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PAGE TWO SECOND SECTION THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW EIGHT PAGES BOARD CHOOSES TEXTBOOKS FOR STATE SCHOOLS SUNDAY, MARCH 21. 1920. Let Your Face Shine, Both Figuratively and Actually, Says Photographer of Actresses PHOENIX. March 20. The state board of education has completed its labors in the matter of making adop tions of text books for the public Schools, the representatives of some 20 publishing concerns who have been campinjr in the oapitol corridors havo departed and the meinuers of the board have left for their homes, heav in a sigh of relief that it is all over with. Contracts are now beiln; crrawn up under the direction of Stale Superin tendent of Public In;,i, ucnoti v. O. Case, calling for the furnishing to the state of the chosen texts for periods ranging from one to five years. Owing to the marked advance in the cost of manufacture the board was confronted with the serious problem of keeping the outlay within bounds, with the re sult that a large number of supplemen tal texts were adopted. Under this plan, it is stated, the schools will be able to use pan of the present supply of texts, these- being gradually replaced by the supplemen tal texts. Only one adoption was made which will call for the complete sup planting of other books. This was in the case of arithmetics. The Every day Arithmetic, by Hoyt and Peet, pub lished by Houghton and Mifflin, was adopted for a period of five years. 'Work and Play, witti Numbers for the first and second grades was adopted for a period of five years. Those texts are by Wentworth and Smith, and are published by Giun & Co. Other adoptions were announced i as follows: Primer of Hygiene by Richie rnd Caldwell for third and fourth grades, and Primer of Sanitation by Richie for fifth and sixth grades were adopted an supplemental texts for a period of from one to four years. These books i are published by the World Book Co. Child's Book of the Teeth, by Fer- guson, World Book Co., publishers, j adopted for a period of from one to ; five years, one text only to be supplied , each school room. . Zaner Method of Writing, Zaner. Blosser & Co., publishers, - first to I eighth grades inclusive, adopted for a period of from one to five years. , New World Series of spellers, by ; Wohlfort and Rjgers. Worm uuuk to.,i publishers, first to eighth grades in-' elusive, for a period of from one to: live years. UNPOWDERED SKIN IS SECRET CF SUCCESS F U L PICTURES O F STAGE BEAUTIES. CHICAGO. March 20. Girls, leave your powder puffs at home if you're headed for a photographer's studio! Here is first-hana advice from Paul R. Stone, photographer of beautiful actresses, with the Moffett Studios. Chicago. In Chicago Mr. Stone is known among stage and art circles as the "beauty promoter," from the fact of his expert knowledge of the camera's beauty secrets which he em ploys in reproducing the beauty of the most attractive actresses of to day. Ghastly White "Invariably tne powder putf comes into immediate action once the cam era is to be faced," says Mr. Stone. "Yet powder in photography is very detrimental ,as it gives the subject a ghastly white look in the finished negative. "We prefer a shiny face to a well decorated one," he continues. "The shine brings out the high lights, and often we use cold cream on the nose and forehead to get desired results." Cosmetics Important As for general make-up, that is a dif ferent thing. Eyes, lashes and eye brows are of first importance, accord- be removed in touching up the nega intr to Mr. Stone. Cosmetics for the ana wimn oi me eje nseii. eves and Md rouge artfully, applied, patch of red may be .added to the in cnrhsnKo th h9tv of a rupture But ner corner to heighten the this must not be overdone. Finally, the outline, of the mouth His own advice is to heat over a