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SVSff Wiryj;;! ,MW Wi! . PAGE TWO iwn THE BISBEE DAILY REV IEY, BISBEE, AKIZONA, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER S, 1912 -E I-f f.a -s M Ml OFFICERS 0 Douglas Country. Club Acts as Host for Uncle Sam's Khaki Wearers on the Border aiAYOR TOASTMASTER The officers of the Ninth Cavalrr. stationed at Douglas, and cuiHeS and professional mju of that cltv woro respecthely Quests and hosts at a smoker given tor the army of ficers Saturday evening at the Doug las country jcfcib. Several citizen of'Dlshee were Invited The affair was "staged" by tho Douglas Country club, and the, tylks of both hosts and guests Indicated a pleasant spirit ut comradeship between the people o( the border town and the soldiers who are temporarily located there. Tho smoker was, given official sanc tion by tho presence or Mayor Bau er, of Douglas, and Colonel Guiltoyle, of the Ninth. JIayor llaber "presided ; as toastraaster, and the following pro- gram of talks and amusements was carried out: Address of wolcome by Mayor. Quartette, "Farm LIfo for Me" by colored troopers, James Evans, Wil liam Martin, William A. Hutton and William Dixon. Appreciation speech by Colonel' Gullfoyle. ORPHEUM BOX OFFICE IS BANQUEHED G. W Guellck. of the box office at pleasant testimonial of esteem by the tha Orpheum theater, was given a members of the MeadejOh'apman com pany and the Orpheum stage crew baturday evening after the show, tho occasion being the young man's at tainment of man's estate, "three times seven." A banquet was spread on the stage, and Guollck was called back to the stage on a pretext His sur prise and subsequent delight may bo imagined. Tbe company drank to his health and prosperity, and presented him with numerous mementoes of the occasion. After the banquet, the com pany enjoyed a dancing party until a late hour. Mr. Chapman acted as toastmastcr. Irish Jig. by J, J, McNeil. Boxing -match between Young Shi and Battling, Nelson 2nd. Solo by Groer Davis. Buck and wing dancing by Trooper Thomas Maston. Boxing exhibition by troopers Bill Honlngsvtorth, known as "Old Jack son," and Battling Braxton. C Pierce was rciereei . Song, '2loll on, Thou Dark Gren Ocean." . Scotch dance by J. J. McNeil, Song, "Barbershop Chord." trooper William Dixon. Parodies, "Beautiful Doll" "Lonesome" by troopers Bell Lewis. Comic song by James Evans. Short talk, by C. O. Ellis. EX-POLICE OFFICER IS ACCUSED OF DESERTION ACTRESS NOW. ONCE SETTLEMENT WORKER and by and and Surely Enough. Her Father "Young man, are you qualified to marry and support my daughter?" Adelbcrt "I hold tho rec ord for running my four cylinder roadster 27 miles on a pint of gasoline." D. I. ("Iee") Joiner, formerly a police officer of BIsbee- and later a candidate for city marshal, was,inado the defendant In a complalntjflled ln!t afternoon by Mrs Clara Joiner, his wife. Tbo complaint alleges deser tion of herself and Infant baby, which, under the new law, constitutes a fel- ony- ., V The complaint was prepared by Deputy County Attorney Alexander Murry. and filed In court at 2:30 o'clock by Mrs Joiner, A warrant for tho arrest of Joiner was issued by Judge High, and county officers are now instituting a search for him The wife believes that he Is either in Texas, where he formerly lived, or In Colorado, and officers of those states will be enlisted in tho search Joiner Is alleged to have left BIsbee Saptember 10 in company with his niece, who had been visiting tho Joiner family here, and who he was taking to her home In Texas. Letters rerelird bv Mrs. Joiner show that he and his niece did not go to the girl'3 home in Texas, or rather that they had not then appeared. An added attraction to the lunching and dining hour. Blatz is appetizing and nourishing. ra iii rz z z r Everything New m Dress Goods Unpacked Yesterday And Go On Display This Morning For The First Time They will open the eyes of