Newspaper Page Text
' J - p.-;- '.vr-- afP WfV-;' - 12 M- .pageTsix r. ' THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY HORNING, OCTOBER 23; 1910 .-' - " . - ' "' i"- 'i ' mttmmtm i 0 i Ml 1, 1 1" 1 i i 4 y k?.1 o j . r til; is 11 f M I ' N 1 SATURDAY CLOSES PRICES (By Frank J. Graf.) (Member Duluth Stock Exchange.) While the close of this weeks mar ket differed UtUo over the close of yesterday the market la Ann and In good' shape for a further advance the past -week has shown profit taking but from all appearances the small holders are out and higher prices ere looked for. Tho week Just closed ha. wwm n t7ittnca (n fhn tvlrl lll trraeral nubile is aealn In the market and the stocks are now being hel'd5?ctortap ... .i. 2$i by strong hands. The strong condI-!T'6Iverfhe ;.:.- 3 tton of the market was shown when fcihattuck 22 the Oankiof England again raised! its rate but it had no effect on the! CURBS ; copper market. Now that tho coU; ton bills of lading win remain tho same until December 1st it does not. i: look as if there will be a shortage. of money. The copper situation is 'shaping itself nicely and by the re port of the copper producers for Nov ember will very likely show ,a re markaye (change If She1 produceM continue .the curtailment of 15 per cent as agreed upon. In today's mar- ket Amalgamated showed a point vance. Arizona Commercial, Range and North Butte showed slight ad vances but the general list held about' the same. Sup and Pitsburg and Denn continue in good demand. Curbs are inclined io be quite though not forced f or selling. Inspiration is active tfrouhd . In tfie New York mar ket (Moerlcaa Smelters was Jjasijr the feature showing an advance of over three points. ySteel common was aiso strong but the balance of -tho market wns .practically feature less." We" look tor a broader )market the coming week. Sales, 3S7 500. NEW YORK Amalgamated 71 "Anaconda 42 AtlanUc 8 Ariz Com 1S Butte Coalition 20 Calumet ftArizona 59 Calumet Hccla 559 Centennial 21 Copper Iange 7l?4 East Butte S"i Granby 31 Greene Cananea ... .. T Isle Royale j..22 Keewenaw....... ... 3 Mohawk .."... ..." 51 Miami 19--8 Michigan ..... ' Nevada Cons 21 North Butte 33V Old Dominion -"0 Red Mountain Development Company Latest Development of This Property-SinKing of Winze on Latest Assay of Samples Shows Values, From $36 to $85 The Red Mountain Is In the Draa goon mining district and about two and one-half miles from Dragoon station- The claim bf the company start in the flat south of the S. P. railroad and run for about 750 feet, when they cross the Railroad and go up well into the mountains, giving the northern end about 1200 feet more elevation that on the southern end. As the siding called Lancer is in the center of two of the mining claims railroad facilities re not equaled anywhere else In the territory. The Property The .(Red Mountain Development; compaany owns seventeen full sized mining dims, containing 340 acres of mineral bearing ground, and has the mineral In place on each und every claim. The proceeds of all stock sold Is used for development purposes only. In the district nearly all of the shafu have gone down on an Incline fol; lowtns the ore as they went, conse quently when heavy snipments are, started, new working shafts will nec essarily have to be sunk. Prom the railroad tracks up to the top of the first chain of mountains, a distance of about two miles, there is an exposed reef which stands up prominently shewing the contact and a vein or ledge of more than 130 feet in width. In this ledge, in the center of the claim called the "Champion" is where No. 1 shaft is located. This shaft Is now down 100 feet and Is a vertical working shaft. II has pass ed through a number of layers of lime, schists, porphyry. Iron and the rich copper stringers, which prevail so much In the district . The shaft shows a .good streak of lead carbonate near the surface which This company has a chutes of ore wkich tb$l:00. AT TOP THE WEEK Osceola ... . .. ISO Parrott , 13 Quincy ..... - .. "& Shannon 12 Superior Pittsblrg, 13(w Superior Copper bl Superior Boston 8 Tamarack" CO Trinity 6 Utah Cons 23K Utah-Copper J-: ... 