mMmm22BBs&&mm , W' "?If pf . vf Wp' "" ' jie IFJftSfWfif ' -! ". t " - -TU- f$WjjW K M$ nn''wiSWif,i ' ,VWiVWrtt T WW ..- v. T;w'v i ?lr"'?ir'gigy t?'' 1-;.'.tfs?v1,v -f v - W'' 1. -. I, IT . - '" THE BISBEE DAILY EVIEW MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS. VOLUME 15. BISREE, ARIZONA. THURSDAY MQRNIN.S, JANUARY 30, 1913 NUMBER 32S. (JLADYS HINCKLEY WILL I?E JOAN OF ARC AND RIDE A MILK WHITE STEED H NOTABLES ADDRES5WQMEN NEW CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER OF ARMY ARMISTICE ENDS TODAY JT SW - t DEMOCRATS NOW SURE OF I ..&"t S- -v ATTORNEY GENERAL &Jixi, I HHO GEN. SUFF -. rzs7,?r-.,-'-y II. S. SENAT Election of Saulsbury in Del aware Gives Democrats Two Majority in Upper Hoiise with Total of 49. SAFE MARGIN NOW 'BEHIND NEW TARIFF Contest in Other State's May Yet Increase Democratic x Strength, Thus Removing Last of Uncertainty uriQiiivnpni' i . i .. With the election today of William Saulsbury as United States senator i from Deleware. the Uetnocratic i strength of (he next senate sntins from the nrecarous flcure of 4S. 01 exactly one-hair or the senate, to thel Mlss fiiadys Hinckley, one of Wash- In the suffrage aseantln WasMng saier todav of 4'J, a majority of two , ingtong ,UO!,t prominent rociety girls Ion on March 4, dresses to repretent u,,u,, s virciiuu uuucu iu -u. victory recently secured in Tonnesvce trSroV'or'X'enair'af March 4. The oto of Tlce-iresldent Marshall 'would hate been the deciding rac.or n any event, but the addiiio of an other democratic nte to the column ghes the iarty leaden what they he Ilex'e will be a safe margin on the tariff and executive action, Contests still ex st In tbtv.leUU- tireofnt-aTnpsTrrrcrv'citr-inr4 Klnla nnd Illinois, with a total of four senators to Le elected about whofe political afflictions doubt now- exists. Victory In any one of these states would so materially strengthen ihe democratic majority that the senate would be removed completely from the element of uncertainty The at titude of the progressives and the pro gress: ve republicans on tariff matters j 13 as vi uuhiiunu, uul me iiiunui ! strength promised to the democrats makes it unnecessary and it is ue ileted that they can count upon any combinations the progressives TO FIGHT BLACK HAND Italian Farmers In Colorado Form Mutual Protection Society I'UKIH.O. CoU Jan. rj An anti Mack hand soc ety has teen formed by Italian .farmers here. letters de manding money under penalty of dtath have been received of late and I about fifty farmers have agreed to I protect themselves. Target practice will be held regularly and whenever one of the members Is threatened, an armed guard will lie placed about his residence. THREAT TO BLOW UP K. C. k Laborer Demands $1CO,OCO Not To Destroy AM Kansas City KANSAS CITY'. Jio, Jan. 29. John Tnllburg. a Danish laborer In a grading camp, threatened today to destroy Kansas City unless ?100,0iK) dollars was Immediately given him. The threat was made and after nis arrest he repeated It. lie said that he had access to'all the dynamite in the camp. Tallburg complained that the city failed to care for ntra when he was recently Injured. A commis sion will Investigate his sanity TO RECOGNIZE CHINA ForelSn Relations Committee Takes Up Recognition of Baby Republic j WASHINGTON', t. C, Jan 2!.-- A senate resolution, directing the! recognition by this government of the Chinese republic, received brief con sideration today at the hands of the senate committee on foreign relations, but action was postponed. The- sug gestion was made that a minister be received from the Asiatic Republic, wtrich was argued as erjulvilent lo more formal recognition. The matter will be considered at a future meet ing. FIGHT ENDS; BILL PASSED. Appropriations of More Than Four teen Millions Adopted by Senate WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan 29. A pa?e of the vocational educational bill, authorizing maximum approprl ftfons of over J14.000 for agricultur al, trade and educational work, was adopted by the senate today as b ubititnte lever to the Smith bill. which pasted the house A fight extending over many days. In which both tides of the senate have been divided, ended when the motion by Senator Page to substitute bis orig inal bill for the lever bill was carried by a vote of 21 to 20. Miss Glad3 , no lles ulth Mlss lnez Mllhollandl of NfW york for the nonor jt ,)e)ng L-tlfu' ffraget. will r.dej WOULD DiSOLVE STEEL TRUST Suit for That Purpose Pro ceeds in New York with Testimony Concern- mg Hill Lands GAINED ADVANTAGE NEW YORK, .V Y., Jan. 29. To day's hearing of the government suit to dissolve the United States Steel corporation was occupied with further testimony bearing on the acquisition' by the corporation of the Hill ore lease and the introduction of statisti cal ev'denoe by l. H Nelson, an ore expert, who testified yesterday that It was his opinion that the steel co loration had paid an exorbitant pr re for the lease fo.