Newspaper Page Text
8. ?i, sW3 ARIZ, UNIV. vtr -" THE ISBEE DAILY REVIEW ,-f VOLUME 15. BISBEE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY MORNING, OC TOBER 8, 1912 NUMBER 130 .'!VfiPMMMhiiiiMMPMPiWM iftBl' nmwiiBiwifiiiiwiHfi, -, .a.,, in, mat i . in im Mifc il n in i iiiliriMr 1-1 . r, mt . ; ---ja ''Hill I' iiifc" " ""ni'l'ilw"gfcaBMaaaiBaMP 1 ' i l I i k i BASEBALL III SLEEP ON MS, EAGER FOR FBAY New Yorks and Bostons Each Dream Of Victory They Shall Win in Today's Battle REI) POX GOES TO N. Y. INJSPECIAL CAR More Hub City Money Evidence Than Cash for the Victory of the Giants in BOSTON'. Oct. 7. Within a few hours bf the departure today of the Red Sox for New York, where to morrow they will meet the Giants In the Initial contest of the world' scr Ics, hundreds of Boston and New England baseball enthusiasts fol lowed In their wake. Starting late in the afternoon with "loyal rooters." who went 300 strong in a special train, migration continued through the night. Even accommodations on the early morning trains were large ly exhausted by reservation of base ball enthuiasts. Most of them had reserve seat ickcts for the New York game, but others started w".th only the hone of getting Into the polo grounds somehow and 'roof for the. Red Sox. Players Have Special Car. The players had a specia' car on the Knickerbocker limited. A dem onstration planned for the Red Sox" departure miscarried, as the crowd assembled at the south station while the players boarded the train at the Back Hay. Confidence In the Hed Sox gained strength from the genera' belle' that "Smoky" Joe Wood will pitch for Boston in the opening game. Mayor Fitzgerald is imbued strong ly with the same feeling. This was indicated in a telegram exchanged between him and Mayor Gaynor. of New York In which Mayor Fitzgerald was assured a good seat at tomor row's game. He left at midnight Telegrams Facetious. The exchange of telegrams follows: "Hon. J. F. Fitzgerald. Citj Hall. Bos ton The mayor isks if you will give him the pleasure cf sitting In his box tomorrow to witness the defeat of tho Red Sox by the Giants Roborl Adamson. Sec'y. Mayor Fitzgerald replied- 'Hon William J. Gaynor. City Hal', New Yorfk It gives me pleasure to be your guest as the Red Sox begin thtir onward march to tho world's championship and to congratulate you upon the fact that your city, the greatest in the country, possessing the best ball team in the National league, is to have the dis tinguished honor of adding to the g!oy of the test city In the world, tho laurels of the finest ball team ever organized. John F Fitzgerald. Mayor." EACH DREAMS OF VICTORY. NEW YORK. Oct. ".Like two ar niles on tho evo of battle, the New York Giants and the Boston Red Sor slept on their arms tonight, dreaming of a victory tomorrow. The last report from the rival camps show not a regular will to be miss ing from the batting list when the umpires say "play ball" for the first struggle In the series. The Giants had their first workout at the. polo grounds this afternoon, their oppon ents being the New York Americans, tailenders In the 1912 American league race, who won the game by 4 to 2. Russell Ford, the star pitch er of the Americans, served his puzzling benders to the; national leaguers. The Giants did not put their full strength in the field. nelt"? er Mathcwson, Murquard nor Tcsreau going on the pitching mound. After the fourth Inning a few regulars were left and In the last Inning only Her Kg remained In the field. The national champions ns they came to bat looked fit for the fray tomorrow. Doyle showed no sign of his recent trouble and with the ex ception of "Chief" Meyers who limped slightly as he ran out to hit there was no case of "Charley Horse" in evidence. The trio of star pitchers appeared In condition as they walked across the field dar ing the game. A big crowd wns out to see the Giants' final workout Bet ting does not appear as general aa expected. Boston money seems to be in larger quantities than New York cash. ELECTRIC RAILWAY MEN AT CHICAGO CHICAGO. Ill- Oct 7, The Amer ican Elecrlc Railway association, rep resenting the 10.3000 electric railways In the United States, holds its annual convention in Chicago this week. As a feature of tho convention there was opened today the largest and most in ferestinc exhibition of electric rail way equipment and apparatus or all descriptions that ever has been col lected. AUSTRALIANS WIN AGAIN PHILADELPHIA. Oct 7. The An trallan cricketers defeated Phlladel nhla today In the second match of ih series, by 45 runs. Scoie: us trSllans! UG3; Philadelphia 1.318. Gov. Wilson Claims Trusts Are Behind Butt Moose Party Democratic Presidential Can didate Declares Monopo lies Back of New Party DENVER, Oct ".