Newspaper Page Text
t4?h jtygpM w'-r? 'TrjETia' , ' ' ? sP'! '. Jb S rJ J' I1 ft - (-- .tl. Jtt-j' 8PfOWWrtB8l u-t, ..a.jSgljg .jTk. jlnir'Ty iwiiiwwrrwrmmi pn mm. iy tMSMHaaaSBMilWOiflaM i- !?Arav t i Ki i m THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. BISBEE, ARIZONA. SUNDAY HORNING. NOVEMBER 13. 1910 -BOARD OF TRADE IS ' "AFTER ALL5B00STERS GREAT EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO BUILD UP THE WARREN DISTrWCT The hoard of trade has been reor ganised for the purpose oC bringing together eerr business and property intwes In the AVarren district, for the no kutldlng of the entiro comma Hy and to deal with questions effect lng the interest of alt. Heretofoao the question ot monthlj duea kaa entered largely as a factor in keeping out many property owners and business men, and caused a con sldertjhle number who joined to drop out. That objectionable feature has been entirely disposed of atid there can be o cause for complaint from that standpoint The Important ques tiotf mm -to le considered Is runv many and how great a number is going to interest thiemsehes In talcing hold ami making Saa effort to do things for tac common Interest of the city and community. la speaking about this matter one of tho membership committee said eery parson with any holding or lusinj!s interest .here, should take hold to promote and increase that in terest Yon can not afford to leave it to yoar neighbor. If so tho work may cot he done to your satisfaction, nor can you well afford to let the or ganizatiosl go out of "eristenco for want of interest. If you do, it won't be long until your neighboring towns and cities will be getting what is coming to yours, and It wilt be a hack number on the map. As soon bs tho pay-day rush is over the membership committee will call around to see you, to get you to join and support the club, to be a booster, lo hefp keep your city in tbje "lime light" pt comnieticial jactifty, pro vided you have not Joined the "down and out" pr concluded "what's tho use?' I am a has been-.' Of tho lat ter v trust none will be found, in the Wavreir- district 0 IMPROVEMENT AT TOMBSTONE Douglas Gray, a well known min ing man of Tombston, was tn His bee yesterday on. 'business. He stated the watr In the Tomb stone Consolidated is well under control and that drifting is In pro gress in the '.oner levels of th mine. Ore Bhowing aro very aatlr factory and Mr. Orar looks to. bet ter times in Tombstone in the r-ar future. 0 ' ' THREE TO DIE JUCJ1M.OND. Va., Nov. 11: A triple execution is scheduled to take place tomorrow hi tho Virginia- peniten tiary, all of th victims being negroes: They afro John Eccles, James Hairs ton and Tbomus Bailey and all wer residents ot Winston-Salem, N. C 'inelr crtntes was the murder of Sidney Woods on an- excursion train returning to Winston-Salent fron noanokc last Easter Monday. Woods, a peaceable and inoffensive negro was endteaTorins to quell a drunken riot among other negroes on the train when -e was killed. PROGRAM OF RED MEN MINSTRELS TONIGHT Thjo following is the cast and mem bers Hop tho great T-nstrel Show which will be put oet t the Orpheum tonlgnt, Nov, 18. ' Overture from "Thai tleymoon Trail" .... 0 t Orchestra First Part. Grand Opening Chorus .... .... , .... . Bntirto Company (Note! new setting) Song 'Just For "A Girl" Ernest Temby iFun Tom Fitzpatrick Song "If He Comes In, I'm Going Out' . . Walter Lanford Some Fun Roland Davenport Song "O, What I'd Do For A Girl LIko You .. W. J. Reed Som More Fun .... Will T. Owen Song .... 