- the purpose of Keep ing the ore out of the hands'of com petitors. He was cross examined by the counsel for the trustees of the Hill lands, the defendants In the suit. The witness admitted that after the lease had been consumated, even high er royallties were paid for the ores by independent Interests than thoe stipulated in the lease, but he declar ed that this was because of a scarcity of ore In the district after the Hill lands had been removed from the market. He reiterated his statement that the acquisition of the Hill lands, tsstber with transportation facilities controlled by the corporation, gave it an advantage over compet'tors IS FOR REVENUE TARIFF Tells Representative of Shoe Business That Protection Is Impossible Now WASHINGTON, I) C, Jan 29. An unsuccessful fight to have the house committee on ways and means retain the present tar.ff of 10 to IS per cent ad valorem on boots anJ shoes occupied most of today's ses sion. Chairman Underwood, of the com mittee, flatly told representatives of iie wholesale retail shoe Industries that the tariff was now prohibitive, that there was no revenue, and that the retention of the present rates, was Impossible. The questions of the com mittee Indicated the sentiment to fav or a big drop In. these rates Numerous spokesmen .appeared from various branches of the shoe business, the national association of manufac turers, wholesalers, retailers and labor unions, all favoring the present duties. Underwood suggested that the finjl ai biter, the American people at the last election, bad rendered a verdict Tariff for revenue" Instead of Tor protection" and that "you can not ex pect us to write a protective tariff of even only two per'ceflT." Hinckley Join or Arc It Is announced that sne wiil rldt a milk white horse and will be dressed in armor . Court Places Its Official O. K. On "Short And Ugly" Federal Judge Rules That If a Lie Is a Lie Court Won't Bar It NEW YORK. N Y. Jan. 2! Federal Judge Mack ruled In favor of the shorter and ugl er word today Counsel for the government wa cross examin ing U Wlsner, on trial with John J. Meyers for alleged mis use of the mails In promoting stocks and forced the witness to admit that he had made mis statements to the post office de partment concerning his enter prises These the prosecutor characterized as a lie Counsel for the defense objected "The witness had admitted" said Judge Mack, "that he made statements knowing them to be false They, therefore, if I understood the Knglish. are lies and the prosecutor may use the word He as to such statements ' REPUBLICANS LOSE IN T FIGHT Leaders Fear They Can Not Break Up Democratic Opposition WASHINGTON. D C. Jan. 29 The Fecond skirmish between repub licans and democrats In the senate over Taffs appointments resulted to day In the defeat ot the republicans. As a result the republican leaders had less confidence tonight in the ability lo" break up the democratic opposi tion and force iction on some bun ulcus ul JJCUU1U& ayinjuiiuieuiB. A motion for executive session, made early In the day by Senator Cul lorn, was lost on a tie vote, 31 to 21. The democrats drew their aid from Senators Rrlstow and KaFotlelte, re publicans, and Polndexter. progrea- bive. After a thorough canvass of the senate later republicans could see lit tle chance of breaking the deadlock ah the nbsent members were equally divided. CALM AFTER RIOT No More Trouble Follow Riot and B'oodthed At Rankin, Pa. PJTTSBUnO. Pa- Jan. 29. Abio- lute calm prevailed throughout the day at Rankin borough, where rioting and bloodshed occurred last nl;ht when deputes and strikers of the American Steel and Wire company clashed. A large force of deputies Is guarding the comranle's projierty. Meetings were held by the Rankin council and strikers- and company of- f cialg are looking toward settle ment of toe troubla. Toe solution. Is said to b near, but the details have not yet been tsaoe public. GQvernor Hunt and Presi dent PennybacRer Are Among Speakers at Club Meeting REPORTS TENDERED DOUCI-XS, Arir.. Jan. 29 - Addre ses Of Mrs. P. V. PennyLacker, Go ( ernor Gto. Wi P. Hunt and Dr Asnei j McKee Wallace. and:the reception of reports from the various depa tmentsj were the principal features of the! meet'ng of the; Federation of Woman s i clubs at the High school audltoiiu.i tnis forenoon. Among the reports was one from the legislative committee embodying recommendations from tie viewpoint of the women as to some of tu laws necessar- 'n Arizona, and which the state organization proposes to push In the coming session of tie legislature. Th4. meeting was called to orJT at 10:00 a. m. By President Dr. Wallace, In the