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'JT' ,. SE3tJS t '' 'hi 1 rwpoMiHi WMMWA "M Vi !-'-, R&V; 3E7SSVtni 4 k ',r"Tl t4l J -v - - t " "t.. toss LT.VT..?y! i?rs - SPIT I 38 P.M J P 2fc'a prj - PAGE'EOUil BJSBEE DAILY REVIEW t PuSlUhed Evtry Miming Except Monday -tby the THE fflSBEB DAILY REVIEW, BISBEE, ARIZONA, TUESDAY MORNINfG. XPRIL 22, 1913. 1 ' " - - - ' - ' ' ' - ' " '"-" "rrT- " STATE CONSOLIDATED PUBLISHING COMPANY. Editorial BusajM Olflw .' , PHONE NO. 3V, 2 Rings Mflca ... PHONE NO. 39 SUBSCRIPTION. b Mali, per rear (Strictly la advance) Single Copies By Carrier, per month S7.50 . .OS . .75 ADVERTISING BATES ON APPLICATION. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. It will be the earnest endeavor of The It e View nerer intentionally to wound the feelings of anyone. Should an erroneous statement appear In the columns of this paper, call osr attention to It, and It an error, due correction will he made ami ruple Justice cheerfully accorded. The advertising columns of this paper are for sale at the regular office rates to unobjectionable matter. offUer Entered t Second Class Matter at the Postofflco at CUbee, Arlrona. W Act of March 4. 1K71 .'OUR PERENNIAL SAN JACINTO DAY. Today. Monday. April 21. Is San LEGISLATURE, nclnto Day, made eternally memorable I There Is a great deal of dlssaUsfac by the glorious achievement of tho en. with Arizona's first state legisla- few hundred Texans comprising tho ture which convened for the fourth THE BEGGAB. - ' .'J--T- ;. W: , x 2 , 's t "S -J army of General Sam Houston in the final encounter that took place with tbe army of Santa Ana, which re- suited In the deteat and rout of the army, the ceptura of Santa Ana. and the independence of the Ueputmc oi Texas. .The battle of San aclntc was fought on, April 1. ,1S36, not tar from the cjty of 'Houston, irl what is now San nclnto county, and the details of that battle are familiar to ov$ry student of Texas history. The little band of Texans had met wth many reerses In .their encounters with, the forces of Santa Ana up to that time. The "massacre tad occurred at Goliad, the Alamo had fallen and Its bravedefend- ers inhumanely butchered, and the vjctoribu'j ana lelentless Mexican com- ' v mander was bent on a campaign of time last week at Phoenix, aud the criticisms heard are certainly de served. There was excuse for ono extra session, but not .for two, and now we are having tbe third, which will further drain an already depleted treasury, if the waste of the people's money were the only ill-effect to bo feared, the stato In time would re cover, but If the character of cast legislation by the same body is r.nj criterion of what may be expected at the fourth session, tho business In terests ana taxpavers of the state have reason to be apprehensive, says' the Globe Jtecord. Some of the democratic newspapers are alarmed lest the factional quar rels, radical legislation and assaults en the treasury will "hurt the party' but the liecord as an independent s 4. lit k pull off a fire ealo. Jten BInks says you can't always H a ciild clsar by the wrapper. No. y ginger, or a mild woman, either. Blnce hobble skirts wont out nt stylo Miss Amy Prlngle has sewea up, the botlou of hers and is usln li for a laundry bag. complete extermination. j paper is not concerned for tho safety Nerved bv th- fat of thlfr fcitaw. tBc democraMc machine. Neither patriots atjGoliad and the Alamo, arc we ,nc,,Bed to sympathize very bjirning with the holy desire to avenge much with the vlUmIzed public, for their death?, tho Texans nent Into the was 110t the lesUlature elected by the battle of San aclato determined to conquer or die, and wltMa a short time the Mexican army was defeated wtlh many dead and wounded, thQ remnant ip full flight and Santa Ana hlmxelf a captive in the hands ef th: men who were determined to ntt him executed. General Houston would not heaj to this proposal, however, but in stead, extended the captive every pos sible courtesy, but made the recognl tion of Texas independence the prico of his liberty. Santa Ana gladly agreed to this and -after .a time was given ill sliberty. Soon tliereafter repudi liil the acknowlcdgemen) o