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-TH aa'aw"" fgCW'y SHr-s . .K. -w '" .. "yaw. ' WtMAK r jVjWW'!!' " mM'N.i J1 "$"' '; ' map1 " ' iiwuilwiM 11- ,hl ' THE RISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE. ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2, 1912. PAGEFIVK V S HI ii- I m ip WW if fir, b i ft v WEBB SUPPORTS WOMEN'S CAUSE Distinguished Democrat of Graham County Has Been Pioneer Advocate of Suffrage PASSED BILL IN 1903 Eighty per cent of the votes cast In Graham county at the November election will bo in favor of woman's suffrage, according to Wilfred T. Webb. Mr. Webb passed the week in Phoe nix- en route to Safford from Cali fornia. He has been on the coast' the past tLrec mbntlis and. while there his friends without his knowledge cr consent placed hia name on the bal lot as a candidate for the nomination as ono of the democratic presidential electors. That ho was elected by an overwhelming majority demonstrated Mr. Webb's popularity in the state, that he declared, would soon gram Its women their Just rights, says the Believes Movement Just. "1 cannot conceive that this move ment is anything but Just," said Mr. Webb.- 'It may not result in all good; it certainly can result In no ill to any one. I know what will bap pen -In Graham county: At least sev. enty-fivo per cent, and 1 come closer to it in saying eighty per cent, of the voters nrlll cast their ballot for votes for women. " Mr. Webb's attitude Is a matter of public record. Ho has many times In the past taken the stump for woman suffrage. "I claim the honor," con. tinued Mr. Webb, "of passing such a Mil in both house of tho legislature In 1903, when I was a member ot that body. "Governor Brodle, "how ever, vetoed the measure." Upheld Graham County. bince that time whenever a pos sible opportunity arose to advocate the cause the Graham county mer chant was one of its strongest sup porters. H like many others who believo in political equality, while not active in tho campaign work, will quietly lend assistance. To this con tingent belongs Senator N. JU Hub bell of Apache county, a liberal con tributor to the campaign fund and one who is constantly endeavoring by personal correspondence to win voteM for the amendment, the fate of which will be decided November 5. BASEBALL NOTES Tho -Pittsburgh Pirates are giving the. Chicago Cubs a great battlo for second position in the National League raco . Baseball promoters ot Hutchinson, Kasare trying Jo purchase aVoat; ern league franchise to give Hutchin son Class A baseball. Hal Chase, the Yankees star first baseman, says he doesn't see where the Giant,; have a chance to take four games from tho Red Sox. It is said that Hugh Kelly as roan the successor of IMke eKIly as man ager of the St. Paul team. Kelly goes to. Indianapolis next season. During tho past two seasons Pitch er Richie, of the Cube, hag wo"i twelve of the fourteen games he has pitched against the Giants. JBobby Veach has been hitting for .375 since he joined the Detroit team, and looks good enough to held down a a regular Job with the Tigers. From ali reiwrts the Boston Bravas have copped two great players in 'Hap. Myers, the Spokane frst base man, and Pitcher Bill James, of the Seattle team Claude Derrick; torracrly ot the Ath letics, who has been playing with the Baltimore ieara, is to' get another trial In the big show, this tim with the New York Highlanders. In some quarters they declare that Marty O'Toole, Pittsburgh's 22,5! pitcher, is a failure. Maybe he is. But he has taken part in more than thlr ty games, winning half of them, which is' not a bad record for his first sea son In fast company. Concord Grapes (Genuine Michigan Con cord Grapes. Positively the last and best ship--ment of the season. 