presence of about ISO people. Includ ng delegates. After music by the .Misses McOjnlels and invocation by Rev. Mr. Sfmonson ithe president introduced Judge A. M. Sames, wno made one or mis usual felic'tlous addresses of wel come for the city of Douglas, which n, fnllnnm! bv Mrs. J. Calisbec president of the local club, on be-joi half of the club. Both addresses gave the meeting an auspicious open ing and when Mrs. Pennj backer took tbe. rostrum there was a warm greet ing of applause. This 's the first time the general president was ever present at an Arizona meeting of the tedera'tion, nnd her presence cor rled courage and Inspiration all through the proceed ngs this morn ing. She is 3n Impromptu speaUer, and her adcrers w-s short but point-; ed nnd Interest'? rem tig to touch the met o" the many questions nov In hand by the' organization. She said In jpart- "I thank the Federation of Wo man's club for Inviting me to ri zona to attend their annual con vention for I can see how glad the women or Arizona are to he In Doug las, and 1, toorlm delighted tor te with you. 1 want to thank the "press on the excellent support tnei are j giving us. and in our turn we must reaav them by giving tnem an legiti mate news It is possible for us 10 give Edward Bock, editor or tb- Lad.efl' Uonle Journal, a couple ol jears ago placed articles In h.f magazine rrltilislng women s clubs. but when he found what a great amount of good Jhe club was do;ug to humanit). morally, mentally and physically, he took up correspondence with the General Federation of Wo men's clubs and now prints our side and In this way we reach hundreds of thousands of w-omen In all parts of the world In the February Issue of the Journal jou will fnd an Inter esting talk on Women's clubs '! Bock said, "at first I reared that club women neglected their home but nos. L tlnd that they are a help" "Now tor the good the club does It docs not confine Itself to one thing, but helps everyone In every lespect. It takes -an interest in pju- He life. In home life ahd In Im nf thB alums. We. as mothers, wives and daughters, have a duty telore us to perform. We must not only give our own children shelter, but think of the poor, helpless I'ttle creatures In God's world who -have no one o protect them. We also must help the poor, downtrodden working fac tory girl, who slaves from 12 to 14 hours a day. We must see the sur ferings of others and be unsclfisn. Tor the moment selfishness creeps Into our hearts we are lost" Governor Hunt Speaks Governor Hunt, who Is well known In Douglas was warmly greeted, and delved at once Into his subect, after having complimented Douglas on Its good fortune In securing the presence of the general president at its eleventh annual convention. Gov ernor Hunt said In part- This meeting of the State Federa tion of Woman's clubs can not I'a'l to Impress you with JU slgn!Bcan:e ami Importance. In view of what .has happened in pollt'cs during the past few months If It artakes of the nature of a ubllee over the granting of the franchise to Arizona womin w l onlv what might be expected. (for the maorlty recorded In favor of the constitutional amendment was large, and revealed the confidence reposed In you by the voters. Cer tainly, the men of Arizona did aot show fear or doubt of the outcome when they decided the question last .Vovember. -The work of tha woman vote,' In Arizona Is large, varied and seri ous, but tbe performance ot'Jinbllc duty In the right direction. Is arur all. simply the act ot guarding and adding to the comfort and happiness of the home." Following this address Dr Agnes Walla cnnlp limn thn man? Phases of the work of the club. Fol lowing her address the various com mlttee reports were submitted, anions them being that of Mrs. C. F. Flau lgan. which contained several Inter esting accounts of the Interest tan en by tbe clubs in tbe state on household economy and general health work. A carnival was held in Glendale. Ariz for this depart - ment, with street parades, -etc. In Henceforth until March i he will Cs which J.1C9.00 was netted during the ' vote virtually bis entire time to his thfee ty tho carnlval-wa IteM. 8 Jp?v m if -W ?V Colonel George C. Shriven Cploncl George C Striven lu.s fust been made chief signal ortKr of ho army to succeed Brit, 1 9:1. James Allen He Is a member of 'ho rij-s 1S74 of West Point and vvns up- pointed to the Academy from ll'i 1 is. Hobo Convention Now In Session In Crescent City Proceedings Halted by "Mes senger from Heaven:" Press to Stop "Kiding" .NEIV ORLKANS, !ju Jan. 29. The annual national hobo convention opened here today. The firtt session Mx devoted almost entirely to siteches denunciatory of present daj conditions In general The proceed Ing wre brought to a sudden halt: a rather noisy halt, and were si lenced this