Newspaper Page Text
V",. W AA "JTJ "!""" 1""" .' '?" "u Wi.V"-iijJiiMiKiiii'1i'.i'"i''i-'"'n . Awr'.iiiiiii. .iiyiiwi ,.,, , Mil.. wliwi"Ajjiii'i-'wi'i-jipgi!iii 'tai'JlM' JL'fl'J''ly rrywyraa THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY MOENKtiG, APRIL 22, 1913. PAfiE THREE It" WfL ', ' ' ' r Jfcp'' 1 j " '?$. ' m- f v" 1 f?7, 5W - . v .'? r Ih . .&'" te. s& -,). IK 54 I. Y ft Hill B9wBP i ' i DINNER MATCH ON GOLF LINKS Many Country Club Players ; Were Out for Play on Sun day; Pelton's "Reds" Vic tors Notwithstanding Start There was a most interesting golt match played on the links of the War ren District Country Club on Sunday. It was a two ball foursome match play, each match counting one point. The contending teams wore designat ed as Reds and Blues, R. T. Pelton being the captain ot the Reds and K. M. Ziesmer captain of the Blues. In dividing the players Into opposing teams care was taken that each match should be composed of two who were well qualified in the science of golf and two amateurs or tyros In the art of driving the pill. The Bed and Blue contest started Saturday after noon and ended with Sunday's play. In the five matches played Saturday the Blues won four and the Reds one which left Captain Pelton and his company with feelings somewhat akin to those of Gen. OJeda the night pre vious to his coming across the border at Naco. But on Sunday tbo tables'! were turned and the Reds won the contest by a score of 10 1-2 to 7. Some of tha players were given marked attention and "Chick Evans" Raullngs. especially was much ob served in the brush when he was not wading In tho ditch in search of his ball. Manson was likened unto Willie Anderson" before he reached the first tea. Will Ghorlng and Captain Hodgson were drawn together In the Red team and their "cuts" 4lls" and "slic lng" was pronounced good. On the fourth green the Captain tried a ten foot pat, playing three; Ghorlng came next, playing four and left with a twenty foot put by the captain. . In the contest seventy players, good bad and indifferent actually partici pated, being the most po'pular play of the season. The Blues will pay served at the club house tomorrow ..At $' orK " " evening at 7 o'clock. After the din- ?A,,J o t l ner there -will he a. smoker and the wjtLngSv"" "" L wii evening may conclude with a badger ,J'!JnVL' fight. There will be music and sing.,1Ianls; Eng1e and Insmlth' lng. RED Pelton & Manson Gobrlng & CapL Hodgson Sherman & Dye FlUgcrald & Taylor Chapman and ..McKesson Rich and Bohiyas Hamilton and Hughes Brophy and Bailey ETans and MS. W. Powell1 J. FItzpatrick and Miner Benner and Rhoades ' Gardner and Rider Burgess and Quick Hay and Scott P. H. Fltzpatriok Ross and H. Hodgson Mudd and Kitson Burns and Sabin Total BLUE . Points t. 1 1 A ,7 0 0 1 10 Points 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Ziesemer and Raullngs Poppen and Wiggins Douglas and Cunningham Whltely and Olson ; E. Yoakum and Kenney :'; Dupen and White Williamson and Amos Gallagher and Welle1 Buckwalter and G. Albert McGrath and Connolly McCIIn and O'Brien " Beddow and.Tenqey ' Lennert and 'LIndholm Hollls and Walker P. E. Coles U B. Mitchell and U. E. Powell Davis and Wilson Stevens and De Boves Total 0 I 1 0 Berlin cables says that lingering doubts regarding arrival 'of peace in the Balklns 'are beginning to be dis pelled. The provinces are still lend ing money In Berlin, but individuals who have been hoarding gold are be ginning to come forward in increasing numbers to proffer money so long withheld from circulation. Banks and Insurance companies are beginning to bid for mercantile bills. YOUR DAILY BREAD Cake, Pie or Biscuit How do you make it? Are you particular that It Is prop erly leavened and is light and diges tible. If you want It perfectly raised, by a leavener that will never fall and la .absolutely pure, USE CrescentBaking Powder It is the product of modern methods, and- painstaking, ctcmlsti, sola at a moderate price. 25c for-a full pound can. ALL- GROCERS Crescent Manufacturing Co. Seattle, STANDING NATIONAL LEAGUE Team A. U Pet Philadelphia ,....,,.. 4 1 .80 Pittsburg 7 2 .77; Chicago ,. .. 6 3 ,,06" New York .42 ,CG' St. Louis ,., 3 5 ,37t Brooklyn 2 4 JJS Cincinnati 2 6 .2S Boston l 4 0( AMERICAN LEAGUE Team w. Washington .... ,. .. B Philadelphia .... ., .. 5 Cleveland ,. 8 ' Chicago C St. Louis ,y. 5 Detroit ,... .;v .4 . Boston t ,. 