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v f M PAGE SIX THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 11, 1909. L J -4 I II 4 11 I NULIFE-I A HEALTH GARMENT FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN r 'IF YOU DON'T BREATHE PROPERLY YOU CANNOT THINK RIGHT' NUTJFE compels deep breathing and I ivics the brain regular blood circulation and pure blood at every heart beat. NUUFE h a thin, washable garment, ounces. It " you breathe to the full depth tbe time. It Is not a shoulder brace, but a scientific the bod y. It straightens round shoulders, expands the two to six irifhf, and gives its wearer an erect co fng carriage. C NULIFE does its wort whik you do yo of the greatest health producing garments ever fill out the attached coupon order today, price, postpaid to any address.. . .. - PERNICIOUS IS ACTIVITY OF PIE BRIGADE Reform League Reports on the Political Movements of Of ficeholders During the Pres idential Campaign FOR BALE. FOR SALE Good 5-room house and three lots in Don Luis or exchange ' for Bisbee property. R., care Review. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE My equity In 20 acres California or ange land for Bisbee property. R., care Review. THE IV! AY CO DENVER, COLO. WESTERN DISTRIBUTERS lids the spine and head erect, filling the brain cells with ighing but a few your lungs, all P supporter of (j chest from . , mmand- .V ' vi? its one y j y . invented - , & s j, . .& ? & & 1 -' i'. '" ii nun BISSEE LODGE 3HEC70KY MASONIC CALENDAR FOR WEEK ENDING SATURDAY APRIL 10TH, 1509. & Monday K. T. Regular. ' A Tuesday fjZ Wednesday Blue First. JiT? Thursday Hg$&' Friday- gr Saturday Royal Arch . H. TV. JORGENSON. W. H. N. C. BLEDSOE. E. C. C I. McREYNOLDS. H. P. V. R. BANKS, Secretary. i. o. n. m. Sfet( vy Thursday ivenlai a T o'eioe la Pythian Cutlt. AH visit Sis Red Kes welcome. DAN B. SEED. Baches. F. a FENDXRSON. C. et P M. D. COHN, Medicine Ku SoBora Lodge , No. 2J, L O. O. 'Cananea, Kexlea. meets every Friday at 7:X( p. m. la Y. M. O. A. haU. Visiting pretiert cordially Invited. LEO. A. KANNAFEB, N. G. W. E. Dnrmmond. Secretary. ell SIX MONTHS OUTPUT The Greone-Cananea properties at Cananea, according to the recent offi cial report. produced 19.12S.000 pounds of copper; 440.24G ounces of silver and 3,010 punces of gold. This was from sir months' operation. The monthly output after July was about three and a halt millions of pounds of copper. The cost of the copper produced was reported as being not far from 10 cents a pound. o ' COPPER QUEEN With seven furnaces In operation out of ute during March, the Copper Queen Company's smelter produced S,500,000 pounds of copper, which is the same as February, but about 1. OOC.OOO pounds under the high record month. Boston News. ' A. P. VON KIRBACH PAINTING, PAPERHANGING and KALSOMIN1NG CONTRACTOR. Phone 126. 214 Tombstone Can, FOR SALE The furniture and fix tures In Victoria Hotel, Brewery avenue, are offered for sale. For In formation address P. O. Box 478 or Phone 425, Bisbee, Ariz. 9S0 FOR SALE CHEAP One rubber-tire, under-cut, one-seated buggy, with fills and poll. Inquire Burnham Furniture Company. Johnson addi tion. Phone 113. , 4' - I Miners' and Merchants' Bank;- DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH Xodge No. 3 meets In L O. O. F. Hall. "Main Street, first and tilrd Friday -evenings of each month. MRS. FLORENCE FOSTER, Noble Grand. MRS. MATJD PERRT, Secretary. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YOEMEN. Richard I Homestead til meets second and fourth Wednesdays at Pythias Castle. Visiting Arefcers art cordially Invited. T. W. GIDLJST, rpreman. EDWARD E. KEAST, Corrciptsndeat. P. O. Box 2)34. i ! i . Rathbone Lodse No 18. Knights ol Pyti las, meet ths first second and fourth Tuesdays cf eaei month la Pythian Castle. Visiting brothers cordially Invite. WILLIAM HULLEY. C. C. J. C. KREIGBAUM, K. of R. S. Woodmen of the World reeit Pythian Castle the second tad tcnrU Monday cf exca monti. Vlsltta bretiars Invited to attend. W. R. DSNI2UK, a a a N. THOMAS). Clerk. ! FRANK H. HEREFORD. Attorney and Counsellor -at Law, TUCSON, ARIZONA, Agent for Land ScrlpL ' ' JAMES S. FIELDER. Attorney at Law, Deming, ix. m. Practice in the Courts of Eastern Arizona, Western Texas and New Mexico. v DR. W. E. HANKIN. Dentist. O 'fnone ts. Bank of Bisbee Uldg.. Mam r- BISBEE LUMBER CO. (Incorporated) EMIL MARKS, Manager, B. P. O. ELK. B'-sb Lodce, No. 71, naets His: Rftd third Tuesdays cl aeli raoitii at Odd Fellows hall. VisltlBf brotijers cordially Invite. JACK MCGREGOR, Kxalted Ra!: feces VcKteiax. Btcre'try. Bisbee Lodz?, Nu.l J. O O. F, meets every Wednes day evenlnz In Odd Fellows Hall. Main street. Vlslticj toothers ar cordially Invited ta at tend. H. A. TrLKINSON, Noble Grand. W. 3. ATTAWAT, Secretary. KNIQHT8 OF FYTHIAB. Cuanet Lodge, Na. , T. K. O. A. Hali, Cananea. Sonora. Meets evsrj Wadnesday. Visitors cordially Uvlt4. B. B. PEBZER, C. C. F. H. NICHOLS, K. of R. aad . C M. BANDERS, M. of T. T. O. Box 7L WHOLESALE AND KCTA1L DEALERS IN Oregon and Texas Pir.e Redwood Shingles, Mouldings, Builders' Hardware DOORB AND SASH OF ALL KINDS. MINING TIMBERS AND WEDQE3 CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. TELEPHONE 253. HAZE CAFE 2 CAKCTTO fc CO, ProiritUn. nigaatly Fitted TJp lr Lailei al Geztl ernes. We hacdle the Tony Taast Cer. JOHNSON-nENNIGER BUDiD3ta Ualn Strest. Blsbe. Arlista. PROFESSIONAL CARBS, C. I. McRETNOLDS, Attorney-at-Law. 4 Mexican Mining and Corporation Law. Antlers Building, 4 Phone 470. Bisbee, Arizona. ' " 4 H. W. JORGENSON, p-CTVIL ENGINnK I Barnasy Building. Bisbee, Axlt. V. a Deputy Mineral Scrreye: 1 ' DR. H. A. SCHELL Eye Specialist Next visit to BIsbeo. Douglas, Can anea and Naco In June. 38 N. Stone Ave- Tucson, Arlx. . E. O. STRICKXER, 4 a Attornev-at-Law. 4 Special attention given to Crim- lnal and Commercial Law. Offices over Citizens' Bank A Trnst Co., Bisbee, Arizona. I . Pione No. 300. By water Hanson Plumbing Co. Muheim Block. NEW YORK, April 10. Tho report of the street committee appointed by the National Civil Service Reform league to Investigate tho political ac tivity of the federal officeholders was made public. Tho committee systfe- maticaly gathered current press re ports of alleged undue political activ ity and sifting Jut the more serious accusations, through correspondence with the parties Involved and by de tailed Inquiry into the circumstances, sought to determine the truth. The conclusions of the committee. briefly stated, are that the charges to a groat extent are sustained, a not able exception Is reported In the allo cations made during the last cam paign to the effect that Mr. Roosevelt coerced certain federal office holders Into the support of Mr. Taft for the republican nomination. With his per- m'sslon the lists ol the nresiaenrs ap pointments for a considerable period prior to the national convention were scanned by the committee, which finds that evldenco to sustain the charges made Is wholly lacking. On the contrary, Mr. Roosevelt Is cred ited with having advanced tho cause of civil service reform by so amend ing tho civil service rules as to pro hibit employes In the competitive ser- Ice from taking part la political cam paigns. Pernicious Activity a Menace. On the broad question of the perni cious activity In politics of federal officeholders, however, the committee finds that a most undesirable situa tion exists. Of the more than 300,000 federal officeholders, one-third are not amendable to civil service classi fication. Theso officers often exer cise a power Influence in politics, and constitute. In the opinion of the com mittee, a menace to free institutions. The remedy is to be found, the com mittee believes, in an extension of the classified competitive service and a clearer definition of the executive order covernlnr Dolltlcal activity In the unclassified service. It Is also surcested that the civil service com mission, or some other body free of departmental dictation, be empower- led to Investigate cases arising under the executive order. Among the points covered In the report are the following: "It has been found In this investlga Hon. hr means of comparing the offi cial roll of delegates at Chicago with the latest government blue dook, thai at least one delegate In every ten sent to tho national convention was a federal officeholder Of the 300 dele gates from Texas, Arkansas, Louis iana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky North Carol'na, South Carolina, Virginia. West Vir ginia, and Georgia. 