Newspaper Page Text
pAM"r."1 -.jff'"my-'SW.:1 i..ii. vy.v . m -.-. y . L Tr!r,,sBsssstgiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM G&Nmy i) 1 1 1 , i in wmui't imM'j'Wiin' i m r.wn tiMwpjiwmwi iimjsiTwiiiiwa'uiwiiiiiiiiiuiwjiBwiipaiW THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1913. J &zffi&-- t I II PAGE TWO v-r THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE ARIZONA, mm are undesirables New Mexico Legislature Pro tcstsfc'A'galnst Return of IndiaiTribe to State Investigate Coal TLOT AGAINST PALL SANTA Kit N M ,'. 22. New Mexico vswlty' not isore, lBdiana than it bag. H tc sot eatel at the idea of the r$onr-pf the Geronimo tribe to the Tiilarot., rservatkm and will have MasJj.Jt tbte csn ? tWeaj T. VTtftl5T TpitfiwUBs Lincoln county, pj-etajitt'JJriVieolilt'qft vester-l- pfetesttug&totlM department of tin interior acsinat the return to the jtMcaloro reservation or any otbr reservation In New Mexico or Ger- oalmo and ids band: Tit resolutlonl wis referred to, the committee in Indian aSam. f t lnveiiigat&.New Mexico Coal A jobst resolution providing for the aHio)Htn3elC3f.&'0tHntal68lou ot five monjfers to tat estimate the price of aoal In New Mexico, wlireh, It-Is .aj lcged is exorbitant, was Introduced' fry representative W. H. Uewellys. and adopted in the bouse Monday The rqfeoJutfoii reeitf-) jthat though, slati? t Iqb aliow New M Aico has mere Cbal thifl Pennsylvania, yet consumers of the ataUt are forced to pay from $7 to &JtU JUtpnior ordinary soft coaL jBSorulAjfljtalsO recites that, the f retail rat jitF ooal are anywhere The w cimhi raltft jit? ooa from $1 to3.6a ton to pofnts with- claim they realise that mine owner a, profit of less than uQ cents a ton on tbr output as a result, ntk Plotting Against Fall The democrats-, he W a. caucus yester day and f Ive eenatorial candidates ws oS5rnit-'matters considered.' Several, JBiiiUflaUoiKi are talked or. Senator Furs fntndft still claim that ho has &vybje Jind 37 will elect. Qtbere? wJiSfilka to know say that governor 0-iiie as many otes. spiral VStf elect with tho 2S democrajfe Senator -Baea, governor Otero ani attorney general Clancy all hare sonirbHwlBg, and if they can throw their votes to a man acceptable to the democrats it will certainly pre vent the election of Kail Andrews Is en Hand Hx-dftlMiafe W. H. Andrews vi. ill be a to $o over the situation t porters. with all ill ATTENTION ELKS f KpecialrBieelJng called for Saturday, Jjfei.. sStt p. in. Irrigation: Ivertneraent. HALL. K. R. "OX, SeCy. Ad KfTiirCi 106 t GEN. ROJAS KILLED IS FEDERAL REPORT Report Reaches El Paso That Sixty Rebels, Including Rojas Are Killed BL PASO. Jan. 22. JToOaral con flrmation was made here today of a rebel defeat Sunday at Ahumada, X2 tulles bolow Juarez. Jt was stated that details of the oattle were wired by way of Chihuahua city and Laredo, Texas, all communication remaining cut below Juarex. The- loeal Mexi- can consul gave out the rejiort a amply verified in government quar ters. Some 900 rebels attacked Ahumada. defended bv 200 Woralu al it... M.1 hattaliou Just as the tight was at b height, the remainder of the S3d. na iler Col Castro, arrived from the stite capital with 100 men ot the 15th belta lon, bent south from Juarez last week. Kl N'no" the big shin's cannon,whi;h is carried on the military train, open ed a wicked fire on the rebels, routing them. On the UeW GO bodies were counted, it Is stated. Including that of Antonio Itojas. a rebel general, says the consul. The federal loss is reiort ed as slight. This is the fifth time iy actual count that official federal re ports ha,e killed Kojas. AH attempts were abandoned today !n -mmlriuK the Mexican Central rail way below Juarez. The work train returned, early Monday night iiavlm? sighted rebei scoats near Lucero, to which point the road was repaired. .Vine bridges were cribbed. As the Juarez garrison now does not ojeco4 300 men, k mare xoartl will be giv en tho work trains for the present at least, and no attempt Will he made to repair the road without protection. The scouts sighted near Lueero are believed to lie of Salasar's group, which is Braving north against Juarex, while notes was to keep the road closed from the south so that the fed eral infantry ooukl not move Vi" train to relieve Juarex, Heinforeements can-not arrive from the south, except by a forced march, before .the rebels could reach Juarez, and only iafabtrv i available. Tha tlKjira h ,aB itfhetenc Juarez on all wires remains closed exeetii on the Central lines -i short dtstauce down. vrireiesc uivorce. Ose of the tranget tbigs in this werid is hew wiiling a girl who eaa't swim is to embark en the sea of matrimony withoet a Hfehoat Gal veston News. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ARIZONA LIFE H M IIS Phoenix Insurance Company Reorganized and a Full New Set of Oificials Are Chosen PRINA IS PRESIDENT PHOEN4X. Jaa. 22. The new di rectorate of the Arizona Life Insur. ance cosHwny met xyesterdajr after noon and effected a complete reorgaut xatkin of that concern. C. K. Ains worth. W. A. Gordon and Dr. H II Stone are no longer at the head of the " M I l -n .. ..,. -. . ,. - ""M'M"'W"""M"M"W"""WWW? itt GROUND GAVES AND aA , .,',1 . i a- r ,m - i s v . si ' fl , Tjnm 4! PRISON GUARD JAILED IN THEJLD PUEBLO Had No Commission to Show That He Had -Right To Carry Gun T-,.r-v. - "TT" . uwua, jan.yZj;,--j. it. welcn, ai smte ponuentiaryx guard, was undei arrest for more than an hour on Tuc- ia morning at the police station. land he wns fetripped of his only token oi autnenty. a sir shooter, while tht, police investigated his claim that be TaH a Htate officer weicn, wno jiam mat ne was a guard at the ponlteutiarj at Florence, was arrested yesterday mornlns by Officer Cnllen soon after tho guard arrived from lied Hock by train. Hu tAO (alrnn ts in u-. !( lnU ..!... eompan, s affairs. Z. C. it-m or sat- he Mrimci,l Mye flwt ".cLKT-Viiula V" Pnl and that he an ?--, v., .,,0. Mtv VIU V&V "CJ left tholr horses at lied Hock and lodw into Tucson on the train, welsh was searched and he had no money. Offi cer Myers telephoned to Warden Sim at the poBltenthin at Florence to vor. if the man's statement, and found Welch hac no .commission, no lianers or nothing else that would identify him as an officer Another enltenUary guard recentb found him elf in a similar position in old Jlex Icos. whes he was asked for his author- expires, April 35. Au effort was made !' to ,wW an eseapetl convict vhom '.. . .. niitknltib. V .t a..1 .l l.f Ieppla. wecretary and treasurer Cox is the only offletr who hoids over. The officers displaced wera: C F. Ataswerlh. president; Dr H. 11 Stone, first vice-president and medical director, J. Fred Cleav eland, treas uior. V A. Gordos, secretary and general manager, C. J' Lee, assistant secretary , M O.Utvans, actuary: LP. Mantz. consulting actuary, llr Evan' contract doe not -?xpire Ull Febniary 1 Colonel Will am Morgan, axen'-y director, will hold on till his contract William Vlacksts was killed and J Uod was )ialnfully but not seriousl injured In a cave in at tho Gardner (shaft of the Copper Queen ut 12 Av this morning. The two miners, together with a third man. were working on the Sou foot levil. No blasting was going on and It is not jmown what caused the leave In. A huge mass ot rock fell J land Vlackis was crushed beneath it It Is believed that ho, was killed in stantly. Boyd, who was working, near lilin: escaped v.ith severe bruises. The third man in the drift escaped uninjured. Boyd was removed to the Copper Queen hospital. to have him resign yesterday. He is one of the insurance experts-employ el under the old regime, H. II. Howard has been chosen by the directors to be. legal advisor of the company. No general manager medleal director or actuary nas bean selected. The new directorate consists C. Pnca. K. B. Myers. William Henry Leple. W. 11. Slaughter, 1jaAr- OaAPCTa (VnitV Tinfv Coal "5ff vasTw .r. vulval v;j wvbi J. T Blrchot. Frank Whitton, Wil-i l'am Creightoa, Josejih Lirabaie, Dr. K. Muneon, Conrad IJees and Sam Bar- rett. Lepple. Myers, Cox, Balle,,! Prina and Hess were on the .ormer oard. C T. AInsworth, Dr. Stone, A. Gordon, J. F.CssvelaHd, Andrew Neilson, Henry Urlnkmeyer, T. it. Ciantonasd John T Dmtap JaHefl of re-election as directors. Up to a day or two before the first mcxttttM' nf tho Buy Wunl It wna (mrkJ posed that the old management JjuT' euough proxies from tlireetors who weald not be present to' rs tain control of the corporation. It was discovered, however that the oppositkm had secur ed later proxies When the meeting was held the diseeBtprs had a safe majority. It te understood that the officers wH iamediately Inaugurate an era of