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"! F k PAGE FOt)R THE 3I3BEE DAILY liEyiKW, BtSBfiE, ARIZONA. SATURDAY MORNING, J ANUARY.25. m. BISBEE DAILY REVIEW HIS DREAM COKING TRUE J j Published Every Morning Except Monday 5 -by the STATE CONSOLIDATED PUBLISHING COMPANY. i-s lSHHHLflKfi coNsvrTZQ rv if m is Editorial .Office PHONE NO. 35. 2 Kings Buslnaaa, QXtlce . .. PHONE NO. 33 7 SUBSCRIPTION. By Mail, per year (Strictly la advance) J7.G0 Single Copies ......... '.OS By carrier, ier month 75 -t ADVERTISING RATES , ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. - M U will bo the earnest endeavor of Tho Ilevlew nover Intantldnally (to wound the. felling of anyone. '"' , . Should an erroneous statement appear In the columns of this paper. call our attention to It, and if an error, due correction will be made, and - , ' The advertising columns of thlsj pajer arc for sale at the regular of flee, rates to unobjectionable matter. Entered as Second Class Matter under Act of March 4. 1872. TARIFF REVISION WILL NofBE EASY TASK. Tbe""Haxdest task which iwlll bo encountered by 'the democratic party after It takes, complete control of con- f f - . press, and the national government softer March -4, will be the proper .re vision of the 'present tariff laws as a redemption of tho promise of the Hal tlroqro contention. " It is being made, manifest alread that the owners of tho industries and interests who have enjoyed the bene fits of prqtectlon for years will fight desperately to prevent any material reduction of the tariff on the articles they represent. In"thn hous it Is not likely that a i i bill providing for an. honest revision r" . of the democratic tariff pledge could lx defeated, but In tho senate th ?emocrat!c,inaWtty-Js very'snlal, not more.'jthan two or Uired and a very Might op'iKtsitlon from democratic coll ators would defeat ft, tariff bill. TJunder tho heading 'The Sordid Side of Politics" the- El Paso Times thus discusses democratic duty connection with 'tariff legislation In! j "In the trior hearings are in prog - reus in Washington at this time, pre liaratory to tlie revision of tlie Payne Aldricli tnrift law by the democratic special session of the legislature con congress "to be "assembled in special ' aiders only such legislation that Is fcession just after 'the Wilson inaugur-1 ation, Uiero is . - .... :. a magnificent exhibi tion being given of tho sordid side o: American politics. Men who are ful ly cognizant of tho fact that the great democratic party has been called intr power by the masses of the people or its solemn promise to reduce the tar iff and lossen tho cost of living, arc appearing brazenly before tho com mlttee in charge of the hearing an" advocating the retention of the pros ont oxcesshc duties on practically ail imi-orts.-1 "" "To liston to tho specious pleading of theee special interests and bolicv. ono-half of their allegations, the pro , tectHe Ky'Stem deised and main tained by thJ Republican party so .long as (he Vrice or Its domination and control qfUio affairs of the na "tten. Is' (lie only instrument thai stands between the American pcopli and the complete 'destruction o! 'American Industries. Abandoning the f old cry of necessary protection foi infant American Industries, these rcp- reftentatlvos- of the special Inlerosta i'bo long .cowan,' that protection, now Ixjldly doelaie 1tlMit'iirotPctl.on lias come to stay that to destroy the tar ft wall bxHt around this nation for 'their befleftt is to bankrupt the nr tlon and precipilaU- industrial condi ilows that will destroy the living wage and redace the Vrg earner to a Hate of absolute cenury. 4" "Every protected Interest In tho gauntry Is making its formal .Into these hsajings and reciting the suae old story of almost bestlargrepd ed avarlceIt makes no difference to "Ihes men that the masses are bcinj ground 4fito a fins podr through ihe enjoyment A their special prlvi . l4cs. protectlaon has become a fixed "rUidple THUfb situation as viewed Wn Uielr stanfipolut, and they can K& TA -.-j. .1 S-lS1U5Has,"iu flno of sib o' moso shani MJt6f?theulAorat liiifct' Tiowl 'fortnroteIon for nSlfrflh ttrjfonmd plunrler the raass at, fs not corffined altogether to tha -ct oi-JlSlll-iw. Howard Taft -ana ON APPLICATION. 