Newspaper Page Text
Is r TftV - A m , tj-wajn'r-." fMIPwIHBHIsssOsf""'-1- I i ' ' I i hlJfcoMI II . i , . M A "VUDCC,. --! 3BS IktaHMMMMi THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE," ARIZONA. THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 25, 1911. PAGE SEVE.V -v -t?$&gm H I !f !1S. 1 K I WILSON SPEAKS 1 LAW AND CORRUPTION (Cpstlnued from Page 1.) turcs thoaselvee. The whole process of difousslon. If any discussion at all lakes place, is private and- shut awnjr from public scrutiny and knowledge- There are so many cir cles within circles, there are bo many indirect and privato wayB of gotUng, at legislative action that our communities are constantly un easy durinff legislative sessions. Privacy and Corruption. . It- is jUls confusion and obscurity and privacy of our legislative meth od that give the political machine its nportunity. Apparently, nothing but tbo political machine can brina or der out of chaos. There is no central force in any legislature which can Useir guide the course of lawmaking. There is bo jwbltcly respoasibie man of group of men -who are known to tornratate legislation and to take i barge of it from the time of its In troduction until the thne of its e- actmont. It has. therefore, been pos-, sible for an outside force the pollt-1 leal machine, the body ot men who nominated the legicriators and who onducted the contest Air their elec 'ion. to assume the role of control. Huslnese men who desired something done by wuy of changing the law nn der which they were acting or Who wished to prexent legislation which M-emed to them to threaten their own Interests, have known that there waa this definite body of jioraons to resort to, and they have mnd terms with them. They have agreed to sup ply them with money for campaign expenses and to stand by them In all other cases where money was nec v essary if In return they might resort to them for protection and resistance in matters of legislation. There have been times when It was a matter of no surpriso to ua to learn that legis latures looked to a certain man who was not even a member of their body for the Instructions as to what they were to do with particular laws, and wo have becomo cynically accustoni esj to tho presumption that the in tractions 3hey received were re celved after the majority had con ferred with those who were backing him and assisting him In the busi ness world. Machine Always Controlled. It is not altogether just to indulge in Indiscriminate blame for this state of affairs, our legislatures be ing at loose ends, nobody In partic ular being resopnsible, it was natnr al not to say Inevitable that some sort of control should spring np. The machine, which was tho center ot party organization, was tho natural . instrument of control, and men who tad business interests to promote naturally resorted to tbe body which ! exercised the control. There need have been nothing sinister about this. It the wholo matter had been ! nnon -inri n.rv.i,i nnrt i.nnut miMii- ttriticism would not have centered II"" .u. "," r." ","'"" "'; ways results in demoralization and goes beyond demoralization to actual corrupUon. There arc two kinds of corruption fthe crdo and the ob- j tiuuo crtjii. nuivu cuusiBus lu wrcci trll)ory, and Uie much subtler, more dangerous sort, which consists ln a corruption of tho will. Business men who havo tried to set up a control in politics through the machine hav more and more deceived themselves. have allowed themselves to think that the whole matter was a neces- uiul me wnoie matter was a neces- 1 ' a unwmirf inuconie 01 , our political system. Ifwvlng reas sured themselves In thfe way, they have drifted from one thing to an- nlhu- itnfll tlin nnmllnn. nt mnrats ! involved have become hopelessly ob I during many years was tho strong . united States, the following de scured and submerged. hold of these special interests. I am ECribed land, viz: Hampering Good Service. ml imimnung ui.bvi .i.lw.. . , . vv w SectIoa 13 The methods used are well enough 1 "W-kind- J am peklng no only of , Township 23 South, Range 22 East, known. Money has not only been i ,bt wbtle corruption of the vr III to , Any all persons ciaim!nK alt. supplied to those men In public life , wh'ch, ' baYe. a,re".d.y rfwrol. The Tersely the lands described, or de who would be serviceable to big bus- wm don,n8Dt B tht rtnnce con' ring tor object because ot the iIn iness Interests bv wav of ra-omotiBc ' """tee of the senate has for nany eral character of tho land, or for any aTJaBhMAi!S.tdeaiiM together been subservient other reason, to the disposal to art vntlnf ttThSStta S 'Xred: ' STJS 1 Wtt JJ!!S Dut it Das aiso oeen uenieo to inose who would not be serviceable. It Is l? iatir HS.1 . th mn .5,'Wr which has attracted very little at- tention, but which Is after all the most insidious and contemptible part of the whole ugly system. Most of our legislators ore men enped . in one kind of business or another, or engage in one sort of employ ment or another. They therefore have their own individual interests and connections, and again and again it has happened that individ- ual legislators who wished to ron-' der coBseieaUous aBd Independent public serrico found themselves sod- donly embarrassed when they refus. .... ..v TO Mrti!,r t.inM. in. -..- -V.'r.' ,:. v"j, icresus wuivx cc swnra icgiTO-, tlTe favors. They have found thy could not renew their notes at tni bonk. They have found credit denied them and otstacles put in their way in tho conduct of their business. The whole thing can be easily managed without at ti acting: public attention and In euch subtle ways and even tho man Injured cannot always provo that there is anything Intentional or .telifcerato in Uie injury done him; but the grip of the money market tightens on him none Uie less and strangles him if he exorcises too great Independence and does not lend himself to the purpose which the machine has consented to pro xnoto at the bidding of the business men with whom they are allied. Money a Necessity. Unhappily money Is necessary at every turn of tbe political game. It is necessary in connection with ev- . erv part ot our electoral process be-i cause our electoral processes h&ve to be puOlic men have to te com- maadedlo th electorate- oy method of ono eort or another, like imblic speeches, literature printed and li-, tn but eft through the mails by all tbe ittethods of pabticU. which are necessarily costly. A man cannot si into offtee without Um expenditure of a good deal of money. tnn If be coarlnes the oxpedlturoe to perfectly legitimate objects. The. sources of woaey are therefore tbo sources ot political opportunity and power, and those who supply the money can generally coiWrt the noodhaUoar tbat is to say. the selection of those who are to exercise the powers ot government and of law maklnc And opportunity does nqt stop. At idec tton. The men elected to office gen erally ftopo to have some political future, and they find tbat future in turn controlled at the source; so tbat i those who supply the sinews ot wmr' are too often able to exerctoe a khid of command which deprive representative of the jwople of tkeir own real independence. It re quires a greafdeal of ebaoure and an UHUsuai amount of Individual in itiative to serve in ne of our Use istature wIUkmA bJiug tourbed and restrained and coerced in some de gree bv Influences of this kind. The Tariff Evil. j)n. irf Tlu fiABi Instaiict-s cjt ,,M , . , Wh.i dlsatJ lototteB business of our legislation witu reaar to import duties. xn tariff has ben Uie ,most proline source of the corrupt interference o uusioees wttn poMMcs that tUe e-j porience of the countrj ou aiiucneu. Almost every kindof business Is af lected directly or indirectly by uie taritf laws and it has in recent eax--uccome notorious that the schedule of the tariff were arrnaged by We bouse of representatives an, the H-j nance commiuee uie " a tt very tender resard ipr particular cueiness Intoroets. Source of Corruption. Keriody will agree that It Uie jarirr) polIc is Hideo.1 to bo pro. tectlve and to seek tbe objects which it has always pretended to seek. It Is perfectly legitimate that it should have to pay a very careful roT-riT tn hi HuKlnrtss lntortsts ot the country taken as a whole. But ..