Newspaper Page Text
17 k Uvl" ftl ' sv.i VlNl th2! ."flCwM r. 1 4 -T 'jSBL ar ,jjL, ... iH.Ta." Pffffi S :. -Jfl. ir ,,j? '.i'j j.i is ;-& iLjjaL.i!..-ti:-.jcjitcj fMMMVHW &" ' f 9S"lfl vs . THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE. ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1912. PAGE FIVE -...... i '. I . .i i . i .a Aana. it I . ... in ii . "'T'1""" "''JMOiJl.llSHX?. COURT EXPENSE SMS ADVANCE Taxpayers' Ass'n. Slakes In vestigation of Adminis tration of Cochise Su perior Tribunal INCREASEIS NORMAL J. N. Gaines, secretary of the Co chise county taxpayers' i-stoc:ation. has completed an Investigation of the administration of the sujxiror court of the county and has made the fol lowing report of his findings to the association: "Two department under the terri torlal government, the district court and probate court, are combined in the superior court. The count paid no part of the district Judge's salary One-half of the superior judge's sal ary is paid by the county, the other half by the state. Clerk's Salary "The district clerk was allowed, by law, $200 per month as salary, ami one deputy at $100 per month, and a second deputy at $75 per month, by order of the court, provided the earn ings of the office In criminal fees and civil fees amounted to the sum of these. "The courts held that the clerk was entitled to all miscellaneous fees earned, in addition to his salaiy. 'The salary of the clerk of the su perior court is $2,700 per annum, and two deputies at a salary of $125 per month each. All fees earned are turned into the county treasury. "From the time of admission as a state to July 1, the total fees turned in by this office is J2.59S.00. 'The expenses of the court are nec essarily increased at any time of the year that criminal cases are being tried. This increase is shown urder the heads of 'bailiffs.' 'juries' and 'court orders.' There was more crimi nal courts in 1912 than in 1911. during the period of time treated In this re port. Increase In Expenses The increase in 1912 for this depart ment is $3,041.73. Statehood expenses $1,823.00 Bailiffs 173.50 Juries 1.SC5 40 Court Orders 33C.85 Gardner, clerk former ad ministration, charged to this period 71.3 Total $3,770.70 "This show3 a normal decrease in the operation of this department in actual operating expenses, with two courts combined in one. County Law Library "The county had the same right to purchase a library underthe territor ial government, but the necessity of it did not seem to be apparent. This Is for the use olthe superior court and the county attorneys oface The purchase of a county library sufficient to make a complete working hfcrar; used in conjunction with the libraries owned personally by t;o superior judge and county attorney, was re commended by thtse two oQcers, and granted by the board. The Figures 1911 Salaries of judges and clerks Supplies and expenses llnlltffs Reporter Interpreter Juries Court orders rv,nrt' wimmisslnnfir Probate court County library SAVES LEG OF BOY "It seemed that ray 14 rear old boy would have to lose his leg on ac count of an ugly ulcfr, caused by n bad bruise," writes I). F. Howard, Aquons, N. C, "Al! Tcmedies and tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and cured him with one r-ox " Cures, burns, bolls, skin eruptions, plies 20c at all druggists. Adv 720 C O F Rich v tasti in igorating in effect. If yor Ivve nev r tried this coffee you are missing the'f,est that then, u in an exh'lnratinjj beverage. J. B. Ai mAFPi&-r& yu as fr beer do not take a sub W tt2Tl stitute. Insist on having The Tann- hauser Beer, (the beer that is bottled at the Brewery.) Delivered to you at $3.50 per case, .. . if your grocer does not have it, call Phone 243 I You w GOMMERGiAL CLUB 10 DISCUSS DIRECT RULE Commission or Similar Form of Government Will Be Debated Tonight When the hoard of directors of the Warren D.strlct Commercial club mets tonight the matter of a com mission form of government or some similar method, will be a subject for consideration and the directors In ite all who are interested in the matter to attend this meeting to ox press their idas. At that time the methods to be employed in launching a movement In that direction will be explained as will all the st-ps that lead up to the culmination of