Newspaper Page Text
fF' - "fir uri fflnrtiPhiMir ilfriiiliThiWiAiiTiiiflM -y---- -. m.nsi.,.-.. scLr.: T..;ng?w7WTfiffiiaiBaMra immii' rinfTiiniiiini i m i .,y?Mm: z---;- - mstamutisa . v . '"ww-nr i-"; ' -,3js's ? THE TilSBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1913. PAGE FIVE jtK -'T ' - fjMSSjrr ks S i"vr .& t I r MUSTAIN BECOMES ft REAL Gets "Big Jolly" on Occasion of a Recent Business Visit to Tucson. - The Tho Arizona Republican thus tells of the presence of E. G. Mustain, well known In Blsbee, In Phoenix: "Some pretty well known peopls of Phocnlr were asking yesterday why E. G. Mustain was In town. Mustain, by force of previous circumstances was obliged to tack 1 Paso, Texas jiftoi hltt ntiinn urhon clcmlnc httt nnllld to hotel registers and other thltifcj. 1 that his sJn made an effort to eject nut nnur h i a full-fledced Ariron-1 him from tho ranch on which they Ian. and while as an Incident to nis'llred and farm it alone. The father AROUND THE STATE FATHER AND SON QUARREL Father and son contesting for the right to live on and farm a ranch near Hod Rock is causing- consider, able interest to the residents of thai locality, according to advices re ceived in Tucson Wednesday. The sheriff of Pinal county has .gone to Rpd Rock to try to straighten out the tanslo. Angle Trias, the son, wa arrested recently on a chargo of misdemeanor preferred by his father, who clalmea signature just now he has to include Tucson, with tho rest of the geo-Nas not disposed to be ejected. The graphical descriptive matter following his title, he says that Is-better than not to be an Arizonlan ,at all. "Time was when Mustain. (his friends call him Mustang) was a tra veling freight and passenger agent "for the El Paso & Southwestern rallroatt. Now he is division freight and pas senger agent of the Southwestern -itn headquarters in Tucson. These head quarters are of course only temiorary pending the completion of the line to Fhcyenlx when Mustain will cpme west and grow up with tho country, the country In this case being Phoenix and tie' Salt River Valley. "There, Is no use talking," said Mus tain yesterday after arriting here fol lowing a three month)s absence, "Phoenix is certainly- some town. She is growing. I hope the El Paso & Southwestern really will como here son;e day. I am glad to fce nearer Phoenix now and 1 am going to roafce this city oftener. We look for good business out here. We are doing a good business now, but 1 can see possibilities of a. great Increase." -n The Theatres claimed an Interest In the ranch and case was tried in Casa grande out the son was dtschared for lack of evidence to convict. PARKER LOSES BY FIRE Word has reached Phoenix that Parker's principal business block was burned Tuesday night. The loss runs up Into many thousands of dollars. No details have been received. A. S. Prescott. president of the Parkei Commercial company, wired the Md Kee brothers at Phoenix that he tfas able to save his building and most of its contents. Tho loss of the Commer cial company was about S30O. Mr Prescott stated that his store was the only one in the block that esenpea total destruction. Nothing was said about the origin of the fire. It is known that practically all the business houses of Parker were 1ft that block, Several of them were ex pensive and substantial structures. RABBIT INDUSTRY. "GRAUSTARK" All the characters In George Oarr McCutcheon's novel of "Graustark" or A Love Behind a Throne, are retained in the play, including Grenfal Lorry, the idoal American, Harry, Anguish, Ills friend, the Princess Yetie, Prince Gabriel, Haron Dangloes, Prince Lor enz, Prince Boloraz, Cstoru. Dannock, Bltzky. Countess Dagmar, There3, Uncle Caspar and Aunt Yvonne. .. The first scene of the play reprc-., sents the eterior of the Hotel Re gengetz at Edelweiss, the capjtol city of the principality of "Graustark.-' Tbp second and fourth acts occur in the boudoir of the Princess Yetlve, while tho third and fifth acts take place In tho throne- room of the cas tle. Thg locale of the play affords unusual opportunities for the display of rich and gorgeous costuming and elaborate scenic mountlns, which has been taken advantage of In every pos sible manner. Orpheum Theatre. Monday, January. 