50c Basket Phone your order to day for delivery, (on ar rival of car), first of next week. J. B. Angius "The Pure Food Grocery." Phone 29 CHINESE GRGAN1ZATI0NS PLEAD FOR CHITS RECOGNITION LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oci. 1 The five leading Caineso organizations of the United States, the Chinese-American League of Justice, tho Chineso Fro tec the Association, Chinese Con solidated Society, United Chambers ot Commerce and Chinese Benevolent Society, with headquarters in Los An geles and San Pranclso, at a Joint meeting held in this city this weoit, addressed the following open letter to President Taft: 'To His Excellency. William How ard Taft. -President of the United Statos of America: V "Tho Chinese of the United States, members of the undersigned associa tions, respectfully call your attention to the following undisputed facts: The 450,000.000 million people of China, for centuries oppressed -by the Manchu form of goernnient, have, through patriotic rebellion and san guinary resolution, established a frco republic. The foundors of tho new republic completely vanquished the Manchus. The Manchus, ono and all. have long conceded that the republic is a reality; that they have teen com pletely routed. "The people of China recognize and respect the new republican form of government. 'The officials of the new republic have prated themselves to be men of a progressive iiatriotic, capable and constructive character. "Yot tho United States government has for many months refused to re cognize the republic of China. "Your honorable secretary of state has explained that your refusal Is In accordance with 'the established us ages of international law. "We respectfully call your attention to the fact that all actual retolution ary conflict has terminated in China: such disturbances as are still infre quently reported -by the daily press, such as in Foo Chow, arc not of a national or revolutionary character, but are only semi-politiral, such as occur frequently, under all conditions, in all countries The stability of the new republic cannot be questioned. 'The United States was prompt in extending recognition to Portugal, Brazil. Mexico and South and Central American republics, even at times TO BE II HEBMOSILLO PRISON Rebel Chieftain Arrested in Naco Safely Ensconced Behind Jail Walls. CANANEA. Son, Mex., Oet. 1. "Gencral'l Alejandro Voga the rebel who tv as arrested in Naco a few weeks ago and sent overland to the state penitentiary at Hermosillo from Cananea-a week ago last Saturday, has arrived tafely at the state cap ital. Thus ihe many rumors of the "Ley Faga" being enacted in the case of Vega are shown to be ground less. Yaquls at Ranch. Obo hundred and fifty Yaqul In dians raided tho ranch of Gov. J. M. Maytorena last week. The ranch, "Punta de Agiia," is located in tho Guaymas district, and It was de fended by SO volunteers and rurales. Tho Yaquis were reputed successful ly. Half of the Indians were oa horses. The Yaquis left in the di rection of San Marcial, which is about CO miles south of Hcraosillo. Cucurpe Fight. In the fight at Cucurpe between the rebels under Isidro Escoboza and federal under Major Jesus Guiterrez who wei'c defond'ng the town the rebels w-ere severely beaten and driv en off leaving two prisoners and a number of did and wounded, besides some of their supplies. The rebeb numbered SO and among the dead was a rebel captain, Antonio Controra& Tho federals took seven riSefe. 14 horses, seven saddles, one mule aad provisionkr. The federal loss was three wounded. WITH THE BOXERS JWdie Santry, hc farmer feather weight, WW w a star In hit day, ip stricken with paralysis at his home In Chicago, i , M.fce GibboBt has passed up a match wtth Jack (Twin) Sullivan. He will hox Viko Glover in Providence on October 15. Aw.tfeer TSigiish middleweight. Di Thomas, has irrived In New York, and is anxious to show Gotham fans what "he "an do Jierc is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge a4 In espert eaee. viz., Mrs P. H Brogan, of Wil son. Pa, who says, "I know from ex ptr.enee that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far superior to any other. For croup there is notHmg that ex cels it " For sale by all dealers. 