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'JY ,i4., M - l i.n, ., r-J t jTa A j-- A N i-w -? M f l k if t 1, HFl i Qjaaint -Bonnet SKKKmlKu h mKWMlm I 4vH f tr ; rfede or ifemp Braid v y - i MtmilBM&M s1 1-Sl Motor Bonnets Seem Frivolous in Contrast With Severe Coats - The Up Dressed to Match - lhe bummer Girlm Snow White Autombile Raiment - ar Bonnet That May Be Folded Up, rllEUE U s propriety In motor dresn a Br-ortemnUte corrt.'tnes. even when nlmbMnMi from use li erl- fc dent that marks tbe R.irh of tbej arrustoinrd motorist. llstlu?unhlnt:' her always from the norlce wbo accepts an occasional imitation to ride trltb frlcniin who own a car. While the norlce ina.r be most carefullr cotton op la ex pensive motor coat, bewitching bonnet and' sufficient length and thickness of velL then- will be somehow or other an aicatenr look about her. while the woman who owns her own ear In clothes not nearly so new or fo attractive, sufeesti a practical readiness for weather caprices, for emerjendea. delays, mishaps, or any other adventures of the road. Very ezpearfve motor raiment shonld not be boucM until the new car is at least six months old. By that tlma one will have foond herself." so to speak, and will know better than any advice can tell her what to purchase and what to' avoid foe her own particular comfort tn the waylof motor toss. Tlir New line Conta Vltli Printer Trlmmlnff. No matter how many cool, dust-shed-dine summer motor coats of pongee and other llcbt fabrics are provided, mere should always be one Rood, warm affair of honest wool material which rr-ay be tucked away la the tonnean In case of sudden chance in the weather. 2ven In July and August some more ffaostantial protection is needed than pongee or linen when a mlt rises, or an east wind blows after suudown and the rapidly moving car forces the chill to the marrow of one's bones. The new rus coats are both comfortable and extremely rmart. and so light and soft are these otats. because of their blanketllke. woolly texture, that they are not at all cumbersome to carry or lift jlwut- The imported rugs In tartan plaid tuake the uaudsoiaffst coats, but there ire American camel's hair and Jaeger rloth rugs which are quite Inexpensive ami a coat nf this sort may be purchased cs low as $20 All these coats are built on very loose, raglan lines, with sleeves lo one with tbe body of the garment and a haucles, straight fall from shoulder t foot, so cleverly arranged In tbe cut ting that graceful lines are given, while the garment t "most comfortable. The deep roir frlr-gi! la left on the material around the bottom of t? coat and op one side of the front, this fr.rnt crossing over the other and fastening Jest below the waist with one big buttcn or cord orna ment. Th fabric la turned liaclc from this faMrnlng'to tbe top In a wide reTer and the fringe, drooping fr-n tbe edge of this rever. Is very graceful. Motor Coats Strve for Steamer l'e n Well. Many of these rag coats are being pnr ch&sed by women who are golnr abroad, the coat to be used on the other aide either for motoring or for traveling, some sort of Uzht yet - wrap being an appreciated travel' ran Ion through the various cllmat .ex that are en countered Ic a V.-t ! tour. AH White Jlolnr GnrK at Sonth- amptoii. White coat, white strate turban. Boat ing white veil and white huckskln gloves; there snowy accessories make tbe sum mer girl a very eharrjing apparition a she flashes by In her shining car this year. And when she alights one gets a I i nfc i pempa and white silk It- .i i c.r Mfe im-f raiment l tbe fad bit -I eens at first thought, but these white cuu are built of fabric that launder easily and e Idea la to pretty. There are white blanket cloth coats and white corduroy coats, both of which need only to be washed out and bung over a line to dry without Ironing to be Immaculately' fresh for tbe next lay's use; and there are white lines coats tod trhlu pongee ccsU cod dainty af e MAZE CAFE y CARETTO 4 CO, Proprte'era Elegantly Fitted Up For LadlM and Ge'tlemen. e We handle tbe Tony r"auat Co- e JOHNSON-HENNICER BUILD e INQ. s Main Street, Blake. Arizona. - to - date Motor Family, fairs of white mohair, which are the epi tome of coolness and summerlness. Dozens L cf these white motor coats were seen at the Grand Prix and at Autcull on steeple; chase day, and most of the French models were banded In from the knee down with plain, narrow hems, while the top of tbe coat. In loose raglan style, gave good width across the shoulders. Thla style has not appealed to American motorists, and