Newspaper Page Text
"g , BWPPWiPlj o THE BISBEE DAH.V REVIEW BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1 910. PAGE SEVEH r- a fir-' ft TRMNMEN REPORT MYSTERIOUS DEATH DOUGLAS, Sept 24. (Special.) A story of a ,mysterIous death Is brought to'DougJas "by members of a Southwestern train crew. Whether it 18 murder or suicide Is yet unde termined, and if the latter the case my never be known. Further news may be brought from the coroner, who will bold the inquest, or that inquest may develop llttlo besides the, fact of the death. Members of a train crew which came in from the East last evening report the finding of the body a lit tle way from the railroad track near Tumbling, east of Hachita, N M. The body Is described as being that of a w"hltc man, well dressed In a khaki suit and beside the body, some four or five feet away, lay a Colts revolver. Apparently the man had been dead some two or three days at least, from the condition of the body when found. The coroner was notified and today the death Is prob ably being Investigated. Those who brought the news to Douglas did not examine into the matter sufficiently to state .whether there was any means of identification on the body, any letters or papers, this being left to be determined by the coroner and his Jury. It was suggested this afternoon that the body found near the track of the Southwestern might be that of Sam Gragoo of this city, It being said that the description of the cloth ing answered to that which he wore when last seea in this city. Gragoo went to Bisbee Sunday and returned that night. A party who was with him on the trip back says that he continued on east and was starting on a hunting trip. He was attired a3 was the man found by the train men. Cragoo has not been seen in Douglas since Sunday night. COUNTRY CLUB IDEAS TBYT TUCSON, Sept. 24. To InvesUgate the methods used in the establish ment and conduct of the Country club3 at El Paso, Pueblo and Denver, with a view of establishing a new- one near Tucson, J. SI. Roberts left today for Pueblo, where he will at tend the session of the National Ir rigation congress as a delegate from the territory and from Tucson. Mr. Roberts has In mind the es tablishment of a country club on a homestead which he has acquired three miles east of the city on the Broadwayboalevard, otherwise known as the Twelve Mile Drive. After It It built be proposes io, turn it over to any board of directors who may be appointed by the members, re taining at least for a time the own ership of the grounds and buildings. His plan differs from that of the ordinary country club. Inasmuch as he contemplates creating a mutual -membership with the country clubs of Douglas and El Paso, a project which the Douglas Country club Is now con sidering. The members of the clubs will then bear a portion of the ex penses of all three clubs, but will be entitled, to full membership priv ileges whenever they go on a visit to any of the three towns.' Mr. Roberta expects to devote to the needs of the Country club as much of the homestead as may be needed for golf links, tennis courts, polo grounds and buildings as may be desired. The ground has already been cleared, he states. One purpose which he has In view in Investigating the El Paso and Colorado country" clubs Is to deter mine what sort of building should be erected for a club house, and how It should be arranged both as to the exterior and the Interior. MEAN Situs WORKEO ON MEXICAN DOUGLAS., ScpL 24. (Special.) A mean swindle perpetrated upon two ignorant Mexicans in Mexico and by one of their own race, land ed two unfortunates In Jail at Doug las and brought them before the court this morning. They had at tempted to pass paid and cancelled chocks on A. Aaronwald in payment f"- goods they deeired to purchase. '. hey proved their Ignorance and their lanoncence of any wrong do ing In the Affair and were dis charged. It is only