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v IW I l ; FAG FOUR THE BlSBEE DAILY REVIEW 'BISBEE, ARIZONA, FRIDAY'MORNlNG, APRIL 9, 1909. TurDipnrrniiivnruirii from one brolcor t0 MOthe, flaalIr lilt ulbobt UAILT ntiltW reachlng y amt tor "ea8r mark-" . wnAOA nn iMmnnn nnr i nuvav wuu ouiutuuu no vu uw "All th News That'e Fit to Print." Pabllthed at Blsbee, Arizona, the Met 'mining city In the west, at the Rvlrv Building, Corner O. K. street nd Review avenue. CONSOLIDATED PRINTING AND PUBLISHIQ COMPANY SEO. H. KELLY President W. B. KELLY General Manager rHONK phone (Business (Editorial Office) S9 IloomB)..38-2R SUBSCRIPTION RATES VANC IN AD- heaviest Internal ercnue producing of the charge which has been lodged i states of tho union, standing third or fourth In tho list. The stato has a number of. very largo brcwer'es and distilleries, and voting out of saloons will affect their sales to a greater or less extent., Indiana has also been one of the against him. Under the Judicial system in Ari zona it is wellrthat there bo a change In the personnel of tho court occa sionally, so that the suspicion of a too Intlmato relation between judges best customers for Kentucky whisky. ,a nphoWlng each othe"r.a decisions. (By Mall or Carrier). ONE MONTH 5.75 ONE YEAR 9.001sood mlne or On Year'a Subscription Paid fa Advance 7.50 Entered at tho Uisbee, Arizona poitoSics for transmission through th malls ait second class matter. Ad!re3 all Communications to THE BlSBEE DAILY, REVIEW, Bisbee. Arizona ' NOTICE. A regard of $5.00 will be paid for toiormauon leading to the arrest and conviction of the parlies stealing Tao Review from subscribers. THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. HAVE BETTER UNDERSTANDING. - 'It is becoming evident that the sen timent of tho country regarding cor porations is changing sapldly. The decisions by the supremo court have brought home io many tho unreason able character of much ot the legis lation, and the panic and business depression wh!ch has followed IL havo enabled the average man to see liat the credit stricture of the coun try was upset primarly by tho pre-, Jndlco against corporations, carefully worked Into a perfect frenzy by poli ticians and agitators ot all classes. "Tho advanced public opinion of tho country Is still In favor of -the regu lation of corporations, ind accepts the principle as necessary under the conditions which govern business, "bat it is now demanded that such regulation bear as lightly as possible and thus tho revenue receipts will be cut In tho latter state. If tho "dry wave spreads Into other states, the receipts from Internal revenue may fall far short of the estimate made by tho ways and means committee, and as the amount ot rovenue provid ed by tho Payne Mil Is calculated to only meet the demands of the gov ernment any ser'ous falling off In one branch will make n hole that will be hard, to AIL Taking everything Into may not grow too strong. ( Bisbee can well afford to feel at ease on the political situation. Gov ernor Sloan Is entirely satisfactory and there are few political Jobs in tho territory that will--profit a man, more than a job in the Copixjr Queen or C & A. mines. And In the meantime what has be- called Parkld biglobosa, recently dls- conslderatlon. the path of congress .In tho aspirations of Attorney " Jn. Afrlc.?,: whlch Produ,CC! a 1 ' . fruit containing 20 ner cent, reduc nc ... . I ZnM 1 lln b1- A J - - - - providing a suincient revenue 13 he- -uli,w"" fti. iu warm ono oi uie in on an "easy thing." Thus tho "In sider" gets from under and the 'easy marks" have only a nicely engraved I'ne ot paper to show, for their In vestments, the only appropriate abid ing place for which Is tho waste-paper basket curb ot a few hundred thousand Some very entertaining experiences could be written ot curb exploita tions, the sale ot last week on tn shares of mining stock vnich some unfortunates had loaded up on dur ing tho boom ot some time ago, serv ing "as a, typical lllustraf on. All that has