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PAGE FOUR SECOND SECTION THE BISBEE DAILY REVIEW EIGHT PAGES SUNDAY. MARCH 21, 1920. Olive Thomas the Opening Star for Lyric's Week Bill Olive Thomas, the charming Sels nick star, who will appear at the Lyric theatre today in her new Selznick pic ture, "Out Yonder,' has been adopted. It is said that doss and babies never make a mistake in judgment when it comes to passing on memDers or the humnn race, and this instance seems to prove it. There is a tiny white pup that fre quents the Selznick studios and Jie ap parently has chosen the silent drama as his life's work. He hasn't a partic ularly sweet nature and, like a great many screen stars, is rather difficult to approach. Eut when he met Olive Thomas, he at once capitulated to ner charms. And now, he never lets her out of his sight if he can avoid it. Whoever his parents are, they would be mighty proud if they could see their child now. To his collar is attached a silver plate on which is engraved: "My Name is 'Shimmy' and I Belong to Olive Thomas." Where There's a Movie There's Hope MABEL NOR WAND STARS IN "THE PEST' AT LYRIC Mabel Normand s newest Goldwyn picture is "The Pest." It comes to the Lyiic theaiiu Monday and it bids fair to cause gales of hearty laughter, with a batch in the throat now and then when the nacious star becomes wist iul and pathetic. "The Pest" is a hap py combination of all the elements that go to please the vast majoilty. Those who adore Mabel Normand will delight in watching the progress ot Puckers through a maze of laughable situations winch take her from the f:iri.i..rd tu the mansion of ilia coun try jud.e. She is supposedly the daughter of a shiftless couple who im pose all k.nJs of laborious duties on her. One is guiding the primitive fer ry w hich I hey control, a task which brings about many amusing situations although Puckers' passengers are in imminent peril of more than one duck in It ii. vl.en the girl slips an old ring on her firmer and goes to a party that th'i serious element in the story is first made Known. The judge at whose home the dance is given observes the ! ring and it recplls many things to him. Investigation is begun and be fore leng supposed friends of the old man are unmasked and the giri he has reared as his daughter proves to be in league with those intent on his ruin Puckers is involved in every siage ot the plot. ' yifi$ fesSffe N PS N BY Realism Features "Male and Female" Today at the Eagle! Genuineness and absolute realism are two factors in the enormous suc cess which Cecil B. He Mille has at tained as a motion picture director. Thee qualities are present in "Male and Female," Mr. Do Mille's latest Paramount-Artcraft picture, which was adapted from Sir James M. Bar rie's famous play, "The Admirable CricMon" and which will be offered today and Monday at the Eagle theatre. It is Mr. De Mille's desire that, every property or furnishing used ir. his -productions be the best that can be bought. Properties used in his latest picture total thousands I of dollars in value. One toilet set i alone cots five thousand dollars, and tiie gorgeous gowns worn by Glorii Swanson, Lila. Lee, and Bebe Daniels, who are in the cast, are worth a handsome price. The story of Crichton, the butler in the family of English nobles who was wrecked with his master's yacht ing party at sea and became their leader, has long delighted thousands. Under the master hand of Cecil De Mille it is a screen masterpiece. Thomas Meighan plays the leading role, and Theodore Roberts, Ray mend Hatton and Guy Oliver are in cluded in the cast. partment these organizations lie. Is, their stores demand 2.25 to 2.50 francs, strongly in favor of continuing them In the municipal butchers' bootns meat and intends to ask the council to de-1 is sold for 25 to 35 per cent cheaper vclop them and other municipal estab-1 than in ordinary butcher utores and lishments. For this purpose, it is pro-! the municipal fish stores are declared posed to contract with Canada for a j to have proved a great success, loan of 150,000,000 francs to purchase Despite these low prices, the city Canadian foodstuffs for