Newspaper Page Text
wm I fV fn1 PAGE TWO THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE. ARIZONA. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1911. ' , t ,-. ANNEXATION DOES ,R00T OPPOSED 10 NOT WORRY 810 POPULAR E WILFRED. LftUnlEnj Advises. Against Changing Constitution With Ref- "Oeclaies Re Has No Fear of erencs to Senators GOVERNOR WRITES COCHISE BOARD ABOUT ROAD Mr. G. J. UcCabc-, Chairman. Hoard of Supervisors, 'iho law wiBely leac3 to the Hoard of Control and the Territorial Enaln I Tombstone. Arizona i ',ho .?", f e,ecUm; 'V"1.' W' Ulterior Motives on Part ', of United States, SPEAKER IS APPLAUDED WASHINGTON. Maj M. With a I warning from Senator Root against j experimenting with tho constitution and a caution from Senator Joan Sharp Willtatus thnt the sotu couw not supoprt federal supervision oT senatorial oloctlons, .though favor' hin tn dfrnnt. nnmilnr vote, the sen tONDON. Majr JM-Tee illnusw c ,, yesterday snent two hours with- tho Mgrlm nooiety last night in omt yon discussing the house res honor of the Cotonkil prwulore w o'trtion for olectlng United States hlslarie beoauB of the unexpected naton, Dy direct popular vote, and notworUw jWn speaking Uy Sir Rn0l rotM tho entlro poahm Wllfn Laurlor. tho premier ot Can- ,o constitution as to sen ado. ' toriai ejections. Sir -WTif M. addressing an adl- w,am8 mM tBat ,ith enco composed of many of the great Mm j,,, to tho Ua ,nd men of Bngtead. handled tho annex- Mm .upcrTiston retajned, tW Uos question without f loves. He W- vvoa,d exorci8e of feoerai con. san by expressing amazement that , wbeB a MS3(or ,g t ooclwL during his three days' stay in Eik- . muu ov uiul j uauj jrwra w- ( HORSEWHIPS A MAN Dear Sir: 1 have before me a cop of tho resolutions adopted by 'tho Hoard of Supervisors of Cochise county at a rocent meeting on the ttuhject of Territorial Higauays, V'lillo the mouthers ot the Terri tortal Board of, Control velcumc I otter id, due to an iaactrre condi- 1 : tion of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, ; may be obuoaed most pleasantly and I243 most promptly by using Syrup of Figs ', and EExir of Senna. It is nc a new-; j I Muting such hlghwavs and brhlsej is are to re buhl The r.asen v-r this is quite apparent The purpose ui uuiiuius iL'rriionni Miguwas 'B r . . . j t J a' 'V to connect the various s-icUons of Z ana m , -i - " 7.; m the territory Jay . system of riads E minion of weB-informed famUie through-' j which wilt make tnnul and trans portation easy from one section to any frank and candid qrUlQlsnii r.thnr nmt nin m. .,., nr. m. which has for Its jiurnose the ado-ca?y of access ta the lwoplo of tho. Upn of wiser and more eftlcien territory our various points of in-1 methods ot administering the Tor 'terest. such aB tho Grand Canyon' ritorlal road law and aio reaay u. at(l other wenlc attractions ne profit by such cijtioism. permit nit . logtslaturo, undoubtedly had in mm' ' to suggest that to ho hcliiful . sacs ' tne f8ct tSt system or Tt criticism fchauld bo at lean Jna. j ritarial Highways .ould bring. jcarU and that no other sBrtiat least hooia ,housands of touri. and others I. be placed on the records of a re- tuo territory i-esatUng hot dnl ir sponsiore (iociui opuy use me uoaru ap mcrea in ovulation bu- a'so lu liriiiRjiHc tho ndvtfnttges wlvi h ri suit from tho visit of Jarge uuraoci of tourists and pleasure seekers Al ot Supervisors. In Uio present in Stance. It seems , to mb thit your Ilord lias mlscnaceivc-U both trie letter and the spirit of the Territo- f sections of the territory aro to ; out tic wcitd to cleaiue and jwecten J I And strengthen the system whenever a 1 ; bzabvc reaedy u needed. ! When buying note the full same; cf the Company California Fig Syrup '. ; Co., printed on every packsso of the; ; cccuLtc ; Regular price BO per bot. one sire oaly.1 rcr sale by all leading- crussists. -jpt UffiKU jilCi iTjIft.ia4i V II v' i Phone 243 Q The Great German Doctors whom Har riman consulted said that Beet and Bread were man's best food. O We sell y.ou good beeii cheaper than milk. I $3.50 for 2 dozen quarts at, any grocery ' store pr call BOSTON & BROWN and they will- inform yon how to buy good beer cheap. - : -:- -:-Don't Pay The Freight ! 