&X. is a very different matter from flcation of our methods which will aay ol '"a ln w aoove emu paying regard to the Individual In- center th public trust In small l a5"0"- nein, Mra Elizabeth terests of particular undertakings ' groups of men who will lead not by "amle . .sp'i "e,aDOTe named and of narticular groups of men. The reason of legal authority or tho right f'a,n"rt bhtaJned a Joent ngainsi SS rTrt0 aSkV T nor- j c opb3n J-rjJiM nd the First Na ated trom a policy or protection in- Public Opinion Our Hope. jfendantfl. on the 29th day of April to a policy of patronav. The party It Is a refreshing ana reassurius 19U. ,,. sum of Seve Tj10usnrt which has stood most consistently ! thing to remind oursehos at ever- xine Hundred and Fifty Four 6S10' for the to called system ot protection 1 turn cf how safe it is to depend upon (57,954.68) dollars In lawful mone has ierHed not a llttlo of its power Puhllc opinion In America when imb or tto United States, besides inter com the support or tno great uusi. " opinion is- w oil informed. There Is est. costs and accruing costs. I am ness Interesta of the country. I do , ,re.i t !. . . cept as commanded o sell that certain lot not mean the moral support merely. ln."1"lt' ? nd sof,rct , confer pleco or parcc: of rea, eslate( Blt I moan, that it has been supplion nces against the public Interest ato in the City of BIsbee, County of ..... .., r mnt- mr , "ho American mind is well noised fjvMsn Tprritn r,r a, h .,"" '"JT, f a m,.iir and for ' maIntenance of its organization and , whether consciously or uncon , ' ,r u h established a part- ner-hii) ' with the manufacturing in , t " ,i of the eountri' which has de- ,riTi it of Its liberty of action In' ' .. " M,' :t- .... i. t bound bvobHatioL tacit and ex- Pl'cH. to mo. mat those interests are not damaged which have been its most stalwart backers and support ers. Finance Committee Corrupt. It has again and' again happened, therefore. ' to the scandal of the whole country, that Items and claus es have been Inserted Into our tariff laws which were not even explained to the members of congress, which j received no exposition at all, which j were a matter qt private arrange- I meat aim uiiuct3uuiur uict;. meat and understanding uetweeu '" ..... - - . -.- .t. . .l nwumc nmmlA ui uio ." ... v..u.u of the house an the finance commit kw 01 unc Bciioic. iuc .u. ..v,...- mitlO Of the Senate in particular .,-., y.av i.-,T1 .rvi iiuint , and often Jn defJance of we. Imowb opinions aiw purposes not on , o ,he MOBa, administration b. , h -embers o tl houses as .-. for reason strutted in vain j agaiagt the dictates of the oinio. i teBt loaders of the senate. ' Here dteplaved in iu Tosse9t ffwrni 1 was the intimate power of bustamw i ntor nnHtira. -- Business Men Our Hope. The eountrv has definitely mad in Us mimi fhf it wtll unt at tLe root of tho matter and or all other matters like R, and that It win break up this alHance. There was a Use when it looked as If to aeeom- niuh tht nM inrnir.. a v-r rtn. ;"; " ; ;rr" w'.' B'u. ov. . v.. v...w w.-v -- try and hose who hlWf .pit- did talents in buiHing up he 1ms . mess of Amerleaj BuC haptrfi,. tbat threat has Jteappeare.!. It is one of the banvy clreumetances of our time that the most Intelligent and progresive of our business men bavd seen the mistake as we- as the Inv morality 01 me wuoie can dusuil-sb. mu alliance Between ousiness aiiu lolltics has been a burden to them an advantage no doubt ujiou occa sion, but a vory questionable and liltnfdnenmn flrlrfintiiro Tf has given them great power but It has I a'so subjected them to a sort of sub- eervientiy to leading politicians. They are anxious to bo lrced from tho bondage as tho country Is to be rid of the influences and methods Morris H. Jones of Naco, Arizona, which it represents. Leading busl' who, on April 5th, 1909, made home ness men are now heeomlne irreat