OCR Interpretation

Bisbee daily review. [volume] (Bisbee, Ariz.) 1901-1971, January 24, 1913, Image 1

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Popular Demonstration
Opposition to Reply to the
Powers r'uts Old Lwcrs
Ovx and New in.
Peace Plans Are Upset by
Uprising of Populace and
Demand That Adrianoplc
Must Be Held.
23. A crisis In Turkish atfalrs came
today with dramatic suddenness, i
Grand Vizier Kiemll Pashi and the
Ottoman cabinet resigned, and Mail
mtnd Schetket Paslia. fornn".y..ii:n-
isle- of war and commander ol the;
ronstitutlonat army, which enthroned!
Mc "lined as sultan, was a-'io'tte-l'
Giund Vizier. j
Ytsterday the grand counril pro-
noonced in favor of peace it al-iiost
any price. Today a vast crowd drawn
from all classes declared tn faor ot
war rather than peace without Adrian
ople, and because the crowc was
backed by the general public opiii'on
the goernment surrendered and re
linquished office, making way for the
same men whom the popular inove-j
ment brought to the top ati,-r the.
reo!ution ot 190S and 1909.
Popular Demonstrations
.The council and the mlnltitef -met-
shortly tfetore, noon to gHe iinal -shape
to th not accepting- the iirnsl
of the powers. About 3 o'cloc-t the
people from all quarters began to
gather In front of the gate of the
grind vlzierate Knvr Hey. one of,
the leaders of the young Turks "who
was Idectitied with the camaign in i
Tripoli, and NaJjo ey, a promlocnt
urrjea auuui. .ui umr mm (
were depulled to inform the cabinet
that it must retire.
Enver Hey issued from the vizieraie'h
and announced ttat he held the ie-.
L "bIn' .S1 JSS- " i
rZ,A lth trpm.-ndous cheerins
whicb was frantically renewed anf J and signed at the meeting for nine
hour and a half later when he return-j" candidates, as follow.: W. M.
ed from the palace with an lrade ap-jAdamson, O. O. Haramlil C. O. J
imintinp Mahmoud Shefket Pasha l", Altiirt Stacy, E. R. Pirtle, Dr.
grand vizier.
Speakers Hold Crowds
While awaiting the return of Envcr
Bey, the enthusiasm of the crowd waB
Kept at fever pitch by speeches and
(ihe waving of banners. Meantime
Talaat Bey assumed provisionally the
..iMI. aF tVio. mlnldtnrv rf tfl Ifl-
terior and Izzet Pasha that ot war.
Minister Grandiloquent , .
In an interview Tatot tor wld
that movement had I nor been t Ian nl
but was the outcome of popular feei-
ins o ing to the attitude of the gov-
ernnvnt with regard to Adrianople
If Adrlannnle Is abandoned he said, a
dlsturtanco xlll break out over the
length and "breadth of the empire,
With regara to money ue sam m"
ttb whole nation would make a sacrl-j
"No compromise Is possible," h
continued. 'The change In the cab
inet means that we are colng to ave
the national honor or perih In the
Nazlm Pasha, former war minister
v nil commander of the Turkish army
wa shot dead In the demonstration
here tonight.
from Constantinople Upsets
Plans of the Powers.
LOXDOX, England, Jan. 53. To
ha ambassadors of the powers, who
were congratulating themselves that
the concert of Europe virtually had
rattled the near eastern war; to the
dotezates ot the allied Halkan state,
and all London, except the Turkish
plenlpotenUaries, the new of the res
Isnation of Klamll Pasha and the av
pointment of Mahmood Shefket Pa
aba to the grand valerate came as
a bolt from the blue.
wlipther this means war to the fin
ish, with the "young Tnrks" in th
Kiddle or merely another exhibition
nf the resources of Turkish diploma
cy, none can say. Nor can anyone
predict definitely whether the pow
m will attempt to coerce Tnrkay In-
in maklne peace or stand as spec-
.or while evecu tsSe their course.