243 Phone 243 ial road lav., and the duUe of th Territorial Hoard of Contml who respect t its administration, i-n'l that certain ot tho recitals contain- out of such a system. eu lu uio rtf&utuuuu tiouuuevs iiKvr their origin in shcH loiaoiAeepiieti structlon of the law, and that of the other members ot the Doanf ot c-oa trol, and our attitude with regard to iae matters roiend to 111 n standing voicing doubts concerning WIFE OF MINISTER the designs or tno uniteu ataies 1 ngafnst Canada. He scoffed at the 1 Idea of annexation being ronsiuereu. , seriously on either sidr of the lor- CANEY. Kas Jlay 24. Mrs. V dor. " I A. TTavnnt. vitf rtt Ilia nantor nt tlw. Admires United -States. 1 Christian rhurch horn nnlillolv harsn. . lesolutions, He uipreseoc In warm te.Tm, Ulslvhipped Daniol Plowman, a widely I u ,is quite apparent from a casual admiration ' ifor the peopl of tho known dairyman and member of the reading of tho law of l09 that its rUaney school board, yesterday. Mr. ,vu-'vvv ""B "" u-uuran aim as ho loved the American people, Plowmin swore out a warrant toi. maintenance, ors a systom or Tom- tne arrest or Mrs. iiayno anu ner " .bn.,a. Uuu mui am n sou. who accompanied her. DC uullt DV lno lerntory ana wnen beaeflted- by every bit of road build ing. Merc local convenience could and should not control in the laying THE ANTLERS CAFE MAIN STREET OPPOSITE P. 0, PHONE 221 WM. ROBINSON It is not the imrnoee of the- law that the construction ot Territorial For this reason I have colluded to ' ," 'XTiY Xii .b ' wTk state .auemmt atoigtl. my i'"Tj! ?J?, vuirumii vvuntt ivauo auu umij such highways" as i Arc needed and JURY DISAGREES IN TRIAL OF BLACrJBURM ' MWIiUHBIH- SAN PRANClRCn Mv ! Thi. - , . , , .1 . "" - -MN. proper lor ojieuing up to irui mi- p jury jn the trial ot Former Super various sections of the territory visor Daniel E. Blackburn or San should bo Included ,ln any Territorial jjatco county, who was accused of scheme. leaving to the Boards or accepting a brjbe, disagreed today. I Supervisors the mattor 'of. construct- several standinc for conviction" and ho loved: Great Britain better. panada, in sharing the continent with the United States. 'ne 3ald, had a Tloublo Interest in tho treaty ot Tho trouble grew out or a ngni over tho election or a superintendent built aro to be the property of tho people or the wholo "territory, it was never the purpose to construct The Board or Control In formulat ing a scheme of Territorial High" ways considered carefully tho situa tion In Cochise county and resolved W,V,4 DI.UUIUK 1U1 IIUWUUUU UUU ifl M..A in ........ U4nl ffl The panel was discharged and the I re-trial set for Juno 12. ( i " ! h MAZE CAFE CARETTO & CO, Proprietors Beard by tha month 525.00, r by mal tickets. Try us an you'll be convinced. JOHNSON-HENNIGER BUILDING Main Street. Blsbee Arizona sHNHSHEMsBSmKHssstBBtsiBSSssl CAT.f?RHf 2nd I DISCr'i??5r'.S Reliafd ia 24.Hoiirs r Each Ctp- xv sale bean u-o (MI8-.-1 J n-mo - V J Etw&n CfCOUnltrfMlA nk VwvvvwAlVAAAslvv - ... . - - !& JlITBtfi LI1T IlIirLTJtsi III f-tlII4I nil'L -- - .irhltrivtion between the Unltel ot tno pumic scneois. -Mrs. liaynes , , , .,,: ,. .. .... nion two routes, one beginning at zxtlA h nnii K'nedom and cx-lToto a communication to a local . , .. -.r,., ,?.'.. ljounlas and runnlne thence to Bis- claimed dramatically; Paper concerning the election. Plow. a Tcnitorial Enrfnce. l,pc a lhcnce to TuC6on- and tUo MORE LABOR LEADERS , MAY BE MIXED IN IT LOS ANGELES, May 24. Bert ... r . .