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SaHkl T- mnwnm itiijuiLiiiiiategta PAGE E'GHT THE HSKE DAILY REVIEW BISBEE, ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 5, 1910. J5 HAZEL KIRKE PRIMA-DONA A STUBBORN CINDERELLA. . ttwSBH JaBf 1 K BBdWuBBBh mBBBBT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBvRBBBBBBBBBBI PRICE QUESTION QUICKLY SETTLED MERCHANTS OF BISBEE WILL MAKE GOOD ANY PROMISE OR QUOTATION The prices of foodstuffs men. tioned In tho Review yesterday were quoted by the Copper Queen store. merely to meet the exaggerated and mischievous statements to the et- feet that cost of Mvlng In BIsbee Js -soaring. Th0- Iteview has rea son to believe that the prices named arc those generally prevailing among our leading merchants. At any rate, the consumer will find, that he can purchase the articles at the prices named, and the settlement of the whole question rests with the pur chaser himself. HOUSE WILL SEND TWO MEHGIMSJO PRISON ONE THIEF ALREADY CONVICTED AND SECOND ENTERS PLEA OF GUILTY "A STUBBORN CINDERELLA" J The story of "A Stubborn Cinder "A Stubborn Cinderella." soon to cla" is divided into three scenes, oe presented In this city, is one tho flrat showing the campus of of the- later musical comedies by Tfio t Via Pnlitmkiia TTnlfopcUv (tin vrlw1 tUsx iiiMmMi! . rVi. TatH. 1.. " uutuuiuua ui ).4n. , iui av-vw Place and The Girl," "The Girl a "road wreck in the far West. Question" and "The Goddess of Lib- with the third disclosing a view of erty." It was produced for tho the Xatatorium of Coronado Beacb first time In Chicago and has been Hotel, California, while an orange a phenomenal and brilliant sue-, fete Is in progress . The attraction cess ever since. The dramatic crit-1 will be seen here on Nor. 10th. Ics without exception have been loud in praise of "A Stubborn .Cind- . erella," predicting many years of prosperity for It. Its authors have supplied an ingenious and amusing book and a series of tuneful and bright lyrics. "A Stubborn Cinderella" ratf for ono so'.fd year in Chicago; six months in New York: twenty-two weeks in Boston and Philadelphia. The com pany which. is an exceptionally cap able one, is headed by Colt Albertson and Miss Hazel Klrke. rtf Shirts Shirts Shirts For Men MarveLOVS I offering of shirts made by duett, Peabody & Co. All new pat terns Just arrived yesterday whlte bodies mostly with neat dark stripes and effects. $130 each and as a special offer U OF THEM FOR $5.00 See our window showing of these cJassy shirts. Then compare them with any other showing and select as many as you like. All coat sty:; cuffs ittached; made by Cluett, Peabody &. Co. How about Phoenix Silk Sox 50c. Iron Clad silk finish" 3,'c 3 pr. for U.00. Everwear, 6 Pr. Guaranteed 6 Months 25c-$150 Box "I for Everything men and everything safe SQHW21RTZ BROS. GO. The Safe Place On Main St. rr9r'""- fori Ten Good Reasons Home Patronage 1. Your home merchants can duplicate the prices made by any responsible concern anywhere on goods of equal quality, in the same quantities and on the same basis of delivery and payment 2. You can examine your purchases in the home Btores and be assured of satisfaction before Investing you money. 3. Your home merchants are always ready and willing to make right any error or any defective article purchased. 4. Your home merchants help support, through direct and Indi rect taxation, your schools, churches, libraries and other public In stituUons. ; J 5. Your home merchant helps make a good local market for everything you have to sell, and that market more than any other factor gives your land its present value. 6. Your home merchants are your good friends, ever ready to extend a helping hand In time of need. 7. If this community Is good enough for you to live in and make your money in, 'tis good enough to spend it In. S. The best citizens in this community are those who believe in and practice home patronage. Be one of tho best! 0. The merchants In the distant city give you nothing valuable that the home merchant can not give you and the former can not and will not do for you many things the latter do gladly. 