The advent of young Turks Into
.. minlsirrv means that the Otto
man will make a last fight with
their backs to the wail If the new
I.-.. nra able t caramand. the
army. Should there be a division of
opinion, as diplomats acquainted wlO.
ora .. -:a mmszgmasgm mm
SBHHHSriiMH fi 6r
Top. I(. la rlnhJi Cm W. W. h
rrMoBa SlMjtor Urneral Leunnrd
Wwwii and lJor llrarr T. Allrn.
Ilultuoi. Cut. II. C. Hotlco and CoL
li. Si. Julia Grrklr.
Major General Leonard Wooi, who
will be In charce of the Inaugural
parade In honor of President-elect
Woodrow Wilson, expects to maWe
this jear'i demonstration the most
Impressive in the history ot inaug
ural parades. He has appointed an
elllclent cops ot assistants, among
whom are Gen. V'. V. Wotherspoon.
Major Henry T. Allen. Col. 1L C
Hodges. CoL K. SL. John Greble and
Lleuu J. C. H. Le. A friendly rival
ry exists between the suftraceu.
whose raradd will be on March J. and
those In charge of the Inaugural par
ade. The sulTragets say their demon
stration will be the most lmpretslva.
mm takes .
Mass Meeting Held and
Freeholders Named Who
May Draw New Char
ter for the City
(Special to Thellevlan,) " '-
DOUG1-AS, Ariz, Jan. 23. At a
mass meeting held, in the Y. M. C A.
building tonight, attended by seventy-
fle representative citizens of Douglas,
the first step was taken in the effort
to provide this city with a commission
torm ot governmpit The meeting
was non partisan In character and
was for the purpose of naming free-
- MM , , MnHM.... .. .i.-
,jtf tau w , f
w municipal charter for this city
.Nominating petlUons were prepar-
jr. i. n ngui, William cicnuauin, i.
Sadler. W. W. llenson. II, C. Hant
. m ll.-lA ...till r.i.i ,
i Kins, jonn k. spear, jtoy iiaut, a. s.
Cadger, A. C- Iockwood, D. L. Perry.
II. H. Scott, M. G. Zeitlin, Dr. L. J.
Tuttle. John F. Hoss.
A committee of three, composed of
A. C. Lockwood, John F. Ross and Da'
iMd Benshlmol, was appointed to pre-
paie nomination papers or any others
- who may desire to become candidates
. h , election. It is estlmat-
not be less than forty,
I The lislative body which wm
' fralr te new city charter, will be
' composed of fourteen members,
j -
Rebels Fire on United States
Troopers and Make Raid
Upon Ranches
EL PASO, Tex. Jan. 23. Tele
phone reports late this afternoon state
that Mexican rebels fired this morn-j
Ing on United States troopers of the
thirteenth cavalry, patrolling the bor
der near Fabens.
The raiding of ranches ty rebels Jn
the same vicinity today resulted in a
fight with American ranchmen, who
drovlj the raiders over the line, wound
Ing one of them.
it is said that troop C patrol did
not return rebel rolley and none of
the American soldiers were Injured.
The firing on United States troops
occurred directly opposite Guadalupe,
where 400 rebels are located.
The American ranches raided are
somp mlla vpr q
Troop B, of the Thirteenth cavalry
has been rushed to the scene.
Turkey predict, a military revolt
against the cabinet Is not Improbable.
Delegates of the allies received thn
news with expressions of anger and
sarcasm. Some offered the opinion
that the Constantinople coup was
pre-arranged. Dr. Daneff. head of the
Bulgarian delegation, snares this be
lief. He said tonlKht: "We must have
patience In dealing with oriental
Its" Mit.lSWMBte
Throng That Would Gather
too Great to Be Met by
Wilson Without Fatigue
and Danger Is Probable
WASHINGTON", D. C, Jan 23.
