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-vypffWtvr-rrvfiiptr- w1,WfT?WW' -. 5 H' v THE 1IS1EE DAILY REVIEW. HS1EE. ARIZONA. SUHOAY HORNING, SEPTEM1EB 2S, 1310. TA4E TWELVE ! Sponges ! f t a Large Unbleackcd Spones5lc, 75c and $1.00 Valves CENTS EACH t DRUG See Our Window Display I, " " &(? ' T''!r?rfT!fT?5tw7,'w",n, " V Sp Sooner Sponges 25 Sec Our Window Display FjIFj i" F i te S h" hi ?' ' f7(Wflf k When man alnt got a cent an' he' fceIlnB Wn "wraJjBiBii wJmF " "J An Uje clud tangs dark and heav3r an' 'won't i"" il . TiTngt AiJgSH$! 'S f u'8 t,!,t " e y111"511' fr a feiier ju8t wwMfpfKf&& W&f& Sji " Hls hand UPU your shoulder in a friendly sort mj& fn'TifmWn " T5pvl " make3 a man teel -ueerisn; H makes the tear" !MmfnMf sl wliP( AndyS8sorto- feel a flutter In the fealon of SSKkk! mm-1 r- v You cant l0k up and meiit hls eycs: you dont Tt$25&j 'A!xjir'- J'lJn "CfciVg "TV 'hen a hand Is on your 8hou,ler tn a Wend'y "4 -' - vSjfW NM lf?' '"'V' O, tneorld'sa curious compound, with its honey l- . &&& ! JK1 l - and ,ts 8al1- ,, " fo mi-TV & f With Its care and bitter crosses, but a good world aW" ? SJXiXJ after all. ftfZ'-" """JaVil 1 L 4t - am1 find mtiot bflVA ITL1t1 It- IR5,twlSG V ... Hi " 1 t ru 6w mwu .w . - j --rV'0-52 FELLOWSHIP When man ain't got a cent, an' he's feeling kind of blue. An the clouds hangs dark and heavy, an -won't let the sunshine through. It's a great thing. O my brethren, for a feller just to lay His hand upon your shoulder in a friendly sort of wayl It makes a man feel queerish; it makes the tear drops start. An' you sort o" feel a flutter in the region of the heart; You can't look up and meet his eyes; you don't know what to say When a hand is on your shoulder In a friendly sort of way. O, the world's a curious compound, with its honey and its gall. With Its care and bitter crosses, but a good world after all. An' a good God must have made It leastwise that is what I say When a hand is on your shoulder In a friendly sort of way. ROOSEVELT'S TRIBUTE l well as a very profitale time was'Edith Reese, May Wilson and Mis, church this evening The entire even TO MOTHERS 'spent. Misses Jones ana liignstreei aimer. "The mothers of the nation deserve are most charming hostesses and it all honor. While all good men could Is always a pleasure to bo Invited to attain to good cltlzenshlp-the sol-1 the social affairs at the . A. C. A. dier. the sailor, the civilian ine mother is the best citizen of all. "If she- does her part aright in rear ing and training her boys and girls, she moulds the character of the men and women of the next generation and consequently wields a greater in fluence and tils a more honorable po sition than any man could ever hope to do. "Her life of self-sacrifice, of effort, of suffering, of patient education, pronounce her the one supreme aset in national life, more Important than the most successful statesman, mil lionaire, business man artist or scientist." JS JS On Thursday evening of this week the Cavalier club held their regular dance at Odd Fellows hall. A largo crowd attended and the dance was as enjoyable as the Cavalier dances always are. a a ss Mrs. James A. Greer and Mrs. John Olson entertained with an in formal dance at the Cole-Ryan build ing In Warren of Wednesday even ing. The affair proved to be very enjoyable for all those who attended. k n The C. XJ. C. club met on Wednes day evening of the week to hold their regular election of officers. Those elected to fill the offices were: Grace Rundle, president; Elizabeth Scott, vice president; Adelaide Wittis, sec retary; Yda Paff, treasurer. Alter the business meeting a number of games were played and the prizes awarded. Refreshments were served. The W. M. C. dub met on Monday afternoon at the association building. Refreshments were served and a good time enjoyed by all present. $S 9i lire. Idella Meyers of Glance spent the day In Blsbee Tuesday. j js a Mrs. H. D. McVay spent some time in Naco this week visiting friends. , . ..