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P 5 rtwrtrrtr: 'lt,,J!Wli-yW3W.S?t-iitBtu1k. - - seSjtiwrsr - imt ! jwaiwtawwy w'ffwoaMwu'wuiitfiw' -r4jHlL i JL J peP- THE I1SME DAILY REVIEW BlStEE, ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1 910 PAGE FIVE Heroes ' of World's Series FREE FREE FREE FREE Some article of value will je given to each purchaser of$1430 or more, one day each Week, v CM HPMlfPf THE JEWELER ft OrrOMETRIST 11. llLtllllXuLiy MAIN STREET PHONE 248 ' . 1 ' I t m -fT' v -j i -s Mi W Sv!s?S' y''fe.&3lf Ilt3 ' be:.- kiCrmimm yryClCZlCji, 0lO CHLTTTTCnttS AMKXCiA3r ZXA&VSU. CHAMPIONS TO CLOSE SEASON WITH BENEFIT Cananea Fans Take More Than Thousand Tickets Sold For Last Game of Cactus Pen Jiant Winners CAXANKA Oct. 21, (Special), C-naaes la not through with txueball jet. Nearly twelve; hundred tickets hare- been -old, for the bis benefit same next Sunday. -The proceeds nre to go entire!' 'to the regular team members, who hare upheld Cananea's prowess for tbe past season so nob ly ana welL While every name on the line-up does not belong to a ies iular Cactus leaguer, every man on the diamond will be a good aa'l P'-O'-er. Here they are: Reardon llert Whaling Bob Whaling Brand Reiahardt Holt Thomas Tom Whaling Hodges John Moutugue, -Larry Lajaie" Hagy and Pack Peters will carry bats and act as substitutes for both sidej As this will be the last game of tho Season and Is In the nature of a benefit, a record breaking crowd will be on hend to say goodbye to base tpll for this year. the NatonaJs was in, the box iagain today, winning his third game of the beiiea The Nationals won fiour games, Americans Uo and one game was tied. COAST At San Franc'sco R. H. E. Portland 0 S 1 San Frhnclsco 0 .4 1 Batteries Sutor and Williams, Sea ton and Fisher. Called at end or 14th inning. Darkness. City News in Brief SEEKS CURE IN EAST Del Lewis, former sheriff. left yes terday for New York where he v.ill enter a hospital for an operation for cancer. STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The Metal de Cobre company, the Mexican corjoratlon of the Rio Ya qui and Ailzona company, wl!i hold a stockholders' ceetlng at Cananea today. A number of Blsbee stock holder will attend the meeting. WALL- FALLS OVER The stone wall across the railroad Personal Mention J. K. Mosher returned last evening from Nogales. Mrs. Meyers, of Blsbee yesterday. Glance, was in Robert Brajevlch has returned from a trip to El Paso. P. O. Dostwick. of Douslas. was James Douglas; of Douglas, visited track from the rear of tho G5us- ln Blsbee yesterday gow Woolen Mills store lei; yes terday and blocked the track for a ume. a gang 01 men was put to this city yesterday, work clearing the debris from the track and by night the track was Henry Man. left vesterdav fnr 1,1- a jurge , . , .w..n; vr aiueuiA. At Los Angeles Vernon Los Angeles - ,- Batteriet Willis, ger and Smith.' ' R. H., B. 7 11 2 1 7 . 4 Harkins and ATTENTION MINERS ..ROOM AND BOARD $30.00 PER MONTH. GOOD BOARD AND NICE CLEAN ROOMS MRS. J. B. ELLIOT, SOUTH BISBEE. clear. After, the amount of earth bank. wall fell caved from the DINNER AT NACO dinner party is to be given to- Ra'iih Wilcox, of Curapas, Sonora, was In this city yesterday. night in Naco by Miguel Lopez Tor v. "Jf aI? Uro,ul' PMmt of the res.vthe Mexican consul, to which orth Tlsjc' was ,n ni,bee Jter n Tlllmn-r nf Ttlefw-A u-nrtta 1. tsvn ' Rumsey p Gooitaaa C Odoas Hi KartbcaaH Sit Uaroldy- -J5S Duga , " 3B Moeblfnkaicp LF Carmlchael CF Gamble RF At Saeramentc I R. H. E. Oakland 4 10 1 Sacramento 6 11 S lotteries Willis. Harkins and Thomas; Fitzgerald and Lalonge. o TAILOR FOR THE LADIES Manager King of the Union Wooicn Mills has secured the services of Mr. F. E. Peltzel, of Tucson, who is an expert ladles tailor, having hejd the head cutters position with some of the largest houses in Arii- ona. Mr. King is making a specialty of ladies' tailoring, and with the aid of Mr. Peltzel feels that he can give the ladles of Blsbee the best tailored garments 'procurable. 