stead entnr No. 018. for PUSEK fetors in tho emancicatlon of the country from a system which was leading- from bad to worse. There "rtdln, bs filed nouce of lnten are those, of coarse, who are wedded tioa to mako final commutation . to Uio oM ways and' who will stand j out for thorn to tbo last, but they -vslll sink into a minority and be overcome. Tbe have found ..uar their old excuse that it was nece sary to defend themselves against unfair legislation Is no longer a good oxcuse,. that tlioro is a bet'er way ot defending themselves than through tbo private use ot monev. and that is to take the public into their confidence, to make absolute ly onen all tboir dealings with legis lative bodies and legislative officers, and lot the public judge as between them anil those with whom thej arc dealing in the field ot politics Resronstb'e Leadership; This discovery on their part of what ought to have been, obvious ill -along points out the way of reform. for undoubtedly publicity comes vary er being the cure all for political and economic maladies ot this sore But publicity will continue to be L vr difficult so long a our methods of legislation are so obecwe and -viorni and prhate 1 thiulr it will be come more awl more obvious that the way to turify our politics is to sliuplfy them and that the war to simplify them is to establish respon sible leadership. We now bare uo leadership at all inside our legists live bodies at any rate, no leadei . ship which is definite enough to iu tnot tha iirion .i wtfni.u lf the country Our only leadership being tbat of irresiwasible persoiu. outside the iertebuurel. who 4nsti tute the politics! machines, it is ex tremely difficult for even the roost waftchtal public opinion to keep track of the circulation methods pui sued. This undoubtedly lies at the root of the growing demand on the ptirt. of American communities un ci yw here for leadership, for reepon- , otwiiu icmui-iDuiff. iiu iKlllug IU uuiuur- ttVl JTStl "SZ can watch and whom they con con, j stont,J. hu,d tQ account- ,,. J of ,i. ... ,. .A i.n. ..0.1 by thoughtful and progressive losis. lation. but it ought to be served or- enly, candidly, advantageously, with t :i c-arerul regard to letting evfry body bo heard and every Interest be consideled. tho interest which is not backed by money as well as Mt- Interest which is, and' this can be accomplished only b some simp!.- .n wholesome and Inclined to Jus- J'cc; and ho task that lies ahead of "8 iBer turn the task of put lmK ,hat "I'lnlon into the saddle aeal? that affairs may go for- warU by a coramon impulse that Breatr '""iWee ot righteous law, that eager impulse for the attainment of better ?"d better ,nlnK wn'c' '" - - TiB tic of the country we love. PUBLICATION United States Land Office, Phoenix, Arizona, May 5. 1911. Serial No. 014392. Notice is hereby given that John rage, of Phoenix, County of Mari- Territm-ir nt Ari.m,, , i,. -- "" CDVAlt. UL .l trator M g ggtatg or Jiansel C jja8on, deceased, has filed In this otgce hIs app,ica'Uon loenter under fne n-oBlalnna of Riv-tlnno otnt: n,t, -jrim nf , nlrf -.... .1 3r-rt ,i- t., 1011 23rd day of June, 1911. FRANK H. PARKER, Register First publlcnUon May 18, 19)1. Last publication Juno 17. 1911. PUBLICATION United States Land QfBce. Phoenix, Arizona, May C, 1911. Serial No. 014301. NoUce is hereby given that John H. Page, of Phoenix. County of Mari- P". Terncory of Arizona, the legal assignee of R. T. Mason, Admlnls- JSPT j estate of Charles E. 'thd ecaed. has filed In this "Jf166 ala. application to cater under "ML 1JTJ?n f 5?$!' 230C. aPd ??7 ? the Revised Statutes of the uted states, tho following de- sprtlMi land vtr- f Vrt A ad a c , ym taJ 4oscrJbe(1 or deslr. lng to object 1 of mlDenJ character of C 1 land, or for anv other reason, to the disposal to ap- piicant, should file their affidavits of protest ln this office on or before the 23rd day of June, 191L FRANK H. PARKER. Register. First publication May IS. 1911. Last publication June 17. 1911. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. S. Land Office at Phoenix, Ariz. May 13. 