"' T5 'i i' IT-1-" 7r'iTiinnJfTHVirr'i-TVirtftf&iMwitf'ij'i'iiwpi' m?'&$&' -r z s THE BISBEE DAILY EVIEW MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS. VOLUME 15. BISBEE ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING, J ANUARY 25, 1913. NUMBER 324. fl LOOD UPON 1 ARE LEI DOWN Iff !Vh $&- T I """ "" i" "'' ' ' ' mm n n if - - .,. , .r,.ir . ,--w-ir r0-fr"w-wr-W'V-m-rm-iwwrnnrTrvwirnmMrii0iit-mr-m"mmm .imwIwwwimmw -n-nniii, mmh ff , hf ymt, iliTfr l'rTn' '"irrm Ifr irnil i m i mi m iwMMiaMTpitrTI' km ife '"fojik etos. iSria f u i POWERSSftYS ! TURKS ENVOI M GOVERNOR HUNT N 4 rl U n fe' 1 Demonstration That Caused; Death of Minister of War 1 Is Laid to Course of Na tions of Europe. BUT TWO DIPLOMATS UNDERSTAND TURKS Representatives in London Are Bitter and Details of Affair Are Transmitted to ; Washington Officials LONDON. England. Jan. 24.T-The blood or Nizim Pasha." itechad Pasha, leailer of the Turkish peace delegates said today. "Is on the heads of the European powers. Their unfair and precipitate. attempt to force Turkey to" surrender has borne its Inevitable fruit." - The Turkish plenipotentiary furth er declared that the events of yester day were to Jjeexpected by any one who knows Turkey, the patriotism or the people and the spirit of the army. The Ottoman spokesman pointed out that only two European ambassador In Ixndon know through experience what Turkey really is. These ere Paul Oambon. the French amtassador, ani Marqirs di Francavila.ithe Italian am bsmadoV" Hour of thYse. aecordrae to the Turks, tried to dlsuade their colleagues in driving the Turks to ex tremltles. WASHINGTON HEARS DETAILS Ambassador From Turkey G'ves Out' Story of Assassination as Accident WASHINGTON D C. Jan. 24 Regarding the public demonstration of Constantinople, in which Nazlm Pasha, former war minister and com mander of the Turkish army was kill ed, the Turkish embassy received? to day the following cablegram from the minister of foreign affairs of Turkey. "For some time there has teen man ifested a feeling of discontent among the people against the cabinet of Kla jnll Pasha, who, foreseeing the iOpular movement, thought it better to take strong measures for repressing it. The delegates tp the grand council and tu mors which spread afterwards caused the discontent to turn into a feeling nf exasperation, in consequence or hich. a large crowd went yesterday to the sublime Porte in order to man. Ifest the feeling of the nation. At the moment of entering the sublime Porte's a'de de camp to the ex grand vizier prompted by an excess of zeil. or perhaps by fear, drew a revolver and killed one of the rowd which, 'though it has been peaceful up to that moment, .had to reply to the un expected attack. "While this exchange of shots was taking place, Nazlm Pasha, hurriedly coming out of the council to see what was taking place was struuck by a shot and mortally wounded. A civil ian, who remains unknown, was also mortally hurt. On account of these fjcts the cabinet resigned and his Imperial majestly the sultan has charge cd-Cbevket Pasha to form a new cab inet. ":Tho portfolio of foreign affa ra. which Is occupied protem by Mouktar Bey. has been offered to Osmau M -zjtnl Pasha." LONDON LEARNS FACTS Young Turks Said to Have Acted Un der a Wrong, Impression LONDON. England Jan. 24. A dhv patch from Constantinople to a newsj agency here says- ""It is learned on high Authority that the youne Turk committee i well aware that the sultan unwillingly gave way to the retolve of Grand Vizier Kiamil Pash.1 to cede Adrianopie. The young Turk officers who were recently received bv the sultan left him with the Impres sion that he would not object to a siidden change In the government and the same spirit prevailed in the! family council the sultan recently convoked. "A pamphlet, obviously inspired, has been distributed here. Tt sayt that the young Turk committee has l-cen the means of liberating the sul tan, and saving the caliph from an endangered position. "Enver Bey was most v kindly re ceived by the sultan, who, without hesitation, accepted Kiamil . Paaba's (Continued on Page 2) Helen Gould and Finley G. Shepard; Miss Gould's country home at Tarry town-cn-the-Hudson. One interior gallery where marriage was solemlzed; the other shows the magnificent conservatory of her Tax Commission Says Assessment Must