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PAGE TWO THE B1SBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1909. STATES Mrs. Hetty Green BULL GAME TIS PENNY WISE . AND POUND FOOLISH JURY RETURN BILLS ON MAY 5 Several Indictments Yesterday Came to the .Court Many Lawyers Present at Calling Of Civil Calendar Douglas Will Go To Big Copper Camp As Feature of Cinco de Mayo Celebration- . Interesting Events Biven n 6B ATTRACTION (Special to The It' rlow.l TOMBSTONE. Apr I 28. The atten tion of the court was taken up entire ly this forenoon Jn the calling of the clrtl calendar and a number of cases vere qt for trial during the month of May. In a number of others tke parties to the cases requested that a jury trial oe had. Several woro dls nrtssrii on the grounds of want of prosecution. There were a large number of th members of the bar jrH from all vr the eouaty. Haw fcavJng been re quested by tke-oowt to be oa band at tke oallins of the calendar, as he vrfafced to get tie case set down tor triel au as wmy of ttwm as possible disposed of at an early date. Court will stand at reoeas tomor row orenteg until Monday, as Judga Uobb h e-Ued to PfaoenU to attend a atiert cwton of Use supreme ooart. rhich. conme ta that dty on Sat urday, at witch time tky will lake up some ttHflnisked business of the Jaaaary sasalos. The United States srand Jury U a work ami have had a number of wit nesses before Utens, but hae not re turned any report Into court That body way make a. short report to tomorrow befcre court stands at a recoas. but It 1j not expected that they wMl make much of a report -be-fero the early jnrt of neat week. "WhetW or not the grand jry will bo at work during the recess of the court has not been decided upon as yet. That body has the right to Ar their own hours of meeting and ad journing, and unless 'Jn court orders thotn to stand at a rboess they prob ably will work during th Intervening time, as many of, the members 'are anxious to get through and return to their rtspectlve homes. The United States grand Jury to day returned a partial report, con taining five Indictments. II. AV. Stover was Indicted on two counts charged with counterfeiting. Stoval was arrested fcr passing two bogus $20 gold pieces in Douglas, and It Is alleged he also passed bad roonejr In Bisbee. When first ar rested, after being put through a se vere sweating process by the sercet service officers, he admitted his guilt and gave, the officers the location of his plant, which was in Xogales, where a complete set of dies and counterfeiting paraphernalia was un earthed. "When arrested Stoval was wearing a money belt containing about fifty of the bad coins. He was arraigned this afternoon and will en ter a plea to the charge tomorrow. One. indictment was returned -against J. V. Campbell, charged -with smuggling at Xogales. He entered a plea (f not gcilty. Tiorro Romero was indicted on -one 'Mint of smugg!,ng twenty-five bushels of potatoes across the line at 2so$alcs. He pleaded guilty to the -charge and will be sentenced tomor row morning at 3:30. James W. Pierce was indicted on a smuggling charge for having brought a horse across the line near Xogales. He .also entered a plea o guilty and will recolve -sentence tomorrow morn ing at 9:30. The charges agalns Antone Rodri guez and "Walter Dean, two alleged Xogales smugglers, were Ignored by the grand Jury. Another partial report with further Indictments is expected tomorrow. In the district court resolutions of regie t and respe i orur the death of the. late William Neville of Douglas were drafted and ordered spread up on the records of the ccurt. NEW YORK rrl' C-Mrs Hetty Green, "the revest woman in the world.' has one more forsaken the simple life, as 't is known In Hoboken. and gone In for that of New Ytrk. She is now hi lug- at the St. Regis. Mrs. Green went back to her