Educational Resolutions for the New Year Resolved thai wo shall do all in our power to eneourasje and boost the educational work in Kingman and Mo have county That we shall encourage each and every boy and jfirl to gel all the useful knowledge and training pos sible early in life Every child should be educated to prepare for comploe living To live couipleteh one must be useful arid happy To Ik uieful one must be thoroughly prepared for serv ice To be happy one must enjoy his work uod his leisure The evidences of a good education says Dr Butler Pres of Columbia University ire found in these live characteristics Correctness and pre cision in the mother tongue reiined and gentle manners which are the ex pression of lixed habits of thought and action the power and habit of reflec tion the power of growth and cllic ience or the power to make good The purpose of the school is to edu cate the child to cultivate his physi cal mental and moral power To en large his ideas broaden his horzon give him habits of industry and self control or to give him such skill knowledge and principles as will make for good citizenship and social ellic iensy This work is best done in the public schools Hero wo have all the factors necessary for an embrjo democracy and if the public school is to fulfill its highest purpose it must minister to the weal of the nation In the primary school the child learns to use the tools of education reading writing spelling arithmatic and the use of good English While in the Grammar school he acquires knowledge of practical and cultural value in such subjects as history lit erature geography hygene grammar civics manuel training and domestic scieuce Iu both primary and grammar schools he learns lessons of industry of truth and right of order and obedience of equality and patriotism This is the glory of our common schools Hero the child learns the lessons that pre pare him for tiie greatest of all posi tions a law abiding and useful citizen of the common wealth The esseutiils of a good school sys tem we believe to be the following A building -Modern well lighted well healed well ventilated well equipped with all needed supplies cleau and inviting Teachers Alive growing firm self poised cheerful amiable lovers of children ever ready to help and en courage A principal Broad minded wide awake enthusiastic optimistic tactful and resourceful Pupils Regular punctual neat and tidy order courteous alert and studious Trustees With high educational ideals harmonious enterprising pro gressive and sagacious Patrons Sympathetic charitable and corporative From the common school our boys and girls should bo encouraged to en ter the high school the peoples col lege This school should be intensely practical Il should give a major course in harmony with the industries of the community If the community is agricultural the school should be an Agricultural High School If mining a Mining High School We believe Kingman should have a Mining High School of such interest that it would draw every boy and girl in Mohave county within its walls and carry for ward the work begun in the common schools ottering necessary preparation for those who wish to enter college and to those who wish to get useful information and skill that may be of real service in making a living pre pare courses that will attract and hold them until completed Mohave county should have a Coun ty High School giving courses in min ing business normal training domes tic science and academic This is easily obtainable Tho state oilers a large sum the county is large and wealthy tho boys and girls are the most valuable asset we possess and should bo given the best preparation in our power to give With tho spirit of confidence and good will between pupils and teachers between home and school with a com munity spirit of progress and educa tional encouragement which makes MOHAVE COUNTY MINER KINGMAN ARIZONA JANUARY 4 1913 i and all boost for better schools better advantages and a peoples college for Kingman If we are true to ourselves and our children performing our dut ies with good courageous hopeful hearts ours shall be the joy of achieve ment the reward of things well done J C KUNWKLU Prin Schools Two Utah Camps At a meeting a few evenings ago of the Utah Society of Engineers there were some facts presented regarding two of the mining camps of Utah that are of general interest The two camps under discussion hy these en gineers eminently fitted by training and by personal work in the mines to speak of conditions were Bingham and Park City The history of Bingham was sKetch ed from the time when the first claims were located in the fall of 18l on to the day of the steam shovel operations and the big copper production of the present time The wagon roads into the camp in the early days of xis tence were later followed by a rail road with transportation facilities steadily improving as time passed on The early day mining facilities were later improved when electricity be came the motive power materially re ducing the cost of operation within recent years too has come the steam shovel handling immense quantities of ore at a very small cost and the in vention of new milling and smelting devices followed by the erection of great reduction works During the thirty years between 1870 and 1900 the camp produced ore having a value of more than 75000 000 Since the latter date has come the development of the g eat p irphyry deposits that have- made this one of the big copper camps of the West Today statistics presented show the camp is producing from 28000 to 14 000 tons of ore dnil has over 200 000000 tons of commercial ore avail able and is paying annual dividends of 5000000 The camp of Pirk City affords as in teresting a history as does Bingham The paper presented upon this camp stated that to date there has been taken from its mines 100000000 ounces of silver 175000 ounces of gold 300000 tons of lead 9 10000 tons of cop per and 30000 tons zinc The total output of these live metals had a money value of 8500 000 of which 35000000 has readied the stockhold ers of the various companies in the form of dividends The silver lead ores here are described as occuring in fissure veins or in bedded deposits connected with tissures Park City with its various classes of ores has done much toward evolv ing new ideas