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PAGE THREE THE BISBEE DAILY REV IEW. BISBEE, ARIZONA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9. 1912. U i p rf i I CHINESE PLAN CIVIC GENTER Los.Angelcs Orientals Plan to Makq a "Chinatown" Beautiful" in South- California crn WEALTH IS PLENTIFUL LOS ANGELES. Oct. 8. "A China town neauttful" Is the slogan that has Just been adopted by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Ange les. Plans have been approved which will Involve the construction of a large numbtr of artistic buildings of the Oriental type, with a Cantonese lea Karri en. pagodas, a miniature lake, an electric fountain and other features that will make Ios Angeles Chinatown a vcrltabiil "climwe of the Forb.dden City," and an attrac tion for tourists that will prove de cidedly novel and Interesting. Believe In Astheicltm. The Lou Ange'es Chinese believe that by. malting tinir local colony a "beauty sjof they will not only prove that they are progressive, but that they will win i:-rater favor anions the Americans and attract more patron age. The nw Oriental quarters, thev plan, shall i-c -)0 attractl that jo tourist will leave the city without !s Itirg them; and they hope to mal.e their shop windows so inviting that their business in Oriental curios, r.n tlqurUIes. etc will bo greatly in creased. Plan Civic Center. There is a possibility that the new "Chinatown Heautlful" cannot be built on the present site, as the city of I.os Angeles is planning a large civic cen ter near the present Chinatown, which, is apt to encroach upon it; and one of the railway companies also is planning to construct termin als in this locality; hence tlw new Chinese colony may be either i n All eo street or further sot'th on Alameda street. As soon as tli city has de cided on its plans for th civic cen ter, the Chinese will begin their work on the more artistic Oriental quar ters. Wealthy Chlnr-e In'rresttc'. A wealthy Chinese company Is said to be interested In the plan, and the Chinese believe they will have no difficulty In obti.ning funds for the erection of a raudsomo temple, new stores, pacod ip, e' If the plan can be worked out 1,1 thH city and McKinley Lets Loose of $290,000 ToHelp Taft Get Nominated Brothers of President Give $150,000 and Three Others $25,000 Each Executive WASHINGTON. Oct 8. Congress man W. H. McKinley, prc-convention manager tor Taft, testified before th.j senate committee today that he had spent J29O.000 for the president's can didacy, and said J160.000 was sub scribed by Henry Tart ana cjtianes Taft, the president's brothers; that John Hays Hammond, J. Stotsbuiy and Andrew Carnegie each gave $23, 000. Ormsby McIIarg, Roosevelt manager at the Chicago convention, told the committee he spent between $25,000 and $30,000 In pre-conventlon work for Colonel Roosevelt In the south. The Ink Bag Squid. When tbo squid Is alarmed the Ink bag that connects with the siphon opens its valve and a cloud of tho black fluid is ejected into the water, where it becomes quickly diffused, forming an effectual bar to pursuit. The squids also have a faculty of changing- their color with great rapid ity, and when laboring under great excitement, waves of color seem to pass over them In quick succession. Their motions are extremely rapid; darting along with the velocity of light, now rushing Into a school of small fry tall first, turning quickly to seize a victim and press It against the birdlike beak where, by making triangular nips, the vertebrae Is gen erally instantly severed. It Is Inter esting to note that the bite is always In tho same place the nock. Charles Frederick Holder. Tacks Collector. Tho story is told of a Pennsylvania man who woke up with a thirst the other night and drank a pint of car pet tacks. To make the tale complete he should havo swallowed a hammer as a chaser. Toledo Blade. successful, it is be'loved the move ment will be taken up in a'l the other largp cities, and the notorious "Chi natown" eyesores, that