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-wv fk m rw "W w Jtwgp.g'BEV jj V vr Sfi ar o g1 trr-ssrrrTfp PAGE TWO THE itSKE DAILY REVIEW , MSBEE, ARIZONA. SATURDAY MORNING. DECE, MBER 10, 1910 jnn,.- ..j. in ii II I I I T 'ii X'" -fim ii TTT" - ' -w-mm" mK . jwe court iieid ELS OF THE WORLD IS THE OBJECT I BIRMINGHAM. England, Dec. of the Civil War. Ho summed up 9. The American ambassa- nls fsUmato as follows! Important Conference Will Be . wuteiaw Reid. today .delivered thoThirim"K make? 7his. HpM In National Hanital a1"1133 before Birmingham unl- tory In tho nineteenth century. I l ciu hi naiiuiiai i uauuui TersIty on Abrahan, Lincoln, closing venture to thnk George Washington NeXt Week By bOCiety JaV- Ulo course whlch na8 been In prog- anl Abraham Lincoln not inferior to Oring Judicial Settlement res on -The Maker, ot History In !& unae?eanT,e1-nay-4hoe. " the Nineteenth Centrry." 'f venture to think that In the wholt WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec 9. Mr. Reld spoke of personal ac- long and glorious history of that promote tho caaie of an internatlon qualntance and close familiar ty race. while ts history was ours as a) court or 1..rfJr.. thn mortem wWl the carecr ot sIat Amer'- ell as jours, they hae never been al court or Justice, the Americas statesman. His address was surpassed." Society for Judicial Settlement of notablo In clearing away many ot Uio Ambassador Reid further paid trlb- Internatlonal n smites Is comnletlnc P?PU'r misapprehensions concerning . ute to Lincoln In these words: - uncoin. .Mr. Deid reicrred xo me j pi3ce n;m far above any other arrangements for a conference to be Emancipator os not in the leist a 0f jour shining list of the makers of uE in th s c.ty next eek. The ses- simple-minded rustic, or a profe3s on- history In tho nineteenth centu-y sioi will bo held at the JCew Wlllard al reformer, but on the contrary aa far above Bismarck, far above Gam- tcl. Dectnnlnir one week from to "rue-it partisan ana a masier-nana tetta or Mazzlul. or the Marouis Ito. day. Sn tbo Intricacies ot the game ofj Though not personally modest, ami Th conference will mtwlrtrr the ix!ltlcs- Although personally modest senslthe. he was from hs esrl'ctt me conierence win consider me ,. ...,ii, i i.min - itnr.-.-i . .. . ., ,. .... cuw.h., wVtu -.., ,..-... (utMuluw tt uviiw:m umcu-seeKer. land the most ambitious ot men. Tovrea's Pure Lard Pie Crust One level cup of flour, one ha'f cup of Tovrea's Puro Lard one-half tea-spoon salt, one-fourth cup cold water. Mix salt and flour thoroughly, shop the lard Into this, then add water; turn out on floured board and divide into two parts; roll for bottom crust one-fourth inch thick, the upper crust can be rolled thinner Use as little flour as possible .on rolling pin and board. This makes a light, crisp, flaky and delicious pie crust. E. A. TOVREA & CO ........ .'. ........ V1. . i . ' . m . . V He was an ardent partisan and the most skillful master of men and of all the Intricacies of tho game of unui convention aaoutea by v ... . r hi. oo.nt,nn,i . second Hague conference, -the benc'it persistent office-seeker and the moit to tho world wh'ch may confidently ambitious of men. bo exiiected to follow tho i-stablh- Mr. Reid dwelt upon Lincoln's abtl- uicnt tn tho court thn hrf ar n We as a story-teller, maintaining , politics known In hi state wnca to becuro general adherence vhat wIth a!l .hIs,.'ttl.t ?d "mor hts "Ho was not perpetually telling to ne court so as to make It a court !" !!ui,,"nAiLB?:i risque sto- -.. u.uw.uo . .u.,-v. ...u.j .u u llc3 lu luK ivnie tiuuse. tar every one he did tell a hundred poorer and ui an cauons.