Newspaper Page Text
flfflwfnwMroiwwiffriffiiifmMiW'ifrwiuj -, '' '?.''- PAGE FOUR THE BfSBEt- DAILY BEVIEW, B1SBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1911. xi KM THE B1SBEE DAILY REVIEW All tht New That' Fit to Print" stared ai lecond class matter at us rottoQce at Blsbee, Arizona, un tar Act or March. 3, 1S79. Published at Blcbee, Arizona, th rt mining city in the west, at the tsvlewf Bulkllng, corner O. K. Street and Review Avenue. CONSOLIDATED PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, SEO. H. KELLY President TELEPHONE .3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAU ( OR CARRIER ONE MONTH .76 8IX MONTHS ..-.... 4.50 ONE YEAR . X0 ONE YEAR In Advance 7.50 Address all Communication to THE 8ISBEE DAILY REVIEW Btsbee, Arizona AN IMPORTANT MATTER TOR SOBER THOUGHT. According, to reports, the city council now has an opportunity to secure for the property owners of Ittsbco a substantial reduction in the-rate of insurance, which has I 4 . always been moxmously high, bo cause of "the crowded conditions in j nearly every section of the city. To pffeel this savinc. amounting ' to an estimated aggregate of from U2.000 to $15,000 annually, it -will be necessary for the -city to rrovido an additional and more dependable supply of water for fire protection than Is at present available. The board of Are underwriters bavcsuo- raitted a definite proposition to Mayor Bdmundson specifying tho proposed reduction in Insuranco rates, to go into effect whenever the city arranges for an additional source and supply of water, to be available at all times, amounting to 10O0 gallons per minute. Mayor Edmundson and tho city council havo taken up tlie matter of this required additional water supply with the BJsbeo-Naeo Water company and a discussion of possi- .ill no doubt occur soeB be-' tween tho representative of tho wntr , .... ,. company ami w. cii, council. w -. , committee of the council. It may be assumed now that the water company will. In this confer ence, make a request that in con sideration of a low rate for the needed wator supply that the com pany bo gives a franchise for the operation of their enterprise in the city, but before considering such a proposition the council should in eist on a lower water rate for the f individual water consumers in the j UyJ If the city can sccuro a lowor j rate for -water consumers, under the' exisung conditions aucn a irancniso would meet the Approval of tho people. The Review fully realizes? that peo ple generally look wib suspicion on public utility franchises and they are right in doing so, but if the' city council can secure adequate compensation to the people in lower insurance and cheaper water rates for such a franchise concession it so doubt would have the public ap proval, provided tho franchise bo properly safeguardd In the inter est of the people. Jt Is well known that tho city of Blsbee is now 1b a strained financial condition, with, taxes at the oxtrone limit ?2 on the one hundred dol lars valuation. Uader this condition tho city new is not In a condition to !., v- fa fa-f nwnnrf bv th. either buy the plant owned by the Bisbeo-Naco Water comfany or to ad there will not be the same llbor- number of Tempo Normal graduates m.M! nnn nf awn but conditions ! altT ln approwlatlons that has " tho city, who will be Interested Install one of its own. bHt conditions pagsnKe of apPropr,aHon In tho commencement exorcise. Fut- may change la DtsBco within tho measures durine the last few years, f lowing Is the prpram of tha cxer- To-ar -Mam -with the hoflo for- Jt 's a fact that the appropriation , olses: next few yaars. Win tae noao Ior , g0S ,hroiI1?h the j,onstiracTjc,ny. I May 28, Closing oxorelses o? train- better times ln the future the Re-1 prepared by its committee. Tho 'K school. view woaW ag(w that the city bobsc seldom adds anything and if e 2, Junior reception. I Increases are made tbev are gener- ! Juno A, Baccalaureaya address Rt. council shoald rtxrmre a provision ay wt 0 , tho Eenato Tho, dem. Rev j. w. Atwood. to be inserted in any proposed water ocratic house however, will not bo June' 5, Alumni Day, reception and .... It .v, averse to cutting out items here banqucL franchise reserving to the city tne and lhero ,f u leavca 80mcthing ja ( june C, Senior class nlghL right to boy tlio franchiscd system', tho treasury, so the Holman rule June 5, Commencement address , , , . ' will bo greeted with a great hnrrali , Dr. A. IL Wilde, president of the Unl. at intervals, of say fivo years, at f when ,f bgIng t(j Tflrfc Ters,ty of ATix6 an appraisement price to bo deter-i . mmed by a beard composed of a I pJSJ'"! -W,LL PRESS POPULAR representative or the city, a repre-. Fairmont is entertaining the fortv . ELECTION OF SENATORS rimtitivA of tho water company and sond annual convention of the I tentative or wo uii.r i -churches of Christ in Wt VinrrnUirl "WASHINGTON, May 24. Senator and third, if necessary to an agree- .j conveirtio nwas formally opened Bonrh of Idaho, author of the reso . . w rhoeen by the first two., today and will remain In session lutlon providing for direct election anent, to bv cmu .over Sunday. of senators, which is now the unfln- la. Arizona no exclusive irancmse; ianted. bo that tho city or tarred from dealing at any time for cheaper water at any time it was available, either by municipal owner ship or otherwise. Here la a proposition worthy ot tho sober thought of tho people ot DEMOCRATS TO E 0L0 RULE (Continued from Pago 1.) Ilolman of Indiana, then a member And later chairman of tho appropria tions committee, devised thla scheme for reducing tho government' an nual expenditures. When tho Ilolman rulo was first invoked in 1876 tho annual appro priations of tho government, becauso of its adoption, fell off $30,000,000. That was a tremendous cut In those days, before a billion dollar congress was heard of, and when tho annual expenses of the government were hardly -half what they aro today. Republican Practice. Tho democrats used tho Holman rule through tho JUtb; 45th, 46th. 47th and 48th congresses. It was not i used in tho 49th congress, but -was again restored in tho 52cr and 53rd j -congresses, wnen zno ropuMicans.juscd to secure tno election of wii- o mto power in tho 5Uh con- gress, they throw tho Ilolman rulo jnt0 tho discard, and decided that hereafter no legislation should bo founrt in an appropriation measure, Consequently, if an office, a salary. , or a bureau were onco established, it couia not do legisiatea out or ex istence when the . appropriations committee came to appropriate for tho next year's exenses. One friend in tho hous ot such an office or bureau was. sufficient to retain .it. through tho simple expedient of maK ing a point of order. For sixteen years too republicans have held 'that legislation must bo setnilo and Klintlnct from apffo- ' i pnations. Will Cut Them Down. "When the democrats came Into power in tho house at the convening of this extra session, ono of the first policies decided upon was that there should bo reduction all along the lino in tho way of tho govern ment's appropriations. Tho democrats recalled that Sen ator Aldrich, in an unguarded mo ment, once said that this government could save $300,000,000 per year by an economical administration ot its affairs. This to the democrats was f ria nllA iriat horA nrtetnJ rwn mtitnp jof n mA S.Q ,n 'the j government departments, and tho -g ? Xalion! 8Ct Tho Ilolman rule was thought of ' hs- members of the Ions ... . -- -: '7r" 1 "'", .1 " """V"'- Z v.. ,uu iuu.un i me fcu,c.u n-in... . mil. ..... . a .J. Tli. uirut vixy luus musk ut; uuiitr. luc old rule was looked up. and. despite its sixteen years vacation, It aopeor- od Just as vigorous and effective as ever. When tho rules of tho new hose were drawn, a proviso was in serted that legislation -may be in ordor In an appronrlatlon bill, if such legislation will subtract any- tning trom Undo Sam s expenses. in Kuies ot tne House. Tho democratic caucus swallowed 'Jthe rule gteefully'and it was read into the permanent rules of tho ? .""i ! wwoprlatlon committee today Is therefore clothed with, the power to prune salaries anywhere thev wero needed and to abolish any sinecures which It may find In pour- TjB OVcr the estimates or tierprt moTifl expenses sent in by the cab! net officers. - Without tho Holman rule, the abo- lltion of a buroau or some recocniz- el branch of the government service rnuel of necessity be aeronmllsbed by a bill, introduced la regular or- der, and yolng through the leclsla - tivo channels In the hoso. Under the Holman rule, no bill is nccos- sary and all that the apnronriatlons committee needs to do is to order that an aopropriation for somn par - tienlar thine sha'l be discontinued, Tho possibility of sych summary ac- Uon bs cnueod many holders