-Is there a new dealt" asked Governor Wilson today in his speeches today throughout Colorado, when he charged that the United States Steel corporation and other combinations of capital are seeking control of the government bj proposing that monopolies and trusts should be regulated by an industrial commission. "Thfi old mpthnd vn hv amiiMt-n t contributions; the new method Is a legalized monopoly," said Governoi Wilson, as he directed his attack on tho interests, which be said wer backing the program of the progres sive party. The governor drew atten tion to the senate Investigation oy the Senator Clapp committee, and said the debate there was centered on which of the "certain privileged groups" had been "more intimate with the two candidates of the republican and pro gressive parties." SHERIFF GIVES HIS STATEMENT! Harry Wheeler Writes Re view Setting Forth Re sults of Investigation of Douglas Incident LAW MUST PREVAIL Sheriff Harry Wheeler, because of the criticism and statement made bv Unlted States District Attorney J. E. Morrison on the searching of a hotel In Douglas for an alleged Mexican rebel chief, feels it his duty to givo his side of the incident. 'Mr Wheeler does not feel aggriveed, but does re gart It as his duty to set forth th facts in the case as he has lamed them through Investigation. The statement follows: Statement cf Sheriff "To the Bisbee Review: . "In the reported interview between the Review's representative and Mr Joe Morrison, United States attorney, regarding the alleged searching of t!.e Hotel Mexico, of Douglas. Arizona, I feel bound by my duty publicly to take exception to several of Mr. Morrison's assertions, notwithstanding the fact that personally and in every other way. I hold Mr. Morrison In high es teem. "When Mr Morrison stated his re fusal to criticise county officers, the Inference remained that he could criti cise, were he so inclined. 1 wish to state to the nubile that I, and I alone, am responsible for the arrests ef fected based upon the sworn and oral complaints of Mrs. Viliareal. and therefore, if criticism is due anyone, let It fall where it belongs upon, me Morrison's Objection "Again, Mr. Morrison infers that some one objected to the United States authorities seeking offenders of the federal laws, when he asserts. The government will not be hindered In the enforcement of law and order ' Again. Mr. Morrison states: 'We will continue as we have In the past, ere ' All of which is very right and proper However, I may truly add that every officer In this county is only too will ing to assist in the preservation of ail laws, federal or state. Mr. Morrison states that 'Arrangements had been made to meet a peace officer with a search warrant' "To this extent Mr. Morrison Is mis taken. No peace officer was notified by any one of any contemplated raid; therefore the inference conveyed, that some peace officer failed to ap pear when expected, Is unjust, be cause not merited. Peace Officer not Secured "I am positive, however, that a cul pable person did cause the military to believe a peace officer, with a search warrant would be forthcoming, and on account of this deception prac-o tlced upon them, I find great extenua tion for the error which followed. "I have great respect for Colonel Guilfoyle and his younger officers. I have met these gentlemen, and am convinced they have no desire to In jure or molest any citizen In any way. Neither would they knowingly or will ingly violate any of our laws. They have so assured me, therefore I now. as sheriff of this county, extend thanks to the troops for the clean and orderly condition of our border lines, a condition I could have maintained only at a tremendous cost to the tax payers. Guilfoyle Courteous "In conclusion I will aay that Col onel Guilfoyle, upon learning I had warrants for his lieutenants. Invited me to his camp to servo these war rants, therefore that portion of Fri day's article which states the warrants were unserved for fear of a possible clash, is unfair to the military, infer ring, as It does, that they would