fthe In dependence of Texas, and returning to Mexico raised another army with the intention o finvading Texas. The subjugation of Texas was never accomplished, however, and after a short but brilliant career as a repub lic, annexation to the United States w'as accomplished, which m turn brought about the short but eventruf was between th United Slates and Mexico, which resulted in the acqul SHIon of much additlona' territory, and the final settlement of the future of the grfcat, State of Texas. - Santa Ana continued his despotic rareer In Mexico, until b was driven out by the French, after whirh he came to the United States and lived fpr some time in the State of New Yrrk. Finally he was permitted to re- lHiOplo, who presumably Iclcw the cal iber of the men chosen to make their laws? And have they not been send ing the same class of representatives to Phoenix for Io, there many years: Would a corpoi-atlon, firm or mine owner hire a man as manager of thei business who they knew lacked the capacity and knowledge tc run It suc cessfully? California Is having a similar ex perience with it3 legislature, and tho following from an editorial in the last number of The Argonaut is not in applicable to our case: It is a peculiarity of our system that no man can successfully seek a popular suffrage unless he is on hand shaking terms with every man, wo man 'and child oC his constituency Sacramento who was not known by the people who voted for him to bo what he is and who presumably voted for him because they knew it. Nor do we remember that the news-; papers placed their records of their experience at the service of the elec torate. They made no appeals lor the choice of broad-gauge men with a knowledge of what laws can and can not do. They Issued no ploa for Intel ligence or for character. Jf they spoke at all It was to recommend particular political labels without reference to the capacity of the man wearing the label. Small wonder that with all the emphaslR upen the label and none small wondet that the legislature should 'proceed co restrict and to per secute every one. Tho average elector was willing- enough in his ignorance tnat tho legislature shonia "get a railroad company or a telephone cor- I oration; but now be find: to hit. bewilderment that It s likely to 'get' him too." with tho caliber ot a majority of th senate's members. Globe liecord. A London electrical? genius has la vented a safe which can bo openeU. only by producing certain musical I tones. It Isn't needed !u this coun- Mry. Tho American public gives up to the opera singefwfthont any pre-; tense of-hiding the money. COUNTY DIVISIONS. turn to Mexico under foregiveness upon the man the electorate should Stended him by fienito Jaurez,,and favor tbe orator o fthe corner gro- l illttl ltt bis native country in 187C Santa Ana wts something of a mili tary genius, but a man or despotlcal will and of a most cruel and unfor giving disposition. He was a native of Jala pa.. During Ihe years that have elapsed since the fateful battle of San aclato, the great State of Texat hag made the nest wonderful progress of any state (n the Union and is today the first ftate in agricultural products, out ranking, all her sisters, with ber pos sibilities in that direction, hot Harelj touched. The animosities of the early dajs between Texans .and Mexicans have ibecrf largely (forgiven and for 'Patten, arid the Mexicans who ire lighting. lor'coiSrtllutfonal government tin Mexico today have no more ardent friends and well wishers than tbeir neighbors on the American bide of tbe 'Kio'Ciande El'Paso Times. eery or whatever other .local figure happened to be most Impudent in his righteousness and noisy In his self as sertion. The legislature at Sacramento faithfully represents tbe mood of the moment, the mood that allows, Itself to be governed by the dancing der ishes of Johnsonism. The mood, let us hope, is passing away, but the ill-effects of folly are apt tc linger uncomfortably. It was a mood Induced by a frantic Progressi vism that persuaded the public that It was a perilous condition and that nothing could save It except restrlc live legislation. It need hardly be said that