31 'V 3 Mining ... ... X ,'4 Missouri Pacific 56 Rock Island i Southern Pacific 120H St Paul 12S Penu . .N 132 New York Central lli A T & S P 101, n&N 147. Erie S04 Northern Pacific -120 ., 177 Un!on Pacific ad-'southern Railway .... Brooklyn RT; '.9 I Reading 1 55 Gt Northern 12SU C P I 34 U S Steel 3914 U S Steel jPfd 119 American 'sugar . . 119 American Smelters 8154 B & O 109 O & W 43?i Canadian Pacific ...... 1974 1 Western Union 71 CS'cago Great 'Western "24 C & O- 83 Nat Lead 61 Mer Cent 334 (By L. J. Overlook) BOSTON, Oct. 22. After : a dull opening new buying came in and the whole list closed strong at practical lj fop prices for the work. All pres sure seems to be removed from North Butte and the stock looks c-i-eci&tly good for'a further advaaci. Copper Range is becoming mon: active and should be a leader nsxt wjjk. At tention is centered on AtlanUc which seems to 'be authentic that they have at last struck the Baltic loia and if this turns out to bo true this stock will easily jump to "20. insiders are apparently accumulating Isle Koyale and we consider it one of Iho best purchases on the list. Stay long on what coppers you have and buy mure at every opportunity. Paine. Webber & Co. R the 100 Foot Level was dipping to and through the shaft, and a number of good specimens of galena ore were taken out nt It. Under these lead carbonates Is an altered lime which shows up or forty feet when the porphyry intrusions show up for awhile. Under thi3 por phyry the schists come In, showing some chalcopyrlte. In the bottom of the shaft; on the north end directly beneath the al tered lime, is a bunch of green car bonates, the size of which has not been determined as it was only struck recently. -Latest assay of samples show val ues from $36 to $S3 to the -ton. In one of tho csscssment ho!es en an adjoining claim the Mountain View a sample from the bottom ran $1.60 in gold, $3.50 in silver and $7.25 In copper, or a total of $12.65. In fact, wherever a hole Is sunlc down to depth, ore la encountered. About 2250 feet from No. 1 shaft Is No. 2 shaft which Is on an fnclino with the pitch of tho vein. This shaft is down 47 feet and shows up a good stringer of ore whichN crosses the en tire shaft, the dimensions of which are live by eight feet. At the camp is a blacksmith shop, tents for employes and a wagon and team, belonging to jthe company, brings the provisions from the sta tion. : The Red Mountain company has an authorized capital of $1,000,000 divid ed into 1,000,000 shares of the pir val ue fo $1.00 each, fully paid and non assessable. The company has set purposes and are now selling an al lotments at 25 cents per share in order to raise funds tor immediate de veloping purposes such as sinking, drifting, crosscutting the iedgc and lew thousand shares of stock left, that is selling at 25c per sharc-wc are cross-cutting on the 100 foot level were crossed from the surface down 50 feet in the main shaft-when this body of ore is reached this stock ,vf trsf- rt . ---" $&' Curb Mrt comparatively dull but steady. Chlno and Inspiration prac tically unchanged from yesterdays closing. Live Oak offerings few and far between with Indications of ad vancing prices. Denn strong with all 1 offerings, at 3 recently absorbed. Snattuck practically 'hlghen in bid price. Rosalia neglected. Look for renewed activity and high er prices the coming week. CURBS IJagLnaw ax ..... Az Mich J.... 10 B Mtn S oBhemla 4 Baltic 5 Arizpe 2 11 & L ax 10 u C -A 4 Cneraung .. ... ... ..... .. S VrAClUS ... ... ... . a'3 Cordova ax 50 ' Ful Paid ax .. X Denn 3 D Daly 2 Elenlta ax 1 3 Ely Cons ... ,.. 2S Ely Cent '.. ... IS Chlno 22 Glroux .... ... 7 Inspn .- 1... 9 Ojib C Ray Cent A 1 nay cons .. 21 Raven 38 Rosalia- 50 Shattuck I V.. 23 silver Loaf 6 ouuui luiu Sj Cal Sonora . 10 Sup Globe ... 12 Goldfleld "! La. Rose ... .. ... ... 336 N. Tigre 15 Summit ...... .. ... SO n ... Y .., .