afternoon by the appear t.nre of Jesus" Wesley, who siid he was a member of the Rrotherhood ot Christ" and that he came from Heav en He was garbed In long flowinc robes, his white hair dangling down his shoulders. The delegates were Visibly uneasy, but Invited Wesley to speak. His address was devoteu chiefly to an appeal to Join the bivth erhood. President Jeff Davis Issued a -proclamation" in which he said that if the .local newspajter did not ' stop ridiculing the convention no would exclude press representatives from the hall. MAY CHANGE OLYMPIC RULES LONDON. England. Jan. -29. At the annual dinner tonight of the South London Harriers club, President Will- ,g made the startlng proposarthat the nelt Olympic games be open to both next Olympic games be open amateurs and professionals. IS ATTACKED BY TAFT Speaker Clark Says Pending Bill Will Not Be Made an Issue WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 29. Taft, in a farewell speech to the Ohio society or Washington, vigorously at tacked tonight the bill now pending In congress proposing autonomy and Independence In eight years for he Philippines. Taft began his address with a eulogy of McKlnley. From praise of McKlnley, he turned to the Philippines. Speaker Clark, who 101 lowed the president, decl'ned to de bate with him the democratic policy of Independence. "We have no inclination to make he Philippines an issue and we are not going to, either" be said. "I wish i we were out of there In as good shape 1 as we were when we got in." READY FOR MARCH JN'EW YORK. N. Y., Jan. 29. The appearance today of a group of tents resembling at a distance a gypsy camp In midwinter, on the lawns of the Central park was explained when members .of the suffragette's baud that is to march to Washington next month were disclosed encamped by way of getting preliminary "expert- 1 fee before the votes for women tramp was begun. CONFERENCES TO END TRENTON. N. JJan. 29 Wllwn announced tonight tliat the confer ences with prominent democrats about "men and policies, which have 1 been in progress ever since he retun. 1 ed from Bermuda, are now at an end I flutles s governor of New Jersey FIRM IN FOB SICKLES HE! Writes Letter to Mrs. Long street ta Which He Points to Patriotic Purpose for Which Monev Provided NO EXCUSE FOR A DEFENSE OF SICKLES ALBANY. N Y.. Jan. 29. Fame of Gen. E. Sickles as a soldier should not deter New Yo.k state In Its ef forts to collect $23,4TG unaccounted for by the general as chairman of the New York Monuments commission. Th s Is the v lew advanced by At torney General Carmody In a letter today to Mrs. Helen D. I.ongstreet. of Gainesville. Ga.. widow of the con federate general. , In a telegram to Attorney Genenl Cjrmody, Mrs. Longstreet offered to raise $23,476 from the "ragged and maimed rollowers or I.ce" Carmody's letter says "Your sym pathetic and patriotic expressions dj justice to your heart, but do violence to the tacts In this case General Sickles Is be!ng prosecuted by tha State or iew York for converting 'o his own use the sum of $22,476 This money came into bis hands as chair man of the State Monament commis- s on to be used, among other pur poses, for the erection ofmonuincnts 10 marK (ue resting places un me- uei'i of Gettysburg of the brave soldiers who fell in defense of their country and to provide for a celebration upon the field or Gettysburg in which those l'ving might participate at tbe state's expense in a titling manner "Sickles appropriated this amount to his own use. This he has not at tempted to justify or defend, admit ting that he took the stales mon'y for his private use without the auth ority of the law, art act which, undr our laws, and under the laws of all civilized governments, means stealing He was given his own time to repay tnis amount and that time was extend ed at his suggestion, without any le-1 sire to embarrass bim and with a lull appreciation or the claim he has upon ' tals nation tor the great service he I rendered in tbe rebellion "These services can not be over es timated, but even the lame ot a soldier must not be used as a cloaK or protection for the commission of a crime and it is nothing less than misdirec 'd sympathy to undertake so to confute the question as to make the 'ordinary prosecution for crime seem like a persecution and to elevate as a martyr a person who confesses his dereliction " ELECTION RATIFIED Joint Session of Nevada Legislature Names Pitman to Succeed Nixon CARSON CITY. Ncv Ian 29. The Nevada .eg slim re In wi.r. st.