been necessary In the past has been a new camp with a two and "the boomer with his Extension company. "On the same vein" with .the good ones is the niaglc lure and with an exquisite ly furnished sulto ot offices, a full pago advertisement '.a tho big news papers and with the aid ot certain brokers, the rest has beon easy. Now we are led to believo that Ihe curb is striving "to do belter, for It is, for the first time In Its history, at tempting to rogulato the listing of mining shares, an accomp'Ishment that can be fully realized If gone at in tho rlcht war. , , . , , . . I It Is pleasing n contemplate tho In seeklnr a curb market a mlnlnz I " stock should be thoroughly Jnvestx. , ct that three da-,avo now elapsed g0 merrl,y 0Df marWng the cUy as gated and it should not bo enough 8lnCC lhd annourment tho most progressive in Arizona. The that the mining company can furnish lhat Juds WcIiard a S,oan had becn Present city govcrnmenL headed by nnnntniivl tc IVia nncttfnn nf wworrnr verbal or paper proof, but it Is Im-1 Mayor ;eale, is making good, pcratlve that the m'no Itself must be , , , . . , , i any charge against his confirmation iuicoushku uj A uj.u.u i; who should bo employed by tho curb organization at a regular salary pro-; vlded by a small monthly tax on the members. This would no doubt solve the .prob lem of the curb, making It a market The. Bank of Bisbee IISBEE; ARIZONA . W. H. BROPHT, FrwMenl J. 8. DOUGLAS. VtM-PnaUest m. 7. CUNNINGHAM. . A. SGHWAJtTZ, AWL Capital, Surplus and Profits $200,000 RANCHES AT NACO AND LOWELL, ARIZONA. . wmmm ppMjgigimiwiwpjM.agfjpiiwMyw wiiw,ii, World's Sweetest Plant. An Austrian journal tells of a plant set with great dl"cultles, and it is seats on the supremo bench? From not beyond the rarigo of pqssIbH'tles Washington comes -mention of Jobs, that if the Payne bill is enacted Into Jacobs. Ross, Lewis and others but law It will have to bo rovlsed by tho not a word about Clark. end of Its first year. It that should I ( happen, a howl will go up from all I The re-appointment of Judge Camp the country, and more than one poll- bell to the supreme court ot Arizona tlclan will bo found crying for rocks will give general satisfaction through and mountains to fall on him and out tho tarrltnrv. n i.. mn , sugar, which puts it In the first rank ot sugar-producing plants. Lure of the Dear. An Oregon man Is accused of start ing forest flros to lure deer. Per haps he had heard of men burning money to lure dears. Spokane Spokesman. hldo him from the wrath to come. record during tho last four years. The public Improvements in Bisbee In tho senate. T'me once was in Ari- When J. C. arrives In Phoenix with thp KO.Mn nf RnVAfnn. IffKlw... .Inn. zona when tho naming of any citizen J line- fit tila Halt thAm will v .-.. .. of tho territory for a federal appoint- "" sll""L JU . rrot wfia rtnlf.lrlv fnllnvrott Vtv .ill mp . U.Mb ..- i.w..j .... ... vj .. in which the investor could place a I certain amount of faith and through which he would stand a reasonable chance of getting a return for" h!s money. The Mining World. THE COUNTY HOSPITAL. Tho Tombstono prospector is re sponsible for the statement that t whero there !s good cause for It, oth on tho legitimate business of largo there will be considerable opposition er than securing, tho office for an- manner of charges- to prevent hU con firmation. This thing of running to Wash'ngton w'th all kinds of trumped up charges against those selected for offico was no credit to the territory and resulted in hurting the good name of Arizona throughout the coun try. Of course there will be no ob jection to Judge Sloan and It is to be hopd that the habit of making "n'uch house" In Washington on tho citizens of Arizuna will cease, except SUET LINE OF LAST LINK IN P. IE Phone L-46. Phone B-362 Jqhnson Addition, E. J. Bauer. Hughes Block, Aug. Bauer Jr. Independent Meat Market BAUER BROS., Proprietors. Absolutely free from the Meat Trust. " Why buy Inferior meats, when you can get Prime Phoenix Beef at the same price. Fresh Sausage ot all kinds and Kansas City Pork arriving dally. These shipments are to be continued and not only for the present Once a customer always' a customer. Phone your orders which will receive strict at tention. FRESH FISH FRIDAY. FRE8H DRESSED POULTRY Two Carloads of Flna Fat Steers Arriving Weekly. w i i I0UTHERH CALIF8RKIA ADVERTJSEMEMT1. f ..