Newspaper Page Text
fj : f. ( . , .in i .j. . .' q. x : 5k! . PAGE EIGHT THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW. BISBEE. ARIZONA. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25, 1911. y. u AEDIEI TAKE BISBEEIiBY '. STDRM-BREAT MIIL ON irst Day's Session Began ...rough Rapidly; Officers - Elected foi Year Banquet on Tonight The glOal Commit "of the rvscrra- tion ot Arizona, Improved Order of ' Kidmen, oearoncd yesterday . mora. bb at l o'clock and until 6 o'clock id UiO afternoon, with two hours for lunch, wore as busy as bees In ,Woom. They simply massacred business and It Is probable, so quick. ' !- was the great council business disposed of, that tho council will bo la position to ndoum today at noon. .Officers Elected. Tie following officers of tho Ari- suaa reservation woro elected for tho year: Grant sachem Harry Drachman ot Tucson. Senior sagamore C. S. Benton 'ot Biebco. Junton sagamore F. Stoukmeyer of Phoenix. Great chief ot records X. B. Hawks of .Tucson. Great keeper of wampum Richard fe'amitf.of Hrescott.' Groat nrophri )I E. Berner of Tombstone. W. E. Hawks of Tucson was re elected great chief of records. Lee Ross of Bisbee was elected great eachem as a tribute of honor, as the Jlrst business under tie head of elec tion of officers. Ho was unablo to .. servo because ot 111' health nnd ho tondejed .bis resignation Jollowin Wg election. Berner Calls Meeting to Order. Great Sachem H. E. Berner of - Tombstone, tho retiring chief of the reservation, called the meeting to erder and presided over yesterday's -- cessions. The teommittces worked with a fine dispatch and the larger . part ot tbe business of tbe conncil was transacted at yesterday's ses sion. This morning the appointive offices, seven or eight in number, will bo filled and the officers elected yes terday -will bo installed The early completion of business, however, will have no effect on tho entertainment program arranged for the visitors Dance at Pythian Hall. .V dance was given at Pythian hall mersoe That 'it you keep your i.roduct better than anybodys else the public will beat a path to your door." We realize that Emerson was right and that our principal amet is qualit;. and sen ice. J TEN YEARS IX STKK'TL'i MEN'S BUSINESS has given us quite an experience and knowledge of how to keep our standard up, and con stantly Mlcking to one thing and one idea Is sure to make onr value and service a l't tic better than the genera' merchant's WE'VE been hammering lately on REGAL SHOE QUALITY AXD VALUE for tno money, and before that it was clothing, bats, etc., and our statements have all been born out by results. XOW FOR HOT WEATHER we call your attention to our Window of UXDERWEAR, SOFT SHIRTS. PAJAMAS, NIGHTGOWNS, SILK SOCKS, SUSPENDERS, etc., eta, allot which overy man needs in his wardrobe. y WE HOLD CLOSELY TO L1XBS WHICH ARE STROXG LY ADVERTISED TO THE PUBLIC, for wo believe a line for which strong claims aro made bare a certain stan dard to hold up to and really have to sfeow the merit they claim. , SOFT SHIRTS in every quality and every color mostly plain colors just the thing for warm weather 1X and up. -GOTHAM GARMEXTS", and "PARKER & FINN" can not be beaten Iq PAJAMAS and NIGHTGOWNS. "PARKER & FINN" excel lent wash four-in-hand ties 50 cents, and wo will give & new silk tie for any one of them that does not wash perfectly and not fade (In any laun dry). YES, and YOU'LL NEED A STRAW HAT WE'VE GOT EM. SCHWARTZ BROS. CO. THE SAFE PLACE ON MAIN ST, Yesterday and Business Pushed Ensuing In honor ot the visiting Itedmeu. .V large number of Ucdmen, local and visiting, with their ladies, attended. Tonight, following a regular meet i lug of tho Bisbeo lodge, at which a large class ivill be InltiatcdJvtho neo-1 nliytes -find visiting chiefs nnd braves, I with their ladies, will bo the guests of the local lodge' at a banquet, ot , tbe New English Kitchen In the Allen block. The city mas full of braves yester day, all wearing tho official badge ot the great council, a tr'.