-J ... ,-.. nan nosted the clipped communica- Iu" ..". i"'"""..' tutr"-.V thor Mnnl nt TiancloH and run-,". Conners and John Mansell ParkP. eenoPw -e window of his store and n-T highway i.i 1 'ZZtSJS'TSS.Z between so good as they are today. No Guns Necessary. The premier aroused enthusiasm when he sal that Canada and tbo miii'iiiii-ii i-iid uiiiim. . ..... -rr . wnen nuilt la in h n ' Qli ewe elira le mUtTlrxiia i rv. ..... ., ou .o ....nwU ..w- cnarge. inaecu, every county in tne torf.oi Springs Valley and thence on to , suspicion of conspiring to dynamite terruormi , . ,. . ... t tne county hall or records early tho cuarKe. luuecu. evcrr county in tne --r : . .- .. ...- . i - . .. .. nian." Terrltorv contrfbutea Kompth!nrr tn. Highway at some point on tne una ;"""' oe,":u,.uer s "V- wer Mrs. Haj-nes entered tho Plowman wards ,, hulldlnir and maintenance lIvcr- Th,s scheme when compieteu , w--ioro tno grand jury aa day ana . . j j.j .. ... ... wds ui- Duiiuing ana mainiecacco , ....i--. -,,,,. nn..iv rma mav ho rpcallnrt trnnntrmr wo'lf tlTZJtTZ-Si Ping be"Uovedt Plowman reruVcX gf S StSffto S nd mty ml es of "roaje U f.fPof. W "been issuer for lnSwniJan0 to Then Mrs. Hayncs attacked him with builf are cd To contribute an more mileage In. fact than an, otber Ed , Hondri secretary of the local ocean, living in peaco and mutual re j a riding wnlp. spect without a soldier or a gun on cither side of that boundary. Lord Itobert3 presided and wel- M i MADE-BY THE CUBAN CIGAR CO. DENVER, COLO. WEST VIRGINIA G. A. P. MORGANTOWN, V. Va., May 24. Jng antj maintenance of roads additional sum, but, nevertheless iiiu jjcuijiu ui .-iiucuq cuuuiy at; in- . , . . .ii.i n terestcd and contribute to tho build ai vw, au J"'",i '" tn luis respect mure iu iuti v-ioo .. i" . .. . l. .i i j .- ...r.if these as laid out will bo of great, Gunrey, secretary treasurer of the union striko committee here. r i, r Arthnr i-Wii annual encampment of tho Dc Cochise county as do the neanlo of in tne tcrrRory. It would bo uniair Gritdth0i?oreI1ecVetfry. WrU-ent of West Virginia. Grand Sse .S& " thonlru'caon jnanlfestly -to ;the rest oftto territory TENNESSEE BAR. NASHVILLE, Tcnn., Ma 24.- trcaty." speaking along the lines ot his former utterances on this sub ject. He expressed pleasure at the arrival of the draft of tho . treaty from Washington. Ho announced ho would enter tho domain of prccUca! politics and sincerely ho;.ed the treaty would bo concluded. Defines Monroe Doctrine. Defining the Monroo doctrine a meaning that no European nation should acquire more territory on the American continent, he added: "Our policy is in full accord with that doctrine. Grey the foreign secretary . propos-1 -- epUbUc and the an- malnTenance or 'roao? I cT if "we were 7ti depart from the prin- Leading lawyers and Jurists from all fLf!tjSLa or Uie Woman's Relief S?no Su'n vf Al? tne nZt- UeSS P'? of regarding JX Territorial Parts of the state are attending the Corps. Ladies of the G. A. R., and , Uy means of the PVics for road pup filsnways from tne Territorial ttanu- riceuta annual meeting or tho Uie Sons of Veterans opened today . 0es "into one hina to " ex VAnt in the case or your county ' Tennessee Bar associat?on. which and will continue through Thursday ' pended for tho benefit of Uie Ter- lt must be remembered that began Its sessions today at the Her- Todaywasen over largely to the.Hlorial iUghwaysTml1 $dK. f2 "&? !CZJS T$L SpSLS ..Z reception of the visitors and tho pre liminary business of tho encamp-' found menu The city is nancisomejy dec orated in honor ot tic veterans. ILLINOIS FORESTERS. ArnTn no ifmRation whatec- is 'cre8te1 " W b,t of Wsnw, con- Memphis. Frederick N. Judson of ?. .Z- .. :. !!. Ktructed anywhere in tho territory. , St. Louis and several' other lecal Dendituro o the mMcV rali-S ttr the fast that CochisC county authorities or national reputation oenuuuro or tne mono raisea uy . tf.h,ltn in-celv'are on lhn nrnf-mm tm- o,i... means of any levy within any .given r or may ol ---- period of time. Tho law distinctly ""- "ul " r imriii.5 nihnni'ico tor i hn vnrv -m. I The Territorial Board has UlUS AURORA. I1L. Mav 24. Aurora Is tttro rf th irnri;- tn im dnn .