2 New York ,. 1 l'CJ .100' .33; .CG .45. .45 .40 .25 .16' PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Team , vW. Log Angeles 1. 12 Oakland 10 Venice .... .... ., 9 Sacramento .... .. V. 7 L. & 6 10 Pet .70' C2 .47 .16' .43 .42: Portland . 7 9 San Francisco .... ,-,jfc 8 11 NATIONAL LEAGUE At Cincinnati Cincinnati . Chicago Johnson and Clark: II i 12 1 14 1 Lavender Smith, Lheney and Archer. 11 innings At St. Louis It St. Louis 5 Pittsburg 8 il E 12 1 16 2 Griner, Geyer and AVingo; Adamt and Kelly. At Boston U II E 9 2 4 1 Boston 2 New York 4 Tyler and Rariden; Marquard an Wilson. At Brooklyn RUT Brooklyn 1 2 t Philadelphia 2 6 4 Allen and Miller; Meyer and Dooin AMERICAN LEAGUE At Chicago R II 5 C Chicago L : n.iwiU 3 t Russell and Schalk; Klawitter an' I Stanage. At Philadelphia R II 1 Philadelphia C 8 J Boston ..T 4 1 Houck, Plank and Lapp; Wood, Be dient, Foster and Nunamaker. At Cleveland R II I Cleveland 8 15 2 c. 1 I 1 C. A DU JUUU1B . w Mitchell and Carrlsch; R. Mitchell uiUUCi iiuatuo uvt ...uuuw AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City 3, Columbus 1. Milwaukee 0, Indianapolis 6. St. Paul 4, Louisville 9. Minneapolis 7, Toledo 1G. GOVERNOR'S PLAN (Continued from Pace 1) ters and questions directly concern ing the land commission as at presen constituted have teen introduced ir both houses. One bill of importance provides for an appropriation for the! state land commission wmen nas ceor. without money on which to operate! since March IS. .Another measure in the senate re lates to trespass upon state lands Still another provides for further leas ing of school lands. Another bill has reference to state lands needed for public Institutions. Senator Willis has a measure for the relief of certain settlers on school lands, who have, nrevious to state-! hood, for a term of years lived on the lands in good faith, expecung u dc, able to acquire Utle to them upon the j entry of Arizona to statenooo. aeua tor Willis would relieve these settlers KrW'l &Tl7&Zm IKtfSAKP Washington. imTi Trnilll IMS EXTINGUISHER CONQUERS GASOLINE An interested crowd watched a lemonstralion of fire fighting at 'he Ire station yesterday afternoon, when fire Chief Norton shewed a new fire atlnguisher. The tests were success .ul. Gasoline was placed on the street n bucketsand on wood and then lg ilted. The blaze was allowed to get i good hold and the extinguisher then urned on. In a moment the fire was .ut The demonstrations attracted nany motorists, as there are few ef ectlve extinguishers that will quickly ;ut out a gasoline blaze. In every ase the fire was put out on the first rial, after playing a stream for a ew seconds. The new extinguisher Is known as he Pyrene and has Just be-n put on be market. It Is in a case about a oot long and contains one quart of Iquid. There Is no. rubber to crack nd the liquid will not corrode. It Is Iso claimed that It Is absolutely harmless, either to tho hands or lothos. At present the extinguisher a only made in the small size but arger ones will be manulacturcu ana t Is probable that the equipment of ne local fire department, after rigid ests, will be brought up beforo the ouncil. In the demonstration yes .erday afternoon the extinguishers low In use were tried and It was only liter playing a stream for a number if minutes that a gasoline Maze ;ould be extinguished. A number of ocal autolsts have already placed or lers for the extinguisher, which 1? compact and can easily be carried in in auto or motor cycle. In such a way" as to permit the state o obtain other lands in lieu thereof. Senator Davis, chairman nf the com nlttee on public lands, has been the xost prolific Introducer of these sort f bills. He has one permitting the 3tate to select and sell as soon as po3- ilble thocs granted lands, accruing to ;he state under the provisions of the .nabling act. to be sold for specific purposes. Yesterday still another measure found its way to the secretary's table and was read. This Is senate bill 51, he chief section of which reads as follows: "The state land commission shall lave chargeof,authority to grant per mits of occupancy upon any state land not heretofore leased, or the ad ministration of which has not been stherwise provided by law, until the ilcse of the next regular session of he legislature and until otherwise irovlded by law, at an annual com oensatlon