99 practically one In three were federal officehold ers. In the Georgia delegation of 26 there were 12 federal officeholders; In the Arkansas delegation of 18 there were 9 federal officeholders; In tho Florida delegation of 10 there were 7 federal officeholders, and in the Alabama delegation of 22 there were 10 federal officeholders. Most of Them for Taft. "With regard, however, to the pro portion of officeholders in these dele gations, it should be kept In mind that practically the entlredelcgation of every southern state above named was elected and controlled tbrouglv the offlceholdlng machine. Allowing for delegates absent or with half votes, 279 were actually cast by the delegates from the thirteen states above named. Of these, 2 were cast for Hughes, 5 for Fairbanks, 11 for Foraker, and 261 for Taft. These figures are taken from newspaper re ports of the official vote." These officeholders, the report says, were pollt'cal, that Is, outside of the jurisdiction of the civil service act, and In most cases thler appointment was subject to confirmation uy the United States senate. The officeholders In the south prac tically control the republican party organization in their respective states and frequently resort to unfair means in order to retain their power. Their support Is a tremendous political as set to any candidate for nomination As the southern democratic states hae as many votes In the republican national convention as the republican states of equal population under or dinary circumstances the southern delegates would control the balance of power In the national convention. Cliques Check Party Success. Those organizations controlled by officeholders are mainly Interested in the distribution of the patronage and the naming of delegates to conven tions. It Is not to the Interest of these offlceholdlng cliques to elect re publican congressmen or to bring about party growth and party success which would mean curtailment or loss of the control of the patronage. The conditions in regard to the ac tivity of unclassified federal office holders In politics are at their worst In the south, but throughout the country. In accordance with estab lished custom, they are expected to be active in primaries and conven tions in the interests of those to whom they owe their appointment and by whose favor they are continued In office. This leads to neglect of offi cial duty and absenteeism on a large scale, and the government Is now paying a large sums In salaries to officials whose main interest and ac tivity Is devoted to politics, while their offices are left In the control of subordinates. o OLD PAPERS t-UR SALE Old papers. In bundles of 100, for sale cheap at Revftw office. FOR SALE New and second hand furniture, cheap, at Bumam Furni ture Co, Johnson Addition, Pione L-113. SES FOR SALE Anchor Bar, Brewery Gulch. Inquire on the premises. 795 MISCELLANfcNOUS SEE HAZARD about lote on H ave., Courtland's big business street. 78ft FOR CLEAN, neat, newly furnished rooms equipped either for light housekeeping or rooming purposes to suit tenant, apply at the office of 8. K. Williams or at the "Star" lodging house. 