Newspaper Page Text
iyyyv7;-T ' wS 1 'p J ye-pjSSr " JSL. "J -Y. fiK- S 'AGE SIX THE BiSBEE DAILY REVIEW, B1SBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1911. 1 r k' ft? i Kif I; 1H J i w f 1 I f & Ji.JiU'tu ."-e-g WHEN A MAN MARRIE THE HALL OF RECORDS PLOT .svasa Continued phlng roeT-'Jlm demanded, npo- "The remark was a genera) one," tMr. Harbison retorted, "but if you wish to mako a concrete appllca tion :" - , Lite AN0KLB8, Mar 34 -.The ar iot-1 u? th'aliKeU dynamite con .piratort ,wt' attempted 10 wreck 'he Itit.l of lleeoide building hat back iA it nn Interesting history.,! The contract lor me construction l.-r the 1UH of Records, whs let in 1 ebruar of ISW9 to the Cart Leon arqt co'miiany. The specifications tailed for a building teu stories m lu-leht, 240 loot in length. wnoty-sU f-et wide ami with a tyoor space of J0( rooms. The structural part of te burRllng. according to the contract, vjb to be of Iron and steel. ' This part of the contract was eub 1 1 -t to the Llowulln Iron Works. After the foundation work had been W-vncludcd the Llowollyn concern, la . iKvordam-e with tbo contract, began , to delior steel Birders at tbo build ing site. It was at this time that the lirst dispute between tho Founders' association and the Structural Iron workers arose. Construction Proceeds. Although some deiay was encount ered as the result of the dispute, me Uuwelltn fjneern obtained men ; carry on the building work The work progressed rapidly, and it was estimated a short time after tho con tract had been let that tho building would be fintehc4 In eighteen months from the time the contracts wero to the south of I he Hall of Kecord T. each portion ef the explosive a twenty foot fuse was attached. Ac carditis to the police, both sticks ot dynamite vsero alone the course which Connors pursued In his offort to Obcapo from Policeman Abel. In his roport to tho "Chief of Po- lllce, AUil had previously said that he had seen Conners throw some thing away. Find Section of Fuse Dal had Kone ud Just them, and found them glaring at each other, Jim , ltl- fwJth his hands clenched at his sides Several additional dolays were in land Mr. Harbison with his arms fold-! furred, but it whs claimed by the '"d and very erect. Dal took Jim by ! ontractors that the Structural Iron jtlw elbow and led him downstairs. I vomers' dispute did not reany anect Unttpri , ,, ..., the construction. From time to tlni raved for th time. upUmlstlc. "You can- do a bit yourself. Kit." he I .r.l.nllRM -mp An-nr. 1 tllA Tlt-TkflrlTl-ft V Bnt ll sas not Lj -vT,. nu .ir.i .i,i r.t iht. U-J .. lllfetl OMiV. cv, . .".. Ituiltung. Complaints was made to the poiico. and after ha passagc'of the antipicfcetlng ordinance, Captain Ixihtihnuscu detailed officers to Tre veut infractions ot th'r city regul- tfialshed. "Look more cheerful, flirt rv little. Tou can do that without try ing. Take Max on for a day or su: Jft would be charity anythow Hat sion Won't let Tom Harbison take It Into! Police Are Warned. this head that you are grieving over I It was early last September that lllm'fl Tiptrliw. nr li Itfa-nlv tn tm.'ltip iknllrrt tlnlitHmnnt. llrst learned Intm off the roof." " Uliat an alleged plot had been I'yd were then detailed to Investi- . "I havn ron tr. fhtnt ihui Mr !tohed to dynamite the structure. ' fto the alleged attempt at dynamlt- tHarblson cares one way or the other On the evening of September S, the lug. They arrested A. B. Maple and UtM-lKOS -YbLdt tnen Lieutenant Charles E. Sobas-' a woman who is known to the pv Adv f ' "V isaiapnmiy. xouuont .. police, lice as Mrs. Marlon Ross. At that Atl khlnk he's he's In love with me. do ""' ?? " ? J-J J. H..t tl.o