-anu me means Dy nn-ii T?nn Tho nmhassnfinr .i which public attention may best bo mat for every story told by Lincon centred on the subject. t whllo president, a hundred loorci I'ha'ldent Tsft will maka an lm and coarser stories had been father portant address before the conference eiJ on him. Mr. Reid said that thN bearing upon judical settlement of r"30? namo of Lincoln should not great tem.aona. deputes Among ,82? the other emlmnt men who have ac smIth by trade-to s0 regard him cepted Imitations to address the was "the last Indlenity from tna sea conference are Secretary of State tlmental school wheh he distrusted Knox. Senator Elihu Root of New In life and. which has belittled hU YorK, Charles W. Eliot ?f Massachu ulood-earned laurels. Mr. Reld i Is the last indignity belittling his eetts. Governor-elect Simeon E. Bald i me career or uncoia irom nis Diood-earned laurels. AUn of Connecticut. JcJ eph IL Ohoa'e. ftfS.Th'o U2?i S.J1 mM tCHtW s l,bIe better at,y ,.. amh-isEnrinr tn nrrat nritaln ,cnpth V1 ,be flnal stases of his other bock. Ho was never a member lormer ambassador to Great iintain. g,. durlng and at the conclusion of jy church." Will am Dud'ey Fouftt of Indianx a ""' uiui. coarser ones have been fathered upon him. "At the moit critical period of hU life he was the victim of such melon cholia that his friends feared for his r ason. Always when not In anl mated convesation he was tho most melancholy-locking ot men. To regard the highest and saddest statesman of the century as a mere proiessionai wcirer of cap and bel's f DIGIEO FOR TAKING iMISS SMITH TELLS Congressman Richard Barthowt of Mi3sourl Thomas Nelson Pace. the novelist, and Francis B. Loomls, former Assistant Secretary of State. Scleral sm'nent forelen publicists and statemen a'so cae been nvitetl to take part in the ccrafcrence. James Brown Scott or this city in president of the fiocictv which is arranplng tho conference. John Hays Hammond is SPIRITUALIST SWINDLERS RUN vice prc'IdenL Tneooore aiarours ui AGED WOMAN'S HOARD UaXt more Is secretary, and J. O. Schmldlapp of Cincinnati, treasurer President Taft 13 honorary president or tho organisation. It Is felt by the soe'ety and by thoso who ha- consented to take part In the proceed m thatiho meet lng -will not on'y aid the far-sighted men' who are 1 en ng their energies toward tho realltatloa of the pro of tho International court of arb tra. tton. but Ui-tf. t wi'l contr buic power AFOUL OF THE GRAND JURY IN SAN FRANCISCO Famotis Indian Hot Springs imgjSIBJ A noted resort for health and pleasure. Rates $2 00 to $3.00 per day. Twenty minutes ride from Hot Springs Station, Gra ham county, Arizona. These wonderful waters are recom mended to cure rheumatism, gout, dropsy, liver, kidney and stomach troubles, blood dis eases and women's aliments. Beautiful lawns and shade trees. Large plunge and swim ming poo!; also fish lake and boating, lawn tennis and cro quet and swings. Try our won derful mud and mineral baths. If you are sick, get well, If well get pleasure. THE BEST OF HUNTING AND FISHING AT ALL TIMES. ALEXANDER BROS. Proprietors. . Miv stood th Tait of Tim. xw and Colon that Satisfy. U INTERNACIONAL CIGARS , MADE Y 'riZS, Kohlberg Bros. v EI Paso, Texas t0m0&WKt0m0m0m0mimm THE ANTLERS CAFE MAIN SJREET OPPOSITE P. 0. PHONE 221 WM. ROBINSON MMWMm4WWfeAMl4WI(MWWWNIMMMMWMWhTl ! DOLLARS SAVED t "When you trado with us you get the best for your money. No bad tainted groceries to throw away. -Money saved is money made." Brajevich & Kristovich PHONE 141. Tannhauscr Beer made In Arizona Do you need one? Tannhauser Beer made In Arizona K "5 o it Sf -I CO 3 a s- . A NEW CONSTITUTION Let U3 build ou a new constitution with a good puro clean wholsesome Beer. Made from the choicest ot Grain malt and ban. Its name Is TANNHAUSER, It is guaranteed by the pure food law. It Is unexcelled Tor purity and flavor. And its health giving nourishing qualities to the tired mothers 13 inestimable. Make It your Family Bever age. It Is within tho reach ot ALL. PRICE $3.30 for case of 2 doz. Qts. Delivered at your home ask your grocer for Tannhauser Beer take no other If he does not have It. phone 243. BOSTON & BROWN Agents for the Tannhauser Beer a o 3 s r- C ST ! 