Newspaper Page Text
wrmms&sr JsmanmBamsmamBmmamessssa ms-mmw MriMmTTriTiiBM man nMi)miirrrtrtftiinnMiTtrtiirMimiltn'aM am n ruMimiff nfcni innfi ' urai V '- 'SRWr? " KfS'' V""" vsp$T?n?r m, ---- ArflZ UIVV. L;n ,, HVi THE BISBEE EVIEW MEMBER ASS0CIA1E0 PRESS. VOLUME 15. BISBEE, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1913. NUMBER 321. DAILY If'l b r tfe SL ftf IE tf KZ-' AH DAY PROCLAIMED February 7th Designated for the Central and Southern Counties; Two Thousand Autos Now Licensed MONTANA BOOSTER TELLS OF WEATHER Order from the Corporation Commission Providing for Uniform Reports to That Body Expected Soon ..NEWS nUIJEAU BISBEE REVIEW. UOM.M 202, N.. It A. BUILDING. PHOENIX. Arlr, Jan. 21. Governor Hunt yesterday issued his annual Ar bor Day proclamation which fixes February Tth as the -lair 10 be ob--irvta In the Central and Southern counties of the srate, and April jRt the date for the five Northern coun ties or the state. The last legislature j very materially increased the scope! of Atbor Day observance wtrlch was rornwiy limited tp observance by public school children. The present law calls for the observance of tho day at all public institutions and by all public official?. While It s declared to be a holiday, the law outlines an observance oC the occasion along th- ljnes of tree planting which sboulu make Mho day n ery busfoneiNfor BY GOVERNOR && la? ''JfeiUSSam' oMie huio uicenses Ten state .tuto licences were Is sued today oy Hon. S. P. Osborn, t-ecretnry of state This brings the total number of amo registrations It. Arizona up to 20ui. ot which number T7 nro fnr mm nf nvttr Jn TinrenMnura i Under the law the last named class or -lO.OO, while other vehicles pay att"i:al legislation. The Investlga annual iWnses of J.". 00. All chaufieur l on w"' be the most "tensive ever licenses. 333 hae been isued by the UI"Iertalen b the commission. It is fclate. Such licenses are issuel for ,ike,-v that in tno weeks a fonnat life and cost their owners $S.D0. The I ordcr Instituting the Investigation are rrqulred to be held b all who'wil1 ,)e lss"eI- Is pointed o-it that operate autos for hire. iihile under the existing laws, the Montana Weather In a letter received at the gover por's otflco this n.ornlng. a corres-I-ondent of the Arizona' chief exec trtlvu writiiiE: from a Montana town waxes enthusiastic over the Idefl wfathrr conditions being onjoyed I: Ills particular locality. Says the le ter, -"We arc having ideal weather! eluce I last wrote you the thermom-S'1 Hit fniilni- in mrkter nnv t.,!... than 10 above zero, and so far wf have not had over fivr feet of snow.- " " tnterstate lines are subject Gm.-R.or Hunt referred the letter the commission's JurlsdicUon. Hoveral of the Southern Arizona Hoards ot Trade. System for Reports. The matter of tho adoption of a unl form rystem of reporting to the cor jioration commission by the transpor tation companies of the state has now bc-n flunllv submlt'ed for decision by tbij commissioner, and an order out lining the form which will be re quired, will probably be Issued by thd commission during the next Ixt days. During ihe hearing concern ing the report fonns a number of wit nesses were examined at the re quest of the railroad reprereniatlves 1 who sought to show that this or tha: feature of the report wonld bt 01 no' value to tbe commission but of great expanse in cost of preparation by the transportation companies. A most Interesting witness was Oent Van Slyek now a reslden of Trinidad. Colorado and general live stocfe for the Santa. Fe lines in the west Van Slyck It developed was an oln AHzqnan. He first can.e Jnto Art 7twa to tho Tonto Hasln Cii'nlry with a cattle outfit from Utah back Irr S-l and "86 began his first rail-oa'J work with the old Atlantic and Pacific road. Important Hearing Members of the corporation com. mission are preparing for' the hear ins whlch Special Examiner Gibson of tbeilnter-Vate Commerce commis rfon i to hold at Phoenix beginning January 23. on coal rates from Gal lup. New Mexico to consuming mar tlets In the