rinterllvre rlalme,! fiat " ,. Eastern Markets Yesterday (By L. J. Overlook.) llOSTCXS. May 24. Actjvit.v wab less todajv but local prices hold woll. Tho most ,ot the selling came from floor, traders aid they will bo tho flifct to take them back. North Kutttr, Range, AUquoz and Lake wero I In good demand alldny and..nll four Hn ihn nfAnlnir y-iT Can4vm1utii O i it wns announced" by Captain Loan- tock showed a .good broad mar hauscn that a, section of fuso had ket. New York reports a good do been found In Conner's cell at the mis, tho metal with sales at 12S city Jail. At that time Lehnhauson d ,)robabluty ot an aavanco to stated mat tho fuso found in Con ' ' , pets' cell was of a similar character 1 tomorrow. Paine. Webber & Co. to that .found nttached to the two Curbs dull and unchanged. London sticks of dynamite. It was alsi copper opened 3s 9d higher. Total claimed by Lehnh'nuson that ono of sales 671,000. tho sections of fuse found in the i - building had been cut from tliat sec: NEW YORK tion wnich was found In Connors , Amal 671 colL 1 Atch . . 1121 Following Conneis arrest, George Smoltors Conrey. secretary treasurer of tho It It T . . . Metal Trades Council here. Issued Heet Sussr Htatcment In which he offered to It & O .... . asbist the police In the Investigation Car Fdy t79R of the alleged attempt to dynamlt-5 ;tic building. Gcnrey did not call on C'Jnners at tho city jail, but a lawyer was sent to advlso with him. Con nors disclaimed at that time that X '&n 30 103! 58 l-oco :.... . .. 391 C & O J. S2J Can.Pac 4 2331 C F I .-.?.,! 331 Krio 33 lio had ontered tho building with ma- ot Nor i 1205 licious intent. On the afternocm of September 10 Conners was questioned by Attorney Karl Rogers,. Captain Flammer anil MK T Captain Lchnhausen. Conners stated L &a .. to the Investigators that ho was s Ponna member of tho Structural Iron Work R I ... ., ers' organization dnd that iio haul Reading ,. been employed ; by the Baker Iron St Paul . . . Works company anil by the Llewcl- So Ry ...I lvns. He admitted' that he was fam- So Pac ..'.."'...I .I..1 ! 11SI iliar with tho uso -of dynamite, but ; Stcol ......... "... ... ." 788 HE BANK OF BI Bisbee, Arizona. OLDEST AND LARGEST BANK IN SOUTHERN ARIZONA CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $200,000-00 OFFICERS. w. h. sropmT, PrssManJ. J. . DOUQLAS, Vlea PriUint. M. J. CUNNINGHAM, Cuhlcr. H. A. SCHWARTZ, Ats't. Cjuhltr. Deposits Over ONE MILLION Dollars directors W. H. 8R0PHT, J. 8. D0UQLA8, BEN WILLIAMS, L. D. RICKETT8, . J. CUNNINGHAI Snail accounts are appreciated, and receive the same careful attention as larger ones. Customers of this Bank are offered every facility consistent with prudent banking accounts are invited. Gn4karf9SES3l I Mo FUO- . .. ... .... 50 N P ' )... 128t A O ....... ... ... ... a. lUoi f ' ' v 241 ,... ..j... 344 J J. "1 O ' i Sl " -ion '1- 30 . ;..!- i59i - -331" ' 123R W ' r l OP lgorously denied that ne uaa ever used explosives in this city. Detective Charles Jones and "Bruce Steel Pfd ... .,.. 1191 Tos Pac ..,.. .... ... 2S Union: Pao "Wabash 183 17 BOSTONv .1 JL 9 Jt i OVERLOOK Broker Connecting with Logari & Bryan Private Wire System at Denver CORRESPONDENTS: Palm, Wabbar & C Koiton and Calumrt. Logan A Bryan, Chleaia and Nw York. Special Attention Given to Copper Stocks nnsed. ' "la love with you!" ho repeated rWhy, bless your wicked Ilttlo heart. t. . n Ar. UAU, DO 1 "" VU1C-1 Ul IllVC, - --- --- -; jn J. j m.o n.,u it, u . .i,-, .....nni. no.i lime tiio uetociives claimed Lnav rv.ui . , m : u, Dalt" I watched him out of the . .-.,, . 9nm.iw .i,r.i Alaule and another man were with - r. it f ..... t ..,.. . . b rncrot my eye, but he only looked , ,act dynamUe in the building 'Connors n shprt time preced!nE his c & A'.r.;.;,$''' ..".".'