Newspaper Page Text
, iqif ' AnlZ.UNIV I IB, VOLUME 15. BISBBE. ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBERS 1912. 1 w-Jiwl NUMBER 131. BUS SOON PROHIBITIONIST PARTY ILL GO OH STSTE TICKET RED SOX HIS FIRST GIE OF WORLD'S SERIES Motor Cycle Collecting Device For Mails Works Successfully Popular Washington Girl to Wed Assistant Secretary of Treasury TO WAR EXPECTED .'-. . "" lannrrf - - I HE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW - r MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS. fjfjj? fTlm EI GE III "I . '! 3 Montenegro's Declaration of Hostilities Against Tur key Regarded as Torch to Conflagration PARIS ON QUI VIVE REGARDING TROUBLE Great Powers Will Use Every Endeavor to Avert Bel ligerency Behveen Eu- ropean Holdings PARIS, Oct. S. A general conflagra tion tn the Rall.ans Is expected with in forty-eight hours by ofllcials here The Montenegran declaration of r.r against Turkey Is regarded as merely a beginning. It is believed other un its of a Balkan coalition wi'l follow suit soon, when the mobilization or the armies Is completed. There is only a faint hope that representations of tbo powers will avert general hos tUIMes. Thought Plan Pre-arranged Montenegro's move Is confide "J here a part of the pre-arranged plan It Is asserted that Greece first a selected by the Balkan confederate to force an Issue to lnaucurate w.u This easily could have been done ji Gieece. seating in the Greek parlia ment deputies from Crete, which cert nlnly would prove a casus belli to Turkey. Greece, however, decline.! to accept the responsibility for start ing the flame. Montenegro Picked Montenegro was then picked. Sho has a long-standing quarrel with Turkey over the fcoundary question Turkey's refusal to grant satisfaction was seized upon as a justification of Montenegro's resort to arms It ! not doubted that though cooler In Bulgaria were against the war from the star, iiopular excitement was at such a pitch that the count rv was driven to war to satisfy public opinion. In the face of intervention, every fiber of energy will be exerted by th great powers to prevent the war flame from engulfing Europe. All Depends on Austria It is realized that all depends upon J tne attitude of Austria, which, accord ing to late advices, has mobilized fo'ir army corps in Croatia. Bosnia. Her zogovina and southern Hungary and stands ready to occupy the Sanjak ot Novipazar should this coveted atrat Sic territory be menaced by Servians or Montenegrans Despite Russian sympathy for their Slav brethren in the Balkans, whose political welfare Russia has fostered, no complication is expected between Russia and Aus tria, as both these nations have as sred the powers their determination is not to be drawn into any Balkan Imbroglio. France Regretful Official circles In France greatly regret the censure of certain French newspapers, that Great Britain's slowness In agreeing to the phrase ology of the has retarded the reo resentatlons of the powers. The cen suro, it Is said, does not represent the official French view It Is point ed out that such censure Is likely to cause a false impression abroad, and that It has furnished ammunition for an attack by the German press on Great Britain. The real Ftory of how Balkan pow ers forestalled and outwitted Euro pean intervention Is told In offlclal advices from Cettinje, Austrian and Russian representatives who pre sented a note In the name of the powers, warning the Balkan states against war at 11 o'clock th's morn ing, but two hours and a half earlier the Montencgrian government had handed passports to the Ottoman charge. Thus the Montenegrin cab inet Is in a position to say the rep resentations of the powers came oo late, a mptnre of the diplomatic re lations a'rendy having occurred. HANDS IN HIS REGRETS. CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct 8. Prior to receiving passports from the Turk ish government, the Montenegrian chars. M. Plamenatz. handed I to the porte in bebalf or his government a r.ote rpgr'tting that "Montenegro had exhausted aI amicable means for settling the numerous misunder standings and conflicts which had arisen with the Ottoman empire. Shortly after the presentation of the note, which alo informed the porte that Montenegro ceased all relations with Turkey "leaving it to the terms of the Monfnegrians to secure recog nition of rights." all or which was ac cepted as a declaration of war, the council of war was held at tho grand Vlzierate. The session con tinued late Into the night. ACQUITTED THEN COLLAPSED. 510TBS.NO, Wash., Oct. 8. John Creech, a wealthy Aberdeen lum berman, was found not guilty to night of the murder or City Frank Welch, of Aberdeen. The Jury was out three and a half hours. As soon as th Terdict was annoanced Creech thanked the lawyers and Jur crs and then collapsed into a chair, sobbing hysterically. Hlse"" son also wept The trial had lasted seven dayi. " fe!Ta U Twentieth century Post office authoritie-i are ring i iaken trcm the letter box withoutnthe out in Washington Ii c a new mo j collet tor leav ng his machine, jirov tor cycle mail collecting device. The Ing a great time saver over ttieold photograph shows how the mall islav of collecting "' THOSE GUILTY HAVE Si SO 'Dynamiters" Counsel De clares No Defendant in Indianapolis Gave Mon ey for Explosions THREE PLEAD GUILTY INDIANAPOLIS. Oct 8 Whit the defense will be In the tital of the forty-five men accused rv the govern ment of cbmpiicity in the ' dvnamite conspiracy." was outlined before the iur today b William N Harding, at torney for the de'endants Attorney Harding said it will be shown that the executive board of the international Association of Bridge and Structural Iionworkcrs never appropriated a dollar to be used tor dynamiting If anvone connected with the union diverted the funds for any illegal use, the guilty pei-sons, be said, will be shown to be, not among the defendants present "When you have beard all the tes timony." he said. "I think you will have concluded that about three men were engaged in the nefarious work of dynamiting, aud those three al ready have pleaded guilty " TRAIN ROBBED OF $10,000. FORT SMITH. Oct. 8 Rock Is land tra'p Vo 41, wes bound, was held up and the expfss and mail cars were robbed tonight near Howe, Okla , according o a dispatch from the station ; gent of the road at Hal leyvllln. Okla. The safes In the express" car wre dynamitd. The amount stolen was not learned, but It Is raid to ex ceed $10,066. ANNIVERSARY OF PERRYVILLE LEXINGTON, Ky.. Oct. 8. A re union of the survivors of the battle of Perryville, which occurred Just fifty years ago. on October" 8. 156:, was held on the battlefield today. It was a reunion of the Blue and the Gray, and from far and near the eld warriors journeyed to the Held to mingle together in peace and ex change fraternal greotings. Many Confederate veterans of Kentucky and neighboring states were in at tendance, while the army of the blue was represented -y the aurvlvlng vet erans of the Eightieth Indiana regi ment, which had a conspicuous part in the battle. BIG VAR FLEET IN THE HUDSON NEW YORK, Oct 8. FUty vessels, lepresenting the flower or the Ameri can navy, are riding at anchor in the Hudson river today. Nearly one-half or the vessels are battleships, which vary in size from tho great super dreadnaught of the Wyoming type to the now obsolete type reprcaented by the famous old Ohio In addition to the battleships, there are armored cruisers, gunboats, torpedo' craft, dc stroyers, submarines, supply ships, mine layers, hospital ships and other auxiliary vessels. The arrival tomor row of a dozen additional battleship and a number or auxiliaries will com-. ward, reont