As a result of a general canvass of
the senate today announcement will
probably be made that there will te
no general public reception to Pres
ident Wilson following his Inaugura
tion March -t.
When the Washington inaugural
committee referred the subject to the
congressional inaugural committee
and that body refused cognizance if
the same members of the committee,
led by senator Overman, of .North
Carolina, Interviewed practically nil
the members of the sena',e. They
found a ponderance of opposition to
any public demonstration of the even
ing following the reception.
It is asserted that the congratula
tion ceremonies, involving a trip to
the capitol and participation in the
Inauguration of the vice president and
the proceedings to-date In the deliv
ery of the inaugural addresses and a
prolonged review of the Inaugural pro
cession would be tiresome and it was
feared that if tbese vere followed by
a general reception, Wilsons cnaar-
ance would be overtaxed, especially
as It would be Impracticable to limit
the attendance Jt is estimated that
from 50.000 to 100,000 would ibe In line
to shake hands with the new presi
dent. There is also apprehension ai
to the result upon the peopitr them
selves getting together in such a
throng. The fact Is recalled that
when President Jackson undertook to
5le an inaugural reception, the White
House was so over-run and some peo
ple were disorderly and it became ne
cessary to throw many out through th
windows. Many also remember th
scenes of disorder In connection wlhl
the lying in state in tne capuoi oi
the body of President McKInley, when
he was brought here on the way to
Wilson's friends in the senate ara
satisfied that the decision has met
with his approval. It is declared that
If the bousc should adopt a resolu
tion orovidine for the reception, !t
will be killed In the senate. :
After lurking long In the darkness
about an adobe house near the South
ern Pacific round house at Tucson
officers of the UnitedStates customs
service captured Vicente Ramirez, an
opinm smuggler Vvhom they haa
trailed from Nogales, and Yee Woo,
a. Tucson Chinaman, alleged to be a
distributor or wholesaler of the drug.
Woo will be- held here for triaL Th
2texlcan will be tried In Nogales.
Order EnteNSd For Representation at
Inauguration of Wilson
WASHINGTON. U a. Jan. 23
The war department will bring the
West Point. cadets here1" for President
elect Wilson's Inauguration, whether
congress appropriates for their ex
penses or noL The eadets have de
cided that. If necessary, each will pay
his own bill.
After March 4iThere Will be
23 New Member? of the
Senate and 161 New
WASHINGTON, U. C, Jan. 25.
rht special session waich is expected
to begin soon affer the Inauguret.on
of President Wilson will be an alto
gather new congress, the Sixty-third,
cf whose members 181,23 senstors
ana 161 representatties will be lit
to tbeir places. The cnusuili.v large
number of new representatives is the
result partly of the reapportionment
which created many new congresslou
al districts. But the political over
turn is responsible almost wholly Tor
the great change in the personnel o.
the senate.
The new senators will take the
place of others, many of them lonj
and widely known. Such, for exam
ple, are Senators Joseph W. Bailey,
of Texas, Shplby M. Cullom of Jill
nols, W. Murray Crane of Massachp
setts. Joseph M. Dixon of Montana,
Frank O. Brigs of New Jersey, Nur
ds Brown of Nebraska, Jonathan
Bourne, Jr., of Oregon and Murphy
J. Fester of Louisiana.
The fact that an unusually large
nujnber of the states are sending tc
thjj senate men wen qualified for th
' uuauui-u lor lar
place by reason of thefr previous leg-'
laiatlve experience in the lower boue
of congress is a subject of mu.-h fav
orable comment In Washington just
now. A revluw of the list shows that
a majority of the new men will si' In
the senate after March 1 have alreadj
served as representatives.
The toga of Senator Bailey of Tex
as,, now worn temporarily by Coi. K.
sr. Johnston, an appointee of the gov
ernor, will after March 4 fall upon the
shoulders of Morris Sheppard, who
nas been a representative In congress
the past ten years and has been look
ed upon as one of the Bryanite lead
crs In that body.