most of the light coats aeen on this aide of the water, while straight and narrow In line, do not girt In around the feet. This banded-ln effect on some of tbe rarlslan coata la so alarmingly snug that the women hare to lie lifted and poshed Into their cars, the step from the ground to the running board and thence Into tbe tonnean being practically Impossible. Coata de Laxe for Special Wear, Tbe dainty silk coats, lined with con trasting color, are very attractive for ear over summery frocks on short spins wit to a country club or for other wear of this sort; bat these coats would of course be most unsuitable for long dusty drives across country, it Is at tbe fashionable resorts like Newport, Southampton. Dar Harbor and the like that one sees these pretty silken coats, and though the lines are simple and not a great deal of trim ming is used, such wraps often ccst a tidy sum. Pongee, lined with dotted foulard. Is most often used for such dressy models, and frejuently there Is a hood at tha back showing tbe bright colored silk of the coat lining; this gay color also ap pearing In revers. turned back cuffs and collar facing. Oriental embroideries and the extremely popular Persian silks are also nsed for trimming these coats: and such a model Is shown In one of the Il lustrations, a square collar of embroidered silk being placed below a narrow shawl collar of chanteclcr red satin. Tbe coat In this Instance is heavy white tnssah. the embroidered collar and cuffs to match It being of saxe blue silk with red and black embroideries enlivened with white. An Imported motor coat, part of a spring trousseau. Is of rajah silk tn a deep burnt atraw color a most fash ionable shade, by the way. Just now for motoring and coaching. This .coat la built In loose box style and down tbe fronts, on each side go bands of ehante eler red satin. Turned back collar and cuffs of tbe rajah are richly embroidered' In deep blue, red and black, and a little turnover collar of black satin, and two big Wick buttons gave snap and em phasis' to the colors nsed In trimming and embroidery. Natural pongee coats lined with aaxe bine or with chantecler red are extremely chic. and when tbe fair wearer throws off her wrap Indoors, or on a piaxxa.'she sees to It that tbe color of the lining, draped over her chair back, makes a telling back ground for her white frock. Utility Conta for Everyday 'Wear. While English mohair Is not a new friend to the motorist. It Is an old and fast one and one that may be relied upon, roplln. also Is Ideal for summer motoring, and there are new smoke and steel gray models In mohair and poplin fabrics that are exceedingly good style. Such coats, of course, partake of the nature of dusters, and are very simple In cut, with fronts that fasten snugly u to the throat and loose lines that Insure as eaay fit across tbe shoulders. Tbe water-proofed silk coata are liked by many women because of their attract ive colorings and aome of tbe new striped patterns are very pleasing. These coata come also In bold checks and plaids In which the omnipresent chantecler red la a striking feature. One silk coat Just brought out by a Fifth avenue dealer has' a checked pattern with checks six Inches across, the blue and green checks on a black ground being set off by hairlines of chantecler red. Bed pipings and, collar IRAlTbTsui t&Wi:n &1 ffEXrcm&eVfr AUsMMT. Csi. "y Vsfjej TAjhy The Swigert Bf foffipficafo aaaoau-s aauiau arraSS" "," itsvw -- ,r Vjf aasaa? ' ij wtHZTSSSSSgOM' THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, ,, . -ivj. aaBBBBBBW g ? .-tfl"aB7SKS33J'i2:?T-8 .XSEw A? i- '.aTsTsBBs bonnet fbpjV mmBllmW0 41 l3fl weai Mm ? zWmKEmW' A V '-Hi mm Br :-- MnHH ' ''4 jf : IHI SrS sbbbbV 'ii: PMHDi . ,r--aii -eg g - -yffiW g? s9 ssbbbbt ?x &?s? XHkHHHV I 5. .; :. .i?(Piwil Ifc $ bbbbbbT - ,sr- SZ;mM&WKBMl l: ' '"'' '4&'s&-'ii S 1 tfiiiV C" ZHBBf EfrSilR Coat and "Eeed -K jLMm. M! S?t Wm&mW Bonnet ever Dressy Costume ATAite Linen Coal -with "Buttonh-ole "Wetlch tn Sleeve and cuff facings of tbe same brilliant color make this coat rather a gay affair, according; to the sober taste of many motorists, but many women like these conspicuous effects and such coats are always present at every large gathering of motor folk. Very handsome rubberized silk coats come in silvery gray with hairlines of white or blue, and the buttons on these coata are of polished silver a little larger than a Eve-cent piece. On these buttons mlladt has her monogram engraved In very chic effect, thus Insuring also the Identity of her coat. TAM going to