Newspaper Page Text
J THE WSiEE DAILY REVIEW - HIKE, AMZOMA. FRIDAY MOANING, , DECEW1 ER 1t, 1110 PAGE SEVEN I- -6 t"J i. s . y t& HAY CLOSE PHOENIX SALOONS HiOaWIX, Bee. 14. Under tks lea ifaaWe act of IMS. walca hu been 3tk4 la tttt matter ot the liquor kMN aptUoatioa at Prosper Bor 4mk of the CaltfomU Wis company. at eeatUUoa has arisen when mar mi taa elosias of all or nearly all at taa alaateoQ. saloons dolus: bust- Mm 1 Phoenix, and a practical ap- Maauoa or tae 'Mrr principle to Capital C4tr of the territory. Baraaal ha already been put out I business, for the present at least. aW it 4 UfceUr others will follow. The act of 1903 provides that no ltaeosa shall Issue to any applicant iao proposes to sell intoxicating lqators at a place within six mllea et any public torks on which twenty Htb or more men are employed. It was this provision that was Invoiced la the BordOBl case. Sheriff Hsyden. in this case, re- lused to U9jo the license on the around that the employment of more than twenty-At a men at the Adams threat school building and also at tae. Maricopa county bridge, brought the case within the act. When the tfaller came before Judge Kent, he keld with the sheriff and ruled lnst BordonTs. claim that, Inas uncX as he Lad Leon In bus'ness for li number of jeans, the. law could not TJ)Bly to him. The ylew ot the court each perate licenses la a new trans action, and that no matter how many ar a saloon, keeper may have been la business, ho is on precisely the sue status as though making tL Crsi application . fQTegtlgatttna made today show Taat" probably thrty men are. (& aloysd on ths Adams street school Walidtag, and more than fifty men on rfe county bridge. Tiirs la no question." one con versant with the facts said, "but the niadltfon at either of those places hrt8 every caloon in Phoenix under tne operation ot tho statute. "Of course," he continued, "no ex hsttng right of any saloon keeper can e invaded. The statute does not say 1'sensea shall be revoked; it merely declares no license shall lf W la such cases. The court has a Toady held that the language of tho sot applies both to old and new ap- pU casta; bo, while as many as twen ty-tire men are employed at either f these places, no saloon license caa Issue in this city under the law." As to the effect of thos provision the chances are that it will be more widespread than many first supposed Oae license has already been refused and there will be two more eip'ra tioas in January. Then a large num ber of licenses expire about the lost f March, and there Is strong reason for" believing that all theso may be classed among the closed. o v"Thr Original , Bud welscrbser on draught, and S-year-oIilTaylor'.rVhls-key at George Robert's on Main s Streetr-JThat-Igod;pleestoeat., IN THE PROBATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF COCHISE, TERRITORY OF ARIZONA In the Matter of the Estate of William Speier, deceasea. Notice cf Settlement of Account ana Hearing Petition Notice Is hereby given that Qus Halgler, the administrator of the estate of William Speier, deceased, has presented for settlement, and tiled herein his final account ot his administration, and has also filed therewith his petition praying that the residue ot said estate be distributed to tho persons entitled thereto; and that Wednesday, the 21st. day ot December, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the court-room of said Court, Tombstone, Cochise County, have been appointed the time and place for hearing said matters, when and where any per son interested may appear and file objections in writing thereto and contest the same. Dated December 9,1910. J. E. JAJES, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of the Second Judicial Ditet o' the Territory -if Atlzona, n and .for the Cc-jnty o' Cochise. Edna A. Porter. Plaintiff; Jamei P. Porter, Defendant. Action brought in the District Court of the Second Judicial Dii trict of the Territory of Arizonr to and for the- County of Cochls. and the complaint filed in the sal-. County of Cochise, in the office ot the clerk of said District Court. The Territory of Arizona Send Greeting To; James P. Porter. