Diamonds under tho pep tcnsq that they are Gcnulno Gems, as such actios with simulation, diamonds sometimes leads to rouble 'or embarrassment. If you want a simulation diamond a substitute for tho genuine DONT WAIT ACT TODAY, as this advertisement may not appear again. Fill out Coupon below and mail at once First Come First Served. Write here name of paper In which you saw this advertisement , The Barnatto Diamond Co, Clrard Bldg, Chicago. Sirs: Please send Free Sample Offe, Ring, Earrings, Stud or Scart (Stlck Pin Catalog. Name R. p. D. K. Xo No. St. P. O. Box Town or City .,,, state k1 i 1 i F ! iV .3 ocncTaift !: si :