- o I HEFFERN MEETING DOUGLAS, Oct 22. (Special) The third annual stockholders' meeting of the Heffern M. & D. Co. was held at Woodman hall in this city on October 20, at 8 o'clock p.m., for the election of officers for the en suing year, this being a large ma jority of stockholders repreented. The following officers were unani mously elected, there being no oppo sition whatever: Albert Keffern, Guy O. Strickland, I. V. Scott, Emll Sundstrum, Chas. Bllxt, Eugene Au ment, T. A. Whalen. Mr. Albert Heffern was re-elected as president and general manager, and Guy O. Strickland re-elected as vlco-presldent. also as assistant man ager; J. V. Scott secretary" and treasurer. The reports of the vice-president and secretary and treasurer were read and favorably accepted. o . .Change of lunch every day at George Robert's on Main street. -'"'-' ' . $L v rfl w " -.- b va -', BBBBB9BflBB9BaHBHM BMBSEBB8Bx7-v9nMBBBBiSBj3lBsSBBBR90HBBBBBSBB BBBBBIBe:.vi23BElCTHBMfclBfcjHaBBgBiM)KIBMBI General View of Country at the Bed Mountain Development Property. The cut shows a Southern Pacific train in the foreground, illustrating near ness of transportation facilities. 1 OBSERVATIONS BY nnflirn a fiMtn EDITOR REVIEW A few weeks since adastardly crime was perpetrat cd in the city of Los Angeles; a crime which could only be conceived and executed by men lost to all human feeling-; a crime which furnishes al most absolute proof of the truth of ;the doctrine of transmigration of souls, for no man, except a first in heritor of the soul from a chlld-eat-Iny tiger could even think of perform lng an act 'so devilish and I most sincerely hope that every one con nected with it will soon be apprehend ed and made to suffer the extreme penalty for their crime. I yield to no man a greater ab horrence or detestation for duteh crimes than I feel; nor will I concede that any man, can feel more Blncere sympathy for the innocent victims than does the writer; however, I wish to except and I do It In all car.dor ana after due deliberation from such sympathy, Mr. Otis himself. Now. don't all Jump on me at once until ,1 explain myself, then you can "go' for me all you de3lre. Ever since the "strike" In the coal fields of Pennsylvania in '1877. I have steadily refused to become a member of any labor organization, not because I thought tie Idea of worklngmen organizing to protect themselves, and safeguard their Interests from rapa cious employers wrong, but be- cuse, from what I eaw during that strike. I lelt convinced that such an organization would almost- certainly be dominated and controlled by men who were ex treme lr their views; not because they outnumbered the sober, sane, and con servative members, but because they would always be more aggressive and every conservative would realize that opposition to their views, or radt cal propositions would mean fight, Instead of argument, and your con servative is generally a peace lover so would decide that rather than at tend the meetings where opposition to what he thought was wrong meant certain strife, would smply stay at home pay his dues and let the ex tremists carry out their policies un opposed. Now. not for a moment do I think that the murderous outrage in Los Angeles was perpetrated by any labor organization as a body, yet I do think It probable that the parties who did It were members of some labor or ganization, and undoubtedly fanatical in their views on their side of the labor question and men who would go to any lengths to revenge them selves on any one opposing what they considered their rights. They are the extremists or fanatics ,..,. If.. you will, on the one side, and oa the other we have men like Mr. Otis who cannot or will not see that work lngmen have any rights except to work where told and for whatever may be offered by an employer, and If they raalse any objections to 'the ins offered brand them anarchists or criminals all. I have real editorials in the "Times" that werelhe mouth lngs of a man who was as much of an extremist