Another prominent member of the
lower house who will be seen In lac
senai Is John W Weeks, who has
'been named to sOcTeed benator Crane
of Massachusetts. Mr. Weeks, though
a comparatively young man, has rep
resented 'tie Tweltth Massachusetts
district since 1903. He is regarded at
one of the best Informed members ol
the house on military and natal mat
Senator Foster of Louisiana will be
succeeded by Joseph E. Ransdell, who
nas nearly fifteen years of service in
'the house to his credit. Mr. Randall
Is widely known as a leader of the
movement for Improved waterways.
Since 1907 he has been president cl
the National Rivers and Harbors con
gresB. ,
Edwin C. Burleigh, who lias been
selected by the Maine legislature to
succeed Senator Gardner, has had
much legislative experience, though
he is not now a memter of congress.
After fifteen years In the honse he fell
a victim to the democratic landsl'dt
In Maine two years ago.
OlUe M. James, who is to succeed
Senator Paynter of Kentucky, has aac
ten years.' experience In the ower
house. Mr. James first became ac
quainted: with the buIens of lawsaak-
(Conttenfd oh Pase 2)
That Freight Is Divided Up
l by Companies Is Clear
ly Shown. by the ,
i VAS1UN0T0N. U. C. Jan. 23 (
. Armed with bulky packages contain- '
ing copies of rate agreements, map
ping contractu and pooling arrange
ment data, I. A. S. Franklin. iic'
president of the International Mel can-
tile company, furnished today the
house shipping trust committee with I
practically all the Information de-1
1 sired concerning the north trans-At
I lantlc steamship trade.
i Franklin corroborated the testi-l
I raony of other witnesses that tb
lines In this trade were operated un
der rate agreements and In gome in
stances pooling arrangements and put
into one record a copy of an agree
ment entered into by most ot tuoi
suit's cuiiiruiivu uy ma curjiuiLiiuu.
I'renklin said that the only way con-
t Kress could improve the situation I
, would be to reiuiro copies of agree !
ments to be tiled and held open to
the public Any attempt to prescribt
xed rrtep, iie Insisted, would bo ruin-,
ous on account of "tramp"' con'miti !
tlon tc the regular IIne and liecftusfc ,
mic). a practice would give foreigners,
an inlMtntug" over t.u United Sib"---.)
murium ard m-ouuvr. The aKre-
lnot-t at present, Frankllu said, pre
bcrlbed minimum rates and fired a
dblsion of business as follows:
Hamburg American, 37 1-4 per cent
and Korth German Lloyd 23 3-4, Hol
land American IS, Red Star 30 1-3..
VIENNA, Austria. Jan. 23. Honoris
vere current today in AustHan ship
plug circles that Indicate that the
German Atlantic steamship pool is
preparing- to wage a fierce rate war
against the new Montreal service
about to be Inaugurated by the Can
adian Pacific company. Emigrants
will probably be the chief beneficiar
ies of the rate war as steerage rates
are likely to be reduced to $10 before
the .conflict ends. Meanwhile the
Canadian company is arranging to
togin a morillily service In March.
The company is opening various
emigrant ofllces' at various centers in
Austria, especially at places along
the Uubsian frontier, hoping thereby
to obtain a share of the large emigra
tion traffic heretofore monopolized by
the German lines.
Minority Leader Ties Up All
Business for va Full
Half Dav
WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 23.
It took the bouse exactly three and
one half hours today to approve the
journal of yesterday. Conducted by
minority leader Mann, expert fill
busters. and friends of the Uncoln
memorial project forced the clerk to
rend the journal in full for the first
time In many years Manntonaucted
,. ...ih....- . M ! will t9rh
. ,. , ,Mp. lhaf t'he mlnorltv la
not to be trifled with."
