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4 , - ?1 i . -JSl I r THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1913. PAGE THREE n n- i V A , i mm m Ylii BRiDGE Arizona Congressman Ex pects Earlv Report from Interior Department, Will Push Measure ARIZONA COMPLAINTS WOMEN DEFEND WIFE FROM CRAZY HUSBAND! With Pokers and Shot Gun They Bar His Way to Hysterical Spouse Tl'CSOX Jan 24. Three women, attled with iron pokers and a slut gun", defended the homo of Mrs" Ins ram, 3 ratios north of the city on thy first avmiuo road Wednesday night when Daniel Boone Johnson, au old woodcutter living near theift batter ed In tho front door In an effort to reach his Vo, who was ill and being cared for by Mrs. Ingram Johnson surrendered himself lo Sheriff Join Nelson Thursdnv uiorniug. lie will EVIOENGE ON LEGAL SATES Hearing Begins on Com plaint of Railroads Lodg ed with Interstate Commission RAILROADCONTENTION WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. TIepreaeH- e0 '? lno V?"1 ?r ' Q.a.11 0," lo PllOENIX. Jan. 24 Before Bxamm tative Carl llavden ik. Nlwlta -reacn nis v o wno was Ml ana uemg or G. S Gibson, the hearing of th rPnnrf nl .,,, a,hv .(. ,, tt i. car&i rr bv ,rs- "gram Jounson Arizona. corporation commissions report at an early date Jrom the la- suffered himself lo Sheriff John complaint regarding rates on coal terlor department on his bill provld- j Nelson Thursdav morning, lie will rom Gallup to points in thU state, Ing for a bridge across the Colorado be examined as to his sanity. j tied with 'the Interstate commerce river. As soon as this report is re- Tho trouble arose ly rejeon oticoinm'sslon, began this morning in celved, Mr. Hayden expeciK to pes'ilthe death Wednesday of the baby 'the blue room of the Hotel Adams the measure to a favorable conclusion ' recently born to Johnson aud hUl Corioration Commissioner F . lefore the committee and then before wife on their ranch near Mrs. In-lJJones was the first witness and ae the house. Islam's. The woman Is half pajwlll probably bo on the stand mot Mr. ilayden expresses the opinion alyaed Johnson is 4S yeart old that the gliding of this bridge wpuul I sfck Wife HSterical mean much for the section directly ,h hove, wnore tno Jolmgons ST ,uateria,S lived was not a suitable p.ace for iSHSUr with Indian af-'"'" ?T 1 ft "'TV,',! fairs continue to be introduced J.f c,'arlty- hfld le,r transferred numbers and the calendar now ottn bm,e- J"l"s0 wild to tains many such bills. Mr, Owen lias have caused hla wife to go Into hvs submitted an amendment to be pro- Jios time he came near her. 1ks.1 In him to the bill making up-j Finally he was refused further ad- iirouriauons ior me current ana con-.iimuu;. tingent expenses of the bureau of In dian aa'.re by the insertion of a clause to the eect that the secretary of thV treasury be authorized to pay JolurMin sought an order from J W Estill of the Iboard of supervisors to removo hfs wife to St. Mary's hos pital. It was refused. WeJnesdaj from a designated fund of $GOO,iw) J afternoon he appeared at the Ingram that amount to laval Creek "Indians in I !,.,,,. .nth nn -inilmtancn nnd nrde conformity with the award by ths'jrora i)r Jonn Walli. county physi- senate, February 1G, 190: The Arizona Corporation Commis sion has tiled with the interstate Commerce commission two com plaints, both against a number of railroads, the title of the first action being Arizona Corporation Commis sion s. Atchison, TopeKa & Santa Ko Kailway company, Arizona. Eastern t itailroad company, el al , and that or the second, Arizona Coriwratlon Com mission s. Arizona & New Mexico Itailvvay company. Arizona Eastern Railroad company et al. There are eleven defendant railroads in the first complaint and twenty-lie defendants 3n the second. The first complaint charges thai tue defendants have fixed rales on petroleum and ietroeum products, in cludlg crude oil and engine distillate, to ixj'nts In Arizona which are unjust and unreasonable and which should be reduced. It asks that the doien ilants be required to answer the charges made, and after a, hearing and investigation Teasorable