- Professor Clarence Krinbill spent some time in Douglas the past week. H? ' Mrs. S. Kenefick left Thursday for Spokane, Washington. is js a M1ss Bessie McGinn who has been visiting her cousin Mrs. Percy XeU, has returned to her home n Rands burg, California. si a a Pearl Chapter So. C of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold their regular meeting at the new Masonic Temple on Wednesday evening of this week. JS JS a Bisbee QueeA Hive No. 3 meets in regular session Monday of this week at Mdlgovich hail. H JS 55 Mrs. Sam Warne was taken to the Copper Queen hospital Wednesday suffering, from typhoid fever. 5S SS 5S . Mrs. Robert Hennessy and- daugh ter have returned from a visit with relatives In Texas. 5S 5S SS Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tester of Douglas spent several days visiting friends here this week. 5SJ SS Mtes Venetla Lewi or the post office force has been quite ill this week. SS SS SS .Mrs. C. H. Vail, the librarian for the Copper Queen library has eeen suffering from rheumatism the past week but Is reported much Improved. SS SS SS Mrs. Rachel McKay leaves today for El Puo where she will visit friends for a week. SS SS SS Miss Lottie McKee, who has been attending school In the East during the summer Is expected to arrive In $ 5S SS Mrs. Geo. H. Kelly, of Douglas, who Is spending the summer at Santa Barara, California, and who has been quite ill is reported as somewhat Im proved. Mr. Goe. H. Kelly is with Mrs. Kelly, also their daughter Mrs. Rawlins of Globe. The Woman's club is planning for a year of study that promises to be well worth while. Mrs. N. C. Bled soe has the matter In hand and this assures success, as sho Is a most enthusiastic club woman, and tireless in work for the upbuilding of the club. o j Doughs Society : The Aloha girls of the Presbyterian church spent a very enjoyable even ing as the guests of Rev. and Mrs. George Logie at their home on Eighth street The time passed quickly in social chats and playing of games. The chief feature of the evening was a guessing game. J-ucue savage guessed the largest number of cor rect answers and was presented with the first prize, a big fat apple grown in the garden of their hlstess. The secoud prizes were won by Viola McClay and Ora Parsons, who were a tie. The booby prize was awarded to Miss Seeley. Excellent refresh ments of cake and sherbet were en joyed by the guests. Those who were present were Misses Jackson, Marjory Norton. Lu etic Savage. Catherine Ormond, See ley Barnes, Wilson, Irma Gardinier, Frances Ormond, Sophia Peschke, Noma O'Xeil, Margaret Dunlap, Fern Johnson, Ora Parsons and Viola McClay. o o o The Hearthstone club, which had adjourned during the summer months, have resumed their regular meetings, and the first session of the club for the winter was held Sep tember 14, at the pleasant home of Mrs. Con Harvey on Ninth street The hostesses were Mesdaine3 R. B Sims and C. P. Harvey. The course of study -decided upon for the com ing year will be a study of the Ori ental countries. The members de cided to have one meeting each month He voted to study and one meeting for cards. During the after noon, whist was played and dainty refreshments were served. The members present were Mes- dames Davis, Dubs, F. Krentz, Ma honey, McCarten, Maiden, Sims and Harvey. Misses Torpey, T. Torpey and Morlssey. After refreshments the club ad journed to meet September 28. with Miss Morrissey and Mrs:".