when we ask for' restrictive legislation we. always mean 11 shall not be resrIctite, as far as we our- helves are concerned. But with a gen eral and Incoherent mandate to re strict and, to persecute placed in tho' hands of 3eeblc?min(kd men It iip proval bjv signing the general county division bill, but he allowed it to become a law without his signature by filing it with the secretary of state. This law removes from tho legisla ture all duty in the mattpr of division of counties or changing county lines In tho state. Hereafter the people who are Interested will have the solo power of readjustment of rbelr couu ly lines or in the creation of a new county the law provides tnat on mine an initiative petition as provided the board ot supervisors shall order an election at which the voters may re cord their desires In tho matter of county division. To bring about the dhlslon of a county seventy-five per cent of the votes In the proposed new county must te In faior of the proposition and an additional require ment Is that 23 per cent of the voters In the remaining old county must be In favor of division. Under this law it is quite likely that the citizens of Wlllcox and In northern Cochise county will attempt to secure tbe new county for which they have been fglhtlng for more than twenty years. The last proposi tion of the Willcox was to divide Co chise county by a line running east and west which would run north ot Tombstone, bat including Gleeson. Pearce and Renson. At that lime a meeting of the citizens of Douglas, called by the local chamc-er or com merce endorsed the proposed division, but at a similar meeting in Bisbep What shall be done .with our ex presidents?" Tho best thing that can be done with them Is to keep them apart. Montenegro is not very big but apparently It is as capable of caub Ing trouble as a bee on the Inside of a shirt. '- The American multl.mllllcnalre and Governor Hunt did not irne ms apii,is -wife who droppciijoff at London on th'eir way to the continent to see their baby, probably took the precan tion to send a physician ahead to safe guard him -against heart disease. In spite o 'fthe conclusions that might be drawn fromAmcrlcan store windows It is not at all likely that the Turkish indemnity will be ac cepted by the Balkan allies In the form of second hand rugs. "Russian barbers iaverage ?4,090 a jcar In their business.' 'Judging by tb'd pictures of tbe merry populace in Russian scene, jthere must (bi about two of thera. i Editorial Comment It's too bad that most women lack a keen sense of humor, else they could have a ripping! good time over those new men's hats the green , ones with the dinky tows at the back. the sentiment was strong against d! vision, as proposed. Whether Willcox will iiropose ' the same lines now as last iear cannot be foretold, but unless they should Include '. Tombstone, '. the j'lsent county seat it will be doubtful If they could poll 23 per cent of the voter in the old county, as required. In spite ot his good -nature, it is probable that Mr. Taft will dodgu tho responsibility of acting as Judge at tho Yale debating contests. Our idea or a bold man Is one who doesn't hesitate to tarn, the pagec oi his newspaper while the man sitting next to him Is reading it. Before the end ot the season, pos sibly, somebody will gain well-earned fame by finding something new to call the umpire. Thore will be a lot of trouble over tbe fixing of the wool schedule. Not tbe least of which will be the wild and woolly oratory. THE SENATE'S CALIBER. Tho senate on Tuesday put aside matters ot minor Importance to" con i eider the momentous question of whether the newspapers of Arizona should be allowed to charge fifty ot .inch for "'state print after learned arguments. bro" and con, bad been made, decided that' forty was a plenty, fearing, perhaps, that the .publishers would become .rleb; and arrogant if allowed a more 'man! forty fs icent price. It is strange they did not raake it- thirty cents, to correspond (Washington Herald.) used to hunt !mrs and things bacl Representative Carl Haden, whe in his homo state in Arizona- least there ought to be tears In Arisona yesterday returned to Wash Ington