Bisbee women to the beauty of the stuffs that are the heart of Fall and Winter Suits, Dresses and Costumes. The question of the hour What for Fall? The question is a momentous one, far too big a one to settle in a single paragraph. Let us settle it by letting you settle it for yourself here at this store. , . Jzjrt&& We want our rtmtnmers to understand that they are perfectly welcome and admire to their hearts' content. to compare, examine, criticise Spend all the time necessary to form an opinion. We have a vast stock, a comprehensive stock, and there are many beautiful alternatives. Therefore, we know one's mind cannot be made up in a moment and, we suggest that vou "look before you buv." And, don't miss this store's show ing, a magnificent and unmatched arrav of new materials for suits, coats ,skirts, gowns and dresses, representing the choicest weaves, most beautiful colorings and combinations, and exquisite designs of foreign and domestic fabrics. Novelty Suitings $125 yd, Some new weaves, and here and there i new finish lJt tho great est change ou will find is in the colors, simple, rich. hand some: a cetain state lincse and almost regal beaut fi4-inches wide, per vard $1.25. 40 inch Whipcords 65c yd. Women who knew a Pennine dross goods bargain when 't's placed before them, will be' oack to buy these handsome 40 Inch Whipcords at C5c a yard; colors include navy. gray. brown, cardinal and two-toned effects. 38 Li. Storm Serge 85c yd. Storm .Seryes are al ways In demand, and never have we been able to oter such good valtt8 as now ttrict ly all-woal, good heavy quality, 38-lnches wide. In all desirable fall colors, per yard 85c 52 in. Whipcord $200 Those who possess the Intuition of recognizing a bar gain the moment it is presented, will readily concede that these beautiful, 52-lnch Whuicord at $2 a yard is a most exceptional value, colors are taupe, brown, nao and black "Wide Wale Diagonals $175 Wide Wale Diagonal Serges are perhaps, amonz the most popular of Fall dress materials, largely due to the'r splen did wearing qualities, our stocks include navy and nefl shades of brown and tan, 54-inches aide, per jard $175. 50 inch Whipcord $125 Wb pcords bear Fashion's stamp of approval for fall and winter wear, because of the graceful wanner in which they lend thomsehos In tho present styles We offer an extraordinary' bargain In this iopular fabric, 50 inches wide, and the color range includes, nay, cardinal, bronn, grey, tan. leather and black, per yard $125 38 inch Fancy Suitings 65c Fashion has produced nothing newer or more npproprl ate than he smart l'ancy Saltings, 38-Inches wide, ground colors of gray, tan, brown ard olack. In stripes, mixtures and two-toned effects. siecial per jard 65c. 56 inch Broadcloth 75c Yon'd willingly pay $1 per yard for this splendid quality C$-incn Broadcloth, but we bought It under value and have marked it at 75c per yard the color range Includes Jirown, red, navy, gray and tan 56 inch Mannish Cheviots $2. The iBdieat.oas are that shaggy stuffs will be quite pop ular this seasea the good old-fashioned sturdy Tweeds xb1 Cheviots that possess a rick, luxurious look and drape so eartlj ; thoy are hero in handsome new mixed patterns of gray, brows and leather, S-lnehes wld. per yard $2.00 Shepherd Plaids 85c yd. The first thins that stri'.es tbe eye In the dress poods section is tho popu'ar.ty of tho b'ack and "bite shei herd checks We un derstoM how grtat the demand would be this season for checks and prepared for it plcn did values at S."c. $1 and $1.25. a ard. French Serge $100 yd. Trench Serco will still have its devotees for general wear, the beat values are here, strict ly 311 wool, 40-lacho wide, in all colors anil Mack and cream, per rard $1.00. Danish 35 Cloth c yd. ParHsh, CJoth In a wide range or colors includ ing aavy, cardinal, Mght blue, gray, brown, tan, cream and black 35-lnches wide a yard 3Gc Mils Madeline Oupcnt. Miss Madeline