27 V World Famous Pictures. The flne3t procurable motion pic tures manufactured by the most ad anced film companies are being pro diced at the new Lowell theater, the foremost picture houie in the War ren district, and week by week sees larger audiences and greater interest tliown in this, to Lowell and Blsbee. nool entertainment of education and rare amusement. The bill now be ing presented at the Lowell Is spleu dd and mildly sensational In spots. There Is "The Wood Violet," a ser ies or beautiful pictures showing tho life of birds, the trees and ull nature, that bring peace and joy to tho Jiean. ot pretty Olympla a child of nature; "IJfe and Industries of Aden, Campo" a' pictorial story ' of great Interest, inking you the Orient and ehowint, you the wonders of this far! distant land; "The Old Actor's Visions," de pitching scenes of his former tri uinps on the stage; "The Samaritan of Cooean's Tenement," and "A Ques tion of Age," the comedy hit of the day. are among the other motion pic tures that go to, complete this excel lent program. Mr Coy. Lowells fav orite will sing Then You'll Remem ber Me. one of bis favorite songs. from -The Bohemian Girl," beautiful ly Illustrated. J. P. Lee is the. rabbit king of the Salt River valley. Mr. Lee lives on the Tempe road and has between 200 and 300 Belgian hares. From these ho raises 10f0 hares a year, for which he finds a ready sale right at home. At tho poultry show last week Mr. Leo had nine rabbits entered" and he look nine prizes. Six were first prizes, two seconds and one a third. Mr. Lee Jias rabbits of every color known: His hares are red. white, blue, black, yellow, red and white, black and white and blue lelted. The beltea rabbits are tlmilcr in their markings to Dutch belted cattle. TUCSON BOOSTERS. Says the Star: Captain William Mc was elected president, of'tho chamber of commerce when the new board of directors held their organi zation meeting. Captain McDennott is one of the hardest workers for mu nicipal betterment 5c the city and members of the thamber belb-e under hi d!r-c 2U the ornl-Jtilm will establish a record fr nr;!l-v and getting things accomplished this year. The new president will have the aid of a splendid set ot co-officials iti Vice President Charles E. Walker and Secretary Myers, who was re-elected. Mr" Walker is also treasurer. The members ot the 1913 directorate are" F. Ronstadt, Charles E. Walker, Cap tain McDermotL J. W. Estill, J. S. Ebert, S. Y. Barkley and H. Stelnfeld. The latter, who is in New York City, was the only member absent from the meeting. TUCSON .VALUES. The old Mansfield corner on West Congress street, between Alain and Warner streets in Tucson which was purchased recently by Dr. C A. Scnra der. has more than trebled in value In two years, indicating the rapid rise of realty values in Tucson. Only two years ago this lot sold for ?,000, and the price paid by Dr. Schrader was $17,000. The lot has a frontage of lf'3 feet on West Congress street. White the increase was not tra!y in dicative of the entire city, as im crovements recently mado In that sec tion boosted values there, a part of the $12,090 increase was due to nor mal appreciation. drat being tall, his head stuck out of the water and his lusty calls for help soon brought a man and a boat, who rescued him. The cause ot the whole trouble was an argument which Rob inson and his wife were having. They were driving over the bridge, when tty negro jumped out ot the buggy and off the bridge. fter being res cued, the argument was resumed as if nothing had happened. tNOESTRUCTIBLE AUTO TIRE Judge Rutherford ot Jerome has pat ented another invention. It Is an auto truck tire that Is practically inde structible. The judge's other Inven tion was a device for fastening on a woman's bat without hatpins, and t tnig proves at all satisfactory every woman in the United State and Eu rope will be grateful to him for life. Arrangements are being made to put this device on the market, and also the truck tire. SHIFT BOSS MISSING. Victor Johnson of Globe, shift boss at the Old Dominion Mine, has been missing from his home since Tuesday night His family say that his mlntl has been falling for sometime. Tues day night, about eight o'clock he- was left alone When his family returned he nas gone. iSearch was made through Globe and vicinity, but with out result. It Is possible that he com mitted suicide in some obscure epjt is the statement of a relative. Joan son is about 3S years of age. weigned about 160 pounds, and wore a gray overcoat and gray cap, and a dark green soft shirt with a military col lar He Is a Snedq. has