secretary or the repub plete the fleet, which will then bo llcan national committee said to ready for the greatest mobilization j night he bolleved Elmer Dover, his the western world has ever seen. On predecessor, was mistaken in his he Thursday the great fleet will be re- Ilof that copies or campaign contri viewed by President TafL buttons were In storage In Chicago. man collector. ffiH BOAT GETS SMUGGLER San Diego Sloop Held by Uncle Sam on Suspicion of Bringing Conjtra- band Chinese NEPTUNE IS ALERT SAN FRVNCISCO. Oct 8 The U S revenue cuter, "Golden Gate, thirty miles north of here todav. picked uu the gasoline s!oop Aleu. owned and captained by "John Ooster huis, of San Diego, who for months has teen under the surveillance ,' government officials on suspicion of engaging in Chinese smuggling. The sloop, which is notorious as the smuggling craft "Neptune.'' was "renamed" the "Alert," and brought here Oosterhuis anil an Italian youth, An drew Ita-siie, carried as crew, are held in the city prison, pending ar raignment on charges of smuggling j and conspiracy j Oosterhuis' capture Is said by ofli , cials to be the most Important in the government's recent renewal of war lare against trauic in contraband Chi nese. 7000 GREEKS PATRIOTIC. Bl'TTE, Oct 8 Theodore Staklos, Gr ek consul for Montana. Utah, Ida ho and Wvoming announced today that 7.Mfi Greeks will leave those rtates to fiehr Turkey PAYS GREW $40,000 Men in Contraband Work Evade Three Revenue Cut ters and Two Submarines SAN FRANC'SCO Oct. S Immigra tion nsp'K'tors figrrod today the crew of the launch Sampson, which ran Into the hay early Monday and landed a cargo of Chinese And es caped three revenue cutters and two submarines, off to sea, "cletned up" S4MKK) by landing the Chinese. No trace of tho Sampton was found, ror of any ot the Chinese landed. PAPERS STORED AWAY. T4COMA. Oct. 8. Thnt among the mult .tude or campaign papers stored away with his personal effets in a strong-box In Chicago may be lists iarIal and complete or contrib utors to the,. 1904 republican cam paign, but that he tws no clear reeol- J lection of tfee point was slated by KInvr Dover, former secretary ol the republican campaign committee here today. BELIEVES DOVER MISTAKEN. NBW YORK, Oct. 8. William Hay- I ' i Petition Being Circulated in i Bisbce to Giye Temper j ance People Chance for Office 'GEN. WILSON TO BE i ONE OF ELECTORS O. Gibson of Tombstone i-ium .-is i.,,tuIuuii; lui Congress. White Rib boner for Years J PROHIBITION TICKET FOR ELECTORS Thos F. Wilson, of Tucson. J. Stanley Howard, of Phoe nix. Roy E. Sibley, of Graham Co. FOR CONGRESS O Gibson, cf Tombstone. The prohibition party of A-izona villi be a little late in shying their ' castor into the political ring, but tho 1I1 reach thoj arena Just the same Agreement has been reached by the piohibitiontsts. on a state ticket, and j O. Gibson, of Tombstone, a pioneer j in the prohibition causes arrived In Hislee yesterday afternoon, carrying the required petition and securing the I signatures which will entitle his party j to a place ou the state official ballot ' The prohibition ticket, as it will an-' pear on the official ballot, will be ad follows Presidential Electors , Presidential electors Gen. Thomas j F Wilson, of Tuon; J Stanley i Howard, of Phoenix; Roy E. Siblev, , of Copper Creek, Graham county Candidate for congress O. Gibson, of Tombstone. Mr Git-son, the prohibition congres sional candidate, bag carried the ban ner for the prohibitionists In Arizona j for many years, and this will be his I fifth race for congrefs. He remarked I last night that he always was readv tu I stand as a representative of he pro hibition party, regardless of the oi portunitles of securing an office. Gen. WilsenUoins Party I The name of Gen. Thos II Wilson Ion the prohibition ticket this year ' calls attention to