should be carefully traced with a red candle a pan of black cosmetic, ana 1P stick. with the use of a toothpick carefully Fluffy Hair Beet cover each eyelash with this melted When the question of the best ar- aiso i wax. The upper eyelids should be rangement of one s hair came up. Mr. delicately shaded with a wax pencil. Stone explained: and the corners of the eyes extended "Fluffy hair catches the high lights with the pencil to add to the length better, and the stray ends can always . -mWij&; n ill vlfe:V; fi ' h4&H If y ' 11 G v'W If' &fl i -OfHTr, CHICAGO ., 7 -- J I J 7 - . effect. WTSA M- ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., March 30. The largest apple orchard in the That prehistoric peoples of New world fs at Dufour, Ore. It contains Mexico did a good deal of irrigating 3800 acres, with 200,000 trees, and In is indicated by the remains of canals and ditches found in the state, as well as in other parts of the south west, according to H. F. Robinson, iiead of the Indiau irrigation bureau here. . . ftifli wrJ& ' Water- Wz-KKV Powder mSlXK That Willi, No1 mm 5Kti- 1'.' Wt"Tr.Uin 1 V harm. I", mwr be nrd tor 4ay MARINELLO Phantom' Powder K(t-rt;-.-. Mily npplWrt. prateet ul benvtii ej. Full, lnt diracCeas foe urn anil McDonald's Marinello Shop Phone 305 1919 bore 6,000,000 pounds of choice apples. . Have you one of Our Empty ICECREAM CONTAINERS? If so, please Phone 532 McWtatersi Larry Semon Big Washington Has Comedy Feature ! Most Embassies At Eagle Theatre! Of All Capitals Actresses adept in photo-, graphic make-up art, reading ! from left to right: Grace j La Rue, Hazel Dawn, and Ina Claire, whose make-up Mr. ! Stone calls height of art?stic ! endeavor. j tive. Blondes . . usually complain of lamps are used over , the subject to i their hair photographing "too dark," bring out the gold in the hair." j so for that reason thousand wat So. summing it up T ' i n i i "The. delicate shading of eyelids, : Americans Build ' . the fading of iaSheS, a cuPid-s bo. i ueiicateiy aone wnn jip sticli. yes- Freighters but powder, NEVER!' . industrial and Applied Art series of drawing books, jmblished by AtkiQ-Qn! Mentzer & Co., first to eighth grade i Inclusive, for a period of from one to j five yeais. Tarr and McMurry's geography. Honks 1 and 2, for fourth to eighth grades inclusive, McMillan Co., pub lishers, readopted for a period of one year. Mace's School History, seventh and eighth grades. Rand, McNally Co., pub lishers, readopted for a period of one year. Our United States, a history by Guitteau, Silver, Hurdette & Co., pub lishers, part 1 for the seventh grade, part 2 for the eighth grade, adopted as a supplementary text for the period of one year. . Prevocational and Industrial Arts, j by Wood and Smith, Atkinson, Ment-1 fcer & Co.. publishers, for seventh and j ighth grades, for a period of five ! years; one book to be supplied each manual training teacher and on to each manual training bench. The selection of dictionaries was postponed until the next meeting of the board, which will be held April 19. ! wySm If rHIL.ADELPII.IA March 20. There has hrfn ttv fcirni: nf a Int.nn lir : I foreign governmenis are represented . w "i'L"J"u"ft '""u31" ny embassies and legations in Wash- tho government lilted its ban forbid-1 ffwoir htZStie ng shiildelrom accepting or-1 accredited representatives here. Be- drs ir03)1 Private concerns, says E. H. sides these there are many unofficial Rigg. naval architect of the plant of j representatives of nationalities seek- the -.New .York..; Shipbuilding corpora-j i ing recognition from the American tion ' government. Chief amongithese lat-. .... . Iter are representatives of the Irish. Vessels agg.isga.tms 1,0,000 tons i I Ukranians, Armenians 'Lithuanians -have been ordered since the govern-j 'and Albanians. Only the states of ment ban. has beon lifted," said