in ore treatment The silicious ores prominent in the earlier das of the camp called for special treatment which was devised and proven successful The sulphide ores presented another problem that was solved and later came the heavier lead ores bringing new concentration devices of value to the mining world Interesting to note also are the drainage facilities provided at this camp Adit tunnels drain the On tario Daly system to a depth of 2500 feet under the collar of the Daly Judge shaft as well relieving to some extent the water situation in the whole camp The Anchor tunnel of the Daly Judge and the Alliance tunnel of the Silver King each carry away near ly 1000 gallons of water per minute in addition to the 0000 to 10000 gal lons from the Ontario Adits also reach the 500 and 900 foot levels of the Silver King shaft the bottom of which is 500 feet above the Ontario tunnel These are a few of tho salient points in the history and present conditions in two of the principal camps of Utah t lie one a copper camp the other principally silver lead Denver Min ing Record A Hero in a Lighthouse For years J S Danaliue So Haven Mich a civil war captain as a light house keeper averted awful wrecks but a queer fact is he might have been a wrecK himself if Electric Bit ters had not prevented They cured me of kidney trouble and chills he writes after I had taken other so called cures for years without benefit and they also improved my sight Now at seventy I am feeling fine For dyspepsia indigestion all stomach for higher and better citizenship we liver and kidney troubles theyre shall succeed without equal fry them Only 50cts In addition let us join our forces i at II H Watkins druggist Grand Canyon Will Appear at Exposition The Grand Canyon of the Colorado river the greatest scenic wonder of the world and as such the prime tour ist attraction of Arizona will be re produced at the Panama Pacific Inter national exposition at San Francisco by the Santa Fe railroad accoiding to Dr Frederick Vining Fisher who will talk and show motion pictures at the chamber of commerce Friday night The reproduction will be made at a cost of 3000003 Comparatively few people have seen the Grand Canyon because of its re moteness from center of population The visitors to it are increasing year by year but there are many who can never see it Since the masses cannot go to the camon the canon will be taken to them The Santa Fe proposes to du plicate the sensations which a person experiences when he stands on the edge of the tremendous gorge a mile deep and 15 miles across This will he done by building com posite scenery in a huge building The beholder will stard on the veranda of the El Tovar hotel and gaze into a real gorge winch will be blended im perceptibly into a giant black drop so lighted as to Live the effect of great distances The effects of sunrise and sunset 809 South First Avenue - r3SSSgSgSg5fS5 The Florsheim - I I - Flexsole J A Comfort Shoe or Tired Tender Feet 6 and the incandescent glare of noon will pass over the scene during the 20 minutes or so that the visitor watches Guides will tell of the tor turous descent of the Bright Angel trail A real Arizona burro will be part of the picture Tucion Citizen Can oil W Davis is in receipt of a letter from the Bartholemew Com pany manufacturers of tliu Glide car in which the company assures him that even thing possible will be done to bring the National Highway this a that is by way of the Grind Can on and northern Arizona routing and that they will help the matter in a financial way It is the intention rt this company to devote a certain per ctntage of its net earnings to the good road work and this action will prob ably be followed b other companies Rail order- tills ear are about 5 000000 tons tiie largest amount ever contracted for in one year Cut the High Cost of Living W H Chapman Winnebago Net tells how he hid it My two children had a very bad couh and the doctors medicines did them no good I got a bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar Com pound and before it was all used the children were free and cured of their cough I saved a doctors bill for one 25u bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar Compound No opiates II H Watkins BLUE PRINTING Send your Tracings and Maps to the Phoenix Biue Print Company The only Commercial Blue Printers in the Slate of Arizona Brown and bhek Ine work a specialty Large Vacuum Frames Elecliic Machines We also carry a complete line of drawing materials and Surveying Instruments - Phoenix Arizona Youll Know real shoe comfort when you wear a Florsheim Natural Shape Flexsole Comfortable from the start as an old shoe Specially constructed for unusual comfort MHHBfflrwvg3fcB LOVIN WITHERS CO For all kinds of type writing book keeping and drafting call on A W BLAKHLY Kingman Arizona Escaped After Fifteen Years W P Broyles made a successful escape after fifteen years of suffering from kidney and bladder troubles Foley kidney Pills released him and will do just the same for others lie says They cured a most severe backache with painful bladder ir regularities and they do all you claim for them Refuse substitutes H H Watkins GOLD BUYERS and ASSAYERS Cash and prompt returns for bullion ores and furnace pro ducts j jt jt jt JAS IRVING CO 107 N Spring St Los Angeles Cal I M GEORGE Wholesale and Retail MEATS and PRODUCE I M GEORGE C A PATTERSON Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work Pumps Gasoline Engines Galvanized Tanks Estimates Furnished BEALESt - - KINGMAN Telephone 134 Gaddis Perry Company SSSnSSSSSSSS Purveyors to the Public and Dealers in I 1 gjj m m m m t We carry a complete stock of high grade RAY GRAIN FEED Lumber Building Materia Cement Lime Fire Brick Lubricating OiSs Distillate Gasoline Fuel OiSs and can make prompt deliveries Let us Quote You Prices Tarr ALLEN E WARE Trcas Mgr fh 1 fe B B - General Merchandise Combined with every necessity to the Miner Farmer and Stock Man Our Diamond M Flour is unsurpassed We keep constantly on hand Mining Supplies Blacksmith Coal Black Diamond Steel Every Kind and class of tool used by Miner and farmer fresh tqgs and Sandy Honey Best Butter in the Market Shelf Hardware And we carry Furnishing Goods lliqli class Shoes Comforters Blankets Mattresses and Pillows O Stores G Kingman Yucca Cerbat