Newspaper Page Text
W T SSwV THE BISBEE DAILY REV fEW, BISBEE. ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1913. PAGE THREE -rrmn HMmrrr rrr iTwy t iimriiinOTgririT " ! - - - 11 -frs btwwimm- nwmiwiMi,. ' "'-TT?', ' -wwrjBags iinl.ruLI,L.ML,i.'.'"-i-LJJ'' "i" y'r'aTTSSaLTS iiiiMl"i"'ii -'- "--' -'grrj - . ,""1 f n"-sw s -' - - , -t iWMiiiimMi ii I., iinM M J. Mil .niitirlwjr. . I i u i. u ,h ' "'"' ' r IHT' ifl'WFWt". Lh ' ' i r KTJf i ' ' ' I l .. ' i r-nnnrin i nirmn zjJBTrp'wTPTrnTwrTTT i i i 11 iirfTTn. i i in )i in, iypJi'l ''"FPTW-"1 i ii hi uwn ill i ii J'iimwffO'K jiiPiniwi'irin y. a en- r. f Ttk I" ft lM t i MEMBERS OF v : LEGISLATURE I:ull List of Members of First State LegislatureVTcli .WilL Convert Again On February, 3. , SUBJECT "o? INQUIRY .Many Inquiries uae come to the Dally JUeview the past week asMns for the name and address of the vari ous, members of the Arizona legisla ture, while it is realUed that this In formation is desired principally bj l.artle. who de-Fire positions in the leg islature, the,! Itoviev. cheerfully pull ilsh ibo information askied for. SENATORS. ' rw. Maricopa County a H. WOOD (D) II. V. DAVIS tD) Cochise County . a 51. ROBERTS D) V. P. SIMS (D) i : Yavapai County HOMER WOOD () M. O. CUNIKP (D) Pima County ' A. A. WORSLKY (D) .--' JOHN T. HITOIIKS tD) Apache County LORENZO HUIU'HXL (II) t Navajo County JOHN T. WILMS (it) Coconino County FRED S. BREEN R) Gila County A1.FRED KINNEY (P) J. P. HECHTMAN (D) Greenlee County GEORGE M. CHASE (D) Yuma County FRED W. WESSEL D) Pinal County J. F. HROWN (R) Mohave County HENRY LOV1N tD) Graham County V. W. PACE (D) Santa Cruz County J. H. HARRISON (D) ' REPRESENTATIVES. Maricopa County DON C. HADUITT (D) GEORGE F. COCKE (D) J. A. R. IRVINE (I LEON S. JACOBS (D) DANIEL .P.fJONES (D) HARRY JOHNSON (D) . Cochise County SAM HRADNER (D) J. M. BAIX. (D) ' J GEORGE CRAIG (D) " C U. KELTON (D) 5 ' W. J. GRAHAM' (D) ' A. G. PURRY d . J. F. DDNCAN (D) ' Yavapai' County' P'. J. WREN (D) 'PERRY HALL (D) II. II. LINNEY (D) A. A. MOORE (D) Pima County J. Wt BUCHANAN D) KIRK T. MOORE (R) FRANK L. CROWFOOT Alacbe County N. NOGALHS (R) Navajo County FRANK O. MATTOX (D) Gila County WILLIAM E. I1RO0KS (D) J. TOM LEWI3 (D) JOHN W. Ml'ItPHY (D) Grcenloo County M. H. KANB (D) . W. M. WHIPPLE (D) Yuma County . . THOMAS M. DRENXAN (D) 3. IL- KERR (D , Pinal County" ALEXANDER BARKER (D) Mohave County I JOHN KLLIS (D) Graham County A. E. JAPOTJSON f D) A. R. LYNCH ID) Santa CrurConnty HARRY SAXON iD) t UMBER INDUSTRY IS SATISFACTORY IH II Y- Wise Scoter? Laddie. A Scotch lad, had his leg injured at a factory, and was treated for some time by the doctor -without much fa vorable result. His mother had great tana in a. local bone-setter, and want ed her son to go to him: but the boy objected, preferring, as he said, ibo -reg-iar faculty." Finally, however, he yielded to his mother's persuasions and was taken to the town where the lamous bone-setter resided. The leg was duly examined, and It was found neces&ary to pull I very severely. In order "to get the bone in." as the quack expressed it. The patient howled In agony, but at last the bone was "got in," and ho was bidden to go home. In a few days he would be all right, and could resume work "Uidn't he do It well!" said the joy-1 ous old lady, as they started home ward. "Yes, he did. mother." said the lad; "he pulled it well; but I was na sic a fool as to gie him the sair leg!" 1 ! ,M tR) Lost to "Shame. "Bearson says his ultimate desire Is to be a United States senator." "When a man gets so much money a3 be has he Coen't caro what kind of a Ufe he leads." Life. Change in Doll Industry. The doll industry In Germany Is now commencing to make the "char acter doll" in restricted numbers. The model is made by an artist, and the molds are then copied from this mod el. The painting of these dolls is done with especial care, and, conse quently, their price is considerably higher than that of the commoner type of dolL Queue Wearers Boycotted. At the market, Kuala Lumpur, sellers' Wearing queues are left severe ly alone by queueleSB "buyers, while on several of the estates the few coolies wearing queues who remain are afraid to go into the towns and villages to buy things. On one estate, it is said, the Chinese who still have the appendage are actually purchas ing their rice from the Tomil coollea employed there Malay Mall. r llilCSrHT 4 YafflBaB- the I uWsrGT v V XJtTT jffS fc"rs V Mfels-S With a 'C!fSt-s5yAt'; ?5 JvJ mmii& m Bl 5R? W Start ay Warm Smokeless suns rifiM T1 SLEEPING with the windows open is a "first aid" to health and beauty. But it makes getting- up in the morning a chilly ordeal. With a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater you dress in comfort on the coldest day. A touch of a match, and the Perfection is aglow in a minute. Later, you can carry it to any other room, and breakfast, read or sew in comfort. In fact, a Perfection Heater is just as good as a fire, and much cleaner and more convenient. It lm m Kmndtmm hmmtt, t. Amk ymr JamUr tm thorn ym 'm FmrfmctUn, r tmritm far 4Kriptm cfpra. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtSfmia) 41 Mrkt 3trt Su FrudUn SB fi Lumber Manufacturer, of Flagstaff Savs Government Is Liberal With Timber of Forest Reserves. MAKKET IS GOOD PRICES NOT HIGH PHOENIX, Jan. 22. "Any "criticism that the United States forest ser vice Is not selling all the timber thut can !be cut to advantage on ttee -re serves is without foundation so far as northern Arizona is concerned." This statement was made today by E. T. McConigle. president of tho Flagstaff Ijutriber Manufacturing company. Mr. McConigle Is hee Tor a rest of a few days and will return to Flagstaff the later part of the week. "As. much timber is being cut on the national forests of the northern part of this state as is consistent with good administrative methods." Mr. McConiglo said. "Some of he mature timber, of course, cannot -e reached. Wore adequate transporta tion facilities provided it could also be sold. But as much as can be reached conveniently is being sold off. "On spmc of the government's re serve Wrest land we have purchased two-th'rds of the standing timber. The remaining one-third consists of young trees, some of them good saw timber but not mature- This land can be cut over again in fifteen or twenty years. "We have Just closed a contrast for some government timber near ugstaff. It will tako us three or four months to cut it. At fcrcsnt e are cutting on private land. "South of Holbrook, there are vast areas of merchantable .timber. Sev eral years ago W. II. Clark incorpor ated a comimny to build a' seventy five mile railroad from Holbrook 10 tap .that rich timber belt. A deal was closed with tho government for a great amount of standing timber. Tho time to begin cutting that tim ber expired In December, but I un derstand that It has been extended. I also hear that the cojnpany has se cured ample financial backing and that tho work of building the road n ill begin before long. An Invest ment of about $3,000,000 is contem plated. 