304 TYPEWRITERS Bought, sold, ed and repaired. Se Krebs. rent 625 SfcCOND HAND lumlture koughcasd sold. tSewinc machines tor rent. Brooka-Cooptr Furniture Co., O. K street. DIRECTORS! L. C. SHATTUCK. JAKOB SCHMID. L. J. OVERLOOK. J. T. HOOD. J. M. MUHEIM. Bisbee, Arizona BRANCH AT LOWELL, ARIZ. CAPITAL SURPLUS $50,0.00.00 $50,000.00 OFFICERS: L. C. SHATTUCK, PresldenL J. M. MUHEIM, Vice PratldenL J. T. HOOD, Cashier, E. W. SPIERS, Asst Cathltr. C. A. BENNETT, Mgr. Lowsll IrMik. t FULLY EQUIPPED To Do Anything in the Banking Line : ,'' FranK J. Graf, BroKer ScraM (ESTABLISHED 1903.) THE COPPER HOUSE OF THE WEST. SPECIAL WIRE SERVICE TO ALL MARKETS. STOCKS HANDLED FOR CASH AND ON SUBSTANTIAL MARGIN. MONEY TO LOAN, apply to Johnson tc Halg'er. O. K. block, opposite depot. 184 WANTED. WANTED A large syndicate just forming will finance a few merito rious mining properties located in Southern Arizona. Send full par ticulars and engineers reports, stating how much money will be required to make the property pay dividends. Address J. Wales, P. O. Box 633, Tucson, Ariz. 19S WANTED Horse and buggy In ex change for Don Luis property. R.t care Review. WANTED Plain sewing by piece. No. 7 Garden Hill. day or 116 WANTED Men and boys at Los An reles. No expense to jearn trade of plumbing, bricklaying or electric ity. Practical worK on jods nau the time and study other half. Cata logue free. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles. 104 WANTED To buy second-hand fur niture at a good price. Bumam Furniture Co, Phone L-113. 855 YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND SECRETARY WANTS POSI TION.. Several years experience Has knowledge of bookkeeping Highest possible references. S. H caro Review. 20O COPPER QUEEN HOTEL. PHONE in. BISBEE, ARIZ. iTfWWHtetWl ! M FOR RENT FOR RENT One nicely furnished front room. IxckIo House, 107 School HIl!. 195 FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. No children. Close In. 113 School Hill. Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Tur bines, Generators, Motors, Else trie Supplies, MIr.t Cars, Rails, Direct Acting Hoists, Glares Holcta, Electrls Hoists, Air Compressors, Rock Drills, EUo trie Drills, Mint Cages, Cast ings Forglngt end Supplies. Complete Equipment for Mines, Copper Smelting and Converting Stamp Mills, Concentrates, Cy anide Plants, etc Send For Quotations and Cataogues For Anything Ysu May Need. AttenUsR is all Inquiries Carl Clausen, Engineering Office. Bisbee, Arizona imng and Power Machinery FOR RENT Ono nicely furnished room; also cabin suitable for batch lag, with gas, water and light con nections. Apply No. 2 Mason Hill, Opposite Vaughn's paint shop. 137 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING 127 Tombstone canyon. SUITES Close In. 835 FOR RENT Modern cement house, close in, $20 per month to party buying good furniture therein cheap. See Nordln Tovrea's Mar ket. 15 FOR RENT Housekeeping 8 Tank Hill. rooms. 174 0. K. St. Metal Plumbing. Tin and Sheet Work, Galvanized Iron Steam and Hot water Heating. Sewer Connections, Etc. P. 0. Box 1172. Phone 403 FOR RENT Two rooms and pantry, partly furnished, $14 with water. 230 Tombstone Canyon, back of J. G. Pritchard. 1C7 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM Sult able.for one or two gentlemen, good location. Apply 183 School Hill. 1CS OR RENT Lowell, three-room flat furnished fo- housekeeping. In quire opposite postorrice. Mrs. Har ris. 771 FOR RENT Four-room house at Warren, $20; five-room house at Warren, $35. Everything new, clean and sanitary. Call at Warren post office, us FOR RENT Furnished rooms around Cast'e Rock. Mrs. Louis. 172 Whereabouts . of George Brown Wanted. Left San Antonio 16 or 18 Years ago. Answer to this paper. FOR RENT Nicely furnished single and double rooms. Inquire up stairs. No. 69 Brewery Gulch. 173 FOR RENT Two nicely 'furnished front rooms. Inquire No. 6 Jlg gervllle. 176 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. Collins, No. 54 Upper Lowell. 