Newspaper Page Text
qNMMnN9 MiAfWi iSBBrK U 11 THE BISBEE DAU.Y REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1913. PAGE FIVE ' - - .- . - ; . ; J COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT SUBJECT Lecture at Central School Tonight Should Draw Interested Crowd Tonight at the Central School build ing thobe who are interested in mu nicipal government will hare the op portunity ot hearing Prof. Chandler of the state unlversnty lecture on. the commission form ot government for POLICE COURT HAD VERYJM GASES Record Local Docket Con fronted Judge High Yesterday Yesterday was easily the busiest day of the present year In the police court. More than a dozen cases,. all disturbing the eace or drunkene. came before Judge High. The fines for the day aggregated more than $100. AUTO COMES OVER BORDERLAND ROUTE Mr and Mrs J. T. Nnttle Find Road Good From Eastern Terminus cf Rou'e J. T. Nuttle' and family, who are making the trip over the Borderland' HAVE YOU TIME Get your watches, clocks and jewelery Repaired. We make a specialty of Swiss Watches. The Henkel Jewelery Co. Royal Theater Coacert 6:45 by Royal Orchestra t i'J cities. It Is a matter always of inter est to citizens and taxpayers and ei-Tom Sullivan, who was charged with peclally so at this time when there l .disturbing the peace and reslsUng ar a committee investleatlng the advl8-rost Sullivan was the man who, on alillltv of Dit-bee making a change. Whether lrof. Chandler will treat or other short ballot forms ot city government besides what might bo termed Etrlctly the commission form, that Is to fay, the business manager plau. ha4 l.ot been stated. It Is the latter form that seems to have the most udvocatfrfe in this city In any ovent the subject of which Prof. Chuno'r wll! uea should be o gen eral Interest and it Is expected that io wllljiave a large audience of adult citizens besides the high school pupils. Prof. PhllbrooV has shown hit pub lic spirltedness In obtaining this lec ture "and the people generally may be expected to show their appreciation of what he has done by swelling the attendance. LOAFING MUST STOP AT SCHOOL HOUSES Arrest is Made at Central Q.-h.iol inri Philhrnnl J9 --" " -- ,Vill Stop Nuisance Vlan Ha: bte-i placed on kaSng In Iron: of the Central srl-col aiti an arr"t yesterday by Gco'-gu Stv nrtr jaitor of the school, wil! prob ably d. a-way villi. the nuisance. ' "The school lias decided ta t-tlce a firm agamst a certain l-:s: ot young mnu vrho .ire In ts.c hasit if loafing around the bchool," said u pcri'iUuder.t Vhilbrcuk ycM.erd.i. -"IhiTC jciss wen are In tha lialut of loafing abound ibe school and usk Ikk remarks U the pupils. Mu3C of theci aru tnoMi'g am1, cs tbey art "lib-jut ho age of high scb&ol "bos. inany pecpla s-et the 'mpressio-i that ihey belong to the school and are al- flowed to be there We will not tolerate- this condition of affairs longer." The matter came to a head yester , 5lay when the Janitor ordered a num j.l)er of young men to leave the school ard. It Is said tha they refused and janitor Stewart, who Is ?lso a truant vfflcer and therefore has the right to mako arrests, arrested one of thejn, (after, it is cliarged, the young' man Ifhnd abused him. Superintendent Philbrook said yes- turHav thai lh mattpr would come up liut'ie Justice court today and that It was probable mat a continuance would bt asked as Assistant District Attorney Murry is out of the city. New Use for Moving Pictures. Moving pictures are used by a French scientist in the study of the deformation of metals when strongly compressed by the hydraulic press. In some cases he uses a brass tube of three Inches diameter and .04 inches thickness of metal and observes the appearance of the surface when the tube" Is flattened out by pressure Sometimes the tubes are flHed with a liquid and then compressed. Vari ous figures appear on the surface of the metal, and moving picture views are taken at the rate of 15 a second. ' By throwing the views on a screen it is easier to study the effects than by direct observation. Consideration. "If I didn't have such a large fsmlly, I could save a little