-iolor ribbon ( pinned on with a horned toad, the rib bons bearing inscriptions relating 10 tbe meeting of the great council. Tbe visltonT f evidently having a good 1 time See Local Camp. j Each of the local lodgemen took a bunch of tho brates under his pro tecting arm after tho business sos-0 stons 'yesterday and showed them j around the biggest and best mining camp In the southwest. Those of the visitors who lld not attend 'he dance last evening visited tbe theaters. . J A matter of moment to bo dispo. cd of at this morning's besslons will be tho selection of the place ot meet ing for the great comcll next year. A large class of tendcrfeet palo faces will bo tortured tonight by the j local lodge, assisted by tic braves of other camps. AH visiting Redmcn j will remain over ami participate In j the banquet tonight. H. E. Berner of Tombstone, who j has been great sachem of tho Arizona 1 reservation during the last year, was nccomianled to Bisbeo by Mrr. Ber. tier. The are staying at the Copper j Queen. 1 VERY SILL PORTION . RECEIVED BY COGHIBF Cut of $75,000 Paid in Taxes This County Gets $1(4,00& Out of the $75,9ee collected v in taxes from Cochise county for the I territorial ldghway fund, only $14,000 J has been spent in constructing tho I highway, according to H. E. Berner. I clerk of the Cochise county board ot supervisors, who is in the city, at tending the great council of Redmcn, as great sachem. The supervisors were unablo to got sny information through, the usual hanncls regarding the moneys spent on the territorial highway, so an ex pert was sent to the capital to get a transcript of tho records, showing how the money collected from Co chise county had been spent- Tho investigation showed the result stat ed above. Mr. Berner does not savyy tbe view, j point ot the board of control In run- j mng a higlway. originally Intended ' to bo for tho benefit of the people ot the countries through which It shall pass, through tho least inhabited sec tion of Cochise county. Neither does he seo the logic of the argument that the Bisbcc-Tombstoncenson route would cost more, inasmuch as .the peoplo who aro contending for that route are the onos who aro putting up tho price. LOSI IN DIED IN THIS jUK IN 19B5 Father of Chicago Man Who Could Mot Be. Located Worked Here XL F. McGraw, alias Ed V. Foster, the man inquired about In a letter from L. E. McGraw Putt, his son, of Chicago, died In Bisbee July IS, 1906, according to the records ot the coun ty undertakers, who had charge ot the burial of the body. Tho man went by tho name of Ed F. Foster while In Bisbee. -The cir. cumstanccs of the man's death were recalled by Officer Foster and the officer's recollection was borne out by an investigation of tho records of the county undertaker. An inquest was held over tho body by Judgo tOwen H. Murphy, but she record could not bo found among the core ner's record books. Tbe proceedings of the Inquest, however, aro on file at Tombstone in tho county clerk's office. The following is an extract from Putt's letter: "Father was about six feet, one Inch In height, with black, wavy hair, and was dark of complexion and weighed about ISO or 200 ifrauds." Tho description of McGraw, alias Foster given In tho undertaker's book closely follows that furnished by Tils son. It follows: "Helghth 5 feet, 10 Inches. Light oomplexlon, weight 180 pounds. Has gold filling in front tooth." 