he Full Value PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 24. The state tax commission issu ed an order today requiring all County assessors, hereafter to, assess property at full value." The order merely enforces the law long on the statute book always has buen unobserved. NO DISTURBANCE OF Tariff Revisers Desire to Af fect Industries Little as Possible WASHINGTON, D. C. Chairman Underwood, o: Jan. 24. tile house means an the tariff was no in- cemmittee on ways and nounce'i emphatically at hearing today that there tentlon of cutting the rates of duty along competitive lines to ruin bus iness Interests of the country.' He took exception to intimations that lie attributed to republicans, ihat the democratic majority committee pro posed to mike rates that would dU tuit bus'ness prosperity. The committee, which heard to day's testimony of many manufactur ers and importers on th flax, hemp, and Jute schedule is cot disposed to Question the competitive character and luxury classification of many lac es, embroideries and other articles n the schedule. This indicates that the committee favors the retention of approximately the same rates on many items. This schedule is one of the most pro fitable In the whole tariff scheme ana produced last year more than $49,000. 000 1 revenue, the duUes averaging above forty-five per cent ad valorem. Some of these articles could be re duced to stimulate competition and bring-revenue; ' ', The export tax on Manilla hemp wus questioned by the committee.. Un derwood criticized it as aibad law. He suggested that no export 'law is in i keep'ng with the sp'rlt of the Ameri can constitution. SOARS OVER PYRINEES. 0-.-.J i ai,.i s-.,.hu,..fitr,.. ;; mIh- .-r. ! MADRID, Spain, Jan. 24. M. Bid-' rr. the French aviator, flew from Pau, France, across the Pyrineea and land ed here In safet ytoday. He stopped at Guadalajara, Spain, for fuel. In his course over the mountains be at tained a height ofn Ine thousand feet. Y. M. C. A. OF TWO STATES GREENB0R07 N- C. Jan. 24. Greenboro lr "entertainlrg for threi days the tenth annual interstate con vention of the Voung Men's Christian association of North and South Caro lina. A large and enthusiastic attend ance marked the opening of the pro ceedings today. Governor Mann ot Virgli.la. President Mitchell of the University of South Carolina and Dr. C. W. Kent of the University of Vir ginia are among the scheduled speak ers. MEi TRUST ' PROBE CLOSES Report May Be Important But Close Has Appear ance of Being Inglori ous and a Failure .MAY RESUME LATER WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 24 -Accepting as an .argument the lengthy statement made by Henry P. David son, of J. P. Morgan and Co, denying the existence of a money trust and at tributing corporation financial inter ests to a weik bauk'ng law." the house money trust Investigating com mittee closed today for the time lacing its financial probe. The committee will begin within a week, the cons'd eratlon of its report, which will rec commend changes in the national banking laws and legal control of var ious financial agencies. Davison s statement was an analys es 1 argument based on tables and charts presented by the committee and "purporting to show the control of ?zr.000,000,000 of resources by ISO tU rectors." His statement denied this conclusion. He set forth specifically that the firm of Morgan and Co fcte lict'ed that there was no such thing, either In form or fact, as a money trust." The committee did not alfe) the statement to go on record as testi mony but allowed It to he recorded as an "argument-" James J- Hill, the railroad pioneer of the northwest followed Davison on the stand and was examined briefly ss te-Ji's affiliations with various banks and railroads. 1IE5 FOR WOMEN IS- STILL BIG PROBLEM! Suffrage Passes the Nevada House and in Iowa Is Put Up to Women ! .. .. ... I CAU&UiS Villi, .-lev JAU. -. Woman 5uffrage passed the assembly here today with but three dissenting votes. The measure will go-to the state senate Monday and should pass as It is generally expected to go be-! .u- 1 r x -J. .. tt.. .U"e aacuvMnv,i.. V w. .v..