The filibuster tactItt,of the demo
cratic side had prevented the houae
from reaching the Lincoln Memorial
bUL on which the republicans hoped
to secure action. As soon as business
statted today. Mann demanded a read-
Inc of the journal In full, a task us
ually dispensed with by unanlmdus
consent The clerk skipped the in
troduction of bills, but the republican
leader caught the omission and forc-j
ed him to go back and start overt
again. IteiMjrrlrftlve Fitzgerald fin
ally movetftuat the journal be ap
proved; Mann made a motion that it
be amended, and, when ruled out of
order moved to lay Fitzgerald's mo
tion on the table In a maze of roll
calls, parliamentary Inquiries and a
democrat'? attempt to start the days
business, the house consumed half a
days session without legislating.
Mann finally abandoned the fight
after securing a parliamentary art
vantage' which will probably result In
the cons-tSsratlon of the Lincoln mem
orial bill next Wednesday.
It Is esUmated by the revenue col
lector that 150,000 cigars are manu
factured Jn tne state of Ariiona every
month. Some months the average is
much higher. The largest factory 'In
the state is at Nogales.
Two crops harvested and a third
in the ground under cultivation is the
record made Ly Peter Godfrey on his
ranch In th Hermosa district in Mar
icopa county during the year 1312.
Mr. Godfrey was a large corn growct
in the east and decided to give It a
tryout In the Salt Rlveri valley. As a
result of his efforts the yield re
ceived fro weight acres of ground was
50 bushels. Mr. Godfrey will plant
more corn needless to say.
TO VJSvr AilEltlCA
Klne Alfuaiu.
King Alfonso of Spain recently
sprung seierta surprises on hla un
suspecting people. One was the an
nouncement at he contemplate
making a visit to America in the
near future. He said be bellewl
such a visit would cement the friend-.
iv relations between Spain and the
Latin American countries. J
The apamsn kibe imuuuiiw.-fc bi u.d
same time that he was in favor of
old age pensions, honest elections,
and better government senerallr.
Nation Wide Conspiracies in
Sales Of Postage Stamps
Are Discovered and Plots
for Theft Unearthed
WASHINGTON. D. tl, Jan. 23. -Illegal
trafficking In stolen postago
stamps aggregating see.al millions
annually, has ibeen disclosed by poat
office Inspectors whose investigations
-were reported today to Postmaster
General Hitchcock. These involved
the so-called stamp brokers and cor.-
ndentlal employes of large business
concerns throughout the United States.
Through the confessions secured Uv-
the Inspectors from some brokers
whoie operations they investigated.
It was learned that stamps of all
clastet, and denominations have ben
stolen and burglarized from post of
fices, embezzled by employes from
great business houses and manufac
turing establishments and have been
purchased and resold by brokers ar
prices far below the price alue.
The postal laws make It a crime
punishable lb Imprisonment to sell
stamps Issued by the government lor
less than their face talue. The in
vestigations disclosed the fact that
in addit'on to selling of stamps for
a less price than that for which they
had been purchased from the govern'
ment and that brokers knew they-had
stolen the stamps.
Inquiries showed lar.: hrikrrs in
some Instances entered r.to a con
splrucy with emploes of business
houses to buy, at a price agreed, an
stamps the clerks could steal from
their employers.
TUa first of a series of Indictments
resulting from the Investigations was
handed down in New York yesterday.
The men Indicted are Richard Fred
ericks, ilrving ("Izzy") Sevel and John
Frank. District Attorney Whitman
Informed the postofflce department
that other indictments will follow.
NEW YORK. Jan. 23. Detectives
arrested Richard Fredericks, a stamp
dealer and Irving Sevel, keeper of a
r)ews stand, today on charges that
they had received stolen stamps. Oth
er arrests are expected
Calls on Valet to Aid Hj'm
in Ejecting Official
from His Room
NEW YORK. N. Y-. Jan. 23. Cas
tio was enraged at the refusal of th
special board of inquiry at Ellis Isl
and to permit him to enter this coua-
trr and ordered three members of
the board from his rooms today
When they demurred, he called hla
valet and tried to throw them out
Ther withdrew. "I will not talk to
you. Go away," he shouted when the
officials sought to question him con
cerning the killing ot General Parades
In Venzuela. The board, with Its two
nterprejers and a stenographer, alt
talking at once, tried to calm the Ven
zuelean but without avail. He reach
ed for his gold headed cane, banged
the door shut and locked it when they
CHICAGO, 111- Jan. ,23j Battling
Nelson, the prize fighter, and Miss Fay
King, a cartoonist of Denver were
married cere today.