have frequent ly brought tbo Chinese Into iMsrcpute, will be tlrlngs of the past. Many Chi nese progressives are urging strict conformity tn American customs, lit the matter of buildings, clothing, etc II. S. CONSUL 10 60 10 MORALES InvoiccWiHrBc Taken of Damage DoneJ to Houses of Mormons by the Mexican Rebels HOMES t6He TAKEN United State? Consul A. V. Dye. temorarily btatloned at Douglas, wilt accompany a party of Mormons to Coloula Morales, there to take an in voice of the damage to Mormon prop- ertv interests which he "wJH forward to the state department a'tiAVashlng ton for collection from the feMexIcaa government, according to reports from Douglas. Consul Dye .requested permission of the state jjotfattment 1o accompany the colonfsfaitei their homes at Colonla Morales 'add per mission was granted1. i A number of the Moraleft,,cofnlsts nre In Illsbee and the report of the" American consul on cor.dttlonstfrtt the colony will be awaited br,tflm with interest .WfiL Will Start 1oAffi!ut A Mr Dye was not certain jilt, ja rno exact time when ho wouliWjLMftj but thought the colonists woukQjnroflably be anxioi'8 to )nve at otttog; It Is therefore quite probable thaif he will co out this morning or early In the afternoon. 7" General Sanjincz hasTtl'spatched 200 federals to the colony In accord ance with his promlst "'to Bishop Ullvwhlte. They were expected to reach the colony last night or today. t la tiplleved here lhat the feder- nls will promptly dispossess the Mex- cans who nave usurpeu me iiuiues ui the colonists, and dc much to allay env possible chance of danger to th? colonists or the official representative of this government Mr. Dye was uncertain also about tho probable length of his stay In tho colony. He did not think It probable that he would find It possible to com plete tho work before him In less than two days, and It may require more time. J. W. Copeland. of Dayton. Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, pnd before the bottle was all used the bov's cold was gone. Is that not better than to pay a Ave dollar doctor's bill For sale by all dealers. Advertisement. 1 m -"' mm I liin a-? 1 -v U4vvr JL XSlAAA V T JLUJLUg JL J JL 1UVC I Can Cure You To That End I Am Giving Away $10,000 Worth of Medicine In order to show beyond all doubt that I am in possession of a medicine that will cure kidney trouble, bladder trouble or rheumatism. I will Mil yenr Kle away ten thousand dollar' worth ot this medicine, and anyone (ufferlnK from those diseases can c?t a box ot It absolutely tree. All that la nccrssary Is to tend me your address. I don't mean that you are to use a part of It or all of it and pay me It cured. I mean that I will send you a box of this medicine absolutely free ot charge, a Klft from me to the uric Acid sufferers of the world, so I can bIiow them where and how they may be cured. I will not expect payment for Oils free medicine, nor would I accept It now or later If you sent it. It 1 tree In the real meaning of the word. For twenty-five year a quarter of a century I have been trying to convince the public tlint I have something- genu lne. something better than others have for the cure of stubborn, chronic rheu matism, for torturing kidney backache. for annoying calls to urinate. But It la hard to convince people they try a few things unsuccessfully and give up all hope and refuse to listen to anyone thereafter. Happily. I am In a position now to demonstrate to sufferers at my own expense that I hare a medicine that cures tbe diseases. I don't ask them to spend any money to find out . I don't ask them to believe roe; nor even to take the word of reliable people, but all I ask is that they allow me to send them the medicine at my own cost Tliat is surely fair To this end I have set aside ten thou sand dollar, which will be used to com pound my medicine. Much of It U ready now to be sent out, all of It fresh and standard. There will be enough for all sufferers, though there be thousands of them. And anyone