1 Foster, as he was known here, work- AQUEQUGT BUNCH ARE STILL HOPING Local Agent Waiting foi De ', layed Transportation to Now York 1 Contracting to take 110 laborers from nisbeo to Now York atato to work on a tunnel being Gug under tbo Adirondacks la like anything but rid. ing across tho continent on a Stand ard Pullman and feeding from a French bill ot fare, according to La bor Agent Henze, who assayed to do just that. N Tho troublo all came from having on unpractical man for a partner in tho undertaking. He says his part nor. Richards. Is just that. Richards has gone to New York and left Hcnzo with tho bag to hold. Hcnzo is sit ting tight and waiting for transpor tation to come to his rescue. Still Has Hope. Whilo others have been knocking his game, Henzo has sat steady In his boat and invited his accusers (indirectly) to mako uny investiga tions they choose. Notwithstanding the suspicion against tbo nqiKjduct proposition in sonio quartors, Henze had no trouble in getting tho men he wanted and says that be Intends to mako good jot if it lies in human power to do so. He has collected $900 from Bisbeo lalorers, in $12 deposits, for sleep ing car faros and dining car board, the remainder qf-$S to be deposited when tho party left Bisbee. Ho says that this is in escrow in a local bank and that ho is payjng the money de posited with him back to" whoever re. quests It. How It Started. Tho trouble, be says, came from Richards' unbusinesslike methods. The contractor, for "whom Henze and Richards are working, wrote them a letter from LaSalle. N. Y., offering transportation to 110 laborers for U10 aqueduct work. But he sent tho let ter from New York, so Richards, it Is said, addressed his communica tions to the contractor to a certain number on LaSalle street. New York City. Of course this bailed up things good and proper. Tho transportation did not come.- Wednesday, yesterday, was set as -the date for sailing across the continent to New York state au.l the transportation did not come. Richards pulled out and went to Now York, leaving Henze to fac; tbo music Wants to See Mail. Henze says that there is mall in tbe local postoftice for Richards ant ho believes that tho transportation is containod m the mail, but that Post master Cassidy would not deliver the malt to him. He then wired to the conductor of the train on which Rich arde is traveling to Xew York, as't ing that he wire tho postmaster here a request to deliver his mail to Henze, but no answer has come from the telegram. The contractors have given up their quarters in Medieovich hall and Henze now spends his time convers ing with the men who contracted to go with him, down around Copper Queen plaza. Tho men who have not withdrawn thoir deposits have confidence that Henzo will bo ablo to deliver the goods. Henz? says he v.T.1 if it is possible. Henze says that certain interests have tried to make his proposition out a fake because they did no want the laborers to lcaifo Bisboe. "They are trying to cmbarass me. but they can't ilo it," he says. Ho said that ho would take the party to Benson and then via. the Southern PaciH;. Contractor is Drunk. Mr. Henze stated yesterday after, noon that ho had called off the trip to Xew York and had refunded all monoy collected by him, with the exception ot tho deposits ot several miners who woro working on night shift. He took this action, he siys, following ho receipt of a telegram from his partner, Richards, whom ho wired yesterday morning through the conductor of the train on which Rich ards had started to Xew York, tell him that the thing was off, that tho Now York contractor was drunk. It was stated that the money col lected by the labor agents was in escrow- at a local bank. A man who saw one of tbo refunded checks says that tho checks were signed by Rich, ards and no ono else. Evidently the checks wore drawn by Richards be fore leaving tho city. Henzo does not yot understand Richards' action, ho says, ami says that if bis partner has not been deal. Ing squarely with him ho will run him down and get bis goat with tbe union to which they both belong. "I win not condemn him, however, un til I learn more about It," ho said. Washington Herald- "Doing well, joung man, I seeV "Xo, Just struggling along." 