he capable of resisting a legal process. "Mr. Morrison again states, or by his statements Implies, that because of a war "department order, our civil laws may be set aside and ignored. "In time ot peace this is not possi ble. In war times, or while under martial law, Mr. Morrison's theory would hold good. However, we havo no war, and wo have no martial law E DENIES HECONTRiBUTED MUCH AS SAID Chicago Man Says He Gave to La Follctte 26,681 and to Wilson $10,000 DEMAND ON MORGAN FOR FUNDS CLEARED Newspaper Man Declares Garfield's Attornev Gen eral Told Him Harri man Asked for Funds WASHINGTON. Oct 7. From half a dozen witnesses heard today by the senate campaign expenditure's committee, the committee drew a small amount of Information bearing on campaign expenditures. Charles R. Crane, of Chicago, denied the statements of E. H Hooker that he had given $70,000 each to La Fol lette and Wilson swore his gifts to, the I.a Follette campaign totalled S2S.GS4 40 and those to Wilson's pre conventlon campaign. jlO.OOO John D rcbbold. president of thr Standard oil has been ca'led by the committee and will testify tomorrow. Noted Witnesses Today Tomorrow the committee will hear Ormsby MrHars. primary contest manager for Col Roosevelt: Kepre sentatlv -n. McKlnley, Taftts pro convention campaign manager; for mer Senator Chauncey M. Depew. who is said to have given $30,000 to the Harrlman fun in 1904; former Senator Nathan B. Scott connected with the republican national commit tee Inst veir and Masfaew Hale, the Roosevelt loader la Maseacbtisetts last spring Morgan Matter Cleared. The controversy surrounenng an al leged demand on J. P. Morgan for an additional contribution to the TjT'sgvelt campaign fund was par tW'v -lear-d today by Charles Ed ward itussell, socialist candidate for Gor or of New York and Judson C. Tfilllver. a Washington newspa per" man. Russell had 'been quoted as saying that Waype MaJveagli. at torney gcnToi under President Gar field was in Morgan'3 office when tho latter was called on the telephone and asked for a contribution Under Pressure, Tells Story Russell told the committee, under pressure, that Weliiver. then a mag azine writer, was his informant. Welii ver, sitting at the newspaper report ers' table in the committee room, asked permission to take the stand after Rn?scll had concluded. He said MacVeagh told him in IfllO that Mor gan had been called to the t?,r"; phone in 1004 as stated; but that it I was Harrlman who asked for the con- tributlon Weliiver testified that MacVeagh told him Morgan said Harrlman was asking for mbre cam paign money as a result of bis visit to Roosevelt lu October, 1904. Cranr Aids La Follette. Charles R. Crane said he contrib uted both o !.a Follette and Wilson before the nominating convention be cause both were -progressive candi date." A statement fiied for La Follette by John J. Mrson, financial minsger of his campaign, showed his total expenses to have been about $07,824 In the campaign for che republican nominat.on. Ogden L. Mills, New York treasurer of the republican com mittee of New York county denied the wholesale charges that had been made by the Roosevelt leaders of New York. He presented to the com mittee records from tho different elections districts in which he had though there was Indicated fraud on the part of many workers for the Roosevelt delegates. ON SITE OF WISCONSIN'S FIRST CAPITOL PLATTSVILLE. Wis.. Oct. 7. With Interesting exercises, a bronze 'memo rial tablet was erected today to mark the site of the first capitol of Wiscon sin in the town of Belmont, east ot this city. The tablet was erected through the efforts of the Wisconsin State Federation of Women's clubs. thus at present the civil laws hold and arc In force. Civil Law Paramount 'The secretary of war may issue an order of arrest but undoubtedly pre sumes the arrest will be effected ac cording to law. The governor may order me to effect an arrest without stipulating the manner or method presuming alway-3, of course, that I shall remain within the bounds of law and reason. Therefore, with ail due re spect to Mr. Morrison, to the military authorities and to all national repre sentatives involved, I make this state ment: "Under Article IV of the federal constitution, and under certain sec tions, of our state constitution and laws, the poorest citizen Is guaranteed certain and inalienable rights, per taining to his home. These rights I have sworn to defend, and I am going to d,cfend them. There must be no more Illegal searching ot homes ty night nor day not by anyone such work must and shall stop this is final. ' "HARRY E. WHEELER." Tombstone, Oct 5. TAT1 . TlT'tl T" - rr tut vr tu xjm j. .irir mniEM m-r g-jr G'" ' ' ' ' ' JJ.