provision in ! has derived a profit of 2,000,000 francs Paris. j from the booths ince their institution As an example of benetits which the i and receipts at them have amounted booth:: confer unon t!ie public in help-' to more than 110,000,QGO francs. Since ing to bring down the cost of living, it this profit is shown, those favoring the I is stated that a can of unsweetened booths say they cannot be called un- condonsed milk is sola in the booths fair competitors of ordinary trades-1 for 1.5 francs, for which grocers in men. .' I PICKET ANCIENT BANK LONDON", March 20. An unprece dented spectacle was witnessed the oilier day when the Bank of England was Ticketed by women btrikers. The waitresses of the bank's can teen had struck for higher pay, and the cooks and the kitchen staff walk ed out with them. The waitresses' waxes were 15 shillings a week and tips. They demanded two pounds, ten shillings a week and no tips. You'll Find It On Page Seven. NEW YORK Not being satisfied wtih having a real hit in 'the moving "picture game in England, Miss Hore Hampton has come to Am erica to make a reel hit over here. Above picture shows Miss Hampton ami her dog "Bob." Maybe she in tauiis to take him onto the screen wi.h her. THE WfEK WiTH THE T WEEKLY .NEWS LETTER '.YOUNG MEJS S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF WARREN MINING DISTRICT Thurs .ay an d Friday 4- I TO 1 1 1 TO 1 1 tmrnu AH ihc joy out of life? Feeling blue and gloomy? Everything seem to be going wrong? I II T.u -dr.y evening the Scovill pu't ! gavi a unique and very interesting tn tertainment in the Y gymnasium. ue main leaiure a lecture on the fam ous Passion Play at Oberammergan, by all the fortunate Y lie:.rd it. members w-h rian village of ObcraBimoi'san. NORMA TALVAGE FEATURES WEDNESDAY LYRICS BILL Norma Talmagp will be setn at the Lyric theatre on Wednesday in" her latest Select picture, "The Forbidden City," in which she is presented Dy seph M. Schenck. Miss Talmuge has the rele of 55an San, daughter of a Chinese mandarin. She marries an American Consulate officer and when the emperor learns of it he orders her death and her fa ther's. San San's baby, Toy, i.s allow ed to live. When she grows to wom anhood she makes her escape to Manil la and becomes ;i Red Cross nurse. nc with some very clever and aviu:: John Worden, her unknown father, is in-f .s'.cisht of hand performances s:nd govMnor. Toy falls in love with Liut. i mugic. He made an especial hit with Philip Halbert. Tho governor di.-'.'P-j 'n-' young peoph-. Thn fallowed lh" proves, but when he learns' that Toy i strripi ican repreeentut ion of tile Tho SKinisli Club nas its usual mee; :ig last Thursday at the Y. A nuv .J'.n, joine. ny ur. srcuviuc, inusira'.ea iy sictop- icuLer, Air. Percy A. Yer acr.n These piciutfc: weie uu the club. The club will give a Spanish ihuiuie, bring taken by the official oauQuet at no distant date. pholegi iMih. r of the play actors nc one else being allowed to Uitvv pie.iuvs All th? members were slad to set of the performance. As is well Mr. Stringfellow back in the lobby'af this pl.v is given only once cv;.-ry toij ter his illness. In order to complete, by the people of the little P.ava his recovery and set back in fin rer. It is tie a sain, he is leaving in a day or two is his daughter, he for the wedding. gives his consent "THE DEVIL'S TRAIL" IS FEATURE FOR SATURDAY Sho r.weet and young and pure and pretty! She h;;d been kidnapped by one of the toughest characters in all the Can adian northwest tenitory. This ruffian had made her dress in the clothes worn by the hardened danc crs in a tough dance hall. And then he had dragged her to the top of a table where he offered her at auction to the highest bidder among the gang of wild, tough men gathered in the place! What happened next? Was the girl sold like this? Or was she rescued? You'll see when jou see the new World picture, "The Devil's Trail," starring Hetty Compson and Cuorge. Larkii, which is scheduled for show ing on Saturday at the Lyric t neat re. Miss Compson is one of the most piquantly pretty actresses now appear ing on the silver screen. Mr. iarKin is young, handsome and stalwart. To gether they make a delightful team and they are seen to particularly good udvantage in the rendition of tliis stnK inj,ly interesting and extremely enter taining story or the northwest country und ot the doings of the Ca:ia;!an K07 ul Mounted Police. 