II IBB "TPIl !".
tt IKbAll
Secretary Replies to British
Note Relative to Question
of Canal Tollsfiandir
Coastwise Shipping.
Pact Held Up by Taft Be
cause of Senate's Course Is
Now Needed to Straighten
Out Difficulties.
WASHINGTON. 1, 11. Jan. 23.
Knox reply to the isnush protest
against the exemption of American
coastwise shipping from paying Pan
: ma car.al tolls, assures the British
government that the domestic coast-
extend operations to foreign compet!-
J,iTe fie,rts- The rpi,,.v' also s'es tho
assurance iuui luurunneu unis are nuc
to be laid on foreign chipping to
balance the remission to American
If Britain Is not satisfied- with
these points. America purposes a spe
cial commission of adjustment.
The communication is devoted to
the purpose of reducing to the small
est point and number the Issues upon
which tlw two governments hav
failed to agree and as to these only
two are contended and tney are en-
tlrely susceptible to adjustment
diplomatic means and without
rnnrsf! In nrbitmtioni "
Alternative Suggested.
if this course does not prove ac
ceptable to the British government
it Is suggested that the whole con
troversy be referred to a special com
mission of inquiry, provision for
which is made In the unratified Knox
Bryce general arbitration treaty, the
convention to be approved by the sen
ate with an amendment which cur
tailed the power of the special com
mission of inquiry to merely Investi
gate and report and refused to permit
the commission to bind either couii
tr; to a course of arbitration on it
f.ndiags. Because of this, amendment
Taft has i.o far declined to consum
mate the treaty by exchanging rati
fications which will Insure the ex
istence cf a general arbitration treaty
between America and Britain, after
tht. lapse of the existing Hay-Paunce-fote
ireaty. on June 4 next
As an alternative the secretary Is
willing that a commission be created
for the special purjo?e of ascertain
ing h fjirts In regard to the effect
on British shipping by the Panami
canal tolls act and the president's
proclamation fixing the tolls. Much
of the secretary's argument rests on
his contention that Sir Edward Gre's
protest, being made in advance of th.
Issue of the president's proclamation
lixing tolls, is entirely Inapplicable
lu the controversy at Its present
itate. and that, as a matter of fact,
tlw British contention rests on the
apprehension of things that may hap
pen In tho future to Injure British
shipping which in all probability will
never occur.
Knox begins bis note, which wa.s,
delivered to tho British foreign of
fice through Mr. iaughlln, American
charge In London, by a flat statement
that he wilt not argne the British in
terpretation of the canal treaties so
rar as they limit the freedom of ac
tion of America or Infringe on British
treaty rights'. Pointing out that the
Grey note was issued without consid
eration of the president's toll procla
mation, the secretary states that Sir
Edward deals chiefly with possibiH
ties and what the president might do
under the canal act, whereas the
proclamation has entirely changed
the situation.
Senate Passes BUI Prohibiting Cor
poration Political Contributions
The senate today passed the Culber
son bill to prohibit corporations from
making any contributions for politi
cal conventions or primary elections.
The bill is an extension of the cam
paign contribution law enacted in
1907 A penalty of nve thousand dol
lars or one year's Imprisonment for
officers of the corporation violating
the law. Is carried by the Mil.-''
NEW YORK. N. Y.. Jan. 23-Cop-per
tlrm; electrolytic 16.50 to 16.78.
Copper arrivals. 100 tons. Exports
Oils month J5.707 tons London cop
per weak.
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