-.. i jvrtx tuc ircuiJie ui hctbua ii tu ucAt general election. ONLY WOMEN VOTE. GRINNELU Iowa, Jan. 24. To de termine whether the women of Grin nell really want tho right to vote or whether Jt is only the desire of poll ticians and enthusiasts a woman suf frage "primary election will be held here January 31. Women nly will be allowed to vote. CONVENTION IN SESSION. WASHINGTON. D. a. Jan. 24. The National American Woman's Suffrage association, ae such, will tako no part in the inauguration ot Wilson March 4. Nor will General Rosalie Jones and the "army" march ers have anything to do-with the In augural parade, although they- will be i WARSHIP'S COMING GIS RELIEF 10 VERA MUZ PEOPLE Americans and Foreigners as Well -as Bfctiec Class Mex. icans Express Satisfaction at Action of Navy PEACE CONFERENCE PASS CITY REPORT WASHINGTON. D. C Jan. 2S The expected arrival on Sunday of the V. S. gunboat Wheeling In Vera Cruz. Jiex., caused, jejoiclng among Ame. Icans and '-other fore'gners, as well as among many of the bett;r class of Mexicans, according to a d-s-patch today to the state depaartment from the Consul Canada in which i.e says that the federal authorities :iv sert they have drizen the rebels away from the railways into the mountains. Brig. Gen. Steever, in command of the United States forces on the bol der, today Informed the war depart ment that reinforcement to the federal army by 700 men. had raised the troops in Juarez to 1,000 and removed the danger of the city falling into the bands of the rebels. ARMISTICE IS ORDERED Peace Conference in Prospect Is An nouncement Frcm El Paso EL. PASO, Tex., Jan. 24. An armis tice of f.B days to permit an Informal dUcussion of peace terms, is effective today. The peace commissioners from Chihuahui are awaiting al Villa Ahu mada. between the state capital and the border, for the arrival of the ret? el representatives. Gen. Ines Salazar I is expected to head the revolutiomrv (faction, while Col. Francisco Castro, 'of the 'twenty-third infantry, will be a member of the federal commission. CoL Castro and representatives of hei state government and business inter ests are at the neutr.il grouna. uniy J permission to receive the rebel's pro- 0Ternment at Mexico city. PVSAIS UttO Ll.l&t...U wrf ..w ...M HADLEY AOPHESSES -AWYERS, UTICA. N. V- Jan , 24. An ad-i . . ,. , ,-,.,,. h-HIov nf l""" , "' "L '"L" : '"J,"? '. P lJS.. J Jit ,he l?admc - JllfJ"? " J2 !?,v 7 h"e ' lci" '. !"i:r ". .- .... I--.-.- D"ua' ??"" "' " c, "i J.!. I 01 omcers wn u . . - . , meetlne tomorrow Judge Alton B. Ti.,t.mt wdl K nmoH aa firpftirlent at the associaUon. ! here to take part In the suffrage; Louisville and Nashville, and Mobile pagent the day previous. ; and Ohio, whereby the railroad Just why the women will not. take agreed to work -preferenUally" wltn part was not made clear until Mrs.! the steamship company In regard to Helen H. Gardner, head of the pub- certain classes of freight Kellogg licity committee, said that no invita- Insisted that, although rate? -were dls tlon had been received from the in-i cussed at the gulf conference, each augural committee. "We are a non- ilne Axed its rates Independently and partisan body," said Mrs. Gardner, incrcasea or lowered them by notifi--The parade is a somewhat partisan I cation to the chairman of the con affair. Therefore, our participation ; ference. might be misconstrued. We have; - ' appealed to the senate committee oni EASTERN COPPER MARKET public buildings and grounds for tha - use of space on the south side- of the treasury buildings on which we would erect a large stand. Our hopes are that the committee will grant the re- quest" -' view shows comer of library and art country home. HEW DASE GIVEN HEARING Cral Arguments Made and Twenjjy Days Given for Preparation of Briefs ' bv Counsel MONTH IS ' LIKELY PHOKNIX Jan. 24. (Sped!) -t least twenty ays and probab'y longer must elapse "before the final decision is riven n the Cochise Co-m'v pro clnct office, appointment case TI113 catter was presented to the f.pieuie court today on appeal from t'ae oi-.n-lon renderej by Judge Sutter at TomN stonc and tenty davs were grjnteJ the contesting parties to fiW briefs on the case. It therefore appears prob able that at least thirty dajs .