rates 'e fixed by the commission. A table show ing rates charged from Iiakersnell, i San Francisco and Los Angeles to twenty, Arizona points, including Plioe 'n!x. is mado a part of the complaint. - Tbe-seeond complaint elrarges tlmt rates'ftxed by defendant carriers, on grain and srain products from- points 'in Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri. Nebraska and Oklahoma to points in Arizona are unreasonable, unjust and ' d scrlmlnatori The commission , asked to declare such rates unjujt and to order reasonable rates fixed 1 JOSEPH W. CHOATE IS SI. '. NEW YORK, Jan 24 Joseph H Choate, former Cnited State- om!.as Tsador to Great Ilritain, received the ' congratulations of many friends to day on the occasion of his eighty-first liithday anmersai'y Mr Choate is i:i excellent health and is to be seen daily at his law offce In Wall street. clan, for the woman. Johnson was put out, after burst Ing the lock on the door. Mrs. In gram went for help, leaving two oth er woman on guard with the shot gun. Johnson drove Into town with a load of wood Thursday. He surrend ered hlmseif at the courthouse. His horso and his dog are being cared for by the county pending the out come of tho case. The baby was burled at the ex pense of tho county. Johnson denies breaking down the door. NEW ANESTHETiG IS AT G ft A HOSPITAL First Apparatus of Kind in State Has Been In stalled in Bisbee The first anesthetic apparatus to be used In the htate has been receive 1a the C ic A. hospital and is now being utilized. . The new apparatus combines th geod properties of both laughing gas and ether and does away with the bud effects of ech. Unaer the old method an anesthetic was adminis tered wboll by one of these. The new method makes the application much safer, as the bad after effects are eliminated By it the laughing gas is hrst administered and the ether is thfn given The apparatus is in general use in the large hospitals in the east, where It has given full saO isfaction. but the apparatus at th C & A hospital Is the first to be put in use in this state A WANT AD. IN THE REVIEW BRINGS RESULTS -jwlll probably bo on the stand moot j of today. The commission is also j represented by Chairman W 1 tJeary, Secretary Charles Smith anl Kate Clerk. Alex Jones. Among the railroad men present are th following- K. W. Clapp. gen eral freight and passenger agent of the Arizona Eastern, Tucson. H K Miiuon, general traffic manager ol the HI 1'aso &. Southwestern, fH Paso; Eugerso Fox. general freignt agent of the E. 1 &. S , El 1'aso, I'aul 1". Hastings, assistant freight traffic manager of the Santa Fe. San Francisco; E. I. Crulco. genera! fre'ght and jiassenger agent of the S F. 1' & 1.. lYescott; G Ilarnwell, district geiferal freight agent of lite Santa Fe. Lo Angeles. J. J. Cole man, assistant general freight agnt of the Santa Fe, Chicago; J I. Cole man, attorney for the Santa Fo, Chi cago; E. W Camp, attorney for the Santa Fe. Los Angeles. J. G. Wilson, interstate commerce attorney of the Southern Pacific, Chicago, J. G. Stubbs. eeneral freight agent of the Southern Pacific. Los Angeles; E. J. Gibson, division superintendent cf the Santa Fe, Winslow. W A. Drake, general manager of the S. F. P & P , Proscott. In addition to the sev eral local railroad men are in at tendance. During his tebtlmony this morning Commissioner Jones was asked many leading questions Once Examiner Gibson had to inform tho railroad attorneys that Sir Jones was not et under cross examination. Commissioner JoJnes took up the comnlalnt filed with tho Interstate comment commission and explained it in detail. He cited many instance to show how rates on coal are raised by making the shipments throush & S. W to Arizona points instead Deminir and over the S P. and b. r of through Albuquerque, Ash Fork, Prescott and Phoenix. Tli., consumer Is entitled to raies based on the shortest possible haul. said the witness He went on 'o show that the distance to many points Is greater iby way of Deming than by way or Aiouquerque aim Phoenix Yet the Gallup coal is ahipiied over the longer route. (In several instances me rates asked for