Newspaper Page Text
W JL ME B1SBEE DAILY REVIEW, B1SBEE, ARlZOftfl, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1911. PAGE FIVE t!&,P' ' ' ' y' i-3 m j I A i i s ;f i 1i? SPORTS rHiul BASE BALL STANDING OF CLUBS National League "Won. Lost Philadelphia 22 13 New York 21 12 CMtago 21 13 Pittsburg . . .' 19 14 St. Louis 15 15 Cincinnati ...13 16 Brooklyn . 13' 21 Boston S 2S Pet. .625. .636 .61 S .57G .600 .44S 382 American League "Won. Lost Pet. .7S1 ,r,45 .531 .516 .515 .417 .333 Detroit . . . Philadelphia New York . Chicago . . . Boston . . . Cleveland . Washington St Louis ..23 ..IS ..17 ..1G ..17. ..15 ..11 ..12 S 15 16 15 16 21 22 24 '" Coast League "Won. Lost. PcL .600 .536 519 .50'J .451 407 Portland . Oakland . ... Vernon . San Francisco Sacramento . Los Angeles 30 ... 30 2S ."'."as 23 20 26 26 27 28 32, Warren District 'League Won. Lost Banters 1 0 Copper Qaecas ... 0 1 Pc. 1,000 000 Yesterday's Results NATIONAL LEAGUE At Boston R. IL Chicago ... .4 8 Boston 2 5 Mclntyrc. Archer; Mattern, den. Rarl- At Philadelphia R. HE. St. Louis '. ' 4 6 3 Philadelphia 2 6 2 Golden, Bresnahan; Moore, Humph reys and Dooln. At Brooklyn K. H. E. Pittsburg 0 4 1 Brooklyn - 4 6 1 White, Steele and Gibson; Scbardt, Miller. At "New York Cincinnati . . . ., New York . Caspar. McQulllcn. Marquard. Myers.' It. 1 H. E. 3 1 5 0 and Cart.ston. AMERICAN LEAGUE At Cleveland R. H. Philadelnhla 9 15 E. Cleveland 1 Coombs, Thomas; Harknes 6 1 Lang. At SL Louis R. Boston 0 SL Louis 1 Wood, Nunamaker; Pe4ty, II. E. 3 l 41 Clark. At Chicago R. IL .." vnri. 5 v l rVr, "3 5 0 ?2-:. ", j-it' Irfi" Tiiir- mm. Stead, Payne. At Detroit R- H. vCshincton 5 10 JSJ. 6 10 Groom, Hughes and Henry; WorkB, Stanagc. COAST LEAGUE At Los Angeles R- H- Sacramento . 9 11 r na AnfTell ........ 0 5 Thompson. Thomas; Agnew, Couch man and Abbott. Permanently Dustless Homes The B-B DUSTLESS DUST CLOTH is a cloth chemically treated which absorbs all dost from any surface over whioh It Is passed and is indispensable for use on Furniture, Pianos, Glass, Clothing; br in fact everywhere dust can be found. Dustless Dust Cloths, each .25c Dustless Floor Mops, each ..75c Dustless size Floor Mops, large ..$1.00 J. B. ANG1US GROCERY Pbonc 29 Portland Sau Francisco Port same postponed. Rain. At San Francisco R. H. K. Vernon. 3 8 5 Oakland , 4 ll 0 Breckenridge.. Brown; Xilroy. Mitze TEAM GOLF MATCH Losing Team Buys Winners a Dinner tlext Tues- -day Night TUu greens committee of tb War ren District Country club has ar ranged a leam golf match fi- Sun day, and the losing team is to buy 4twk rlnnfri- tagm illnnar Thn ' dinner will be on Thursday oveu- and the teams will be called "Pink" and "Indigo." They f6How iu order, the "Pink" names first. W. B. Gohring s. Arthur Notmau. It. T. Pelton vs. Gerald Sherman Henry Poppen vs. Harry Zeismer. Walter Douglas vb. J. B. Lewis. W. F. Nash vs. J. N. Chapman. 11 J. Brophy vs. .Max Roesslcr. J."P. Williamson vs. Emtl YoakuPL Dr. F. EX Shine vs. M. J. Cua u Ingham P. G Beckett j Dr. r R. Wil liams. C F. Gardnor vt. Ira B. Jorale mon. W IL Brophy vs. P M. Ihickwal ter Gus Haigler vs. J. M. Johnson. W. G. Linnert vs. M. C. Milton. E. W Beddow vs. Felix do Wilde J. E. Evans vs. J. II. O'Brien. A. J. Balmforth vs. Thomas A. Hughes. H. L. Jenkins vs. Mark P. John. Jesse Yoaiura vs. Dr. C. L Haw ley.. M. W. Mitchell s. Matt McMInn. J. F. Burgess vs. C. T. Latie. W. W. Cutler vs. W. H. Ricli. "C. L. Aman vs. L. M. Scott. F. E. Cole vs. John Fitzpatrick. W II. Fitzgerald vs. John Olson. H. S. Hollls