-I'J" Sv t iJ 7ESE'BHflMrfcsr?HK'i I Senate Investigation Committee, lett to riant. S'naior Cl.ver, Pomerene. Clapp (chairman) and Paynter: at the bottom, C. C. TegethotT and OrmJOy McHarg. The sessions of the senate commit tee investigating campaign expen ditures reveal the fact that Senator Clapp. an active Roosevelt supporter, and Senator Oliver, Just as ardent for Toft are Inclined to avoid If pos sible disclosures which will injure their presidential candidates. KtpubHrani and Democrats are al ready making capital of tho fact re cald by, the testimony of C C Ttcethoff. W. H. llarriman'a eecre tsry. that ltuoscvelt dined with Har nman on several occaslous. The tes timony of Ormsby McHarff next wtek. will be Impvrtant as it will tbroV u rtood of light on t lie .methods used and money spent by the Roosevelt menagers In the campaign to secure r:xevelt delegates for the Chicago. con--itlcn last June. GE SCHEME 10 n,M., n.i... . nin'IU i U LUIIUI.I hUlH uWL LIMh District Attornev Says Dv- namiters Planned to ' Blow Up Locks I INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 7 - Pages I from the careers of the McNaraTas and McManlgal, as. leaders of the ' fir ling squadron of dynamiters,' with, conversations in -which they are said ' to hae plotted to send McManlgal to j Canada to blow up the locks of the Attorney Miller before the iurv at the trial of the accused "dynamit? , conspirators" today. The incident with reference to Panama. Miller said. , occurred prior to the arrest of the Los Angeles dynamiters, when they were becoming desperate in their e'- ' forts to &ecuro explosives without be-' traying their identities. j "John J. McNamara called hU ' brother. James Ii.. and McManlgal, to j the headquarters of tho union." saM I Miller, "and John B. said to McManI ! gal, "We cannot get any more djiui mlte around here without stealing '' You go to Panama and see what yu can do there. The McClintlc Marshal Construction company has a lot of dy namlte stored there. You could easily Set It and blow up the locks. That will make them sit up and take no tice, anddraw their minds off the Loa Angeles affair.' "McManlgal refused to go then,' and later all were arrested." Edwatd Clark, or Cincinnati. fonrr president of the local Ironworkers' un ion, changed his plea from not ir-'Hty to guilty, and was locked up pending sentence. Olaf Tveltmoe, of San Francisco, was accused in the goternment'if statement to the jury of having been the "protector" of the dynamiters on the Pacific coast. DR. WILEY TO SPEAK FOR WILSON ALCRON, 0 Oct, 7. Summit coun ty democrats arc making great prejw rations for the big political rally here tomorrow night, at which Dr. Harvey "M. Wiley, former United States cnem irt and nure food expert, will spea, In behalf of the democratic national and state tickets. It will be Dr. Wi ley's only speech of the campaign. He will tie accompanied to Alcron by Congressman James H. Cox. demo cratic nominee for governor. BIG TASK AHEAD OF BRITISH LAVMAKERS ( LONDON- Oct, 7. in view oi uie stirring national issues awaiting con sideration and action, the autumn ses sion of the house of commons, which was formally opened today promises to be ons or the most Important of recent years. In addition to the ull lmportnnt Home Rut's measure, the serslon Is expected to take definite action In regards to Welsh Disestab lishment, the FranchiH? bill and one or more of the rtform msasures de manded by organized labor METAL BARKET NEW YORK, OcL 7. Copper steady at 17.25 to 17.S2 If. Arrivals 325 tons. Exports.- 2.770 Ions. Lead, steady, C.lObld. -.- -- m v . uiuiuui jcjjeci wj oente AJe-"irt 4 ..ff of -o. ..