- Krentz at the home of the latter on Eighth street. o o o The Philathea girls were hostesses Saturday evening to a few of their friends, In honor of Miss Susie Wil son, who left the following day for her home in the East and Miss Gladys Calne. who Is planning to leave soon for her home in Ashland, Ky. A number of young women who have been visiting Douglas friend this summer have been entertained by the Philathea girls, and each time the affair has proved very enjoy able. The one of Saturday evening began by having a picnic on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Dicus. Every thing that goes to make up a picnic ttiinna nra rn tfi A V1 11 rf far a T1iaA sujji no wa wub vt v. &m v Auttc i o o o The coming social season promlsc3 to be more than ordinarily active, as it Is taid that the Elks plan to en. ter into the social field as never be fore, and that tbey will give a series1 of dances during the coming season. How many of these affairs the ant- lered one are planning, or when the first of them will be held, has not been announced, but it is said that the intention is to hold them in the down-town section, presumably at the R.idsdcn hotel, and the first will be held In the near future. The Elks Anthem. "The Radiatn Moon Hath always do everything so well that a Passed Away," (Woodward). series of Elks dances would be most welcome during the winter season. Ine service will be demoted to. the sacred concert, which the chair has worked diligently to make the best given here. Following is the pro gram for bsth morning and evening: Mornla Contralto Sola. "The Lord Is My Light." (Allitson). Mrs. F. Jones. Anthem, "God Is Love,' (Shelley) Evening Organ Prelude. "Largo," (Handel), F. R. Reynolds. Anthem, "Praise Ye the Father." (Gounod). Soprano Solo, "O Lord be Merci ful," (Bartlett), Mrs. J. J. Harrington. "Cavalry." (Rodney), o o o Plans are being made for the .mu sical to be given at the Gadsden ho tel, a week from Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Prof. Krlnbil will have charge of the affair and he will be ably assisted by the local talent of our city. The public is cordially In vited to attend these musicals, which are given the last Saturday of each month at the Gadsden. o o o Misses E. Marshall and Cleo Tlnk- and Messrs. Dick Pulliam and Dick McNalr, were a party that en joyed a little outing one day this week. o Baritone Solo, Lee Blair. Organ Voluntary, "Pilgrim Chorus." (Tannhauser), (Wagner), F. R. Rey nolds. Duet, "Tarry Willi Me. O My Sav ior." (Nlcolal), Mrs. J. J. Harring ton and H. E. Nixon. Quartet. "Nearer My God to Thee," (Llebe-Schllllng), Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. F. Jones, Lee Blair, H. E. Nix on. Vloflln Solo, THelancolie," (Leon ard), MacMosIer. Anthem, "Glory to Thee, My God, This Night," (Gounod). Organ Postlude, F. R. Reynolds. H. R Nixon, Choir Director. F. R. Reynolds, Organist ' Everybody in Bisbee invited, Seats free. o METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. nmmnups ! CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES. The tegular Sunday services of the Bisbee Christian Science Society are held at 11:00 A. M. in Fair Hall, corner Main street and Subway. To all During the absence of the pastor at conference the usual services will be held. Sunday school at 9:45 un der the direction of Mr. R, B. Krebs, Superintendent, assisted by Mr. C E. Orr. At 11 A. M. the usual preach ing service. The Epworth SLeague will hold their regular service ot ard. Regular official board meeting Monday evening. Oct 3rd., presided! over by L. N. Gooding. u ST. JOHN EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Sunday school 9:45 A. M. Morn ng service 11 A. M. Offeratsry solo, 'My God My Father1." There will be no evening service. Tuesday even Ing Daughter's of the King meet at 8 P. M. Thursday evening Brother hood of St Andrew meet at 7:45 P. M Friday evening choir practice at 7:30 P. M. o Y. V$. C. A. NOTES. Monday-Y. W. M. C. girls are urged to pome (to an important business meeting, election of officers. Tuesday Aynda club meets as us ual at four o'clock. Remember the Educational