vs. Dr. R. Ferguson. J. B. Tenny vs. P. W. Von Salsa. John Jeffrey vs. Frank. Juleff. J. J Sparks vs. C. S. Thompson. J. P. Connelly vs. P. H. Fitzpat rick. Dr. George A. "Bridge vs. R. H. Cunningham. v s. Davenport vs w. H. King- I Bill Buris vs. E. Frazer-campbell. D. H. White vs. G. O. McMurty. R. L. Cadwoll vs. John O. Green way. John M. Rosa vs. W. K. Flora. jl Patrick L. Woodman vs. Dr. R. E. Heronaeen. Dr. C. L. Edmundson vs. h: T. airveign. J Each pair can plav w hatever roria ,of golf match they wish, although mo standard natch will be IS holes. It the players wish, however, they may nlv nin holes or one hole, or do- JS.r'e tne raaicn ay siiuyiy vbiuub on ono fcreen. some or tne pairs tave decided to play each othor with one club instead of using a full Jol onlilrmont Mmmtt. E.'tw has been appointed to arrange 2 a smoker after tho dinner on Thurs- 3 day eienie and a bl time Is an- . tidpated, The committee has tried to ilr all the members of the I club ami if any have been overlooked tit is hoped that they will notify 1 the committee so that they will be matched for the contest. " I . - l BASEBALL NOTES John Ganzel's Rochester boys must be the Tigers of the Eastern league. Clevoland would like to sign Pitch pr -Wild Bill Donovan of theTigera as manager ol the Xaps. Frank Bancroft had a birthday re- eently and the Cincinnati Reds gave htm a handsome sliver service. BS Sliver UC. The owners of the Boston Nation -1 an .nm,. H,am, a c ,,u..t....h UwUC, .usu.Sw... and the Rustlers continue to lose. Outfielder Farrott of the Boston Americans has been disposed of to rssao? I6"! tAe'nresent Ume the Waseda' UveryPtesXirmheof"VjaaSpean is toarinz America and the Missouri "n ?erHSy S?ta taring Jan , i Roh Snade who -was traded by the 1 iJ?Z ZZTr? rr .S!1 At land Crisp, has been released. Crisp has he Jon',v other 300 men on the hlaa i -r. i. , v,o nmm. i landers payroll. Home runs are as plentiful this season as democrats in "Washington. The magnates pinned it on the pitch err, when thoy introduced (ho liveli er tall. Manager Mcleorof tfce Washing ton team is np acntust It without tho services or his star pitcher, Walter Johnson. The great heaver is seri ously il! In Chicago. The Saginaw team Oi tae South ern League is making all kinds of records this season. Their latest ctunt was the scoring of eight home runs in a nine-inning game. ,It has been a tough season so fiir on the manager players,. Frank Chance, or the Cubs, Hal Chase of the Highlanders and Roger Breena ban of tho Cardinals have all been out of the game on account of sick seas. DOUGLAS MAY PLAY J..l LOCALS JULY 4TH Want Game -Here and Play- iMay Bu Picked ers from league f Douglas wants on with the locals for a Fourth of July ball game, to bo played at Warren park, on a 40 CO per cent basis, the- winner to get the big end. Dr. Hawley. president of tho War ren District Baseball Ijeague. recciu. ed a letter from the president of the Douglas city league yesterday, ask. lng for a game. Tho Douglas team will bo -composed of tho pick of tho city league and suggests that the B'a bee team lie selected in the san.o manner. Dr. Hawley and other member? -f the board felt that the saj-so sbo I rest with tho players of the uistr.ct league thomsehes and bas'called a meeting for tonight at S o'clock at tho Y. M. C. A., at which time .he Douglas letter will be refem I mi them. Several members of the 1mv.., ex. pressing their personal and not offi cial opinion, said thai they thought a gamo with Douglas team would bo