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against yon by the above named plaintiff in thr District Court of the Second Judicial District of tho Territory of Arizona in and for the County of Cochise and to anrwer the complaint filed therein within twenty days (exclus ive of the day of service after the service on you of this sum mons (if served within the county otherwise within thirty days,) or Judgment by default will be taken against you according to the prayer of said complaint Given under my hand and the 8e of the District Court of the Secono Jor"-"-- ri'i-jW ot Jr Territory of Arlrf" fn and rv- M County of Cochise, thi3 14th rfrv or November year of ear Lord ose thou and nine hundred and ten A. H. GARDNER. Crk By E. a HICKS. Deputy Clerk. I CERTIFICATE OP AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCOR PORATION OF PEREA. OIL COMPANY. We, the subscribers, I. J. Over lock, President and. 1. F. Burgess, Secretary , of PEREA OIL COM PANY, a corporation organized and existing tinder the laws ot the Ter ritory ot Arizona, do hereby certify that a special meeting ot stocktnld srs ot said Company, held in the City ot Blsbeev County ot Cochise. J Territory ot Arizona on tho arc day ot November, A. D., 1910, at one o'olock p. m., pursuant to agreement and consent signed by all ot the stockholders cf said co. poratlon at which meeting al ot the Issued and outstanding cap ital stock ot said corporation was present, to-wlt, fifty-one thousand (51,000) shares, the following resolu tions were duly proposed and adopted by the affirmative vote of all stock present at said meeting, being al.' f the issued and outstanding capital stock ot said corporation, to-wifi, itty-one thousand (51,000) eharos: "Resolved that Arlticle II of the Articles of Incorporation ot Perea Oil Company be. and the same L' hereby amended to read as follows" "II: Thtt the came of said cor poration and by which it shall l known In law is PEREA GRANT f Oil COMPANY, and tho principal place for the transaction of its business sball bs Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona with such branch.; offices and places of busluKS, in Arizona or elstvrhere, 13 m-y be designated or established bthc. Board ot Directors ot the Corpor ! UOB. "And be It further reauved that Article IT of the Articlei. of Incor poration '.of said company be, and the same Is hereby amended to read as follows: "IV: The amount ot the. capital stock ot this corporation stall be One Million Dollars (U.000,000). di vided into one mil'ion (1,000.000) shales of the par value of One Dol lar (100) each. Said capital stock shall be issued upon such terms and conditions and at such time as tho Board ot Directors may determine or prescribe, and the sanio may be issued in exchange tor property, contracts, services or other benefits of any kind or character accruing tc the corporation, as the Board of Directors may in the exercise of their Judgment, determine, and tho Judgment cf the Board of Directors as to the value thereof shall be con cSusive "And be it further resolved that the President of this corporation be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to sign and acknowledge for and on behalf of this corporation a 3f certificate of amendment ot the rriesoifInno ration , accorl-, ...MA .nftt llA.aV.II.lllllAfl..kV.Hll ouQ niui ujcbv icviuuuH,iHeiiuu that the Secretary of th!s corpora" Uon be, and ho Is hereby author ized and directed to attest said certificate of amendment and to atttx the corporate seal thereto, and that said officers bo, and they are hereby authorized and directed to cause said certificate ot amendment to be filed, recorded and published as required by law, and to do all things further which may bo nec essary for the jrarpose of carrying these resolutions into effect." And wo do hereby further ccrtif Uat upbn the adoption of said res olutlons, said amendments of sair Vrticles of Incorporation Tere ther and thero declared to have been duly adopted. Wherefore, and in accordanc