-.- n rrffnrrrrijji QBCXJRIT1T Security B V1AVINGS BANK Los Angeles OLDEST AND LARGEST IN THE SOUTHWEST Resources Over - $20,000,000.00 Capital and Reserve Over $1,300,000.00 Over 49,500 Depositors 4f Pfir Cent Interest on Savings Accounts And on Six Months' Certificates of DcposU. Deposits Received By Mail. .Send For Booklet corporations, and does not Interfere on the part of taxpayers to tho ex- other. with tho development of our re- pense which will be required In pro- and hospital Besides the financial question, all Men at Work Closing the Gap Between Winkelman and San Carlos, with only 13 Miles to Go. PHOENtfc, April S. Between twenty-five andforty men are now at work surveying tho l'ne for the last link of the P. and E. railroad between sources and tho extension of our rail- v'ding a new county way facillt'es. Bays Iron Ore. poor farm. If there Is any objection other problems which Mr. Taft ha3 Mr. E. H. Harrlman appears to to locating the county hospital In inherited from his predecessor pale havo got In touch with the leading tho vicinity of Douglas, as has been into insignificance. A government no men of tho south and west during -proposed. It will not bo on account more than an individual can keep on , j - . bis trip, and has told tho people ot of the expense on the part or anyone Indefinitely incurr ng obligations in winkelman and San Carlos. Only Georgia as well as of Texas that their acquainted with the present expenso excess of Its Income. With an estl- thirteen miles of tho twenty-eight re laws are in the way of. a rapid and of that Institution in Its present lo-' mated deficit for the current fiscal main lle surveyed. j, ,...,' .i I . ..nnnnnn ... .. v Travelers coming in from WInkel- "ija uuvuiui'iuem ot ineir re-.wauuu. jear ui iuv,vuu,vuv, iub uuiu uiu mnn ct-itn ! tho i The same good reason applies for arrived when not only tho admlntstra- rushing its work through to comple putfng the hospital at Douglas as Hon but the' public should give this tlon as rap'dly as possible. Every applies in favor of moving the county matter Its serious attent'on. It Is hour ,s belnK ma(le to count. time to something besides attacking scat from Tombstone to a place near-.just as hard for a government as for ., .... ' 1 I ties, one called the Revelers and the -corporations and It Is ono of the er the center of population to be an Individual to cnrtall expenditures, 0(j,er tij0 survevors The levelers fol- main reasons for tho hopeful spirit served. It will not cost any more but It Is as possible for one to do so low after the surveyors and obtain that prevails, that we have this evi- J to maintain and support the hosplt- as for the other. The citizens of this the- levelaT dence. from the presdent down, that al and poor farm in the Sulphur country have curtailed and It Is time! iao utnern pacific people have . . . t . '. ... . . . . ' not sent that party out there without tlon and leave politics and envy be-1 does to maintain the Institution at courccs. It Is noticeable that the leg islatures of tho'var"ous states are, as a rule, devoting their valuable we aro u nave constructive legisia- opnngs vaney, near uougias, man 11 ior mo government io uo imewise. . son)0 intention tf rammMiHn. hind ns. Ono of the most potent I Tombstone. On -causes Cor tho change Is that labor is many hundreds of the other hand. dollars will be structlon work In tho near future. said a Winkelman vis tor yesterday. The board of supervisors at its ses- "when a railroad company sends out slnn ht nwb 1,-ft thn mnfrpr nf mC twenty-five to forty surveyors, it has ..., .. ,i. ,..... '. . .