little flat In Hoken after the marriage of Miss Slyvia Green to Matthew Astor Wilke several -weeks ago at llorr.s town, but she found taat life without her daughter was too lonesome over Ultra. Recalling her last experience with living in Now York, when she and her daughter had apartments at the Plaza for a short time, she deeded that she would like to come back across the river. This time, however. Mrs. Green considered the idea very carefully before beocmlng a resident of Xcw York, and It was not until she learned she could live as unosten tatiously as she pleased at the St Reg's that she made her decision. BI PRESGOT EET WITH CHI f PEOPLE ESE ins By special invitation the Prescott Courier reporter atecded the meeting of Chinese Free Masons In their hall on Granite street and says that he never attended a more dignified gath ering or one where the proprieties and courtesies were observed to a mora marked degree. In the assemblage were many of Prescott's leading citl zens bankers, professional men, mer chants and others says the Courier. Jong Get Sing, the grand lecturer of the grand lodge of America was the talker of the evening. Unfortunately, he does not talk English, but his intel lectual face, earnest lone, forceful ges ticulation and venerable appearance were so impressively Interesting that he held an audience that did not un derstand a word he said. As the re porter listened to him his mind In voluntarily reverted to Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher who was born 550 years before Christ and kind of a government which George , Washington started in the United t States. He referred to Kanoleon Bonaparte, saying they wanted to wake the sleepy heads in China, evi dently referring to Napoleon's oft quoted saying that China was a sleep ing giant and that it was better for the world to let her sleep. Ho also stated that men of all na tions of the earth were eligible to membership in the order of Chinese Free Masons save tho Manchurians. showing again that the movement was to overthrow Manchurian control of Cina, which has prevailed for tho most of the time 6locc the Tartars overran the country many years ago. His "reference to the sacking of largo cities and the massacre of all inhabitants sounded much like the ac counts given In history of the ravages of Tlmour the Tartar, and he may have been referring to them. Much stress was laid upon the fact who now has 250,000,000 followers in that Cina is sending her brightest China and Japan and who probably gave the world Its first ersion of the solden rule, when he said, "what you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." The talk of the grand secretary was given In sections in or der that a well dressed and aflame young men to American and European colleges In order that they may re turn to Cina and lead her people to the front rank of modern progress and free government. After Ihe grand lecturer had con- clnded his talk, there was a social young Chinaman might translate from function on the order of a "smoker." memory what the grand lecturer said. Cigars were passed around, also ham This he did to the best of his ability sandwiches and liquid refreshments In broken English, making those pres- of several colors. Several of our most ent understand that the organization prominent citizens having been Intro was a really revolutionary patriotic duced to tho grand lecturer one of society having for Its object tho over-1 them being mentioned as a successor throw or the Manchurian dynasty In cf Judge Sloan, the meeting came to China and substituting for it the same i an end. PICKED FROM THE 1Z88I PRESS PICKED FROM ARIZONA PRESS BULLARD WILL SPEAK. (Phoenix Democrat ) buggy in a ralx-up on tie bank of tho Arizona canal yesterday afternoon, J. C. Cohen, county registration oGlcer District Attorney G. P. Bullard was for the bridge