Dupont. little bru nette who Is appearing with Eddie one of tbe most prominent families (Interested In sociology. Prior to her theatrical engagement Alias uuponl i.a one of tho aids to Tenement .Jtouse Commissioner John J. Murphy lol Now York city.. Sho has been as iVoclatcd with tenement houso wort for more than flo years and was known by the cast side children fis Ithe'J'TAdy Bountiful." " The popularity of the Blatz products is due, rirst or all, to pronounced individual quality. Such is the recognized fact by those who have passed scientific judgment on its merits as a table beer. U ,-5. .""WJ LOWELL BEER COMPANY Distributors Lowell, Arizona fVnP M-Saai mm QD llH MS ' REFERRED LIS RE DISCUSSED Lfst of Popular Works Re ceived in August and SeDtember Attorney General Bullard, Senator wursely and Representative Brad- ncr Speak MEASURE-DEFENDED mass meeting of voters of tho district heard G P Billiard, state at torny general. Senator Wqrsley and Sam It. llradner speak Saturday night !n advocacy of tho referred laws The rpcaUng wus neld on the acant Cosiello lot on Main street, a platform having been erected aga nst the hill backed by a larg American flag The space from tho platform to the -sidewalk was filled with people, nearlx all of whom were men J All of the spers were Intro duced by ndward J Flanlgan On tho stage with the speakers were Ben Frankenborg, president oi tho Business Mmi's Proterthe atsoci? Hon (under the ausp'cee of viuich the mass meeting was held), Gus Mickey chairman of the board of supenisors and Mr. Dodd, of the firm of Well burn & Dodd. Endorses Bl-Weekly Pay Day. Mr Bradner was the first speaker and he prefaced his remarks by read ing a telegram from Governor Hunt expressing regret at not be ng able to be present but affirmed his ad tocacy of the laws that na be'n referred Mr Bradner took up the argument tUat has been made ty op ronents of the semi-montMy pay day till, that "U will mean two drunks a month where there was ohe be fore" and warmly defended tho work man's right to spend hU money a Tho following new booUs were le ceUed at the Copper Queea library during August and September and hac been catalogued: Fiction. Doulday--Salntsbury Affair. London Tales of the Ktsh Patrol. Lincoln Tho Postmaster. N'orr s Mother Dowd Polly of the Hospital Staff. Watts The Legacy. Ferer Dawn O'rlara. Ityan-7-For thesoui of Itafael. Whitaker Htes Toosey's Mission. Whltecbtir"h Off the Main Road. Curtis Woman from Wolertun. Sedgwick Tanto. Parrlsh Molly McDonald. Parrlsh My Lady of the North. Brach The Spoilers Be-ch rUo Barrier. Wr ght Poppea of the Post Office. Reed Master's Violin Crawford Whito Sister. Connor -Tho Prospector. WhiteArizona. , Dojio ir Nigel Barr Maid, of Old New York. Van Djke The Mansion -KipUiia Stalky & CoUt t nicteards Otis BoardWthe Mary Sands. V Canfleld The Squirrel Cage. Bosher Miss Gibblo Gault. Servisa Second Deluge. Atkinson Grej friars Bobby. Van Loan Tcrn-Thousand-Dollar Arm. Crawford Roman Singer. JlacGrath-T-Grey- Cloak. Sienklewtecz In Desert and Wild erness, Orayson Adventures In Content ment Davis Hanson's Folly. Read Weaver of Dreams. Non-Fiction, Alford Bearings and Their Luurl cation Sain-Maur Making -Homo Profita ble. . 1 Puffer Boy and lite Gang. Wright Now England Cook Book. Rocfleleau Transportation. . ,f Morris Animal -Friends and Help era. Hale Woodrow Wilscin, Lindsaj Cuba and Her .People of Today Beecher Roasonabla Bible Criti cism Pui-ey Care of the Skm and Hair TarbcU Tariff in Our Times, D'lveuoorUrOSducation lor Efficien cy, i Stevenson Lay Morals and Other Papers. , Sh ,,' ' Noll Miguel Hidalgo y -Costilla'. Flbko Chess Tales. ' ; Matthews l.og of the Easy Way. Murphy Three Wonderlands ot the American West. Wallace Saddle and Camp in the Rockies. Hutchinson We and Our Children. Stratton-Porter Music 'of fho Wild (Ref.). Treves Cradlo of tho D,eep. Ward Practical Uso of Books and Libraries'. , Garrett Adanco Jf