therewith, we have signed and at tested this certificate and caused the corporate seal to be hereto af fixed this 5th day ot November, A D. 1910. L. J. OVERLOCK, President of Perea Oil Company. ATTEST: I. P. BURGESS, Secretary (of Perea OH Company. (Corporate seal.) Territory of Arizona, County of Cochise, ss. Before me, JV. K. PJoca, a notary public in and for the County of Cochise, Territory of Arizona, on this day perspnally appeared L. J. Overlock, President of Perea Oil Company, a corporation known to mo to be the person wbosc name is sub scribed to the foregoing instrument, and as such officer acknowledged to me that by authority and direction of said corporation he voluntarily executed the foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of euch cor poration, for the purpose and consid eration therein expressed, and that the corporate seal of said corpora tion was affixed thereto by like authority. Given under my hand and sea o office this Sth day of November, A. D. 1910. My commission expires July 3rd, 1911. W. K. FLORA, Notary Public. (Notarial Seal.) Territory of Arizona, County ofj Cochise. j I. C. A. McDonald County Re-1 cordcr in and for the County and ' Territory aforesaid, do hereby cer tify that the within Instrument was filed for record at 1 o'clock, p. no on this 17th day of November, 1910.! and duly recorded In Book No, C, of Incorporations, Records of Co chise, County Arizone, at page 160 167. Witness my hand and official seal the day aad year flrot ahove written. C. A. McDONAt,T. Comfy Recorder. (Seal) ARTICLES OP INCORPORATION UE IT KNOWN, That we. a B. Tannehlll, F. U Bernard aad It. R. McKlnley, do hereby associate our selves together and form a corpor ation under Chapter II of Title XHI, Revised Statutes of Arizona 1901, and acts amendatory thereto, aad adopt the following Articles ot In corporation: ARTICLE I. The name ot the! corporation is BISBEE EXTENSION MINING COMPANY and its princi ual place of transacting business in Arizona Is Bisbee. Offices may be established, business transacted and meetings ot stockholders and direc tors held at such places within or outslds ot Arizona as the By-Laws of the Qompany sball provide, and in the city or Detroit, State ot Mich igan. ARTICLE R The general nature jf the business proposed to be trans acted is to make contracts; to pur chase, lease, option, locate or otner wise acquire, own, exchange, sell, or otherwise disposo or, pledge, mort gage, hypothecate and deal in mines, mining claims, mineral lands, coal lands, oil lands timber lands water and water rights and other property both, real and personal, and? to rork, explore, operate and devel op the same, and to deal in the products and by-products thereof; I to purchase, lease, or otherwise J acquire, erect, own, operate and sell smelting and other ore reduc tion works, oil refineries, saw mill, pwcrplants, railroads and tramway to lead from the company's princi pal works, and steam, electric and motor railroads to serve as common carriers and otherwise out side the territory of Arizona; to do a general manufacturing and mercantile business; to own, handle and control letters patent and inven tions; to own, cancel and roirsue shares of its own capital stock and to own and vote shares ot other companies; to issue tpnds, nolef and other evidences of indebtedness and to secure the payment of the same by mortgage, deed of trust, or otherwise; to act as agent, trustee broker, or In any ether fiduciary cap aclty, and to borrow and loan money, and in general to do and per form such acts and things and transact such business, not inconsistent with law, in any part ot the world, as the Board of Directors may deem to the advantage of tho corpiratlon Article III. The amount of the authorized Capital Stock or the Cor poration is TWO MILLION, FIVfc HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars, dlv. eded into TWO HUNDRED ANU FIFTY THOUSAND shares of the par value of TEN dollars each, whlrh shall be paid In, at such time a? the Board ot Directors may dcslg- nate.Vln cash, real or personal prop