money. "Don't be too sure of It. If you didn't have . a large family you might have aa auto." Houston Post. BACON Smoked and cured in that old Fashioned way. It tastes different. Put up in neat pound boxes. Sliced with rines trim .med off all ready for cooldng. -jf J.BtAngius "The Pare Food Grocer" PHONE 29 Among the cases tried was that of Tuesday night, struck Officer Thomas after Thomas had arrested him and escaped, only to be recaptured by atshal Watkins. He was fined J2.1 and committed. Tl$j other cases were: R. S. Ste wart, disturbing the peace. $10; Wil liam Crane, disturbing the peace. $7.50: T. Morelos drunk. $6; Walter Brady, drunk, S6 Phlllp.Patlan, drunk, J6; Felix Rodrigues, drunk, $5, fine te mitted; Bert 1-ajlne, disturbing the peace, $7.30; T. Gabriel, drunk. 57.50; Kd Connelly, drunk, drunk, J6; Chas. Burt in. disturbing the peace, $7.50; and Joe Young, drunk, $7.50. s POSTOFFICE CLERKS Local Postmaster Receives News of Curtailing Time In Larger Offices Postmaster Cassldy has received In structions from the postoffice depart ment at "Washington that the depart- rrent, on and alter March 4. will at tempt to make the hours for all first and second class postoffice employees equal to eight and ten hour shifts. This action by the department fol lows much agitation for shorter work ing hours for postoffice employees. In may smaller towns, where there is an Irregular train service the employees aro forced to work on long shifts in order to get the mail out. Tho actlo-v ot the postoffice depart ment is in lino with that of other departments of other departments of the government. In nearly all of which the standard eight hour schedule is in effect. The change in the hours will ne cessitate a considerable rearranging in the local postoffice schedule. Sir. Cassldy is now at work preparing this and expects to soon send it :o the department at Washington for ap proval. -It has been announced that all the windows In the postoffice will close promptly at 6 o'clock, hut the other arrangements made necessary by the change in the schedue will not be announced until the schedule has been approvled. Urge Farmers to Raise Fish. There are signs that the time Is not far distant." said William E. Meenan, former state commlsioner of fisheries and present director of the public aquarium la Falnnount park, "when farmers will consider fish culture as important a part of their calling as the raising of grain or potatoes or poultry. When that day arrives the fish industry of Pennsylvania will rank as high as any other industry. There are few farms in Pennsylvania with out springs, a stream and swampy land of which no use is made and upon which the farmer pays taxes without any return. Most of the streams and the springs and the swamp land could be utilized for the rearing of fish. Un der Intelligent care an otherwise use less piece of wet land can be made to yield as much, acre for acre, as the most fertile, land." Philadelphia North American. j ' if Brief Local Items Removed to Hospital. Jesus Lopez was yesterday removed to the Copper Queen hospital, where it Is reported that he Is quite serious ly HL Leaves with Prisoner. Deputv Sheriff "Red" Gannon left yesterday for Tombstone. Ho took v. ith him a Mexican named Ruiz, who Is charged with stealing a saddle. Given Sixty Days. Edward Miller, charged with beal- ,nc a board bill, -was yesterday sen tenced to sixty days In jail In Jus tice Thomas court. Baby Boy Bom. A baby boy was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'It. Keast, ot Voungblood HllL The boy weighed f'A pounds. Trial Today. ' W. S. D. Smith was arrested yes terday on a charge of disturbing the peace and will he given a bearing at 2 o'clock this afternoon in Justice Thomas' court. To Spend Winter in Tucson. Dr. J B. Bond and Mrs. Bond, ot Warzen are contemplating to spend the remainder of the winter !n Tucson. They expect to close their Warren rpsldcncw and taVn mi n,-irtmpnta In Tucson. Er. and 4Mrs. Bond ,ex5ect. to be gone ror'sgverat juonras.rf To Locate In Lowell. Mrs. Pennington, who has kept a rooming house in Douglas for many years, was a Lowell