the fact' that one jof the very prominent republicans i this state has cut loose from his ul 'political anchorage and joined his in i fluence to the cause ot prohibition j j General Wilson has been Identified t I with the republican part in Arizona tor thirty ears. In the year IS?" he was the republican candidate for con i gross, being defeated bv Mark bmitli i i Ho was Cnited States attornev in I !. ....I Arizona dnrinig tne latter part ot tn administration of President Harrison REBEL LEADER ARRESTED EL PASO, Oct. S. Another rebel leader was arrested today In tho United States. Incidentally, his wife, wno has fol lowed her husband through varying fortunes, and herself fought in the field. Is a voluntary prisoner In the local jail. He is Colonel Lacara Alanis. who is held on the charge of being a fugitive from justice DOUGLAS, Oct. S American Con sul William Dye will leave Douglas j for Colonla Morelos, clothed with au thority from the state department at Washington to restore the Mormon homes occupied by Mexicans to their rightful owners BRIDGES BURNED JUAREZ. Oct. 8 The Mexican Northwestern railway has been cut by rebels? ISO kilometers south of here today. Telegraph wires are also cut, and bridges burned. AFRAID OF DEMOCRACY. DENVER, Oct. 8. -If any fat-It can be found with him. It Is because he is not a skillful politician. He does not poEC?s the dang?rous gift of ap peaHng to Imagination." This cliar acterizatlon of Taft was made hero tonight by Senator Burton of Ohio, who is following a day behind Gov. Wilson. He made ? plea for repub licanism and the protective principle, declaring that the democratic tariff program would rpell ruin for Colo rado industries. ARIZONA WEATHER. FOR ARIZONA Fair Wednesday: ThHrsday, fair In the south: rains and snow In the north. FIFTY PERSONS KILLED. TAMPICO". Mexico. Oct 8. The charred bodlss of twenty-two persons were taken from the rains of tho warehouse, destroyed last night in a liowder explosion. It is believed fifty were killed. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, Oet 8 Copper dull at 17.25 bid. Lead unchanged, 5.10 l)ld. Copper arrivals, 100 tons: ex ports 6,432 tons. FRANK BOSTOCK DEAD. LONDON, Ocl S. Frank a- Bos took, lion tamer and mamgcrle man. Is dead. jH y JSmWmmmmmmmm " . THT i h TlfflfTf niffMii if" HiiBra jfcr$&v ', 'mx ail & ,'&3 As ttXJMkt,- JEflBj8b'P5S i w 'Sl pm - set --- cjjrjl Ml Laura McrrUm WASHINGTON'. D C Oc' S - iSpecIaLt Sociutr Is 'awaiting li8 announcement. vhichfs to b n:ade, soon, of the engagemon; of Miss, Laura Merriam, daughter of the for mer govprnor of Minnrsota. to lames F. Curtis, assistant s-crftary of tb treasury The engagement I known to their families and -lose fr,ends. The engagement tt Mis Merriam to Theron E C-vtlln of St Loins., Mo., way announced '; Kirln:r At the titr Mr Catlla was a member of congress He vva la'er unseated on " SCO IhWIM LISTS STORED; , . w ntvnr vr I v Imi r ou.ii;iai,i iui i ui v til li- paitrns Says Papers Will lie Produced Before Committee DOCUMENTS HIDDEN TACOMA. Ocst s --Copies of the, NEV- YORK. Oct S The state campaign contribution lists o: the rz ! ment of the Copper Producers aso publlcan national committee, Inclnd-' elation for September shows an In ing the list of l'JOL are stored in Chi-'treafe In stock on hand of lG,J6t.il3 cago and will te produced before the pounds, as compared with the pre Clapp senate committee, according to vlous month The production for tho Elmer E Dover, of this city, secre-1 month is 140,OSO,S1'J pounds, a de tary of the committee, for four cam , crease of J.53S.702 pounds, domestic palgns. i delivery, 63.400,810 pounds; decreas-e. He said the list was given him bv I js gi.G0S: foreicn delivery. C0.26L- Treasurer Bliss to copy. The original was returned to Treasurer Bliss, hut the copy, with copies covering four other campaigns, are sto.