'it's Tho Same Old Mo" Tom Fit-patrick Some nig Fun Oscar Doyle Song "Meet Me Tonight In Dreamland" .. Ed. Maddern Some Roaring Fun .. George Ludwlg Song .. .. "Good Night. UtLte Girl" joe Elde. Some Screaming Fun Walter Lanford Song that Honka Tonk Rag" oland Davenport Some Side-Splittfc? Tun ... Will Owen Spng ....... The Sun That Shines on Dixieland" .. Rob ert Nixon and Entirio Company End of First Part FIGURES SflOW 30 MflJDRIlV FOR THE OEMS of Tomorrow Tom Fitzpatrick STOPPED SHORT (1) "The Land (Tenor Solo) (21 Cochise Tribe Quartet in mus leal absurblUes .... Lanford, Doyle, Davenport. Owen. (3) Dainty MusiU Bon-Bons .. .... Margaret and Joe McCusker (4) "So Long Mary?" (Great Hit) .... .. Mariana Maud Lanford (5) English Clog (rrize dande) Harry Daley to; cowboy Novelty .. Harry Collins (7) Whistling Soloist .... .... .,. Chas. Maddern (8) "At tho Sea Shore" (Bathing Beafctloa) Uy Themselves, (No ifctes) la) "Scenes on thte Levee" all the Old Favorites. Entlr Company-including The Great "Silver Threa"" iumber. Closing, with Jhsf feni Hit; "Moon Song." CI ; Maddern ' and Entiro Com( CurtaU Interlocutor and Manager ., .. Herbert E. Nixon Musichl Director and. Pianist . . ...., .'.. ... ... c. J. Alden Ends .... Dole, Davenport, Lan ford, Owen, Fitzpatrick, Lud- wig. Orchestra c. J. Alden. Piano; Ted Gidley, Violin; J. B. Norcross, Cornet; 1. W. ' Hubbardi Trombone; R. T. Lockie, drums. SERRY WALL AND , MIKE P RlZAAR WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Latest WASHINGTON. Nov. 11. Latest calculations on the national house of representatives based oa complete but unofficial returns, show that the democrats will havo a working ma jority of 30. The outcome of .thc- Unlted States senate Is now deflnitel settled. The republicans are now assured ot IT new senators, which with 34 hold over senators, gives them a total of 51. The democrats are now assured of 15 new senators which with 25 hold overs gives them a total of 40. One senatorshjp is still in doubt the successor of Thomas Carter In Montana where there is a prospect of a tie. These determined totals, however, leae a republican majority in the senate as follows: Total member ship, 92; necessary to a majority, 47; republicans, 51; democrats, 40; doubt ful, 1 The 17 republican senators consid ered assured are from California, Con necticut. Delaware, Iowa, Massachu setts, Minnesota, Michigan, North Da kota (2). Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wiscon sin and Wyoming. The 15 democratic senators consid ered assured are from "Florida. Indi ana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Mis souri. Mississippi,' Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia Democratic Gains. For tho Sixty-second congress thei democrats elected 225; the republi cans elected 165; the socialists elect ed 1, a total of -391. Majority of house, 196 'democrats; democratic , majority, 29; democratic.! plurality, 60. ., Congressional "Gains. Congressional gains "were, made b the republicans and democrats in the following states nnd districts : States Dem Rep Connecticut. " ,. ..,. '", 2 Illinois, C, 7. 9. 1G 4 hdiana, c. -.., 1 owa, 2, 4. j. .J.., Slw 2 owa. 8.. . .L. , 1 lentucky, 9 . Maine, 2. 3. Maryland, 3, 6 PAGE THREE AM OLD IDEX V ,i. Shown tp be Abiolltoly False by' Mbd ern Science. 1'eoplo used to thln'ic that baldnoss was pne of thosb things which are handd down from generation to gen oration, from father to son Just lfke a family heirloom. Sclencb has shown the falseness of this bellH by proving tUat baldness Itself Is not a constitutional disease, but the result of a germ invasion of which 'only Herplclde can effectually rid the scalp. Wtishlng onlj; cleans tho scalp ot Dandruff, It doesn't kill the germ. "Destroy the cause you remove the effect." Newbro's Herplcido will do this In every case, it is lalso a delightful dressing. Sold by leatllng druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Her plcido company., Detroit;, Mich. ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES GUARAN- TjEED. BISBEE DRUG CO., Special Agents, TO HONOR SELIGMAN - 1 .lassachusetts, 3. .fassachusetts, 14 ilicblgan, 1, 5- 1 -iV VI HI Missouri.' 11,'-U&14. 15. ,16.:.,.. JA Nevada, at ?nrg -,, ..,.. ' New Jersey, 3, 5, 7, 8 4 New York, 1, 3. 4, 5, 13, 15. . 17. 21, 23, 27. S3, 35 t. -12 New York, 32 .. , North Carolina, 5, 8, 10 3 Ohio. 2, 7, 11. 