491 LEAVES FOR EUROPE Spasoji Davidovich will leave to day for New York from where he will sail for Trieste, Austria on the French liner La ToUralnei - NEW AUTOS ARRIVE. The Blsbee Auto company jester day received a car load of the fatu ous Studebaker machines of tbe li M. F, and Flanders "30" type. ; MAY REMAIN IDLE TODAY CHICAGO, OcL 21. It Is possible that there will be a i-oalponempnt of the fourth game in the world's series , The weather bitreuu issued a bulle tin redict1:i,r rain tomorrow 'Show-J era Saturday morning; continued cold'' was the official forecast Oifi-, rials and others vino examined the grounds at the west s'de ball park this aftrrnoon said a heavy shower in the morning would necessitate ad-' other postponement. o - GIANTS WIN CHAMPIONSHIP. XHW YORK. Oct. 21. The Xew York Nationals today won the city championship by defeating the Amer icans 6 to 3 in the seventh game of tbe post seaaon series. Mathewson, who prowd the winning pitcher for MRS. BEASLEY DEAD. Mrs. Bertha Beasley, aged 3C, dlcu at her home in Jlggerville of tuber culosis yesterday Mrs. Beasley re sided In Birmlngbam, Ala., and came to Arizona, for the benffit of her Ihealth. Her husband W. H. Beas ley, arrived last evening from Bir mingham. Mrs, Beasley also lehves four sons, the oldest 1C and the voucg est four j ears of 'age. The remains will be shipped to B rmingham this evening. SETS CASES WEDNESDAY Honorable Fletcher M. Doan -will call the court calander of the Oct ober term of court at Tombstone, beginning promptly at 9:00 o'clock a. m. oC Wednesday October 2C. It behooves a'J attorneys having cases in court to be on hand that their cases may have proper setting. 1 LADIES HOME JOURNAL The new story number ot the Ladies Home Journal is here and on sale at Central Pharmacy. 10c copy. New Fall Goods We arp- just in receipt of a big shipment of seasonable goods, direct from the large distributing points of the easL Th"eso goods were rushed to us by fast freight,' immediately or. arrival of new 1910 stock. Imported Glace-' Citron Peel lb 35c Imported Glace Lemon Peel lb... ... ... 30c Imported Glace' Orange Peel lb. A ...-...,,.. ..30c Imported Layer Figs Ertra large lb ... ...30c Imported Ferndell Brand Currants lb ' ... .'. ,...20c Som? stores buy Ihc cheap candled peels, thereby making a couple o cents extra profit, as they cost them less and retail for the same price, but not so at this store. Wo 'always buy the best obtainable In anything where quality counts vand It s-Tfi' (I-jci In dried fruits and peels, as a comparison wil" showv SWEET APPLE CIDER GAL. 75c I ""M1"" J. B. Angius Grocery ' Phone 29 LEAVES FOR ENGLAND. William Graham left yesterday for Xcw York, irom where he win aii on the 29th on the Cunard liner Compania for Liverpool. RESIDES IN SAN DIEGO Vord was received yesterday that Dr. C. L. Caven, formerly mayor of Blsbee, to .the effect that he has moved into San Diego and will practice his profession there. a number of Blsbee people have beeu invited. It was expected that Col.' Kosterlitzky would be one of the guests at the dinner, but Mr. Torres received word Kosterlitzky j'esterdaj- that Col. to be in Assistant District Attorney E: J. Flanigan left yesterday for 'Tombstone. 22?IIHMM"M---M---a---aBa IM WW Mrmm r ml- m fT wrrMSIsrMJtK'W 1 f mrffoi jbifJrtMta I ifr 3 0 aw, Aru&jmtfrMJr I Aszln sffjj & was obliged Magdalena todaj- and would not be able to attend. Franklj-n Smith ieft yesterday for Sinaloa to visit mining properties 1 near Cultcan. j. , -. .. . tounty Recorder Charles, McDon ine tast blue oold Mining Com- aid arrived in this city last evening pany has placed for sale a block of tor a short business visit, their full paid non-assessablo stock on the market in Blsbee. selling price M. D. Botz, raauaer of R 11.00 per share; the par value ot tueatre ,rft yesterda for tm An. the stock. Subscriptions for this e:es to v,sU b,s famU stock for anj- amount taken at the "S" ?V?r!Cl and ""r United SUtcs Deputy Marshal WHS office of Frank Graf, brokers, or of ,,-, , ,. . 