visitor yesterday. Mrs. Pennington expects to, sell 2icr property in Douglas soon to open a placv In Lowell. route from Wichita, Kan., to Los An geles in a "Monon" automobile, left yesterday on the last lap of tholr Journey to the coast. The party made the trip direct from Wichita to Dodge City, Kan., t!fe beginning ot the Borderland route, ana nave trareiea over tne route for the entire distance. They reported that tho roads were generally good for the whole distance. The road from El Paso to Lordsburg was particularly good and but three chuek holes were encountered on the road from Lordsburg to Hachlta. They have had practically no trouble with their automobile and have been abl-j to easily negotiate all the grades. GIT? JAIL MATERIAL S EXPECTED SOON Marshal Watkins has received word from E. T. Barnum and company, of Detroit, the firm that was awarded the contract for the Installation of the city jail In tho city hall building, that they have mailed the contract for the work. It Is expected that shipments ot the steel for the cells will begin immed iately. The Jail will bo located in the larpfe room to tho left of the main door on the ground, floor, and the room will be ready for the installation ot the cells as soon as the material is removed. Two. cells, so arranged 1 that they can be divided by a parti J tlon, will be Installed. They win -ac comodate about twenty persons. The contract price for the installation o: the jail Is $S90. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money it PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any ease of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In C to 14 days 50 cents. 419 Pressure Again Adequate. ' ' It Is generally reported that the wa- tr pressure Is again adequate and that even the houses on the hills, which have been cut off from their vater supply for some time, are now getting water. There has been no lucre trouble with the pumps of the water company at Naco. Leave for Phoenix. Attorneys Cleary and Ross, for the defense, and Assistant District Attor ney Slurry, who, together with Coun ty Attorney Gllmore will conduct the case for the county, left yesterday tot Phoenix, where tho precinct case comes up before the supreme court to- dar- ... .i. Half an Inch Rainfall. According to the official record kept at the Central uchool, .45 of an :ncn rainfall fell during Tuesday. The rain started early Tuesday morning and continued all day. The rain gage, on tne roof of the Central school, whlcL jv&s blown down a few weeks ago, baa now been repaired and is in ilrst class -vorking prder. McMInn WUhart. , Mrs. Nellie WIshart, for some time past on the force of the Blsbee post office, was last night married to Matt McMInn, a well known resident ot Lowell. The wedding ceremony was performed by Reverand J. C. Fry, pastor of the Presbyterian churrh, at 7:30 o'clock before a few of the in- J timat friends of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. McMInn will reside in LowelL Makes Trip to Cananea. James A. Greer of Warren and a party of friends made a very pleasant' journey to Cananea yesterday, re turning last la8t night. The party left Warren In a big automooile early in the morning and though it was cold and the roads were muddy, all enjoyed the pleasure trip greatly. Vaudeville at Orpheum. Vaudeville at the Orpheum proved to be a success as two good houses enjoyed last nights performances.' The program consisted of four reels' of motion pictures and two acts ofi vaudeville which were greatly enjoyed br all. The same bill will be given for the remainder of the .week with a ' comrlete change of program on Sun day. Searching For Missing Man. Jacob Schmidt, of this city has re- ceed a letter from Santa Fe N. M-,' asking for information as to thai whereabouts of Jack Luxem, who is cnnrvKtoit In Ii. In this rltv. If 3DV friends of Mr. Ijjxem know of his! whereabouts they will confer a favor on him by communicating with. Mr. j Schmidt Water on Mason H'll. Mason Hil! residents were overjo'. frf when for the first time In nearly two weeks they Were abl to obtain water. A great many fin ed everr available utensil with the precious fluid for fear that anotfceH water famine might ensue in tneir neighborhood in ttte near future. Enrolls Many Pupils. . ; jTwentr-iive new pupils were en-1 rglledtaUthei.Warrfn. school this term them. Tfce"WarTen'schoo! la now SOj ine cood work and rapidly making 'up h. 1j.ii- ( hlli fhAV ad hVhtnti i vuo cmu iu mutt,.! -j --.