'But that fine adding machine: "A demonstrator left It on trial." "That new typewriter?" "An agent forced it on me for a month." j "At least those expensive cigars e!enot ready money." "No, I smoke ten and return the rest" The Wise Fan. Omaha Bee: Did you ever notice that It Is tho fellow in tho bleacher rear who can tell tbe manager all about how to rtfn his team? ed at the U S. ft P. mlno as a pipe fitter ami had previously worked for tho EI Paso & Southwestern as brake. man. Ho died on July 28, 1903. of heart failure, while sitting inside ,tho O. K. Livery placo on Napp road. He had no funds and the effanff ,t6ok charge of tho remains, interringtbei!i la tho county lot at the cemetery. ALLEGED DYNAMITER FORMERLY BISBEE SALOON KEEPER - Connors, Arrested- 'for Con spiracy Against Hall, of Records, 'Known ' Here -SE'E?PICTURE OFFICERS Bert H. Connors, who was ar rested Monday at -Los Angeles by secret service men attached to tho Los Angoles district attorney's office on tho charge of attempting to dy namite tho now hall ot records at Los Angeles last September, was formerly a Bisbee inan. J-Manscll Parks, formerly financial secretary of the Los Angeles union of struc tural iron workers, was taKpn mu custody ut tho same time. Both are held at, tho Los Angeles county jail. Connors is well known in Bisbee, particularly among the officers, who have occasion to remember him. His picture, published in Zjos An geles newspapers, was readily iden tified as being the former Bisbeo man by officers hero jesterday Officers Surprised Connors worked at various jobs while in Bisbee, being employed st tbo mines, as a saloon keeper nnd other occupations. Officers here Were somewhat surprised to learn that Connors had graduated into tho schooli of dynamitting. as he was not credited with having tho nerve to engage in so dangerous a calling. Connors was purchasing a ticket to Scattlo when he was arrested by Detectivo Brown, and his partner. Parks, was arrested at Connors residence. Sixth street and Ceres avenue, Los Angoles, while he was engaged in packing Connors trunk. The attempt to dynamite the Los Angeles ball of records, mauo fcop- tember S, 1910, was ono of the dynamiting outrages growing out o: labor troubles. Connors was seen going up an alleyway between the uncompleted hall of records and the court house and was accosted by a policeman, whom, it Is alleged, Connors slugged and escaped, but was captured later and hela on tn barge of assaulting an omccr. on "vhich charge lie was released. SENTENCED SIXTEEN S IN JAIL Opium Smuggler Receives Summary Sentence from Tombstone Court TOMBSTONE, May 21. T. An drowa, alias J. ,T- Murphy, charged with smuggling,bpium into the Unit ed States, was arraigned here today. Ho pleaded not guilty, but was found guilty bv the federal Jury and given a sentence of 15 months In jail and a fino of $100. The grand jury returned an Indict ment asalnst him Tuesday. Tho $20. 000 worth of opium was ordered sent to Los Angoles, where it will be de stroyed. Herman Muller, the Douglas maa who was Indicted on the charge ot bigamy, pleaded guilty and was son tenced to a term of ono year In the territorial pen. Radovan Strikovich, the Bisbeo Slav who was Indicted by tho grand jury Tuesday on tho charge of lar ceny, was found guilty. He has not yet been sentenced. The case against Ferguson, Capp j otmrirpd with horse-steal- , ing, will como up for trial tomorrow morning, ununj ,..... iu-3t. Tho federal grand jury ha completed Its labors and adjourned. The court sessions will probably last, through tho week. Tii.t-ATnht rtfvnri? Hubbardl love tho early spring. Everything looks so fresh and dean around hero Subbubs Yes, we've had a couple or detectives out here scouring tte country for a burglar. Judge Marge You can't always tell vhathm- a woddlnn is fashionable In- the presents. '- ... . ,. - I, - Artnr I Jiarjlnt 1 kuuw .. Judge by the number ot pollco. ENTIRELY BALD. Her Hair Commenced to Grow After Two -Weeks' Use of Newbro's Heroicide. "Fever caused roe to be entirely bald. I had given up all hope ot again having bair when I was advis ed to use Herpiclde. After two weeks my hair commenced to grow. I now have the most beautiful head of hair anyone ever saw. Praise to Xewbro's Herpiclde." Thus writes Mrs. Howard Bailey, of Bellevue, Mich. Wo can point to thousands fit instances iwherc the proper use or Herpiclde has been fol lowed by a remarkable growth of hair. Xewbro's Homicide, is the original remedy which kills the dandruff germ and stops falling hair. Ono Dollar " Sizo Bottles- aro sold and guaranteed by all drugists. Send 10c in yostago for saraVe .and book let to Tho Herpicide Co, Dept. R- tktmlt. 