Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, .MARCH 21, 1869. EDITOSIAI PARAGE. ABHS. Tom" still hangs out, on" Main St., and i li ml fnr cash. "ia vr tvs vjii " - - V natice the arrival in town, oi L,ieut. rt r f Calhoun irom wwh uR wton Israel from Oampuram, ar I . iha VAPlv- 1 I1B L'lHUS. ...1 :., intrn mimi" VPil Mi U , Tl J 1 1 : ,uf APtion oi me o.m x Rot wv.l Pro""3t" ,. . . (1 ... x.o,r m me conuumii ui I'.'- r- A sr; in jonrihe middle part of last week, oh sckness. We nave neen w - - liiKillir 1 tin 1 . If .t line fallen dunn? the pnt weeic, :., t,a ivPftther has became dear and irv- vo'Ptation is therelore verj rapid, ami ho pros; ec-ts ot tnose wno cuiuv. c n . . : Tin. new brick building, ot Lwmoltlo bnrino, w .rta vprv other butlduiff in 1" aiuj; '' - nppr storv of this building rfiiaer 11. By Mivaie letter from Las Unices. IS. t. arr informed that a Catholic college for pit-Is . i. nrn,.in.l that nlnpp. Father a a..tii.i i". cin."." .-- i . i t i.q r.imt-f.hpc ,-vt inttii Ann. ,1 f T ' i ' 1 , UVJL V . .w v. .. v. ' V callatttcntion to an advertisement Ms-sss. Davis it Barklla, subcontractors t in i n. mini, iitrnv Jt:ii iiL'ie u. 11 u - : 1 1 ai -vi firrn'fn nnro rn r r i mv i 1 1 1 il. ..h v i r. rn rxii t ll f rv f It vlrrlkr i ,.t o c? tin a crin rnroronon iiUIIUO tfc -. -j to their SCUiuuie iiui" meits uem nutunj ua Wh wouM call attention to a notice in an- tlr f..himn. ot the sale at auction, ot the ertv is conr. nifntiy situated for a private .k nn th.- ppiniifl nf A uril. will h I ... 4 ..I I lit.. 1 1 ,rr it r t.l tt n rtf i i: :i i mu l ui.' tit t oi, u iv i . v . v. A rr.:r I-'tter to a oitiyon of this place fmm.Ii.n T CsinrtHs. st:ifps that the citizens of S in M.oo havepuiHTibea a sum ortt.uuu lor b'.ii'din,; the new wagon rond between that v',i.M and Fort Yuma. Mr. C. is about to s irt '.ir San Faneisco with a -view of raisins; nn, re funds, to be applied to the speedy com p'otu n of this road, which it is-paid, will reduce the price of freight one hundn-d percent. V"i: huw received the February number of 'Efti'j Month,' a .Magazine of Universal 1 iti-r.uure," riubHhod lv C. H. Jones & Co., lOSFu'ton St. New York. The premiums oiTer.-l to cbbs, subscribing fortius magazine, surpass anytliiug we have ever seen proposed for a like purpose. Mn. Jarvenillo arrived from New Mexico about ihe beginning of last week. He brought a Ira n of watrons ladMi with srenernl merchant disc and established himself in the newly fin ishod bmtninrr of Leonoldo Carilln. on thr oust side of Main St. There are now in Tucson. ii iiuu retail usiauiisu- inents, est lusive of liquor stores. The f Unwind are the names of the snc cesshil bidders for the commissary contract, ,; ii7ive,i ,ini awaraeu on me lotn nstant: 150,000 nound.s fl T drier. Secretary of ihe Teiritorv and actin" governor of Arizona at 8 41-100 cts 20.000 I -'"ids of beans, to Lord & Williams, Uer- I - T"L'sr," a.1 at cents 9,000 pounds of : u i L-in. Agmrre, ot Altar, at G 9'J 100 : cects per p..ud in U. S. gold coin. 1"r express ridr from Apache Pass ar r.w.ihHre on Tuesday, but brought no Eastern ma.' He sports that the mails failed ti, con nect ia ci'..seqnence of some stocky belonin" tothe roaJ having bcn run off by Indlaas rear the Mintnhr. ti. wt.