Photography. Talbot Great Canadian Railway Kexiaru imiieur uapicucnui. j Ham Mind and Hand. , h" , Matthews Field book of American WlldflOHcrs. Ufe'3 Fullness. Every day ccght to have the thought of largo things in It tho pow er of wide horizons. But every day mast have tho routine of small things In It. To harmonize the two Is often hard and discouraging Yet only In lives that cemtino steadfast duty with wide vision is the fullness of life real ized. Phillips Brooks Will The REAL FREEMEN,, phoid Wilsons Hands i Woodrow Wilson has refused emphatically to accept contributions to' his Campaign Fund from the Interests, from corrupting influences, from any questionable sources. . He has given us, the Democratic National Committee, to understand that, he will go into the White House with clean hands or not at all. 40 in. Satin Charmeuse-AU New Colors $2 yd. ShlmmBg MpplentE-M .oTumm of fabrics that cling nnd jll-w-wjll W!! at fasWoaW material? for evening gowns, inc mo si mvo.w ui i.-v ..... .,......- .-.-... ,-,---J It Is the rerei't and daintiest material that nas come to ur th r season from acrOM the pond. Satin j andTeTtote flnt making an ideal faoric for evening costumes and party dreea; 4Mnchcs wide, and priced at 12.00 a yard. .Everything .'That's -New in Dress m t-,n-r i inmrainjja 6 T&m y$ MAIN STREET Ornamental Buttons in All Sizes & Colors J he chooaes. saying that if working men desired to spend their money in this manner it was their own busi ness He declared that the lav would hae a tendency to do away with credit and would put more money in to circulation. As an ex-railway em pioie he endorsed the- referred laws 1 commonly classed together as "the railroad laws." He said that ho vocld admit that he was a discharged railroad emplove but said that It ' is better to bo a discharged employe ana a legislator than an employe, and a legislator if I am to be of service, to I Mr Bradner's remarks were ranlnly . In siinport of tbe ' railroad laws ' hough he touched on the. otfcsr laws under consideration by the voters. Says He Likes to Fight, Mr. Bullard declared that ho was "put In a hole" by the fact that the mabb n.AAnn. utab nin.rMirf lean "if : ujaoo -new,.,. . w ,"- ..- .- 4 th.M la nnA tl.tflfr th&t f llfeft " lit said, "it is a poMtWl fight cr-a law suiL" He said tlmt K wai mie tlonably th ri)?ht-ot anjene to give a law the referendum test but- tali that it i the hitE, of the voters to I inform tlienweKw? f sch lawa.Mr Bullard toW of theate tax oommi". skin case, recently decided by the snprcme court m tawr of th eo- mission. 1 Ir. Worsley in M Jturn a.dfNBW-i the paMcce by BPjlar vsto oTftw referrea laws, taking ip eacii-Map- aratsly and piving reasons fir his s& port of them. He- ?uve oraohasls to his advocacy of equal suffrage, rr"-' "" " - -- Mount SInal Located. The discovery of what is beHcvsd to be the reel Mt SInal of Holy Script H reported to the. Academy ollSlece it Berlin by ProfT br. Al Mff from Damascus. Prof. Susll bellevw. the extinct vooand, lllal'Bdr, ia tbe Hedla region of northern raWa. Is the biblical mountain whe.othe Ten CommanilmenU were givfi to Moses: i Z? NOTICE! -" Iletnrns by InnlB of the , wcfrW' eharaiion base fciW series will bo r eehdat t& -.osfll Tender, Lowell. Advertisement. 767. Who Is Getting The Money of The Trusts? So sure has been Wilson's stand, so well known his incor ruptible purpose, that no private interests have dared to approach either our candidate or his committee. We have not been offered a penny by the trusts, and we certainly have not solicited a penny from them. The money of the Interests is being spent againtt Wilton. No matter (or whom wc need not discuss that here it is now common gossip tbat the money power oi the nation is being used in an attempt to defeat Woodrow Wilson. What Is a "People's 'Campaign?" We are addressing ourselves to, tho .real freemen of America, the upright, Progressive) Voters of the country who are