to the state for grazing ands of not less than 3 cents Per icre. and for agricultural lands of lot less than 25 cents per acre, and n addition thereto any permanent lm- rovements remaining upon such ands at the termination of any per nlt of occupancy. The said commis- lon shall also prescribe such other erms and conditions in such permits is may be necessary to protect the nterests of the state In and to such 'ands." In the year in which the state land 'ommlsslon has been operating a jreat many thousands of acres of land lave been selected, and provisions are ielng made as rapidly as possible for the selection of a great many thou--ands more. The object of the bill s to allow the land commission to tease the land bo selected so as to Dttaln more revenue for the state mm the lands than would be acquir ed Ehou'd the lands lie Idle. 00G CATCHER BUSY; u TTS.-fiT-tr nnlrli. nprtr th OrnhpUm Theater, was given plenty of excite-J nont yesteraay 'aiiernoon wnen me; stray dog clan was suuaeniy raiaea by "Smoke" Armstrong, the colored gentleman who has been appointed -iifirini rltv doc catcher. Smoke isually operates In less crowded lo- -allties, but In prder to now nis nu'oci ho vAstpnl.iv tackled tho antagged pups in the business sec tic n. Smoko had little luck. To catch rha ontrnhnnils he has devised a' long pole, with a wlreloop at the end. This loop is conironea .uy a string and can be enlarged or made rca'.Ier, according to whether a New foundland or a poodle W to-be cap nred. In the raid yesterday the loop was too slow or the dogH Were too fast, as the total catch vras small. Smoke wisnes it announcea mai, besides a good collection of dogs, two cows and one bull istrayed from'home and are being held at the city- barn where they may be secured by the owners upon IdenUficatlon. It Is the rule to keeptagless dogs only 21 hours, to it Tcnrser falls to show up for supper the owners- had better get in immediate communication with Smoke. Dog3 can be rescued by their owners upon payment of a small fine and tax. Musical Clubs In Session. CHICAGO, April 21. More than 500 AT.itoa T-enrpAentinir a membership ''of 45,000 In 270 clubs In various clUes of the United States, are in unicago for the biennial convention of the Na tional Federation of Musical Clubs. The gathering was formally opened with a reception to the visitors at the Art Institute this afternoon. The reg nior aesitfnno will besrin tomorrow morning and will conclude with the election ot omcers. ctci aciv. and evening the program will include concerts and recitals In which many noted musicians will take part. Massachusetts Ice Dealers'-Association says there is so great a shortage in ice that price must be raised. Many cities and towns may be with, out Ice before summer Is over. UiillWflMMMl0lMM0MMI0Mt "American" M1 . ":B The "Newport" is furnished complete with cord, ready tachment to -an ordinary electric lamp socket. Standard finish - Polished Nickel CAPACITY 6 CUPS PRICE $13.75 Here is an electric coffee percolator of low price and low cost of operation but perfect as a coffee maker and first class in construction and appearance. Makes six full sized cups of coffee -- amber clear - makes them auicklv at the dining table. - ' Finished in polished nickel and comes to 'you complete with cord ready for use by attaching to electric lamp socket. . , PRICE $8.75 f REGISTER Wii VOIE! MIR SEAT ELECIIifffiS H NEED Interested persons yesteidaj- tools as -much Interested In the location up the matter of endeavor to secure o'f the county seat as aro the men. an organized effort to register th j , The men are already registered and wome n of the Warren district. These tho women have .but a week more to suggpt that a special meeting of the i Jo so. They should lose no time In directors of tho Commerpt&l club b'J' ' held to authorize tho selection of at least three active women workers who shall be deputized by the coun-. ty reorder as deputy registration of-' ticers and be paid, from tho funds of the Commercial club for actlvo work from now until the close of the regis tration period at midnight of April :!0. In tha remaining tine, with ac tive women worker? making a house to house campaign, at least 2,0(H women votes should be registered In the district. No fund is provided the county for payment for registra tion deputies. ConsequeaUy special effort for registration must be paid