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THE WEEKLY AEJZOKEAN SUNDAY MARCH 21, 1S69. GEN. ORD AND THE APACHES. From accounts receivod by private letters and through the public print, from San Fran cisco, it becomes quite evident that the days of trifling with, and carrying on inock-bosttlity against the Apaches are, at length, about to pass away. During the administration of Major-Gen McDowell, a vigorous war was nominally carried on against the Indians, in Arizona) but virtually, it was not a war, but a species of transaction qujte indefinite halfremonstrative and half authoritative.' We have not any doubt as to the war having been thus conducted for some distinct motive ; but we do not know, nor can we surmise, what could have been the issue viewed in the distance, to induce a department commander to feed and fight, at the same time, a couple of thousand Indians for a term of three years. It would hardly be just to bolievo that he had no definite object in view, or that this policy was merely designed tb continue until results, pro or con should develop theinselvei. However, this much wo can plainly see, that nothing of good, but much of evil has resulted from our sham war since the spring of 1SC6. But it is gratifying to feel that the light of a new era, in the history of the Apache war, is already visible, and will, ere long, have entirely dispelled the shadows of the past three years' maladministra tion, Major-Gen. Ord, upon assuming command of the department, saw at a glance, that defi nite, and not random proceedings upon the part of the military, were necessary to the suppression of tho hostile Indians in Arizona, and, already, his administration, under which they have been denied all tho privileges hith erto extended to them, has stricken them with adesree of terror hitherto unfelt. If full license to carry on the war vigorously; to give the enamy no time to lay up supplies, and to attack them whenever and wherever found hud been given the military authorities in Arizona three years ago, the condition of af fairs would, at present, be very different. As -it is, ike Indians nro nor bettor proparod for war than at any former period, and, it is grati fying to find that the department commander is fully aware of the necessity of prompt and vigorous action in the case. The following is anextract from some proof sheets sent us by a friend in San Francisco: "Thirty six companies of troops, one-half cavalry, are now in, or en route for Arizona. Ofhcers are directed, and expected under pen alty of disgrace, to find and punish the Indians when sent in search of them, and are promised praise and promotion in proportion to their succes. The system of feeding those Indiana who choose to live near a military post, only to get means to supply their war parties in the field, is at an end. "The troops are directed to push their way into the heart of the Territory, north of the Gila, there to establish themselves, and ex terminate this worst of all Indian tribe3. "Alreadv many newposts aro established and the geography of the country is becoming rapidly developed, The Indians have already been repeatedly and severely punished in their own remote haunts, where they have hitherto considered themselves safe. "Another year of Gen. Ord's administration will give to Arizona a brighter day than she has yet seen. Her wonderful resources once secure from the Apache assassin and robber, will naturally draw a large and enterprising population ; and the Southern Pacific railroad through her wide borders w.Il soon make her one of the most thriving of the frontier States. GRANT'S INAUGURAL. General Grant, upon the occasion of his inauguration remarked : That he had taken the oath without mental reservation, and would, to the best of his ability fulfil the duties of that position which, however, came to himunsought. The responsibility of the position, he said, he felt and accepted ; he would make known his views to Congres and urge them as his judg ment should dictate ; that he wouid exercise the constitutional prerogative of interposing a veto to defeat measures which his judgment demands that he oppose; his greatest efforts will be put forth to establish the security of person and proper!y and also to secure politi cal and raliirious oninions throughout the o I o whole country. He spoke loudly, in favor of maintaining tue national uonor, oy tue pay ment of the Government debt in gold coin, and emphatically denouueed repudiation. In conclusion, he asks that every citizen may put fcrth his best efforts to. aid in cementing a happy Union. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. The precipitancy of Congress in doing those things which it ought cot jkLdo, and its persis tency in leaving undonnBLings which it ought to have done, flHBk) notorious. The worst of routes, for arHc railroad, is that which Congress hastened tdadopt as an especial opject of government subvention. They are only just now learning, or pretending to learn in legislative circles at? Washington, that the most matesial portion of this road lies in the snow-bound region and is impracticable for about half the year; and they are only just now waking up, or pretending to wake up, to the national importance of connecting the Mississippi Valley by rail with the Pacific along a'more southern line which will admit of unin terrupted travel and commercial transportation the whole year round. But we are glad to see that there are many well meaning and intel ligent members vho fully uudersTUnd the in famous abortion of the Union Pacific railroad swindle and who are truly alive to the positive and paramount claims of the Southern route to the Pacific along the 3'2d parallel, to the consideration, encouragement and substantial aid of the federal government, if such aid may, in any case, properly be invoked for railroad enterprise. The granting of the right of way for the construction of a railroad leaving the Mis'issippi at or near Memphis, and striking the Rio Grande at El Paso is the only sensible measure in regard to railroads, so far as lati tude and natural conditions of transit are con cerned, which has been acted upon by any pre vious Congress, The conception of such a route, to bf sure, is by no meani new. It is fully twerr v years old; as old, in fact, as the conclusion oSthe war with Mexico, and a3 the first dream of opening by railroad enterprise the mineral and agricultural wealth of the rorthern provinces of that country, and of pro viding railroad facilities for the predestined trade of India across the continent. It lias beenapproved after critical examination, by the ablest engineers of the Ui.tyed States. But of course this did not recommend it to Congress The difficulty and costliness of the northern route gave it preference. For these qualities involved invidious benefits to n host of special interests in contrad-ction to public policy, and opened innumerable doors to direct or indirect, corruption among Congressriisen and oilier pub lie servants. Now, since it ii no longer pos sible to disguise either the impolicy or the swindle of the Union Pacific Bailroad project, under government subvention, there is a dispo sition in Congress to pay a tardy and futile homage to economy and honesty by pronounc ing against the general policy of subsidizing either railroad or navigation schemes of any kind. Hence we are, apparently, to have no more government bounties to railroad or canal projects because the Congressional Malvolio has concluded to be economioal and virtuous after profligacy and corruption have done their worst, It is only dyspepsia stimulating the symptoms of repentance. But, while it lasts, we fear that the prospects of substantial aid from the government for the Southern railroad to the Pacific will be very cloudy, Neverthe less, we will hope that the friends of this great enterprise will command success in the forty- first Congress now in session, and obtain that material aid necessary net only for its imme diate commencement but speedy completion MESCAL AND HUMBUG. We notice in a Philadelphia newspaper, an advertisement of "Brown and Kollock's Mescal." This "beverage" is said to be an effectual remedy in x number of diseases, and must, of course, possess rare virtues, from the fact? that the recipe for its manufacture was received from a dying Padre by one of the above named gentlemen while travelling through Mexico, Now, we formed the acquaintance of a biped in this territory, about a year and a half ago, which 'animile' answered to the name Kollock. It was said to have hailed from Philadelphia to which place it is said to have returned about nine months since. This animal, though a biped, was not a goose; nor was he a ''rooster,'' although displaying in all his actions the ostentation which characterizes this dunghill. He claimed to be human, but