. 56; Scbastiau was tola by soino un- "- "" u.-u iio, "" d woet '.:... f,; 5J known person that the police ae-1 ai".- nuum iuuc uu buioiucui E jjutc U " 121 nirlmnnl snonld ItSKO immeaBU . " huwvuuuuh ju ic ui&ui. vn Frnnl- Mol Ho thinks you're a married worn- action to prnvout the destruction ot Connors' arrest. Granby . . . .-" . an! It's tho principle ot the thins the building. This Information was From the woman, who was an inti- G Can " - lie's fighting for. If I had as muchlplicn over the telofhone. and-when mato friend of Maples, the omcera Glroux ; ' ' principle as he has I'd I'd put It out the Informant was asked to reveal Sf", some startling information. n , t interest." Ws identity .he hung up thtf telo-.Mie informed the Investigators that ,nsn)raUtm . J Max interrupted L Just then, and 1. Sebastian t,en order! a &. Xfi?gZ,& &&? ? '" - "- aaked If we knew where Mr. Harbin . g , Veant Mur- colved , Los Angolos and that plans v -vgr wf- ,aJV t'oliremen Cr-if- C'.tln and C. b" been made to use It in tho fight .,'" ""5? Can t fln,d him." he said. "I've got !. ',;, ...i, rh iimadu-nr and anainst tho Founders' association. .!? '1- thf telPlhnn frTfhpT- nnH rim ' . ... . ,-... . j . u -. CuUano I iflinn -iijv , ------ - i ku liisp &irer siaeb i nv suhv fc..w..wr Mioagh left over to mako ancthor. iiwu i.u wim am uianu auuuiui. flirt uu ufwu t.uu i,iuuo luimauvu . "Where do you suppose Harbison hide shortly !ofore 1 o'clock, jvlille in !y 3'"- Uoss, who was also known jov M the tools? I'm working with a cork-hfce aUy oa the fcouth side of the w Mrs. Maple, and who is the widow Q - screw and two palette knives." ouiJding. AbaJ aw a man walk uu of a highwayman, Jones ana uoyo m nom w- "HS 44 I heard nothlnc mora ofthc trouble ' from the New HiBh street side and that night Max went to Jim about start to enter the building froit. it, and Jim said angrily that only a , 'bo alle. fool would Interfere between a man! J8t l lt'an J?rt,e1t,0St ' insiue uie iHiiinr. auw whw . and his wife wives. Whereupon Max r-im, to halt. Without rtplying the un- 4t4 4r-f 4 a 1 . . A Utn -Ai.k Etuiwu uui . mm xuu uib una . ..t. mi nn ... were soon parted, and left him Tho (empU(j to mn tbroueh the alley to two principals were coldly civil to ,,, nm.!-av Alel ouIcMv re- ach other, and smaller issues were covered and caught the flowing manl lost as the ramlne grew moro and on Tlrosdway and placed him under more Insistent For famine it was j arrest. They worked tho rest of the "ve-j Conners' Arrest nlng, but the telephone refused to When taken to the police station, rovlvo and every one was starving rrisoner said thai his name was Individually our pride was at low , - Conner. He was "fable to -bb. but collectively It was still form ",I,.nhJ SL J kr J .j vi o . j j ., ih Il3ll of Records, or why lie ran Jdabhx So we sat around and Jim oWr OBminM him to flayed Grieg with the soft stops on. .- ,, . nt tbat tlM(, that and Aunt Selina went to bed. The ,, h,i , Mn -nth several mends .. 10J .... 34 7 CI . . 1GJ . .. 9 .. .. 2i . . . . 27i 3 . . r,i J . At ... 20 J .. . 19J .. . Si 34 . M 16.1 nrrcnMltfrl a thnrmnh nrpli frt vJIQ IJOm evldpnco. After n Tinmlwr nf uM)k Osceola ..J. . ..s. they Informed tho district attorney arrote is tbnt they had not been able to se- Qulncy 72 cure sufficient evidence against Indiana . 