economy in the management of the iVnseM Life. Two rooms of the pros- Mexican authorities had aided him In apprehending Welch was released after OBlcer Myers talked with War- oen sires, out was warned to get a commission from the prison author ities. JOHNSON FURNISHES BOND CHICAGO. HI., Jan, 22. Jack John eon furnished today a new bond of $5,000 wlth Matthem Baldwin, a real ty dealer, and Mrs. Tiny Johnson, the pugillsts'g mother as surltles. to guarantee his anpearanc to face tho United Staios charge of smsggling. a diamond necklace from England. fJohnson surrendered his bond several Iwpeks ago when he was arrested at Battle Creek on his -way to Canada. 4ANNUAL TUSKEQEE CONFERENCE M!PRIVATE BOXES HIE R1FFLEB Take LAXATIVE 1WIOMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists retusid money if it fails to cure. K. W. GROVE'S ElE- ent auite of alfiees in the Goodrich i&ture is one each box. 25c.i Adver I block will be retained. Salaries ha.e ' tiscweilt 550. been cut along the line. r jt . . Pa npy Big One Day Sale I fiw r s. Ji. f .'.1 flm. XJT-Zfj4 cAizjr. i hxJ) Colors, Patterns, Widths Quality You Want At A Price That Makes Them Twiceas Welcome. Worth 50c, 65c & 75c, Sale Price A YARD The rspiditv with which we will sell Ribbons FRIDAY can not be expressed in terms of yards not at te rate of a mile a minute exactly, but atthis price speedily enough to warrant early coming FRIDAY, and Frid2V only, we give vou a free and un- lestricted choice from our entire stock of Novelty Rib buns at 25c per yard The otfer embraces qualities that. regularly sen for 50c, 65c ana .-c per yard and were considered the best values in town at full regular prices. .WoraeJllAWlI certainly ro-w cnthusiasticover this sale, of RIBBONS. There are dajnty Dr-esdens on white and colored grounds. Avith sjuall or large figures, some have coloridiborders; Floral patterns in beautidlsigns and rich color combinations; Roman-stripes of rainbow hue, and others .you can put to immediate use for milh neryTgirdles, trimmings, bowstfindf fancy work. Widths rane'ng from 5 to 7 inches; Norayard"that sold foHess than cOc and the major ,ty is worth t5c ana oc a yard Friday's price 25c 335..... mi i-I ?. .tf laf Globe Postoffice is Scene of Work of Robbers Who Get Valuable Checks, But No Money THIEVES NOT CAUGHT GLOBB. Artx.. Jan. 22 Two private KHt office boxes at the post office were opened by combination Saturday pight and tholr contents stolen. The boxes rifled were thoset of the GIU Valley Lank and Trust company and tnc Old Dominion Commercial com pany bank. The boxes are a! opposite onds of the post office from each other and In asmtich as thf ilteief opened tbem by combtnatloB and knew exactly their jtofcltion it proves that he has been watching for his opportunitv for Mime time The mail removed fron the boxes contained checks made pa) able to the banks n F Moore of the Gila Valley bank went to h's box Saturday night and found the, bos, full of mail. He lookeo through the, contents for personal mall, then closedjlhe box and left. When he returned, to the oiHep Mon cU morning lo take the malfto the bank, thejiox was raptA jsjuillai exneriea'aTK occurred lo A. v. "nnm. want-, cashlej. ofhe Ohl Dominion Commercial ciraiait bank. Uefore come known t-alked into Ryatfs Drug store and .iked if they would cash a check foi ln'ii As he was1 a btrancer to tHV firm his request iwas refnsed. Mr i ONEJJFE IS LOSI One Other is Injured From Slip, Cause for Which Is Unknown W??lG01fil Ovoid T -VI ' " When a woman -suffering from some form of feminine disorder is told that an operation is necessary, it of cour&e frightens her. The very thought of the hospital operating table and the surgeon's knife strikes terror td her heart, and no wonder. It is quite true that some of these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only resource, but thousands of women have avoided the necessity of an operation by taking Lydia Ei Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This fact is attested by the grateful .letters they write to us after their health has been restored. TBSJCBGEE. Ala.. Jan. 22 --A lri;e and representative atteadaicnrkad .the opening here today of the twonty- stbnd annual Tuskcgeo Ngro con fcruce. Today's program wns 'ven J over tp Uie negro farmer lie iwcb. T lem of agricultural credit was tho eading subject of