state: On fuel oil from Southern California points to Art 7ona point and on paper labels fronv Now York City to Arizona points. In tho firat named matters the commis sion Is a party to the hearing, having made the orirlnal comphMnl while In fne last two name! matters the Pa cific Creamery company made tho rninplaint and the Corporation com iiilnsion will Intervene. Hearing In Los Angeles. On January 27th Comralsslener .Jone will leave for Los. Angeles -where he tDI appear before a bear ing conducted by a special examiner of tho I. C. commission on a pro- 4 -u SUE'S HAVING FINE TIME AT CAPITAT Ht . F I)' nlK hpS "&JPftFatN 1K m jBBr Esther ClerclaaO. Esther Cleveland. lnnph- i Grover Clevelanil and a debutante of the season. ' hating a splen.lid time In Washington, where she will remain most or the winter. She is proving a great favorite with the roungeretat the nafonal capital HAY NEED FURTHER LEGISLATION FOR Commerce Commission Be gins Probing Affairs of lelephone Companies' and .Will Proceed. 20,000 COMPANIES DIRECTLY INVOLVED WASHINGTON, D. C . Jan. 2U Preliminary work was begun today in the Interstate commerce commission's luimusaiion oi me tejcgrapn &no teiepnoiie line? referred to that icay upon Attorney General Wick. v-' aedston-'iliat'he not proceed under the Sherman law against the American Tele Phone and Telegraph and th Cell system. Chairman Lane began the preparation of plans for the In Quiry . ''ore the work Is finished it ma UP inmnoriiy ot tne commission to make- !ftn Irtntilm ta lnt.t....1.1.. .!. J"" ...".J o uuirJJUiuie, IUQ cixacc incut or new lefclslaUon may be nec-cs-sary before tbe results of the in- cttIcatIon can be mode effecUe. It Is fxpected that tho Jurisdiction of the commission 01 er 20.000 tele phone companies In the United Sln,es win b,! attacked In. pan or aj a". .mosi 01 mem are 'ocal comjianles, but it will probably b ?ie!d tnat 5nch of tbem as raay form! . . . .... . . posed advance- of; California and A'ri- zor-a rates by the railroad companies op tin receptlclef.. An order was so cured some time aeo for a temporary s'lepension of the proposed advanced rate and a final ajudication of thy matter will follow the hearing. The shipments in question are used i-xtenslvely by those engaged in the butcher business, the dairying ana apairying industries. It takes rran tfct cans to co'nvev the. honey pro duct of the state to market. , The Arizona production for tbe season jurt closed amounting to over 100 tars. One firm bought sixty earn to be uswl in the flavoring ot ginger fcaiw they sell. GOULD WEDDING IS EVENT OF TORAY Small DiStmPUished Partv V:1! ". u.. t win vju uy iiaui iu Witness Ceremonies XEW YORK. Jan. 21. In striking distinction from the previous wed dings In tbe Gould family, which In variably have been marked by tbe most lavish display second marrJ ages excepted will be tomorrow's ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Helen M. Gould, the third child and eldest daughter of the late "wizard of f'nance," and Flnley J. Shepard. The wedding as already annoanceu will take place at Lyndhurst, iss Gould's country -seat at Tarrylowrn Despite the desire of both parties that tbe wedding should attract as little public attention as possible, 't Is doubtful if any event of Its kind In recent years has attracted more at tention. The. immense fortune pos sessed by Miss Gould, tbe prominence into which she bas been brought uy her many philanthropies, and the (Continued orTPagr2) TT2SS2ZSi2S!SMm I M H Ml i Injunction Cases Will Have Hearing Monday January 27 1 Actions to Set Aside Three j Cent Fare Law Up at San Francisco 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Pal., .tan o 21 The Hearing of petitions of seven transiiortat'.on com- t panies or A r zona lor inliinr- " tions to present the Arizona stale corporatiun commission from enforcing the three cent fare law ratified by the people at the election of November 3, last, will take place Lofure Judges Gilbert, Morrow and s Detrlch In the United States district court hero JaJnuary 27. The first hearing