or fanatic on his side as I ever Jieard expressed by any avowed anarchist on tho other ana about the only difference I can dis cover between them, is merely a mat-1 ter or birth, their brain cells being formed In the same narrow selfish. fanatical mould, and. If by some ac cident they had been made to change cradles, when infants, the anarchist, having opposite interests would take Mr. Otis' editorial place on the "Tlmei as naturally as a duck to water; while the infant Otis, becoming- a workman t with his narrow, selfish view would take the lead In the warfare against the "capitalistic class." In the war constantly being waged between tho Otis and anarchist types, the honest and broad-minded employer and em ploye is kept on the defense from both sides. Pity 'tis that -both types could not Jill be placed in the same field to enact over again the part Df the famous Kilkenny cats. CONVENTION WEEK EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 21. Conven tion week for the Southwest will be tho first week of November. During this week more than a half dozen conventions will be held In El Paso, .while "the Southwestern exposition Is In progress. The Alfalfa Growers' assoclatton of the Southwest will have its second annual meeting at the fair grounds. The National Mohair Growers' as sociation will have its national con vention and annual Angora cat show. The Southwest Editorial association will meet on Statehood day, Novem ber 3, for its annual meeting. A chuck wagon feed is to be served on that day by the fair association In honor of the editors. The Southwest Mining congress will also be organized on Statehood day. The Livestock convention of the Southwest will also be held during the fair. The Poultry association of the Southwest will have ltstannual show and meetings, as will hte Horticul tural and Agricultural societies. The dates of the Southwestern ex position are October 28 to Novem ber G. The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create, makes one feel joyful. Sold by all druggists. FRANK BRIGGS, President 'Sltii(l'! VVV-. "m . 'tvV B H '' WHEN XWlUWJUl wsrvtwi. MAYER ROTHSCHILD, born in Frankfort. Germany, in 1743, and founder of the great Rothschild fortunes the greatest on ecrth peddled from house to house when a boy. He saved money. Economy and interest at low rates, made this great fortune. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK We pay liberal interest consistent with safety 4 per cent. ' CITIZENS BANK AND TROST COMPANY GREAT ORE FIND BOISE, Idaho, Oct. 21. Reliable ln 'orznatlon has reached Boise that In the huge deposits of ore located In Custer county, In the Interior of Ida ho, a large percentage of uranium and tantalum, two rare metals, have been discovered. Both were found In the gravel wash In placer works In the Central Idaho mining district, the property being located in the western end of Custer county, in the district familiarly known to miners as the up per Salmon river country. It was not until after an extensive analysis of, the samples brought to Boise and which were assawed that It wa3 discovered the ore carries 14 different metals, the most valuable of which, according to the percentage, are uranium and tantalum. Ore car rying uraneum metal Is listed at $2000 a ton and themetal Itself al $9.40 per pound. Tantalum ore Is listed at ?2500 a ton, showing the sig nificance of tho recent discovery- o BRAND NEW WRINKLE Here is a new wrinkle in travel luxury, a wrinkle to get rid of wrin kles. Listen: "The travel stained tourist" of fic tion, will be confined to fiction here after, at least that portion of the To the Ton also for purchasing nischlnery for hoisting- purposes. On this property there are numer ous assessment holes which all show up' In copper and all assay from $10 to $50 in value. The average ore in this -district runs from 7 to. 10 per cent, while Michigan and Montana ore only averages 3 to 4 per cent and some of it has to be hoisted 5.000 feet Tennessee copper ores only average 2.5 per cent