the idea. To Discuss City Rule. It was decided a week ago that the next meeting of the Commercial club directors should be largely devoted to the matter of cit government, the most desirable form that can be ob tained under Arizona constitution and laws. This was suggested by M Newman and was immediately acted upon. This does not mean that a movement looking to such a form of government la Bli-bee Is ictually un der way but Is preliminary to such a movement. It being neceseary to sound public sentiment first That the club will start such a movement has not been determined but the ac tion taken at this meeting may have such a tendency. The directors of the club, feel that this matter' is one of Veen interest to every taxpayer in the city and that in the Interest of economv of government the club might well un dertake getting back of the project Wliat other cltifs arc do'ns In this line will be tcld those who care to attend In this connection the sec retary of the club states that these meetings of directors ire op'n at all times to any members of the club or other citizens who wish to attend and at this time all such will be especial ly welcomed ARIZONA CROP ROMS TREATED IN ARTICLE In the OctoV r issue of Motor Field, a magazine devoted to automo biles and good roads there appears a two page article on the subject of road building in Arizona. This was prerared late in the summer by Sec retary Gray of the Commercial club and deals with the methods that are being employed for the construction of a state highway system in the state. Besides dealing wltl stato high ways in general. Secretary Gray treated of them in connection with the proposed Ocean to Ocean trans continental ro ite and in Oil way was able to & e the Borderland route some excellent advertising. In this connection he has dwelt especially on that section of the nordcrland that runH between Douglas, BIsbee end Tucson. inc. 191 1 $2160 31 13999 173.50 SOU 00 l",fi5 40 33C.&5 Dec 1912 1M2 2JM6.2I'. 1705 71 496.00 785.20 5tt (Ml 5326 60 ih; 10 133.10 7;.9." .108.72 322.50 l!?. JL,, 3961.80 80ij-?? 3..0 846 0 1527 83 1X94 '.0 S4X6P 042.00 If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorder of the stomach are their moat com mon ailment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain's Stomach and Lir Tablets excellent. They aro easy and pleasant to take, and mild ind gentle In effect. For sale by all dealers. 4dv 727 F THE PURE FOOD GROCERY" E I 4 Boston & Brown Agents of the Copper City Brewing Co. K IEAHS WILL Till SCHOOLS" Pedagogues of State Institu tions to Meet in Phoenix and Analyze Criticism Against Them to suggest"remedies On the last day of October and on the flrt day of November the teach ers will ineot at Phoenix and they will take cognizance of the criticism of public schools. Itccent magazine articles have brought seathlng indict mcrtB ngrlnst public schools, not nee eesarilv those of Arizona but the pub lic school syst?m as a system. The fact thrt the teachers who will meet at Phoenix compose the State Teachers' association gives the discussion of the question ofilclal cog nizance and the deliberations of the association and Its answer to the criticism, whether It be a plea of guilty or an Indignant denial and an acot'Ittal. will be of public interest Will Learn Causes. "Is there a general dissatisfaction, with the public schools?" That Is me question mat me leacners win ask of tnemselves and if there Is found to be dissatisfaction they will ask thcmfcches the question- "What are the causes of this dissatisfac-tlon'-' and answer if. The terxchers will not stop at nsk Ing and answering these momentous luestlons, however, for they wll sug gest remedies for the correction of tbe evils of the svstera. Sub-heads of the main question to be discussed are as 'ollows. (a) organization of the school system: (b) insufficient funds, (c) Inefficient teachers; (d) non adaptability of schools to needs; (e) Is the dissatisfaction justified br the real conditions; (f) suggested reme dies and how they will create satis faction. Schools Criticised. Critics of the public school system charge that schools have not been keeping jp with the pace of progress In other lines of endeavor and that thp system Is out of sympathy with the needs of the reople. Tho program of 