44 The Royal Insurance Company Ltd. has transferred its agency for Illsbee and vicinity to the ARIZONA INSURANCE AGENCY T. A. Hughes, Manager. The Royal Insurance Co., Ltd. paid tho astounding sum ot $v 746,000 gross in the S&n Francisco Conflagration and these losses wero paid 100 cents on the dol lar wltbont discount or delay. Kindly refer changes In Royal policies or renewals thereof to ARIZONA INSURANCE AGENCY (Bank of Bisbee BnIIdlnr olthcr Maplo or Conners. The mem- 1av' Cons .' bers of the district attornoy's office Chlno .. were reluctant to lot Conners go Shaltuck free and a charge of assault was lire- a s r ferred against him, and he wag sentenced to fifty days In imprison ment In the city jail. Maple and Mrs. Ks,s. alias Mrs. Manic, were also released. It was not until the disaster of October 1 that the police again made an inrestlea tion of the alleged dynamite plot When this was done no add' Clonal information was secured and neither Conners nor Maple was arrested Upon two different occasions, how- 1S 251 20 ICi 1 65 115 37 41 Utah Cons , jc Utah Cop ..... .. .. 471 I' IJOUgO Only One Persop in a Hundred can keep money in his possession and not let it slip through his fingers. PUT A DOLLAR IN YOUR POCKET and see how much you have of it in a week's time. Money put in your bank is there when you want it. MORAL OPEN A BANK ACCOUNT WITH US T0DAT. WE PAY 4 INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. OFFICERS J. C. Collins, Pri.. C. L. Edmundton, V. Prt. W, C. McKec. Vice Prer., B. R. Kuyken Jal", Cash E. L. Blair, Aat' Cnh. O. W. W If, Ats't Cash. DIRECTORS-I. C. Collins, W E. McKee, C. A. McDon.l. C. L. Edmunion, B. h. KuykendaU. Citizens Bank and Trust Company BISBEE, ARIZONA. S & B .. Shannon . Tam Trin Sup Cop . 34 aieinaw Baltic . B fc. A 11 & I. CURBS IT weather had chanced, and It was ,-.ii.., in th vnins-. lmt tbat he evor, the police department received hlcctlnsr but anvthlnz was better than ,11.1 ,. nmlr hlr namrs. At 1 communications warning them that 1h drawing room. 1 tra In a mrml the ,lm tho nfUrart; flnlml that ' the Hall Of Records building was in Chomuilc to battlo with the elements or to cry Conner waa -under Intoxication. icanger. From September unUl tho Cnctus ." .".'..'.". ' .".16 or both so I slipped out. while Daf I Conners formerl;- was a saloon present time, a consUnt guard has Cordova ax .... , 5 ,-was recIUng "Give me threo grains of , leepur in Bisbee. Ariz. ' "- ","""'uu v'vl, l" m'iu,r u" i'a" ax 75 .. .1 ..-.,. t livli?ht fnllowine tBe arrest OI " ""ai aural ui ino iut-u iai f-nnprs. I'oliceman Kiercey found week brings the case into the tw. sticks of dynamite Inthc alley courU EYE IN5UHANCE. k e5 r 1 9) CE i IRS roan's soft hat Jim's I think and went cp to the roof. "" It was dark In the third floor hall, and I had to fcol my vay to the foot ot tho stairs. X wont a? quietly and turned the- knob of t& door to tho roof. At Erst It would not open, and a could hear the wind howling out-j pide. Finally, however, I got the -door! iopen a Ilttlo and wormed my way 1 through. It wns not enUrely dark Mothfel but there. In spite of tho storm. A (faint reflection of the street lights (made It possible to distlngush tho out-! lines of tho boxwood plants, swaying Jin the wind, and the chimneys and the teat And then a dark flgnre tlUIBUUIUgini JU?li illUU UJU UCBlCSb 90 6 41 LOSES CHILDREN Mrs. Williams, to telephone tbo con- viktif nl InfniTi lt(-erk In sfitrs that bho had. been slightly delajed beyond 7S Carmem Denn LIvo Oak V ... ".". " " .. ." 21 Kly Cons .. ... .. ......I 47 wiy ejent z t 7J of Cudahy Them from Convent in Los Angeles Unnoticed her usual visiting hour, but woula suroly bo out to see tho children. Mrs. Williams was told by tho30 at the convent that the Cudahy children wero not there, and that I Mrs. Cudahy had taken them cast TakeS Sunday night. Ray Cent i IIUBU1IU .... ... ... 35 San Antonio i. .."." 