rally at S P. M. All ladles Invited to come. Wednesday Miss Crigler's club bring sewing and scissors. Thursday The "Inunlonwestand" club elected the following officers lost week: Mary Caretto, President; Floy Cbancey, Vice-president; Eliza beth Wohlschleeel, Secretary, and Blanche Werner, Treasurer. Sunday, Sept 25., at 3 o'clock all joung women who would enjoy read ing the Bible together are invited to the Y. W. C. A. If the weather per mits the group will take a walk off on the mountains and do the read' ing, while resting in "God's outdoors Tuesday, Sept. 27th., all members and women interested, or who wish to be in the Y. W. C A. are invited to the Fall Rally. There will be a musical flrogram, some short talks on the work of the assoefntoin, this followed by a Y. W. C. A. parade Jthrough the houso find yard. AH adult members are requested to In Ute women who perhaps feel strange", not having been often to the asso ciation. Thursday night about fifty of the business women responded to the In vitation of Misses Jones and High street ad spent a pleasant evening at the Y. W. C. A. Music, games with refreshments occupied the time until about ten o'clock when all pathered in the pub room where the subject of a business woman's club was discussed and it was decid ed to organize such a club. October 4 th., 8 P. M., all business women are invited to come and help swell the ranks. These clubs all over the country are most enthusiastic o i The National American Woman Suffrage association has taken steps to find out exactly how each candi date for congress stands on the ques tion of suffraga for women. To each nominess a letter is to be sent ask ing him to state hU vievs on the subject o Mrs. AV. J. Hamilton 210 Opera Drive can accomodate a few more Danderine 1L I-.- 11 -JIlt.. ... rr.f ZL ""V"""""' "'J C:30. led by Mr. WHI'am Rowe of .V'h. "JJ?Je-ct l0T Septcmber 2j Globe. At 7:30 the Epworth League "'" uo "-" v will take charge of the regular ser o- tablc boarders. Phone o !47. The result of the canvas of the votes of the recent Nebraska primary elections on members of the legisla- vlrp whpro'n onrh ilonarimniit nt tho tiirp s'hows that tho Orwnii nlan will FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH., League work will be represented.' almost certainly be carried out in (There will also be special music un-Jthe election of a United States sena- One of the finest programs--ot- rac- der the direction of Mr. C. E. Orr. (tor to succeed Senator Elmer J. red music ever held in Bisbee will Wednesday evening, SepL,2SUi., the Burkett regardless of the political take place at the First Presbyterian usual prayer service, led by Mr. Rick- complexion of the next legislature. rfBvVv-H M'mt w b M -ii, K ft. -V. IiMb I Hi B 3BBBB1 - VBSBBk. X &1BBBBI ilJHJ w Grows Hair aad we can PROVE IT! DANDERINE is to the hair whit fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation It goes right to the roots, in vigorates and strengthens them. Its exhili ratirur, stimulating and life-rroducinc prop erties cause the hair to grow tbundantly Ion?, strong and beautiful. It at once im parts a sparkling brilliancy and vehety soilness to the hair, and a lew necks use will cause new hair to sprout all over tne scalp, use it every day lor a short time, altei which two or three times a week will be sufficient to complete whatever growth you desire. A Udjr from St. Paul writes La aebftttnee. at follow! "Wben I bsui cilng Iu4ctta mr lialr would nut eome to my itiouldcrs and now It la away below ray Llpi. Another from ft cwark. N. J. MI bare been olntt Uandertae regu larly. When 1 Srtt started ui ne it I had rery little hair, now J hate Uie moat be&atlful lonK and ttiic& balf anyono would want to have.' NOW at all drawls.!:; in three sizes. 