who needs It can Ket some of It free. But tn order that I shall know that you have a disease for which this medicine is intended, I ask you to send me some of your leading symptoms. It you have any of the symp toms In tho list printed here you need my medicine and It you will write me I will gladly send you a box of It free with full directions for your use. Look the symptoms over, see which symptoms you hate, then write me about as fol lows: "Dear Dr.. I notice symptoms number" here put down the numbers, give your age. full address, and send It to me. My address Is Dr T Krank Lynott, 9157 Deagan Bldg., Chicago, 111. The ten thousand dollar I am spend ing for the compounding of my medi cine is only a part of the money I am devoting to this cause, for the package of medicine I send you will be fully pre paid at my expense. From any stand point you view It. TOU Incur no expense or obligation. Just tell others who you know are suffering who sent you the medicine that cured you. I am promising to give away ten thou sand dollars' worth of mtdlclne. and I 3jVm Waste Not, Want Not, These Words were never truer than when spoken of in connection with money- It's the saving, NOT wasting of money that in sures vou against want when old In oidcr not to vaste yours, save and deposit with this bank steadily. a r r-pnt interest will be added. Citizens Bank and Trust Company WBtB .. l Ctvoar Will E. McKei President. Ttlsbee. Arizona C. A. McDonald, Cashier. O. W. Wolf, Assistant casnier. DR. T. FRANK LYNOTT w bo U f Win aw7 $10,000 worth of mediclae. will do that I am promising to send any ufferer who writes me a box of tnis medicine ana tun directions tree oi .charge, and I will do that I can say I further that thla medicine has been vouched for according to law as coniply I Ing In every detail with all requirements. It win stop rheumatism, it win stop pain and backache. It will stop too frequent desire to urinate, it will heal, soothe and strengthen. You wUl be better In every way for having taken It. There Is not an Ingredient that can injure; not one but will benefit All that I ask Is that you use It yourself so that you may be personally convinced. Owing to the large number of re quests, I have had ten thousand more copies of my medical book printed. Tills book Is new and up to date and contains complete descriptions, symptoms, causes, effects and cures of kidney, bladder and rheumatic diseases. All who write for the free medicine will be sent a copy of this grand Illustrated medical book the largest ever written on these diseases for free and general distribution. It you need medicine such as I have. If you are anxious to be cured and don't want to spend any money LOOKIN'S for cures, write me. Read the svmptorrn over and let mo hear from you today. These Are the Symptoms : 1 Pain In th batk. 2 Too frequent l-lr to urinate. 3 llurnlnr orolMtnictlon rurlit. 4 I'aln or orfiicwi In the bladder.. olrotAtle trotibl. tt-Ctiu or pain In tit tomaeli. ? rnrnlilcbllltr.wfnkneM,llzslneM. 8lnln or umler right rib. t-nrWIInr In uny part of lb bodr. lO- Constipation or liter trouble. 1 1 Iatpltatlfn or pain under (Uo beart. 14- jVwlnlu ttwtbtp Joint. 13 ltla In the neck or lieml. 1 1 lnln ortMM-eneMlti tlmkldney. 1 A I'ulu or swelllne of I be Jwliil. 1 fl I'ttln or Kweliitit; of tbo munele, 17 laln and normrwi In nerve. 18 Actite or chronic NteuniatUm. L. J. OVERLOC BROKER Connecting with Logan & Bryan Private Wire System at Denver CORRESPONDENTS: Paine Web ber 4. Co., Bo Ion and Calumet. Logan & Bryan, Chicago and New York. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COPPER STOCKS $ P&i,1Mn CcnrafCoT Urn H j. Three Good Pals Breakfast time should be the "curtain raiser' of a happy day. But the day can't be a happy one with ill health. - Coffee is often a disturbing factor. It contains a drug caffeinethat gets on the nerves of many a naturally happy-tempered man or woman, resulting in "crossness" and irritability. But now comes Instant Postum which is absolutely free from any drug. This new food-drink makes "good company" at breakfast or any other meal. Manufactured from choice Northern wheat and the juice of pure Southern sugarcane, it is prepared at table instantly by stirring a level tea spoonful, direct from the tin, in a cup of hot water and adding cream and su gar to taste. Everyone can drink it with happy results. Grocers Sell Instant Postum 100-cup tins50 cts. 50-ciip tins 38 cts. A sample tin (to make 5 cups) will be mailed you for 2c stamp to cover postage. POSTUM CEKBAL CO.. LTD, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. ES REBELS, IN BISBEE J. S. Hunter Guest at Cop per Queen Hotel Had Thrilling Experience Very few of the other guests at tho Copper Queen hotel know that the small, whlto haired, dlinnflod guest who mlnjrles amoni; them was a man nhose thrilling experience In M xico a short time ago had awak ened Keneral lndlsnatlon at the course pursued by the rebels, that he had been captured, Vound. placed on a horse and threatened with death un less $2,000 was paid them and had finally compromised with them at S500 and made his escape, pursued by ono of the leaders who believed h had escaped too cheaply. Stays Until Driven Away. This was J. S. Hunter, one of the Americans who went through excit ing experiences tit the Transvaal mines west of Cnmpat.. With Him was H. C. Beaucharap, manager oi ihe Transvaal company who stayed by the property during all of the Mn dero Insurrection and relctantly left after the eTperience of Mr Hunter and other company employes. They hurried from Cumpas where Mr. Hunter rode with all speed after mak ing his escape from the rebels who looted their property at the mines. Consult on Mlnlnq Matters. In Blsbee Mr Beauchamp and Mr. Hunter met W. H. Weed, the well known minim; man who ha9 pro nounced" so favorably on the Trans vaal property that the company was contemplating tho building of a rail road before conditions in Sonora reached their present evil state. Here there was a consultation on mining matters held. Mr. Benuchamp states that he ex pects to re-enter Sonora for his com pany once rao'e when conditions be come normal but in the meantime he contemplates sntering on some min ing ventures on this side of the lino and has recently been examining two properties with a view of acquiring them The party left yesterday fore noon. ii ' I MADE OF NEGRO WOMEN'S AGTS Why not buy a house and quit paying rent? Be your own landlord, we nave a unc vanciy i....... . . bargain, part cash, balance monthly payments; 6 room house on Roberts Ave.; 5 room house on Quar ry Canvon; 3 room house on Higgins Hill, b room house on Laundry Hill, 4 room house in Tombstone Canvon, 3 room huse in Jiggerville, 5 room house in Upper Lowell. For these and others see HOGAN AND SEED Real Estate and Fire Insurance Phone 10. "Home, Sweet Home." The orlglual manuscript of "Home, Dweot Home" la said to have been buried in the grave with Miss Harry Harden of Athena, Qa. She was John Howard Payne's sweetheart, but re fused to marry him in deference to her father's wishes. After she was separated from her lover she shot herself In the old family mansion, see ing none but a few members of tha little church to which she belonged. Independent. Mothers Day In Neighborhood. A woman in Maryland contributes the following to tha Woman's Home Companion Department of Practical Household News: Tour mothers in i little town have one day in a week that they call "Mothers' day.' Ono 3fi them keeps her own and the chll iren of tho other three all day while the other mothers go shopping or vis 'ting, or rest" NOTICEI Returns by innings of the world's charrfpfdn base ball series will be ro clved at the Legal Tender, Lowell. -Advertisement. 