'Iscusslon. It will be noticed, pre-sun-poses a verdict of guilty but ft also provides for the suggestion of reme dies. This discussion, which is scheduled for the first day's meeting, i3 uniqua In a way Instead of waiting for out side application of remedies, the pub lic school system, through it repre sentatives, the teachers proposes to diagnose Its own case .and. if neces sary, to make its own prescriptions, even order the operation. The pro gram of discussion Indicates that the teachers will open the way for the administering of whatever medicine li needed for whatever ill that is found. Prcgrjim More Important. The program of the second day's meetirg l no less important than the flrst as it will be devoted to a dis cussion of the relat'on of the teach er, through the schools, to publls welfare, as suggested by the follow ing topics- (a) a civil service system for teachers, (bl iension; (c) auto mata promotion of teachers; (d) an increase of salary based on promo tional or professional examinations ns adopted by the cities of Chicago. Kansas City. Baltimore. Doston, Sagi naw and Springfield, O ; (e) profes sional advancement secured by tak ing an advanced course of study in approved universities in summer or at other times nnd travel at home and abroad. Closer Relation Ured. A closer relation between schools and the public welfare was endorsed by Woodrow Wilson In a recent speech and slnca that time It ha been given much discussion by the press of the country and by speak ers. Mr. Wilson has urged that the school house he made the center of public welfare movements getting back to tho spirit of the "town meeting" as It was practiced In the New tmgland ttates and, prior tc- that tim-. In England. It is not known how many teachers from this county will attend the meet tii!T at Phoenix but Professor C. V. philhroolr superintendent of the schools of this district, hag said that he will attend. A LOG ON THE TRACK of 'he fast express means serious trouble ahead if not removed, so does doctors treatments failed, till we loss of pppettte It means lack of loss of strength and nerve weakness. If appetite falls, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by toning up the stomach and enripg the Indigestion Michael Hesfelheimer. of Uncoln, Neb., had been sick over three years but six bottles of Electric Bitters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They give pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at all drugglstes. Adv. i Phone 243 1 to Vote Register Before GOOD JEWELRY LIKE GOOD CLOTHES is a sign of success. ' Men respect others who appear prosperous, and are apt to place confidence In them. It la a fact proven time and again. at the One Price Store. You get quality, Price and Goods as represented HENKEL JEWELRY CO. FREE! A Full Size 50c Box of Make-Man Tonic Tablets Arft Vrtll wnnlr on1 tiA..v..n) T you sufter from backaches, rheumatism, or kidney trrabUf Ara your atotnach and eL vo that you can't enjor your meala any morer Ae yoo kine irtichU Do you aletp poorly? I. roar body weak and eryin for aomethine that ia Uektat? What you moat likely need la more rich. I'dre blood courslnj thronco yoor veina. rlrlct life and Ttror to yoor entire ayitera. Your body & 'amished. Yoor entire ytteta iarryinc fornonr- ...bHw '""wuuunMURiDnc. neaim-Kiv-In jr. pnre-blood-makine tonic Mmtt.ManTonie Takltlr-they help make men and women trons7 they rire new We. new atrecrth. to im-psverahed.rnn-dotrn.over-worked nerrona aya- not know theae wonderful health-xiTinir. life arinutableU.wemakethiaununualoffenSimpry cat out coupon, fill In your nam and addreas- end no money Jnst the coupon, and you win receive absolute! free, oorrf ruUrSOcent boiof MakMan Tonic TabUlt. Remember. end no money there U no atrlnit tied to thia offer, all hat wi atlt ia that jrua try thia JO-cent box. Legal Advertisements. MINERAL APPLICATION NO. 016804 Mineral Application No 016801 United States Lana omce. Phoenix, Arizona, Aug. 29, 1912. Notice. Is hereby given that James M. Howlett, whose postofflce address Is Kelvin. Arizona, has mado application for pat ent to the American loda claim. I Mineral Survey No. 2851. situated ap proximately in Tp. 23, S. K. 21 E. G. & S. n. B. & M.. Warren Mining Dis trict, Cochise County, Arizona, de scribed as follows: Beginning at Cor. No. 1 whence U. S M. M. No. 4 War ren Mining District brs. N. 46 deg. 26 mia. W. 3231.6 fL, thence N. 74 deg. 30 mln. E. 300.4 ft. to Cor. No. 2. thevce S. 32 deg. 06 min. E. 82.7 ft. to Cor. No. 3, thence S. 86 deg. 43 min. W. 328.6 fL to Cor. No. 4, thence N. 32 deg. OS min. W. 10 ft. to Cor. No. 1 the place of tho beginning. The location notice of tbe American claim ir. recorded In the Recorder's office of Cochise County, Arizona, In Book 32 at page 557. Adjoining claims are Virginia lode Sur. No. 1347 on tbe north; OrmCnd lode Sur. No. 1?,03 on the east and Baton Rouge lode Sur. No. 1393 on the south. Area In con fllct with Virginia lode Survey No. 1347 amounting to 0.033 acres Is ex pressly excluded from this application. FRANK H. PARKER. Register. Date of First Publication September 1, 1912. 310 IN THE JUSTICE COURT Precinct No. 28, County of Uoehlse, state or Arizona. Johnson and Matzell, a co-partner ship. Plaintiffs, vs. W. F. Glenn. Defendant SUMMONS Action brought in tho Justice Court of Precinct No. 28 In and for tho County of Cochise, in the State of Arizona. In tbe Name of the State of Arizona. To W. F. Glenn Defendant, Greet ing: You are Hereby Summoned and re quired to appear in an action brought against you by V" nbove named plaintiffs In the Justice Court, of Pre cinct No. 28 In and 'for the County of Cochise, In the State of Arizona, and answer to tho Complaint filed in said Justice Court, at Lowell In said Coun ty, within five days exclusive of the day of service after the service upon you of this Summons, It served with in this Precinct, hut it served without this Precinct, but within the County, ten days; if served out of the County, fifteen days; in all other cases, twenty days, or Judgment by default will be rendered against you. Given under my hand at Lowell Ariz., this 6th. day of September, A. D. 1912. GEO. R. SMITH, Justice of tho Pcaoe of said Pre cinct. 310 IN THE JUSTICE COURT No. 2 Precinct, County of Cochise, btato of Arizona. Phelps, Dodge Mercantile CO, Flaintifl vs. W. F. Glenn, Defendant SUMMONS Action brought In. the Justice Court of No. 2 Precinct, In and for tha County of Cochise, in the State of Arizona. In the name of the State of Arizona: To W. F. Glens, defendant. Greeting: You are hereby summeped and re quired to appear In an actio., bought against you by tbe srfxrve w-)e4 plaintiff iu tbe Justice Court of No. 2 Precinct, In and for the Coun ty of Cochise, in the State of Arizona, and answer to the complaint hied in said Justice Court, at BIsbee, In cald County, within five days ex clusive of the day of service, after the service upon you of this Sum mons if served within this Precinct; but If served without this Precinct, but within the County, ten days; If served out of tho County, fifteen days; in all other cases, twenty days, or judgment will be taken' against ycu. against you. -, ' Given under my hand at Blsbeo this 9th day of Sept, 1912. M. C HIGH. Justice of the Peace of said Precinct. En.Hft 'SPllE?-' 8"! BK . road ------. .-.----, vmsw iiwif 1U SCOW 1 the way. We are wflUott aad anaiooa te K- 7. i' " "" " un Jouto ly??r,",',,n,hrornothyc'bolielpta rm. can you i res bt so earnest an aypeaP Poryonr Own aakaanrf lhnukVAl .. .Vt. ni , . - "w wi. vm, ,ui uni lata CMpontodaT.atoncaandmaSittons. -n r-dferasfelaaresoMatandrnrator-aSDn a cox on a truarantea or money refunded. :fMITrV!tT"rtJI.B nitnn . : MAKJtt'y WBtErco.Dfl)t. tea ' --- jmo., voiemro. iji, t la to recvlia, free, a faU-eix Ux-at bot J UN.m. . iddrau ;;crcr.-i , .m; catarrh: DISCHARGES lifcaiVal BJMa.S.a.aamW of counierftUt IHE FIRST GBAYj HI SIGN OF AGE Easy Way to Preserve Nat ural Color of the Hair and Make It Grow A harmless remedy, made from common garden sage, quickly re stores gray hair to natural color. The care of the hair, to prevent It from losing Its color and lustre. Is Just as Important as to care for teeth to keep them from discoloring. Why spend money for cosmetics and cream to Improve the complexion, and yet neglect your hair, when gray hair 1b even more conspicuous and suggestlvo of a?e than wrinkles or a poor complexion Of the two. It Is easier to preserve the natural color and beauty of the hair than It is to have a good complexion. All that If necessary is the occa slonal use of