erty.'lBervJceeJaleasa.'BOptlon to pur chaser"br - anjother3ivaluable"";grighti or thing, for the uses and purposes of tbe corporation, and all share" of Capital Stock, when issues In exchange therefor, shall thereupon and thereby become .and be full paid the same as though paid for r cash at par, and cbi.ll be n-n-as cessable fort cr. and ""c Judgment of the Director: as to the value ot any property, right or thing acquired in cichangn lor Capital Stock shall ba conclusive. Article IV. The lime of the com mencement cf the corporation shall be the day these Articles are filed in accordance vith law, and the termination thereof shall be raenty ilie years thereafter, Tilth privilege of renewal and right cf perpetual succession as now provided Dy law. Article V. The attains of this corporation shall be conducted by a board of not less thah three nor more than fifteen directors, by whom a president and vice-preslden' shall be elected and a secretary ana treasurer appointed. The director shall bo eiectea by and from at3"ng tbe slochl-.o'rlpis on the 'first Thurs day in April of each year. Until thtlr successors are elected ami qualified, the following named per sons shall bo the Directors and ot fleers: R. B. Taunahlll. R. R. Mc Kinley, Paul B. Moody, F. L. Ber nard and C. D. Joslyn. Article VI. The directors shall adopt bylaws for the government ot the corporation and may amend the same. They shall have power to nil vacancies occurring in the board from any cause, and to appoint from among their number an Executive Committee which, to the extent pro vided by resolution or' by the said bylaws, shall have and exercise the powers granted the directors by these articles. Article Vll. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which the corporation as at any time to subject Itself Is TWELVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND Dollars. Article VIII. Te private proper ty of the stockholders of the cor poratlon shall he forever exempt ffm comnrate debts or any kind what soever. In witness Whereof, We hereto nm-r onf ntpmafres this first day of November, 1910. R. B. TAVNAH1LL R. R. Hcttnt t;y , F. L. BERNARD State of Michigan; ) (Seal) (Peal) (Sal County of Wayne )ss. Before me, Joseph Jf, Lonrr a K tary PnhUe la aad far the eoaaty and state aforeMld, ea this 4ay personally appeared R. B. Taaaa hlH, R. R. McKtaler aad 7. U Bernard kaewa. to at teta tfca ' same persons who signed the fere- geteff lastrnmeat, aad araow)Acad to rae tat taay tiM mm for the uses aad purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand end seal of office this 3rd. day ot November, 1319. My commission trill expire on the 24th. day ot March, lyil. JOSEPH it. LOW, Notary Public. (Notarial Seat) 187. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE CADENA de COBRE MINING COMPANY OF ARIZONA Notice is hereby given that th regular annual meeting of the ct"ck ho'ders ot the Cadcna do Cobra Mining Company will bo held in thr lodge hall of the Medigovlch bul'd ing. in the City of Blsbce. County of Cochise, Territory of Arizona, on Thursday, January 5th., 1911, at 7:30 p. m., for the purpose ot elect lug officers and directors for U-o ensuing year; and the transaction or such other business as may prop "rlv come before said neling. By "order of th? Boa.! r J)i rectors, and in con'Tralty with fie By-Laws of said company. C. A. McDOVALO. Secretary, Dated at Bisbee, Arizona th'J 5th. day of December, 1310. 1C0 iN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SECONO JUDICIAL OlSTKICT OF THE TERRITORY OF AnIZONA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COCHISE Sheriffs Sale No. 6104. Charles M. Renaud. plaintiff; vs Oourtland Water and Ice company, a corporation, defendant. v By virtue of an execution issued out ot ,the lstrlct Court of the Second Judicial District ot the Tel ritory ot Arizona, In and for tnt County of Cocnise on the 33rd. day of November 1910, wherein Charles M. Renaud, plaintiff and Courtlaud Water and Ice company, a corpora tion, defendant, upon a judgement rendered the 14th. day of November 1910, for the sum of Five, Thousand Two nundred dolors (J5iu0 00) in lawiul money of the United State.