'Tho market for Arizona lumber is growing. A little Uss than a year aga wo shipped .several carloads of our best lumber to Boston. This shows that the forests of New England and other northern states are almost ex hausted and the 3st is beginning o look ,to the west for Its high grade lumber. Wo could sell more back east but as the dealers these deman 1 NOW READY Our Navajo Scrip We now have our Navajo Race scrip Mid .arc ready 'to acquire title to jour', lands. We will make a selection la the V. S. ijind OlHce February, 10., 1313. Send lu your orders now, so con -heck them in Land 'Office. The prlo will be $3.00 per aero, and fully - goarfcnteed. Act qulokl boforc- the other follow geUs jour land. i Write or wire FEN S: HILDRETH, 210 Phoenix National Bank Bids. Phoenix, Arltona. fl L. J OVERLOOK BROKER Connecting with Logan & Bryan Private Wire System at Denver CORRESPONDENTS: Pains .Web ber & Co., Bov.ton and Calumtt. Logan & Bryan, Chicago and Niw York. Z.t"JfM SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN COPPER STOCK COPPER QUEEN HOTEL and High Class Cafe EUROPEAN PLAN Special $1.00 Table d'Hote Dinner From 5;30 to 8 p. ra. Reg lar 50c Luncheon Daily HENRY P0PPEN, Manage in I.T ft ill the best that we jean produce, in car load lots, we do not like to fill their orders. We resene it for our Ari zona customers and ship it to them in mixed carloads. Abbreviated Costume. The new governess and her small charge wero Jogging along one of the popular drives in the pony cart when -Vt . ., . th(y mt "veral members of an ath- 'fcSSS- haeve,aadvrnecaed &&& h. .ta ' of lumber have advanced noticeably in tho east, in Arizona the advances have not begn great." In The Theatres "GRAUSTARK" If a canvas were made of the entire reading public as to the most popular jiovel in the last twenty years, 'tJrau- stark, would probably receive enough votes to elect it to that high dis tinction. George Uarr McCutcheon. the author, might consider some ot his other and later books worthier of the honor, but it is a fact that ar tistic creators are invariably bad' judges of their own master-pieces. William Cullen Bryant wrote "Thana topsis" at the age of eighteen, and refused to agree with the world In considering It the gem of his efforts superior to the work of his riper years. The public estimate, however, is usually a pretty correct one. Tho book-sellers ledgers would undoubted ly measure In premie dollars and cents the tast amount of the popular ity of ''Graustark" not only to Mr. Mc Cutcheon's .other books, but to tho novels of any of his contemporaries. That It should be made Into a play was Inevitable, and Grace Hayward, the adaptor, has handled Mr. McCutc-h-eon's book with sympathetic discre tion, following the tory closely. Or pheum Theatre, Monday. Jan. 27. Loulszita Valentine as "Princess Yetive In the popular took piay 'Graustark at Orpheum theatre, Monday, 4n. 27. ated running togs, out for a cross country jaunt. "Oh, see dose boys," cried the little girl, "wis des someslng on and nosing else!" Judge. Contolation. The deaf man may yet console him self that his ears serve many purposes, Including the supporting of bis spec tacles and pencil. Cautious In Their Answers. For k non-committal brevity of speech, commend us to the Yankee lord of tho soil. One sucb. who was obliged to make a physician daily visits, had an unvarying answer to the question, "How do you feel to day'" "Well," he would reply, show ing as llttlo Interest in the subject as possible. T ain't no wuss." Further than that he wished'to say nothing, and it took the cunningot a serpent to discover his real feelings. A man who was knocked down In the street by a snow-slide was assailed ty a sympathizing crowd with condolence and question. "Did It hurt you?" in quired one of his rescuers, as ha brushed the scow from the clothes of the well-powdered victim. "Well," was the cautious answer, "it ain't done be no cord." List Your Property For Quick Sales With Hogan and Seed Real Estate and Fire Insurance Phone 10. Main Stree isinarkafil