a good thing for. the league as well as a boost for IMsibee's Fourth of July celebration. !.s tho proceeds of the same, win or lose, would add greatly to the leaguV's oxchequcr by , drawing a big crowd from Douglas. which would also boost tho Fourth of July business. Tho board mem bers, however, niado it understood that the disposal of tho Douglas chal lenge would rest entirely with the players of the cltj league- .and forth with called a meeting of the district league plaers for tonight at S o'clock. CORK CENTER BALLS TO BE USEO HERE 1 Ak.-IW.. f !.., UUh U:L ,1 nuiiuy ui oai hum uiirvuiy members of the clafcn of 1911. turr. Piomlses to Be Out- && JSS2!Si Z S rhccpd ' tral School campus, and faced the UctbiCU j woriu aDa tuo future with hope an-I . i confidence. Sixteen 'brav.s jouns 1 hearts grew tenderly mellow in r?. Uozeman Bulger, author of "Swat trospectlon and the same clitcen Mulligan," must havu had a cork cer- young hearts palpitated In eagerness ter baseball ,w his sleevo-uhen he j t gg were heW penned his Munchausen tale of tho te oporl on tno 1 scho9, ability of Swat with the hlokory. If ; campus, tho class members sitting the ball in the case had been a cork-' 'a a kalf circle In the ares-way of center sphere, the author's Imagina- lho sch?ol4 bul d! The weather cenier bpneri., jo a """ ""-b "was perfect and the accousUcs good, .. mi ...... ....... . noise. One of Swat's liners, it will be re - membered by buge. struck a inoun - tain, dug a tunnel throueh same, ar.'l imbedded itself in a glazier. It re" tnained thus imbedded- until the spring of umpty-ump, (the year of u mauv auu BiiunuBj nucn iuu &- ler melted and tho ball wa3 swe3I down Into the sea, to be swept up on Palm Beach seventeen years later. I Swat continued running around the driving solid fact pome with a humor ' bases in the meantime and stopped that quite captured tho class mem only when the scorer died of old age . tors and the audience as well, ami general debility. j The numbers on the program were I These cork-center balls are "see!. creditable and much enioved. Those long drawn out." The Warron Dis- " 4 ,"? t.r -"" """' ". iuuuci wcmoi, but the board of dioectors is goin? to order a dozen of the cork-oenter nov- I elites. Tlien the center fielder will plav bis position down about Xaro. The new cork center ball may be tough on big league pitchers, but it sorely Is making many a clouter. Fifty-one stars of the first magm- tude are now pelting away at a .30 clip or better. Of these the American league coasts tnirty. -j nree players in each of tho big circuits aro swat - ; tlnjc .400 or better. Mclnnes, at tiio Athletlcg, is the star of them all. ! with thn t-rand stmik nf 181 fm- . . .7 " "- " "---- twenty-three games. Arthur Fletch er, sutHpnoWer or the Giants, is he next best performer. His .429 for el- even games gives him the honor of topping the National league. Rddle Collin, with .417, is pressing Mclnnes for his laurels. Ty Cpbb Is hitting au even .400 in tfy? same notch with Tlnnh nt Tlvruiklvn anil tl UHLcm- of Boston. Arthur WHson. catcher of the nianto is tlorf -llK u.n. i(rn. .n.i - ,-,' -n.. -. .. "..?! . .. w. mi lUUil" pUSIUUU. 1 th Matlnnnl PiBOIi boa 1.....J the National Bach has banged .Ml. Jake Daubort of Brooklyn Is ten points behind thorn. Chiof Meyers is hl-. YaBkpes. aas banged his way to tho Jjf "' ' t sixteen. lh m lhe ,,8t American league still boasts the remark - ab e 1oTm an even -35B- Chase. In- disposed, at J00 and Cree at Warn I Timmtr nn1lnL.w il. . iih.i. ""' vuioumr, me cracK vnne Sox outfielder. Is a striking denial of the axiom. "They never come bask.' Callahan is rieht on tho heels of Ty Cobb with .397; Ratsev Dougherty, or tho Whlto Sox, is hitting .351, an'l rJimmy Austin, of the Browns, 333. INTERNATIONAL REGATTA. Tjtjnoafi c ii... 01 n-i vi i . . 