a short time ago that a man attempted to pass a cancelled check on Aaronwald. This was for a large amount and the criminal was given 60 days. The second attempt to cash cancelled checks upon the rame man seemed surprising. Two Mexicans selected goods in Aaronwald's store yesterday and of fered checks In payment which -were stamped paid. They were arrested when the dealer saw what they had and this morning explanations were in order. The men stated that they had received the bogus paper In payment for thir vegetables they EL PASO FAIR and Exposition Oct 29 to Nov. 6, Inc. NINE DAYS AND NIGHTS . ' . . ''.' -. . 4 s. I n t detainment: FRANK RICH, Secy. El Paso, Texas 5a madeeytheCUBAN CIGARX2 Denver, cor Bisbee Lumber Company, Inc. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ORGON AND TEX AS PINE, REDWOOD SHINGLES, MOULDINGS BUILDERS' HARDWARE, DOORS AND SASHES OF ALL KINDS, MINING TIMBERS AND WEDGES, CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. TELEPHONE L 25 EMIL MARKS, Manager O.K. Theatre ttftl0lfttjfl had sold to a Mexican at the Sierra Prieta mine, that they had given goods and cash for this worthless paper in the belief that it was good "American money" as they had been told. They came to Douglas to make purchases and had no other money to make payment. The prisoners told such a straightforward and appar ently truthful story that they con vinced the court and were freed. On leaving they asked for the bad pa per to turn over to the Mexican au thorities, and received them. When they departed they were threatening dire things under the law of their own country against the man who had defrauded them. WAITING FOR TEST. PHOENIX, SepL 24. Oue of sixty five colored children, as shown by the last school census, to be In the Phoenix district, only nineteen have entered the Madison school since it was opened last Monday. Colored parents are said to be awaiting the outcome of the suit to test the seg regation of the white and colored children. The suit is set for Friday in the district court, but will prob ably be postponed, if the salt Is not decided In the meantime. City School Superintendent J. D. Loper will in voke the aid of the law, which re quires parents to send, their children to school, but gives them two weeks from the opening day in which to start them. NUBS Returns From Phoenix. Rev. Wright and Mrs. Wright re turned from Phoenix this morning. Volunteers Meet Monday. The Douglas Volunteer firemen will meet at firemen's headquarters In the city hall on Monday evening for their regular September meting Will Ship Many Cattle. R. V. Pesqueira will start next week a shipment of twenty-five car loads of cattle, -which will cross the line at this point. Before this ship meat ends he expects to have seat out from this point 5000 head. o Move to Winkelman. ' Mrs. RobIbsob aad children of (Twelfth street bate moved to Wink jelaaa, where they joined Mr. Rob inson, who lias been there for ser eral bombs. e j MUs Margaret Isjo of the drug de partment of Um Copper Qvee store Is e&Jeriag a aMattb'a vaemtles. OF EN- &&&& wjtMmiwwwiti O. K. THEATRE Mod Miner's Recovery at the time of the Northern men In Arizona, western drama Two Son's Imp feat ure. Servant and Actress, ccmic Bag Ran, comic. Matinee Saturday 23. AUTUMN RACING. TORONTO. OnU, Sept. 21. The (-autumn-meeting othe.Ontado Jock ey -CluTi was cpened at WJwdblne ParkthTs afternoon with the Toronto Autumn Cup Handicap, for three-year-olds and upward, $2,500 added, and the Dominion Handicap, for three year olds and upward, $1,300 added. Liberal stake offerings and a large en try of horses throughly seasoned af ter tuo summer's campaign combine to give promise of ono of the very best race meetings ever held in Tor onto. SANITARY HOJSE CLEANING Carpets, curtains, portlers cleaned without taking down. Vacuum Cleaner, Sanitary, ho dust, no germs. Work guaranteed. Drop card to P. O. Box 