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"" r f ft ft -- ,1 iiiiiii'Wwwn in, a a,,. jw. r- X Ji 3T4t I . f AGE EIGHT THE lltlEE DAILY REVIEW, III1EE, ARIZOHA, SATURDAY MOWNING, PECEM1EB 24, AlO j $ 4 .4 l. t u ALTAR KNOWS LITTLE ABOUT TOE UPRISING t p. j a i chief ewer nn 0 Ij. I Campbell, chief engineer for tlio H. I. & 8. W., paaed through r.'slbe yesterday morning to rlslt the uney pJrty west of licnson. Ho n.iM that ttio nunc of the Hnc on , tli? cbango cf the lino between Lew Is Springs and Falrbanksls coniplet- Arrivals From That Mexican .a nd tho party has begun the eur. Mining District Are Sur- e fc " prised to Hear News .of T,irCo,5uricy8 na,0 been m from I rOUble in CllinUallUa the K. P. S. W. to Tucson, one fr ni Hereford, one from Land star Many Americans who are engaged ,Cn and tuo other from FFalrbanks. In mining in Mexico arc returning ,., iiaB generally been considered hat to tho United States to spend tho tJjC K P g. g. ; connection into holidays and several of them aro In' Tucson would ba built out from nisbco from tho Altar district. One Land bul ,nc Wdcr for tho perman of the men coming to this city tnt ocation cf the line from Fair from tho Altar stated tfiat ho was,bankg indicates that ttt point vM very much surprised to hear of the t lacc from hero the new extent of tho revolution in other .. T 1 hlI. j.arts of tho republic as it lsverj ,lnc wU1 lU p. ato -hc, .ulet in tie Altar district and ab- Mr' CaMpb,cU C0U, w L tu fcoultelr no news has been received the work or cowtrtiettas to Tu of tho disturbances. .sof' connection will be started by tnc- American newspapers have not company' leen going into tho Altar recently .,RF "PURITAN." and tho Americans who depend on , TO RAISE PURlTAN' uC painro irom nome lor tlieir ,., v.vrnv tw 23 Tho x-ATjMLTS?ffSar"- The only signs or military acthity the trouble In Chihuahua to which i vJTtar ,s thc "rfcscnce of scv-1 Httlo credence was given, but when erai bodica of ruralcs h.) are pa- they reached the border they heard iro.itng th0 district, but there aro the news of the revolutionary move no signs of trouble among the pco-1 ments. A few cases have been I'le who aro busv with ivi.. ., v i r in Altar whir Mexicans .trifle " - .. u"u uvdiu v- -- -- niiairs. 1 i i..ij .... innn Americans who were traveling armed and have taken their guns and ammunition Thoso coming it. from the Altar state that as they came towards the '" mey neard scanty news of from them. II LAST CALL f OR BREAKFAST At the Safe Place. AND YOU SHOULD "EAT i 'EM UP" WE MEAN THOSE SILK XMAS SUSPENDERS WE HAD TOO MANY OF THEM SO REDUCED THEM iN i TIME FOR XMAS GIFTS YOU GET THAT ADVANTAGE 13 OFF ON ALL SILK SUSPENDERS ELASTIC ALL GOOD 1 AND NEW. THEN THERE'S A FEW OF THOSE MATCHED SETS OF TIES, SOX, HANDKERCHIEFS, PINS ETC LEFT COLORS j ALL MATCH IN NICE BOXES $100, $1.50 AND $2.00 HOW ABOUT GLOVES WE HAVE A SWELL LINL ALL LEATHERS IN ALL 1-4 SIZES $100 TO $3 00 REBELS FORTH MODERN L Linen or Silk Handkerchiefs IN PLAIN, FANCY OR IN ITIAL 25c to 75c OH, SAY! A FEW OF THOSE PHOENIX PURE SILK SOX AT 50c WILL PLEASE ANY MAN ALL COLORS. OR THE FAMOUS IRON CLAD 35c, 3 PAIRS $1X0. THEY LOOK LIKE SILK WEAR LIKE IRON OR PERHAPS YOU WOULD LIKE 6 PR EVERWEAR ?1.50 6 PR GUARANTEED SIX MONTHS-r-XMAS BOXES. WHAT'S THE MATTER Jjjf WITH A FINE SWEATER COAT? WE HAVE THEM 3.00 TO $7.50 A SWELL SHOWING CLASSY THOSE NEW (NEW I