15, 19, 21 C )klahoma, 3, - 1 1 "If NEW YORK, Nov 11: Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Dr. Nicholas Murray But!er, Dr. Felix Adler. Ed. ward M. Shepa)-d and Jacob H. SchuT aro among the representative; men ot the mctropolils "who are actively in terested n the ari-ngements for the bg banquet to bo given ae the Jlotel AJstor tomorrow night In honor of "Prof. Edwin R. A. Seligman of -Columbia Unlversiey. The affair is in tended to commemorate Prof. Sen's man's twenty-fivo years of public service as scho'ar, teacher and cltt zen. v Taking Tonics and Built up On Right Food. The mistake Is frequently made ot trying to bulM up a worn-out nerv ous system on so-called tonics drugs. . New material from which to re build wasted nerve cells is what should be supplied, and this pan be obtained only from proper food. "Two years ago I found myself on the verge of a complete nervous collapse, doe to overwork and study, and to illness in the family," writes a Wisconsin young mother. " My friends became alarmed be cause I pvw pale and thin and could not Tep nights. I took va rious tonics prescribed by physi cians, but their effects, wore off shortly after I stopped taking them. My food did not seem to nourish we a4 I gained no flesh nor blood. Heading of Grape-Nuts I de termined to stop the tonics and sec what a change of diet would do. I ate Grape-Nnts four times a day, with cream and drank milk also, went to bed early after eating a dish of Grape-Nuts. "In about two weeks I was sleep ing soundly. In a short time gained 20 pounds in weight and fe"jt like a different woman. My little daught er whom I was obliged to keep out of school last spring on account of chronic catarrh has changed from a thin, pale, nervous child to a rosy healthy girl ana has gone' back to school this fall. "Grape-Nuts and fresh air were the only agents used to accomplish the happy results." Read "The Road to Wellvllle, in pkgs. "There a Reason." Ever read the above letter. A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. The j committee bo. Pennsylvania, 3. 8, 12, 14, 22,24 6 ,ennsylvanla. 10. Rhode Island, 1 1 West Virginia, 1, 2, 3, 4 4 Totals 57 Net democratic gain, 51. ! ftnma rflmnarleAne The following table shows what the I political complexion ot the various j state delegations in the Sixty-second 'congress will be as indicated by the returns. The make-up of the Sixty first congress Is. also compared: ! C2d C. 61st C. D. R. D. R. 'Alabama , . . 9 9 rkansas , , ,, 7 ' 7 California . .'" 8 Colorado ; . 3 3 .onnecticut .. 14 5 Delaware T. 1 .. 1 lorida : 3 3 Jeorgla 11 11 daho . o- 1 1 Ilinols 10 15 6 19 ndiana 12 1 11 2 owa 2 9 1 10 ansas . .,, , 8 Centucky .ouisiana . ,jfeaents for the; Elks Bazaar q. jfunsure it announcing some addition to the pro gram as previously publishod. Berry Wall(ie) Schwaru, some Maine iBrumme! himself, promises to go on, but refuses to dlrulgo his act. Me says that the young bloods in these parts have been stealing his "fire works" too long already. When- interviewed Mike Cunning-; hum said "Who can't comte back? If Nevada Dad Walsh will make 86 pounds ring ew Hampshire tdSa hf R t m Wnrlnoiav fll NC Jersey New York box him under the-MarquIs of Queens Korth Caroline bury rules for monef r nails." Talk North Dakota Z I about Shyloc, o!4 lny" never deOhio laryland Massachusetts Michigan illnnesota IIss!ppl Missouri Montana Nebraska 1 10 10 8 4 2 .,1 8 -13 3 - 1 S 6 Vak El fl Bmk3A J 3. 3 .7 -10 14 raanded as manytjf that 'Jte of flesh &a Oklahoma .4- Oregon 15 - 3 4 3 9 12 8 C 1 3 3 7 12 25 7 3 8 13 Pennsylvania Judge Ho0ur wt Site U cue lifclRhode Island ... tlo poenK "Put More Sand in- the Sug- South Carolina r, Hogan." This will appeal to the $"VfOTa housewives; T, ITU -r.i if- ,.. .. . .'.. . -u"' .-uiuKs nu juiv regaiia 01 a! utan Spanish Toreador, wilt explain "The,VcnnoDt- MyBteries- of Bull FIghUng." His ii-VMn- -v..i,.. .., . A. . . . .. Washington ui uun. iu am, oaycK to me West Virginia tima "Emll" was fighting the bears j.VisconsIn in wi street. "Toreador" Marks 'Wyoming wilt j present the ladles with tasty banderillos as souvenirs. 