0 g t3 o Phone 247 Phone 24S. SAN FRAXClSCO,( Dec. 9. Indict ments charging grand larceny wero returned by the grand Jurj against Mrs., Dessle Arnold, Oscar Arnold Attorned E. C. M los and Emma Scrth, accused of halng defrauded Mm Olive Grlesse out of Sl.liuO hfr Tally to th creation and -treegthpn H'ea saxings. through tho mtiuni of Tng of the i .1)1" s t mem t-11 es MjnUul to the succefeiu. I'""" of the court. TAP LINE QUESTION - UP FOR HEARING INTERSTATE BOARD HOU3S SES SION IN NEW ORLEANS TO CONSIDER THE PROBLEM NEW ORLEANS. La.. Dec 9 What is hoped will be a final hear ng in the so-called tap line question was begun before rcpresentath es or the Interstate Commerce Commission In this cty today The decision that riii noiir frnm the hcannc will, it is expected, fix the status of the nundreds- of tap lines, or short rall toadg connect ns with Interstate common carrlew. In all parts of the cfMintrv. The Important problem of what const.tutes a rebate and whjt con stitutes a common carrier Is iuvoueo in ti ouestlon of the relations c the tup lines to the regularly recog nized' common carriers, and as a con sequence the flnjil deas on In the trr.v awaited keen In terest by both railroads and shippers. The tap roads operate within a state, but participate In the IntersUte traffic w th the large rdads. The trunk lines and regular ra.lways gen erally have had dlvions C .freight 'plr tualism The se-s 011 of the grand jurj preceding thv finding of the true bills was heil in tne ivxjrj of Mrs. Griesso, where the aged wom an lies seriously '11. M A Mrs. Arnold was recently -cor.vlcted in tho superior court on a charge sirr ilar to the one made against her to day and sentenced to Svo years J. W Corb n, who the authorities claim, is a "steerer" for the Arnolds, wras indicted on a charge of compound ing.a felony. Mrs. Grlesse told the grand jurj she had been made to breathe In' cense and then- Induced to met $1,- 000 In the Founta n Tooth Brush Co ARIZONA'S BUDGET AUDITING COMMITTEE OF COUN CIL WOULD LIKE TO SEE OR. IGINAL RECEIPTS WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. (Spe cial) The estimates of appropria tions sent to congress today tor the next fiscal jear have tho following for Arizona: Indian school at Fort Mojavc, ?S8,100. Irrigation for the Gila river re jcrvation $125,000. Phoenlr Indian school, $127,100 Truxton Canyon school, $21,200. in force with small enterprises Public bulldlnB for Phoenix. $100,- rates in "wj ""T ' ,mmjs. 000. The inte.rste "" arrang. increase in the calary of tho gov slon conaemuvu -- . u crnor t0 ?5nno and the secreUry ent, on .---- common from St.800 to S2.PO0. Mr, maram- mil. tfcr- -w Ulera but merely -rt- The one price store, o Hcnkels. HOTEL MEN MEET . . hih iiablcd terprise. allowance w -... - rte maintenance ol "bates. Many ot Iheg roads cancelled these dM- slons but on tap lines ait. " MACON. Ga Dec 9. More than carriers ,. T,r. two-scoro representative hotel mea .w- ..) fic. now UP tor J"-"" - ... . .j. .. lng. Involving the whole matt er o 1 p yTeBia&st . j uam of Atlanta onnwances and d ralons, " caileri to orftrr the fourth annifSl of the Star Grain and Lumber w taeenttg ol y Georgia Hotel Men's anv- against Ure avcuj"". -. ASJoclatlon. Tho session will las ... santa Fe and other ra.jruu- cs3 propoga, to j, cjnb. Accororiig to -esumate ul",. -, ond hospiUl9 to membership la the nearly eight hundred of the khsu " assoc'aUon will bo dlscnssed and tap lines In the United sta"s' . acteC upon. The organlzaUon of an nAToBtr ot them are lumwr a employment agencj- Tor th heneflt ZZL-n tap the regular common car memben win aiE0 t cossM- n ta fTparts the --htvI TiSS and other parts 01 ,,,B in- addition to these "" a discount coupon from Ihp nne . in auuiv- - ,. rvn. n.... w-- . ...-.