1 at tho Postofflcc at Ulsbcc. Arizona, Theodore Iloosevelt. Men who call themselves democrats, but with the love of tho republican flesh pot In their hearts, have not hesitated to appear Lefore this committee and beg and in sist that the great democratic party of this nation stultify Itself by per, uiitting this republican iniquity to re main in forco juse as It is. "To tho shame of Texas. It ran bo said that one of tho brightest and ablest attorneys of tho state is be fore that committee as the represcnta tho of the Cattle Kaisers association of Texas, protecting against any re duction In the tariff on cattle or on d-essed meats. He asks that congress a dontocralle congress pledged to tariff reduction and a lessening of the present exorbitant price of meat, thall ignore the vh'dges made to the jieople and retain, to the cattlegrowera of the state the privileges they are now enjoying under . tho republican syttem of protection." SPECIAL SESSION WILL BE UNBRIDLED. Governor Hunt has Issued the call 1 for the special session of the IcgUIa turo which convenes on February 3 tTlM?stacconstitufio:i provides that a named in tho call made for It. Governor Hunt, in the present cai. has given the lg!slaturo a free hand. The code revision report will bo sub mltted with recommendation for leg islation on forty-five subjects and be sides this the governor has recom mended man special subjects on which he asks legislation. Every pos sible feature of our state government may iiaie the attention of the spesciai session under the following paragraph included in the executive call: "A general revision of the tans relating to the state government and powers uid duties of state officers, including he Arizona corporation commission nd other state boards and commis sions." During -previous sessions of the tate legislature Gevornor Hunt at 'empted to secure a constitutional lmendmont abolUhlng capital punish ment in the state. This recommenda- ion conies fifth in the present as. lgnment of legislative duty. It may e .expected that In his forthcoming, message Governor Hunt will present arguments at length in favor of this measure which Is known to be one of his special desires. He has previously announced that If the legislature fuses to act in accordance with his wish on this question that he will cause the matter to be brought before the people of the state by the initia tive. Tbc governor makes no specific rec ommendation regarding any new rev enue laws, but it is presumed that hls subject is included In the sub jects included in tho. code revision recommendations, of which there arp forty-five. The governor's call mentions "ap propriations which would enable Ari zona to make exhibits at any proposed. fair or exposition," hut it does not; ude,a mention , aL state iliulUlogfi Uiongh inkfitneearf ih.ellcgislatan.-. . . f ' 1 trould be .auhorijedto provide a build I !..!. ' " -! 1 tng In connection with'exhibits at San .Francisco and San 'Diego, If It saw; fit, though It is hoped that the meni- 1 here win agree that a slm'r.Ie ttfblbltj of the resources in Arizona in the great halls that Will bo provided at 1 tho Panama exposition will bo suffi cient. It ie Mid that many of the legisla tive subjects included tho those in cluded in numerous requests ro ceivedd from the , citizens of the tato and therefore the desires of the governor regarding them may not be definitely assumed until he sends his 'message lo the special session. THE OLD WOMAN STILL When Robin Ruff and Gaffer CVeen were e-changlng opinions, in a-onco-popular song, of what wonderful things could be done with tho necc hary amount of cash, something lest than $5000 a year was fixed as the ir reducible minimum for the attainment of complete happiness. Kobln Ruff, we believe, finally concluded that no amount of money, however large, could insure happiness, however much of mere pleasure it could buy. It was the wise philosophy which popular ised the Jsong, first in England and afterward In this country. But that was in a simple day. Times can change, but thero are some elemental truths about men, and more particularly women, which nev er can. Wherefore, it Is a blowing against the wind for the young lady lecturer to warn her sex against mar rying men with, an income of less than J10.000 a year. Men of larger Incomes have been defeated by rivals with but a tithe of iL And so will thty be to the end of time. There al ways have been mercenary women, liii the mercenary womsn is not tho type of her sax in affairs of the heart. 'he tyjie would count tho boredom of living with tho wrong man for her. no mailer whatghis income, as a mount ain beside the molehill of getting up re-tof a cold morning jind cooking break fast for the right man. Such is the type. And even a female lecturer can not change the female type. One may say that after the glamor of lovo is gone, the mornings will get so much colder that there will be Te- cret .for tho J 10,000 roan who was l ejected. But that Is foreign- to th: tolnt which is, how the typical wo( man who Is In lore Is going- to feel about it then, and not a long time afterward. A.nd "here again an old popular song illuminates the case.. If; ras a type of the young woman who once sang of her grandmother's sago advice against marrying " ' ;tnld4hoW'8h&itfollQwedIL to the reject ton,'qf-se VErlprichyofng 