--sion formally ratified the elec tion of Key Pittman, democrat to succeed the late G S. Nixon In tho United States senate. Pittman wab pit&eat when the ratifications were made and promised to carry out the pledges made in the recent campaign. OPEN NEW MEDICAL COLLEGE AUGUSTA, Ga- Jan. 29. The new medical college of the University of Georgia was dedicated ,'and opened In this city today 'wlth 'exerciser In which noted educators and leaders of the medical profession In many parts ot the country participated. The ad dress'ofthe Jay was delivered by Dr. Arthur Bevan of Chicago. TEXAS RANGERS FIRE . ON MEXICAN RERELS Drop Two from Saddles When Band Crosses American Line EL PASO. Tex Jan. 29. Rebel forces located on the Texas border at Guadalupe during the past week to day evacuated that town and began moving along tbe border toward Juarez, opposite this city. United States army officers estimate the rebel fcrce to exceed l.OvO, while other groups are reported moving In Irom below Juarez. Four Texas rang ers defi'd today the rebel army eight miles west of Fabens. Texas, when the rebels invaded American soil. The state police opened fire on what appeared to be a hundred rebels in tho. bush of the roight country along the river, shooting two of tbe riders from their horses and capturing one of the wounded. A trooD of the Thir teenth cavalry was rushed to the place and Its commander talked with General Antonio Rojas, who ap peared to be In command of the de tachment ot rebels. Tho rebel chle! declared that he did not know that hie men were on the American side of th border m is ALIED ARMY In Address to Bulgarian Sol diers Points to Refusal of Turks to Surrender That Won bv Blood of Heroes, PEACE CONFERENCE IS FINALLY BROKEN Constantinople Belief Is Re ply of Turkey to Powers Will Form Basis for Re sumption of Peace Efforts SOFIA. Bulgaria, Jan. 29. General Savoff. commander In chief or tha Bulgarian army, addressed today the following communication to the men of his command: "From the course taken by the race negotiations it be comes evideiit that the enemy Is un willing to yield an inch" or the ter ritory conquered .bAqur victorious armies . J l The Turks wish, byfliustroke or He pen, to destroy all thatyou and joi.e brave brothers who have fallen in battle, have won. "Will the heroes ofKirtr Kfllsseh, Bunarhissar Lulo Burgas and Tchatlja allow this af front to the glor.ous army of IU. garia to go unanswered Then pre pare for fresh victories and with you irresistable movement forwa.d sh-w the armies or the whole world thjt Bulgaria our Tatherland. descn'-a more respect ' Armistice at End VIENNA. Austria. Jan. 29. A dis patch trom SoHa says: "In accordance with the decision ot the government the army headquarters have been or dered to terminate the armistice to morrow." Hope at Constantinople CONSTANTINOPLE. Turkey. Jai. 29. Turkey's reply to he note or iho lowers will be handed tomorrow to Austrian ambassador. D.plomats here are ravorably impressed with tho information they have received in specting the reply and are sanguine that the Turkish counter proposals win serve as a has s tor settlement or at lejbt jiermlt the resumption or ne gotiations. The only foundation ror the report that fighting has occurrd at Tchatalja between the adherents jf the late Nazlm Pasha and tbe sup porters or the Youie Turks Is the ar rival in Constantinople from the front of several squads of Invalid soldle 3, most of these are suffering from lever, exhaustion and frost bites. Negotiations End. LONDON, England, Jan. 29. Tho peace negotiations which reached a deadlock over the cession of Adrian opie on Jan. 6. were finally brokea today by a note which the plenipo tentiaries of the Balkan allies pre-.-xnted to Rechad Pasha, head ot the TJrklsh delegation. Notwithstanding this rupture thero are still optimists In the diplomatic world who hop- for a resumption and that war yet may be avoided either through the fresh proposals that Turkey Is repotted to be Including in a ncte .she will deliver tol ths powers tomorrow, or through the fall of Adrianople before military activi ties can be begun'again at the Tcba lalja lines. Balkans Expect Mere War. The majority of tbe Balkan dele gates retuse to admit the likelihood or either contingency, believing thai the lite or the young Turk govern ment depends upon tbe resumption of the war even though the allies are willing to postpone the conflict. They are of the opinion that the present failure of diplomacy at the worst, only la an Interlude, however, for they leave four representatives In Lordon to undertake the settlement anew Talis Like Martyr. Rechad Paha. after receiving the r.ote said. "The consequences may Imj of the gravest nature. The re sponsibility lies not alone with th nllies, but with the powers who have encouraged the Balkan states and have f.hown no fairness toward Tur kej. hUhough before We war iber had proclaimed solemnly the princi ple ot the unchangeabillty of tho status quo" Will Attack Adrianople. The plan of the allied governments so far as the plenipotentiaries are Continued on Page 2) -rH ?"J-i