-r.t .r lines In the v,eu . ., ruw -in ir-lll ta von I ual r4c:ght Association's territory. inenerHcnlreL m . ! Wi!5 STORY ON STAND SANTA ROSA. Dec 9 Just a'ter bcgnnlng the testimony In th trial or Dr. AMUard V. Burke the aged physician who It s charged dynamit ed the tent house at tho Eureka San atorium in which I.uetta ard hpr baby were sleeping on the night of Feb. 3 Distrct Attorney Lea pro duced tho first surprise In the case when ho called Miss Smith as- a wit uess Luctta Smith related practical ly the entire Eton of h r relation with the defendant, which he xaid began In 190C. and man) letters puf porting to hao been written by Burke to tho woman, were lntroduc ed as evidence over the objections of the attorney for the defense. - Miss Smith testified that Burks is the father ot her ch Id and that dho had been furnished money b Marion I Derrlg. a friend of Burke's, with which she went to Japan alter the physician's indictment following the dynamitins of tho tent house Burke se.dom glanced at the wo-si man on the stand He sat with head bowed, sonretimes nervouily strok lng his beard, and again taking notes of Important bits of the testimony Lea, in h's opening address to the jury testified that Mfcis Sm th went to tho Institution seven years gao as a nurs-a, and three years ago fol lowing an operation at the Burke re, sort, entered a condition ot relation ship with the bead of the sanitarium governed by an unusual code of mor als established by the teaching of Burke. "We will show that the defendant gave to Luettc Smith a communica tion" said Lea, "that set forth his idea that our nresent standard of morals are mere superstitions, and ad locates, affinities rather than a con formance with the laws of the country. It is advocated in this com- municatlona to Luetta Smith that a woman should llveln defiance to the present standard of morals." o Met me at the opening Vec 10 Henkel. o TO SEE CORONATION LONDON, Dec 9. Probably one of the most p'cturesaue figures at the coronation ceremonies next June will be the little Baroness Cllftcn,t the youngest peeress of Great Britain who will have tho right to attend tho great ceremony. Although the II'-1 tie lady Is not quite ten years old, she Is having a coronation robe made J for her one tho lines of those of thej other peeresse. The little Baroness' succeeded to her title ta 1900. after the death ot her father, the late Lord Dfernley who was" tho victim of an accident when out with a shooting party. Th first Lort Darnley, having santoS the he'ress of the Barony of Clifton, was raised to tho peerage with the tltlo of Baron Clifton tn 1608. Though subsequently created Eort of Darnley, Qe owner or the title has- held bis seat In the House ot Lords by the oldest title, which, having come throBgn a woman, decent la tM resale fne. The lato Lord Darniey. 1SOPPRR QUEEN HOTEL AND HIGH GLASS GAFE European Plan Special $1.00 Table d'Hote Diuer Fna 5:30 to 8:00 P. M. HENRY P0PPEN, Manager I 4Zf WmMXm' ,K W1 H iw i ii-iiml tiADEBYTHE CUBAN CIGAR C2 DENVER. W Xmas (Bandy We have a full line of all kinds of fancy Christmas candies in beautifully decorated boxes. Bisbee Drug BSSfS. YOU CANT MEL-P rEXLINS c V HAPPY .when you k Know You have " sZB && 1M .JfM Tfl My ?.t- 3 tthwmxsi ifMSsSmrmS- Bank Account tyJUctclfot6 AatedonsLggu. com Just TRY putting your money In our bank! and watching the balance to your credit grew, and see if it doesnt make you feel better to save and have a goooV bank account. We pay liberal interest eeneletent wKti safety 4 fer cent. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. We pay liberal interest eeneletent with safety 4 per cent. CITIZEIIS BANK MB TRUST GQMPJUIY FRANK J. GRAF BROKEB . . f Dirccv. Wire Service to alk MarkcU. ; Money Loaned on Listed Mining Stocks j Main St. and Svbway Phone 111 I '' rr-y w w "rr'w'yy'yY'yf -w v y Ihe CANANEA STORES Furniture & Crockery Dept. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Royal Doulton Pottery Corinthian Art Pottery Nippon China with Rose and Gold Decorations A FulljlLine oi Hand-Painted (a China Cut Glass in the newest cuts A greater assortment than ever before Tarahumari Indian BlanKete '23 in a beautiful line of patterns Mexican Serapes ail colors Furniture & Crockery Dept. Cananea Stores Cananea, Sonora, Mex. -a p I i -Zm v! ! rl 9ii ! M 1 . p ' f t - 1 :UBtiBBalnr"?" I . " '" --'