727 'mrfalOTi yu as fr eer do not take a sub ww iV&ll stitute. Insist on having The Tann- hauser Beer, (the beer that is bottled at the, Brewery.) delivered to you at $3.SQ per case, If your grocer does not have it, call Phone 243 when lnternecino warfaro was In progress. 'The congress ot the United States unanimously urged the immediate re cognition of the new republic ot Chi na a number of months ago. "Were the 'established usages of international law' not the same when the ,1'nited States recognized Brat zll, Portugal, etc., as they are today? "Why do you not recognize the new republic ot China? Wo would tespectfully ask you if your ..secre tary of state bas submitted reasons ot which wo arc not aware; it o, nhat these reasons may be? Tlie republic of Cliina cost its people much suffering, much bitter sacrifice and .bloodshed. It Is built on the same sacred principles that form tho foundation of American free dom, liberty end equality, It was es tablished through the same terrible revolutionary struggle that character ized the birth of American independ ence. Wo believe- China Is entitled to the sympathetic consideration of all nations which have passed through tho dark ages of tyranny and oppression Into the same bright light of human liberty; that she Is entitled to your recognition the respect and encouragement ot the American peo pleespecially since there can be no reasonable question of her victory, her honest intentions, her great vital need of friendly concurrence. "An era of reconstruction and re formation has arrived. Tho pcoplo of tho United States aro Jn sympathy with the new China. As their repre sentative, their Chief Executive, wo believe you should jwrform this sim ple act, extend to China the .formal recognition of her new republic and thus cement the bonds ot friendship that Ions have existed between the two nations. Will you not give this important matter your immediate and earnest consideration? (Signed:) "CHINESE-AMERICAN LEAGUE Of JUSTICE. 'CHINESE PBOTECTIVE ASSO CIATION. CHINESE CONSOLIDATED SO CIETY. "UNITED (CHINESE) CHAMBERS OP COMMERCE. 'CHINESE BENEVOLENT SO CIETY." Scores Yesterday NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston-Brooklyn, rain. At New York U II E New York 2 11 3 Philadelphia 9 9 1 Mftrquard, Tesreau and Meyers; Chalmers and Killlfer. ' At Chicago n H E Chicago 1 5 3 Pittsburg 4 12 0 Cheney, Ruhlbach and Archer, Adams and Gibson. At St Louis It II E St. Louis 3 7 0 Cincinnati 2 G 0 Redding. Burke and Snyder; Suggs and Severoid. AMERICAN LEAGUE At Philadelphia R H E Philadelphia i S 5 New York 3 7 3 Seaman and Penneck; Keating and Sw eeney. At Washington R H E Washington 3 7 5 Boston 13 13 1 Groom, Engle and Henry; Bedient and Thomas. COAST LEAGUE At Vernon R H Vernon 2 Sacramento l 5 o Baum and Brown; Arellanos and Cheek. At San Francisco R H E San "Francisco 1 3 1 Los Angeles 5 7 0 Chech and Brooks; Miller, Arlett and Berry. Portland-Oakland, rain. . COAL MINERS STRIKE. GREAT FALLS, Oct, 1 Pending action on a nronoscd now warn scale 1 the Western Federation of Miners prepared last week, every coal miner in Montana struck today. The former agreement expired today. TO THE HEFFERN MINING CO. STOCKHOLDERS. Albert Dahlburg at the Victoria Ho tel on Brewery Gulch, is authorized to rocofva and receipt for the one per cent aswssment called for on tho Heffern Mining and Devejopmnt stock. Call between 3 and 6 p. m This assessment may also bo paid to Albert Heffern, P. O. Box 392, Doug las, Atjzona. 