& a m j. &' Investigation? May Secure lAIITn PI UUCP IM HILLSIDE Party of Five Injured "When Machine' Turns Turtle OVer In Fopt Em bankment TAKEN TOilOSPITAL Persons -tnL,-ed lleit Dro uyCal;' ound C C Lo-khfcii l,o.i hniices Mrs W .: Mehin co,!ar bone brolt-n Mrs T v. CcW.lcr., sprained arm , (small boj ) scaln woi.nd Whilr traveling r an automobile over the Risbre-Dougtas highway Siin nay ovening Albert Iirown C. C Loevhsrt, Mrs. W. S. MeU-in. Mr3. J. W. Childers and a small boy, all of Douglas, were precipitated over a fifteen foot embankment a milo this side of Foreft and all of them were injured, though none serious.17. Tney were picked up by Bisbee aa tolsts and taken In machines to the Copper Queen hospital, where physi cians dressed their wounds. The auto n which they were trav eling was almost demolished and was carted to Douglas yesterday by a team. Tho members of the tarty re turned to Douglas by train yesterdav afternoon. liberally stitched and bandaged. Mis; Crockett To Rescue. Miss Gertrude Crockett, of Digbe was preceding the Douglas party mi her automobile and heard the cra,b ' as tho Douglas machine went ov , the embankment. She itnmediatrf stopped. hermachlno and with a I trtnA -", .rs iji i.u . :iiewi representatives nero sainzar ruslrtilecopr 'S-JSf S-!l IrlSR? wl ?Jl ? tr, rt.y occupie1 He is said to have six hundred relW, ,W!?!3'"l,.0.f.te.o,:?Iailfar1aa,Bder him in the Caos Grandes dis- of the tonneau It was at first thought' that they might be seriously, even;, fatally htrt. as they were ccvere-I( with blood from their injuries but exam.nation at the hospital showed that no one had been fatally hurt. Mrs. Melvin?. who suffered a frae-, tured collar bone, being most sert- oukIv IniiTrrt The men. Messrs. TJrown and Lock- hart, sat on tbel front seat and wers more fortunate than the women. Brown suffered a small cut In tha, head, requiring , Ave stlches to sew : ur. The little boy also received a! painful cvt In the- head. The mMi ! were taken to tho hospital by anth er autolst from Bisbee. who drove up at the scene of the accident shortly after It occnrrcfl, Turned Over Twice. The accident occurred while the machine was traveling along a level road and at no very high rate of 8pcH. It evidently became unman ageable and ran off the embankment, demolishing thef top of the auto and . '"r ir. n ''Jf,. j. tvn Next President 'REBELS ARE AGT1VE BR TEXES BORDER j Gen. Escaboza Surrenders ! Himself and Fiftv Men to Federals at Cananea WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 Renewed activity of rebels on the Texas bor der was reported today to the. war de partment by General S.tcever, who said he had advices of a rebel band near Sanderson, Texas. He (fas dis I patched troops from Fort Clark to protect the Texas' town General Steever reported the rebels had defeated tho federal forces at As cension. In northwestern Chihuahua, and had taken tho town. State de railment reports out of Mexico City I state that General EecaLoza, a re-cl leader who was, operating In Sonora. i gave himseir up Saturday at Cananea, along with fi t of his buldieis. Several small re'uI uiids are a.d to be hiding in the Ajos mountains. Reports of wanton destruction of , property Jn tlle Mormon colony are being confirmed, and large numbers of Americans in MIchoaean are said to be in danger from rebel bands. HEARST'S MANAGER KILLED JUAREZ. Oct. 7. Fighting has oc curred in many different points in the Casas GranJes district, southwest of this point, according; to American travelets arriving here today. Tho rebels were repulsed In an attack on Old Casss Grandee. The iebels took the towns of Ascension and Junos. al ter sharp fighting, but wore defeated by the federals in a battle on the William Randolph Hearst ranch, southwest of Casas Grandofc. It Is reported that John Hayes, manager of the Hearst ranch, a native of Califor nia, was killed. .,, .., . , , r J? ,", j' ?t, 'C?,? VV frflS s ,. rrLt h SL tb ie !n the C?sa8 GraP3cs district, accord ln ' "Here snown today ny tht f&- MILWAUKEE GETS RACES AGAIN . MILWAUKEE, Oct. 7. This city Is selected for the next Vanderbllt and Grand Prix races, acco.-dlns to an an- nouncement made here today badly damaging the machine. The machine turned completely over and reversed Itself, the front of the car being turned toward DIsbc? and It is believed from thlr that it turned over twice in the air before It struck the ' ground. Those who saw tho wreckage say that the autois wfre iticuy to ecape witn tneir lives. Another Accident, Machines driven by Dr. F. E. Shlno and H." H. Poppen collided late Sat urday afternoon at Warren- a,nd Poppen's car was badly damaged ty'ii neither autolst Vas injured. Ppp pen'e car had to be sent to a garage for repairs. - I Mill llll W I """ I ri - I I I 1L MDOSERS rf I PURCHASE OLD PARTY ORGAN Arizona Republican of Phoe nix