5 Sierra ax . ... ' s So Lake .7 .". . Si Bohemia 35 Savanna nr 11 Full raid ax .".".".". 3J LOS ANGELBS, May S4. When Mrs. Williams conveyed this Summltt ".. 49 X Tigre jo Warrior ... , .". 4 Warren .' ... ? Wolverine ax .....' "..70 Cochise ax 21 information to Mrs. Cudahy the lat tor was almost prostrated for 11 time, as she had no inkling that th j children wore to be taken away. j Mrs. Cudahy Immediately com iJrm ineaced telophbnic inquiries in an 'effort to learn the whereabouts ot RAILWAY CLAIM AGENTS. chimney and seemed to hurt itself at P IT3 , - chlldr but could obtain no ' MOXTOBAL. May' 24?-The' Assa T1 JSLiafiS $Jr&s ssrJjssl " X ..- . cui ffi-uS ben nvlBg at a convent sear Al- '""J Dn" wuuuuc um emoteu in annual session today in 3iands and trying to say something, "but the figure caught roe roughly by the shoulders and knocked mo back -against tie door-frame. From miles ,away a heavy voice was saying, "So I've got you!" and then the roof gav irom under me, and I was floating out en the storm, and sleet was beating Jn my face, and the wind was whte psrlng oyer and over, "Open your 'yes, for God's sake!"" I did open thorn after a while, and finally I made ont that I was lying on the .floor in the tent The lights wero on, and I had a cold and damp feeling, and something wet was trickling down my neck. I seemed to be alone, but In a sec ond somebody came Into the tent, and 1 raw It was Mr. Harbison, and that 2io bad a double handful of half melV ed snow. He looked frantic and de termined, and only my sitting op bambra fw some mofltlw. had sad-! to. loca? thwB. and when she learns Montreal, the meeting; being the firs. denly bean withdrawn from that in.iw"erc tney are win go to item at mat the association has held out stitattos by Mra. Michael Cwtahy. cc- IsWe or tho United States. The or- thir grandmother and legal guard- Mrs. Cudahy believes ibnt their ject of the meeting ie to exchanfw tan. and taken away oa a train (traadmother ha taken the children views regarding ih boat mothods presumably bouad for tho east. An eTort waa wade to learn tbo exact destination of" the elder Mre. Cudahy awl the children, but th only information tbat ewW be ob tained was tbnt thoy had left on a train last Sunday evening. Mrs. Cudahy has vtelted her cbj! ; the clder Mrs- cudahy and the chl dren at. tho convent almost dally (jrcn j,aj left pasadena on a train mnce her arrival ere sobjc weeaa j,Bt Sunday evening. to Chtcngo to cdB8ul with her son, of saitHng clalme agrainst railroad ooepn UBdany, regaraing tnotr in-. m 10 consider laws now la fore tare. jand listen to and discuss rapers t the Cudahy residence in Pasa- that will bo presented upon subjects Una little information was forth- of Intorest to members. C. W. Egan. coming regarding the children. A of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, .ervant answered tbo telephone, but in presiding over the gathering, would say nothing further than that j which wilt, continue in session three ago, and last Friday she spent tho afternoon with them at tho Michael Cudahy homo In rasadena, whither tbey had been brought from tho convent earlier Friday. Receives Surprising Nes. Mrs. Cudahy did not sen thorn Cannot Understand It. Mrs. Jack Cudahy was asked tor 1 statement of her views on this latest development In the strained 'elations between her an the elder Mrs. Cudahy over the children. Mrs Cudahy said: "1 am utteriy at a loss to snow 'Solnrriar nr Rnnrtar. but sunposed culckly prevented my getting another , tha. . woro oil her at thp Pasa- what prompted Mrs. Michael Cudahy mow bath. My neck felt queer and na cudahy homo or had bean) to tako my children away without ttiC, and I was yery dizzy. When be ! fnt back to the convonL Mor dat , informing ma I know of no reason, paw that I was conscious be dropped 1 aftontoon Mrs. Cudahy ordered an toccopt possibly the false story that U.r, ,n KtaoA looWnc down at InutomoWle and nnwwred to, was circulated that I had been asked C ' I Hie dbwront to s:nd tbo aftr rcooa ! to looVe tho Hotel Alexandria Iv4th tha h!)drnn' n has bem hor "I have not been oskod to loavo .