191L NOTICE Is hereby given that SacUon 7. Et4NEti. Section 18. Township 2S, Range 24E, G. & S. R. Legal Advertisements Legal Advertisements proof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before J, D. Taylor, fnlted States commissioner, at Olsbco, Ariz., on tho 23rd day ot June, 1911. Claimant namos at wlneeses: HDYVARD A. KOLSOM. WILLIAM R- FITZHEItBEItT. HENRY H. BALMFOLK. HERBERT E. BRYANT, oil of Naco. Ariz. FRANK H. PARKER. Reg ster. NOTICE FOR VJUBLICATION.7 . V. S. Land Office at Fnoenix. Ariz May 4. 191L NOTICE is hereby given that Fe ltx M, Abrams, ' ot Naco, Arizona, who. on October. 24, 1903. madf homestead entry. No. 01C1S for SVfeNE, SENW. NWUSEfc Section 8, Township 24 S., Range 2 E., G & S. R. Meridian, has flloo notice or Intention to make Flna' Five Year Proof, to establish claim to tbo land nbovo described, befort J. D. Taylor, U. S. Commissioner at HIsbce, Arizona, on the 10th ds; of June, 1911. - Claimant names as witnesses: WILLIAM ALFRED. DON L. MOSS, CHASE U PURDY, J. J. NEWELL, all ot Naco, Ariz FRANK H. PARKHR, Register. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE TERRITORY OF ARIZONA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COCHISE. Mr3. Elizabeth Ilamlett Clllcspie.j Plaintiff, vs. W. W. Whjdey, and Sarah Whaley hla wife, Henry Forrest and An drea Forrest his wife, and the First National, Bank ot Globe. Arizona. Defendants Sheriff's Sale No. 6200. Under and by virtue ot an order of sale issued out ot the District Court of the Second Judicial District I01 Territory of 'Arizona, In and for tho County of Cochise, on the 1st described as follows: "Lot numbered Twenty Three '(23), ln Block numbered Four (4): of the City of BIsbee. County of Co chlse. Territory ot Arizona." , Public notice Is hereby given tbat on the 31st day of May. 1911, at 2 nVloctr n m r ihif ri. n , Court House door in the City o! ;' rj,," n.'"-" . chlse, I will sell the above desennco .property, or so much thereof as mm 1 be necessary to satisfy plaintiff' ciaim. wun interest, costs and ac crulng costs to the highest and best bidder for cash. Tombstone. Arizona, Hay 6th, 1911 JOHN. F. WHITE. Sfierifr. A. A. HOPKINS. By Deputy Sheriff. NOTICE FOP PUBLICATION. Department of The Interior, U. S. Land Office at Phoenix. Ariz. May 4, 1311. NOTICE is hereby given that James Maurice Fcker, of Lowell. Arizona, who, on March 25. 1906, made Homestead entiy. No. 03392, for SNE. SEKNW. NEVSWV. SceUon 32, Township 22 S. Range 2ti E. (J & S. R. Merid'an, has filed noUce of IntenUon to make Final Five Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before J. IJ.I Taylor, U. S. Commissioner, at Bis-1 bee, Arizona, on the 10th day otj June, l'Jll. Claimant names as witnesses: W. J. RDCASTLE. of BIsbee. Ariz. PRESTON FLETCHER, of Lowell, Ariz. WILLIAM O. MILLER, of BIsbee. Ariz. C. A. JONES, of BIsbee. Ariz. FRAJrtC H. PARKER. Register. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE WH ORDER OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE SHOU'.D NOT BE MADE. In tho Prorate Court of the County ot Cochise, Territory of Ari zona. In the matter cf the estate of Don- od McPhunn, deceased. It appearing to this court by Uie petition this day presented and filed by C W. Hicks, one of the adminis trators of tho esta'e of Donald Mc- Phi'nn, deceased, that It Is necessary to sell the whole of the real estate of said decedent to pay the debts of decedent and tho expenses and chaigcs of administration. It is therefore ordered by this court: That all persons Interested in tbe estate of said deceased appear be fore the said Probate Court on Mon day, the 6th day of June, A. D. 1911 at Uie hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court room of said court, at the court house ln the city of Tombstone, Cochise county, terri tory of Arizona, to show cause why an order should not be granted to said C W. Hides, as such admlnls trator. to sell the said real estate and that a copy of this order be pub lished four successive weeks ln the BIsbee Daily Review, a newspaper printed and published In the said county of Cochise. Dated May 3. 