from Panama vIth a new tro phj a full set of crocodile teeth from a 16-foot crocodile ho killed on the Isthmus. He brought the dental et hlbits of his prpwness -with a rlfl back in a cigar box. and is thinnklnc of giving them to his colleagues for watcn charms Crocodile teeth, ht believes make Ideal watch charms. Hr Hayden shot this particular crocodile In the head also in the Bayauo river The weapon used was a Springfield anny ride, 'borrowed for the occasion from the arsenal ol the American troops on the Isthmus After wading (through apparently endless miles cf morass and swamp the mud reaching up to the waists o' the members of the party, some one sighted a crocodile. Taking carefu. aim Mr. Hayden shot the crocodile. The crocodile measured 16 feet in length, and, and 16-foot crocodiles are nothing at all to pack up in a suit case and carry home as souvenirs Consequently, Mr. Hayden cut off the crocodile's nose and took that along. As everybody who has read natural history knows, crocodiles have long noses, under which are large sets of teeth. Hence the teeth. Mr. Hayden went to Panama with Representative O'Shaugnesey, ot Rhode Island about a month ago He spent two weeks on the isthmus, go ing over the canal with the naval af fairs committee. Engineers on the canal expect the tin. ditch to be open for navigation fcy Octotfcr, according to Mr. Hayden The recent slides are not In any way serious, he said, and work is pro gressing rapidly. On the way bark the steamship Ancon, on which Mr. Harden was a passenger, sighted tho liner Advance, which sent out an S O. S cali about a week ago. The heavy seas had done considerable damage to the Advance's superstructure, according to Mr Hay den, but the ship was entirely sea worthy and was making good speed southward. She was sighted in the Windward Passago off Cuba. He Has Some Seme of Humor There 1 sd certain- cignr -clerk in this village who has got a highly developed sense of humor. We fritted into his place ot business during the rush hour at noon, yesterday and handed him a silver dollar with a plug la It that would fill a cavity in a rhinoceros' tooth. Ho srld nover n word but handed us one rood nickel cigar. If you can Imagine such a thins;. ana a nandnii or change. Then we bustled for the car. Tho conductor came for his nickel and wo hauled out the change that we bad received in tbe cigar store. fecwess to say, it was our alL li fonslstcd ot tho following. uao Mexican nau aoiusr wioi hole In It. It has been used for a watch charm. One Canadian quarter (plugged). Two horseless plona slugs. iwo Deer cnecKs redeemable in a rew Jersey saloon. Tho cigar clerk had a sense of bu mor. The !d-a!. There ain't so fur as I kin learn, no other face bo sweet like her"n. uer neck is like the pretty swan; Her Ups Is like the cherries and her big gray eyes are simply grand To feast your humble nrhe nnr.n She's got a peck ot golden hair and , with a Agger she Is there: She weighs one hundred elghty-flvo leu rou wnat. sne Just units mo If you'd see her, you would agreo She Is tho swcllest gal alive. The ample damsel of my cholco has got" a fine cr-tralto voice. The first time that I heard her sigh I couldn't make my heart Ftol stHL She sounded like a whip-poor-will, Or else an ostrich on the wing. t tell you whar, she won my heart. She got my goat right from the start. For -vocal music I admire, r don't know much about technique, -- i iin.i but I kin tell wben Tolcea squeak; , I fell In lovo, though you may scoff, and asked fter fer her hand, right oft. - t She said it couldn't be arranged. I tell you what, it was a blow, ia knockout piece of news to know. Since then my views ot life has changed, She said I was a dream to see, but she could nover marry mo; And then she heaved a sad, sweet sigh. . She said sbe must obey the laws and simply turn me down because, She's married to another guy, . ., $ Prize Petti m lit . Railroad station agents - '.' Undertakers. Almanac makers. Czar Islcholas of Russia. Hardshell deacons. Automobile repalreru Baseball umpires. Marse Henry Watterson,j The Now York Sun. Resident of Pittsburg. t Remember 1 remember, t remember ' When courtln' Sal I w?at; The