177 Bisbee. Cochise .County. Arizona. January 30th, A. D. 1S9I. To James Davis. Ton are hereby notified that we have expended Twenty-five Hundred ($2500.00) Dollars in labor and Im provements upon the following de scribed Mlnlor Claims, situate and being In Wane H2lns District, County of Cochise, Territory of Ari zona, to-wit: "THE SI. COI3 the Location Certificate of which Is recorded In the Recorders Office la and for the said County of Cochise, in Book 22, ecorda of Mines, at Page 494, "THE TEXAS" Mlnlns Claim, the Location Certificate of which Is re corded In said Recorders Oaco, in Book 23, Records of Mines at Pace 4SS, "The RED GOLD Mining Claim, the Location Certificate of whle his re corded in sold Recorder office. In Book No. 22, Records of Mines, at Page 196, "THE NACO" Mining Claim, the Location Certificate of which Is recorded In said Recorder's Office, In Book No. 22, Records of Mines, at Pago 493, and "THE PRID3 OF THE WEST" Mining Claim, the Location Certificate of which is recorded In said Recorders Office In Boor No. 22, Records of Mines, at Page 4$7, as will appear by certificates files In the OSlce of tho Recorder of said Cochise County, in order to hold said lands and premises under the provisiois of Section 2324 Revised Statutes of th United States, being the amount re quired to hold the same for the years 1304, 1905, 1906, 1307 and 1908. And If within ninety (SO) days after this notice by publication .you fall or refuse to contlbute your proportion of such expenditure, as a co-owner your interest in said claim will become the property of the subscribers under said Section 2324, of the Revised Statntcs of the United States. THOS. SATXRS (Seal). G. McCARTT (Seal). o ANNUAL MEETING. CALUMET AND ARIZONA MINING COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that the nnual meeting of the stockholders f CALUMET AND ARIZONA MIN NO COMPANY will be held at the fflce of the company, Bisbee, Ari ona, on Monday, April 12th, 1909, at 0 o'clock a. xn. for the purpose of lectlng nine directors for the enss- ng year, and for such other business s may come before the meeting. The transfer books of the com any will be closed Marcn 26 th, and nil remain closed utll March S9tX 909. By order of the board of directors. GORDON R- CAMPBELL. Secretary, .'ted at Calumet, Mlrfllgai. jurci lfrtk. 1909. TESTER HICKS .IHSORFORATHB- ! BROKERS wrr Str!t and Unlltteri W fcity and siU eCsckg 7a US xr tttks our SsUHy markst. MUOTATION8 CHKERFULLY FURNISHS9. CALL UP FHOMK M fintvrsd FImi "LOCK Hues PezHXta &&&&4$2r$&&&$&&&$&&&&$&& V FOR SALE Household furniture at Marks Bros., Lowell. 171 FOR SALE Rooming house, rooms. Inquire Review office. 32 FOR SALE Wagon and two horses. Good driving team, wagon in good condition. Inquire at Miner Saloon. 153 TO LEASE A-22-room hotel In "Can anea, wIl located. low rent. In quire of Dr. Walter C. Alvarez. Can anea. 9" FOR RENT Furnished room. In oulre Mrs. Devine, 122 Tombstone Canyon. LOST OR FOUND. Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co. REDUCTION WORKS Ve Are Now in the Market for the purchase of Copper Ore and Copper Matte T Correspondence Solicited ' 4 Address Copper QueenlConsolidated Mining Comp'y General Office DOUGLAS ARIZONA y. K0 l. j. overiock Broker Direct Wire I To All Exchanges CarrctpondsRUt LLOOAN A. BRYAN, CHICAM. PAINE, WEBBER A CO, BOSTON, CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE Issayers, Chemists, Metallur gists. CRITCHETT AND FERQIBON Baccessors to Kaghes Crltchttt, Agents for Or Shippers, (13 Ban Francises 8L, El Paso, Texas. LOST Ladles gold watch, between car line and postofllco or Standard Furniture Co. Return to Review. T itv u 15S. Cummings & Mclntyre, Stock Brokers, Nogales, Ariz. -OFFER YaquI River Consolidated G. & C. Co. 1,000 Shares at 15c 2,000 Shares at 121 -2c 5,000 Shares at 10c 20,000 Shares at 71 -2c The Home of Arizonans hotel Orndorff '"' 't't't't't't' '''' EL FA30, TEXAS. Talking of Driving For eleasBrs, tfc jltes U set ft rig which will suit y ta vary re. peer Is the Falae Llvsry SU. There are to b Jm stylish te-date Tonunts, getek-ud-Bgu Horses which can Beaks Rood ttea. ! Most anything yen want U rs wagons, ste, to hire ky. the hear, daj) j ex week. "V !!'' INJtti j Palace LJvery Stable BOWXN '&' EUBBAHB, PkiM SWiccli, BIB SHE. AKDL ,-; V 'V" -,( '1 f 4