- besides interest, costs, and accruing costs, I have this day levied upon all the right, title, and interest, of said defendant Courtland Water and Ico company, a corporation of In and to tho following property, to wit; That certain mining claim known as the LULU situated In the Turquoise Mining District, County of Cochise. Territory of Arizona, the original location of which Is re orted in Book 25, Records of Mines of CochlJo County, at i Page 10S. -tnd an amended ' locatloaiof I - hich by the name of LULAls recorded In?Book 43, Records of Mines ot CocblsoCountyat' Page ,341. All water rights of said Court land Water and Ice company on said LULU mining c'alm. Permit from the Board ot Su pervisors of Cochise County, grant ed March 1, 1909 to K. A. Tovrei and his assigns to lay pipe and mains ror the distribution of water in the streets and alleys of the Town of Conrt'and, and all addition to same, to Include what is known as Mc- Fate Townslte. and the Young Town site, and also along the County Roads or road from the well or ells to said Towns or additions and also to cross such roads with sa'd pipes or main?, and for tha ourpose to excavate and dig ditches and trenches, recorded on Pago 25 Book No. 8, Minutes Board of Su pervisors. And the following described per sonal property; 3 miles 4 inch pipe line, 25.000 gallon water tank. 1 safe and office fixtures, 1 horse and wagon, tools meters, and laterals leading from raalnfl. being the entire distributing system of Courtland Water and Ice company, 1 engine and two pumps. Public notice Is hereby given that I will on tho '20th day of Decembor, 1910, at 2 o'clock p. m., of that day, in front of the Court House door In the City of Tombstone, In said County of Cocblso, sell the above described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Judgment, with in terest costs, and accruing costs to the highest and best bidder for cash. Tombstone, Arizona, November 25, 1910 JOHN F WHITE. Sheriff ; by A. A. HOPKINS, Deputy Sheriff. NOTICE OF SALE. To O S. French. E. N. Shipp and Jay Wllmoth, assignees for the ben efit of the creditors of O. S. French and E. N. Shipp. You, and each of tou will tako notice that there is now due and owing from said French aad Ship? and from said Jay Wllmoth, assignee for tbe benefit of the creditors of said French aad Shipp, to E. Reta hardt aad Geerge HotteasteJa the sara of $1M.6, M -Wa from the 1st. day of September 1919 to the 21st. day of Oetefear 1919, far these certak preailaea dMCfflMd as fel lows: i The seats stere-reeas la .i 1.-1.01 rM. tju -is a4 IS. Bteek 3 et the BMa Twra- aKa ea tke waaterfy; aH at Wnw- ery Gulch In the city ot Blsbce, County ot Cochise, Territory of Ari zona. That the undersigned E. Rein hard t and George Hottensteln have in their pot lee Ion under a land lord's lien for said rent, personal property described as follows: 22 Gal. Gin, 17 Gal. Old Port, 24 Bottles Cognac, 22 GaL Blackberry Brandy, 10 Gal. California Brandy, 13 Gal. Rum, 150 Cigars, 12-3 case Italian Vermouth, 2 Bottles Kummel, 4 Bottles Homer's Ginger Brandy, 13 Bttties Peach Brandy, 2 Bottles Curacro, 1 PL Benedictine, 3 Bottles Lash's Bitters, 4 Bottles Celery Bitters, 4 Bottles Durkee Irish Whiskey, 5 Qts. Grare Juice 3 Qts. Cfcl Fig fitters, 2 Qts. Orange fitters, 3 Qts. Kellogs Bourbon Whiskey, 1 Qt. Marasiidiao, 4, Qts. Crtn-j de Meathe, 4 QU. Maracchlao Cherries. 1 Qt. Fernet Branca, 1 Qt. Apricot Brandy, 1 Qt Alrtlntlrs, 2 QU. Peppermint, 1-Qt Anielie- 1 Qt Grencdlne. 