will be held before Judge Morrow, who recently returned from a trip to Arizona where he engaged In organizing the district court ' of the new sute. EXPLANATIONS OF NOTE ARE DEMAND BY DELAYING TURKS Want Information on Sev eral Points Which Otto man Diplomats Do Nor Think Sufficiently Lucid BREACH OF FAITH CLEARLY ASSERTED LONDON. England. Jan 21 Tu ris er wishes certain passages In the note or the powers explained fcefore a re'pl t will be presented. Rechad Pasha, head of the Turkish peace delegation, an-i the Turkish ambassadors to the pov-era- liae been instructed to seeic itiuciuaiion on tne passages in qui'H J tion. Some of the points on which TurK- tfhnrs' 3T'nes explanations areontlVsJ CO"10- lac f!l ri, lAi. . ..... ... .W..1...0. .we jui.iv uuic aaja lil iv In case the war is prolonged, the fate of Constantinople might be put to a question Does this not mean thut the allies might be allowed to attack, conquer and retain Constantinople, or mean that the powers themselves might control the government in tiie Ottoman capital? What SuDDOrt Offered The note speaks of "moral material and benevolent support by the pow ers." What must Turkey understand that? How is this support to be ex tended, under what form and to what extent? What guarantee is there of the fulfillment of this promise? Turkey also asks what assurances the powers offer of the settlement of the question of the Aegean islands in such manner as to exclude further menaces to the security or Turkey. 3pek of Broken Faith . It is said that the Turkish dele gates are endeavoring to obtain satis factory answers to these questions made in reference to what tbey des cribe "Europe's broken faith" In fad- In fA tit n a. fn ..tnnt , " 7 " "" '" '7 ,V'VUT. T" hsh 8Sk .?, I """ 1"Z j-wu.v jwv t wi,u..bu, T..1U&C.C. iii-J resuu ot tne war. A distinguished diplomat, losing pa- tI recommended them not to pr. ,end to more nahe tnan ,hcy since the Turks know well that the stato of the European powers con template Is the only case If the Otto man arms are victorious, as In 18?7, when Turkey defeated Greece, on which question Europe did not permit a change In tbe status quo. SETS ALARM GLOGK AT HOUR OE Testimony at Phoenix Shows I Calm Deliberation of i Accused Man PHOENIX. Ariz.. Jan. 21. Louis Beckton, serving a penitentiary term or murder, who was brought here as ",c Btar witness In the trial of Wil liam Falttn, a rancher, charged wlti tbe murder of his partner. Carl Peter son, last summer swore on the wit ness stand today that Faltin told him' he had deliberately set an clock 'for two a, m, to wake him in I order to kill Peleron. After slajine; bis victim, the witness testified, Fal- tin threw the body Into a wagon an.l hauled It to a (.hallow grave that he had dug some time before the crime vas committed. The discovery of Peterson's body In the grave revealed the crime and resulted In the arrest of Faltin wht, fc charged with killing Peterson by crushing his skull with an iron rod. SHOOT THEIR BENEFACTOR. ST LOUIS, Mo, Jan. 21. Frank N. Slmmcral, a policeman of Granite City, Ills., was shot and dU'igtrously wounded today by men wiiom ho was toting to the city hall lo shelter them froSTthVrokl. r, r, ,, ! IWM 1 iiihiMtiMw rs?ii MiiiHHBfi"ii iMtiilf a in 1 fMi'lfifmi matKxOr'&UrVSnSlf'lSKWKmmStS'i V "I wmm.. MJJ-JKg&mm&L-A i'. iSBBKVuAmViVXVn'SSSSSSriSl'JSiSi,as ftaeMWMwMMWw ni.. ' ROUMANIANS DISLIKE COMING QUEEN; CHOSEN FOR REASONS OF STATE. ROBBER ANOTHER OF PRLNCF GAINING POPULAR ILL-WILL . . .sSEt SiSteOiO1 jUiiyHfctflaHMte. Crotra rrincraft of Rosiunnla and htr daughter Ileana. Iloumania. Jan 21 - splendid Russian connections, with popularity has waned Now tho BUCHAREST. tSpeciab With one exception th most unpopular personage In Rou manlc that Is the unhappv distlii- 1 t.'on of Crown tr ncess Slarle. dausn- ter of th-' Enellsh Duke of Edinburgh and wifg of the crown prince or Rouman a. Twenty-oid years ago the cron prince fell In Iove with the beautifi'.l Helen Vacaresco. He would have raarr.ea ner. j.ut tor-reasons -of state t of tne only