by the corporation commis sion are higher than those now in effect The Phofinlx & Eastern branch will receive more for haul- fnir slack to Hayden than it receives at present, it tno rates are oruereu into effect. The defense will try to show that it ill cost more to haul coal ovr the Santa Fe lines than over the L. I & S. W and tho S. P., because of the heavier cades. "Tht- Santa Fo receives more bv merely hauling coal to Deming and delivering it to us there than It would receive were it to ship all the way 'o Phoenix over Its own rails said sir Clapp Just Iwfore tho hi arlng oxned. MdSfo The Reliable Household Lantern There is always need for a good lantern around the home in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. It gives a clear, bright light like sunlight on tap. It is strong; durable, compact, handy. Doesn't leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and rewick. Will last for years. Ask for the RAYO. At Dealer Everywhere. Lo AasU, STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Calif omU) San Fra&eUe We Handle the Two Best Brands of On The Market COAL Gallup Domestic Lump $14.50 per Ton Dawson Fancy Nut - . . $13.50 per Ton Order Some and be Convinced Brophy Carriage Company Phone 284 Lowell Ariz. KANSAS WOMAN WHO SUFFERED From Headache, Backache, Dizziness and Nervousness, Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lawrence, Kans. "A yearagolwas suffering from a number of ailments. I always had pain and was irregular. Dur ing Uie delay I suf fered a great deal with headache, back ache, dizziness, fev erish speIIs,rjervous ness and bloating. 1 had been married nearly three years. I took Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and nov7 I feel better than I have for years. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to all who suiter as 1 did." Mrs. M. ZEUNER, 1W3 New Jer sey Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Montana Woman's Case. Burns, Mont. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me of awful backache which I had suffered with for months. I was so weak I could hardly do my work and my head and eyes ached all the time. Your Compound helped me in many ways and is a great strength ener. I always recommend it to my friends and tell them what a grand med icine it is for women. You may use my name for the good of others." Mrs. John Francis, Bums, Montana. The makers of Lydia -E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound have thousands of such letters as those above they tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money. 'This med icine is no stranger it has stood the test for years. j7i V c-x tTu t ASSOCIATED BOARDS STATE SUPERVISORS BASKET BALUBAUES PLAYED YESTERDAY Centrals Defeat Sophmores, But Freshmen tflay Senior-Juniors Close Game Tho Centrals easily defeated tht, Sophmores, but the Freshmen gave the Senior-Juniors a hard match. In Hi- tno imakf-t ball games played es ttrday at the Y M C. A. In the flrst game, between the Sophmores and the Centrals, tho Central:" took the. lead early In the game and kept It all the way through. The first half ended with the score l: to 8 and. In tho second half tho Centrals increased their score to 22, while the Sophmores were able to add but three T!ntt, making a otal of eleven for the game. The follow ing is the line up of the tw'o teams' Centrals; Mcltea, captain: Krigbaum Wallace, Walsh and Orahara; Soph mores; Cook, captain; Thomas, A glus. Newman and Cochran. The second game was a close one, the Senior-Juniors winning by a mar gin of four points The first half was the closest, the Senior-Juniors running up three scores to the Fresh men's one. The second half wag also a close one and the final score stooa 3 to u in favor of the Senior-Juniore. The following is the line up of thp tno teams: SeuioMnnioru; Johnson, captain; Hunt. Wilson. Wildman and Costello; Freshmen; Henkel. captain, Campbell, 'Waliman, Doherty and Mcdigovlch. Thomas refereed the game end Wlttlg was scorer and umpire. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Toko LAXATIVE flOMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists retucd money If it falls to cufe. E. W. GROVE'S 8l t'atnre Js one each box. 25c Adver tisement. 