'the Devil's Trail" is jammed j:nd conticiered by these people the great vfor a trip to the Santa Rita mountains est honor that can come to any . one ot j wiiere he will spend about ten days. them, to be chosen for a i;art in mv ! repioduclion of the lite of Jesiu , "Doc" Black, who not very long ago Clnist, the Savior of the woild. returned from the trenches in France The entertainment was opened b where, h" was with the A. E. F. and Mr. Aihinder, the song leader, who -has been rooming at the Y since, mav gae two cornet solos. Mrs. ScoviHc ed to his new heme up Tombstone can followed with two solos. She was giv- yoa Wednesday. His wire has joined en ail ovation on making her appear- ,hiia and they will go to housekeeping, ance, anu sang wiih her usual ability His t;ll figure and genial smile will and t;.ste. j be much missed around the Y. Mr. Halej then entertained ilie audi ! , C. M. Wheeler, a former Y member a id volley hall enthusiast, came back 011 a isit t. Misbee last week. Mr. Y!.e ier lived here for about 4 years, tU' ;;ih hi en away for about 18 r.ienths. He left his family in Califor nia wiiere his boy is going to school. He said he just got loivdy to see I'.is lev once more. PasMou Play. A very pleasing and appropriate closing of the evening en tertainment, and the entire campaign. The evangelist parly with the local ministers and their wives all stood on the platform with joined hand:; and all th'; audience joined hands while Mrs. Seoville sar.g."God H. With You Till T!i- fourth vi ek of the t'lre men hoo.-lint; tournament, finds Mr. Iilair holding both the highest actual aver- We Meet Again." The Scoville party ' "K" M' 1,11,1 tUe n,S'"'-st handicap aver left. V.'eei esday morning. Ftillv as iin- :'1,:J -U- Tho ("' & A- twim -esyis. Irtant as the great revival m'eetf.iqs, Ko -, l t. Amos and Dermody, lout their was the work done among the w.mien ! ilrsl ",a"'11 this week, bringing their fan-l girh- by Mrs. Scoville and Miss i vrtl' dovvn L'vt n wiln xhv"- th- Stuuit. Miss Stuart took exact steno- ('v ti-:,,llS- graphic of Dr. Seoville's ser-! 1 :i, i'wing are the team sian.l nions. hk:h she afterwards tvned. be-1 in's: sides which she acted as accountant I , ' Won for the party, attending to all the bus- j (-'- & A :! ines-i details. She also ha 1 charge of1 PJ' xJtrt :! the work of the Young people s sucie-1 ilt, ats ' " ties and led all the union young pt.-o- f MctiropcjrK 3 pie s meetings while she was here, in : nP -'i a way that was a great inspiration audi Cca.muters 2 rr.couiagenient to them. A 2 Those who came in contact with 1 1 lui",! Guards 2 Lost them will remember Mrs. Scoville ;.nd airenues Miss Stuart gratefully. In the wrrdsi0- -- J,in,! of Tennyscn, 'To doubt their beauty, : Experts were to wart an eye: To doubt their s- goodness, wore to want a lvart." ..1 ...1 . . .1 0 Pet. 750 750 750 750 G25 500 H'O &0D 500 500 J75 00O The tilth number of the K dpath L ceum course, for the Y members i;nu their ta'iii'ie.-. and -.weeihearts -was given Vxdnesday night, li cousil.'d ot i U-c 1 ure cn.itleii, "The Mart rdoni of Fouls," by the noted dramatic ora tor, 15 rooks' Fletcher. The speaker's i Faci'Ity f Miups ( AOD Y, WEEKLY LETTER 'J'he loial averages for those that . hi v ied ili'.o week arc llauiicsp Actual packed with thrills, excitement, 10- -lainc preceucu lam, but tne reality : ui manre and everything else thai j;oes passed the anticipation. All the nv ni to make u photoplay ot superior enjoy- b"is of this course have been go. id, llll.nt- eivl have been alone worth much m re You owe it to yourself to see this ! ' "eh individual than the cost of hi.-; production. I 'emh 1 ship in the Y, and they exc- il 1 hey prucct-d. 1 rooks rlelcl..