wa3, we think, at times, a victim to lunar influence. This, it would appear, gave rise to that singular hallucination of fancying him self a physician and surgeon ; and he actually obtained a position, as such, in the army, which pojition he held until his qualifications were made known. We (and not us alone) remem ber, while he acted in this capacity, of having heard him order a patient "half an ounce of Fowler's Sohition" (solution of arsenic) "every hour just by way of a tonic." The Esculapius under consideration, came to Arizona via Cal, and returned east by the same route ; while in Arizona he never made a trip to Mexico; now, Broru is only a crea- tureof imagination, and has no real existence So, who received the recipe from the dyin Padre ? is a question to be solved. From what we know of this genius (and that is not a mere trifle) we believe that his dupes must be brainless, indeed, and we would here assert, and stake our existence against a bot tle of his bogus 'mescal,' upon the issue that he has not, among his dupes, a physiognomist who saw him once. ETIQUETTE IN ARIZONA. In speaking of the neglected law of etiquette as observed in Arizona, we shall endeavor only to write for the instruction of those who have vet to visit the frontiers for the first time, that they may have an ilea of what they are expect ed to do, and by what means they are to avoid collisions: Well, in the first place, it is neces sory that you be apprized of the fact that to be popular you must please two classes of people whose views do not correspond upon any sub ject except whisky and tobacco. N ow, upon your arrival, you must set to work to ob tain the favors of class No 1 to do this you must have plenty of cash and a disposition to spend the same liberally you must h ive plenty of4,gab,"it matters little whether you talk st iisc or noii'ense; the latter, however, will C ' 1 T 11". 1 jam you more menus. in wanting tnrougti the town you must take the centre of the street, and nod to shopkeeken on either side as you pass along, otherwise they will not speak to you when next you meet. Bing n stranger, it is not very likely that you will meet with a lady of your acquaintance during your prorninad", all that von have to observe in this quarter is, therefore, to be cautious that vou don't run azmnst bar or tread upon her .Ires? The forc-'ointr must be strietlv obs. rved 1 Ilmrs.iay the 15th d.ynt.u Werninger3 traini It is feared that the Indians have killed Tr,. ! Barnett who was on his way to La Paz left Cullen's Station on the morning of tu? -i the stage was attacked, and was not seen road by. the nien in the stage. On the 25th inst., a party of murine Savages attacked and killed John II ,v thr nnrntiKaturnAn fitrnll nnrl TCIrL-Trt 1 i Florexce. A. T., March G, I- : FniTnjji Ani7nvnv Whila f f. of this place, was sitting quietlv eat'nf h s Sl. " ptr at u iieiguuur s wnise a lew evening . lie was shotat by a young Mexican, about tir:d years ot age. It seems that the cause (t the assault was an anxiety on the part r ;' latter to become possessed ot about ,; lars in currency, which Mr. Morehead was '. posed to have on his person. The shot v. t-- ing effect, the Mexican threw down t!.. and "wept bitterly" no doubt, f-om tn- . that the ball passed one-fourth of an iiu ' high. He then endeavored to throw the ; . of the whole affair upon another young ! who had left for narts unk-nmrn I Morehead refused U appearand "ive cvid :.( against tliem lor want of time, and the Mek ,1'Iw. t. is ilatlia immiil 4 ' I . ing on a ranch in thn vicinity. L, ii i i mi Xev,- York, March 3 ' Gold 132J132 Legal tender i 6 a FOR SALE AT AUCTION M ON FRIDAY THE 2d OF APRIL, IS (at 10 o'clock, a. ra., on the premie V THAT fine and commodious property W to Charles Ilardoabur, situated attlir em end of town, formerly owned and u .. by fcaaiuel Hughes. J NO. S. THAYFf! March 21st 18G!)