-,,! if. far husbanded its resources as best today entertaining tho annual ' see- render this Impracticable. A high- it could and has endeavored to utll- sion of tho high court of Illinois, -way in a mountainous region cannot lie them to the best advantage. At independent Ordor of Forestora. be built quickly. Bridges are to be the "mtset the board needed data N'onrltf !lflft rlnlAmitna rnnrAcanHnp nrtafm,4A.l nn.l c-,ii, fsa ora nmvlnrl in lhl 3fcai)e Of SUrVCi S bOfOrO It One of tie speakers, the Canadian ,ne loca, i0jges of uie order through- icmss our' largest streams cannot could, intelligently lay out a system are on tho program for addresses. i be ..sessions will last three days. premier, was most impressive be- out the state were on hand at the without unduly adding to their cost of hlghwajs. These sunejs cost n uo .a m"j"t uu u.uusvu ""--,oieniD of tno snunDrine-. est here. Sir Wilfriec epoke at length on tho immigration or Americans to Canada and the aprehenslon express d that thoy might threaten the In tegrity or the dominion. He said that tho majority of them took the be built within less than a year, large nun of money and required TO LAUNCH WYOMING. PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. May 24. Arrangements have teen completed at Cramp's shipyard for tho launch ing tomorrow jof the 2G,000-ton bat tleship Wjoramg. Tbo (Vessel will be christened by Miss Dorothy Eunjcc is.mgni. uaugnter ot a former chief Then. too. the method of letUng the several month, of z me. There , justice of the yom ng supreme 'work by contract adds material! to an immediate necessity for tho con premier were almost drowned in ap- the Unie needed to construct both structlon of a brldgo at Florence piause. " o believe," he said, "that hlghwavs and bridges. The funds inasmucli as inn prison iu- ou iu-.- tboday will como of an alliance or raised under tho Act being Territo- south ot the Gila river, while the all liinrln ntvrlnHnr from VriMnnri rit r.inrio fnit tii. Vi'piin.-r-. nmi onlv railroad approaching the place oath or alleg'nnce to King Georgo I loins. Insuring tho peace or tho bridges to' bo constructed becoming was on tie north side. There also Tho last words or the Canadian , world torever." under the law Territorial property. (A SALE OF SUMMER DRESS CO TTONS, - All New t Fresh, Desirable Fabrics In The Daintiest, Pret tiest Patterns and Colorings Brought Oat Ihis Season Never before in .he history or Wash Goods selling have the people of Bisbeo had the opportuuitj to buj new, rresh desirable fabrics at the prices we offer in this great sale. This Kathering embraces the new est and most wanted colors and printings brought out this season. There aro beautiful dress cottons In such infinite variety of design and colorings that every taste can bo gratified, whether simple or fas tidious. Some of these effects possess an cxcluslveness which will c'use them to move qu.ckly at the sale prices you will wisely make your wlection early. 6"t9c Silk Marquisette 35c Silk Marquisette in plain colors and all now even lng shades, a rich, silky finish that will not come off in the wearing; 50c quality at 35c a yard. 4t9c Fancy Voiles. 30c Fancy striped Voiles in cadet and navy blue, cham pagne, gray and black, 27 inches wide. Little need to tell what handsome wearable summer dresses it will make JOc quality at 30c a yard. 35c Novelty Tissue 25c Novelty Tissues, 27 inches wide, plaids In beautiful new color combinations, and new striped and checked patterns, worth regularly 35c a yard, on sale today at 26c. wmwl to be an Immediate necessity for the construction of a bridge across Uie Verde at Camp Verde. These bridges are built and the cott of the same has taken up a consid erable portion or -the funds." Thus far the morwy in actual road building has been spent in Gila. Yav nnfll and Cochise coin tics. The court. An official delegation from the state of Wyoming and a number of representatives of the navy depart ment at Washington will attend the launching. La Internacional Cigars The Standard of Quality t The'Right Sizes The Right Colors ;The Right Prices The Home of Arizonans Hotel Orndorfi EL PASO, TEXAS. FORMER CHIEF ON TRIAL. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 24. Tho caso of Charles W. Wappersteln, for nier chief of pollco of Seattle, against whom several Jury indictments were returned as a result of the recent investigation of municipal airalr3 was oalled In court, today for trial The indictment on which Wappen- county of Maricopa nas had to datej stein Is to be tried first charges him expended within her borders not to exceed three tnousanu uouara. n Mica. Yuma, Coconino and Graham counties no money has been ex pended thus far except in survey work. In your county wo are now with accepting a bribe as protection for running a gambling house. I 25c Poplins 17 l-2c Nothing better for all kinds of pretty summer -frocks than these boautlrul mercerized Poplins, In all plain colors and pastel shades suitable for evening wear. 2Sc quality at 17c a yard. 35c Dimities 25c You'll not find anything for dainty dresses at tho price that will com pare -with those pretty Dimities, beau tifully sheer in flower strewn patterns, 35c quality at 26c a yard. ssssRsap-. i m 3Ac French G-"""n P17" Imported Scotch Zephyrs in endless variety of plaids and stripes. For tho dresses one wears informally these are the prettiest yet, 32 iBChes wide, 3Cc quality, on sale todsy at 25c a yard 15c Linopc 12 -2c French LIneno in pink, old rose, reeda. lavender, tan. gray and cadet blue. 34 inches wido moons economy In the catting too. Sells regularly at Vc a yard, sale price 12c. 12 l-2c Ginghams 1CC The color range is one of the hand somest we 'have over shown and are absolutely fast will receive a i visit to the wn&htub in a most pleasing manner. 38 inches wide. 12c quality at 10r a yard. 20c Pongee 15c The variotfos are so great, the patterns bo attracUve. that you'll want two or three dresses of this pojmlar material; 28 Inches wide, 20c quality at 16c a yard. ' 30c Dress Crash 10c Puro Linen DresgCtashJn cream and natnral linen colors. .It wilt wear well and launder perfectly; 36 inches wide, the quality that regularly sells' for 30c a yard on sale for 20c 35c Linen Stripes 20c Fancy Dress Linens, In white 'and tan grounds with pencil stripes, very popular this season for Tail ored Jacket suits, 27 inches wide, regular 35c quality, specially priced at 20c a yard. Wash Goods Sale 99 r3rT7TTTWzzrTZTzT3rrzyTTr&wTi fsss t W ! A W 8 T " e K W V e JJ a Thwtf'L iM T "1 Tsznm Wash Goods Sale J A. M. E. CONFERENCE. NEWPORT, R. I.. May S4 'the sixtieth annual session of Xho New constructing a road between Douglas Kugland 'Conference of the African Mid Blsbee. In this connection per-1 Methodist church opened In Newport tint me to call attenuon. to a state- toaay witn uisnop i.aines ot Atlanta n.ent in your resolutions which, it presiding. The sessions will last row seems to me. is both a misapprehen- days. slon or fact and a misconception ) i ... i.w Vmi fnmti!n!n that the high-1 lwa'. now being built does not passjpidered above that or the people or 'through Blsbee. Under the road law Tombstone, SL David nd Fairbanks Territorial Highways cannot be con- Humouring auogeinor not to oxcecu s'rticted within any Incorporated two thousand city Wo can only build to tne city ! While the board does not recog boundaries. The road from Douglas nize the right of the local Boards to Blsbee stops at LowelL We can- of Supervisors to control the matter not extend It up tne canyon uiruusu " u.i.... .,. ,.,,. i.