In copper. In Arizona the general averge is always high, the United Verde at Jerome running be tween 5 and 10 .and Blsbee's Copper Queen ores averaged 7 per cent the year through according to, their sign ed statement. Arlzonaa not only Jeds in point of richness, but it leads the world -In production and Cochise county leads the territory. Its assessed valuation being 23 per cent of the territorial valuation. The Red Mountain company invites the closest Investigation of both Its officers and propt-rtles. They have on the board of directors five practical mining man who have spent years in the mines of the western states and territories. On the board aLso are two business men of BIsbee. Mining stock as an Investment of fers big returns where the company affairs are economically and hon estly managed. Out of 1400 mines worked in the United States tKey have returned from $2.00 to $20.00 for ev ery dollar invested. The great for tunes of Haggard. Tevis, McKay. Wal ker, Hayward Hearst, Clark, Green, Stratton, Day and hundreds of oth ers, were made by developing pros pects into mines. One hundred dol lars Invested In the United Verde at one time Is bow worth $40,000. Ten dollars Invested In the Calumet & P. 0. Box cTirvfijK, i JVrveim i3 05r! HERES ANOTHER MONEY TALK. IF YOU PUT YOUR MONEY in the BANK Y&U WILL HAVE IT TfoU NEED IT. rcewix. .. " -n-c, TAYMfRWEEYEREKIV FtrRcJ.WeifcWmr.VatMyETMMJ f GRANULATED EYELIDS I Murine Doean'tSmart-Soothes Eye Paia Bnri MlhriH t Mmmir. IM Be. Sfc. ILK Maria Er Smhm. taAxptieTakM, 23c. $1.00 ETE BOOKS AND ADV1CB VBKB BY KAIL Murine EyeRemectyCcsCbieago -- - - THE MAZE , BAR THE ORIGINAL BUDWE1SER BEER ON DRAFTS JA8. NICH0L8 tourists who come into El Paso over the G. H. For why, the G. H. has installed pressing and cleaning devices on the obstrvation cars of trains 3 and 10. The devices have also been Installed on trains 3 and 4 between El Paso and Los Angeles. The clean ing and pressing will be done at night while all of the passengers are asleep and train porters will not be allowed to solicit trade. Hereafter one may place his shoes and his coat and trousers outside of his berth and wake up the next morning with a brand new shine and a freshly pressed suit of clothes. Some class to this road, eh?, Hecla, when It was lowest is now (worth $15,000. One hundred dollars invested in the Sultan gold mine is tnow worth a million. The same amount invested in the Strong Laura mine sold for $3,000,000. There have been more fortunes made from mines than from any other source. It is a matter of history that every for tune of of $250,000 or more made In the United States had its -foundation in mining and mining stocks and in every 'instance the begmnittg was small. AH of the great mlaes were prospects at one time and I can safely say that the surface Indications or .the Dragoon, mining district and the Red Mountain are as good if set better than any others of the big aiincs to day. The efficers of the Rod Mountain are as follows: Frank. Brigg3, president; Wm. Haw ley, vice-president; E. J. Brisgs, sec retary; Pete Dworacjh, B. V- Brajc vlch directors. See the cuts jjroduced from photographs: ,Stock today i3 15 cents and it may go cp to $1.00 per share one year from today. Study investigate and invest. The Rev. Dr. Mclntyre, said: "The miner of tody is the king of wealth producers of the country and I honor nlm above all others. It Is no dishonor, it needs no apology to assist him in his efforts.'- As a result of the mining situation. a new crop of millionaires is daily rising. These men are graduating from the laboring classes atd small business men. Some of them no doubt scored losses in their Investments. but continued on the principle that oae good investment Is worth a life time of labor, asd the resait has In countless instances proven the cor rectness of Ifcelr Judgment by re turning dollars for cent). to encounter three will undoubtedly fo 3007, Lowell, Ariz. t UJ w y. r- ' ii i?5 Y ? ft . 1 ' t L jL- .'tjtllJMUimtfn vw!Mr.Ba)iPy;(tj4,J (