Wyth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common garden Sage and Sulphur, combined with other valuable reme dies for dry. harsh, faded hair, dan driiff. Itching scalp and falling hair Aftor a few applications of this sim ple, harmles? remedy, your hair will gradually be restored to Its natural color. In a short time the dandruff will be removed, and vour hair will no longer come out but will start to grow as Nature intended It should. Don't neglect vour hair, for It goes further than any'hlng else o make or mar yoi'r good looks. You can buy this remedy at any drug store for fifty certs a bottle, ind your druggist will give your money back If you are not satisfied after nMng. inirchase a bottl today. You will never regret It when yon realize the difference dvertisoment. 79o For Women Who Care Of course you use an antiseptic in jour family and In the care of your own per son, and you want the best. Instead of what you have been using Euch as liquid or tablet antiseptics or peroxide, won't you please try Paxtlne, a concentrated antiseptic powder to be dissolved in water as needed. Paxtlno is more economical, more cleansing, more germicidal and more healing than anything you ever used. ANTISEPTIC Tn fY. fi!1i-f.tri Mnne and wHllen 4Va 4utti vAm("ia rarrai" nrl TrTtIlt .UG kVVl 4.uviw . (.-. at-- ' decay. To disinfect the mouth, destroy disease perms, and purify tho breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridjfework Clean ana oaoriess. iu reuiufc uiwmuc from the teeth and purify the breath nftA emnViTifr. Tn pmdipatft rersriira. tlon odors by sponge bathing. As a medicinal arjent tor locai A4fn.nnf s, ..mlnlriA 411 TvllPI- rW1 Vll catarrh, Inflammatlrm and ulceration exist, nothing equals not aoucnes 01 Paxtlne. For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham Med. Co. has been regularly ad rising their patients to use It because of Its extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal pewer. For this pur pose alono- Paxtlne is worth its weight in gold. Also for sa&al catarrh, sore throat, Inflamed eyes, cuts and wounds. All druggists, 23 and 50 cents a box. Trial Immc and testimony of 31 women free on request. THE PAXTONTO'LETCCMljtf '?-- CHICHESTER S PILLS a-TMWt ND IIRAM 1-ILLA, to a. remuoMikSt.S4fal.:yKeUDX SOlSBYMUGGlSTSEVlRYVMei Midnight & y ill JairI AHrMrwniiKinr AV ItUkwbl WimWIIriijAY J'llUla Ka-ed 4lla muUliXV ti. wtel wtta Cta Rtttoa. Y Taka mm slber Bar af vmf " A ft V'laii lva4tt AtfcfotClfi.CfrR DiaHn ST 3 ROYAI XTHEATRE-' PROGRAM FOR TUE8DAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. 'A DAY IN THE GERMAN NAVY" (Topical) "PULP MILLS IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC" (Industrial) "MICROPICAL CURIOSITIES" (Educational) "A CHANGT OF SPIRIT" (Drama) "SILVER WING'S TWO SUITORS" (Indian life portrayal) "WANTED A SISTER" (Up-to-date comedy) The program at the Royal changes three times a week. W select our own program direct from the exchange In Los Angeles. We can assure our patrons of witnessing the UEST IN MOTION PIC TURES, projected right in a theater that, in point of equipment, is second to none In the great southwest Tuesday matinee at 2:30 Admission 10 cents. Evening performances 7 and 8; 15 Admission 10 and 15 cents. ORPHEUM TONIGHT Henry Miller's Starring Success greaFdjvide The Strongest and most Realistic Drama on the American Stage today Prices Remain the Same 25c, 35c, 50c THEATRE- JACOB SCHMID, Prop. 21 Reels of Pictures a Week Program changes every day An hour of high class entertainment awaits you at this show house Admission 5c and 10c HAIGLER The Real Estate and Insurance Man ALL MILLION DOLLAR FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. BUSINESS INVESTMENTS AND HOMES FOR SALE. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE 76 Opposite Depot. PHONE 76 WHERE QUALITY and SERVICE COUNT Independent Fuel & Feed Company GALLUP COAL PROMPT DELIVERY OUR SPECIALTY Brophy Carriage Company Telephone 284 , THE ANTLERS CAFE. . 'MAIN STREET OPPOSITE P. O. PHONE 221 WM. ROBINSON of October 14th. Exclusive Agents. Lee's Poultry Supplies Drink ing; Fountains, Feed Boxes, Sprayes, etc. DAWSON ANTHRACITE fr&&JA - SnfXlrii--:''"'; hyav K fl4t A i"a,Wp ffi2SBi so. vvmf'i,-iiaf tv j-sv: p :&3tatwW b L 2(flaMaaaVaWaMBaaisissi mwrp m- T MiM