Newspaper Page Text
I , , . .Til' " ' ;f.. r '' ''itt'i ". "" V; fl" 5 - i-ilwpryW"5" -tS PAGE TWO THE B1SBEEDAILY HEVIEW BISBEE, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING,-NOVEMBER 9, 1910. 111 "- - j i. .-j-- -' - " ' .wwp ' 'j. r v " -"my'" vp 7" "'"" - " ;. .7 "'"-' r - -- r 1-3 1 . k- - ' 'V -v '.'-: 1 : ' - SiJjjK A -4' 1' Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder is packed in a dust-tight metal box, with patent measuring tube, which -is both safe and' convenient for tourists. DEMAND $15,000 OF ARIZONA COMMERCIAL . GLQUE. NOV. 8. A fifteen thou- sand' dollar damagd suit was nied yesterday In lia district court nrainst the Arizona Commercial O-' pr company by Archibald C- V,eKT lop, administrator for V" " jfji ". Morty McGlntey to"L;f hfeath while In tho cnyoy. f th de,end. ant company, T The oofflplatrv set3 forth that "while so employed on November 6, 1909. McGniey .received injuries from whh jje ifed the same day. It Is alWed that McGinley was op eratic? In a. mine shaft where he was employed as a pumpman. The ViWiip, over which ho had supervis ion. It is claimed, was new in piace partly by a jack screw presseu airalnst the side timbers of the shaft. The jackscrew .the complaint avers was not heil In place except by Its own pressure "on the timbers, hut would havo been reasonably safe If secured by a rope or chain. .Failure to secure the jackscrew is set forth as negligence on the part of tho company. McGinley In the coureo of his work was required to go into -a sump beneatn tne jacs screw. It was while so engaged that Mc Ginley was injured. It Is alleged that discharge of explosives In the mine had loosened the side timbers In the shaft so that the jackscrew fell, and. in falSns,. imiucS McGin ley a fatal- blow on the head. The complaint anticipates the answer of the defendant company and claims that it was not part of McGinley s work to Inspect the Jackscrew and Uhat he wns an Ignorant raan and did not know the danger and risk lnvolved McGinley left a widow and two minor children. DOUGLAS GOLF' DOUGLAS, Nov. S.. (Special Some of the best golf yet seen at the country club was played yester day In the first round at match play in the championship and class tourna ments. The matches, especially in the -championship class, were excep tlonaUy close and well contested and several ot'tbe expected winners nar rowly escaped upsets In the shape of defeat at the very outset. There were "two defaults taken and six teams played In this class, the de faults belnjc "against A. S. Tanner In favor of John Stuppl and Dodge Hoop er in favor of Iverson. In th matches in the champion ship class Jlule Scott made Thomas travel to win by two cp. Carl Smith had a. hard time to win from Butler one up on the last green; French had only one hole advantage over Cass, and Sexton was but one up for Dr. Tuttle. Cutabert defeated Drake three up and Fortin won from Mac Smith "by the same figures. Owing' to the illness of the secre tary of the committee on sports and pastimes it was impossible to get the results of the matches In the class competitions today, but they will be published later, as will be the parings for the second round in the tournajnenL There are now eight survivors in the championship race and four each in classes two and three. iltt !?