-. t - xue nesiern man was nardiy more fortunate. The driver. Mr. John- fTnr n w r.P.wts Thos. M. Yerkes L. ii. Wooster. A. C. Benedict and other gentlemen from Tobac have been in town 'through the week. Col. Lewis intends to start for Wash ington city soon accompanied by his lady, who came to isolaied Arizona nearly a year since to sojourn with her distinguished husband but the climate of their locality not beingwell adapt o.d tn her bfiiilth she nrefers takintr the Colonel back to their congenial home to enjoy again the luxury of thatsociety. Arizona cap not well afford to lose such men as Col. Levis, and we trust that after a season he will return and help to complete what has always been his aim while amongst us the building up of Southern Arizona. Is. consequence of our late Eastern dates being less important than usual, and a press of local mattet on band, we have omitted our us &al column of "latest news." NOTICE. niNTON, HOOPER, & CO. San Francisco and Fort Yuma, California Arizona City, Maricopa Wells, Sacaton, Sweet .Water and Camp McDowell, Arizona. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, Uxited States Ixtkkn'al Revenue, DtSTUICT oe Auizona. "RvTOTICE is horcbv civen, in accordance with Jjj provisions of Internal Revenue Laws, Act of July 13th 1S6G, paragraph , that appeals rel ative to any erroneous or cxcossito assessments on tases for 1S69. made in this district, by the Assistant Assessors, will be received and deter milled at tny office, in Prescott,, each day, during business hours, from tho fifteenth to tuo tliirty first day of M arch. All appeals must be made in writing, specifying the particular cause, matter, or thing, respecting which a decision is requested, and stating the error complained ot. Communications sent by mail will rccoivo imme diate attention, HENRY A. BIGELOW. Assessor District of Arizona. Prescott, llarch 2, 18C9. 12-tw. NOTICE. Territory of Arizona, County of Pima, J To the unknown heirs of Thomas F. McLean deceased, their guardians, agents, &c,, and all other persons interested : You are hereby notified that upon a final settlement of the estate of said deceased, had in ihe Probate Court of said County and Ter ritorv, on ihe 15th day of March, A. D. 18G0, a ba'anc- of nine hundred and thirteen dollars and eigbtv-eight cents, was found due said estate, and remaining in the bauds of Soloman Wanier, the administrator thereof. The undersigned having been appointed by slid Fiobate Court, as nn agent to take pos session and charge of said moneys ami having gh'en bond as required by law, will hold the same for the term of one vear subject io the claim and demand ot the lawlul heirs or said deceased. At the expiration of one year, saJd moneys, if uncalled for, will be paid into the Torrlti-ria! Treasury of said Territory in accordance with tho statute in such cases made and pro- vioeo xucson 12-tf r,.t, i nil, 1 00 l, .'-.111 AtLll 1 UU. JOHN B. ALLEN, Agent and Territorial Treasurer. SOn, Was firr-d llnnn l-.l .... x i i.. i -f .w.u ivummeu, on .Monaay t by an ambuscade of Irdians, at, or near the I ieacho. He was upon his outward t,i wiun thus assanlte 1 and was obliged to return i?nTf r Hla7I?B"'l. though it may disable iiny serious consequences. '"K was thrown bto quite a lively ex cement on Thursday last, by a report "that Ul ,wa- ,!,s attacked near the Pi rZ Vhe 1 lnt of Mountain bringnwr this D". v 'nF , P0"' L,eut Wi,,ters wtl " . . '.lz3 a"U SOine mounted Tnfantrv cue u a I the id to M. I. JACOBS, L. 11. JACOBS 221 San some St., San Francisco. Tucon, A. T. M I. JACOBS & CO. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDIZE Main Street, Tucson, A. T OFFER for sale at a great reduction from ruling prices, an extensive variety of goods, specially selected for, and adapted to this market. January 2d 18C9-tf. a com- set .,., f. .i.. i u.,ue mounI P nntC; '"eicene,ot the reported calamity. anl ' ralUlsJ 'ond everythinjr quiet een rPKSedt Ipar that no fndians raVa , J My, f Irty with the sUitTi-t J- fuPrtS' however, corroborate the unftn ?r?sence of Indians upon the to MeK lhursdaJ evening the bodies of nb:e Z r .' W"e found. abt the place atiaekIS tu n