Mr. : 'Monaco and San Marino appear to re- Riggs in -an address the other day to ,rn;Mn unrepresented. ! the members, of the Engineers' Club, v Albania, whose status is one of the ! "But," he added, fit will be 18 months' 'principal points ot controversy m or two vp.irs hpfori'thp wnild's mcr- vnt V fri- as its -en- chant ton iSl.back t0 n0nual." ,oy, C. A. Chekrezi ..a graduate of . Harvard Un,iyersity, One' oj .fee; first1' Discussing; advantages which Ameri j'of his country'- ev'ar. tqr appear-in Ani-'.c'an merchant marine "enjoys over the , erica cm a professed governmental : British, Mr. Riggs pointed out that 80 (mission Another of the Balkan per cent of the American ships are oil .states. Montenegro, still maintains burners. while only five. Uer cent of the jus legation uespite tne incorpora- ... , , . . . I tion of Montenetrro in the Serh-Croar. Bntl9b ships can use dl for. fuel. This, ! Slovene state and the deposition of ' te said' Sives the-American marine an former King Nicholas, whom th0 lega- advantage in the cost of crews, due to J ! tion ostensibly represented. Eul- the elimination of many stokers. I !garia, a third Balkan state, occupied , , the position, during the war, of be- sent to, this country by Kerensky ing the only country, at war against shortly after the overthrow of " his the Allies, and yet represented here staff continua to be carried on the i bv a leeation Dinlnmatie relnttonn linlnmatii. Kit T the . tato rlpnnrr. I between the United States and Bui- ment while that oT Lud wig C. A.-K. Larry Seinon, one of the best known garia were never severed. . Martens, Soviet. , "ambassador" ap- comedians before the screen today,! Russia officially is represented by pears only on lists in the -record or appears in "The Grocery Clerk" at -Boris Bakhmeteff, the ambassador the department-of justice. j the Central theatre Wednesday j ' at the Eagle .Thursday. A - A Beautify tie Complexion IN TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAK The Uoeqnaled Beantifter Uft! and En dor ted By Tltouiandm Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc. Ex treme cases 2i) days. Rids pores and tissues of impurities. Leaves ths skin clear, soft,' healthy. At leading toiiet covinters. If thsy haven't it, by mail, two sizes, 60c. and $1.20. NATIONAL TOIIET CO., Peri: Ten. Sold by J. M. Sail Phelps -Dodge Mercantile Co. and other toilet cou.-.ters 'JJ LAWNDRYlL re s lways o Of Smile SATISFACTION when your l.iunrJry returns from Uti because our clothes receive the bct-.t treatment from the time our driver gets your bundle until it driver gets your bundle until it comes back to you. Let us tall ior your family washing. Queen Laundry Phone 58 f YOUR SUIT It will give you longer service if you keep It in good repair and in good appearance. Never let wear get the best of it. Occasional cleaning, pressing, renovating and repairing will double its period of wear. Mighty important theiic days of huge cost of apparel. OWEN'S Cleaning Works PHONE 47 or 62 LEAP YEAR PROPOSAL NO JOKE, SAYS BILLj SFOKANE A gentleman who says; his narno is "Bill" is in a heck of a j Bill EL PASO, March 20. What is said to be the first annual Mexican lather-an son banquet ever held in the United States was recently stag ed here by the Hi-Yi" club of the El Paso high school and the El Paso Y. M. C. A. The speeches were In Spanish, but the cuisine was entirely American, including two kinds of pie. fix here. He wants advice went to a leap year party. A ' girl proposed to him. Bill thought she was fooling and accepted. Now she says she wasn't fooling and Bill loves another girl. Wadya-know-about i that? Bill wants to know, also, wad'll-I-do-about-it? ! 