do my own housework this winter,' one woman told an other, "and spend tbe money that would be otherwise put In a house xnald'a wages Into new lace curtains for tbe front of tbe house." A laudable effort, surely: yet that lit tle woman never realized that a house front of windows draped with rare point lace could not give ber simple menage the air of distinction that would be given by a smartly garbed maid opening the-door to callers and serving, deftly at the luncheon table. By the appearance and tbe manner of cur servant at our door Is oar amount of breeding and also our material well be ing estimated, and the maid should not only be provided with proper apparel for her dotles, but should be most care fully trained in the little courtesies of meeting and ushering In a guest; of re ceiving a card on- a tray, of stepping noiselessly In the halls and on the" stairs and of returning to the parlor or reception-room to assure tbe waiting guest of the hostess Immediate appearance. All these little points, trilling as they may seem, ere a part of that great woven pattern of conventionality and good manners which represent culture, refinement and good breeding. Tbe maid who attends to visitors no longer wears a long white apron to the hem of her dress. Parlor maid and wait ress wear very nearly the same Tialfona, a seat, severely simple blade dress with a pretty little apron to the knees, and white cuffs and collar. Tha housemaid, who Is also the general mald-of-all-work, ma changa ber fresh prist frock and long white apron of tha morning to tha black frock and mall parlor maid's apron after 3 In tha afternoon and, be ready to attend to the door. A few years ago tha cuffs aa4 mflars ' ,,.-,H. W. JORGENSON, . ' CIVIL ENQINER 4 BaraaW Building, Blabee, Aria. 4 TJ ,'. Deputy JsUaentl srarrryor. J OR. W. E. HANKIN, JjeattrtT. m Tkeaaaa, a Qrt&sAJnO KLs4 V BUkif KttMKtss-XsdasR. BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY mmiB'2Z&SA3efXraU Zx&55.? x:-mr.3t " f f sSs&sSS! VVJ -j!11 7 S Another attractive coat Is In shades of brown striped rubberized satin. Collar and cuffs are of tan leather and there are large metal buttons Imitating copper In color. A .Nrrr Model In "White Linen. Linen coata are always delightful when one Is so situated that a laundress Is ac cessible and the frequent laundry ex pense Is not a feature to be considered. Coats of natural linen with hairlines of black or color and satin collar and cuffs to match tbe hairlines are neat and at tractive In appearance and there are 6jheZ,J6Ie erpzm rr&c&v&- KflH aaaaaaawat)l)pf ii aaaaaal Parlor or Lady-. Maid Apron with Bib. worn by most maids were of the stiffly starched eton sort, turned down at the seek and up at tbe wrists. These stiff cuffs vers troublesome to adjust and once on they could not be removed with out removing the whole waist. The turn over collar and cuffs of embroidery or tucked lawn, or of dotted Swiss, like those shown in the tnastratlon, are much more satisfactory, for when occasion de mands the Utile caffs may be slipped off and tho sleeve tsjaMrt back en the arm, aaa the turaorer coHar, attacked with ' BBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBnH BUUaaaJ la BJBJBSBBBBBBBBSBBBWSHBBT BSnjBBSnB SB ) 412bbbT Bcn Osb.! !SBBBBBBBBBBBBBWa beSTS the MQll . ' -stsBBBBPBWsT UTUaf XT"" l t ammntfeounlmftU J MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, light colored linen coata which, when 'matched by a bonLet and Tell In tbe same color, are exquisitely pretty. Dut the smartest thought In linen motor coats Just M Is sure white as has,been pre viously stated and one of these white linen coats, a new model for this nmmer. Is pictured. This coat has n skirt por tion, set In rounded paaela on n seail flttcd upper part, the fastening being, at the left aide of the frout. The tab niff are a new notion and, also tbe tab collar, which 'may be fastened snugly around tbe throat or buttoned back In the manner Indicated. The only trimming of this coat Is tbe heavy stitching and tbe Sat gilt buttons on which are engraved the owner's Initial. A set of these but tons, while costing n fair price at the start, may, of course, be uned on many succeeding coats, and the pretty maid may take as much pleasant In giving away button souvenirs of her motor rides as the gay young lieutenant does In clip ping off the buttons from his uniform and presenting to bis admirers among the gentler sex. As everybody knows. I Its smart black ribbon bow to a feather - boned stock, may be taken off during warm work In the kitchen and readjust