of fit jobs, who have long been upon the payroll of Uncle Sam, to grow un- easy. It means that thev. or their immediate superiors at the head of tno department, must make out a case before the arwrowlstlons com mittee and must show that tho po sition is not in reality a sinecure. Can Save S300 0C0.0C0. If the democrats live up to their promises and go out for an economy record and for tho eavlng of that j-ieo.nofl.Mifl uiked ahont hv the loH'-thue leader of tho United States Suffering from appendicitis. James S.iHall was taken to the Copper Quee" ALDH TUFT Urged His Election in Order to Protect Infant Indus tries, Declares Sen ator LaFollette TWICE $100,000 USED . 4 ' TO PURCHASE- SEA! Wisconsin 'Senator Quotes from Lumbar Man's Tes timony arid Urges Sen ate to Reopen Probe V WASHINGTON, May 24. Instead" 'of the 4100,000 alleged to havevbeen 11am Lrimer of Jlllnbjs to' the United States senate, more than twico that sum will be disclosed, Senator LaFolletto told his cbl- leagues today, if tho senate reopens the inquiry as to Liorlmer'a right to hold . office. LaFolletto declared that- Taffa name had been used lu Lorimer'a behalf, and reiterated that Lorimer had personal cognizanco of the use of money. . For Taft and-'Aldrich LaFolletto quoted from tho testi-. mony . of Edward nines, a Chicago lumber man, before the Lorimer in vestigating committeo ot the Illinois legislature regarding nines' inter view with United States Senators Aldrich and Penrose, in which Hines said Aldrich Tepeatedly impressed upon him the importance of Lorl mer's election and told mm tnat Taft was especially concerned In Lor imer's behalf. Conspicuous at Capitol Discussing nines' activity in tho Lorimer campaign, -which was ac counted for on tho ground that Lor imer would favor the duty tjn lum ber, LaFolletto said that during the last Lorimer investigation by the senato Hines -was much in evidence about tho capltol at Washington. Evidently referring to tho elec tion of Senator Stephenson of Wis consin, though not mentioning his name, LaFollette said: In Wisconsin Also "In another senatorial campaign m Wisconsin, nis (iiincsj nenenmen in "Wisconsin, his (Hines') henchmen notoriously active for the sue i.lSKf.i mnnhlntp. and nis nrmci- I - - - . . pal agent has not dared to remain within tho borders of tno state.' He referred to tho inferenco by Judge Pettit of Chicago in tho in vestigation of tho accounts of B. E. Tllden, whom be characterized as a "Lorimer Judge." LaFolletto will loso his speech tomorrow by outlining ills reasons ; f0r favoring n. special committee to conduct the proposed inquiry. . . ANDREW CARNEGIE 15 10 TESTIFY WASHINGTON. May 24. Andrew .-,,.. mrnstlmitlmr committee that ll0 ls fining to appear before it and y no subpoena or legal doenmont : is n6cessarv to insure his prosnco 1 jn Washington when desired. The committee has not fixed a date for '-he hearing. Tho special committee will meet today to discuss tho various jpianB for the inquiry, ana sec rotary Nagel and Attorney General Wlckersham are expected to attend the meeting. The committee wants the report of Herbert Knax SmlU, commissioner of corporation, on tho 1 United States Steel corporation and the records of the department of Justice In its investigation. COMMENCEMENT OF TEMPE NORMAL SCHOOL Invitations to tho twenty-fourtn annual commencement of the Toaipe Normal school of Arizona have teen received in Bisbee. There are a large ,flhcd business of the senate, an-. nounced today that after aday or two he would press consideration" of. AN BOMB w hist m . MEDDLING WITH Bill WASHINGTON, May 24.-ln a talk with Secrctary Knox ' and Chairman' Penrose "of tho eenato finatico committee. President Taft4 tonight explained that ho was un alterably opposed to ' any amend ment of tho Canadian reciprocity bill. The president took, tho 'posi tion that amondments might endan ger tho passage of tho measure. Pcnroso said ho hoped to see the bill pass without amendments. ,1 ! LAST HANGING IN KENTUCKY FItANKFORT. Ky May 28. Tho execution of lloger Warren hero to morrow will probably bo the last legal hanging in Kentucky, as the law now requires all men condemned to death to be electrocuted, provided tho crime is committed after- tho. ele1 trocution law came,, into effect. Way rcn is a negro convict Bent up from Jpfferson county. After his arrival at the stato penitentiary bo klllod unother negro convict, tho crime bolng. committed just before the elec trscution law wont into effect. i EARLY RISING. (A certain amount of .sleep Is a physiological necessity. Dr. lames Orr.f ;-.