1 .' . .' 1.-1? - Terdonek tomorrow has nttrartprl -ealth of oarsmen from England "ermany, France. Holland and qthc -ountries. The event in which hot 'nterest Is manifested Is the match etween the crew of Jesus Collece "ambridge, and a picked crow rco. -psentine the leading rowing club if Belgium. The race will- be rowe vrer a straightaway course of 2,111 waters. A Graduation Present For The Boy Or Girl REMEMBER WE HAVE THE FINEST LINE tN THE CITY Watches, Rings, Brooches. Pins. Mllltarv Seta. Travellnc Sets, Manicuro Sets. Bags, Purses, Wallets, Fountain Pens and Souvenirs. All goods marked in pitin fl cures which are subject to 5 ner Cent for cash, at C. M. HENKEL, Jeweler and Optician t jrb In Every Walk of Life' the steps should be made easy and com fortable with Stetson Shoes, the standard of style and stability. The softness of the leather, the freedom from irritating stitches and the painstaking adjustment to the lines of the foot, represent the highest achieve ment in foot-comfort, style and durability. i HIB 1 3IGr It is a pleasure to showyouourStetsons because they will give you the shoe service that makes you a perma nent customer. The Stetson Corndodger, as shown here, is made to fit feet as Nature made them. - "THE FAIR STORE" Frankenberg Bros. & Newman Main Stieet Bisbes, Ariz. " Stetsons cost more by the pair, but less by tlie year.' CLASS OAY OF I9ll .- A HUGE SUCCESS E.eiases Giver Last Night by Seniors of Bisbee High School Sixteen joung IJIgh school studenU, graduates of the nUbc. m scnool ' lJn; scatters uuiu& ui'uru uuruse tue ) campus. j Dr. Bloom Speaks, i A speech not on the program was made by Dr. Bloom, president of tho Flagstaff Normal College, who char, ced to be present and who was invlt- ed to address the class, which" ho did lu muuu ijivaoaut. iajucjiy suuuw foiled by earnest and timely advice to tho graduating students. Dr. Bloom has a characteristic way of of tho speeches that were original, the class poem and class prophecy, class history and class peculiarities, were particularly enjoyed, jhe "very palpable hits" at the several class members, being greeted by the aud'. fence with laughter or applause as ' the prophecy called for. At the close of tho exercises the (class of 911 ?ave defiance to the world bY uttering with spirtt the class- ell. . ii J Tho following compose the clan of 1 rjii. 1 Marie Louise Beyer, Blanche Herf- with. Carlos Edward Gibson, James Stephen Maffeo. Grace 'Elmore Run- rite Tifurv V.Ilinlioth 5?rntL T3mnllne - . .Frances Wilson, Roswell Champion, -- "- -. ". SeJah Joan Chase. Carl Victor e'- son, Cannelita Gertrude Mtcnaeis, . Clalr Maedalen O'Donnell. Walter Joseph O'Malley, (Catherine Ellen , Rogers. Miriam Sarah Tolee, aoc- lalde Wittlg; 1 The following was the program of t Ihci nTarrieite- I Piano duet, Marche Des Trombadour ; Carmelita Michaels, Addle Wlttig I ProckUnl'o fiHdretaa Louise Reyer in.,. Btnlly "Wilson , "..J Peculiarities Kittle Regan 1 j vtolln solo, Steehanls Gavott CzlbuiK" Carlos Gibson Prophecy Bancho Beckwitb Class Poem "Carlos Gibson I I Trio "The Mght-'r.,aIo 1 Wanche Deckwith. Louise Beyer, ' Miriam Toles. , Presentation of Friose. Clair O'Donell 1 Acceptance of Frieze Catherine Hoy Class sons; Written by Carmelita. Michaels ." ..