514 Boston & Brown Agents of the Copper City Brewing Ce. GOOD JEWELRY LIKE GOOD CLOTHES it a sign of succm. Men respect others who appear prosperous, and are apt to place confidence In them. It Is a. fact proven time aad again. at the One Price Store, You get quality. Price and Goods as represented ' HENKEL JEWELRY CO. L CALENDAR WEDN E8DAV Automobile raco tor the Vanderbllt Cup at Milwaukee. Opening of Santa Fe racing circuit at Clayton, N. M. Opening of initial bench show cf Delaware Valey Kennel Club at Trenton, 2. J. Opening of annual bench show of Opening ot annual bench show ot marck. N. D. Pennsylvania-Franklin and Marshall football game at Philadelphia. Prlnceton-Rutgers football game at Princeton, N. J. ' Brown-Colby football game at P rovldence, R. L Dartmouth-Norwich football game at Honver, N. H. V THURSDAY Pabst and Wisconsin Challenge Trophy automobile races at Milwaukee, ft f FRIDAY Annual exhibition of West Jersey Horse Show association omma at Caden. W. J. SATURDAY Grand Prix automobile raco at Milwaukee. Young Loughrey vs. Joo Borrell, 10 rounds, at Wilmington, Del. Yale-Syracuse football game at Xew Haven. Conn. Fennsylvaniapicklnson football game at Princeton, N. J. Harvard-Holy "Cross football game at Cambrlde, Mass. Cornell-Oierlln; football game at Ithaca, N. Y. Brown-Rhode Island State football game at Providence, It. I. Carlisle Indians-Washington and Jefferson football game at Washing ton, Pa. Dartmouth-Massachusetts State football gamo ot HanoTer, N. H. Navy-Johns Hopkins football game at Annapolis, Md. Lafayetto-Swarthmoro football game at at Easton, Pa. Mlcbigan-Caso football game at Ann Arbor, Mich. Nebraska-Bellevue Collego football game at Chicago, .Northwestern-Lake Forest football game at Evanston, 111. Minnesota-Ames football game at Minneapolis. Wisconsin-Lawrence football gamo at Madison, Wis. Illinols-llllnols Collego football game at Urbana. III. South Carolina Wake Forest football game at Columbia, S. C Vanderbllt-Maryville College football gamo at Nashville, Tenn. North Carolina-Davidson football game at Charlotte. N. C. SUNDAY Close of the season In the National and American baseball leageus. SPEAKEFTA BIQ'GUN s IN WORLD'S SERIES I ns: Tr! Speaker. Trls Speaker is the star batter ot the Boston Ited Sox ana is the tnird best batter In the American league. He will figuro prominently in the world's scries and perhaps add to the already crest fame sa bas won this teason. Speaker's betting aver se U UK Football Notes Wisconsin will close the season with a game with Iowa Instead of Chicago, as has bean, tho custom for somo years. The playing of Halfback Phllbln, cf Yale, resembles the vvork of his older brother Steve Pbilbin, tho old Eli wonder. Sara AVhite, the former Princetown star, who beat Harvard and Yale last year. Is coaching the Tigers in pick, ing tip a loose ball. Tho hoodoo of probation that has been hanging over Sam Felton's head since College opened has vanished, and Sam has joined the Harvard squad. It costs $15 a week to feed each man at the training1 table in the big colleges. Tho same player will pay about 1 per when, he has to settle his own board bill. BREAKS WORLD'S PACE RECORD, COLUMBUS, Oct. 1. Minor Heir and George Gano paced a mile today In 2-02. breaking the world's Polo record team of any sex held by Lady Maudo C. and Hedgewood Boy. Mc- Carr was driver. Phone 243 Jiff 'j?; J?Z l OF SPORTS n Spokane Kennel club, Spokane, Wn. Western Kennel Association. Bis . ODD FELLOWS ATTENTION Business of Special Imnortanca Wfrinpsriftv "C Tilf.f Ctr 9 y.A .. ". w. ...ii.. ,.u y. m. FulL attendance requested. By or derot FRED YARCHO . Noble Grand. HIS LANDLADY'S ADVICE PROBflBLYSAVED HIS LIFE I feel that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root savsd my life. I Inherited weak kidneys. The dlschargo was so fro quent and painful that I would have to stay In bed to obtain temporary relief. I consulted good physicians, but the results were disappointing. My landlady advised mo to try Swamp-Root as tho last resort, which 1 did, and I was quickly relieved. I continued taking Swamp-Root, and my weight has increased fifty pounds. My health Is of the best and I have told many others about Dr. Kilraer'j Swamp-Root and have done a lot of good In this way. Your wonderful medicine is of great valuo to mankind. Yours very truly, J. H. BRTJXBY. 