& he. has forgotten little of his cunning. It-will, of course, be necessarxs for ,i - Tniirf,- i,t,.i with sanded greens and a dirt .course Instead of turf before he reaches the top ot his game. He played in a four-ball match yesterday afternoon and had a card ot eighty, making a fine 37, after taking 43 for the first round. o The old, old story, told times with out number, and repeated over and over again for the last 3C years but it Is always a welcome story to those In search of health There Is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by .all druggists. o SELLS BAD EGGS. PHILADELPHIA, Nor. 8. The firsv prison sentence imposed under a re cent act Qf the legislature for sell ing eggs unfit for food was passed by Judge Barrett In the quarter sessions court here today when he sentenced Gorg D. Ellis, a Water street com mission merchant, to three monins in the county prison. Thomas D- Ellis was fined $500 and the costs of the prosecution. Abraham Staples, another egg deal er, was also sentenced to tiree --oonths In th counuty prison. mMM naaw Baaam TUT Wmmmt Kit lUUV her sister. Mrs. H. If- Scott, for sev 1 I fmti.m&.Wt7.Wmjtrmmi W era! months past, left today for her rjlWnjTITIFVnmS HfeeDoeen'tSart-SootkeeEyePw n -i tiSniiT i ii iitt -i iim "- - -" - -- . im ETE-BOOKS AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL MurineEyeRemedyCx,ChicaLgo EL PASO GROWTH IS HIGHLY REMARKABLE WASHINGTON. D. a, Nov. 7. The population of El Paso, Tex., Is 29,279, an increase of .23,373, or of 14C.9 per cent over 1900. NEW POSTAL RULE ' SERVES THE PUBLIC (Nogalcs Oasts) jOfiyr prdor t.o JJic rallEay- servico of tha poat -r,'ffjc dc Art. ment announces ',. ,ir mslther MexJ-' .i, ,f w uvi - . inn i mam Si "' ul refuso mall directed to ad- ,- uuier tuumi; ucvu v v dresa given does nol appeal iu th-i postal guides. Tho mall, whether registered or ordinary will be sent across tho border and. the postal tferks ot the country Tt destination will bo allowed to struggle with It. Tha new order does away with nno of the inconveniences of for mer instructions. Heretofore when ono had- been given, for instance specific instructions as to how to address a. letter to reach a friend In a distant mining camp In Mex ico one was as likely as not to re ceive the letter back, with a note that tho destination: specified did not appear In tho Mexican postal guide. Under the new instructions all mall for Mexico whose routing is now shown In the postal guide shall bo sent along to tho nearest port of entry, and there turned over to tho Mexican postal depart menL All mall sent from Mexico if the party addressed cannot b located, shall be sent from Mcxlcf with a notatio that tho add:si is insufficient. o CIVIL CASES SET TO.MBSTONE. Nov; 7. The follow- ing civil cases were set Saturdaj morning on the call of tho calendar. AH the cases on the calendar have now been set for hearing at a speci fied date or otherwise disposed ot: H. D. Tinker vs. W. C. MUler, debt: November 19. John Lopozich vs. William Kline, appeal case; November 19. x Everett Kentner vs. F. S. Douglas: debt; November 21. M. J. Hrown vs. Dan Anglus: debt; January 3. F. S. Douglas vs. L. IL Smith; debt; November 21. J. S. Burkes,. et al., vs. School Dis trict No. 27; November 21. M. E. nixler vs. H. C. Sparks; ap peal; November 21. E. W. flWilson vs. First - National Bank of Douglas; dept; November 22. W. H- Phulps vs. National Casualty Co.; debt; November 22. A. E. Hurst vs. Jennie B. Elliott; debt; Novembmer 22. Ramon Ecsudero vs. S. P. IL. R. Co.; debt; December 9. Thomas Pidwell ct aL vs. T. E. Wilson, damages, TJeccraber ?. 1 C. Gonzalez vs. Disy & Over lock; accaunting; December 12. Mrs. L. A. Trait ts. .Mary A. Col tas; quiet title; December 16. Joseph V. Fowler vs. Mary P. Bar row; quiet title; December IS. Henry P. Paff vs. Superior ,fc Pitts burg Mining Co.; specific perform ance; January 3. New York Belting and Packing Co. vs. Oro Maximo Mining Co.; debt; January- 4. Armour Packing Co. vs. Oro Max imo Mining Co.; debt; January -4. Adolph eWtteman vs. Bisbee Drug Co.; debt? January 5. John Hogan vs. Samuel Itnle; ap peal; January G. Blsbee-Arizona Gold and Copper Ca. vs. John I Brown, damages, Jan uary 16. mValTquiet Ut,;rranuUarySlc: tTanW TTAtiBn -art f T T& .J Jt Court then adjourned until Mouday, ,;,, November 14 DOUGLAS NEWS C A. Romadke Is up from El Globo. John Stuppi is suffering from an at tack ot apendlcitis. The Misses Torpey are visitors in Phoenix, attending the fair. Alderman S. G. Dowel 1 returned from Tucson yesterday morning. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Ross left to day for the fair at Phoenix, Colonel A. D. Nanney has returned from a visit to the El Paso fair. George J. Cole came in from the East this morning on his way to Nacozarf. Henry Hein came down from Court-land- Saturday evening and spent yes terday In Douglas. L. R. Budrow of the Lucky Tiger company returned Saturday night from a business trip to Hermoslllo. ' -"' Darora, who oas oeea visiung uuuic m iuumiuu , . . Leave tor Phoenix. Amancr fllA TVm-1a4fta whn lAff yesterday to attend the territorial fair at Phoenix were Mr. and Mrs. Jack SUlman and family, Mrs. II. C. Stllman, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ellis, Mrs. '. M. Adamson and Miss Dor othy Packard. Enjoyr El" Pa$o Fair. Mrs. Kelly Henry, who writes In the society columns of the Inter national and, Is local reporter, writes from El Paso that she is having a very enjoyable vlslL She attended the fair and was present at the meet ing of tre Southwestern Editorial as sociation. Caught Stealing Horse. Juan Garcia was caught last night by Officer Robinson and L. C, Mc Cartney, just a she was about to -- -m.u nuj vi, 141 a JUiSg joelonglnz to McCartney. Garcia jMld to have been drunk at the. m Unique Mlntrl Planrd' A committee meeting. -M11 be held at the Y. M. C "uUdine tonieht to perfect plans fop a unique minstrel show and entertlinrient along differ ent from the'usurj lines, to be held la tho near futuve by the association in Its building. Is New Fireman. "Andy" Anderson, former member of the Cananea and Douglas baseball teams, and lately working on the In stallation of the new fire alarm system, was appointed to the fire department and took up the work yesterday, starting as driver. Bridge Whist Tourney. The first of the series of bridge whist tournaments which will be held by tho country club will begin tonight and all members desiring to compete should bo present at the opening tonight. The winners of the various tournaments will play ofT In the spring. Woman Given Limit. Concha Gonzales nas entered a plea of guilty on a charge of stealing a clock, .a pair of trousers and other goods from tho stare of Joe Kline. The charge of shop lifting was chang ed to petty larceny and a limit sen tence of $300 fine and six months In the county jail, with the understand ing that there might bo a partial Im munity bath if she would, "come through" with certain information of value to the authorities which she Is believed to possess, o CONCEDE BIG LOSS DES MOINES, Nov. 8. Although a loss of 40,000 to 45,000 votes J conceded by republican leaders tho result of factional strife within the party In this state. State Chairman Franko tonight predicted the elec. Hon of Governor Carroll by 15,000 to 20.000 votes. Two years ago Car roll won by C0.000. Taft received 5.000 Claude Porter, democratic candidate for governor, tonight de clared he would win by a safe plura!- iiy. or lowa a eleven reoresenta lives in congress ten are now rcpub-1, state chairman .tonight claimed Lin party would carry the second, fourth, sixth, seventh and eighth districts and has a fighting chance in the other districts. The republicans de clare the state will return a solid republican delegation to congress. o LORD MAYOR'S 8HOW TO BE GORGEOUS LONDON, Sov. S: According t( hints dropped from official source Londoner's will he trfcatcd -tomorrow Ito ono of the longest and most gorge ous Lord Mayor's parades of reccn years, when Alderman Sir Vezey .Strong win be formally Installed in the office of chief magistrate of the city. For some