woman he had ever loid. It was deemed wise to prevent the I Soon, however, disillusion came. For union. The prince was sent to Eug-1 Marie was Indifferent to the kingdom. laniU.where he met the Duke of Jid- hridlfferent td her husband, whom she Inbursh" jtehte-trjfft did .not loratdfil nofloioi She-refused to take the her, but after two years he yielded 1 trouble lo learn the language or 10 to the tremendous pressure whicii teach her children to iove their conn had been brought to bear upon him. try As the years have passed ner She was a princess ot England, vrVx ' 'ndifference has increased and jier SEND WARSH 10 VERA GRUZ Second Cruiser Is Sent to Mexico This Time Going to the Atlantic Ocean Side SITUATION ALARMING WASHINGTON', D. C. Jan. 21. Alarmed for the safety of United States citizens, whose 1'ves may te In jeopardy because of the widespread Uwlessces3 of Mex.can rebels In Vera cruz state and throughout southern Jlexlco, the state department has again called on the navy to protect the Interests of the United States ci tizens In the Mexican republic Tho gunboat Wheeling Is steaming tonlgnt from .Tampa. Kla for Vera Cruz, where American are said to face a graver crisis than that relieved fy the cruiser Des Moines at'tbst'me of the Diaz uprising of October, 1910. Many Disturbing. Resorts The request oj tbe state department! to tne navy department catne after tha receipt of a long series of reports from United States ambassador Hen ry l.ane Wilson' and consuls In south ern Mexican cities, -ll reflecting condition of anarchy, especially in the state of Vera Cruz, where the federal authorities face the problem of restor ing civil order with a disorganized, divided army. Guerilla warfare, brigandage, the sacking of ranches and villages - aad other desperate crimes place Amer icans and other foreign residents n the state In constant danger- Latcit advices stated that the department has expressed the fear of a worse out break. . .1 ui 1. . ' " " ""wins am..- . 3t Vera Cruz harbor Americans and other foreigners will be taken aboard. Officials express the hope that the sight of her guns may have the same ?lmoraI effect as followed the arrival of aianrt!,,, n ,,, ,- .. Still Against Intervention Today's act'on by the state depart ment Indicates that the administra tion's policy of non intervention will fce adhered to to the close ot Taffa term. While the present administra tion will endeavor to take no action which might embarrass the succeed ing .fgime, it Is taken, for granted that aggressive actios will be resort ed to If the disturbed conditions men ace the safety of UniteJSUtea citi zens. COPPER METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. N. Y Jan. 1, Cop-pe- steadier, electrolytic W2Z to lGJO. exports this' month 1G.1SI tons. London copper steady. V"V ':W -j. ' . . L &., -Tfr SLs. - -i - . dj.Aa. powerful Gorman alliances Whv should a mere matter of love be pei mitted to spoil such an alliance for the heir to the Rouman an throco? Thus argued the royal matchmakers. Xo woman ever had a better chauce to rule by love than Princess Slaile The Roumanians idolized that tall. 1 fair beauty. They were dazzled by 1 her connections. They were ready to . forget the shatte 'crown prince, wh ered romance of tne ho had been rot-bed Nogales Teachers Strike When Fuel Is Not Furnished NCGALES, Ariz. Jan 21. Six of the ten teachers of Nogale s one public school went on strike today and caused an Unscheduled holiday for the children. When the teachers arrived at the build ing this morning they found it had not been heated, and declined to resume duties until the heating plant was again placed in com mission. As a result the entire school was dismissed. Principal C. H. Madden put in the day scouring the town for wood as the trustees had permu ted the fuel supply to become ex bahsted. GLITTERING DIAMOND BRINBSJ1ETEGTI0N Jewel on Finger of Poorly Dressed Man Rouses Suspicions LOS ANGELES, Cal, Jan. in. Sun piciou aroused by- tne flash" 'of a big diamond on the finger of a -poorly dressed young man resulted In the .ir rest of James Conley an'd Harry Payne. They confessed today thu they had beaten William McDowell, an elderly retired rancher of Walla Walla, Washington, almost to dcrJi and then robbed him of four thousand dollars worm or jewelry. Thev not only took the jewelry from McDoaeil, but deDrlved hfm nf nr.r Bf!th ,.r . ..7 ' . -.