- - i . '. Thn 111 example ot tthc lark Is -not for human foll'owFug. For, When there's less of dawn than darlr, ,, - Tho Httlo brute is halloaing. The shrill and penterating sound Awakening neighbors all around. How .foolish is the- early worm. The earliest in particular! There's naught in me, I can affirm, That you would term vernacular; I do not hurry to my-jdeath . . To catch 'the morning's earliest . breath. You doubtless like your limbs and joints, You'd not have tho pains acuto in all, "",. A wish tho riser disappoints. Who's almost prematurlal: I vot tho wise will always chooso Avoidance of tho morning dews. f How great a sin Is worldliness! We, each one, havo a touch ot it. And for the world,-1 must confess We think and see too much of it: Pray, therefore, have, my brother men. Your shaving water brought at ten. Pall Mall Gazette 4 CALIFORNIA and Return via Southern Pacific Tickets on SALE Daily, May 1st to September 30th RETURN LIMIT, NOVEMBER 30th Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Pedro Santa Monica, Venice, Ocean Park t Lake Tahoe and Glenbrook Del Monte,' Monterey and Pacific Grove San Francisco 50.00 Avalon and Newport Beach Sah Diego and Santa Barbara Ocean'o and Pizmo Unlimited Stopovers MT. Portland, Oregon, Tacoma and Seattle, Washington On Sale Daily, Beginning June 1st to September 30th. Return Limit, Oct 31st. Unlimited Stopovers Going and Returning FOUR TRAINS DAILY NO SMOKE, NO DUST, NO CINDERS ' '. - - . DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS For Further D'etails Write E. L. WITTY, Agent ., , E. W. . .benson . . ;:w 'un STATES HS A I (Continued from Page l.j tltl'Ai hrl ffrait AAmmttnlMillAn tint'n f ceased hostilities.". Turns Down Suggestion Jorge Vera Hstanol, acting minis ter of gobcrnaclon (interior admin istration) at Mexico City, suggested in a telegram to Aiauero toaa tnat tho ex-revolutionists' forces placo themselves under orders of tho fed eration government in fighting ban dits and robbers, but Madero re plied that such courso would be lm- J practicable until ho arrived In Mex ico City and could give tho neces sary orders. . The revolutionist leaders are In clincd to co slow about falling into lino -with, the federal government until Senor do la Ilarra isin power and Madero is in Mexico City with him, though the resignation of Diaz and Corral is expected tomorrow, ac cording to another official announce ment. Federal officers captured in tho battle of Juarez wcro informed today that until President Diaz re signed they would not be liber ated. " Z TTZ. MRS. CHAMBERS DIES FOLLOWING OPERATION - SAN FRANCISCO, May 21. Mf . lidward Chambers', wifeojthe freight traffic agent of tho Santa Fo rail road, died suddenly at her home at 3340 Washington street Sho was 55 years old. Death was caused by an operation which was performed a few days ago from which no serious consequences had been expected. Mrs. Chambers was well known In club circles and was prominent in charity work. Sho had lived In Ssn Francisco eight years, li&ving come hero from.-,-Los Angeles. Before ber marriage she was Miss Marion Johnston. FIRE STARTED BY THE HOT RAYS OF THE SUN SANTA -ANA, Calif.. May 21. A tiro of myterlous origin in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred King. 783 Cy press avenue, threatened the life of a 1-year-old baby daughter ot the Kings as she was quietly sleep ing in a bed room remote from s - shed in- the rear of tho house, wheraillrc If possible. Ailed by a neighbon her mother was washing. tng woman, Mrs. Wagner, and a man Mrs. King heard tho child scream-1 who was passing by, she succeeded Ing and ran into the house, where I in putting tho firo out beforo the tho found the bed on which the! firemen arrhed. child was lying aflame, the wall paper on the celling, blazing ana smoko filling the room. Snatching the child from tho bed, she carried it xcursion TO Fares from- Benson Santa Cruz at all points going and returning west of Colton. SHASTA ROUTE v From Benson to . . BIG CROWD EXPECTS TO LEAVE FOR SALT 1 LAKE CITY HAY 31 EXCURSION MAKES GOOD IM PRESSION. WITH BISBEE. . . PEOPLE Don't forget tho date of tho Hoff man Bros. Loan and Trust Co. ex cursion to Salt Lake City, May 3L Several of Bisbee's leading