doing, the work of the nation and not the work of trusts and bosses. ' ' We realize that the salvation of every righteous cause rests with'you. ' Often this cry of a People's Partyor a People's President is raised by the very forces we seek io defeat and whom we must and will defeat. But look te our standard and our standard bearer and decide our self as to which is'ths People's Campaign and must, therefore, be fought with the "People's money. Woodrow Wilson Has Clean Hands Woodrow Wilson is the cleanest man in national politics He came of illustrious forefathers, who laid by bleed and heredity the foandat.on of a future President throagh-cen CralHH. A licr gCIJCIalKKl oi uprigni reborn I II Wilson is to be fleeted it must be by dean m there is only one source o( such money from the rottr,oj the country who realize the importance of havmgta govern meat uninfluenced by the atangbty dollar. ' Wilson's hands are clean. Will yoo uphold them? How Much Money Will You Give? How Much Can You Raise?. ! There are big campaign expenses to be met if we are to win on Election Day in November. We must tell the vMers of the country about Wilson, what he is, what he has done We'roost sl?w( them his record. - Wc must show them his pUtform. Wc must point out to them the features of his platform which mean so much to this nation. This great work will coct a lot of money. We must meet tbe usual heavy toll necessary to present a platform and a candMa.c to a hundred million. ' Your dollar, jour 85. yeur$10, your 520 is needed. And don't mistake we want the man who can only aSerd :h? one dollar. We need him. We need the woman who can orrly give one dollar. Wc believe in this kind of loyalty, it's the kind that wins. Let every one contribute to the Woodrow Wilsort Cam paign by the first mail. Let's have as big a fund as the cor; porations can supply the other parties. For the people are mightier even in money than tho Comluaationi when they Ct together. A Call To Those Who Will Club Contributions No live progressive voter can do more for Wilson's cause than to head a list with his own contribution and then to have his fellow-workers and friends swell the total witfi their names and money. ' i If you work in an office or factory, mill, warehouse, oo a railroad, ranch or farm, start the ball rolling. Line up the Wilson men 'Sign up as many contributions as you can. And mail to us. How To Contribute To The Wilson Campaign Fund I Sign the Coupon in this corner and fill in the amount I you give. Then 'attach your money to this Coupon and mail today to the address given on the Coupon. u I Itiue ajl check, money order and addre all contriba- I tion to C R. Crane, Vice Chairman Finance Committee, I Democratic National Committee, 900 Michigan Avenue, ' Chicago, I1L ' ' ',1 Then write a letter to this Daoercivinz Your name as a ! I i contributor and stating your reasons why you believe oney.and Woodrow Wilson should be elected President of the United ! States.fln this, way you will be listed as a Wilson contri- j butor. A Souvenir Keceipt, handsomely lithographed, well worth ramir.g, will be sent to you. Your letter will help the fight by encouraging our friends. t A. Ar4tA7 lAl!rtrt lqwinairm ,,k4 1 ! LOYALTY COUPON ToCR. CRANE. VicWCbinn.a Fiunca Committe. I Ta Democratic Ntboal Cemmitte. 900 Michigan Atcqh,) Chicaf o tUtnqu. As a t)trln tho procreuire foeata of torero m rot recrc, tented in tbelfatiitixer of Woodrew WIson for Presient of tha' Onited State, and Jo-the end that he mar take the offl fre-j haaded. tuttrammeSed. and obtitafed to nene butthe poo jle of the! ooaotry, I wiali tocantrfbutetdroaeh ron the turn of i toward theexpepaesof Gov. Wilson' campaign. t Nanraft.-ll..-. .-..-.;... .r..... .?J .uMl ' - B Addrt-rr?.v....j f R. F. D. State. Etidorscfi-try' THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW ' . ('MNM ivin,!..!).'!!!! i.tJH IjajiUP ljBii in HlJiMiMi tHfr ;,-.' - . iI t. v m&.i