-2w Aucti. . Sale of 120 Shares of the CAPITAL STOCK OF Til: PINGS ALTOS SHHIHG C "TTOTICE is hereby given thnt by rirti J3I order of sale, inudo by the Jmlr' bate, in nrd tor the Conntv of (Jiiinf. ' to gain admirer., an.i now, to yam menus, yu must finiMi oil with a select entertainmein which will cost vou about $400. While you have been thus conducting nffaira for the purpose of making friends in el:ss No 1, jou have been makiiifr for yourself a number of enemies in class No 2; thU y u will soon discover as whispers intended for y our ears will inform you that you are a ' p rp" or some other I ttle alli um! that aspires to count dignity. .Now it you undertake the task of ploasing class No. 2, it can be done by getting on a drunk once a week, gettine into a row, havin-j your eyes black ed or blackening these ofaoroebody else. When you meet a man staggering along and pro claiming to the world as he oes his various qualifications, his virtues and his courage you h id better nsree with him in all ho says, and ptop and tell him so if he demand it ; other wise you cannot consider him your friend. Now you have received sufficient instruction in Arizona etiquette to enable you to become a member of either class but to please till is absolutely impossible and if you think of coming to Aiizona our advice to you is: act in dependently in everything. Please yourself, in your actions, and if parties assume a sudden trienuship and come to jrive advice as to pro priety or impropriety, let them know that you have been accustomed to take care of yourself do not seek the companionship of a man becuuse he is rich but look for him who hath brain. By this course you will never become one of the real popular upon either side, but you will b nonular with, and have the friendship of the few sensible men who have made your acquaintance and this popular ity and friendship is about all that is worthy of being possessed. i H .-j The following we extract from the Prescott Jftjierof Feb. 27th: As the stage containing the U. S. Mail, the driver, Mr Tingley. Joseph Todd of this place and George Jackson of Petaluma, Cal , was passing through Granite Wash, about mid-way between HYickenburg and La Paz, on its way to the former place, it attacked by about 30 Indians who lay concealed in the brush on each side of the road. The Indians tried their best to kill and capture the party in the stae, all of whom were wounded. When the In dians first fired on the stage, the horses became frightened, turnd out of the road and ran ri;;rit through a body of Indians. Mr. Tingley. although badly wounded in the wrist, got hold of Jibe reins, which he had dropped in order to shoot at the Indians, turned the animals into the road and got out of the wash as quickly as possible. The Indians chased the stage all the way through the Wash, but were unable to catch up with it Upon arriving at Cullen's Station, word was sent to Wickenburg, when Dr. Howard went out to attend to them. The driver was taken to Wickenhurrr Messrs. Todd and Jackson remained at the station, and, if aoie, win come to rrescott with Jonea & ;he town of I'inos A tos.iri said Cmm tv i. ;itid in front of the Pinos Al"s H' hour of Jl o'clock, a.m.; sell to the hijrHi - for cash; One nundicd and tc;-.' of the capital stock of (he Z'iiios A Hon Company; tho same belonging to the . -VI It OIL A MASTIN. deceased, or so in n thereof as may be Mifficicnt' to pay tho,; edncss of said estate. The Shares will be offered in lots of : capital "took of siiid company being rj'' by FOUR HUNDRED SHAKES. JOSEPH REYNOLDS Administrator of the e-ta;' Vircil A, Mastix, u Mesilla, N. M.. March Sth 18G9. lw epai'tiuenat or ialiJornia. 417 KEARNY STREET, San Francisco Cal., February 2, 1sC1 o QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RDTI riat this O until 12, m., on the FIF'i'l.: day of APRIL, 1869. lor the transport' GOVERNMENT STORES to the f :.. posts, as follows : For receiving stores at Tucson der '. a and transporting the same to su asro, or may be its dependencies. Bids to state the PRICE PER POl"" GOLD COIN, for ONE HUNDRED MILES. Bids to be addressed eithpr to me CAPTAIN G. C. SMITH., A. Q. -Tucson. -x All bids to be made in triplicate, w ' ' of the advertisement attached toeach no bid will be received unless accomna a deposit of two thousand dollar0, a ;i ? 4tirt Kirlflni. tt-!ll f i ia nnnt raff 'a" Llllb tllC UUJU(.l Hill llhlkl fcn. ,vr. ed to him. i Bidders are requested to be p : opening of the bids. No contract :-de tmder this a lv'r will be considered in force until apr the Department and Division cou.n.;.' The right to reject bids is reserve I ' aidered for tha good of the service Any information in reference to! to be transported, routes, etc., can : application at this office. HENRY C. HODGE ( Bvt Lieut. Col. and Q M . I s' Act'g Ch'f Q. M., D. m20 J PIONEER BREWED TUCSON, A. T. LAGEK SEEIIi. AL.E and FOtfT Constantly op hand. A. LEVIN & J. GOLDli , March 14, 1869 11-tf.