7lf(h j 'Applications may bo obtained- at lift? Ut-Ol IMi Vt iT- nilU UKIi Brief Local Items Tombstone Mayor Her4. ' Mayor A. Wcntworth of Tombstone . la in th, ,lf- attntwUnr- tTin mr,n council of Redmcn. Hitched Horse to Hydrant. J. Lavcllo was arrested yesterday by Officer Lowe Wright, tho "traf fic squad," for hitching his horse to' a tire hydrant. He was fined $S which he paid. Traffic Man in City. H. I Story, superintendent of traf. flc of tbo Tri-Stato Telephono and Telegraph company, with beadquar. ters at El Paso, is intho city on com. pany business, conferring with tho local manager, H. D. McVey, regard Ing Improvements now undor way. Gas Co. Receiver Here. A. W. McPherson, receiver for tho local gas company, arrived in tho city yesterday from his homo at Sar. ta Monica. Cal. Tho sale ot the gas plant, under order ot court, will be conducted by tho sheriff ot the coud ty. and will tako place May 27 tho real estate at Tombstone In the after noon nnd the personal property In the forenoon. Skates For Two. Two vags were arraigned beforo Judgo Burdick yostorday, having been aprrohended by Officer C X. Thou- as. They werp each given a fine ot oii or CO days in jalL They chooso the flines and were allowed unUl 2 oclock in the afternoon to liquidate. They took tho hint and left the city within two hours. Two Mexicans were arraigned on the charge of being drunk and fined $0 each. They were committed to jail In default ot pay ment of their fines for six days each. Personal Mention E. G. Sporilider of Tucson is in the city, registered at tho Copper Queen. Uj, H. Blame of Flagstaff is In the(ttnj st. David as .unreasonable, the city C W. Cobb of E' city ou business. Pasn Is iu the Gid Young ot Cananea was in tho city yesterday. A. A. Clothier and E. J, Reevos re turned to Cananea yesterday. Judgo II. F. Morris ot EI Paso is in tho city, a guest at the Coprcr Queen. ' C. M. Layton of the Gila valley was in the city Tuesday, returning to his ranch yesterday morning. '1 - George H. Kelly of the Douglas Ir. arnational at Douglas spent Tuesday night in the city, returning to the Smelter City yesterday morning. Mr. and Airs. F. Stuckmeyer, of Phoenix are at the Copper Queen hotel. MrStruekmeycr camo to at. tend the great council of Redmen. ORPHEUM DOGS DO DIFFICULT STUNTS!; 'Hark, hark, the dogs do bar, the beggars are coming to town; some in rage, some in tags and some '11 harem gowns." Jlut they aro dogs, "jes common, ordinary, onory curs" f referring by way of a foolish intro duction to McFall's trained dogs at tho Ornheum. Tho death-defying stunt of the canine wonder agcrega- j tion was tho leap of tne hign diving dog from tho top of the Orphoum yesterday evening. The largest crowd that has fillM tho plaza In a long tlmo awaited, breathjoss, for the tiny little cur to make the leap and when tho 'It'le pleco of ilogflesh split tho air there was a cheer that was heard to the head of Main street. McFall says that nono of his dogs, a dozen or more, has any claims to aristocracy, saying that they are "Joe dog." But it Is safe to say that no thoroughbred has more animal intel ligence than these. Tho match be tween Joe- Cans and Bat Xclson was tho "cutest" stunt on the program, but tho most difficult, perhaps, wa3 ffce wlrr -Talking stunt. The dog show wm tbo feature of the Orphoum pro gram last night and the entertain ment was rounded out with films of excellent- plenties. The dogs will be at the Orphoum all week. A good norttoa of Blsbee's thcater-jolng !c. habitants "went to tho dogs" last night WRIGHT FOUND DEAD. DEXVER. May 21. Frederick A. Wright, millionaire cattlo and sheep raiser, with large interests In Tex