10. Every dollar kept in circulation In this community helps In crease property values. " Every doJ lar sent out of this community that could as well be spent here hinders the wheels of progres and be'.os build up some othercommunlty at your expense. TOMBSTONE, Nov. 4. (Special) Manuel Soto, a Mexican, charged with horse stealing, entered a pica of guilty before Judge Doan tfcday. He will be sentenced Saturday. Soto stole a sadd'c horse belonging to the Palace Grocery company, of Bis bee and was later caught at Lo well after officers had searched near. ly all of the southern part of the country. Several months after Soto's deed and arrest tho samo horse was stolen by Leopold Mesa another Mex ican, who was recently found guilty and who was given three years in prison. A' jury today aqultted Mark Wells, a negro, and J. Mendosa, a Mexican, on a charge of horse stealing. They were accused of stealing a horse In Dragoon canyon. o SWALLOWS POISON IN EFFORTJO ENO LIFE PHYSICIAN SAVES RED LIGHT CHARACTER ATTENDED BY WOUL-BE SUICIDES Maud James attempted to com mit suicide in one of the houses In the red light district yesterday morning by taking poison. The wo man gave no reason for her rash act simply saying that she wanted to die. She look a dose of crealln. enough to cause death, but a phy sician arrived In time to savo her life. Crealln is not as violent a poison as carbo'.ic acid although its action Is much tho same and it causes the same painful sensations after being swallowed. Among those who rushed to the woman's aid were two women who attempted to suicide some weeks ago. one or uiem had taken water in Tvhlch, antlceptic tablets had been dissolved. Her life was saved by the timely arrival of a doctor. Be fore drinking' the poison this woman MEXICANS IRE GIVEN HI PRISON TERM One Receives Thirty Years For Killing Countryman And Another Gets Eight For Burglary TOMBSTONE. Nov. 4. (Special). Thh-ty yeair3 in tho territorial pen itentiary was1 the sentence Imposed today upon Marcarlo Jcso. a Mexican, by Judge Doan. Jaso killed a coun tryman at Bowie. His case came up for trial yesterday. The trial lasted two hours and a half and the Jury soon arrived at a verdict. Jaso and 'hly victim were employed on a rail' road section gang at Bowie and quarj reled over tho amount' of work each was supposed to do. He was indict' ed on- a charge of first degree murder. Margarita Garcia, of Lowell, was. given e'"ght -ears in- the penitentiary. Ho was found guilty of commltlng anj assault with a deadly weapon. Gar! cia beat a woman with a beer botCe at .Lowell. He is an old offender, having been recentfy released from tho Yuma penitentiary where he serv ed a term for burglary committed In this county. The authorities say he has a long criminal record. Macillo Garcia, who was found guilty of bur guary, was given1 three years In the penitentiary. fl of the prisoners confined in jail, except one, have been tried and court adjourned today until Nov. 14 .when; the case of A. N. Eckaart, charged with shooting' to kill, will be heard, Eckaart is a traveling sales man and in a row at Bowie he shot off tho finger of Constable 'Williams' right hand. The only man held in Jail on a criminal charge awaiting trial fs A. G. Gnatz. charged with burglary. Twcf.vo priispners have been convict ed and sentenced since the present term of court began. Sunday they will be removed to the territorial pri son. They' will be placed aboard a special car. Two insane persons will be taken to the territorial asylum at the same time. o F CHICAGO. Nov. 4: "The Place of the Concrete in Education" U the general topic selected for discussion at tho annual coavenUoB -of tho cast era division1 of the Northern .Illinois Teachers' Association, which assembl ed at the University of Chicago to day for a,Jtwoday session. The pro gramme planned to suggest to grade teachers and theh- supervisions con-! creto materials that may be useful in direct or supplemental way In their schools'. ing of that term as employed in the constitution." "The constitutions of the states referred to by the court made no provision for government by the peo ple directly but were essentially representative and republican in form. "It may be- said that these ex pressions of the court are dicta, but that court even by way of Il lustration or as a dictum rarely ex presses itself save after careful con sideration of its expressions. The question of the constitutionality of tho initiatlvo and referendum is now pending In that court In the case of State vs. Pacific