--.. Tho commencement exercises will be held Friday night FMNOMV miN 201 MILES CHICAGO, May 24. A aistanc of 201 miles will "be covered on the annual economy fuel test. of tho Chi; 'rfn Motor club, which is to take . intnro irnnnmw. TTi Tim will xten k "ver a circuitous route from Chicago to Milwaukee and return. j CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNEY, ' NEW YORK, May 24. Play In thr hlrteenth annual amateur champion I hln tournament of the Metropolitan ) Golf association began on the links , if the Garden City Golf Club todav and will contlnao through the re mainaer. .of tie weejc, , . . TICOMA LOOMS UP -AS STRONG BUNCH Locals Expect to Defeat Them, j ' However, and Take ! Championship Taeonia looms up strong in the paclDc coalt-RIflo League. They tic ' tcd Ancles clab !ast Sur , day. tho Angels losing by the score I of 772 to 770. The dope favors BIs- J beo Sunday a week, when tho locals wlu snoot against Tacoma, among others. BIsbeo had no trouble in , defeating Los Angeles, while Tacoma , ' to do it by a narrow margin -Jg UcalIy suro that lf BtsDC0 defeats Tacoma, regarded as Its gtrongost competitor, tho learue chan- pionship will come down to this camp. Conseouently. the match with T- coma is tho biggest thing df interest on the rifle fan's horizon just now. After then comes Dickinson, X. D.. always and ever after the scalp of tho local gun men. It Bisbee defeats Tacoma and wins tho championship and then defeats the Dickinson team j0 wju fljj ibe canyon and overflow. jjj that event the locals may roprc- sent Arizona 'at Camp Perry at the nelt national shoot, PELTON WINDER OF THE SHERMAN GUP In the finals for the club champion- , ship at golf Sunday Pelton beat Sher. man efcht ud and six to play. Th" . first nino holes were very even, Pe! ton finishing one up, but on tho sec - ond nine Pelton won four more, mak ing him five up at the end of IS, anil in the third round ho increased this lead by ono maklne six up at tne nd of 27 holes. ' By winning two of the next three holes he won the match. This makes fh hlrA fmo hnt Pnltnn lin n-m . -- - -.-.. ----. - - l th semi-annual club championship and by winning this time ho also wins the cup put up by Mr. Sherman jn the champion Sherman has also won i ship twico before. BRIDGE WHIST TOURNEY IS ON AGAIN TONIGHT or 'STteJS. ThVst touent 'wm r- .- t --.-. i. ,. ma. cummlttec in charge hav the assurance troin members in sucn numbers that a large attendance is expected. Cars leavo Blsoee at S p, m. ' FrecKtes Gone. , "Simple Remedy from Central Phar macy Removed Them," Says Society Lady i -.- -r.. ... "The best skin specialists torn me that nothing would removo my freckles and that I would carry them to my grave," said a well known 'society woman, "but I fooled them all with a newr drug, othine double strength, that I bought at Central Pharmacy, which cleared my sum and eave me a fine complexion. I The action of oUiine is really te- I markuhle. for when applied at liltat maiiv of tho freckles will disap pear entirely by morning, and tho rest have begun to fade. An, ounce 's usually all that is needed, even 'for tho worst case. Be sure to ask Ccntial Pharmacy for the doublo strength othine, as (this isjsold under a guarantee of money 'back If It .fails to removo the freckles o RPHEUiyi Betz & Lockie, Props, kwJL On the Famous Bert Levy Vaudeville Circuit McFALL'S D o g TOW IGHT! Circus See The tree Attraction --''The High Diving Dog" InFrontoi,Orpiieum--7:yo p. m. EVERY NIGHT. Tight Wire Walking. Boxing Dogs (Nelson and Gans with knockout.) High Diving (48 ft. of ladders) DOOLEY- -That Educated Marvel $.500.00 Challenge to produce his superior nd Dogs and Regular Picture Program GENERAL ADMISSION RESERVED SEATS t First Show Begins 7:45, Sharp. ROYAL THEATRE HOMEOF MOTION PICTURES W. R. DENISON C. J. ALDEN Gen. Mgr. . 