1247. Mrs. D. Fletcher, Artistic Dressmaking, 163 Opera Drive. Tester House. If you have any furniture that needs repairing or upholstering, call on GUST C. HENDRICKS. P. O. BOX 3147 PHONE L25 LOWELL ARIZONA IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of the Second Judicial District o the Territory of Arizona, In and foi The County .1 Cochise John H. Slaughter, PninUtt", ts. G. Kelly, Defendant. Action brought In the District Cour of the Second Judicial District of th Territory of Arizona, In aad for th County cf Cochise aad the complata filed in the hU County of Cochise 1b the office of the Clerk of said DU trlct Court, The Territory of Arizona send Greeting To J. G. Kelly. Ton axe hereby required to appe la aa action brought acaiast yoa o the above named plalatHf, la the Dis trlct Court of the Second Jadlda District of the Territory of Arises In aad for the Coaaty of Cochise, as to answer the eomptalat filed then la within tweaty days (exclaelve a the day of service), after the serrtcf on yoa of this MsafflOM (If servet wlthta the coaaty; otherwise vttkti thirty days) or tateaeat by defaal will be taken aaeJaet yea aceerdtac to the prayer of saM ceataWat. Glvea under say hand aad the 8ea of the District Court et the Seeea Judicial District of the Territory f Ar laeaa, la aaa for the Ceaaty of Ce chlse, this 4th day of May, ta Tear of ear Lord oae theasaad aiae wared aad tea. A. H. GAJWNMK ByW.UOM Daft CMrk ' e? ?M LODGE NOTICES B. P. 0. ELKS Bisbee Lodge, No. 671. BMi first and thW Tuesdays of eaea month at Odd Fellows Hall. Via ting brothers cordially lathe If. A. PETERSON, Exalted Ruler loceph McKeehaa. Secretary ORDER EASTERN STAR Paarl Chapter No. Meets la Hawaii I Second sjad Wednesday ei month. Dovle Those, H Katherlae Pa. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Rathbone Lodge, No. It Knight of Pythias meet the first accost) Lind fourth Toeidajs ct leach month la Pythln I Castle Vlsltlag brothers sot dlally Invited. W. C. MAINZ. C. C. U ixKIQHAUM. K of R- . ORDER OF ik OWLS Vo. 120S luL&3rd Fridays ralr Hall S0N0RA LODGE No. 23, I. 0. 0. F. r.ftndCfi. !xict meets every Mouday si S n ru ti Masonic Hall. Visiting brothers car lially invited. C. a FISHER, N. G. II. L. JENNINGS, Secretary BISBEE LODGE No. 10, 4?"& I. 0. 0. F. meets Trj Wednesday evening in Odd Fello Hall. Main Et Visiting brothers t cordially Invited to attend Wm. TAYLOR, N. Q. THOS ELAIR, Secretary. DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH Lodge No. 3 meets In I. O. U. P. cau lain street, flm and third Frldt evenings of each month. GRACE H. KIGHT. Noble Uuju MRS. MAUD PERRY. Screiar BROTHERHOOD OF AMERI CAN YEOMEN Richard I. Homestead if a meets second and fount luesaay at far axtu Visiting Arrhtr. i? - cordially Invited. - x W W. GIDLET. tVminin E. B. BOROUGHS. Cormsm.urt.. P. O. Box 1682. T. F. B. Bisbee Lodge No. 432 FRATERN AL. BROTHERHOOD meets every Wednesday evening at Fair Hall. Vlsitic, members i-onlla'ly invited. President. BEN'JAMIV frtQG EDITH I. BARTCH, Sec'y. I. 0. R. M. Meet every Thursday evening s I o'clock la Pythian Castle. All vlst Ing Red Men welcome. SAM VERRAN. Sacheu P. C. FENDERSON, K. of R. M. D. COHEN. Medicine Man. W. 0. w. Woodmen or the World mw a Frankenbers'" hall the ti:ond fourth Mondays of each month. VU 'ting brothers invited to attesd., Geo. V. Black, C. C C. N. Th-;mas, Clerk. MUT Bisbee Camp No 13.413, "H Modern Woodmen of America, meets first and and bird Wednesday In Pythian Casfe. Visiting neighbors are In vited to attend. J D. TAYLOR B, L. MOTZ Consul. Clerk. .N THE PROBATE COURT OF THE" COUNTY OF COCHISE, TERRI TORY OF ARIZONA In the Matter of the Estate of Joslah Heal Mank, Deceased. Notice of Hearing Petition Notice is hereby given that Clara P. Mank. has filed In this court her petition praying "for letters of ad ministration of the estate of Jo slah Heal Mank. deceased, and that the same will be- heard on Friday, the 30th. day of September A. D 1010, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon cf said day, at the Courtroom of said rocrt. in Tombstone, County of Co chise, Territory of Arizona, and aR. persons Interested la said estate ara' notified then aad there to appear aad show cauee. If any they hare, why the prayer ef said petitioner should not be granted. Dated Setemher 13th, 1310. Z. E. JAMES. Cleric MAZE CAFE CARETTO A CO, PrrHera Elegantly FMed Ua Far laaWaa. aad "Mataew. v W handta tha Teay Faaat - M trviiiiaviiiiaiffftfaaaj sWtua. 