9 Demijohns and contents, Glasswaro and open gods. 3 Bottles Ternct. Unless said rent shall be on or before tho 23rd. paid day of December 1910, said Reinhardt and Hottensteln will sell the same as provided by Paragraph 2C93 Re vised Statutes ot Arizona 1901, at the frbnt door ot said above de- Bcribed building in the City cf Bis bee, County of Cochise, Territory or Arizona, at the hour of 2 o'clock li. m. on said 23rd. day of Dec. 1910 at public auction to the bighe&i bidder, the proceeds derived fror. the sale of cald personal property to be applied upon the payment ol esid rent. E. RINEIIARDT, G. E. HOTTENSTEIN. Dated at Blsbce, Ariz, this 12th. day of Dec, 1910. PROCLAMATION OF ELECTION FOR THE RATIFICATION OR REJECTION OF THE CONSTITU TION FRAMED AND ADOPTED BY THE CONSTITUTIONAL CON VENTION OF ARIZONA. By tho Acting, Governor of Arizona. I. George U. Young, Acting Gov ernor of Arizona, in accordance uitn the Act of Congress known as tho Enabling Act. approved June 20, 1910, and Election Ordinance Number 1, for the proposed State of Arizona, approved by the Constitutional Convention. December Sth, 1910, do hereby order and proclaim. That,-onTbursday, the .9th day of February 1911, a general ""election shall bo held by the qualified elec tors of the Territory of Arizona for the Ratification or Rejection of a Constitution framed and adopted by a Constitutional Convention, the members thereof having been duly tnd legally elected by tho qualified electors of Arizona pursuant to the Act of Congress, knows as the En abling Act, approved June 20, 1910. That said election shall, in all re spects, be held and conducted in the manner required by the laws of the Territory of Arizona for elec wlth said Enabling Act, and as sup plemented by Election Ordinance No. 1 ot the Constitutional Conten tion. ThaL under the provisions of the tlons therein, when no in conflict Raid Act of Congress, a qualified elector at said election shall be any male citizen of lite United States of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have roiided in the Territory of Arizona at least twehe months next preceding tbe date of the election heretofore held for the election of delegates to the said Constitutional Convention, who shall possess in other respects tbe anallflqatlons of an elector as provided by Title Twenty, Revised Statutes of Arizona. August second. .Mneteen Hundred One. and whose names sball appear upon the Great Hejristcr of the County in wilch ho peeks to vote as said Great Register 13 constituted by Section 19, ot said Enabling Act, or as may hereafter be provided by Act of Congress, shall be entitled to vote at said election. f further proclaim, That the balfcts used in -voting at said election shall be prepared. printed, furnished and distributed as reouired by the election laws of the Territory of Arizona. That the entire constitution a3 franed and adopted shall not be cer tified on the ballot, but, in accord ance with the provisions of Election Ordinance No, 1 of the Constitution al Convention, the submission of the proposed constitution for the pro posed State of Arizona, to the people of Arizona, for ratification or reiec- tfon. shall be upon a ballot in the following form: "Shall the Constitution for the proposed State of Arizona, as fransed and adopted b the Con stitutional Convention, be rati fied r- D Yes. No. That, at tka aaM election all oaali- Be electors ToUae shall vote direct- Sii"t " That U Baarttf Safer-teen- la Classified Advertisements WANTED. WANTED-A girl for hoasework. vvj .-v. --. xcui& xuii. it .1 WANTED Dlaing room girl, in quire 35 school Hill, Phone 165 13d. . WANTED A reliable cook for a private family. Inquire at the Review office. 102. WANTED Men by largo contracting Co. J20.000.00 contract work go ing. Can learn automobiles, elec tricity, plumbing, bricklaying trade in few jscsths. No apprentices or hypers work n?.-zZ-expenat. Catalogue free. Apply Mr. Mald inado, Judgo High's office. 100s. WANTED A girl for houso norl; Must bo young and willing, ex perience not necessary. Applj Y. W. C. A. 12D EXPERIENCED Dining room girl wants position. Reference given.! C. Brown, Bisbee. 140; FOR SALE. FOR SALE Baber shop, Jlmlnez. O. K. Street, Cheap for $150 00 caau. jjium ui ?ivv,ui pr monic. , ! L' FOR SALE-Wagon and double harness, buggy and barnes.?, one draft horco and one buggy horse. Address Box 1312. 122. FOR SALE Graphophone wltu 25 records to learn Spanish. Address Box 155C. 122 FOR SALE A nice little paying business. Address P. O. Box 187. 