ed la a moment when the doorbell rings a summons. The waitress usually bas shoulder straps on her apron, and a very attrac tive apron la pictured, the embroidery In sertion set into the sbort'apron running np over the shoulder to form part of the shoulder strap. Cuffs and collar match this apron, the whole set being one that could be made at home In an afternoon Tbe smaller apron with rounded bib and beading through which ribbon may pass around the waist la Intended for a lady' maid or a little parlor maid who has so more serious duties than whisking a duster and opening the front door to guests. The ribbon used ,1a tbe beading shonld, of course, be black and shonld pass straight around tha waist without any attempt at a bow. Usually If a maid Is provided with a black (rock and, a coquettish little apron she will not object to donning also a pretty cap, which seemar'really part of a rather fascinating feminine costnme. If presented In Its entirety for her consideration. If one has any doubts about the cap ques tion with a sew servant, tha matter should sot be made too Important. A little tact, a gift of apron, collar and cuffs, with the cap Included, and pre sented In a tissue-lined box, win gen erally result lo Mary Ann's appearing willingly enough In the becoming regalia, after trying It on doubtfully In the fast nesses of her own room. The cap for a waitress or parlormaid Is of course but the merest wisp of pleated lawn and lace, with a pert black bow added for co quetry. Even the nursemaid has ceased to wear the hauj white apron, except for work :. MRS. 0. E. BROWN I VOICE AND PIANO .. B .asrurtij-t snnu 4 I fnit laraw HOUSE OPP. 'CENTRAL; SCHOOL. PHONE 269. CLASSES COMMENCE OCT laf , 7.m y 0JJOICX m0$i 1910. ' A Special flotop FpocK for tne-,.'omanat tHe"Wfi.eeI every Army and Nary man. bos n whole et of button' In bis possesion to replace tl'ow? generously mrrlQjed to tbe per su:iil3n of 'hi summer aweetbe-irts mil there Is no reason why thn motor muld should cot be equally well supplied with Initialed coat button. A Jlotor rrocU Trimmed With Leather. The picisri of i special dress for the woman who drives her own nutomohlle sbnwa only the back view of this clever little frock, which, as will be seen, fits the figure easily yet gracefully, and li confined at the waist with a broad, soft leather helt. Both bodice and skirt are cut on tbe bins of tbe material, and though the lines are extremely" slmp'e, very little material of this heavy aort bIng used, tbe shaping and fit of te coitume are beautiful, and. without sug gcting tightness, the comfortably looe bodice fits trimly and gracefully Into the leather belt. The bntton are of wood, and thene buttons and narrow pipings of leather trim the sleeves end collar. Tbe feature of this rhauffeue" frock, however. Is tbe nrraugement of the front. There Is a long panel reaching from neck to Insteps, and thU panel, heavily weighted at the bottom, falls over the wearer's lap gracefully, no matter how the wind blows, as she sits behind tbe steering wheel. The shies of tbe skirt are ct Into the panel by three transverse tuckt which allow freedom of the limb as the feet manipulate the various portions of ma chinery nltliout destroying the good JIues of the skirt. Darby and Joan In tbe Same Slotor Coat. It has an Intimate and sympathetic savor this dressing of bush.-nil and wife In Identically the same motor toga; and one ees even the youngsters of the fam ily rlgzed out to match as well. The ceats fur men nnd women are built pre cisely nilke to the last detail of stitching nnd shaping, and. of course, the two gar ments are cut from the same piece of cloth. This fad of matching coats takej In even the color of the car oftentimes, and one may see a gray car with every body In It apparelled tn gray and exactly alike like a dream automobile, full of about the oursery and during the chil dren's bath hour. In the street the smartly attired nursemaid wears a regu lation uniform, uhlcb may be either of dark blue serge or of gray mohair, with a cloak to match a neat gown: and there Is an Inconspicuous little bonnet of the same color. Mohair Is an excellent ma terial for the maid's frock. It docs not retain the dust, and when soiled may be easily cleansed with soap and water and a hot Iron. It alwnya bas a fresh, crisp look and needs not the constant pressing of a wool costume. When embroidery Is used on aprons, cuffs and collar It should be fine and of good quality, but not of an open or very elaborate pattern. Notes and Novelties, , ALL KltANCi: IS MOIHMNC. WITH II