discussion. Tomor row's session will he devoted to the. consideration ot the negro schools, tholr work and plans for their betterment. HIGHLANDERS FIND HOME Amer'cans Granted Use of Palo Grounds in New York. NEW YORK. Jan 22 Official sanc tion was given today for the arrange ment, pond'ng for sometime, b) which the New York Americans will nlay at the olo grounds, tho home of ine National leaguers, during the comin; season. Tho lease has expired on the "Hill Top" grounds. Schedules for both leagues will be made so as net to have conflicting dates These Two Women Prove Our Claim. all iny own work for a family of four. I shall always feel that lone my jfd health to your medicine." 'Mrs. IlArwAKD Sowees, Cary, Me. Cary. Maine." I feel It a duty 1 owe to all suffering- women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound did for me. Oneyearago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides and such a sorcneB 1 could scarcely stalghtcn tip at times. My back ached, I hod no appetite and was so nervous I conld not sleep, then I woujd be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost im possible to move or do a bit of work and I thought 1 never would be any better until I submitted to an opera tion. 1 commenced taking Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegeable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. 1 had no pains, &lept weU, had Rood appe- Charlotte. N. C "I was in bad .health for two years, with pains in both sides and was very nervous. If I even lifted a chair it would cause a hemorrhage. 1 had a growth which the doctor said was a tumor and I never would get well unless I had an operation. A friend advised mc to take T,ydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and I gladly say that I am now enjoying fine health and am the mother of a nice baby girL You can use this letter to help other suffering women. Mrs. kosa. bins, EASTERN COPPER MARKET. NEW YOKK. N. Y., Jan. 22 Cop per firm; electrolytic 1G.60 to 16 75 Arrivals 20 tons: exports tu s month 16.4SS tons. Ixmdoh copper quiet. ExpMtncd. "Pop, why do they call a man a plnhead?" "Because when be at tempts to penetrate any idea his head won't let him go very far " Sayings From John Burroughs. Nature Is not benevolent: nature is Just, gives pound 'for pound, measure for measure makes no exception, never tempers her decrees with mer cy or winks st any infringement o! her laws. And in the end Is not this best? Cculd the universe be run as a charity or a benevolent institution. f? T robbelZj?a-d b0-kpoved pattern: Without this morel wn yewerxlay morniag'a manff,,, .. .,,. fMrtM ,,w. where would we have brought up long ago? It Is a hard gospel; but rocks are hard, too, yet they form tho foun dations of the hills. Man introduces benevolence, mercy, altruism. Into tho worjd. and ho pays tho price in his added burdens; and he reaps his Moore, of thp Gila Valley bank hap lned to walk- intoJlyan s at thai tme, heard theaffJiaegt"nnd saw thfc !ieck He askeuffie man whnro Iip! secqgiad -the chy!t. -The man told i reward In the vast fecial and civic buloneed ma trav ',..: a; leu iiioDo sun- RR1DAY WifflBE RIBBON DAY MitegTof Novelty RibbonsJior Every Use. 50c, 65c, 75c QM&' daA.,JT,ARD k fil jggi &v-; w israt. Li&'f 'rpis -TNiiE mm 25 wr;- ?" 76& 16- r t J 1 H-HSl i '! I I illPSil I HBS1II - MHSMMMM4WSMMaSWMHBnSHNMMHWIMI TU7Q Q A J W Is Positively For One Day Onlu. Not A Yard Of These I JLk't-' -' -'-' RjhLnn yz Ribbons Will Be Sold Before Friday, Be On Hand Early 1L zmJBLn 46 STZ?!! ' m i-i MAIN STREET -ij lim thaT theli: eling. salesman .Uv-nd that ho had wired the sales wan at "various IKJnlH on the road to .-ittoertaln His wKfflaliouts in ordei that be might send him the check and deired to cosh it so that he could get out Of it the J1Jh ho had pent in telegraphing the owner. He stated that the check had come to him b; mistake. It was for MS 00. Although Vrt M,oore was suspicious he could not order the wan arrested as he did not know whether the check was a por tion of the stolen mail or not This man baa beeen loHenng a'ouud tho InternaUonal saioon for several days. Officials o; the Gila Valley bank Mate that they clear for manryhanks j in Vrizoaaand that donoties-.i large number xj the hcecks tost wore on hanks tfbther Arizona oitlenl AH ot, tho Old JJomlnlon checks, were on either Globe or" Miami bankftl an their correspondents do not 'clear t'lroush uiem for other Arizona points. The sheriffs oince is working on he case, and has feveral cluee as to the man's idenUtj organizations that were impossible without these things. Century. tite and was fat and could do almost 1 1G Wyona St., Charlotte, ft. CL Now answer this question if you can. Why should a wo man submit to a surgical operation without first giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial? You know that it has saved many othtrs why should it fail in your case? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound has been the standard rented yfor fe male ills. 'o one siek with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs. It has restored somnnysufferinjrwoiiicntohealth. I nigM IT Hi I IA'DIA E.riNKH.Or MEMCrXK CO. JPF (COSFIDEiTIAIi) IA'X.N, MASS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In stxicaconlidcnco. PRESCOn JAPANESE WOULD BE CITIZEN FItESCOTT, Jan 22 Notw Ithstand ing there are iron clad rules to be ob served in admitting cert;'n classes of aliens to citizenship, the restrictions Imposed do not seem to distress Ches ter -Otoy, a Japanese resident of many years, who pers'sts in getting Into the country with all the rights of a nativo (fcorn, filing aga'n m he did yesterday his declaration to be ad mitted. Otoy In the past has made many efforts to become a citizen, and as often has ho failed Advices from Washington during the week are to taJte his declaration of Intention, but there is no aseurance forthcoming that favorable official action will fol low. Otoy in running a billiard hall on Goodwld, street, and his applica tion Is the first to le recorded from the tanks of the Japanese in this city. Its Origin. Ham explained his complexion. " was .the, fjrst man asked to take down a stove pipe," ho eaid Haroer's Ba SUFFRAGET IS QUIETED. Demonstration in House of Commons it Quickly Suppressed. LONDON, England, Jan; 22. small sample of ho hitler fcollni; which will bo loosjjnod when tho houso of commons begins Friday to debate tho amendments on the reform bill was given this afternoon. Shouts of "tra'tor" were hurled across the floor of tho house because the prem ier refused to allow the suffragette amendments bill to be debated with outanditime restrictions. Thq-speak-- publicly reprimanded tno moniker who started the storm. f J MAXv CAREY A BRIDEGROOM STLOWS. Mo.. Jan. 22. Marfmil- i,-ll Carnarlus, known In the baseball vorw afIax Carey, tho star out ittliier Of the Pittsburgh team-jva3 marred todav to Miss AnerlEa lieli rensi'o'f this city The couple .wet while Carey has been attending a theological seminary here. Withjn w fw months the noted ball plnvpr la to be ordained a Lutheran mlulstor. which faql, together vvjth his "mar Kftge, is taken by h:s friends to ntmn tliat tho ccming beasun.wlll probably ! his fast on the diamond. Mighty Good! Have you tried it? The New Breakfast RIVALS AFTER RAILROAD SPlU'GPIELTi.J) Jan. 22.Tha receivers sap of the Detroit, Tolede end Ironton RaHroad, which was to fcave taken place here tcay, ha, been vstponed to February by order or Lp Federal cort With he postipone inent has -come a revivalof the rem ttrr that both-' Uie Pennsylvania and (Tie Norfolk and 'Western roads will hit" for ,the property when It corner wwier the hammer. ' The Detroit Toledo "and Ironton rcadipxtenda rom, JMrcjt.ta Jron aijtl iSr.iXn vnfttnKtc. llormi!al frl-hti, nn' lt)f ike "great lak'ts andthOblo riv. cr 'The gf rat coaSfleMs In ihc vicin ity &Jr.tkton$rQv areamq5g- the most ImportanC traffic aMeis. A n Rmfttfr aneenilftiA "fifirhiw!- 1- tltades his desire for tobacco iecrcaa- Post ern pecia Ml i , A new ho? porridge, made of Wheat-, Gorn and R?ce':'to,br servcU with--cream and sugar. Puts into everyone energy and vim for a crisp January morn ing. A Hot Dish easy i o"prepafe c(onomicar1fndtrT,r(Iiircrent"itate" that callsTfor more. Sold by, grocers evcr'vhere , Order'today for . r- r6morro5vfsBr:ejakfa ' " A rf t im Cerent CoItd Ewe Foad PMttiries, BMa5r( Iteh. vc es. 1 wos; -j .4 " ,fe. "V? m 7 y- --jw ' 4- I Bywwy mail ni-jy wfm4iptotimfj -y y I . 1 if -JC. vart .' -. , kJfe-" nmimm wnmmmwm . '.i-. r -tt . . .. kSVil. ' fJ.'S -vj ,"13.-4 ... '""'' "'& -2-S, I 4f&i -- "fe r . ?. .ft" f v . -- .-- . .,..,.-,.,f.. .. .XTTT-WT-.T..-.- TSiiL- mmwmim&:MMymimmmt&em V .. - "k. "