835 Main St, Pawtucket, B, L Tho above statement made before me I declare to be truthful in every detalL THOMAS MARSDEN. Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer &. Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Blng hamton, N. V for a sample bottle. It will, convince anyone. Yia will al so receive a booklet ot valuable Infor mation, telling all about tho kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention tin BIsbee Daily Re view. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar slzo bottles for sale at all drug stores. FIRST APPLICATION DARKENS THE HAIR A Simple Remedy Gives Col or, Strength and Beau ty to the Hair You don't have to have gray hair or ( faded hair if yon don't want to. Why look old or unattractive? It your hair is gray or faded, you can change It easily, quickly and effective ly by using Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy. Apply a little tonight, and in the morning you will be agreeably surprised at the results from a single application. The gray hairs will bet les conspicuous, and after a few more applications will be restored to natural color. Wyeth'c Sage and Sulphur also quickly removes dandruff, leaves the scalp clean and healthy, aad pre Hiotpa tip erewth ot tha hair. 1c la a clean' wfeolesomp fdraeslse whiefe 'mSy 06 used "at 'any thno with per fect safety. ' Oct a ftfty cest bottte from your -druggist today, ad see bew quickly It wtH restore the youthful color and beauty, of yesr hJr and forever end the Bty da'sdraff, bet, itchy scalp and felttag hair.- All draaattto aN K URder KBftnwfc that the Mtw. vill be reftMded'If you are not eat!- 0RPHEUM THEATRE TONIGHT Belasco Theatre Success 'The Boss and The Man' or The Landslide' This really great play Is the blbbest hit ths Belasco stage hat known In years. , One of the Really Great Plays of the Decade If you want to se what is really tho biggest play of tho decada. If you want to see a play that will make your laugh and think at the same time, eeo "THE LANDSLIDE." a tJ fJ It Is only once in a long while that a truly big play comes along The blc play of the generation is now at tho ORPHEUMw 25, 35, 50 Always 25, 35. 50 R OVA THEATRE PROGRAM FOR TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. "THE 80LDIER BROTHERS 0 F SUSANNA" An Interesting story of the Clvli War. "ON THE TRAIL Qf"tHE G ERM" An educational picture show ing the cause and cure ot the g reat white plague. "ANONA'8 BAPTISM" An interesting Patbe Indian story. THE TOURISTS" and "WHA T THE DOCTOR ORDERED" Two screaming Blograph comedies. Matinees Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Evening performance at 7:30 A continuous show. ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS THEATRE JACOB SCHMID, Prop. 21 Reds of Pictures a Week "Program changes every day An hour ot high class entertainment awaits you at this show house Admission 5c and 10c HA I PL B R The Real Estate and Insurance Man ALL MILLION DOLLAR FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. BUSINESS INVESTMENTS AND HOMES FOR SALE. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE 76 Opposite Depot. PHONE 76 WHERE QUALITY and SERVICE COUNT Independent Fuel & Feed Company Just Received A CAR LOAD OF Ui Adriance Buckeye Mowers m Rakes We also carry a full line of repair and supplies for same. Phone 284 Brophy Carriage Co. aSL Bisbec Lumber Company, Inc. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DEALERS IN OREGON AND TEXAS PINE, REDWOOD 8f-HNGl.ES, MOULDINGS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, DOORS AND 6HES OP ALU KINDS, MINING TIMBERS' AND WEDGES, CARLOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. TELEPHONE L-1M EMIL MARKS, Manager. U Exclusive Agents. Lee's Poultry Supplies Drink ing Fountains, Feed Boxes, Sprayes, etE' " ! i ff m I y afterfalrjtrtel. 7 !.;? t V 4$$$mmNmwum9 Ms:Mwiiiirrrsg 10 -atanei.. ii -irffijftlrti iV-