1 1 v nn,,.,. .i '.!.,-., ,u ulteeft yesterday for Bowie where E. Riltenhouso the president of the Company. P. O. Box 9S3, Warren Arizona. STEREOPTICON LECTURE ho went on government business. Dr.. Rickets, general manager of the Cananea properties, was in Bls bee for a short time Testerdav after- An illustrated lecture on China nonn HAD MEXICAN PRISONER Constable Frank Clark of Douglas was in Blsbee yesterday on his wav to Tombstone with a Mexican who was being taken to tbe county Jail to serve a sentence for assault com mitted in Douglas. RETURNS TO CHICAGO Mr. Parkis, of Chicago, who has been visiting the Hartford-Arizona propertj' in the Huachucas, in which he is a stockholder, returned yes terday to his home. He is one of the prominent Masons of the Windy CItj-. RAID LODGING HOUSE IThc officers raided a lodging house in the central part of the city Thurs day night for the purpose of arrest ing several people, men and women; who were alleged to have been vlolat-1 Ing the law. Ho arrests were made, however, but the occupants were giv en warning. will be given in the Presbyterian church' Sunday evening at 7:30 M Jo returned jester- . . . w. ... Uav senes 01 lectures 4totidci iiwftxu- , JltA. at, JtM jAfej'n jfa $aa& 'JfcA ASK THOSE who have banked with us for years whether or not they like our Business methods. You wish to cross the ocean In a ship that has ridden through rrany storms? Rather than keep your money jrourse'f, don't wou want to put your money In a bank that knows nothing but mccess? " MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. . CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY presenting the missionary fields and the work being done by the church to elevate the people that have been without the benefits of the christian religion and j its resultant civilization. The lec ture will be repeated in tho LoweM Presbyterian chapel on Monday even-j ing. a visit of five months to relatives and friends in Kansas City and Chicago. FRIDAYS: Clam Chowder, cod fish and cream potatoes at Office Saloon ACTIVITY IN ALTAR. Attorney D. H. Richardson, of Doug Sas. was In this city yesterday morn ing on hs way to Tombstone.' He stated Ihaf the titles to locaticJ,'s made in the Altar placer diggings near I Cienega, .Sonora, are begin ning to arrive and that quite a mini- John S. Williams, Jr general man ager of the Phelps-Dodge properties at Nacozari, left Blsbee yesterday afternoon for Los Angeles to visit his family. BRIDE-TO-BE FINDS IS E (Continued from Pag ij. left town before it was possible to givV: It to her. Mrs. Reld Is a woman REV. ATTWOOD HONORED Rer. Julius Walker Attwood, of Phoenix, who was Appointed bishop of the protestant Episcopal churches In Arizona by the house of blshop3 of the triennial convention in Cln-J clnnatl Thursday, Is wer Known in Blsbee and has received numerous congratulations from his friends In this dlstricL ber of prospectors are going Into I about 3o years of age, was neatly 3ha district. He said that It now dressed as was her little boj She looks us though there will be much appeared to be refined ,and or good activity In the district this winter, education. Faltin is sa'd to be a A number of Qulnner placer machines man of ovtr 40 years of age. Not are to be installed within a few much is known about him here al ORPHEU1VI Commencing Mon. Oct 24 J r J "A NIGHT OFP" BY'THE JAMES P. LEE MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY 15 - PEOPLE - 15 GOOD COMEDIANS, CLEVER SINGERS AND PRETTY GIRLS (William G. Penny, Musical Director) Here the Orplieum orchestra five pieces, under the direction of Chas AVlen Two Shows Nightly 7:45 and 8:45 PRICES: 10c, 15c and 25c wv?cks. D. n In and get a it the Office Saloon uSWl cf soup though ho has been about town for some time. o . The original Budwclser beer on draught, and S year old Tayloi Whskey at George Robert's on Main INSPECTOR COMING Advices from Washington give the information that James C. Plant, su perintendent ot the computing di vision of the office or the supervis ing architect of the treasury. In tends visiting Arizona next month to Inspect the sftes offered for fed eral buildings. He will visit Doug lafei Globe and Tucson In Arizona, i APPOINTS RECEIVER MONDAY It is now expected that Judge Doan will appoint a receiver for the Bls bee Light and Power company Mon day. The lxs Angeles Trust and Savings Bank applied for the ap pointment of "a receiver as the trustee for the holders of the bonds of the International Gas and Light company. 