'J. M. Ball, whose fame and propor tions" are nowise mean will appear Jn a heart breaking act "Pasture Pooli or Golf as it Is Played la Soot land." Hoot Mon! , -10 21 5 27 . 1 1 2 2 2 S o o , ic ic 1.1 2 2 -, 3 19 1 3.3 . 4 1 10 . . 1 9 X 10 1 1 Kaha'l ailorcd-Cloihes UST what every man needs A good storm coat for the cold and wind- days that are part of the Winters pro gram. Do not wait until they ac tually come, but make your selection of pattern and style now, and let us make up to your exact measure a stunning, classy Kahn'Tailored Over-' coat or Suit from one of our 500 patterns of 100 per cent pure wool fabrics. No -it won't cost you any more than a good ready-made and it will be made for you alone. Not 'one of a lot made up by wholesale for "anybody." $20 to $45. M. & O. Emporium Bldg. Totals .22C 163 172 215 Socialists, 1; vacancies, 4. Doubtful, o I H, i .; AUCTION! AUCTION! Commencing Monday, Nov. 14, at 2:30 p. m. I will offer my entire stocK at public auc tion. It will come as a great surprise to the ladies and gentlemen of this community to know that I have concluded to sell at public auction my' magnificent stocK of Jewelry. I am not going to sell out entirely and wish to give the people an opportunity to buy the best goods that money can buy, at their own prices This is an exceptional chance to buy your Xmas presents. You all know my stock, take advantage of this opportun ity. If you don't you will have lifetime regrets. Sale at 2:3a to 7:30 daily. Positively every article guaranteed as represented. C.M.HENKEL PERCY H GREER,. Auct. Jeweler and Optometrist This is an Opportunity to Get Your Xmas r PHOTOS AT COST. There Is nothing that wilJ make a more appropriate gift or rememberance than a photo of yourself, or family .sent to the "folks" back home. $7.00 PHOTOS FOIt ?4.50 Tho coupon below when presented entitles you to one dozen 7.00 photos " for $4.50. Our work W the best that can be had. and speaks for itse!f, as w have made many hundreds of photos for thebeopleof this district, satisfaction guaranteed. REMEMBER MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. 1 lKfi 0E5flHK9 rj1 &5sl jKJ2fEf sifiJiP le&2IS2EP'9 Watch our advertisements for coupons. NOTICE No coupons are good after Dec 13tn , 1910. E-f-E?3 ((5ut this Out.) ,"f!Cr PRESENT THIS COUPON AT BROADWAY STUDIO. By paying 50c at the studio, the holder of this coupon is entitled to one Cabinet Photo in foMer (FREE) regular price $7.00 per dozen. The holder ot this coupon is also entitled to one dozen $7.00 Photos for $4.50. The Broadway Studio J. A. Taylor- Prop. Daily Revtew 75c Per Month - ANNOUNCEMENT We cordially invite the public to call and inspect our new optical department. We have completely fur' nished this department with all oL ihe latest and most modern optical appliances, This'Hepariment is in charge of Dr, W. W, Watkins,,who is oneof the most practical opticians in Arizona, L, L, GILMANf Jeweler and Optician MODERN WOODMAN BALL The second anniversary ball of Tis right to be Uje Modern Woodmen will be held a classic. Jimmy saya lie can drive Jn ne O. O. F. hall torn irrow tbe elusive) ball 70 yards and be nlKnt- The music will be furnished doesnt care who knows It Dy tne Brennan orchestra and the Jeseo Toalcnm will; appear as Hill arrangements have been made to Nye. Jesse says 'bm ins too much rfve a very enjoyable affair, tair to do the part -TFT-f-. but leave ' It to Jack Hinckley ' Jgffcr In the' For Sate at Rerlew. old papers, case. . j 25c a bundle, 100 to a bundle. CAMERAS and KODAK SUPPLIES When you can't find what yon want in KODAK SUPPLIES, come to the LO.WELL DRUG- COMPANY We always have them in stock. Clean and new. LOWELL DRUG CO., Inc. Postoffice Bldg. Lowell. Arizona ' ' n i 1 1 Si- V 1 i' I ! 1 V JeU kJ 4 -i. . - . aJ t.?i V rJifh . " inliimMhiihllifllF &&& f