for through private funds. It is not" oelleved tnat Commercial club funds could be expended to greater advan tage than In assisting registration. In the matter of women registra tion It has been demonstrated in states where they enjoy the franchise that the only way to attain any thing like complete registration ot women is to send registrars to them. Otherwise, engaged 'with household duties, many put off registration and let the time pass. To help with the local work. Judge High yesterday announced that he would keep his otDce open unUl 3 o'clock each night, until close of reg istration time and lnvaes all women to come in and be registered. To the present time there have been about 200 women voters registered In the district Concerning the registration of' wo men, the following ' circular letter was Issued yesterday: April 21st, 1913. Editor Bisbee Dally Review; Dear Sir: , Advices received from Phoenix are to the. effect that '- the County Seat Removal bill as It passed the senate last week was free from the Roberts amendment which was included when a 'similar bill passed the same body at the close of the last session. This means that any city in a county may seek the county, seat and eliminates the necessity of the city so seeking to obtain the court house raising funds to build such new edISce. It opens the door for a removal of the seat of thitt county provided that the bill' passes the. house and there is every reason to antlcipate that It will do so even If' two members from this county vote against the measure as Is expected. With a county seat removal elec tion in reasonable prospect there Is added reason for every woman Ja this district to register so as to be, pprcpared to vote when such election shall be called. Douglas will btj seeking the new county seat and will see that the newly enfranchise wo man voters are registered. This dis trict will have no easy contest with the Smelter CMy and It, J? more .thajv likely that the selection, ot a new cite, always providing the bill passes, will hinge upon the votes of thi, women. , t The wonjea of this district are Just Electric Appliances For Domestic Use ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS It is economy for you to make your coffee on the dining table in a percolator heated by electricity economy in the amount of coffee used economy in the cost of operation economy because of the ease and simplicity of operation. And you make the very finest coffee possible, clear as wine. Only the coffee flavor is extracted no tanic acid nor injurious juices. You coffee is quickly made. Percolating starts in less than a minute after the current is turned on and the coffee is ready to serve a few minutes later, depend ing on the strength desired. Besides being convenient, economical, useful and efficient, this percolator is de signed and finished artistically and beautifully. It will jplease the eye and orna ment the best appointed dining room. ; "NEWPORT" TYPE "American Beauty" Electric Iron 6 1-2 Lbs. Price $5.00 :" Guaranteed for all Time This Electric Iron is warranted perfect and free from defect. Should the heating element prove defective at any time, a new one will be given free. Bisbee Improvement Company MURDER AT DOUGLAS. Seven Year Old Child Found Crying Beside Dying Father, Victim of Assassin. DOUGLAS, April 21 (Special) Simon Ramirez, aged aboui. 30, wa3 found dyinst tonight about 8 o'clock near the railroad coal bins with a bullet lodged Just over his heart. Crying at the side of the dying man was his seven year old boy. ' Ramirez was beyond speaking when found. All that could he . learned from the Child was that) five men had run from behind a car and fired at his father, who had fallen. Two shots "were heard, but only one took effect. The police have learned thai five- Mexicans were about the coal bins In the evening and that they were drinking. One of those five is believed to have been the murderer. San Francisco despatch says Ham burg-American Steamship Co. Is to take over Pacific; Mail Steamship Co. Deal is now in process of consumma tion by Kuhri, Loeb & Co. Beware of- Oiatmeali For Catarrh T&at Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy tho, sense or smell ana completely de range the whola system when enter- Ing It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used- ex cept on prescriptions from reputable pbyisiclans, as