133. FOR SALE Furniture, dishes, cebking utenslle, at cost. Entire stock of Dobson Furniture Co Johnson Addition. FOR SALE A good laying business Address P. O. Box 1S9 141 'OR SALBFurniture, cheap op posite 15 Tate hill. L. G. Be:r OR SALE F. C. Hurst lesiJcnce spven rooms strictly modern, also eight lots. Apply at -residence, rhone 163. 1G4 FOR SALE OR RENT Rooming bouse, furnished. location central, inquire of Mrs. R. T. Lockie. 107 School Hill 831 For Sale at Review, old pauers 25c a bundle, 100 to a bund'.o FOR SALE Furniture, dish- cJ, cco'rfing utensils at cost. Entire stock of Dobson Fur- nlture Co., Johnson Add'L - FOR SALE A nice little paying business Address P O. Box 187. 143 Culi i.. i &a B aaa aav aaaav aaal saaT msS&zdS2 BYTHE CUBAN CIGAPLC2.DENVER7COI WADE I (BOPPER QUERN HOTEL I 71ND HIGH GLASS & FE European Plan 2 Special $1.00 Table d'Hote Dinner Frora 5:30 lo 3:00 P. M. j HENRY P0FPEI., Manager each County shall issue its order at least fifteen days before said elec tion, designating the house or place within each precinct where the said election must bo held, and appoint a Board of Election for each precinct ai provided by law. That ail Boards of Election shall make returns of tho said election di rect to the Secretary of the Terri tory, at Phoenix, the Capital, as provided by Section 21 of tlur-En-abllng AcL That the Election Laws of the Territory of Arizona now in force, as far at are applicable and not in conflict with the said Enabling AcL Including the Penal Laws ot Faid Territory relating to elections, illegal voting and other Illegal prac tices thereof, arc hereby extended to the election herein prvid;d for. And I do hereby offer a reward of Fifty ($50 00) Dollars for the ar rest and conviction of any and every person violating; any of the pro visions of Title IV., Tart I, of the Penal Code, such reward to be paid until the amount hereafter expended for the purpose reaches the amount or One Thousand ($1000) Dollars. IN WITNESS WHERE OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the Terri (SEAL) tory of Arinna to bo aSxed. Done at Phoenix, the capital, this 12th day FOR RENT FOR RENT-Or sale-Lsrte 4 room House, handv to mines and car line, rent reasonable. Joha Two- mey. Capitol Bar. 13J FOR RENT Close in three furnished housekeeping rooms. Both gas and wood store. Kith aad water tree. 183 School. Bill. Te-Ieaaaae N. 1. 14; FOR RENT 2 rooms for light house Keeping, cheap. Close in. 199 Opera Drive 13 FOR RENT 4 room fiat with bath. I toilet 'and all modern convcnlenc f Apply fo C. M. Henkel, tht r Jeweler) man. 852. FOR RENT C room, modern cot - tage. Bath, sewerage connections. Opera Drive. Clcse ba. Iaquiro Jacob Seainld, Schrald Bldg. Brewery Gnlch. 139 -'OR RENT 10 room boarding house. Nicely furnished. Johncou Addition. Exchange Sflocn 136. -uh KtwT-s room Douse divided Into two parts of four room each. Tombstone Canyon, close in whole building for J25 or either side for 512 50 JOHNSON & HAIGLER PHONE IS7C, 791 MISCELLANEOUS ' QUICK LOANSoi; furnIturc pj3aOB etc. No publicity, goods remain in your possession, easy payments John & Halgler. Phone 76 LOST LOST Bar plu, near Copper Queen plaza. Return to this o trice for reward. 189 Why suffer with those head aches and painful vision, due to eye strain? I have the best equipped .optical parlor and employe the rocst competent Refrcctionest In the southwest. Consult Dr. Rockefeller, my optometrist and be relieved C. M HENKEL Jeweler &. Optician maifem Woodrow WiVon will be inaugurat ed governor ot New Jersey on Jan :ary 17. 10 j of December. A. D., Ninc- J teen Hundred Ten. 1 GEORGE U. YOUNG By the Acting Governor, i 1L A. KIRK. ; Assistant Secretary of Arizona THE MAZE BAR . THE ORIGINAL BUDVCISCR BEER ON DRAFT? JA8. NICHOLS . MAZE CAFE CARETTO & CO., Proprietors E'eaantly Fitted Ud For Lntfles - j and Gentlemen We handle the Tony Faust Coffee , JOHNSON-HENNIGER BUILDING. ' Main Street, Bisbee, Arizona. DROP N AT THE Busy Bee Ca"e AT LOWELL. PRIVATE BOOTHS FOR FAMILIES. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. - ! OCJSf . v . '1 ,-W 'gtZnibfr?&lixy.i. ,-.h-t && fii y- -visfe-..-ir -'.,