25c. 50c and SI.00 per bottle. Danderine enjoys a greater sale than any other one preparation regard less of kind or brand, and it lias a much greater sale than all of the other hair preparations in the world combined. Cut Tilt Of. I Prat) T aow how quickly Caadirlts ! aet. we will aend a lane l sample free by return mall to anyone woo aenas u tree coupon to ise KNOWLTON DANDERINE CO. Chicago. 111. with their dame and address aad 10c In sllrer or stamps to pay poataze. Wc point with pride to this preparation i i CREMELIN 1 The greatest complexion builder of the century RUFFIN DRUG M! W. E Harrison Company Wholesale Agents PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER Prnnnitnrpri hv Pnnnnisspurs tn he the Hinhest Ppnrliirt T j ....... -..- -- - - . ot ine Brewer's An. f unable to obtain same fro mm your grocer, call up Phone 395 l!! b it the Hair or the Face that makes the Woman ? -aaflaasSaSaaBHaafe- .aaBeKSllff&3eaaK aattaRaPMaVLaBV flsaBSSaaaaaaVBSwSafalaaaaaBaaaW "' TtfatioA MnnilsT. sy av tar were sandwiches, pickles, olives', sal Mrs. J. C. CuUer la in town from jads, cold slaw, lemonade and cake. El Paso for a short business stay . i After the serving of these good & & linings to eat, tho girls enjoyed s Mrs. Johnny Blair of El Paso, who Dmo party, and later an Airdonu Is well known In Bisbee. is slowly , . including the guf.sts of honor, recoverteg from a severe attack of MIgges grjBle wlUon ,d Gladys typhoid fevet. Irin .., -- n.n. -....,.,,,. Misses Jones and Hlghstreet en-18' Jcnn,e " " Billings- terrain the business women or uwee " --.,-.. -., ,.u a.,, oa Thm-Bday- .evening. A good at- Beeaie Bullknap, VInnifred Regan, tendance and a most enjoyable as Louella Elllngslon, Olive Green, Jf you think it is the face take another look at the two heads pictured here. One shows a girl which the most critical would pronounce beautiful. While her features are fairly perfect her greatest charm lies In a mass of fine lustrous hair. The opposite picture is Identical' as to feat ures and other detail except that the wealth of hair Is wanting. Both of these ladies would attract attention anywhere, but each for a different reason, one on account of her superb beauty and the other on account of her comical appearance. The hair makes all the difference. A woman loses her good looks in exact proportion as she loses her hair Newbro's Herpicide Saves the Hair There is nothing which is so destructive to the hair as dandruff. This annoying trouble tP which every one is more or less exposed is duo to the -working of an Invisible growth or microbe called the Dan druff Germ It robs the hair of the snap and luster ot health, burrows down Into the foQicle and eventually loosens the hair, allowing it to fall out. Newbro's Herpicide applied regularly and intelligently kills this germ, keeps the scalp clean and hair healthy. Palling hair Is thus prevented and, if the hair follicles have not be come atrophied a new growth of hair may be anticipated. The life and luster of HERPICIDE hair is beautiful to see. Is unmis takable. K An abundance of fluffy, glittering hair Is woman's chiefest beauty and to permit Its needless destruction Is unpardonable. KILLS THE DANDRUFF GEfiM STOPS FALLING HAIR Tstaeic Mtfcof jutt u xmsJ Some drugs', who thinks more of a dime than he does of the real food of his customer ,may try to sell you something "just as good" whsfi you ask for Newbro's Herpicide. Insist on having the only Original Dandruff Germ Destroyer. Get Herpicide and Get Satisfaction One Dollar size Bottles sold and Guaranteed by all Druggists. ApplicatioM obtained at the Better Barber Shops and Hair Dressing Parlors. See the window display at BISBEE DDUG COMPANY SPECIAL AGENTS SEND FOR SAMPLE AND BOOKLET A sample bottle of Herpicide also a booklet telling al about the care of the hair will be sent upon receipt cf ten cents In postage cr silver. Address THE HERPICIDE CO., Dept. 43 B DETROIT MICHIGAN' 3 I