SAID) NETTLETON SHOES SWELL THOSE E. & W OR CLUETT SHIRTS CHIHUAHUA, Dec. 23. A daring uad of four insurrccto scouts r:de into this city tonight distributing clr culars stating that citizens should ro main within doors after 5 o'clock to morrow aftern:on as the rebels In tend to enter tho city. Tho warn ing Is not. regarded seriously. A patrol of eight soldiers who fired many shots, drove them from tho streets and they disappeared In the direction of tho mountains. More than a th3usandreinforcc nicnto aro now in the city. The government troops -who 'started a week ago from Sonora aro reported within two day's march of Guerrero, one or. tho insurrecto strongholds. An American, who has becj ten dajs with tho instorjint forcoi returned today bringing news that tho latter recently executed ten Chilians hos tile to the revolL Their numtsr in cludes one judge. TVhlle tho revolutionists urr:und Navarro at Paderna'es hiJ situation Is not precarious. He could march ou- with his force and do battle, but Is awaiting reinforcements. When ho wishes fmh beef ho ii compelled to send ou a g.Oct Sghcing force, for small parties arc not safe. Gerald Braadon, the Mexican Her aid correspondent, who has been with the fedetl forcor and ;or whose safety great fears were entertained, returned hero last nlghL Ho left tho army pursuant to a war office, order that no m're nowspapcrmeu bo allowrd with tbe troop. F. A. Sommerflcld, who has been olticrv ing operations from the insurrecto side olso returned. Sommerfle'd was fired upn a week ago and one shot crazed his left arm. He was other- wi3e unhurt. TRACKS WRECKED. EL PASO Dec 23. A. southbound passenger train on the El Taso & Northwestern Kallwtiy, which left Ciudad Juarez at cne o'clock, this afternoon -found the track torn up at Guzman 77 miles south of here and is coming hack. The train carrys ISO passengers. The locomotiii o and Tiat.iengr coach which tho 'revolutionists'' took last night 23 miles s"uth of Juarez. Js somewhere to the south The wires ire down to the i,outh Co! Guzrran TO GET IIS KNEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS 6WTHEGE1IIIE Syrup fiGs w AMD I Elixir-Sehha MANUFACTURED BV THE (flLTONIAps!pP(p sold bv all leading . druggists, One Size only. soa Bottl? "JftAfAK-wgwiefc IT MASS AT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Christmas midnight high mass will to celebrated at St. Iatrick's church in this city. Itev. Father Meurer wilt officiate Beautiful mujlo will bo rendered by the choir which will bo assisted by nn orchestra of several pieces; Tho choir thas practiced their music faithfully lor some time as there are several selections that are difficult, Tho service of this mass js cry Impressive, repeating the an nouncement to humanity of the birth of the SaIor at tho hour of tho night when tho records of tho event say tho Christ came into tho world. Tho mualc ts bo rendered tonight at this mass will be as follows. Praeludlum, Mrs. M. J Brophy Or ganist. Adeste Fldoles, Choir. Kyrlo Etclson, from H Farmer's Mass. Gloria In Kxcclsla Deo, from Farm er's Mass. Graduate, Organ. Offcrotium, Glory be to God, by I-amblllo(tee. Credd, from Leonard's" Mass. I'refacip . Sanctum. from Farmer's Mass. Bcntditus, from Farmer's Mass. Agnus Dei. from Farmer's Mass. Communion, Organ-. Postcommunio: "O Holy Night" Posllqdlum Ixiw niMS will be celebrated at SL sit fifty so'dletf this morning from ; I'atrlckV church Sunday morning at Chihuahua to add to the garrison at j eight o clock and high mass at ten. Juarez chit n mot : IflSUMGE CO. MS 1TEBE8T! MARVELOUS OUR SHOWING OF NECKWEAR 50c to 75c GENTLEMEN GET ONE OF THOSE SUITS $1450, $1630. $19.00 WORTH if MORE. HURRY! Schwartz The Safe Place ALWAxS bros. Co. n Main st. A case of unusual interest was c"n eluded yesierdaj before Judge Doan in tho district ourt in Tombstone. Briefs are to be submlttel by attor neys covering law poin'o bsfore final judgraenL Tho case was one wherein Walter A Fulks sued the Nationality Casual ty comirany for ?030 claimed on an accident policy because of an Injury Incurred by plaintiff while he was at worfc in the Copper Queen smelter at Douglas. While repairing a crauo a cable brke hnd FulliJ fell back about fortj feet, sustaining a broken back and causing permanent ATTENTION ELKS j OPEN HOUSE ALL DAY CHRIST MAS FOR ELKS AND THEIR FRIENDS EVERYTHING YOURS. COME AND HELP YOURSELVES. HOUSE COMMITTEE. o . Go to Shattuck's saloon f-r your Christmas Turkey. o Joe Kinney returned ytterday from Fort Thorns.? Hot Springs where ho has been to tako the baths for rheumatism which hoa been troub ling him for some time ncier at any time required monthly phjvslclans reports, and that ne.ther its agent nor Dr Hickman had ever heard of sucn a report until this case. Tho final rejiort wan furnished as re quired by the policy. It appeared that a number of other po Icies had been iMited to men en gaged In the sarcft work with plain tiff, bnd that all :f them hadbeen insured under the classification ap plied In plaintiff's policy. Plaintiff claims that the defendant The Gift Problem Tor Him" It is Easily Solved in This Great Men's .Furnishing Dep't of Ours. A List That Will be of Great Help to Those Who Must Shop To Day. Neckties, new Persian designs, 23c, 50c. 75c, $1.00. $1.25 and $2.50 Hosiery and tie sets $1.00 and $1.25. ( Handkerchief and tie sets $1.C0 and $1.25. Leather wallets, containing four linen handkerchiefs, $1.50. ' Men's gloves In white, castor, grey, tan, brown Suede and kid $1.50 to $250 Traveling- sets and dressing cases of ebony and hand rubber $2.50 to $12.50. Silk hosiery 50c to $250 pair. Hair hat band, sterling mountings $1.75 to $2.75. Umbrellas detachab'e handler. $1.75 to $1250. Sweater Coats, $250 to $6 50 rajamas In sanitary bags 3 50 to $6.50. Fancy hosiery 25c to 75c pair Shirts, pleated, soft and laundered bosom with laundered and French cuffs $1.25 to $6 00. Dress and semi dress mufflers $1.50 to $2.50. Phoenix mufflers 35c to 50c. Linen handkerchiefs initial 20c and 65c. Linen handkerchiefs, plain 12 Uc to 40c Silk randkcrcblcfs. Initial. 50c and $1.00 J Silk handkerchiefs plain and fancy, , 50c to $1.00. f Scarf pins 50c to $100. . Cuff links 50c to $250. i Tio retainers 50o to $2 00 ' Jewelry 6ets in leather cases $1 50 j to $5.00. " i. immB JACKETS REDUCED ONE-FIFTH. Hou&o coats, $5.00 to $ J 5.00 Bath robes $3.50 to $7.00. Traveling Bags $250 to $27 00 Suit cases $5 00 to $3250 Fancy ests $150 td $7 50 A complete line of leather goods in jewelry boxes, collar bars, tic cases, military sets, medicine cases, trailers' brush sets, mir rors and coin bags ORPHEUM gy m TWO NIGHTS trr December O Attraction Extraordinary Geneneste That Mysterious-Magnetic-Man IN HIS ORIGINAL HYPNO-MAGIC SHOW Wterd Scientific aind laugh provoking tests in magie, rit Istlc