4.. -v . , NEED ClVlL'ENGINEERS. J. W. Hardy, a civil engineer, with headquarters at C-naica, left yester day for that camp. Ho stated thxt engineers. aro in great demand to make tbje surreys ror mpnumenUng mineral concessions ln Sonora and that all the engineers ln Mexico wre j located In Sonora they could not do the necessary work to monument ell the deaounciDBieota between this . date and the first of the year.' GETS FIFTY DAYS. William Hill, a Flnlander. who was street- fined $50 In Justice High's court Wed- j nesday for disturbing the peace was, START TELEGRAPHIC MATCH unable to pay his fine and will be1 The Blsbee Rifle club will hold a taken to Tombstone. Hill had seen match tomorrow with the Dickenson drinking heav lly for some Ume and nine, c'ub of North Dakota. The scores ifalled -to Support his ramlly It is will be reported between the two sfeild. His wife was a witneiH fcr dubs br telegraph. The match is the territory in Hill's trial and the ' be shot with army rifles over the testified that she supported hsrsoir N"5 so yard anJ 100 y-I ranges, and children by taking in washing. ,n ila? ot thIs ycar the two c,ubs After giving her testimony Mrs. Hill heId a telegraphic match in which was unable to control her emotions ,he snooting was done over the fiOD and shed tears. ..Change of lunch every day George Robert's on Main street. 1 LAD DISPLAYS NERVE j Hobart Harper, aged nine years was operated on yesterday morning and 800 yard ranges. The Blsbee club (won by a score of 27 points. Tho , Dickenson club was not satisfied witn ' , its defeat and challenged this fall Jfor a match over the 800 and 1000 yard ranges. citus. The operation was perfectly successful and the little boy is al- v-a2a nder tho ia ot x BAND CONCERT. Thi Conner Onppn hand will at tbe C. & A. hospital for append!- ltg usaaI concert Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock en the C"Pler tlurou R. Clark. The program will be as fol lows: Grand March, "New City Hall." G. Wv Clercons. Overture, "King Rose" Georsw "). Barnard. Serenade, "Tho Nightingale," G readj' on the road to recovery. The physicians who performed the opera tion stated that the child showed great bravery when brought In for the operation. He walkcl Into the operating room and without having to be forced climbed by himself onto tfiA nritfrallnff tattle lad Ami t . .ail crossed his hands on his breast an,?uav" , , . ,. zfs," F. P. Atherton. Valse. "Pansles for Thought," Lou Ulyn. Intermezzo. "Largo," G. F. Handel. Se-inata, "Polish' Da,nce.". Xavicr ScharweDka. Finale, "America," Johnstcne. without a word made himself ready to undergo tbe operation. UPPER LOWELL DANCE Regular Saturday night dance at Club Hoase. Best floor fa) town and; good, music. Finishing la time to' catch the 11:45 car to Blsbee. I ORPHEUM Sunday, Oct. 23 MATINEE 2:00 P. M. NIGHT 7:30 AND 9:00 P. The Original $200,000.00 iefferies-Johnsofl Motion Pictures M. V Graphically portraying the fifteen rounds of Big Fight 'r and all the principal scenes and incidents prior to this FAMOUS encounter. . Prices:-- 25c, 35c and 50c. Have You a Voice Can you sing. You can get l structloc In Voice. Piano, Elocution No Experimenting Herbert E. Nixon, Studios Masonic Temple Building -- hUlfcL LfclMJN ' MRS. GUST. JOHNSON, PROP. . , ALL NEWLY FURNISHED, , CLEAN ROOMS. ' PRICES TO SUIT. LETSON BLDG, MAIN ST. mm0m0mm t ,' 'JL A r tM -y us t-r x w wrwBj fi-ww vmm - - mmt i ..iii-j-i p - n ip iW-WWHlilfMuyil J. 1 - v miiAmwmmmsWi - S. mmmmi&mmnmum -a V - "ft- -4 n' afea.aL- a-t---.'--!ir----i , AAfr " -----------. jr2fe6Xr-"" --r"r--r -TfT mi i n i ji MjHfc- i;;2i2Ek