-will slapso before the .final decision is rendered. A matter of state wide Importance, the legality of the prec'net appoint ments hangs in the balance, upon the case which was argued this morn ns before the supreme court. Tha con stitutionality of the act of the legisla ture under which appointments were made in the various counties Is &t stake. For the county of Cochise the County Attorney W G. ftllmare an.l hs assistant Alexander Murry appear ed and for the proponents John Vil on Ross and William Cleary were the attorneys. Arguments were beard and following their close time was given for the presentation of briefs. RATES AGREED UPD BUT INDEPENDENT Peculiar State of Affairs in Cuban Commerce Is Disclosed w.iww.. " w ... -,. WASHINGTON. D. C Jan. 24. .pr0erP8-1T.esUm.Qn? H131 conference of steam BhI" ,,neS doln bu"8 tetween 8"" V and ba ,sW "to-keep ourselves from destroying each oth- ." was presented today to the house merchant marine ,committee: by Ches ter v Kellogg, general freight agent ....... of the Munsen line. , Kellogg identified -contracts that his line uau vtiui iu buuiuciu launaj, NEW YORK, J?. Y Jan. 24. Copper steady, electrolytic 1C.30. Arrivals 135 tons, exports this month 17.96" tons, London copper steady. " , FOR SPEC . SESSION , Legislature Has Seveaty-Three Matters Called to Their ' Attention and Code Revision Makes Possible Prac ., ,'tically Any Legislation That Any May Desire to Introduce Although Time Limitation May Necessi tate Call for a Second Session . FULL LATITUDE IS GIVEN TO THE LAW MAKERS News Bureau Bisbec Review, Room 203 N. B. A. Building. Phoenix, Jan. 24. Governor Hunt today Issued his call for the legislative session to be held February 3rd, and enumerated therein the various subjects of which the solnni may treat. It was the de sire of the executive and his call was framed with such in view that no lim itation should be placed on the legis lature. All of the subjects he in cludes In the call, other than the list suggested by Mr. Pattee, the code commissioner. Governor Hunt Is de sirous of seeing considered by the leg islature .but of course such action is not compulsory and some of the sub jects may not be touched upon. Includes Coae Revision Regarding the code which for some time" It was doubtful would be lnclui ed In, the call Governor Hunt took the view that no harm would be done In including It for consideration at this time and If the legislature did not ciii to take the matter up they would not need to. The Governor could not be charged with limiting or attempt ing to limit the scope the legislation that the extra session would taktt. In the list are subjects specially enumerated Governor Hunt is Interest ed and desires some action upon by the solons which he no doubt will point out and suggest In the message he will transmit to the legislature when they are convened. Most of tha specja'l subjects enumerated Governor riant had been called to tUs attention Ly urgent requests from c tizens of the state uho also urged li'.m to call the legislative session that changes in existing laws might be made or nev? Funds Are Needed laws' enacted. Another point In calling the extra sess'on was to secure legislation which would facilitate the work of several of the new departments of the state government The great reason for the session however was that appro priations might be made for the var ious state institutions. In addition to the subjects which are enumerated for the consideration of the code, seventy-thre in all, the governor made the followin specific enumeration: provisions Embodied General appropriations for state in stitutions. An emergency law ptov.diug for the reg'stration of qualified electors, of the state. The governor Is strongly in favor to equal suffrage and feel3 that since the women have been giv en the right to vote laws should oe enacted whereby they may register and become state voters at once. A minimum wane for workers in mlites smelters and reduction works J and other hazardous occupations, A law making possible the putting Into effect the amendment to the state constitution giving the state the right to engage in Industrial pursuits. An amendment to the state consti tution provld'ng for abolishment of capital punishment. Construction o state highways and roads- working of convict labor there on and payment of families of con victs for labor thus performed. An anti-lobbylng act, one of the COREY GflNTRADlGTS GABY'S lESIIMuf i Former Head of Steel Trust Gives Out Further Inside Secrets NEW .YORK, N. Y Jan. 24. That tha participation of subsidiaries of the United States Stee! corporation rn pools organized for the purpose of fixing prices