-., ......... ... ciotning he possessed, excepting one c r - ... i .- .n ..... . sun 01 unuerwear wnich ne Had on when the two young men attacked mm. .vicuoweii was unconscious wh?n detectives entered bis room and is still In a precarious condition tonight In a statement to the police. Con- ley and Payne said that they first on' gaged a room near that of McDowell In, a downtown hotel, and then called on him to borrow matches. When the old man turned to get some from a match case, they felled him with a Iad pipe After looting'' McDowell's room, iPayne put on'fie of the' rings and loft the hotel, while Conley was to pack and meet htm near the railroad sta tion, xwo detectives standing, on a corner saw Payne wearing the rinz and followed him. When ho met Con ley both were arrested. The jewelry was found on them. WEATHER FORECAST i;OR ARIZONA Fair Wednesday warmer In the nortfc. jEs,? 1 I UH mB8HjjhBB I people grumile atliaUng to take care (of her children who, they declare, 1 have not a drop of Roumanian bloo-I in their veins Her cynleifcm, her openness about her manv affin'ti.'s , shocks them, and mothers declare she 1 has lowered tne morals of thplr .' daughters by her example. In the meantime, Helen Vacaresco I has become the best loved, the moit popular woman In Iloumania today Her books and noems are read by the , humblest, and her splendid social work has endeared her to all, The ' people of Roumania mourn that the ! English pr'neees' should have taken 'the place in their future, king's Ufa ( which now- all asree should have been filled by the brilliant and lovable ' sv.eethcart of the crown prince's . jouuger das Iff LIFT DOIT FIM Mi MEAT Hearing by Ways and Means Committee Taken to In dicate Cut on An other Necessity CATTLE ALSO FREE WASHINGTON. C. C, Jan. 21. "Free meat." proposed by the house ot democrats at the last session of congress but blocked by the presi dential veto, Is indicated as a part of the extra session of congress in the tariff revision' program by the hearing today by tbe house committee on) u.!ii artrl manna Thft momliAr, nf fht committee cmpnaslzcd the majority sentiment In favor of free seats and a strong stand toward free cattle 3l made In accord with the general pol icy of the democrats 1aBt year to transfer the necessities or life, includ ing sugar and lumber, to the free list, A protest against putting cattle and meats on -the free list was made by S. H. Cowan.'.'of Fort-Worth, Texas, as spokesman of the cattle Industry west of the Mississippi. Cowan said that such a plan, if adopted, would mean a flood of cheaper meats from the South American ranges and pic tured the ruin of the- industry in Texas. - w - -' theVhouse? Vote fori fre moats at the last session askd Representative James, or Kentucky "Yes," said Cowan "And all of them were re-elected ?' "Yes" was the answer. j IHTII DID 'JUH tlUl ftUJItp; ItlUIllVl to the vote of yoHr stater Txas Always Democ Iways Democratic "No," replied Cowan. "The demo crats of Texas always vote the demo cratic ticket, regardless of such .mat ters. Allegiance to the party is too strong to do other wise. ' Rermuda and JIahama -Jslands regis tered a protest against th present tariff rates. Lorenzo Grorgc Rrice, itepresentlng the Bahamas, urged the reduction or the duty on sponges, p n -apples, grapefruit and other things T. H. H.,Utcrbridge and S S Purl ing, representing Bermuda officially, wanted the tarff reduced to help the people whose trade he said depended on the United States. 