as, Xew Mexico and Southern Colo rado, was found dead In bed in his home in this city late yestorday. Death was duo to appoplcxy. Wright was 74 years of ago and is survived by a widow and seven children. Meggcndorfer Blaetter: "What's yonr husband so ugly about?" "He's been out of work six weeks." "I should think that would suit tlm fllf nlA'" That's it lio's Just got n today." job IT QUENCHES THIR3T --Horsford'sAcId Phosphate Teaspoonful in glass of water, sweetened to suit, far moro delicious Vid wholesome than lemonade. T IS LET ON T OF Before Mauk Had Fairly Got to Work Here Trick Was Done G. A. Mauk; territorial auditor, who came to BUbeo representing Governor Richard E. Sloan in the territorial highway controversy, re turned to Bisbeo Tuesday evening, accompanied by Judgo J. M. O'Con ncll and J. J. Bow en, and left yes terday morning for Phoenix. In I company with tho two Bisbeo men, j ho wit to Tombstono Tuesday to ' consult with members ot tho Tomb stone chamber of commerce regarding the highway route. 1 It Is not known It tbo auditor will go to Benson to confer with mem bers of tho chamber of commerce there. Ho did not go there Tuesday, however. According to advices re ceived yesterday from Phoenix, tho I contract for the highway between Tucson and the southern part ot Pima county, near Barbacoma, has already been let, which "lets" Bcnsoi out of tho highway scheme altogether un- icss 0 road turns abruptly to tho north Tco routo between Tucson and Bar Dacoma was protested against by the coChise county supervisors and It was 1 understood that tho mission of Mr. 1 Maui- was to consider tho nrotests. According to Phoenix advices, how. ever, the contract was let before Mr. Mauk had time to confer with Bisbeo and Tombstone citizens, as he did not reach Bisbee until Monday afternoon. Tho contract was let Saturday. if Benson gets on the highway it will look like a diagram of Pike's Peak. If" tho highway takes in Ben son it will have to turn sharply north to reach Benson, then come down the other slant of the anglo 10 Tombstone, if it comes to Tomb stone at all If the board of control rejects tlir. nrnlrnta nf RIst)pt. TomlistonG 1 road will then run southwest to Don L.UI3 anu connect, -wun me nigawux being built up from Douglas. leav ing out Bisbeo and other county towns and cities. Two contracts for tho construction of portions ot tho territorial high way were let by tho board of con trol. One section is in Pima coun ty, while tho other Is in Yavapa and Coconino. Bids were opened Saturday ai Phoeulx and wore carefully com enrod bofore a contract -was lot iuriilis & Pacheco of Tucson wert successful in landing tho Pima ooun ty Job, whilo the bid of J. A. Tren berth ot Prescott to build territorial , road in the north was accepted. Both contracts are on a yardage . basis, with many variations for va rlous kinds of work. Both contractors agree to continue Jto do work upon the basis men Uoned In 'their bids as long as tho territory wishes to continue work in their respective- sections. It is the plan of "tho board to have work rushed from Tucson to the southern bounaary of Pima county, a dis tanco of about thirty miles. Work tn that section will then slacken up, it is said. Trenberth took a contract t& tuild from Camp Verde northward toward Flagstaff, as long as the bfiurd wishes him to continue. Most of the work ho will bo called upon to do will be in grnding up Magol Ion hill. Just above Montezum'a"3 well. Montezuma's well is a little over 20 miles from Camp Verde. Wortc will begin nt Tucson and Camp Verde within a short time !"THE S II LL BE GIN TONIGHT Junior Class of High School Will Present Farce of Own. Composition On the Central school campus this ovening at S:1G o'clock the Junlon class of tho Bisbee High School will present "The Sonlor," a farce model ed on the early English morality play, "Everymaan." "The Senior," written by a High School student, is adapted to high school life rather than to the life ot "every man," yet it presents