'Adv. Mgr. Tues., Wed., Thurs. "HOW SPRIGGENS TOOK BOARDERS" dison A screaming rural -farce com cdy "EASTER BABIES" Vltograph. A tllrn tor grown-ups as well as the children. "ROBERT THE SILENT" Pathe. Tho height of motion picture endeavor. "THE ORPHAN'S Essaney PLIGHT" A great drama. human interest MISS STONEHOUSE ALDEN'S ORCHESTRA Overture "The Burgomaster Select tan. 1 Complete Change cf Friday. Program Admission 102 and 15a Matinee & Night Shows j j AVERAGE VALUE OF EST A" Mr. Charles B. Spahr of Co'ur University, sinco deceased, maui 1 examination at one time o; records of the Surrogates of thii ilvo counties In the state of v j York, and published tho results in I "The Outlook" The examination COT- - - - .. - - r- . . .r- ' cred a three months' period and in- j ciuuea tne counties oi .-sew xotk nd Kings, the richest la the state.! - 1 Tho results are remark-able as stwjv- ing (1) How few people, comparative-' ly upcaking; Ieae any estates at all and (2) tho low average valae of estates. The following is a sum mary of the facts shown: (1) Out of 10,000 persons ovei iweuiymo juuia u. iic uyius -uuwm -?L rTik.Ji!WI lft fiTn- eatstpfl whsrevef. " .", ... u.. w or those who were ucaus 01 lamiue m uie ai&ll'ICl. - lull Hllc only one-half left any estate; the other half left nothing, not even a OI Kodaks and blipplie rflL savings bank account. ..-oc on h-mn1 (2) Of tho 3,351 estates adminls- "aJs on "" tered on, only S84 about 27 per cent of all estates and a per cent 01 ot an estates ana -j per reui ui n those dying were worth over $5,000, (31 Sixty-five per cent of all left (3) Sixty-five per cent ....... OK anf tf nil nfl 1 21U Cut-, -. VA -- w. .. ---- estates valued at under &,uuu, me average value of those below this amount beinc S1.2S2. Les3 than 9 per cent of all left estates valuedat , o,UUU or over. 1 These investigations were made without reference to life insurance but they afford a powerful argumen of life Insurance. They are tho re suits of life not Its rosy-hued expec tations. Ihey warn men that if thei , would do better than the average; man they must employ better meth ods than the average man. See Jack McGregor. Agent. Roo" 3, Bank of Bisbee BIdg., or drop me a card to P. O. Box 389, or phone 21 RINT; SALT BILLSt DoG.s and DOGS Children tonight, 10c 15 Cents . 25 Cent" Second Show Begins 9 P. M. O.K. THEATRE "Independent" Plctur shawr exclusively NO FILM TRUST Good rj5 Program changes Sunday, Tuei Bay and Friday of each week. AdmUflon tan and fifteen etnU CRIM NAL CHIEHS CAP TURE" Great Xorthern Film. "POCAHONTAS, A GREAT IN DIAN GIRL" Thanhouscr Film Co. "THE BIG DRUM" Otaia Film "DIDO FORSAKEN" By Aenca Mat'nto Tuesday, Friday, Sji urday and Sunday at 2:1! p. m The Best 77 w J 12, Q U 1 P D 6 Q r Sr f Eastman Kodak Agency p ,,.,t .. , i,0 Well UVUS L-O s , 1 . y t Lrwl! 1 . . iiuj; I "" riz I You Have a I Printing Want I WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS Patting ant gooA pristine U our business, 'end when we toy good printing we don't mean fair, but the best obtainable. If yon are vs from Missouri" glv trial and we wU V Show You ilZtZyfitmii, Mm mm few lfe-1 t 4 'IS