years there has been a tendency to make the annua Lord Mayor's show a dignified pro cession of military and civic organ izations by cutting out the spectac ular features- which were1 formerly associated; wtfh )tihe timehctaored pageant. The rublic, however, did not take kindly to the change and the announcement that this year's pro cession Is to return to thr. old style of spectacle1, with gorgeous floats and gajCy-costumed -horsemen, has been" warmly welcomed. At the same time. In deference to presently ideas',, the pageant to morrow is- to be somewhat "educa tional" in character. The .chief feature will' be -the Inclusion of four or five Shakespeare groups, each containing about fifty performers. TTie chief object of those responsible for the idea i to arouse the interest of Londoners fn the proposed- Shake peare Memorial. In the military divi slow the Territorial Force and the oy Scouts will be represented for the first Onw. o . PEARY RECORDS DOUBTED -Two American geographerss are analyzing tho evidence of Lieut. Peaer final lie reached )tae North Pole. X messenger has been sent to Europe to consult with Professor Andreas- Galle, chief of the geo- deac institute at Beriin. Professor Galle, after a yeaWa study recently declared that Perry's records and ob servations were, in a' scientific sense, worthless. Captain Osborn of the Arctic Club says: "Professor Gale contends that Peary did not reach the pole, and that on that particular day men- trtoj'tfiwiiii i I in i i to allow or accurate observations without using a theodolite." , A Such information, it develop has already come to this country to partisans of Dr. Cook, and tho. matter wil be thoroughly investlgat-' ed. . . I Guaranteed two years. y JLt ELECTRIC IRON Cool handle, hot point, attached atanA Better see one at least. w hy iron -tho old-time way. The inconven ient, expensive and uncomfortable way? You simply attach the Hotpolnt to light socket and begin Iron ing at once. No kitchen fire, no separate stand, no hot han dle. You can iron out on the porch or anywhero la the nous. Halt the time you can iron with the current off. When ironing is done, expense stops. The Hotpolnt soon pays for itself. It saves time, energy and money. The Hotpolnt was awarded the Grand Prize at Seattle the Grand Prize is higher than the Gold MedaL . Ask. about our special offer. BISBEE I IMP, 1 COMPANY WHAT TO EAT In the Bakery line can be had here at any time. When company drops In unexpectedly, and there is noth ing dainty in the house, send to the VIENNA BAKERY for some of our delicious produc tions and then you will realize what a treat it is to eat good Bread. Cakts and Pies Goods delivered promptly on re ceipt of order VIENNA BAKERY K. L. & M. Blda. Main ct. J. R. PILLOW PROP. PALACE LIVERY AND UNDERTAKING C. . BOWEN & HUBBARD PROPRIETORS AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Bisbee and Lowell Phone B23 Phone L7' ' mmtgm .t s BBk SvVBi -Btt mI SBvl VAH ts' .& jPm made bythe1cJuBAMCIGARX2.dehver:colo THE ANTLERS CAFE I MAIN STREET OPPOSITE P. 0. PHONE 221 f WM. ROBINSON LODGE NOTICES. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Rathbone Lodge, No 10 Knight of Pythias meet tho first, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Pythian Ii Caste. Visiting brothers cor dially invited, j. Krtbaum. "k S -Sfa " C ' ORDER OF EASTERN STAR Pearl Chapter No. 6. Meets in Masonic Hall Second and Fourth Wednesday ot each month. . ', Dovio Thomas. W. M. Katherine Paff, Sec. B. P. 0. ELKS Bisbee Lodge, No. C71, meet first and third Tuesdays of each month at Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. M. A. Peterson, Exalted Ruler. JOSEPH McKEEHAN. Secretary. W. 0. w. Woodmen of the World meet at Frankenberg's hall the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Vis iting brothers