LACK jr.WWJlV. PARIS, the city beloved by the latr King Kdward, is wearing la tokea J of moarnlog. - ! tt; ' and this black Jewelry accompanies black hats, even when worn with colored frocks. There are long chains of fine. Jet beads on which are bung trinkets, or lorgnettes mounted with Jet handles. There are also "slave bangles. massive hoops of polished Jet which are considered very smart, and which show to good advantage tbe roundness ami whiteness of a pretty arm. One gay lit. tie Parisian actress, who Is Justly proud i r9 tiats tttitp ft n Ir I noaro Ansa nf pfiaMis ' V. a aas -0f " vu m vui vt eM,s Jet slave bangles over ber silk stocking Just above ber hlgh-beeled slipper. A DOLLT TJIAT SWIMS. CnE small boys who hang about the ponds In summer, sailing toy yachts, bare been Joined this season by their small sisters, whose dolls seem to have developed new and surprises feats In tbe swimming line. The swlmaatng dolls came along with Santa Clam about Christmas time last winter: but tbe real fun with them bas begun with theopenlng of tbe bathing season. The doll, which Is really a mechanical affair, when placed In the water, assumes a correct swim ming position and strikes out bravely with legs and arms, making real progress across the pooh Unlike the human swimmer this aquatic dolly sever grows tired sor wants to touch bottom with nUICL Ltl-MJN MRS. GUST. JOHNSON, PROP. ALL NEWLY FURNISHED, f CLEAN ROOMS. PRICE3 TO SUIT. LETSON sVLDG, MAIN ST. PAGE THIRTEEN dream people, gliding through a dream nit. I'or driving wear nLio a man and his wife may wear twin coat, and the festure of a recent country horse show uos u light rucalxiut, drawn by a span of sorrel horses and occupied by a proml neat society man nnd his wife, each wearing a long driving coat exactly matching the brown shade of tbe horses, and each coat tbe replica of tbe other in hapo and faihloclng. These big. man nUb coats make a woman look more slen der than a model which definitely define tbe form: and tbe big. loose coats are deliriously comfortable and cosy, too. 'Who 'Woiildn't "Wear a Fetchlne Motor ItonnetT Like tbe aeroplane, the motor bonnet Is still a new Invention od the way to perfection. Darius Green and hlg bis- -torlcal flying machine dates back to about tbe same time as tbe poke bonnet: and the latter, taken up and modified for beauty's wear today- ' really not o unlike Its earlier self. The motor tion nets grow lighter and lighter with each succeeding enon, nnd new models, af silk lined chiffon nnd of soft crln straw, with ribbon lirluis are delightfully airy and comfortable on tbe bead, while sat isfactorily protecting tbe coiffure from the wind A ca!nh bonnet ! easy to make and may le rcicled In a suit case, folded flat. Pire-oighth of tmrab or messallne silk are required for tbe top of tbe bonnet, nnd fire light rattan strip ' are rua tbrongh tucks In this strip of silk. Tb endx of tbe rattan may be Joined undet n rortte over cither ear. or a sbonldet cape may be added. Straw bonnets are both practical and pretty. A recent model was trimmed with rihlion. tbl model fitting well dowa around tbe balr U' 'i-mI Anothel model wii more uu the turban style, with n deep visor brim on which was s Jeweled ornament In deep color, match Ine the lolnrlng of the chiffon veil. Thli tell may he turned over the face and tbe long ends twitted nronnd the throat nnd tied hencnth the cbln In n ttoir, mak ing tbe lionuet tery suug when the wind blows hard. ber fcL She win keep afinat as loci as i:e wishes and slm merrily all tbl time. a nor salt n.tTii. CIIIIBM l nothing more soothing In t case of nervous restlessness than I hot salt-w.iter bath before retiring. The salt seems to so Into the system giving rest and quiet foi the nerves. The wate' should ! about as Toot as It can I liorne, and the luther sbould re tire Just n oon ns tbe Imtb Is completed. Care kl-inld be iakii In the Irylng. a henvr Turkish towel Iwlng UKd vigor ously The 'wVatassd.-as. In Rlmclc, With Strapped A proa, - WkMMM la mm BBS jlMfc&&&?g i seam-tor- sisnaVm??S2! BHsntaar JBsbBt sBnaaaaaaaaaaam 1ssHdHUsbS sneeeeeeeeR. -- i tZZaaarsnals.aaaaal T 'i. &3i 1 Btf'?9iSI aBBBBBBBa Vm'SBBBBBBBBBBBBS bbbbbbbbbI "IIPHbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH '-VbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI IbBSBsH. 'l&asVBBBBBBBB' I9B DR. H. A. SCHELL Eye Specialist Next Visit to Blsbee Douglas CaBs&ea and Naco in September or Oetehar. 0 38 N. Stone Ave. Tucson, Ariz. y y ' I: r ' t 3 1 . .T t .& A w 1 .' ifrv 'H Alao Dearer, Colo. m J W . - Sfcn fS i J VAt l