Is Sold to Dwight B. Heard Possession Taken Sunday WILLIAM SPEAR IS TO REMAIN EDITOR Paper Will Use Every En- Chance? of Election of Roosevelt The followers of Theodore Roose 1 vclt and the new progressive party in Arizoua have at last succeeded la taking one of the former republicans the state, and Sunday morning tho Arizona Republican at Phoenix, which for twenty vears hat been the news ; paper mudsill of the republican party In this state, carried the announce ment (hat Dwisht II. Heard, the prominent capitalist in the state capi tal, with his business and political ' allies had purchased that paper. It has been known for xeveral ' weeks that the progressives had been Planning to take over a newspaper in the state, and they have now se cured one of the bebt newspaper 1 properties in the state. Gazette Option Abandoned First it iiecame known that Mr. Heard was negotiating to buy the Gn zette and it was reported that an op tion had been takert on that paper: later It was given out that this deal had been abandoned, so that wlwm 'the announcement Tas made yester day that tho Hull Moosers had pur chased the Arizona Republican, it was a "Urprtre 10 the politicians of tho state llill" Sizar's name Is re tained as editor of the new paper, and there was no change made in tho management. Mr. Heard's namo , appearing as president and general manager The Paper's Policy Mr. Heard, regarding the purchase of the paper and Its policy, in a signed article, among other things, said- "A number of men and women, hav ing 'great faith in 'Arizona and its fu ture, and earnest!; believing in tho nrinHnpH for w.hlrh the nmsrtsftl-i" J part.v stands, have Joined with mo 1 In the purchase of the Arizona Repub lican. whU-h tinder the new owner ship (not one dollars worth of inter est being retained bj the former own ers!, will be -onduc-td as an Inde pendent progressiva newspaper, with malice toward nonv and with justice , to all I "We know that r this time in tha historv of Arizona there lt a great I opportunlt j before this paper In as sisting in the .upbuilding and devel opment of the great r!ources of this stste, and believe that a newspapT should use its influence to bring about co-operation between our citizens and to eliminate friction. Our policy will lie directed solely to what wo be lieve is for the public welfare, and the largest corporation in this utato will receive the same justice from this paper as the humblest citizen, no more and no less. "In tbe present political campaign this paper will vigorously supovt Roosevelt and Johnson because w-j have absolute trust In the ability, ef ficiency. Integrity and high purpose or these two great men, and know that thev regard the great construct ive platform on which they stand 83 a -OTentant with the American peo ple." History of Paper The Arizona Republican was es tablished in 1S90. by Governor Lewis Wolf Icy and his administration of ficial appointees C N. Zeigenfuta. a very able newspaper mn, was Ha first editor The enterprise vvas a costly undertaking, and being started purely as a political organ, did not me"et with business succesz. Finally It fell into the hanJs of Frank j Weephg. Dr. Vickers resigned aa state auditor to take charge of th paper, and he. Hilly Spear and Har vel as business manager, put the paper on a paying- basis. AMERICAN BALLOON CREWS LEAVE KANSAS CITY, Mo, Oct. 7. Tho American aeronauts who will contest In tne International balloon race for the Gordon Bennett trophy In Ger many the latter part of 'this month left hers today for w York, en route to Europe They are H. F. Lang; and H. E. Honeywell, who will pilot the balloon "Uncle Sam." and John Watts and A. T. AUierboldt. who will manage the "Kansas City II." CONVENTION OF TEAMSTERS INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Oct. 7. Be tween 200 and 360 delegates from var ious part? of the United -Slates snd Canada wer pre-ent h'r today when the biennial convention of the Inter national Brotherhood of Teamster. Chauffeurs. Stablemen and Helpers ws called to order by President Dan iel J. Tobln of Cambridge. Mass. The officers reports showed an increase of about 10.000 members in the past two years and a treasury gain of 500, 000 In the snme period. Indications l-oint to the rs-electlon of President Tobin and nearly all of the other of ncen'' tia- l$ 0 Jf'w -. Vi ftft-SHrfV(44!'V'VVry'j tH' MWMv i V- i.-- -- T 7 X - TJ ''