States 'Tele- nPAn.l tLn 1n- In n rrm filrtrt him Tf he duT not wan, "a & Tc,aPh " Z Luckily for him refused the pols oned cup. This man was present with the woman yesterday morn ing in th3 room where the physi cian was working on the girl who had drunk the crealln. o DOE SAYS REFERENDUM WOULD HOLD ""- UP STATEHOOD TWO YEAR3 (Continued from Page 1-) true tittt no state can pass a bit of j attainder, and that no person- can bo deprived of life. liberty, or property without due process of law. All these several provisions of the constitu tion must be construed in connection with the ether parts of the Instru raent, and In the light of the sur landing clrcumatanjces.' 'The guaranty is of a republican form of government No particular government Is designated as repub lican, neither Is the exact form .to be guaranteed. In any manner es pecially designafed. Here, as in other parts of the instrument, we are compelled to resort elsewhere to ascertain, what was 'intended. "The guaranty necessarily Im- j;Ies a duty on the part of the. states themselves to provide sucn a govemmenL AH the states bad gov ernments when the constitution was adopted. 'In all the people partici pated to some extenL through their representatives elected In thef man ner especially provided. Thcse gov ernments the constitution did not change. They were accepted pre cisely as they were, and it Is, there fore, to be presumed that they were such as It was the duty of the states to provide. Thu5 we have unmistakable evidence of what was republican ln form, within the mean- SPECIAL roR Saturday .. WW O. 0. R. Theatre 'J, . Mens $2.25 and $2.50 Shirts $1.90 Every shirt in this sale is fresh, clean and this seasons stock. In all beautiful new patterns and colorings. Such -well known makes as the E. & W Eagle, Star and other fine shirts are included. All are hand some, desirable styles, the making is above criticism. If you care for beautiful shirts here is the chance to buy at a reduction. A Suggestion-Shirts make a very acceptable Christmas gift. Buy them for presenting. SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY - $1.90 WS PARLIAMENT IS FIRST HELD IN SOUTH AFRICA 421, on appeal from the supreme court of Oregon, and I ' am ad vised Is No. 197 uppn the calendar of the court and cannot by any possibility be heard before- next spring, and In all probability will not bc reached for bearing before next fall, and the decision of the court can scarcely be expected in its present somewhat disorganized condition before the following spring. "The enabling- -act in express terms requires that our constitu tion shall bc republican In form, and it would be ridiculous to as sume that the president, himself a great constitutional lawyer, would I approve a constitution containing these debatable measures wnue a case involving the constitutionality of such provisions is pending in the supreme court of the United States, and we must look for delay In tho president's approval' of such a constitution until at least a year from next spring, and In event the decision is announced after the ad journment of congress, then for up wards of two years. If that -decision be adverse, disapproval will follow as a matter of course. That it will be adverse I believe to have been clearly foreshadowed by the existing expressions of the court. In such event the people will hear no excuse from those who have fol lowed their Instructions lnconsider atey given. Results alone counL It has been said the voice of the people resembles the voice of God. Let me. asiln urge you to submit the question fairly to your constitu ents and ask to be released from vour instructions. Failing in this, and acting upon your present in--tructions. I prophesy you will find "ie wrath of a disappointed people wonderously like the wrath of God and sooner felL" (Continued from Page 1.) general supervision of the Imperial government, is regarded as a strik ing example of tho essential vigor and Roundness of the British politi cal system. The constitution: of the new com monwealth provides for more than union ftr 'substantial unification. The government is to be strongly centralized, following the Canadian rather 'than the American or Austra lian plan. Practically ail tho interest? and affairs of the provinces are plac ed iu the hands pf-the central parlia