- , . ... . t.. ??e definite object In view. When u .....u-u i. ip iiu ul bcmua . u ue "iwt" i"j " -" pcinung county rangers io suenu Colonel Randolph came over to our who builds and employs at good ' cost ot transportation ot the Indl- jack White and It is understood th3t country the other day he drove over wages. Is a better friend that the re-' gent slclc and poor. ' It Is the Intention ot the sheriff to christma In carriage?11!!" did not --former or politician who speaks soft A conservative estimates puts appoint at least three rangers under take lnat drive for his health. words tad is not to be found In the eighty per cent ot the population ot the county ranger law passed by the ao6 resurveyedrinoneo? tiro places Wti.", day of distress. Cap'tal cannot be hurt without Ia ior feeling it, any more than labor Tan bo out of work without Ios to capital. The two must work togeth er. Thi3 Is not to argue that corpora tions should be allowed to break the laws and Ignore the rights ot the pub He. nor is it to argue that labor should surrender abjeotly to capital, -tny mora than that property should Tie destroyed by the mob, but merely that tho state should content itself with laws securing to each that equal ity before the law, guaranteed by the constitution. Cochise county in the southern part recent legislature. The suggestion of the county, including Douglas. that,CapL Wheeler, late of the terrl- Blebee and the Intervening country, torfal force, wIl be selected as one A like per cent of tho inmates of of the rangers, meets with universal the county hospital will naturally approval. Also Billy Speed and Mr. come from these cities and the sav- olds are regarded well for the coun- ng in transportation from these lo- ty ranger force. calltios will be sufficient to build a April 3, 1909. Dear Frier.d: Last summer I wondered what they did with all the grapes. I know now they hospital In a few years, over what It During the last few days In con- tht3 PTflilo htin TnMn QtundAneJ nt.rt new grade will be made to straighten took them and dried them OUl CJriBD. I J J al . -The force has two camps, a few and made them into raisins. days ago the main camp was moved! RoJc;nc r,lo mio-hfu n'ira in from chrstnias to Dripping springs naisins are mignty nice to rrrJLTZn SS fSSS; 'n a cake, and raisins and nuts are mighty nice to hand round when you want to spend THE ELIMINATION OF FAKE STOCKS. . ' It Is to be hoped that the mvesti- -gallons of tho gw; York" stock- and oth- cchanges by the Hughes "coramls- ' frioo, whlchUs now under way in Xew up the river. "The surveyors and levelers are now five miles above Christmas, to-. At places the men have to be a long time at the table talK- s.nat .UY. ... Vnant1 . t .. I lt!l UUWI1 Willi JUWt-'Zt UUU1 UliliS 111 UT- cost with the hospital at the present nection w-ta EpCcmatIon as to prob- der to run their lines. One cannot county seat able appointees to the supreme bench ",a?1.,!h?t . ,a.staP?nA0"3..?.n?1: ThP hoaAl nf RiinorrtKnr. 111 l- ... .. ... peering leal inisimn will o unw no r 0I Arizona tne natre ot jonn 21. Koss nas gone over the ground (nearer the center of population of tbo county than Tombstne. A HOLE HI THE REVENUES. "If the "dry" wave continues to gather volume, our tariff tinkers will have to revise their estimates on tho probable revenue of the country. A To the task appears Impossible, ago an accident oc- of the survey party. .i,w . ,t. .... which came near ending fatally. He u.0., Mu-...,v.u .. -... . feU OTer a cItt j wou,d havc fa, ot judge and his appointment to such en to the bottom of tho canyon had he Dot mauaccd to catch on to a bush no mistake in selecting a new loca- of Prescott ha8 tecn frequcntjy men layman the tasl tlon for the hospital and poor. farm Uoned. Mr. nosg l8 regardcd as a'curred one . a position would be met with univer sal approval among those who know thirty feet down. As It was ho was badly bruised up and It took his com- the man and his splendid dlsposIL'on six hours to rescue him liUUI A4IO llCVUilUUO IVJ 11UII, and abilities. If It is true that J. C. Adams