'men and several godlyshowcd her a di-' 5 vided duty. -She tried -to be true tOj grandma, but It suddenly came into her head that if grandma had really Ve'leved what she sald"graudnia hcnM self would have died un old maid.' There are things which neither motor cars, telephones, phonographs, slot machines", chewing- gum, or any of the now paraphernalia with which wo aro now cluttering too earth can ever ( hangc. And tho nature of men and lionicn arc of thorn. Douglas is now choosing candidate for the board of freeholders who will! be charged with the formation of a new city charter which will provide a. coinmissiou form of government in that city. Thero seems to be a gen eral agreement that all politics shaft be eliminated In selecting the lemslfl- tlve bodv which will bo charged with'iump In the price of copper. ON-Tm-SPW QF'TMEMQMEIF y fcoy The Result. !. Old Ez Jones don'l chaw tobackei Pustmaster TlbbHts says the fel for he quit on New Year's day, j ers have get to quit cuttln- their And he's grouchy as a grizzly v. Hi. initials in the postoiHee while wait an achin- tooth, they say ' j. ter their mail. The ttxtnres is be Honry Perkins, he quit smokin' and ,,. , , . , , . , . . ho feels so tarnal mean. i Stanln to look like a lot of totem That he's tried to start a scrap with"!1010 aB1 Tibbits aggers that the every feller he has seen, So old He and Hank they cnaucod to meet one day In Tlbbut's store. And we saw a scra'p the lik of which we'd never Been before. Vr -FJS: 31 " - And they 'vc both been laid u eet since and livin' on the town. Aimer Hanks has quit hard . cider And he i m all fired cros. That his wife has thrashed turn sev en times to show him who Is bos. Amos iltgglns cut oHt swearln' and give bis feeiiilgs vent He has booted all the cuts and dogs wherever he lias wenc i,Can. flll Sl."ff 5L"MkInH and III has sued the Deae time thjlr speak. Hcth have swore off takin' , ertufl and both aro out for war. Hut they neither df 'em seem to know Just what they're- Jawla' for. 01dSquirajHibba:rd fflsr a'sp rVIiU UitiVJ C4Wa -MU1U9 WUIIIIlt tuu theres twenty men In Jail. Never seen such scand-lns dotn's t this HtUe village; quite. Scems Ike cverlodyrs pcevi.h simI Ik IooHing for a flghL ome iS nervous, some J gloomy some is despent and so It doesnt seem like Ihe same old town wc alius used, to know. Uu 1 Ruess she will ot righted and congenial wnen tho aeq Who hare all been sweann" off star in to swearln' on again. On their old time line fence $& Mm a stick of -wod every day to ble and thoir families dont!x,, ". ,.i. .w. clPi. ..... .. List Your Property With '" M. G.;ttlGH ' ' REAL ESTATE and RENTALS Exceptional Facilities For Quick Service provldlns tlie new city Kovernimmt. A' a tnasf. meeting held Tlmrwlai evening all poHtlcu! parties were represented; republicans, prosres ives and democrat participated and" Mlwjled with apptireut broth erly love and no vigag' of hid den iioHtleftl utedgeons or dirk1: tei cMndMfttes for the board ef free-lioWo-rs were named and among their arc a number of the most competent men, to be found in that city. The price of copper ts again show lug incroased strength after a decline of one ctt during- the last two weeks. Opinion prevails, guuerally that thore is no danger of a serious f fMaon UJ K.foToiAl-fcoT. 5) From the Hlckeyville Clarion. woa't brin muchwhen he sell's imto ble s-JQweor, whe will be appointsU by President WHbon. Miss Amy Pnn g)o buys she hopes the new democrat ogThTB TCU ivas becns. jc ttraster win be more accom- i!paemta Perkins mailed t pusta -card to Elmer Jons laht week an Mtes Pringle went to the postomc mmi naked the lwiAMaster to let he read it and he wouldn't do it. Miss t'rluste saj a iht wast office alnt no I piece for a go! dura grouch and sho ongnt to have something to sa about .lit, as she buys more pwstage stamp than anybody in our vuiage, since she ! IBts beon edin her pome to the mag- A" HillHtcr M every feer that bang around bts store tBta winter hau ! ,?. . -. . .-.. .. .- yw , .nuger tne new ruBng erery tetter JlmWRht a stick ot wee4, i4cIn' it out mnmers ukk yaru on uie waj down trrw Ken CTfika etaims he would have won the dgrfcen pickln' contest over; .te . fmtiit nn txttw fflnrtfcjla hcuittati 1 tbte vlHae only on MoHdayV ti ruiHTvttRj' dtni riiuna. uit? limn iw I ug ttfrowed otf promiscuous. Somc Um wa taK . t an. sm times It lanes seven mllos out la' ' 1m oonntt all tfepeadlng on th, ppeeu ot the train. Om- station agent, who VK Mt f,, tW gitch ,jght8 t , thB ,,,,. ,,,. nicini uJ a pardyrOle mall bag tU bad ! rolled clear down from that town In. tlie wake of a Train a wek or so before and hadn't been missed. jHBJv'vHkH V ---,. .fc& "W .ii-.w aMHG 11 Will ,iVIIA, Udllt The "hurry-up" dinner can bo pre and veal or veal alone, beef and pared onlv from tho highest priced chicken. Tho crust was thick but not njjts. bc.