election. Is today wear- this morning selected by the commit- lng h's right arm in splints and a tee in charge of the dedication of the sling and Is requesting voters to write Elks' new hall next Friday evening .their own names in his book. Cohen CAXAXEA. April 28. Tho final at traction on the 'program of the Cinco do Mayo celebration has been sup plied by the agreement of Douglas, to send :ier baseball nino here for a crossing of bats on tho afternoon of the 5th of Ma. Douglas should bo pretty strong by this time, having a man of Wolfe's ability and knowledge of players to get their bunch together. "While tho lineup of the Iccal accro- gation is incomplete, they will give a good account of themselves. Two return games will be given tho smelt er city on the 8th and 9th of May. and an excursion will be run to that clfy at row rates to accommodate the fans. Frank Hodges iss more than made good at Peoria. He knocked a home run In an oiiibltlon game the other day with three men on bases, which sent a thrill of joy through tho grandstand, but which will happen in many ancthor game before the season closes. Bob Whaling Is one of the most popular and valuable members of the Slireveport squad and Is rated among the best plajers of the Lone Star league. Chick Arnold (Gandll) Is playing as brilliantly fcr Sacramento as he used to do on the fast diamond in Cananea. Pope Hauier camo In the day before yesterday and Is "hero btcause he's here." There Is a significance con nected with his present visit that oc casioned some surprise. "While in the east ho was married to Miss Plollctt of Tawanda, renn., which culminated a romance that started in early school days. He will icmain the guest of friends for several days, going from hero to S'naloa, where he is superin tendent of a mine. A dance w-as given in their honor at the Cananea club last nlguL A denouncement of twenty-one per tenenclas of mineral bearing ground has been filed in the local mineral office by T. S. Lambertson of Doug las and Roberto Tribolet of Fronteras. The claim Is known as tho Copper Queen and Is located near Fronteras. The 6000-foot air compressor which Ir to supply tho main mines with air came In last Saturday. Something of Us size can be gathered from tho fact that It to. k six flat cars to bring it from the factory. At the Sonora: J. M. Young. Doug las: Stephen M. Mitchell. Bisbee; W. K Pomeroy, El Paso. At the Alexandria: A. Haro, Xo gales; Harry Markowltz, Lcs Angeles: M. E. Merrfnian. Sau FrancUcor"!. S. Hedrick, San Frandsco. u Clfs Pluck. A delicious German dish. Soak pluck half an hour In cold water; then turn off all except heart and lights Boil one hour; add onion bay leaf and some wholo allspice. Drain, then press over night, as It must be cold and hard to cut properly. Cut In thin slices, then cut these slices in loag, thin crips. (It takes one hour to cut it) To prepare gravy. Large piece hot ter and flour woll browned; add chopped onion and parsley; then soup stock to make sufficient gravy. The Juice of four lemons and grated rind of one. pepper, salt a!d a little paprika and last add a. tablespoonful sour cream. German . home-made noodles with fried broad crumsc are to be served with this. 'JEWS AND NOTES OF SPORTS Jimmle Collins !s snowing bi3 old time form at third base in Minneapo lis. Jack Powell has been showing tae Tiest form of any St. Louis American pitcher. Manager McGraw of the Giants has Sreen greatly bothered, of late by a poisoned hand. According to the figures 78,000 per sons witnessed the first three games at tho Polo grounds In Xerr York. So far the Cincinnati Reds trtayed great ball and "Old Griffith is good to look at. to deliver the dedicatory address, the subject of which will bo "Elkdom." Paul R. Ingles w'l! deliver the ad dress of welcome to the visitors. Har ry Well and Miss Anna Laker have been chosen to sing