tho meter and general plan of "Every man," the o'.d play. The stylo of the play is mock her oic and tho characters, although pre sented In tho quaint method of a moral play, aro familiar and modern characters. The color of, the produc tion Is essentially locaL The admission will be "two bits." After tho play there will be dancing In the school building, for which an additional 23 cents will bo charged. The' proceeds are to bo used for buy ing tho sections of tho friezo to be left to the high school this year and for paying debta of tho high school athletic association. Following Is tho cast of characters presenting 'The Senior." The Messenger Catherine Hoy Mr. Phllbrook , T. Krigbaum Flunks Wallace Vaurtm -Tho Senior Byron Thomas Y.vM - Will Wilson "C. U. C," Opal Roberts Athletics ... W. Hicks, F. Cham. pion, J. McCulIough, Ruth Wade Mr. Hcnrie Emil Yoakum Bluff ....."'.., Beft Carelto Crushes Lottio McKeo Class Spirit Arthur Jones Dress Cutting Plan to enroll la oar class now, and speud a little of your sparo timo here in a ploasan and profltablo way. Mothers should sot miss this opportunity- to send their school girls during tho summer vaca tion. It will mean a great deal for their future comfort and welfare. Tho STANDARD 13 guaran teed to he exactly as' repre sented. Price very reasonable for an unlimited number of los eons. You are invited to call. First floor. Mrs. Fannto Black's residence, opposite Lor etto Academy. Leave car at Higglns Hill stop. fc Dress Cutting Academy titmr Oakland, California The only Woman'i College on the TadSe Coast. Chartered 1885. Near two great Universities. Ideal climate throughout the year.. Kntrance and graduation requirements equivalent to those ot Stanford and University ot California. Laboratories for science with modern equip ment. Excellent opportunities for borne economrcs, library study, music and art. Modern gymnasium. Special care for health of students, out-door life. President, Luetla Clay Carson. A. M Litt. D.. LL. D. For catalogue address Secretary, Mills College 1. u.. iaiiiornia. Snsiead of Liquid many people arc now using Psxtine Toilet Antiseptic Tho new toilet germicide powder to b dissolved in water as needed. Tor all toilet and hygienic uses it Ii better and moro economical. To cleanse and whiten tho teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect tho month, de stroy disease germs, and purify the breath. lo keep artificial teeth and bridge work clean, odorless To revnov nicotine from the teeth and pu-"7 tho breath after smoking. 'J' .aai.-tte perspiration and body 13 by coongc bathing, jest ant'septic wash known, vca act strengthens tired, weak, ".2d eye t. Heals sorcthroat,woucJs -ts. 2". and 50 cts. a box. druggists . postpaid. Sample Free. "-'TON TOILET CO.jBostoh.Mass. L L GILMAN Opposite Postofficc PZ Modcrn Optical PQr . . . title Eye Retracting. Luxfel Lenses for Ttrcd Eye yes Uncle Sam's Loan Office Money 'anc! on varythtng. Mining Stock Especially Everything confidential. No directors meeting require to seeur loan. Uncle Sam's Loan Office Main St. Long Windows. WITH THE BOXERS. Harry Forbes, tho "como back champ," will box Eddio O'Kccfo in Kansas City, May 25. Jimmy Ciabby and "Knockout" Brown of Chicago have signed for a tangle to take place in Hammond. lrrf. May 30. Ad Wolgast Is a 2 to 1 favorito in his coming boat with Frankle Burns The bout will, take placo at Colma, t-aiu., .May zi. Jim Flynn and Jim Barry will meet in California July 4. Tho two Jims are tho best white heavy weights In the gamo right now and should put up a corking flghL "Scrannv Jack" Dovle. tin tnr. mer Xew York Giant, is making good umpiring in tho.Xatlonal Leaguo. Good Grades Lucy Carctto Rooters, Boys and Girls. Lena Blair, Florence Watkins. Yda Paff, Ethel Scrimsher, Amelia Grego. vich, Mabel Martin, Bessie Gill, Mag. gio Caretto, Blanche DeUoff, Mablo Graham, Eric Xclson, Palmer Beck, with. sSSS Ml u-Lisgm. i' "-x -- - -1 i il ? 3 r 4 l i r c A' 1 J i-, fc- --&, ty 'jntr 'UUVrfr-' W "V