bluo eyes, light hair, and smooth shaven. s TO HAVE ATTENTION CommitteefNamed by City Council Will Hold a Meeting Friday The committee recently appointed by the city council to draw up a new sanitary ordinance will meet this morning. It is expected that the or dinance will be ready for action by the council at its next meeting. The committee is composed of Cit Physician Hunt, Edward Flanigan and David Perry. The matter or a new ordinance was brought before the council by Dr. Hunt at a recent meet ing of thai body. Among the other regulations it Is proposed to insert a clause that will make each property holder responsible for his own prop erty. This will mean that gnrbage barrels will have to be provided so that refuse will not be thrown In yards and exposed places where It is liable to cause tho spread of disease. General sanitary provisions will also be taken up In the ordinance. BANKS DOORS CLOSED Cashier Confesses That He Has Em bezzled $100,000 of Funds HIGHBRIDGE. N. J., JaiK 24 The Higlrbridge National bank temporarily closed today as the result of the con fession made by Abram I Beavers, tho cashier, that he had taken approx imately $100,000 of the bank's funds. J. Henry Rose, the vice president ft the bank said that Beavers had turn ed over all his property and other as sets, amounting to about 125,000. to the bank. Beavers, he said, went to New York and made his confession to the bank officials and meetings of the directors were Immediately called and the comptroller of currency notified. For tte Sake of Your Eyes See HENKEL JEWELRY CO. and Have Your Glasses Fitted Properly We Gring Our -Own Lenses. Save YOUR OLD PIECES we WILL MAKE them NEW . Th6 Henkel Jewelery Co. '' 'f't'T Personal Mention M,rs. E. D. Hamtnack has Teturned from Uougias, wnere sue visiieu friends. J. I. Peterson of Attleboro, Mass, was a Usitor in "the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. -U Seolye have re turned from nn extended trip In Old an New Mexico. R. II. Welle ac companied Mr. and Mrs Seclye. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fritsche of Can tinen. are guests of the Copper Queen hotel, euroHte: hotne'from an extended visit In the cast . i Mrs. L. A. Hagy of Cananea la sJinnlne in the city for a few days. Charles Martin of the San Pedro valley wa3 a Lowell visitor yesterday. Alfred Borden of Sulphur Springs valley was a Lowell visitor yester day. Miss Marcella Gannon ot this city, is rerorted ill. Mrs. A. B. Capt of Naco Is visiting friends, in Lowell. Fred Back, roadmaster of tho Ei Taso Sc Southwestern with head quarters and home in Douglas, is in the Warren district today making an inspection of the numerous lines which serve the mines here. George Jay, of Naco, was a vlsltoi in Blsbee yesterday, coming up from the border city with Dr. Ricketts. Dr. James Douglas, president ot Phelps-Dodge & Company, is expected to arrive in Blsbee during next week. It was learned yesterday that he had started from New York. AV. R. Morrison, who for many .jears has represented the Crane company, wa in the city yesterday. Mr. Morison'is now the western rep resentative of the Best Manufactur ing'compliny of Pittsburgh, with, head quarters at Los Angeles. Mrs. Brady, who -has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Truax, Jr in Los Angeles, returned home Thurs day, accompanied by her daughter ana two grandchildren. THE'NTJRSE GIRL OF THE STdNEASE'AllD , .g TODAY, y. .' T HAMS KILLED BY TRAIN A horrible example of the risk tak en by the average box car tourist was seen at Blalsdell station, twenty miles east of Yuma, when the mangled' body of a man was found between the tracks. At the inquest it developed that the man's name was Leo Cam. plon of Yuma, and Just before the freight on which he was riding the rod3 reached Blalsdell he jumped off, possibly to evade discovery by the brakesman or conductor o fthe train crew, and In go doing alighted on a high rise o fthe ground and lost his balance and fell back under thetraln. GET OUT OF THE RUT New shipment just ar rived. Order today as the supply will soon be exhausted. 4 - J;BAngius "Tke Pare Fsod Greccr" PHONE 29 The school board and superintend ent of the Douglas schools urges thfe teachers to get out of the "old rut" and to be more original in their teach ing. The teachers are also requested to write out their original ideas and present them to the office of -the su perintendent. BOOM AT MIAMI From all the reports coming from Miami, it looks as It that little burg s having a real boom. New hotels, new residences, new stores, new smelters, new theatre and new people are among the requirements of a boom In a town, and all these Miami has. NEGRO TRIES, SUICIDE . Henry Robinson. 