9 HM. - 3ssaaJ!v7 6f9 fif SeVP B I Stfjm9 V l eni?iaarj VS&sf,l VBtAr-i'tyif 1 Pr-VH- -. sstf -ssn 3 CLASSIFIED COLUMNS SULTRY .1FR5FV5 - BAAWED aarr WAifTirm j-si "n HATTUTMr fAHO PAVTNC 'TjurrsToocf JOUNG STOCK OF BOTH SFYm srno 'FARM pM-K. 'Mf. '. ,HDS ikecohdjcow- FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished or un- furnished rcoins. also llnht housekeeping roomp. funs IdllCil or nnfurnlsh-il O.l Jjf:rtjril Purslt'iru Cm. Ruildlutr I'reiYJTv .Jnlfli .J ctod2hill " Pra .. ROOMS Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent, Old Stand- ard Furniture Co.'s Bulld- ing. Brewery Gulch. W. S. Stodghlll Prop. ..LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING.. ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished. Old Standard Furniture Co.s Building. Brewer- Gulch, W. S. Stodghill Prop. Room and board In private fam ily. 82 Tombstone canyon. Second house from Lincoln school house towards town. For rent: & loom nat Clawson Hill. Apply Popular Store. 330. FOR RENT at Warren Two four room houses $10.00 per month. Ap ply F. E. Coles, Copper Queen Store. 338. FOR RENT One three room house. 177 Naco Road. Opposite Hol brook car-stop Inquire second house below or Box 514 Bisbee. lw. FOR RENT Close in two complete ly furnissed housekeeping rooms with water 513.00. W. E. Stoner Phone No. 1. 323. FOR RENT 5 room house, bath electriclly and gas. Inquire I. H. . Barkdoll. 02 Quality HIMt FOR RENT Royal rooming house, 21 rooms, completely furnished. Hogan & Seed. 313. FOR RENT Furnished room close in. Apply Hlclx's House, next to Stag Club. 38 School Hill. 307. FOR RENT Best location m Bisbee on Brewery Ave. A completely furnished store Including safe, cash register, typewriter, etc. Ap ply to Nick Noblle, P. O. Box 1870 Bisbee, Arizona. 417 FOR RENT Ten room boarding house, nicely furnished. Enquire Exchange saloon, Johnson addi tion. 533 FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms. In quire 89 Brewery Gulch. FOR SALE. FOR SALE On Installment plan, cheap on account of sickness 19 room house with lots of people in it, with kitchen and din ing room for boarding" house. Inquire at Globe HoteL 326. FOR SALE Pair good work horses 5150.00. E. A. Tovrea & Co. 33 FOR SALE Country club member sh'p. Price very low If taken at once, Box 837, Warren. 339. FOR SALE 6 room house, lot and furniture $1000. Half cash, balance $20. month without Interest This price if taken at once. Call Fisher & Hickey. 312. FOR SALE A team of horses and peny, at Livingston Stable, Lo well. 301. FOR SALE 1100 lb. horse and long delivery wagon, cheap. Phone, L99. S. W, Dobson. FOR SALE Two welt built 2 ro;m houses, just -painted over. $700-00 916040 cash, balance $20XX per, month and interest. You can liv: In one and rent the other furnished. fer enough to make yCur payment Address Bex 247. Phoenix, Arlz- 24W. FOR SALE Oae hook case oae mission morris chair, rockers, dressers aede etc.- Good as new. No. 15 Warren Are. Mason Hill. FOR SALE Heaae aad two lots In Warrea, Bae!leii leeattea aad artce very rentable. Sea Georfe CteBemt Warrea. 233 ri :-a VI . && SREE SWIN E am COWS. OUR SHROP-SMinr .RJfJIPMEBRED. OUR FLOCK or YURUN G fWCS ARE OUR OWN RA1SINC g, ' k vi ait,. . LARGE BOTH IMPORTED AND AMERICAN DREEDS 1V . Hit llAlU'inTI'iv. WANTED First class French cook knowdlcdgo of rastry wants Lucien Sansaricq. General livery City. WANTED Apprentice to learn making. 