people intend making the trip. Wo hava convinced them that money can bo saved by going with us at this date. They intend visiting acme point m California on tho return trip, aa their tickets read 60 dlrys from date of sale. Just stop and think that It takes S31.SO round ' trln to Los Angeles now and one can go up to Salt Lake City for 311.05 round trip, with the Hoffman Bros. Loan and Trust company - excursion. Ar rangements havo been mado by the company at Salt Laka to entertain a large crowd. They intend making the people's visit in Salt Lako Just as pleasant as possible. Automo biles will bo at their disposal dur- lnS their stay and each one can "Euro on a pleasant trip, also a eflndenrfcui "AOTaSi (Salt Lake City and the Hoffman j Bros. Loan and Trust company are affording to tho, public at large. This excursion is open to everybody. Don't tie under the impression that one must buy property to take advan tage of this rate. Wo nro convinced that you will bo favorably impressed with Salt Lake City and that you can sec tho propositions tho- firm of Hoffman Bros. Loan and Trust com pany arc presenting in their various plats and subdivisions and aro strictly high class, gilt edgo- invest ments. I -ii r. a. j. iYi5&c4i)urs, aisinci man jager of the' above firm, with offices (In the Johnson hotel, will bo pleased jto answer all Questions regarding ltlia axrtirslon. Klndlr Ken him bv 'Saturday, May 37. for sleeper reser- vation. Tne rato win be 4i.Su round trip from Benson, Ariz, "via Colton. Cal. The date Wednesday May 31. 1911. out of doors and finding that it was unharmed, placed it on a ncarbr cot land hurried back to extinguish tho j it is believed that tho sun's rays I passing through tho window panes j set fire to an oiled curtain hanging beforo the window. Fares to $31.40 S61.15 SV6.SO SU7.UO $33.65 $35.65 S31.UO $65.00 " , CLAPP, A. G. Pa. TUCSON DR. C. M. HORN " DENTIST , 301-24 Pantages Theater Bldg. "NEVER HURT A BIT" . I can't do anything for you at long range. You must bellevo mo when I say I won't hurt yon, at least to thd point whero you will como and talk it over with me. I am very much in earnest, and every day adds to my belief that fear ot tho dentist is keeping thousands at homo Vho should havo gone to him yeara, ago. WhataTO you worrying- about 'i . You .can read and yp know what I mean when I aay . "I NEVER HURT A BIT You will notico that I don't qualify tho statement and ad any u . or -ana." , - It Is. a positive statetaemt. and' thousands can verify it; but it YOU won't como and say, "Prove it. Dr. Horn," what can I do? . Wo are all good natured la. thesa pleasant, sunshiny odces. You don't hear any gronas oi meet any grouches here. "Away with dull care." says Shakespeare (or was It Ooorgo' Ade7). Como ln and meet mo and ril show you that tho New System plan ot painless dentistry la prac tical. sensible and PAINLESS DR. C. M. HORN, DENTIST 301-2-3 Pantages Theater Bldg, . - 536 S. Broadway, .. . Los Angele3 - .- - w CaL Jjardly st day passes Without someone speaking in praising terms f out good grades, moderate prices arid quick service ' P . et us know your wants. ; Under any circumstances? and' it May prove" to our mutual' advantage. tter service, and Even better materials might esult in our be- " oming better acquainted Once you give us a trial, we do the rest. Brewery Ave. Phone & Fountains For Poultry We make a complete line of Feed and Drinking Fountains For Poultry . . . Dicus Plumbing Co. Phona 281. wVER 63 YEARC EXPERIENCE Trad: Marks i CcprniiiUTfi Ac Anyone nd!nfr a tfcetth and description m& quickly MMtrUJn oar opinion freo ttfaeUior a& InentkHi . probably naienfahle. Cominiinfc tlonsttrtctlrronailentKL HAN3B00X on Patent nt freo. OMest teencj ftreccrirp patenu. I'iKntJ taktm tbroosh Iudo Jt Co. rocftU nrteial nutlet, withoct bnra. la tho Sciewinc Jfmerican. A harnJiomelr tifatrctd wectlf. Jjureit nr enlxtion of any clenuso Joarnal. Tenua, $8 year: font uontlis, i. tiold jsl rtewadealera MUHN&Co.36'B"-New York IlnncL uaw, 124 JT 8t Wbloston. 11. c. EST.I900 GATLl T mm SSk" H0HV- a.2I B mM . IJZT V1V--' - CfBaefit'' '1,CS0SBAD', GATL1N INST1TZ1TE L0SAN5EIES .... SMFHWiaSO D25S6KM0AVE. moiii SaiK13UIim noncno22 vwr.ii. le.tmj TumOvei a New Leaf ft By subscribing forIS PAPER APER U - S .i . 4'.' 4 " y . K the people iroutA in no case be hospital". 4 the question. -I I '3S:-i4 x EKS"'"' i I iaiiilfciiii ' ' ... . "' 1