---w j0 w y caused by the emporary dtsASemeat'f A I I I I frt f o( the school on account ofUfiTrefceatF x - - fe?a scarlet fever scare. There Is'no its J......... ....a.---. ThAp. I'rti. W1TUP Tf A w T" I' A I I II 1 Sit longer any danger of lufecton and tv erythlng is going on aa formerly ORPHEUU Theatre"' Monday, Jan. 27 THE IN1TKD PLAY CO'S. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS GRACE JIAYWAHDS THE MOST POPULAR RO MANTIC PLAY ON THE AMERICAN STAGE Gorgeous Production Superb Cast Including Miss Louisziia Valentine and Mr. Lawrence Evart SEATS NOW ON SALH. AT BOX OFFICE PRICES 50C 75c, $1.00, $1.50 NOTE "Graustark" has no con nection with "Beverly." "Gra stark"" is superior in every de tail and worthy of the most serious consideration ' Card Club Meets Friday, A meeting of the card club of the Sicbee Woman's club will bo held at the club tomorrow afternoon. This Is the. meeting that, was to hava been held last .Friday but which was post loned. Keeping Bowling Scores. All the bowling scores at the Y. M. C. A. alleys are now being tabu lated, for the purpose of selecting a team to play the Douglas "Y" team. The game will probably be played about the ilrst of next month. The ltve men having the highest score will constitute the team, while the two having the next highest score will be te substitutes. Hocdco Removed. Marshal Watkins announced yester day that number 23, of the dog li censes, has been sold. Now that the hoodoo number is, removed it is ex pected that dog owners in this city will -get busy" and pay their dog li censes. Unless this is done soon, the police will take the necessary steps for ridding the city of the many un licensed dogs that are now on the ttreets. Hotel Arrivals. At the Copper Queen: M. M. Pool. San Francisco: C. W. Cobb, Sn Diego; H. H. Pratt, Douglas; J. C. Rice, city; S. n. Jennings, El Paso; H. D. Heas- ley. Los Angeles; J. H. Dowel!, DoJg las; Sam KIrschner, Los Angeles; S. A Apigar, Rodeo. At the Philadelphia: J. H. Murphy, Tucson; James A. Farley, Yuma; Thomas 5fc Jenkins, Yuma; M. J. Mann, 1ms Angeles; A. T. Hicks, San Diego; Thomas F. Lamar, Darning; John J. Short, El Paso; Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Gunn, city; W. H. Anderson. Ray; C. P. Hlllman, Tncson. THE IIAREM CAPTTVES ARE COMINGSTO ? V -" "uLy-'wggfi 7VK, TiVrFtftX m&imm Si.-mli fl-atefe-with JrcTyl3nB th ortr-"I tU 4i..iH.t esr-'ia.iJeli,,-. ' aoT'i-'s tt ia5cni nfiL-tr. b ' r ti - i U Wf . t Jlcooid 1 tt t. ..- i rrctt.1, ' tta iitami tmro. wf !.m ii r lry -. bck H it la -- At or, .-rut ottsk re. tempi t - K0M30M fiTS. CO- feMUwapMi, KTna. TO OWN A COMFORTABLE HOME phould be the aim of every young man. Real estate is today, and al ways will be, the safest and best paying investment. We hav. plen ty of GOOD CITY PPOPERTIES with houses, erected, thereon, that can, bebot&bt? right. If y;ou jbaye molieyyh'atis'notfearnibg' its prop per Injeifetji you 'will'1 do ' -well to look Intothefe Offerings. THE REAL ESTATE" MAN O. K. Blk. Phone 76 MHIIW'Bf' ' 'IMP lrfijp u yHMHlg I vLiiSM39iLLLLLH ivir1SH3"liBiK' wsssm Jsgggppglfe Lowell Theatre "THE HOME OF REFINED AMUSEMENT." PERFECT ICTTRF ROGRAMS THAT PI J 1 .LEASE (ARTICULAR EOPLE Program for Thursday Friday and Saturday 5 PHOTO PLAYS 5 "BRONCHO BILLY'S HEART" Western Drama. "WILD PAT Vitagraph Feature. "THE MASQUERADERS" Comedy Drama "I SAW HIM FIRST" Comedy "THE BACHELOR'S PRIDE" Comedy J. P. fcOY will sing "THE TALE THE CHURCH BELLS TOLD" MatineesSaturday&Sunday 2:30 Sharp Evening Performances 7 p. m., 8 p. m. & 9 p. m. Usual Prices, 10 & 15c Sheriff Attaches Restaurant. An attachment was placed on the Buckeye restaurant at Lowell yester day by the sheriff, for ?400, due to various business houses In Blsbee and Lowell. Otto C. Fleck, the proprietor had left thfo place sometime Monday evening and nothing more has since been heard of him. Fleck had been in business about three months and to all Intents, It was the belief of every one, that he was "making good." How's This? TSVe offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHESTET & CO.. Toledo. O. TYe. the undersigned, havo known V. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe tlm perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL. BANK- OP COMMERCR Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal!-, actlns directly upon the blood and mu cous surtacrs of the system. Testimonials sent fre. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by ell Druggists. Take Halt's Family Pills for conatlpa'loo. NOTICE To those contemplating furnishing a home, if you will check furnituve list below, articles wanted and call at our store for estimate, will save you both time and money: Linoleums, Stoves and Ranges, Ta bles, Cupboards, Cabinets, Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Matting. Dining Ta bles, IJuffets, Quilts, Blankets,. Bed and Table Linen, Beds. Springs, Mat tresses, Pillows, Dressers, Center Ta bles, Lib. Tables, Chiffoniers, Wash stands, Wardrobes, Trunks, Cuttlery, Draperies, Cooking Utensils, Dishes, etc., and etc In fact, everything for the home. New and Second hand goods bought, sold, exchanged, easy payments. STANDARD FURN. CO., Allen Block. Advertisement. . Glaremont Nurseries Claremont, California Al Kinds of Ornamental, Deciduous And Citrus Trees Our New Catalog Phone I9C P. O. Box 12S3 SAMUEL RANKIN Printer and Stationer 15 Muhelm Building IlISBEE ARIZ. Vv ulofl stitute. Insist on having The Tann hauser Beer, the beer that is bottled at the ' Brewery.) Delivered to you at $3.50. per ; case. h . . If your grocer does not have ii, call - f Phom 243 MARCH "Return of the Colors" Von Blow SELECTION "Echoes of the Opera" " Recker 1DYU, (Mexican) "On the Mesa-Grande" Robyn ILLUSTRATED SONGS Iu Old Ireland where the river Kenmare flows by MR. GLENN HENRY. Orpheum Theatre The Show They're All Talking About BERT LEVEY VAUDEVILLE WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE PISTOR and DAYE "The Wise Rube and the Actress." PICTURES "A Leap Year Proposal by the Sea." "A Sunday Afternoon 'in New England." This Is No Place for a Ministers Son." SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY VAUDEVILLE SWOR & WESTBROOK Refined up-to-date Entertainers PICTURES "Red Eagle' . T"U T o. -,. iiiciiuniii for Nothing" "The Triangle." new acts and a complete change of pictures evsrv Wcdnesdav and Sundav. , 2 Shows Tonight Starting 7:15 JACOB SCHMID, Prop. 21 Reels of Pictures a Week. Admission 5c and 10c Program changes every day An" hour of high class entertainment awaits you at this show houso DON'T FORGET THE WARM ROOM. The Warren Ranch fureaZewlk DIAMONDS have been' bought in large lots by me before the an nual raise in price. See loose stones in front win dow. Mounted ones in side window. My guaran tee is 90 per cent on the $1.00. L. L. GILMAN JEWELER and OPTICIAN Official Watch Inspector For E. P. & S. W. Ry. We Handle the COAL Gallup Domestic Lump $14.50 per Ton Dawson Fancy Nut . . . $13.50 per Ton Order Some and be Convinced Brophy Carriage Company Phone 284 Lowell Ariz. Review Wan! Ads. Bring Results Boston & Brown Agents of the Copper City Brewing Co. PICTURE PROGRAltf FOR TUES DAY, WEDNESDAY? -THURSDAY "Xove and Treachery" (Lubin) A story of smugglers and the coast guards. . "Saved by Fire" (Sells) A strong stoiy ot the Oil fields. "A Man for a Day" Eclipse) A story ot every boy's ambition. "Trebizond and Suroundings" Showing interesting scenes in Tur key at the present time. "A Doctor for an Hour" (Edison) Another of those Totville comedies' that are always a scream. BOSTON-VON CO. Comedy Cut-Ups In a Clever . , Caronsal THE CELESTOS Comedy Sensational -Wire Acrobats. , . F Pnnnln.'nU,,)) nr.,l ui l' uuui.miiuit.-au viuuvi Prices Always 10c-15c-25c II Two Best Brands of On The Market I Phone 243 mf lorn1 tip&im y ?ZZZtni?j'&&i a -i'-f -t-,'-"i'T:7- "F- -rs" " 9USXU J2k.' - - " J--"