Was rePrted to have been ooSX to have b j. jeen NOTICE. Fout Y"uma, February 20, 1SG0. WE have this day a pointed Cnpt. ISAAC POLHAMUS, Jr., General Superintendent of our business on the Colorado River. Tho res'gnation of our late Anent, Mr. JOHN B. DOW. -and our Clerk. Mr, C. H. BRINLEY, date from the 1st and 20th instant. GEO. A. JOHNSON & CO. ll-4t. TAKE NOTICE I DTRECT FROM NEW YOUK Vih-would respectfully announce to the people o Tucson and vicinity, that we have on hand a large and well assorted STOCK OF MERCHANDISE GROCERIES, Dc, also, best EL PASO W'INF and VINEGAR, which wo offer for sale at the owest figures. H. LESINSKF, & CO., East sido Main Street Tucson, A. T. Jan. 1st '69, tf BLACKSMITH WAOND SHOP, PEARL ST. TUCSON, A. T. "Wagons are made and repaired at this establish ment and everything in the Blacksmith lins doso with promptness and dispatch. . b WEENY fc ETCHEL Proprietors, Jan. 1st, '69 -HOLES-LE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN General Merchandise. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. "We wish to call the attention of the public generally, and Mcrchnnts, pnrt:cula!y, to our tacilities for Wholesaling and Jobbim' at LOW RATES. We keep constantly on hand at ARIZONA C5TY The largest and most General Stock of Goods in the Territory, or in any one House south of San Frandisco. COMPRISING EVERYTHING THE COUNTRY ltlsyUlKES. All our oods aro cither imported directly or bought of direct importers, YTc buy nothing from second hands ; thereby saving tho San Francisco Jobber's Profit which is ALL WE ASK TO MAKE. "Live and Let Live," is our motto. Our terms aro CASH. EXCLUSIVELY, and for cash, we are always in readiness to supply dealers, ranchcros, & others, with goods, in jobbing lots at Unprccedcntedly ILow Trices, IIINTON, UOOPFR.dV CO. Arizona City Dec. 19, 1868-tf. E. N. Fisu, Tucaon, S. SlLEyEBERO San Francisco E. IN7- FISH, & CO-, West side, Main Street. Tucson, A. T. W7" HOLES ALE and RETAIL DEALERS IN General Merchandise, We keep constantly on hand the largest and most general stock of goods in the Territory south of the Gila. Are constantly receiving fresh supplies oi Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Gro ceries V 'ovisions, Hardware, Liquors in Bbls. ar d cases, Cfgars and Tobacco, &c, &c., which weare offering at exceedingly low prices. Jan. 1, '69. :52!tf CONTINENTAL BILLIAUD SALOON. The BestiSoiith of San Francisco. lIain Street, Tucson. A. T. TnE best of WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Imported direct for this House kept constantly on hand, for sale Wholesale antl Retail. The BILLIARD TABLES are new and of the latest style The proprietors will take special care to have everything of the best, and insures prompt attention to tneir customers. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Jan. 24, '69, 24-3ra. CASH STORE! ' GOLDBERG & CO North-east corner Mam and Vine Sts TUCSON, A. T. HAVING received a new supply of Summer and Fall Good, embracing a general and complete assortment of Dry goods, Fancy good, Ladies dress good3, of every description, Hatsand Caps, Cloaks and Shawls, Boots and Shoes. Hardwarcand Crockery, Groceries and Provisions, ote., etc. W adhcreto a cash system and sell our goods remark ably low. Give us a call. tf. Jan. 1, 69 SHOP. GEOEGEF- F0STEH. at the OLD STAND on Main Street, TUCSON, A. T. IS ready to supply all customers in his line with as good beef and at s jsLhS low rates as oan bo dono elscwnero town. Jan. 1st 1859. HIRAM S. STEVENS Camp Crittenden, A.T. OULD respectfully give notice to the trading public in and around Camp Crittenden, that have just received a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES nd all kinds of necessary