invited to attend. GEO. F. BUACK, C. C. C. N. THOMAS, Clerk. M.W.A. Bisbee Camp No. 13.415 Modern Woodmen ot America, meets first and third Wednesday In Pythian Castle. Visiting neighbors are in vited to attend. R. L. MOTZ. Clerk J. D. Taylor, Consul. ORDER OF OWLS "No. 120S 1st & 3t Fridays Fair Hall DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH Lodge No. 3 meets in I. O. F. Hall Main street, llrst and third Friday evenings ot each Month. GRACE H. KIGHT, Noble Grand MRS. MAUD PERRY. Secretary. Brolherhood of American Yoemen Richard I. Homestead 391 meets second and fourth Tuesday at Fair Hall. Visiting Achers are cor dially Invited. W. W. GIDLEY. Foreman. P. O. BOX 1582. BOROUGHS, Correspondent E. B. I. 0. R. M. Meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock In Pythian Casue. All visiting Red Men welcome. SAM VERRAN, Sachem. F.' a FENDERSON. K. of R. M. D. COHEN, Medicine Man. T. F. B. Bibeo Lodge. No. 4 FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD meets every Wednes day evening at Fair Hall. Visiting mem bers cordially invited. BENJAMIN ROSS. Secretary. S0N0RA LODGE NO. 23 I. 0. 0. F. Cananea, Mexico, meets every Monday at 8 p. m. in Masonic HalL Visiting brothers cordially Invited. G. a FISUER, N. G. H. L. JENNINGS, Secretary. BISBEE LODGE NO. 10. I. 0. 0. F. meets every Wednesday even ing in Odd Fellow Hall, Main SL Visiting brothers ar0 cordially in vited to attend. WM. TAYLOR, N. U. THOS. BLAIR, Secretary. THE BE8T POOL TABLES IN BISBEE, MAIN STREET TURF BAR 1 1 m JtBZ2hMt' ?MEr '"IBB HCfla JUNIPER WOOD ALL LENGTHS Independent Fuel & Feed Co. Phone 235 Hot Chocolate We are now prepared to serve Beef tea, etc Robert T. Chadwick & Co. Opp. Buxton-Smltl: Have Stood the Test of Time. Sixes ane Colon that BstliTy LA INTERNACIONAL CIGARS MADE BY Kohlberg Bros. v El Paso, Texas I I I I M FRANK J. GRAF BROKEB Direct Wire Service-to alk Market. Money Loaned on Listed Mining Stocks Main St. and Svbway Phone 111 Thanksff We wisk to call attention to the fact that Thanksgiving b almost here, and those wishing to remenber friends at a distance should purchase Post Cards NOW. - -:- ... Bisbee 9"9W I Mli'jSWjIilJgM' 'II . V ' Gerald Debely Jeweler (Successor to Debely & Phelps) 1 -.v :--- -L :i-s'-j.-. .w- 3 YOU'LL HAVE HURRY ! Dollar stock Is not going to last long. The next price is go ing to be two dollars and it is a safe bet that four months will seo NACOZARI CONSOLIDATED at five dollars a share. Wkere can you make money any easier? THERE IS NO HOT AIR connected with what we tell you about the Nacozari Consolidated. We are, are proving up the west end of our property and we have strong neighbors proving up the east end' for us. Do yon think that with a tunnel prop osition, which means no pumping and no hoisting, that we can't produce the ore at much less expense than the old mines that hoist the ore through four or flv thousand feet of shaft? If you don't think about these things now you are going to think abeut them later when Nacozari Consolidated has gone beyond your reach. $1.00 a share. ARE YOU WISE? E. J. CROUCH, LOCAL AGENT Edward's Real Estate Office Or F. W. RITTER, Lowell, Arizona. r hot drinks -Tomato bullion. Brewery Gulch. m$w"t"m'wwm y iving Post Cards Dttug 'P'yyy- "VVW'VV BEHIND OUR CASES OF JEW ELRY stands our guarantee ,of quality and reliability. You caa buy here in perfect confidence that under no circumstances wQl there be any misrepresentation. .) WE .TELL .THE EXACT TRUTH about any article you may wish to purchase, so that when you -choose you do so knowingly and advisedly. We believe that Is your right When you buy Jewelry here you get what you expect you are getting, some times more, but never less. Brewery Gulch TO s& $:. ' 3 &,2R1 taz rvj m i 1 '0 KfeOfl rf" r?H V IV V ' ' SSJf T r rr-HjOncsri fV-K" V9JP.