ment, tho purely local and adminis trative business of -each province only being in- the hands of a? provin cial council, which also is subject finally to the authority of the central parliament The central -parliament, which met for the th-st tlmo today. Is composed of a senate and- assembly, or lower house. Each jof the four provinces Jchoosea Jelght senators' through tho vote of Its provincial council and Its- members of the assembly, or low- er house, and to these are added eight senators nominated by the Governor General in- Council. The members of the housa ol assembly, or lower body of the national legis lature, aro chosen by tho provinces substantially according to the adult male European population. At the outset tho division is: Cape- Colony, 1; Natal, 17; Transvaal, 3C; Orange River Colony, 17. o CHURCHES Lowell Chapel. There .will be preaching services la tho Lowell chapel Sunday Nov. 6, aflt 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. J. H- Walte, minister. o St. John's Episcopal Church. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morn ing service 11 a. in. Evening service 7:20 p. m. Tuesday Daughters of the King meet at 7:30 p. m. Thurs day Brotherhood of SL Andrew meet at 7:45 p. m. Friday chair practice, at 7:30 p. m. o Chnstian Science Services. The regular Sunday services of the Bisbee- ChrisUan Science society are held at 11:00 a. m. in the Fair Hall, corner Mal street and Subway. To these services all are cordirfly Invit ed. Tho subject for November 6 will be "Adam and Fallen Man." o PREACHING AT LOWELL Following the Sunday school ser vices Sunday morning. Rev. J R Waite. a Presbyterian clergyman, will also preach in the chapel Sun day evening at 7:30 o'clock and a cordial invitation is extended to the people of Lowell to attend these services. n First Methodist Episcopal Chudch. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preach ing service 11:00 a. ra. Theme, "He Could ?ot He lUa." Epworth league 6:30. IPreaching service 7:30. Snb Ject, Rom. 8:28. "And we know that to them that love God a!I things work together for good." The official board meets Monday 7:30 in the church par lor. Prayer .mSeeUng WeL , 7:30. Bible o'as Thursday 7:30 at Mrs. Becker's house on School Hlll E. G. Decker, pastor. oOIce at pastor'8 house. Phone 374. K. THEATRE . Program Thursday Friday and Saturday Love and Venddetta, in The Win ter's Grip. Grand dad's Extravag ance. A Playwright's Love. The Badgers. Pressed Roses. Repairing While You Wait The ,PraIrie Post Mistress. A Bison .western picture. Matinee Saturday 2:30v Review Class Ads Pay - -&T MADE bytheCUBAN CiGARXlPtNVElCco TO WELCOME CRUISERS ".- fllch HONOLULU. Nov. 1: In eage .expectancy the Japanese colony awa'ting the arrival in port tomorrow I of the cruistrs Asamai and KasagI of the Japanese fleet Elaborate en I tertalnmint Is hplnir nrenared fori the officers and men. From Honolulu! I?! PTDf ID ft AT ,..,--- -ship." mmhk g - o -vn rail Guaranteed two "" "" " the two cruisers will proceed to San I Francisco. ALL KINDS OF SPECTACLE AND OPTICAL WORK, EYES TESTED FREE AND FIT GUARANTEED. UNCLE SAM'S LOAN OFFICE U Qf With the mam Ul. long windows. WE DELIVER BREAD AND CAKE promptly and scrupulously clean. You get what you order when you want It and how you have a right to expect it Have us supply you for a trial period. We guarantee you satisfactory service and a qual ity of bread and cake that even your own best efforts can hardly even equal. BISBEE BAKERY JOHN NICOLICH PROP. Cool handle, hot point, attached stand Better see ono at least w by iron the old-time way. The inconven ient, expensive and uncomfortable way? You simply attach the Hotpoint to light socket and begin Iron ing at once. Xo kitchen fire, no separate stand, no hot han dle. You can iron out on the porch or anywhero In the hOU3i. Halt the time you can iron with tho current off. When ironing is done, expense stops. The Hotpoint soon pays for itse!f. It saves time, energy and money. The Hotpoint was awarded the Grand Prize at Seattle the Grand Prize Is higher than the Gold MedaL Ask about our special offer. BISBEE JIMP. COMPANY i m i. r . '- i. , IkM 1 - '"" -, ,. 'v 1 ) - - . Aiimjui.irir- r mtd?)Knn rrn-Um &. : -" J? . v: " figs,. '. ' 1 . A?2 i ii If fe' ft ., ' i rl ,. i deling of ieparture. red some J. i 'ft " E .fLr 't. i