1911. FRANK W. GOODBODY. Judge of the Probate Court LODGE NOTICES MASONIC CALENDAR WEEK ENDING MAY 27, 1911 aionday Tuesday Blue. Third Wednesday G liiursuay r , JS Friday lW Saturday J. T. ABRAMS, W. M. . E. L. BLAIR, Seoy. F. fcA.'il. H. W. JORGENSEN, H. P. C. F PHILBROOK, E C. W? R. BANKS. Secy. R. A. M. & K. T. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Rathbone Lodge, No. 10 ; Knights of Pythias meet the first, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Pythlcn aiie itlng brotb- 7 its cordially inviiou. E. B. MATHEWS. C. C KRIGBAUM. K. ot R. S. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR , Pearl Chapter No. 6 , Meets in Masonic Hall Secqad and Fourth Wcdnesda6 ot each , month. t Ella M. Perry. W. M. Katherine ltt. Sec, . I B. P. 0. ELKS j BIsbee Lodge, No. 671, meets first and third Tuesdays of each1 month at Elks , Club House. .Visiting brothem cordially invited, j Sam Frankrmburg! Exalted Ruler ! McGRATH, Secretary. w. 0. w. Woodmen of the World Meet stj Fair hall .the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. ! GEO. H. COBBE. C C C. N. THOMAS, Cleix. , 1 an s l BIsbee Camp No 15,415 i w-W.A.SJ" wr.r on d tad fourth Thursdays In I. O. O. F. hill. Visiting neighbors are Invited to attend. R. L. M0T2, Clerk. J. D. TAYLOR, Consul. ORDER OF OWLS No. 120S 1st & 3t Odd Fellows Hall. Brotherhood of American Yoemen 2 Richard I. Homestead 391 meets cecond and fourth Tuesdays at Odd Fellows Hall, VlsiUng Archers are cordially invited. E. D. STINSON. Forenrm R. HOOVER, correspondent O. Box 1024. i. 0. R. H. Meets every Thursday evening ati 7:30 o'clock In Pythian CasUe. AIM vlslUnc Red Men welcome. 1 Wm. BOCKETT, Sachem. F. C. FENDERSON. K. ot R. M. D. COHEN, Medicine Man T. F. B. FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD BIsbee Lodge No. 452 meets every Wednesday evening at Fair Hall VlsiUng members cordially invited BENJAMIN MOSS, President. BARBARA SHEARER, Secretary. S0N0RA LODGE NO. 23 I. 0. 0. F Cananea, Mexico meets every Monday at 8 p. m. In Masonic Hall. Visiting brother cordially invited. W, H. EARP. N. G. JOSEPH HOWARD. Secy. BISBEE LODGE NO. 10. I. 0. 0. F. meets everv - tVednosdav even ing in OdT Fellows Hall, Main St Visiting brothers are cordially in vited to atterd. W. A. RICHARDS, N. O. F. J. ATTAWAY, Secretary ' F. O. BIsbee Aerie 75, F. O. E, meta first and third Mondays, 8 p. m.. Fair Hall. Visitors cordially wel comed. Wm. BECKETT, M. D. COHEN. President Aerie Physician. Do "We are aaxloastp baveyoa find oat about tfaesa YOU Know About OUR Prices 9 They wffl Isterest you wbea yoa'reta Medsf priatkg Vy j. c .r v vVT .' Tsri lm$i T. O. mmoEx ' W, C. P. 1 &&, , Great Oaks m$$H m w jrri a. .' . vimzi -ir r wa a-tv4 little AcoTiiS) torn ornw&saBM&Mmgmsm n fTssBM r iTHmttitniP rmEKjl si VngflBIKvisaCAATs By compaiisons. the rtsults from a want u .a- often much greater than the growth from a " 1 itti.f acorn." I DAILY REVIEW Advertisements under this head ran at the rtt ot 1 cent psr word with a minimum charge ot 25 cents for ach Insertion ao vertisements must reach The Review office no Uter than 1 p. m. for insertion x the next morn-lng's paper. -..., FAR Sfl F M SChLLANtUUS FOR SALE First clasp 1 jw Moon Canvon 23S 7or1ale-real estate FOR SALE On School Hill, three houses, almost now, and si lots. Price ,?4.000. Rented for 375 per month. $2,000 cash, balance monthly Installments. no interest Address P. O. Box 934. City 12S FOR SALE FURNITURE, ETC FOR SALE Very cheap Toda only Bed, couch, mission chairs, rocker, stove. Rooms to rent Geo. E. Krinbill. No 1 Aita Vista. i School Hill 239 JFOR SALE House and househola furniture iiume place. seconu house from last. Bakerville 1 HELP WANTED WANTED Dishwasher. Masoir house, Lowell. Woman preferred. 