1 CARRIED IT BUT DIDN'T READ IT TERRE HAUTE Leo Fairbanks held his Bible in one hand while he stole a pair of shoes with the other. That's what he said in the cop court .here. Leo's doing a bit of Bible study in a guiet place now. Give Your Hair Daily Care by Using Famo Regularly To keep your teeth clean and healthy to avoid pyorrhea you brnah your teeth, not once week, but avery day. To keep your hair dean and healthy to avoid aeborrhea you should use Famo, not once a week, but vroiy dmy. In other word, your teeth get daily care why not your hair? Famo kills the seborrhea germ that causes dandruff. But it isn't fair to FAMO or your hair to expect a weekly FAMO treatment to rout all dandruff bacilli, and keep your head free from sebor rhea. It is true that FAMO does irtve out the dandruff germ after the first few ' applications.' 1 But the deadly germ will surely come back unless the use of FAMO is continued regularly and faithfully. Use FAMO daily, and your hitr '"! always be clean and soft and wavy. FAMO is really a medicine for th scalp and hair, and should be ued as a medicine, faithfully nr.d con tinuously. Note the difference in your hair, when you use FAMO every day. FAMO is sold at all toilet goods counters, in two sizes $1 aod 35 cents. Your money ' will be refunded, if FAMO doesn't give complete satis faction. Seborrhea is the oindical name for a morbidly increased flew from the sebaceous glands of the scap The aeborrhean excretion fotmn in scales and tlskes and is com monly known as dandruff. Ftom the laboratories of F. A. Thompson & Company, Manufac turing Pharmacists, Detroit, Mich. BISBEE Phelps Dodge Mercantile G). SPECIAL FAMO AGENTS Wholesale Distributors LOWELL WARREN An Easter Suggestion You will want a new dress or an up-to-date 3tylish suit; and perhaps a new hat Iso. Where could you do as well or better for QUAL ITY and PRICE than at our store? Ladies' Milliner' rang ing in price from !.95 to $9.95 S3 m Jr. '- Ladies' Dress es ranging in price from $9.95 to ' $39.00 Ladifs' Waists from $3.45 to $16.00 Ladies' Suits ranging in " price from 18.95 to : $49.00 e liners CAEO CORSETS Next k Lyiic Thcalir Store o ft, o u & o CD O co S3 III tnwj CO CO c b3 O o ROGER'S SILVERWARE ABSOLUTELY FREE ASK FOR COUPON Wo Ruavar.tee that these styles and prices will not be duplicated again the entire season. A chance offered at the begl'iniug of tin; season to save money. Another Extraordinary Purchase Sale of "Nuff Said" ' Smart, Stunning Styl ish Spring Suits in Jerseys, Tricotine, Serge and Silvertone, for Monday and uesday only $25.95, $35.50 and $55.00 Another shipment just arrived of Easter Millinery 'Paristyie" HI and will le o;i .vdc Monday and Tuesday only $5.95. COATS New Spring ur S.j'rr t.nit:: i:i rill V-i vujis in an r.ojors sizes, cn c-a!c Monday :nd day- $19.95 end $32.0. and i uec- esses To Be Sold Monday and Tuesday at Bargain Prices Our Mrs. K. Kruitnian purcha6cd Ihcsc DrctBt.s. Tboy are right up to the minute in ttyle fashion's latot-t crc atiotit. No old t-tock or returned damaged Presses. Kew, t'KISl and SNAPPY. YV are noing to dublo our Dress bui-iupija and tlose prices v. ill do it. These Dressts on Gals Monday and Tuesday only At the Bargain Prices $19.75, $25.00, $35.00 T'.r ; art dv.'idcd into three clashes at price.; to fit tlie po Uctbook of ail. erj;o Dressed, Tricotine Drcsfes. SaMu JDressen- (Jeurgctto Dre&so!.. Taffeta Dresses. Cliilrlrcn's Cira'ini Di ?5sei, lyl(.-. p'-miy plui'l ;-l.r ; !i ;. 1 , ifal fl alueti. Spriiai ' $2.95 Gloves and Hosiery ii-ivc ,c-i urc'l IIh- : fie Hgcnc for the famous i::r t?.IK 'iluvc; ami ilivry. and now' bait ilii-.pla a well ;,fccU)d usoort incut, at f I..V) it ml iiii. Dresses for Home and Porch Wear 1iia,ble i-tjlob in morning and porch, ilrcsbos $2.95 i-.vcty out Know: malcri.-ihi ;n - -oni,lini ly advuin-'na. fori proud that we l. r ittuni.rt. mik h u wotxj. in naviiis Ix-furc the slail of tbc hfasoii. An avi r.iuo mjv'-ib of per rent. aic abb- lo of TGEPAS SILVER WARE ABSOLUTELY FREE ASK F6R COUPON'