phenomena Hand cuff Escapes and hypnotism. Firs otass a!bo moving pictures. Prices: 25, 35, 50o Bisbee Lumber Company, Inc. WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ORGON AND TEX AS PINE, REDWOOD P!;iNGLE8. MOULDINGS BUILDERS' HARDWARE, DOORS AND 8ASHE8 OF ALL KINDS, MINING TIMBERS AND WEDGES, CARLOAD LOT8 A 8PECIALTY. TELEPHONE L 25 EMIL MARKS, Miugti Review Class Ads Pay Is CANANEA STORES DRY GOODS PEPT. Just received, a complete line of Spanish Hand-Made Yokes, Dutch collars, etc. collars, ' v- 'rvrvtfmm asun BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SILK SHAWLS. MANTILLAS' & HAND-PAINTED SCARFS ; '-f v. DRAWN - WORK DRESS, WAISTS, LUNCH CLOTHES, DOILIES, CENTER PIECES, DRESSER SCARFS fiAll $1.00 value Christmas boxed, SPECIAL ! Injury j Is stojiied to rely upon tbt reouirj- aiv making It necessary for him to wear . r. cnt of physician's reports and . v-ii iju iJUiiucc u:cit;iiu, auu a steel Jacker for snirnort The Insurance company refused to pay because plaintiff had failed to furnltih a physician's report every 30 days during his disability, and also claimed that the Insured at thc time of tho accident vas engaged in a more hazardous cccuratlon than- that of bench worker and assembler; and was only entitled to tho bene3tij un der the classification of "rigger.' ic appeared that tho plaintiff was un conscious' for more than CO days af ter h9 injury, but that friends' of bis, acting in hia behalf asked the defendant's agent during tho period of 30 days after the injury, whether any notice or proof other than tho preliminary notice of injury was nec essary, and were advised liat noth ing further would be required except a final report; It also appeared tkat tho Pacific Coast managers of the de fendant company had notified Dr' Hickman, who waj acting as ther physician and as plaintiff's physician, .that no otiier physician's reports were required, except "the final re port. It was al93 proven that although the defendant iojued many sircllw policies in this country and sustain ed many lostcs thereunder, it hid that since tlit; classification was made by defendant's agent, ho is bound there by. Tho defendant relics upon pro visions, of tie policy which attempt to disable !t? ail:nts to waive any of the provisions of the policy. Testimony was introduced in be he'f of the plaintiff, but none offered by defendant. The questions of law InTolvcl are to bo presented to the court up"n briefs' to tx hereafter fil ed. Eillnnood & Row, of Bisbee, ap peared 'for plaintiff and Richardson &Doan, of Douglas, represented tho defendant company. 75c 'Xxttfmfa , l For Bargain in Diamonds goto Uncle Sanrs Loan Office - JEWELRY LADIES' WALTHAM WATCHES,-RINGS. CROSSES, PINS 'OS. v r0- i MEXICAN OPALS BROOCHES, RINGS, SCARF. FINS Also a Complete line Unset Dry Goods Dept. e Cananea Stores Cananea, Sonora, Mex. A. A A .Afc a . BASKETS! 4 i JUST ARRIVEl)--a beautiful line of worK baskets, candy baskets, lined and unlined baskets. Just in lime for Xmas presents. Can be readily sent by mafl. A beautiful assortment of the Willow Basket Furniture at ROB'T T. CHADWICK & CO. jRemcmber the masquera de Saturday night. We have a fl n. lino of masks all kinds of dogs heads, skeletons amd every ether kind yon may seed. menkey. Brewery GnV. Opp. nnxtB-8aM donkeys, i vrHa, I .W H gjjaB-is-g . '-f ca?iiifiiMiiSBiM nwii i nff,tiAl4wiiitiwif,'rwitTViiii " 9mmm,rvm --