-ause these arc bctte-tcb rich but very tender and al cooked only a few minutes over a together most tastily seasoned and very hot tire But the highest priced i vegetables may be added if desired meats are not one bit more nutritious las they add much to the 'flaor. than the cheaptr cuts if the notiBe- 5,eepr Is willing to devoto a little extra time to planning her meals in advnnor. I'y tin? way this Is a stood time of year. -len tliiuKs have sttieu oown nfter the holidays, to find Just wheth. cr the best pcMbIe ivstem is being) intfd lu cottducllrg the great business of licsekevpinc In our homo. Are yon enjoying tlu's business or profes sion of housekeeping? If not find out wkv. Do you worrv and fuss over It.' If fo. find out why. Do you hare days whoa you w-ear joiirself out puttln? the house in or der ami then are thore days and days when you can't find anything? Fino fait why this is true. Thore is only one wy men succeed in business, and that is with system. Lejtni from thorn and take their business-like methods Into the liome. use them, and see how much easier and more oitlclent youi work will be. If yoti are not obliged to do it. but direct its doing. It will be 4 juit as nscewary to know how it Is to Ve done, or itwill be Impossible to oonvey your wants and deslrea to others. Do you know how to plan systemat ically throe meals in advance, and have these good whblrsonio well balanced nourishing mciis. makln? out the procerv order at the same time? If not. there is something lack !ne in J our training for tho Trofes- Ion you have assumed. So much may be done with so lit- WrT3TT3!W V 'J,1 " y VC-TM TO MAKR his pay do a little more than supiiort his family weekly if he doesn't he is losing, bemuse tho future- is to come. If it's only O.VE DOLLAR, try and deposit It with this bank weekly and provide for tlie day when the wages stop. 4 Per Cent Interest Will Be Paid On Savings 1000 Small Savings Hanks tor Distribution, call and get yojrs. Citizens Bank and Trust pompany Main Street. Will E. McKet President O. W. Wolf, Miners & Merchants Bank BISBEE, A' The holidays are over, taxes have been paid so now is the time to save money. YOUR money deposited with us now will have earned four per cent at this time next year. Start an account now, however small, add to it every month and you will be surprised at the amount you can save in a year. Stop And Think Where are you financially? Are you really gettiiii? anywhere? Make a change. Get started right. Start a bank , account and make It grow. Qwe yourself some thing every week. At the end of the year you will have saved ud a nice little sum. i 4 Per Cent On Savings The BaiakOf 'Bi$bee,-Bisbee, Arizona W. IL CROP'ilY. rrea. M S, Ctf.N?IN'GHAM. Cash. J. S. DOUGIwVP, V. Pres. J. P. COXXOLLY. AssL Cash. W. H.-WILUA3I&. AssL-Cash. Jtosu&to.Giteh & tie if one only knows how to plan, buj and cook it. Every man has to glie Hire and energy to his business in order to earn the money to buy he meat Tho wife should be willing to do the same unless this lncomo will warrant the extra expense of help. White in London, York and .other English cities last summer we were delighted with the delicious 1 PllV Wt motn fen... .nf- !... Meat rolls were another dainty dish and could be made from left-overs. Meat and Pastry RollSj Materials Chopied mrdtt '"flour!' 2 cups; fat 2 t ; baking -powder. 1 tsp.; (salt. V, tsn: milk ! Vtonsils Rolling nin. pastry board. bowl, teaspoon tablespoon, knife. bnking pan. Directions Chop sufficient cold ham, veal or chicken on any other meat fine. Season well and mix with soft butter to shape easily about tho slf.e of a finger. Make tho dough with the Ingredients given, using only suf ficient milk to mix and roll easily. Cut In strips and "wrap around each "finger" or roll of meat, put into the pan and bake in a quick oven until a rich brown Serve with a tomato or brown sauce. , Meat Turnovers. Mmost any kind of chopped meat may be used in these, and if tho f.uantlty on hand 1 small mix it with potato or cooked rice. This filling sliould be seasoned with 3alt and pcpV pert onion or whatever Is relished d Hid on pieces of short biscnl; dongh rolled thin, and cut about thrj i ce or a saucer. Moititen tl)e edges o dough with white of egg and pinch; together Rrush over the top with the! nell beaten yolk and bake, in a hod oven. Servo with a brown sauce with a tonsroonfiil of capers or a few sliced .stalled olives. Another day we will give more or ;litp' Inexpensive meat dishes. SHOULD STRIVB Bisbce. Arizona C. A.. McDonald, Cashier. Assistant iashlei. ARIZONA m& r f1 h- -rJ! " -? -' : itJss-' -.i -C"f :.-s i." t ' v l v 1 -Ji iL .fri -', ..' v ' -,' '.. ii.("tiwa ii.'tt jk?Jii.ij!tsm;pa.ia-ii,,!ij?... mat W, -,;frffilWfaHrTnmMfiHB il3