solos, and music will bo rendered by the Redewill or chestra. Following tho dedication, the guests of the lodge will bo es corted through tho entire building. During the public reception music will be furn'shed on the roof garden by the Redewlir orchestra. came out of the affair with his right wrist broken. A party consisting of Mr. Cohen. ajn Davis. Bn Davis and a young lady, left the city yesterday morning with the Camelbacic as their object ive point They crossed the Arizona canal at the head of the Crosscut and stopped for lunch on the other side. Thinking that the horse he was driving might want water. Cohen drove him toward the Arizona canal from the other side. The horse, wh'ch was somewhat young and skittish, be came frighteped and started r'ght up :he ditch, dragging Cohen by the lines. Cohen saw that the horse was head ing for a small tree and threw him self to one side. Ho fell with his reht arm extended and the bones mo BOLD BURGLARS. (Xogales Oasis.) Last Saturday evening, about half nast seven, while the occupants of a have Koufp on the corner of Sonolta ave- Fox"(nup and tEe driveway Just south of ' Crawford street were calling on nelgh- Tommv Devlin of Philadelphia will bora, four men calned entrance to the ,.j t t,tvv it,. irrlKf- box Danny Goodwin of Ch'cago .be- premises and were busily engaged in hnJ.n went on colne right through a fore the Utopia club of Memphis early jpackinc up everything of value tney, tch ln jj.- tIttjc tree while the In May. t coulo lay hands on when the gentle- bny w-ent on one slue. The fright- Umpires OT)ay and Emslle are the man and his wife suddenly appeared cnej animal was caught soon after. only veteran nmplres of the National npon the scene. The daylight burg-j ipjjg injured man was Immediately league who are now working togeth-jlrs sized up the situation instanter,lbrougnt to e cjty and his arm set cr. mane a nasiy ex-i inrougn me oacn b a DhySicjan. ,-.. n t.i. .1 - I- 1,'j 1J - n. I.I. t, .Lull"' " J """ American pitcher has been sold to and dashed madly for the intematlon Newark. He rjlaycd with the Yankee line, which they reached and Orange Shortcake. s Pare six sweet oranges, remove the pith and saeds and cut into small pieces; cover with a capful of pow dered sagar. Make the pastry as fol-!nwe- Into a quart of floor sift a scant teaspooarul of salt and two teaspoon fills of baking powder, then rub In three tiblejpocnfols of better and mix into a soft dough with sweot milk. But ter tin plates and on earh rlace two layers, with a thick layer of butter be tween each. When brown spread the crange between and on top. Serve with whipped cream flavored with orange. A?V - AV X "T a THE DAILY 1SBEE REVIEW THIS DAY IN HISTORY 163S Governor Harvey of Virginia deposed by the colonial assembly, 1700 The first general census of Rhode Island was ordered by the as sembly. 1758 James Monroe, fifth presi dent of the United States, born in Westmoreland county, Vn. Died in New York city July 4, 1831. 178S Maryland accepted the feder al constitution. 1813 American privateer York- town captured the British brig Avery. 1854 Unted States announced its neutrality in the Crimean war. Ig62 Federal forces took posses sion of New Orleans. 1872 Rev. Thomas P. Hcndrlckcn consecrated as first Roman Catholic bishop of Providence. R. I. 1891 St. Charles hotel in New Or leans destroyed by fire. 1S97 A flood at Guthrie, Okla.. re sulted ln great loss of life and prop erty. 1908 Centenary of the Roman Catholic diocese of New York cele brated. For many ears it has been the popular belief that Hannibal Hamlin, v'co president with Abraham Lincoln In the lalter's first term, was not re nominated because Lincoln did not believe Hamlin to be his friend, and therefore favored tho nomination of Andrew Johnson. Charles E. Hamlin, a grandson of Hannibal Haml'n, has collaborated In a work entitled "Life and Times of Hannibal Hamlin," and ho produces a mass of evidence which u sclosea that Lincoln was reauy ue slroo3 of Hamlin's renomlnatlon and that the stories to the contrary were mnrely newspaper gossip and were without any substantial foundation. "sod busters' during the spring trip, Johnny Kling says that the Cubs can win the championship without him. Wonder if John had his fingers crossed when he said that. When it comes to wearing the cor rcct sort of skins. "Fashion Plate crossed safely. PATAGONIA MINES. (Nogales Oasls.l Patagonia people la town this week report siens of returning activity in that vicinity. "Work has been resum ed In the Hosey camp In tho Santa Rita monnta'ns, and It Is reported that a cash payment on the pronerty was made last week by Mr. Hosy and associates, tho ownprs of tho rjrooertr. Work has also been resumed at tho Castle Butte camp, and devplorv ment of the pronertr Is reported as Home-Mads Chair Bsttoma. Take strong, heavy wrapping paper, cut out the form you tieslro and with a firm paste stick six thicknesses of the paper together, making a thick paste board. Trim the edge smooth like tho pattern you cut, and with round- headed tacks nail it to the frame. Aft er it is well dried varnish it and 70U have a neat, strong seat to tho "iair. with little or no expense. MINING MAN TAKES BRIDE. (Tucson Citizen.) John W. Prout. Jr and Miss Han nah Parsons Prout of Danville. Pa-. Tnarried at the Conereeational Charley Dsiia of Philadelphia has all church r-y Rev. IL B. Roberts on Sat the other V Ci payers looklns !U nrdav 1 he best man was Richard L. Manhandle Pe Drane cf this city and th? bridesmaid Three Cal''n? sis ." pitchers VH jjg, Klsie M Pro'i of Denver, took nart '- 1 - Jt Boston-Washing- cn'oradn sister of the groom. ton came. 'iVaitcr and ArcCanes with Mr. Prout is ceneral manager of nroeresFlnir satisfactorily. ti9 Ked Cox and "Deny" Gray with the Consolidated Mines Smelter and it Is reported that A. B. Richmond ho National. Transportation company, better has sold his hoWnira In the Mansfield 3 "Baseball is a gam" " TrM.-t they known as tho Mowrv Mines rnniDinv company and also that operat'ons at nil have s chance and Krr Lnraley und Alto Copper comnany of Santa that camo will be resumed shortly tut hfc "Dodgers jri- 1 able to rniz rointv. He l" tb" son of Prof. Mr TMrbmond. whrt s In the ent. has nJaro Brooklvn near the hleh soot " Ijnbn TV. Proit. fnrmerlv assistant been lolned bv Mrs. Richmond, who lore the season ends. rrnfessor in the TTnlvrrsltr of Arl went from Safford where she had Jack Thoney of the Boston Araeri- --..., ai"l hot- mining geologist of been vlsit'nf for several months. cans has not been sent to Muldoon's Denver. Colorado. i Oeorg Clark and Tini pt"-vT! at farm. Jack can find plenty to do ln Thn newly Tarricd rnqni lf fo hn Amerlcin Vnv rnlne. In ihn San- tho big yard of the Red Sox without riry in the afternoon f' the m'nr"", hunting work at MuWoon's. whpro they have planned to make fiovaranr Huchea of New York It ihalr home. ont to put tho kibosh on we ngnt Beef Loaf. One and one-half cups 0? tread crumbs to two pounds of ground meat, or hamburger steak, three level tea spoons salt, half a teaspoon of pepper, or, if preferred, use poultry seasoning to taste. Mix with milk and water, as much as can be used and have It hold resetter. Bake about an hour. II7 of Mr. Mapes' son. Will, who are Jring at that place. Mrs. Mapes is In the east now with her mother, who is reported very 111 and In a critical cjnditiont PROFESSIONAL CAMS. 6 C. I. McRETNOLDS, Attomey-at-Law. Mexican Mining and Corporation Law. Antlers Building, 0 FhonA 470. Bisbee, Arizona. E. O. 8TRICKLER, Attorney-at-Law. Special attention given to Crlm- t Inal and Commercial Law. Offices over Citizens' Bank Trust Co- Bisbee, Arizona. Phone No. 300. '04 , FRANK H. HEREFORD. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, TUCSON, ARIZONA. Agent for Land Script - game. 11 na !s as stiEoeositu as uu was In the war against tho race tracks it will bo good night far 'the jamais,. RUNAWAY BROKE WRIST. rPhnpnlr OnzettP' A a 'remit of hl unwilling nar-JManPS. vhn l vlit'nt .. . .. ... - 1 - . I .. , T........... . .Int. tiapauss wiin a wua uyr uu u ta Rita mountains, are getMnT oat somo vpttt fl" oro and Mirod n or'nad to the El Paio sme1U last wppV. ' Patnrda-r 1nt fr. John Mar" "i M 'daib'er-ln-lnw. Mr. TTonipr at Fonolfa, went to Benson to visit with the fam- TRACHOMA HOSPITAL. By the end of this week Franc's E. Leupp. commissioner of Indian affairs. b expected to arrive In Phoen'x from (Vashlngton. D. C. for the purpose of making a personal investigation of the epidemic of trachoma, which pre vails among the pupils of the Phoenix Indian school and anions the Indian children of Arizona generally. Between 200 and 300 of the chil dren at the Indian school are said l be suffering from sore eves, the uaioritv of whom are victims of t rachoma, which. In tho opinion of the federal government. Is sufficient tG prohibit the landing of fore'sners. JAMES S. FTELDER, Attorney at Law, Demlng, N. M. Practice In the Courts of Eastern Arizona, Western Texas and New Mexico. - MAZE CAFE CARETTO & CO., Proprietors ? Elegantly Fitted Up For Ladles J and Gentlemen t We handle the Tony Faust Coffee.; JOHNSON-HENNIGER BUILDING Main Street Bisbee, Arizona. J H. W. JORGENSON, 4 CrVTL XNGINXXX-- 1 I Barsrty Bulldlnn, BUbee, ArU. U. 8. Deputy Mineral Harveyer. 1 D. E. Heller. H. J. Wrlgnt HELLER & WRIGHT Assayers- and Chemists Metallurgical and Mining Engineers Represent Ore Shippers to Douglas Reduction Works. DOUGLAS :: :: ARIZONA G. M. BERNSTEIN Broker A general banking business transacted. Mines, Mining Stocks, Real Estate and Investments. Cananea, Sonora. P. O. Box 193. Phone 933. La Cananea PALACE LIVERY STABLE ! Cananea, Mexico. Fine Teams and Turnouts, Boarding and Sate Stae. Famous Indian Hot Springs S7S. X aoted reaert fcr koalUt ax pleasure. Cates, JJ.SS te 53.W per day. Twearjr annate' tiii from Hot Sprlsas Etcttea, Sra ham County, Arizsaa, Tkesi wonderful ateri ere recsae mended to core rhe-ecatiis coot, -dropsy, liver, Td&cr ca stcoadi troailei, bleed CI erder ml worace allstnts Keautlfnl Itwns tz.t litis treat. Larze plcnss aa errtaualai 900I; alro Six lake m lontlza 9Jf l-rzZ4 H-'Ji'T, GillZTlU.'Fa X?mJ'r Jii. ,V .W rfTi,a, RftJwyJttSsqWrfi.'a lawn tennis asd ersirtet Ml tg-' iwlnra. Try oar .r!l nr and mlieral latfta tf jm r itUk; set well, U -xvs, get p!sxr ejirsfc Dr. W. Z. JAniltj, a pxenUent payslcSaa. Is w tt.n t t Hprinii, and will znako a lytclilty of diseases l si! Uxii. Heixl TRADE-MARKS promptly obolord lajj 9 Klleouitrteoroo lea. Waoteala PATCNT?tf j THAT PAY. xlmtiM them thorccitilj, unl ft expr-uet U)1 Ltlp 70a to meecea. M SflnJ model, photo or ftfcctcb for m EC wponlft on pkleaubatty-. n yuV pnetictt. SUR-M PASSINO REFERENCES. Tar tret Otnl K flljookonrrofluolor,ununtoto M IB03.S0S Sovonth Stroot, m II WASHINGTON. r. C IB MODERN PLUMBING CO. UP-TO-DATE PLUMBING JOBBING AND UKW.iaEM We guarantee first-class -work and material. All kinds of plumbing and Sewer Connections at Reasonable Prices. We make a specialty of bar room connections. HARRIS BLK, BREWERY GULCH. Phone 349. P. O. Box 1933 COCHISE LUMBER COMPANY Wholesale anrj Retail Dealers In Puget Stuntf, Texas and California Pine, California Redwood, Lath Shingle and Sashes, Mouldings, Dirs, Windows and Mil Wert.. W. C. READ, Mgr. Phne 143. 8IS1EE, ARIZ. HENRY McDOHALD Plumbing and Resair Shop I Fix it anythlm Xet me Sgnre on your elsskUs- Ke eaTapaay U drav in. body bat yonnel! t msxe a jrrtw. LOWEST PRICES. URANTE WOKH Pythian Castle Bids- O. K. . rtimo B-fni R. Try a Little Want Ad rrrrrrw." -s"ZZ i They Pay BotH Ways M