7C7. First Warning Will Be Given Followers of Enlisted Men in the Ninth Cavalry Itesidnts of Bakersvllle have made Informal co'nplaint to county otllc rs j regarding the conduct of certain I negn women, camp followers of the i Ninth (colored) regiment of caalry stationed at Warren, who are said to c making Bakersvllle 'heir hcad nuarttrs, as b?ing convenient tj the troopers' camp. First warning will bo given 'ind if then thpre is cause for complaints nrrests of these negro women com plained of will he made. Residents of Bakersvllle sa that the shameful conduct of the women is an oprn in ult to the respectable residents of that suburb Blsbee othcers have noted the pres ence of many strange nepro men in the city and their presence is also accounted for by tho presence of the Ninth cavalry here, the men follow Ing up the cai-ip to play the soldi' rs for their service money. COPPER QUEEN HOTEL and Hign Class uaie EUROPEAN PLAN Sne-ial $1 00 Table d'Hote Dinner From 5;30 !o 8 p. m. p I.r Sflr. Ihe Daily HENRY P0PPEN, Manage Labor Still Supreme. Science has accomplished a lot of new things with water power and air power, but hasn't Improved on man power. Nothing so far. In the history of humanity, has been discovered as an acceptable substitute for honest, steady labor. Herbert Kaufman. Easy to Get Rid of Corns THIS Way GETS-IT The New Corn Guaranteed. Cure In VkIjI P a 1 ace Livery and Undertaking Co. Bowen & Hubbard, Proprietors AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Phone Phone Blsbeo 23 Lowell 7 1- 'w'tfl "Corns Gone GETS-IT Got 'Em!" "GETS-IT" is the new-plan corn cure that will surely surprise' you the very first time you use it. it is so simple, painless, quick and sure in its action. It shrivels up the corn, wart, callous or bunion, separates them from the tme flesh, the corn comes off, and there you aro with feet that feel pos itively glorious; corn-free once more as they used to be in your "barefoot days." The most remarkable feature Is that "GETS-IT" does not harm, or turn raw the healthy flesh as 'other prep arations do. It is as safe as water No more plasters, bandages or salves. "GETS-IT is sold at drug stores-at 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. Sold in Blsbee by Blsbee Dnig Co.. Central Pharmacy, Phelps Dodge Mer. Co. Advertisement. 7S6 HENDERSON LT'M CO AD BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Are made of good materials, good lumber roofing, etc, Is required iu their constriction. If you are contemplating building n homo you should exorcise good Judgment in selecting the materials to be nsed In Its construction. If you buy of us you will get the best and at prices no higher than in ferior materials pre sold at elsv where. HENDERSON WATKINS Lumber Go. PLUMBING PHONE 268 MAINLAND-WOOTTON Next Fair Hall TINNING JOHN A. CAiMPBELL 214 Douglas Bids, Los Angeles, Calif- HOMES ACRES RANCHES For Sale or Exchange CALIFORNIA -- ARIZONA SEND ME YOUH INQUIRIES The Southern Pacific Railroad Of Mexico, Maintains at NACO, Arizona . Sonora A Customs Brokerage ' Agency under the management of T. E. PASCHAL. Forward your shtomen1 In hit care. He Pays All Expense and collects from consignee on de livery of shipment at destination Service prmpt and efficient Charges moderate. The Line has just been opened to TEPIC Let us tell you something of the LANDS and MINE3 of the West Coast of Mexico. H. LAWTON, a. F. & P. A. Guaymas, Sonora THE ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO RAILROAD GO, PASSENGER SERVICE 7:35 a. m. Lt Clifton ar. :03 p. m, 8 i a. m. Lt Guthrie jjt 2:30 p. m. 9:00 a, m. Lt Bunran Lr 2:38 p. a 10:23 a. m. Lr Lordzcurc L-r 1:33 p. a 11:30 a, m. Ar Hachlta Lt 12:10 P; m. South bound train connects with Southern Pacific, west bound train No. 1, leaving Lordaburg 10:E7 a. m Mountain Time. South bound train connects with E3 Paso & Southwestern east boun train for El Paso, leaving Hachlta at 11:55 a. m., Mountain rime, and with -vest bound train lor Douglas and Blsbee, leaving Hachlta at 11:CI a. m.. Mountain Time. A. T. THOMSON. TVt VftiM' nilfto Kri O. K. LIVERY and UNDERTAKING Co. ROBERT HENNE8SY, Prop. Phone 15. Op. Depot Ambulant THE SIIATTUCK AGENTS ANHEUSER BUSCH BEER SQUIRREL WHISKY PHONE 242 4 p "5iffflij ' i rl 'npmnW)ip