'feoWed,.. hadn't thought about the- watert being cold, and when he plunged from the South ern Pacific bridce at Yuma Into the river and found that be was still alive, all desire for a watery grave died. Had Jfj been a few Inches shorter he would have lwen a suicide. Lowell Theatre "THE HOME OF REFINED AMUSEMENT." WHERE EVERYBODY GOES P 1CRFECT 1CTCRE ROGRAMS P That LEASE ARTICULAR EOPLE SUNDAY & MONDAY 5--PHOTO PLAYS -5 "JHE WOOD VIOLET" Vltagraph Special "LIFE AND INDUSTRIES IN ADEN CAMPO" Scenic & Educational 'THE OLD ACTOR'S V'SIONS" So Different "THE SAMARITAN OF COO- GAN'S TENEMENT" A story with a splendid moral. "A QUESTION OF AGE" Guaranteed to cure the blues. MaiineesSaturday&Sunday 2:30 Sharp Evening Performances Continuous starting 7.00 p. m. sharp Usual Prices, 10 & 15c oge Seats 25c gk 7&w 1Kb mw j w feSfet.A ' 'm v v5l &T It V- Jm r m - . 'A tries .B ' 'WBoLMfrKV- - If 1 6KASS? aV . TXMial K v XLV ? oRZT 1 0 U SF TA , XJLX- hb fllY'7 W X l"Jgi!12fcfcaJ r ORPHEU Theatre Monday, Jan. 27 THE UNITED PLAY CO'S. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS GRACE HAYYVARDS THE MOST POPULAR RO MANTIC PLAY ON THE AMERICAN STAGE Gorgeous Production Superb Cast Including Miss Louiszita Valentine and Mr. Lawrence Evart SEATS NOW ON SALEJ AT BOX OFFICE PRICES 50c 75c, Jl.00. $L5fl NOTE "Graustark" b.38 no con nection with "Beverly." "Grau stark" is superior in every de tail and worthy of the most serious consideration NOTICE To those contemplating furnishing a home, It you will check fumituM list below, article? wanted cd caII at our store for estimate, will save you both time and money: Linoleums, Stoves and Ranges, Ta Ides, Cupboards, Cabinets, Chairs, Itoefcer, Rugs, Matting, Dining Ta bles, Buffets. Quilts. Blankets, Bed and Table I.lnen, Bed:. Springs, Mat tresses, Pillows, Dressers, Center Ta bles, Lib. Tables, Chiffoniers. Wash stands, Wardrobes, Trunks, Cuttlery, Draperies, Cooking Utensils, Dishes, ctx, and etc. In. tact, everything for the home. New and Second hand goods bought, sold, exchanged, easy payments. STANDARD FURN. CO, Allen Block. Advertisement RO Y A I "THEATRE" TONIGHT GLEN HENRY, Illustrated Songs Gee! but it's great tomeeta friend from your home town. PICTURE PROGRAM "Billy's Burglar" (In two reels) A laughable comedy " . of a boy's adventure. "The Sheriffs Brother' A thrilling Pathe Western story. "Ruth Roland, The Kalem Girl." Showing the home life of this famous stage beauty. "The Chaperon Gets a Duelling" A laughable come dy on the same reel with the above. .. Come early and get your favorite seat Orpheum Theatre The Show They're AH Talking About! BERT LEVEY VAUDEVILLE WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE a PISTOR and DAYE BOSTON-VON CO. "The Wise Rube and f Comedy Cut-Ups in a Clover t . the Actress Carousal PICTURES "A Leap Year Proposal by the Sea."- '' "A Sunday Afternoon in New England." "This Is No Place for a Ministers Son." SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY VAUDEVILLE SWOR & WESTBROOK Refined upto-date Entertainer "Red Eagle" ' for Nothing" THE CELESTOS Comedy Sensational Wiro Acrobats. PICTURES The Lawyer of Fountainbleau" "Good "The Trianglp." new acts and a complete change of pictures every Wednesday and Sunday. 2 Shows Tonight Starling 7:15 Prices Always 10c-15c-25c I 1 liCi 'y . JACOB SCHMID, Prop. 21 Reels of Pictures a Week. Admission oc and 10c Program changes every day AiThour cf high class entertainment awaits you at this show bouse DONT FORGET THE WARM ROOM. The Warren Ranch FU Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Company Reduction Works We are now in the Market for the Purchase of - Copper Ore and Copper Matte Correspondence Solicited. Address: Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co. DOUGLAS, ARIZ, Review Want Ads. Brine Result HTli&-ri yu as fr eer nottae a sufo VV ill&Tl stitute. Insist on having The Tann hauser Beer, (the beer that is bottled at the - BtetoQiy.) ' Delivered to you at $3.50 per case, . . If your, grocer does not Have it, call Boston & Brown Agents of the Copper City Brewing Co. Phone 243 Phone 243 I s .. .. J2......J.-1. .........