was known to Judgt, Elbert II- Gary, chairman of the cor poration, long before he gave orders that the pools be abolished was the nat me pools De apoiisneu was mr;:in we uci-untc cummiuee o. -no tatement made by William E. Corey.f progressive party will present to be s former nresldent of the corporation, Corey so testified today In thu cross I minimum wage boards for the garment examination of the government suit fades. Roosevelt's letters was writ to dissolve the combination under tb, ten to .Michael Schaap, progressive as Sherman anU-tnist law. This tcstl- fScmoly man. mony preceded an acknowledgement . . . by Corey that his resignation as prcs-! fore the Stanley investigation com Idcnt of the corporation In 1310 -was j mittec Gary then declared that with, the sequel of a dispute between him-i the exception of aMrall combination" $elt and Judge Gary as to who was which he said did not fix prices, he sunreuio auiuunij nu uui i"c - i.ance committee of the corporation 1 upheld Gary. This testimony fs directly contra dictory to that of Chairman Gary be- state constitution mandates tho last session of the legislature failed to agrcp on. A law for the acceptance by the state of funds appropriated to ne state by the national government. A law providing for the removal ot the reform school from Bea-on to Fort Grant. The old Jort and grouuJi which comprise 2000 acres of land were given the state by an,act of con gress. A law for the publication or stuto reports and statlst'cs gathere-l bv state boards. A farm Tor the Ktate prison and tor the state asjlum for insane. A law ceding totbe s. jurisdic tion, ijver military rervatiom. Iius law J proposed at the suggestion ot the U. S. war department a, law hav ing been recently enacted by congress that no money should be apnroiirist ed for use at forts where t. S. had not been given jurisdiction by state gov ernments. An appropriation or ? 450 to pay the expenses of Arizona participating in the ensuing conferences or state gov ernors. ' Appropriations which would enable Arizona to make exhibits at any pro posed fair or exposition and rurjher for the expense of studying and 'pre paring reports of any sociological, in dustrial, economical or financial vvarK or system. A law providing against the sale to or use by minors or cigarettes. Provision for construction o" bridg es across the Colorado river at Yuma and San Carlos Creek and Gila riv e' en the Apache India.! reservation. Provision for the revision and amendmnt or laws of the state re lat.ng to rules for the construction 1 f statutes and general provisions re.ai Ing to the effect and construction of statutes. Provision for the publication or the revised laws or the state. A geiKral revision or the laws .-elat-ng to the state government and pow ers and duties or state officers .n cluding the Arizona Corporation Com mission and other state boards ind commissions. Is Preparing Message Governor Hunt has already begun work on his mesate to the legislat ors and it will probably be seat to tne solons on the second day or tho session. The work outlined for .10 legislature Is so general in scope that trjere is little doubt that the sess on win last fully sixty days and it is possible even longer. There is no time limit to length of the session but legislators can only draw their salary lor sixty days without a further leg islative call. While it is not thought it will lie necessary those who know Governor Hunt best hive no doubt he would not hesitate, to cs:t a second extra session to complete any real work at hand, if such was Necessary. Ar'jona's executive has ereat confidence In the legislative branch ot our government as it is now constituted. The lattitude given them in his call is Indicat've of surh. facL PROGRESSIVES OFFER LEGISLATE HELP Roosevelt Takes Advantage of the Garment Workers Strike to Suggest Bills NEW YORK. Jan. 24. Co ineldnt with authorative assurance that every effort Is being made to end the Gar ment Worker's strike tomorrow night and send 150,000 men and women back o work Monday, Roosevelt made puO- 11c louay a letter wnlch announces that the executive committee of 'he state legislature. Mils aimed to-create ima no Knovvieuge 01 live existence 0f pools and that he had ordered tbem abolished a? soon as they had been brought to his attention. This was In the latter part of 1904.