- .-, -j .-... 1 IcBBUin. Coforo leaving, however, slw'the hotel. Tho hotel management (Continued tomorrow.! j nor tant oompaalort, ' will corroborate this, ana, m fact. I Intend to retrain here until I get definite information about my chli- en. This wbole affair has, quite prostrated me, and I do not know what to mako of IL Ono thing is cenaln, I shall Join my children wherever they are. 1 nav a ngat to see them by the decree of the court in Kansas tnty anu o one can eieny me .this privilege." Mrs. Williams, a friend of Mrs Cndaby, came to Los Angeles sev eral weeks ago and has seen Tk constant companion during her stay nrc accompanying her on her visit to -tbe Cudahy children, iad every where Mrs. Cudahy has gone. ARE YOUR YES NOT WORTH INSURING? It so call and let us Insure them, against the harmful and disagreeable effects of cya strain, with a properly fitted pair ot lenses. Dr. Rockefeller, my opto metrist. Is registered by ex amination in New York, Min nesota and Arizona, and has bad a wide experience wltb proper! fitting glasses. We grind our own lenses for each eye defecL C. M. HENKEL JEWELER OtometrlsL (Bhicken Feec We have Just received a car load of chicken feed. Thlt shipment contains all the dt ferent varieties of feed stun that Is necessary for the sue ccssful raising of chickens. Egg food. Chick food, alfalfa, meal Special dry, whole corn, chops, barley, oyster shell, bom granite grlL charcoal. Blood meal and seavnKSsTaeeBBBBBBBaeBBBeBBBBBBBBa BaaeeBeBaaaaaaaeBBBaaeBeBeBeal BaaaMraaaaaaaaaaaaaBaawBaaaaaW m?Mt'M iLaaaaVR'aSvBI aaVif V4MtrvLaaaaal bbbbb j 11 lii eaeaaaaa aaBBaVV T 'lllSBBaBBBBl LaaaaealkMnV -4eaaaaaaeBal aaaaaaaeBaaVaaBBVaaaeal HHaVyalllBlH INDEPENDENT FUEL & FEED CO. Office Mala SL Opp. Palace Stables Telephone 235. P. O. Box 627 ARIZONA AND 'NEW MEXICO RAILWAY ARIZONA 0. NEW MEXICO RAIL I WAY COMPANY PASSENGER SERVICE LUNCH BUCKETS Given our specis? atten tion. Everything clean and sinitary. BUSY BEE CAFE BISBEE AXD LOWELL 0. K. STABLES Ambulance Servlc Day and Night PHONE 15 4, FLETCHER A. HENNESSEY PALACE LIVERY AND UNDERTAKING PARLORS BOWEN i. HUBBARD DAILY South Bound 7:10a.m.Ly. 7:50a.m. " 3:35 a.m. " North Bound Clifton Ar. 3:58 p. m Guthrie Lt. 3:24 p. m Duncan " 2:30 p. m 9:68a.m. " Lordsburg " l:20p.m 11 :05 a.m. Ar. HachiUi " 11:60 a. m South bound train connects with Southern Pacific west bound train No. L leaving Lordsburg 10:t7, a m. Mountain Time. South bound train connects wltb El Paso & Southwestern east bound j train lor til raso, leaving wacniu at 11:42 a. vu Mountain Time, and with west tonnd train for Dougla and Bisbee, leaving Hachita. at 11:10 a. m. Mountain Time. I A. T. THOMSON, Traffic Manager, Clifton, Arizona. j Feb. 17. 1911. PROPRIETORS . --,-- . . -V DR 4r - hL-- i-Ti'i'iff WPHaS IlBSHH alHHlBrCBn 1 m fJWMat! EPm-ilaaaaVJl ijiii WBLjaaTair' feT BLaeeeeWBMBBaBeeaeelBteM"M"M''"' niiTAUrtDii tro rnr t-ttne- w win wi-iw- rwn ninu Bisbee and Lowet Phone B-23 Phone L-7 :. F. R. WILLIAMS Has Moved to tbt C. 4 A. Dispensary. Office Hours 9 to 10 a. m, 1 to 2 and 4 to 6 p. m. Phont 35 . GERALD DEBELY- FIRST CLASS WATCHMAK. ER, JEWELER & ENQRAVER, AT UNCLE SAM'S PLACE MAIN STREET Every day Is bargain dai 11 ywa follow oar want ad columa. l: 'I i: zma fi xMmrr" - al (I . k?