has a desire to become United States fork c'ty, and which is seeking to majority of the southern states have marshal of Arizona we fear that those "learn Insf what methods are emnlovcd . already lolned the nrohlbltion column who nromlu-d this nfllrA tn r!h.trlv and now some of those in tho north Overlook will have trouble In deliver- OT',,??? F.lJZ ATit ! Jn xt3e dealings, on tbo curb market. will result in he elimination ot lake ' mining stocks. This market Is prac- NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION In the P-obate Court of the County of Cochise, Territory of Arizona, in the Matter of the Estate of Walter Dykeman, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that William II. Brophy has filed In this court his ministration of the estate of the above are seriously poinfng that way. In (ng the goods, though recognizing In ' named decedent, and that the same Indiana G2 of the 92 counties of tho .,.. .., ............. ... . . wl oe neara on .Monaay, me i-m aay -- wjc vuuic w bU'llMlllUU LIICIC UUk mg. The best raisins cost 15 cts a pound. Your friend, JACOB. P, S. You don't know what nice raisins and nuts ' !! I f A ana inings tney nave at Bisbee Commercial Company Brewery Gulch. Phone 97 OPPOSITE 0RPHEUM of ADriL A. D. 1909. at 10 o'clock in tlcally a big open-air mining stock ex-( stato ibavo already gone dry, and it m who uied More tty tor the to forenoon of said day, at tbq court room of said court. In Tombstone, County of Cochise. Territory of Ari zona, and all persons Interested In said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause. If any they have, why tho prayer of said petitioner should not be granted. Dated March 30th. 1909. J. E. JAMES, Clerk. chango as nine-tenths of Its business Is believed that ten or a dozen more cgg 0 "Cameron and Statehood' !s in mminu lwues, ana it is oniy (wm do aauea io mo nsu ui course, y Mr Qverlock, of Dougkw ' lately that any attempt has been bfr and whisky will get Into even j made to rogulato its dealings. j dry omintlos, ono way or another, but Ii& tho pasL unfortunately, it has tb otoeing Hp of a thwjsand or morel Tbw bas been a B1 xproa raany times been tho mw for the 'wtoww in one stato 'will raator'ally ?ton ot ,n BUbeo beoauso of csoltatlon of mining stocks where' rdHoe Q amount consumed, and all tho soneational Incident al Don Luis ..- i. ,n.VoETitort 1.7 fhfl hrB tills will havo Its effect on " the which has Involved -a minister of that . . f nmrtimliir no value. Somo amount of revenue raised from the town- Those who are most intimate1 ef these stocks were elevated to a tax on malt and spirituous liquors. In- and .bst acquainted with Rev. Rob-t ery high figure and were tossed lana bas hitherto been one of the erts are confident that he Is Innocent Building, l" Pao,leTexas.P" STAG CANON FUEL COMPANY Dawson Coal and Coke. Unexcelled for Domestic Purposes. Ask Your Dealer For It. & S. W. CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRiNS THB WARDROBE ROBT. NEWCOMB) phone m. Werlc Called far & Deliver. HUGHES BLOCK, op?. Y.M.CA. &m KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES ARTISTS' MATERIALS AND FRAMING. We make a Specialty of Developing, Printing antf Enlarging. Mall orders given prompt attention. SEND FOR CATALOGUE 518 SOUTH BROADWAY. H0WLAND & DEWEY CO. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. COAL and WOOD . i 1 i. i Pfcc. rf m Buxton-Smith Company PHONE 121 ELECTRICAL WORK, CONTRACTING, ETC. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND GAS FIXTURES TUNGSTEN LAMPS (Wholesale and Retail). CARL CLAUSEN ENGINEERING OFFICE WHO IS WHO? A guarantee does not consist of what (s sM, but h WHO says it. There Is some satisfaction In tfeaifnf wrS reliable, responsible, jsrmancntiy located pttjrie. Dicus Plumbing & HeatirCCo., jPhone 268 A BIG SHIPMENT Of Oclf ARRIVED TODAY LooK Them Over They Are Swell THE Women's Toggery I Wfc0V0t- : . : : ; ; . 1 TRY AN INSERTION IN CO $S RE V'l EW " Saved WANT ' Saved c COLUMNS . c !?l ' 1 IMMEDIATE RESULTS