223 WANTED Men and strong boys No expense to learn trade: SCO stu dents, J20.000, contract Jobs, work half, study half Uie time. Actomc biles, electricity, plumbing, brick laying. Free catalogue. United Trade School CootracUng Co , Lo1 Angeles. ! BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED A few boarders, with 01 without rooms. Home cookin -Mrs if. E. Dunn, large ydio. I nouse DacK ot L.aiayotte no i-- Brewery Gulch. 22" FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Furnished ro.n -house with piano. Jobi.." tlon. Inquire Busy Bee Cale, i-i" ell, or Blstee, Ariz. FORRENT Throe room bouse, cwse' ceased, to tbe creditors of and ail Pview office ? m Pers0n8 haV,nK cMm "" eview '"ce said deceased, to exhibit them, wtt FOR RENT A nicely furnished two the T7 vouchers, -within four, room cottage. Inquire 54 Mason ""wths after tbe first publication of Hill, or George Roberts, Main St notice to tbe said admiulstiw "That gcod place to eat" lSi tor at his place of business on tk FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT Nicely larnlshed fro room, close ln. 70 Clawson Hl'i FOR RENT Thre nicely furnisher rooms. 23 Upper Lowell. Inquire at office of Copper Queen store Lowell. 186 PALMER HOTEL Buropean, rooratt single or en suite. Rates reason I able. &4 West First outh street Salt Lake City. One block frwr Temple. S. W. Pobson. Prop. 14P FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Fully equ.pped ealoo In Lowell, no city license. Count and government license paid f July 9, 11. Investigate this ni Phone 105 or P. O. Box 3005. Lo eU. Ariz. .'- LOST LOST Gold fob; initial B. Remrt ' ship 23 South. Range 22 East to Ball & Bledsoe Drug Store 1 Any and all persons claiming ad- versely tho lands described, or ds LOST Between Forrest and Lowci siring to object 'because of the mln- Lowell, telescope satchel Return to Hogan &. Seed for reward. 221 MISCELLANEOUS STORAGE, STORAGE Planoe. rnr nltnre, etc Everything bouehi sold, exchanged. Standard Fut nltnre Co., Allen Block. 180 ir'trtTT)' . mj.-z& .umt w rsrir-j k WANT ADS. .Pi.Tmn - ""'"'?"-ice great suit .1 .urin ijuko( oners unumittd o portunities , for business to clattt fled advertisers. The recognlxs advertising medium Is the Fars Dally and Sunday Courlsr-Ntwt be only seven day paper ln th tare and the paper which earri e targes', amount of classified vertislng. The Ccunsr-Ntwi covsrs totX iatcaj ,lte a tlantetj rsachlas all parti of the state the day s4 publication; it is tho paper to us In order to gst results raUg one cent per word first lnurtlos, one-half cent per word sccc44f lng Insertion; fifty cents psr Ilal per month. Address The Courltr. News, Fargo, N. D. 42 WANTED TO BUY SECON" HAND FURNITURE. Also sell ir exchange all kinds cf furnltur. e O. Brantan, Dobtcn Houst, Johnio Addition. Ill If you Intend to have a sale tiet otr prices TED CI We are fixed for turning out work of this kind in double-quick time. Legal Advertisements NOTICE TO CREDITORS hstate of Kosto . Cerovich, ie- 1 aased. Notice is hereby given by the undeasigned, the administrator ef. the estate of Koatn N. (Tornvtali Ju east side of Brewery avenue, BIsbee. t Arizona, the same betas; the piae , for tbe transaction of tbe bvetaos of said estate, in said ceuaty t Cochise. LAZAR BRAJOVICH, Administrator of the estate ot Kosto N. Cerovich, deceased. V Dated this 24th day. of ArHlL: first pubneanea April 27. ltU, PUBtlCATION United States Land Offliv Phoento. Arizona, May 5. jm Serial No. 01493. , .NS 5 XSSL.'SSgS Z copo, Territory of Arizona, tbe assignee of Benjamin L. Ilarrieeo. Administrator of the Estate of Thomas H. Morian, deceased, has filed in this office his application to enter under the provisions ot Sec tions 2306 and 2J07 of the Revised statutes or the United States, the following described land, viz- B 1.4. S. W. M. Sooflim u ti-. oral cnaracter of tho land, or for any other reasons, to the dlrnosal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protect in this office on or before tho 2ra dav of Jnne. 1911. FRANK H. PARKER, Register Flrsi publication May 1. 1ill Last publication June 17. 1911. 1 Sale 1 "02!B PRIH i Hsl'itt't-WW.vy.i W 'lnwn m - V ! n i t I j r Tjr 7 v- 1 " r K i ' I' i , 1 -ftJisKi n ' JJfc . - a.'. ' I CL. sjssagsvi .