-iiimii tit.K. ir,-..miih it wfe cannot as- "xd fund or tbo selection and loca- sumo controVof the streets of a city, tion of Territorial Highways, tho We aro right, therefore. In inlldinsi board does welcome reasonable sug ito Lowell and inasmuch as It readier tesUons from such boards looking to Uie corporate limits of the town. In, the .vise selection and location of 'designating the road under construe- highways. U is possible that your Uon as one rrom Douglas to Blsbee. pboard may in this Instance have ' Now with reference to a change overlooked considerations which in the route from Blsbee to Tucson hould enter into the cutter of he tv. rmiM nwr the nresent bycaUou selection of the route west from 3is- wmld givo tho most direct route ee, and it may be that tne uoai-aj from Bisbeo to Tucson and, as our of Control has made a mlstace ana i i engineers report, the cost or con- j that, after' all the route by Tomb i . .I.... ..t nr m.inton.nri. uoiiin I stone nould he more, rfpafrnhlo W. be comparaUVely small -compared therefore, suggest that your board with that of any other route thattake up the matter with the peoplo H'tght bo selected. Our engineers also , "f Cochise county with a view ol report and his report is cortfirmeJ ascertaining whether a majority of by such information as wo can ou-1 the people. Interested favor the e riin all sources, that it is Im-, penditure of the addiUonal money 'nraclicablc to build a highway to needed and the building or tho long ' Tncson by way or BensoifT The char- j er route through Tombstone and ' actcr of the country In the vlclnltv i Fairbanks, and should it become aj Jcl Benson practically forbids any parent that euch route is so favored, Unnn ihnt mich road could. be built I unless there be engineering difficut and maintained. To no sure, wo ties not now known to exist, we will, nniiia build ihrouch Tombstone can If then In office, adopt such routft. on to Tombstone, and then west to All we ask Is that there be a full . the present line of survey. Besides and fair discussion of the matter by f Increasing the distance at least flf- the peoplo interested and somej teen miles this route would greatlv method adopted by which tho con-j exceed In cost the route as now des- censuB of opinion may bo secured, lgnated. In Cetermmmg th's mPtt" &nd In this behalt I suggest that it occurred to the board that if lo- you have your county surveyor run cal condiUons were to bo congM"! the lines of .the proposed route and ,i ,i the convenience of the people report as to tho character ot the rj nictuui tiwpII. iaco. osborn anu country covcrea oy it so uuit mo i " ., ... , , - - .,i w.. lKiueias. comprtnng rrom tno census tacis may oe iiy iuu. reports a population ot nearly twen- Famous Indian Hot Springs A noted resort lor health aa pleasure. Rata 2.00 to fX.9a per day. Twenty talantsa ride from Hot Springs SUtloa, Gra ham county, Arizona. Ttate vondertul waters ars rscon mended to cars rheumatism, out, dropsy, liver, kidney and itomach troubles, blood U rases and women's alluaau. beautiful lawns and ahadf trees. Largo plunge and sTwln mlng pool; also fish li axil boating, lawn tennis aaj cra quet and swings. Try our won derful mud and minerals hatha. job ara sick, get wall. II wall net pleaacre. THE BEST HUNTING AND FISHING AT ALL TIME. ALEXANDER BROS. Propritors. COPPER QUEEN HOTEL I and High Glass Gafe European Plan Special 51.00 Table d'Hote Dinner From 5:30 to 8:09 P M. HENRY POPPEN, Mai-ager Very respectfully. Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co. REDUCTION WORKS We Are Now in the Market for the Purchase of Copper Ore and Copper Matte Correspondence Solicited Address COPPER QUEEN CONSOLIDATED MINING C9. ' General Office DOUGLAS ARIZONA -II 4K ?i I r i I I I!! i A i J t & I v Uy thorsard pco)le should Lo con- (Signed.) RICILARD'E. SLOAX 1 - iifltlSfin il ..ii. 1 -t- 1SSB-i. - iHwiami m f ) 'iPsmjiiKnatowit'. . i'" iIf!Slii',. .. ' f&00&!& " rs .-ffK.'VCi.-.. . .- - - s'i gg" &fxte& S " ' "K "v 'i' 'Wi jisi m I " i : sslslslssssisUsV ' i irtisssw r rft-. r-" --. ai s I r . ''''WssHsyssiieiiSsMsiMsisBssssssssssssssslsssssssWar ..iL:.-Ka:.TJ.3IESEl9SBSMSB-- J- - "?, . ' J 1 1ML2mld&.l ;.iiaM.J:-.iiiT AaX.i" tt-.,;..:-vr.fti