the damage they will, do Is ten fold to the good you can1 possibly derive .from them. Hall's' Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. : Cheney Co, Toledo, O.. contains no' mercury,, and Is taken Internally. act- Ins directly' upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. In buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internal ly ..and made In Toledo, Ohio, by V. J. Citeney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75c pev: bottle. I Tata TTU'a rmtltr "Tm tnr Wlti.l itrpfitlon. Advertisement. for immediate use bv at taking advantage of this opportunity. In preparing to meet the contingency when the election shall be called. .At. stated, Douglas Is already active and there has been a larger registration there thus far than there has been here. If an election Is held, and should the unexpected happen and the court house be located outside of the dis trict Uien would come the regrets and there would bo no one to blame ex cept ur own selves. From now on therefore let everyone who has the best interests of Bisbee at heart urge When You Offer Beer to your guests prove that you consider them worthy of the best you can give. That means you. will offer them a bottle ot Tannbiuser beer. Clear, sparkling, bright, promises a perfect refreshment and Its flavor more than fulfills tha promise of its looks. A case will cost you only $3.50. Shall we send onp? For sale by all Grocers at $3.50' Per 'Cfase. Boston & Brown Phone 243-Agenfs for Copper Cily Brewing Co.-Phone 243 ' Overs Night Relief A Small Dose on Retiring and You Arc Well and Happy by Morning: It Is only natural that the aimpleat of ailments should be the most gen eral, and so we have a whole nation suffering from constipation and In digestion, for they are closely allied. But common as constipation Is many people do not seem to knw they have If, They will complain of headache, drowsiness or biliousness, all nn. conscious of the cause of the trouble.! You should have a full and free! movement at least once a day. If you pas3 a day you are constipated.1 and the result will be that vou will rf,a,Hm(lf SlT Th a moff 8lore for fly cents r n ". the serious aliment To cure the const!-1 ... , . . .... ,..- nation and forestall still graver trou. '.atter Blze bcItts "Sat by families ble take a dose of Dr. Caldwell's Sy-i already familiar .with it smerits. rup Pepsin at night before retiring! Syrup Pepslm fir mild, pleasant and by morning relief will come, tasting and non-griping. Mothers without disturbance from sleep orlBlve It to tiny Infants, and yet It 4s any Inconvenience. j effective in grown-ups. It - is fpr Legions of people use It regularly In such emergencies, some of them formerly chronic invalids who have suffered from constipation all their lives. Mr. A. B. Danner. 326 Riley SL, Harrisburg, Pa., says: "Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin" gave me almost Instant relief from stomach and bqwel trouble I now eat anything I want and sleep welL" Many others will tell you that they have tried most things recommended for this purpose but have found Syrup Pep sin the only one always reliable. A bottle can. be obtained at any drug t JiSfeliiP I every woman of hl& acquaintance to REGISTER NOW. Thanking you for the space given this communication I am, Youra truly, J. H. GRAY. Secretary Warren District Commer cial club. United States Department pf Agri culture has entered Into a three-year contract with. Brazil to iconduct ex periments by which Brazil hopes to Increase" its cotton crop. M m for Constipation. i isiPsSIP'ifcSK ffSSsia vv.tmm H -rtss, - T . . fV- wMV-J.- TJ MH. A. B. DANNtR 'everyone who suffers from any form of stomach, liver or bowel trouble, constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, etc Its action will so delight ypu. that you will forever avoid harsh ca thartics, purgatives, pills and salts. If no member ot your family has fever used Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a personal trial of It before buying It In the regular way. of a druggist, send your address a "postal will do to Dr. W- B. Cald well, 417 Washington SL, oMntkeJlo, IIU and a free sample bottle will Da mailed you. y fiff A .... - -'-?5- hIHIREShIBaTIuIkSIHB t-i fM .' IU fr .X i ..4 414M4AM . ., v.-.. ii"l'.iVi.'-M 4 ' tf t .y -;gaftftTi ' ' IT rt?;: j rri ' i riiii:,yi" :Hf " itmrmM Swrnfiin ..,