40 Oak street. Mason WANTED Competent cook and sec ond girl. . Apply Mrs. J. S. Doug las. Douglas, Arizona. 30C. WANTED WAITRESS. . apply Cop per Queen Hotel. 270, WANTED First class waitress must be experienced, good wages, apply or address Mansion Hotel, Ben son. WANTED Men at Los Angeles. No expense to learn trade of electric ity automobiles, plumbing, brick-1 laying by actual work on contract lobs. Only few months required; 200 students last years. Catalogue free. Enquire Mr. Maldonado. Judgo High's Ctfice. AGENTS WANTED to Introduce ar ticle which helps reduce house hold expenses. Particulars free. Write today. Address Tolles Mfg. "Co.. 2239 Atherton St. Berkeley, Cal. 13C MISCELLANEOUS. To exchange Bisbee real estate for good mining stockB. Apply P. O. Box 1329. or Hardware Racket Store. QUICK LOANS on tornttUM, planes. etc No publicity, goods remain la your possession, easy payment Johnson & Halgler Phone 76. FURNITURE High Class Furniture Repairing and Artistic Picture Framing. Brooks Cooper Furniture Co. O. K. Street Phone 341 Centurion and Red Mountain stock for safe cheap at Room 1, St. Elmo. FOR SALE One upright Kingsbury piano, brand new, $450.00 instru ment for $175. Address P. O. Box 370, Bisbee. 643 :ww00mmmtw) 0OBSON FURNITURE CO.- MOHNSON ADDITION. PHONE' ;L90 An Owed on (By a Famous ft 1 v Advertise and the world will trade with you; Sleep, and they'll leave you alone. If the world owes a Ihing to mortals, Success inert hope brings to none. "Advertise long and lusty you've preached it: "Advertise laud your goods far and wide; "Advertise Let its publish your message To our stecn hundred folks, true and tried," Many times have you told this to others, With fluency, fervor and zeal, And from prospects fat contracts have landed The result of impassionate spiel. . Could you visit all people you'd like to, Advertising your covers would swell. Could the maker talk straight to the user, His goods with great ease he could sell, But he can't, and you can't here's your next best , Let me make many calls in your place, I will interview those whom you ought to See the men with the "say" face to face. Forty-four hundred calls I'll make daily Make each one for a round five cent, Gain an audience deep and attentive With the men through whom money is spent. - L' 0 ' tAn2,a. --o;s3 &i . i 2. ' w ss-i HORSES j BERKSHIACS CARRIAGE' ORDRArr MORSES. FIRST CIAS' RZCISTERCS HACK TOR rOUMDATIO STOCK A1.W . ON HAND ' , ARC .YOUR EYES NOT WORTH INSURING? If so call and let us insure tluia. against the harmful and disagreeable effects of eye s'raln. with a properly fitted pair of lenses. Dr. Rockefeller, my optom o'rlst. Is registered by examin ation in New York, Minnesota and Arizona and has had a wide experience -with proper fit ting glasses. We grind our own lenses for each eye defect. C. M. HENKEL JEWELER Optometrist. LOST LOST, or STOLEN From Den Luis, two horses, one light brown three-ycar-oCd colt, weight 1000 pound branded J. M. connected on lert thigh, also one small bay pony roached mane branded J. M. con nected and I. . G. O. on left thigh Liberal reward for Informa tion that will lead to the recovery of horses James McBride, Don Luis, Ariz. 293- LOST Saturday night between Royal Theatre and 29 Quality Hill, pair nose glasses. Finder please re turn to Royal Theatre. tf. FOR SALE 6 acre ranch, 5 room modern cottage, 28 miles from Los An geles, between Ontario and Po mona, in San ' Bernardino Co. California. 440 bearing peach trees, best variety, 300 euca lyptus trees, 25 walnut, 21 orange. Also family orchard grapes etc., 6 shares of water piped en land, near railroad sta tion and street car line. Tele phone. If taken at once price $2900. BISBEE DAILY REVIEW Advertising Solicitor) - EYE INSURANCE with --- . work. s-dg&K 3 de- i M Wtzl 1 31C. W-MI'X&IL J ' 1 ARC .YOUR EYES NOT si t tKl X t if