-!' SEATTLE, MJich 20. Scarcity of large dogs, said to he due to the high cost of dog food, is reported by the secretary of the Seattle Kennel Club, now making arrangements for the an nua dog show to be held here In May St' Uermuds, Mastiffs and Creat Danes are rapidly being replaced by the toy poodkt;, Japanese spaniel and other fc-niHlI dugs, if was said. Hrazil. which up lo l!l:'. was not regarded a.; a mai.e growing coun try, is now raid to b lext lo the Cnilcl t'tylr (In )ai --, I !C"'UC'.r of maize. a-i spoke tor two hours, but it seemed "11 iy about 15 minutes, o intensely 1 1 1 1 lie h"ld th" at'utioii of his andi- ti " If.- i. eeit,iinl pastmaste r or en -ah p: 1 h"or.v, .mil a liiv ilraeia'ie ;-p4 ,k 11. Tlu till" of hi- P rtiue was in ui e.i! a;; his ':liipes Were soiil" u t.' !, .i)est and gi' iiiv.t mi h of history. i;rt ot J 1 in tall; was intensely humor oas bin he took his audience with him Mom gay lo grave with hi-; "thoughts in attitudes imperious, voices soft ami deep ami serious, liming his talk lo- lUad'' i"1' M lie" to III" riici.h- oces-"h-nli.l camlilif--; and Ihn-w :-om" ';! : light . 't in r i .- r ;-v.r 1'u;iht Lutler Moid Duff Lit!'.' Rovers Amos Dei inutiy M i . To;. kins . Mrs. Kilt hell . Kitehell Lilair Tlirn-n Zo:aya Hal 1 iii'.-iou Tuell K . Keunedy , . K li: ii ' Kennedy l'l oda ia icli .Miss Core is. -own F. Wih.oi- I. lack An -hi- An, oh! ti'.'L-V. ojbj'.cl. nib t;,iL v. ;ic Levnly clijo;. ed Lli-i- i ...20U ...183 ...197 ...17'J . . .200 ...1S7 . . .185 ...IS!) 168 ...1S1 ... 171 ...21'.' ...!!! . . .201 . . . lr.ti , . . . 17!l . . . 1!!5 . . . 2" i . . . mi ...171 . . . 17" ...f7t .. 171; ... lsr, KM , . . . "J'.t J 173 156 14S 165 111 187 10 151 121 121 14S 207 100 174 17;j K.:t 125 tt;:i 127 I.." i.vs ir... L'x 1.1 1:::: t 1 : 17 Paris Municipality Opens Markets for The Sale of Food PARIS, March 20. Food merchants here are stirring up an agitation for the abolition of tke municipal booths scattered all over the city for th sale to the public of food and wine at less J than the current retail rates in private stores. Those opposed to these so called Vilgrain booths, or wooden huts, contend that the city is selling in them groceries, potatoes, wine and other supplies at prices so low 'as to injure commercial interests. On the other hand M. Kiancette. municipal counsellor within whose de- Gordon 178 124 Heck ham 102 106 Tl-v.rsby ,..Ii:S 152 Smith 157 127 Eason 160 105 Morgan 191 162 llampi 1K1 156 Lunl 186 134 Wichham :' 177 141 LEADS FIGHT TO SAVE CITY MARKET 7 a i ' fT : A 1 x Let's see 'guess you'd better visit a doctor; must be your liver or stomach or something. No? You don't need that kind of a doctor? w Xv Oh! That's different. You want a mental 'jolt, you say something to give you a fresh start? Well, there's only one chance for you but it's a sure cure. Better go and see the joy specialist in his big new picture of laughter and love, thrills and surprises 6& mi I.';. t V ADMISSION: THEATRE Lower Floor, 15c Reserved, 25c Plus War Tax No Advance in Admission Price it' s I I 3 til I 3i am I I 'MRS- HALL WILMANS DALLAS. Tex. Women of Dallas, led by Mrs. Hall Wilmans, an attor ney, are going into court to fiht commission men; believed to be be hind the scheme to oust their muni cipal market from postoffice property. The Dallas Housewives' Chamber of Commerce established the market and food has been selling at price cuts of from 10 to 50 per cent. GRAND THEATRE MAR. 23-24 Curtain 8:15 Sharp B. A. A. Bancraft. Jr., H. S. Presents The Delightful Comedy "MR. BOB" Wholesome Entertainment Benefit Athletic Fund Near East Relief Special Matinee for Children 25c MAR. 23- 2:15 Sharp . Reserved Seats: now at Lyrit Th j.jtre---')0c ;i - - ll P M i:v "i It Wi.ia'J:' A4UUiJ3a23aarTTiT tTTTrr. mill I principles '" I1 ' i 'i 1 ' '1 fJV- N mm 1 mm-- APEX ELECTRIC SUCTION GLEANER The inclined nozzle of the Apex Electric Cleaner gives the widest range of use fulness. It gets dirt wherever it intrudes. The Apex pokes into every nook and comer, it reaches under and around every heavy-to-move piece of furniture. By reason of iis divided or twin design, the Apex suction is applied with un equallcl thoroughness and evenness across the entire width of its 13-inch nozzle opening. These exclusive features arc two of the m:my tlr-it are embodied in the AL'KX ELECTRIC CLEANER Sold liv