-ed away in a Chicago warehouse. Dover said they would lie produced before the committee if so desired. LOS AN6ELANS WILL TOUR OVER ARIZONA Chamber of Commerce Plan to Invade New State in Special Train LOS ANGELES, OcL S. The local chamber of commerce Is completing arrangements for an excursion to Arizona. A special train of five coaches will leave Sunday morning, October 2", and return Friday. No vember 1 Stops will be made at Yuma. Douglas. BIsbee, Tucson, Phoe- nlr Prrarntt FtnrarafT an.l VI'IIHa-m, One day will be devoted to the state fair at Phoenix, and another at the Grand Can on. GIL SUCCEEDS SAN JINES. MEXICO CITY OcL 8. General I Miguel flil Is named to succeed Gen-1 ors, and Is ready for the great event eral San Jloes, ?s commander in So- in her history, for today was Inaugti nora. General San JInrs was thrown rated tho diamond jubilee celebration from fcis horse and his rib broken. ' of Mt. Holyoke College. Many vlslt- He Is relieved from duly so as to be given a chance to recover. RAISE OWN SALARIES. MEXICO CITY, Oct. S-Mexlcan denuties voted today to double their own pay, making it $3,000 a year, in order to make them Independent or tho "executive and Judiciary" it was said. , tA and Jamrs F. Curtis. o .on Irr ' j'Jit'e' elec t "n Mis Mrna'n ;t pular girls n n one Washln most -"J!on- Pl? was the tniiiiguritOM ub evening 'lii.euir rf",-v Mrnday afteraooa skatmB6I-ii) t She Is a great hone woman and has the distinction of the first woman o go up in ,m i.-Toplane In Washing- t t. Mr Curtis el i c to a disttn- I g ishetl Boson iaicil.'-. lie Is a grnd - t ' ite of Harvard. 10 ""' ' ""- ' - copper output ICH REDUCED ' 'rwl ri:., f t.i ai1 1' uKiii .i ji ivi.ii jtii.itii for September Falls Off Nearly Twenty Per Cent MONEY MARKET DULL 9C; decrease, 10,220,351; total deliv ery, 123,725,606; deciease, 2",4SLf)fi2. Market Irregular The tone of today's stock market again was irregular and trading was light, falling aw-ay to a marked de monstration in the afternoon, when interest seemed to center large!) around the championship baseball game Leading stocks opened with gen- eral declines, following" the lead at j London, where some unrest was mani fest over the Balkan situation. A par- tlal recovery from the low level was &hown at midday, especially by Read ing and Steel, but the strength was more conspicuous in many minor In dustrials. Specialties Were Weak Specialties as a whole "were weak, with light demand. American Sugar American Beet Sugar and wool re corded declines from one to almost three points. The market languished in the last hour, closing with no ma terial changes from the opening The money market reflected the dull conditions now prevailing In the se-' cutitles markets. Call loans werei slightly firmer today. Bonds were dull iad featureless. Total sal ra,"e' .315-00- Oovornraent Total sales at par , twos de-1 clined an eighth. JUBILEE OF GIRLS' COLLEGE SOUTH HADLBY. Mass, Oct. 8. South Hadley Is a mass of gay col- Ing educators or note are hare ror the celebration, which is to continue over tomorrow. Today was given over to the alumnae, with alumnae commemo ration exercises in the chapel, fol lowed by luncheon in the gymnasium, and a pageant in tho oudor auditorium thbj' afternoon. Tomorrow will come the Intercollegiate commemoration Hon exercises and a luncheon for dele gates and guests. Tereau Holds Bean Eaters Down Until the Sixth Inning When He Loses Nerve BATTLE DUfTtOIWIT OF TEAM MASSA&ERS iMcGraw of Giants Says He I Is Not Disheartened by i Loss of First Game j of Contest ' NEW YORK. Oct. S TluTTloston j Americans overcame he Now York Nationals today by i to 3 before more , than ' porsons, In the first i game of the wor!d' sries. The i contert was nip and tuck all the j 'vav New York madt a thrilling rallv in the ninth Inning when It nearly tied the score, but "Smoky ' .Toe" Woods' bewildering speed turned ' two of the New York batters back ! to the bench on strikes for the last (two put outs and the Bostons carried ! off the honors D'amatlc Finish. J Rarely, if ever, has any world's, i eries provided such a dramatic fln ! ish Two runs behind, the New York tpnorter &' s w- pporters had given up hope. Hun- re leaving the stands when sent n tinkle wh'stling to jlu i'cr out- iiiai ntit um. r.vfii nen there was a chance of ylng tho score but It ceemed remote, but a Texas leaguer by Herzog, followed quirfclv by a Fmoking hit by Indian Mcjer, vhkh sent Merkle home, put the stands in a ftame of excitement. Wltb the loca's second and third, thousands stood on the seats and yelled. Fletcher swung his bat ner vously at the plate, while Joe Wood seenvd anxious. Boston Tviner Pats Grass. Tho Boston twirler patted the I grass. hUched his belt, rubbed the ' ball and adjusted his cap This de I lay unsettled Fletcher. He swung futllely at AVoods' fast breaking 1 shoots three times and went back to .the bench. l',SES,ia"' a strong man in a pinch tattle 'ip. Wi ood put ot two strikes. then three balls. The 'pitcher then drew Mi. arm back and shot over a Inch and fast Inshoot. Crandall swung and missed It by an Inch and th" game nan over Battle of Wits. It was a battle of managerial wits in tlie selection of the pitchers. Man ager MeGraw ; nned hi- faith on Tes reai, Th- Oark bear hunter held the I Bostors hitiess until th- sixth Inning whpn S-eaker's three bagger broke j th0 (r Tesreau akened in the !-' nth Before the fusillade of Bos ton lilts wa- oter t'-ree runs were a rocs the plae and the visitors had a lead of two runs. Xlanagr Stahl placed his star I Itehc. ,loe Wood, on the mound In only two Inninzs wa? the" mnnndsraan hit hard, his dazzling spd contin ued undiminished until the 'ast man was struck ont Wood fanned eleven batters ind ga'e only two babes on balls. Held Them Scoreless. New York's first edge was to run thr column Wood held them score less until the third Inning, when a'ler Tesreau fanr-ed. Devore worked Wood for a base on balls. Doyle put up a high fly to left, which fell too far back for either Gardener or Wagnr to reach. Doyle reached second on a hit. but Devore was held at third. Then Mi'rrav caught one of Wood's inshoots and sent the ball over sec ond for n sing'e and brought Devoro and Doylo over the plate. Tesreau was mlghtlv until the sixth. Twenty Failed to Hit. Twentr Boston players faced his moist ba'l hfnre the first hit was made. That long drive 'or three bases by Speaker, who came home for the "first run for the American leagimrs on an infield out by Duily Lewis. The seventh Inning saw the end of Tesreau. Three singler and a dou ble which sent three Boston playrs home, caused Manager McGraw to quickly see the visitors hsd solved Tosreau's delivery. Wagner started tho trouble for Tesreau In the sev enth, after Stthl had been retired by sending a line drive to the center. Cadv followed with another liner to renter and tho Boston delegations In the tand turred loose a lusty cheer, Wood Forced Cady. Wood force,i ran at second, but Hooper shot a double pnst Merkle. putting WVgner acrosi the plate. sending Wood to third. Yerkes re sponded with a sharp drive to In field and Hooper and Wood had a scamper ovr ths rubber. With the lead of two runs .the lo cals had to take the offensive and nobly responded with a ninth inning rally, which railed by one run or ty ing the score. "We won. as I thought we would, Itit the New Yorks gave us a great flgliL" said Manager Stahl. "The ser ies Is Just beginning." said Manager SlcGraw. "We by no means are dls heartened by today's defeat." Score by innings. Boston 0 00001300 4 New York 0 02000001 3 Two base hits: Doyle. Hooper, Wag- (Continued on Page 2) ; v -W gsrsyy" rii-iv'.vaV&wy;-n-:,".;j,ty;frwJ .--, -i 4f '..