atarr Gets Right Into the Affected Parts and Stops Gathering in Eyes, Noes, Throat and Lungs. Tiy a Ions series of elaborate experiments-at th 'Swift Laboratory It ta defi nitely known that catarrh can be cured by the simple process of Inoculating the blood with antidotal remedies that stop Inflammatory conditions throughout tho mucous tistngs of all the organs of the body. This Is done with the famous Swift's Sure Specific or as it is widely known, S. S. S. It Is taken Into the blood Juat as naturally as the most nourishing food. It spreads Its Influence over every organ In the body, comes through all the veins and arteries, en ables all mucous surfaces to exchange In flammatory acids and other Irritating substances for arterial elements that ef. fectually cleanse the system and thus put an end to all catarrhal pollution. S. S. S. cleans out the stomach of mucous ac cumulations, enables only pure blood-making materials to. enter the intestines, com- 1 bines' with these fool elements to enter tne circulation in iss tnan an nour. Tou will soon reolizo Its wonderful In fluence by the absence or headache, a de cided clearing of the air passages, a steadily Improved nasal condition, and a sense of bodily relief that proves how completely catarrh often Infests the en tire system. You -win find S. S. S. on sale at an drug stores at $1.00 per bcttle. It Is a remarkable remedy for ay and an blood affections. Bach as eczema, rash, hi pus, tetter, psoriasis, bolls and all scrof ulous conditions. For special advice on any blood disease write In confidence to The Swift Specific Co.. 1ST Swift Bldg, Atlanta, Go. Do not delay to get a bottle of S. S. S. at your druggists. Lumber j Lime, Cement, Paint of All Kinds, Build ers' Hardware, Plate and Window Glass. We wish to call especial attention to the fact that we are putting in a complete line of B .P. S. Paints, manufactured and guaranteed by THE PATTER-SON-SARGENT CO., Cleveland, Ohio. H"watkins Lumber Co. THE ANTLERS CAFE MAIN STREET OPPOSITE P. 0. PHONE 221 WM. ROBINSON Pal ace Livery and Undertaking Co. Bowen & Hubbard. Proprietors AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Phone Blsbee 23 Phont Lowell 7 CATARRH 3 "or THE ibladder: Mhni k 24 Hours Each Csn. N. sals bears the (MIQY rVWVWW HAm3- EacanofmenlerfiiU THE ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO RAILROAD. GO. PASSENGER SERVICE ' , C:S5 a. m. X.r Clifton ar. 3:C3 p. m. 7:34 a. m. Lv Guthrie L.V 3; 12 p. m. S;18 a. m. Lv Duncan Lv 2:26 p m. 9:38 a. in Lv Lordsburg Lv 1:23 p. m. 10:45 a. m. Ar Hacblta Lv 11:59 p.,w. South bound train connects with Southern Pacific west bound train No. 1. leaving Lordsburg 10:57 a. m Mountain Time. South bound train connects wlthrEl Pas & Southwestern east bound train for El Paso, leaving Ilachita at 11.50 a, m Mountain Time, and with west bound train for Douglas and. Pisbee. leaving Ilachita at 10:30 a. ra. Mountain Time. R. K. MINSON,. Clifton, Ariz. General Passenger Agent I O. K. LIVERY and UNDERTAKING-Co. ROBERT HENNE8BY, Plop. Pftone IS. Op. Depot Ambulant The Arizona Sanitarium SAFFORD Specially equipped for modern and up-to-date treatment of Rheumatism, nervous diseases and general surgery. Prlce3 moderate. THE SHATTUCK AGENTS ANHEUSER BUSCH BEER SQUIRREL WHISKY PHONE 242 yjjTlMl0l0MlVIlflMMWW.M'tiMiMW AT LAST I THE MI GHTY PURCHASE SALE Johnson Block "ri-iiz: Dr -sHrrviNJ winrrDi BISBEE, ARIZONA! ft ftWA A JfcV JjjUXuWJ-Jfl'ft fhilYYhrf.lr1'ri'frt,r't'lrii'hii-ii"'iif' f rt i fbfktuffafkfMM & tjmtf jsfstiss; - rtrtrtW'iiiusiji hHfrt tJ0S)imtrfm4ik,iml0toat - w-f --??. v"TTrr. ss: $lfr: napiijljiifMiill-0. jS &." t-jsfc- .,; "j:.jaffl2fcijjari I Ti-iT-ioir Main .Sf . M. M. M. - n m. Sl r .