'Why you had a million dollars worth of advertising in Wilson's go ing to nermuda," smilingly suxgrated Representative Valmer, of Pennsyl vania, "eg," replied Purling, "and we aro proud of bis visit" John L. Slatfery. of Chicago, warn ed the committee not to put a duty on cantaloupes. St.,.1,1,1 m)miHmmlt?'imVi''i rmwmm .m SK-.HK ONLYGOUeSE I Former Secretary of State Bitterly Assails Policy ol Favoring United States Vessels Over Others. ! TREATY WORDS ARE CLEAR UPON POINT . . m Nation Cannot Afford to'. Go on Record as Being False, ' Cunning and Tricky with Other World Powers WASHINGTON, 1). C. Jan. 21. "Shall we Inform the world that tha United States is fals" to its agree ments and falpc to its pledred word? Shall v.e have it made known th& world over that you must look out oc the United States v. Ill get tho advan tage of you? That tne United States ib astutr cunning,' slippery?" With thin vigorous denunciation ot the attitude of tbl country n the linama cana' controversy with Great Itritain, Senator Elihu Root closed a two hour speech in the senate today with an ippeal for the submission ot the Panama question to arbitration, or the repeal of that section of tho canal law that gives free passng"e to American coastvse ships, Neutrality Is Essential. Root contended that the authority of the United States over tho cunai l" based directly on the principle ot neutralization. j Wp are not at libety," said tlia j senator, ' to put a construction Uon I tl.e Pauncefote treaty that vlolateb I Iiiei f-ontrolling principle of absolute I equalitv embodied In ary other tr-atv." I Ie quoted tho assurances given ! Great Itritain that the United States would not seek special favors for its rhlps m the Panama canal and cited tne treaties of other nations In which lh- same position was taken. Root contended that the United Str.tes c-cim no special control of tho canal i ccause it owned the canal zone. This ttiggesuun was made, he said, by Pose who claimed that tho United states was entitled to build the canai and to own the property and should do with It as It liked without regard to previous treaties Hold Canal in Trust. "Nothing could be further from tin, fact," declared Root. "It is not our territori except In trut." Speaking from his experience as a member of Roosevelt's cabinet when 1 lie canal zone was purchased and when over twenty-live arbitration treaties were mede with foreign nx lions. Root delivered a most vigorous at tack on the present attitude of the United States. Will Call Meeting. It became known that following the. senator's address. Senator IJrandegce. chairman of the inter-occanie canaW romnnttee, will call a meeting in a few days to take up Root's amend niont to repeal the free toll provision. A determined effqrt by those 'who bi Toed the original iiassagc or this 1 rovifclon will be made at this ses sion to change the law before it goes 'nto effect and so cause the dispute jtvitU Great Britain tc be removed. British Note Answered. Taft "has approved the note pre Ired by tho state department in re ply to a communication from Sir idward Grey, British secretary of foreign affairs, protesting against tin coemption of American, cc-astwire ebipplnc- from the payment of tolls in the Panama canal. As "a matter of official courtesy Information regard ing this is withheld and the exac. contents of the notf- will not be known until tt has been rexived by the British government at .London through the American embassy there. It way learned today that Rryce the Drit'pli ambassador, had been in vited to tho stale department a week go and listened to an explanation in detail of the American posltTon by Chandler Anderson, counsellor of the state department. It Is believed here that after at tempting lo eliminate a number or proposition- i n'he Rritish note thft ivere considered not to pertain to the real iwmc. the secretary of state wll' make his principal rffort to show t'lit th tcrnf "all nations" of tne Ifay-Paunccfotc treaty "does not nec essarily Include the United SUtcs nnd that It Is entirely competltent of this government to treac its own shipping different from that of other nations insofar as the canal is concerned. s i3rr y.-' .: :.r7gsag:rw f mm, m 4$bMpi ft. SO. C-J !- toja:'. S fffifaMilHT 1 "B ll'l ll"ill III li