50 ' r ' r PHOENIX, Jan. 24. Lin B Orme, fecretary of the Associated Hoards of Supervisors of Arizona, will send out notices tomorrow for a meeting of the organization in this city on Feb ruary 10. The purpose of the gathering is to formulate legislation to be recommend ed at the coming session of thhe law- cakers The most important among thfso matters will be the drafting of a b'.II for a bond issue for roads which has been proposed by Sir. Orme. Three months ago. said Mr. Orme today "we met and discussed what legislation we wouhl bring before the bod At our February meeting we will go further with these matters and ascertain exactly what matters we will submit" It is not exactly known where tho meeting will be held, though probably at the capitol building. W. A. Moeur, chairman of the Maricopa county board of supervisors Is also chairman of the state organization JUSTICE THOMAS IN New Bisbee Judge Made Suc cess of First Attempt with iMatrimonial Halter Justice Walter Thomas jesterday performed the flrst 'marriige cere mony since taking office. According to those present the judge was very cool about it and did not misplace the ring, certificate or any of th" other little accessories necessary to- the function. The chief actors were Miss Lizzie Williams and Harley C. Gunn. Th,? marriage certificate was secured on Thursday, but the marriage was kept secret. Miss Williams is a resident of Elgin, while Mr. Gunn had lived In this city for a nunfter of years The couple will make their home In the Johnson Addition. DOING THEIR DUTY Scores of Bisbee .Readers Are Learn ing the Duty of the Kidneys. J Td filter tho blood Is the kidneys' duty. When they fail to do this the kid neys are weak- ' Backache and other kidney ills may follow. Help the kidneys do their work. Use Doan's Kidney Pills the tested kidney remedy. Proof of their worth In the following-Mrs. O F Baldwin, 3S3 N. Fourth Ave Phoenix. Aris says; "I have no hesitation In -vouching for the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills, as they have proven to be an Invaluable kid ney remedy. "While I never used Doan's Kidney Pills myself, they have been tried by one in my family who suffered from backache and kidney tro'ible. This remedy brought quick and positive relief. This pleasing re sult has induced the person refcrreu to to place eVery confidence In Doan's Kidney Pills and In recommending them whenever an occasion, has beea presented. I may add, we still givt credit to this remedy as the cure It ffected In the case I refer to has been permano'rjt.' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo. New York, sole agests for the United States. f YtampnalMtr thA nairo Dfuin'fl and take no other. miirMnn)H)intii0MHM Af ?&&! ? r n 4S 3F ifSk L? 4Z ,fi &,jr . i ""w-ir f IS YOUR HOME PROTECTED? ; A telephoned home is a protected home. Burglars beware of telephoned houses. In case of fire you want to get the De- . partinent without delay. THE MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. V-f, i -3x.- itfwmwmwtwiwi ftirtfrfriMtMNM0M!H 2Bei Applianc eotnoa tic U lSS&Si ffggiigffl n k omes Electric Toaster Coffee Percolator Chafing Dish Tea kettle Disc Stove Electric JSewing Machine Motor Electric Irons: te it it tt Electric Water Heater Baby Bottle Heater Warming Pad Curling Iron " Vacuum Cleaner a a a . 5 Years $3 $4, caso Guarantee " Hot Point 6 lbs. Price "I .General Electric 6 lbs. Westinghouse 6 lbs. ' - . ' ' V American Beauty .6 lbs. $500 - Life Guarantee We have all of the above appliances for sale and all are sold subject to acceptance or rejection after liberal triaL . I Bisbee Improvement Co. I 1 i Claremont Nurseries Claremont, California Al Kinds of Ornamental, Deciduous And Citrus Trees Qur New Catalog OPENED JAN.I"; 1913 i!f i MrtiaSZ!g5- wheninJosAngeles stop attAe new: "Z3wB0TEL thu BEST In oil the WEST" Swi fireproof xrt i yj U I ?la HLbv outside booms 0U m M IKJr ISO WITH BATrl nff 1 120W.2"OST,NEABMIU. Mi I I MJd NORTMtRNMOTCt.CO,PROP. CONNECTION RATCS l Kn r ' up fL i I 'C I