parlor where so many Delightful hours" were spent; Tho good old horsehair sofy, Tho crayon portraits, too. Which stared so Impolitely As crayon portraits do; The whatnot in the corner, Filled up with ancient Junk. The stuffed owl on the mantle. Who listened to th,e ibuak. I peddled Jtist like yon did. When conrtin" ot your ?ai. And life-was simply heaven When. Iwa& courlln" Sal I remember, I roraernher, How I marched up the. aisle. The knot tied by tbr'iM'jur Has held tor qulto a wn!l- The horsehair sofy's missing. Tho crayon iiortralt, po We're living n apartments. With modern" stuftclear through?' The stuffed owl i sno$. with us . Perched up above the rte; We have no corner wfca-rots, For we are up to date. t remember, 1 remember. I married Sal you bet. The landlord and collectors Will not let me forget. SB ' 1 4:- B3axz8!s5z& Must Be Provided For HetiwYou Reach It Or Not--- what are your prosrects if you should reach it? ' A Saving Account with this bank added to steadily will. SAFE GUARD your deposits, pay ! Interest compounded on.'tbem and make Old Age a comfortable one. ' . Start the Account today. 1000 small Savings Banks for distribution to our customers. Citizens Bank and Trust Company Main Street, BIsbe. Ariona Will E. McKet President, C. A. McDonurd, Cnhlr. O. W. Wolf, Assistant Vathlef. OF-TMEMOME8T .From the Hickeyville Clarion. plctur In oil Seems like the first cuff ....., 4UU,.U M;, uu, BiHnuuimuer oi wina inai came along would ruf has got good eyesight I wonder 'fie It ail outa't shape, what other kind of sight he wouli' Grandpa Bibbins has nult waitin' expect her to have. . for Bryan to be elected and now is " ieer who saia war notntngi waltln for tho price of beefsteak to w;as Impossible In the world never tome down. Ho must oxyect to live tried to discourage a life Insurance ' forever "Sent. jf every feller's sanity was Judged There was a proposition to pu" by the lovo letters he has written some stained glass winders in tha the Ineane asylum would have Do new rneqtlng !honse,(but the congrcga-j turn 'eci away, and thore wouldn't 'ividends Are Paid by net earnings, not by gross revenues. In other words, money made is net profit, not Income I For example. If you make S?,000.00 a year and don't savo a cent, you are not piying arjr dividends, while If yo.u are making" only $1,000 00 annually, but save SlOt'.CO of it, you are earning 10 on your capital stock which is your earning capacity. By net earnings Is meant the cash en band after all expendi tures are made. There is one safe and sure, way to earn dividends every jear. It .' to set aside every pay day a definite proportion of your Income to form a reserve fund. It you always spend less than you earn you will always be "AHEAD OF THE QAME" If you are not a dividend payer now, put yourself on a dividend paying basis by starting a saviass account as soon as you can with tho Miners and Merchants Bank Aftf ON TIME JO ACCOUNTS tjon -decided tMtlasI 14srjLoW nobody Watt nS kc$i4rs. "" --' "V5jtopBTO&ey-Jinsw'3npnaiaainoMncf between vau might a 8etl"get.' goodj'glasa that devllle and the higher fortne of dram wasn't stained or otherwise damaged.) atlc art is that" there la iccre money Old; Man Hicks said perhap5a mile; in vaudeville soap and water or alkyhoj might tafco, Amariah TUson, who is In the ar Ihe Jalnsoa but nobody listened to Uficlal limb. business, says trado Is n,m , ,. j looking ap, ;;&rat on two new hand LVjm Hlggins, who. Is takUV art les-j yesterday, sor.s down -1 to the city, has wrote William Tlbblts has fired his clerk hoae tuat he vas going to palut also that hoca'n have an excuse to i Ask The Man Who Has An Account With Us r o just what he thinks of the service and the treatment ,we give our customers. We would rather have you-, come hcre :o "transact your banking business on the strength of his endorsement-than on what we say about burselfes. ." If you have no already started &' bank account you havo long since known that you should. Why not start with- us RIGHT NOW? The Bank of Bisbee, Bisoee,, Arizona The Oldest and Largest Bank in Southern Arizona 4. ';i. ON SAVINGS jUj I t-l i t ! f li -C r. s jHK-ui nwnimMMimw J-JHm.4i aji-aa r