articles, for OFFICERS, SOLDIERS and CITIZENS Direct from San Francisco. which I propose to sell U all at the very .LOWEST iMilUliiS at my store, at Camp Crittenden, Arizona. Jan. 1, IS69. g. ii. ouiiy, Attorney and Counselor at Lar Office in Court-house Building TUCSON, A a augl;67 tf THE HODGES' HOUSE LOTTERY A Hotel Building FOR TWENTY DOLLARS WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT LOTTERY, 330 CUAKCES AT $20 EACH. On or before the 15th day of April 1869. TIIE largo and well furnished building bleg. ing to P.M. Hodges, situated on Main straet, in that town, known as tho Hodges' House and heretofore used and occupied as a Hotel, Tho House contains Twelve largo and commodious rooms, fronts Two hundred and thitty-Svc fuet an two streets, has nil necessary outbuilding? and a garden of about half an acre attached. Tho building has and always will, from its desirable location, command constant occupancy ata good rent, and in conformity with tho desiros of a number of per sons, be distiosod of at Public Lottery, by tho 15th of April next, or as soon as all th e tiokets aro sold. The property being entirely unincumbered, will be ceded and delivered to tho person win ning, immediately on tho result of tho lottery being declared ; and to satisfy all that the proceed, ings connected with tho lottery will be honorably and fairly conducted, reference is made to tho following prominent citizens of Tucson, under whose direction or that of any committuo wham the holders of tickets may select tho Lottery will bo drswn. Reference, COL. J P T CARTER, Sooretary of the Tor CAPT. G C SMITH, USA. LORD WILLIAMS, Merchants E N FISH &CO " M I JACOBS A CO ' GOLDBERG k CO 1 " TULLY & 0C1I0A " GOODWIN Jfc SANDERS " Tucson, January 24 I860 12i. F H Goodwin 1 Adam Saadera GOODWIN & SANDERS, Dealers in General Merchandise TUCSON, A. T. SAVE this day on hand jand aro constantly receiving, a largo stock of goods selected EXPRESSLY FOR THIS MARKET, consisting in part of Dry Goods and Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Military Furnishing goods of all des criptions, Staple and Fancy Goods, Belts, Pistol?, Powder, Percussion caps, Jtc, da., which they will sell cheap for cash. Thankful for past favors they respectfully solieit continuance of public patronage. Jan. 1, 1869-tf. TUCSON RESTAURANT! Cn Main Street (opposite Lesinsky Jc Co's stare). TUCSON, A.T. THE proprietors would announco to the public that they aro now prepaid to entertain their guests with the choicest viands of the season and everything which tho market can supply in tho finest style and shortest notice. Gentlemen can bo accommodated with Hot Coffee, Chcolatc, Pies Cakes and Oyster at ill hours. Open day and night. FARRELL and TRASK Proprietor!. March 1st 1869. tf CAMP GRANT STORE TnE undersigned would respectfully announce? that they have just opened a new stock of geodz consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c. and aro prepared to sell on tho "live and let live" principle: Would also announco to those persons desirous to settle upon the Lower San Pedro, thattffey aro proprietors of a large Asequie and will allow water YePbe taken from it by actual settlers fmo of charga ISRAEL &C0X Camp Grant, A, T., Oct: 2d 1863. " HEAT'S SALOON. rglho undersigned having leased tho abovo Sa j loon, is prepared to furnish his friends and tho public with a gcnoral assortment of WineJ, Liquors and Cigars. AUGUSTUS BRICHTA. Jan 30,186.9. M. R. Platt. J. E. MoCafpet PJL1TT &JICCAFFRY' ATTORNEYS JAND COUNSELORS AT LAW.- ' TUCSON, A. T. January 2d lSG9-tf, 1DR. N. P. RICHARDSON. Office Richardson's Hotel. TUCSON, A. T. OHAS. H. LORD, W. W. WIIAIAltS ILORD & WILLIAMS. HAVING just brought;on;from New York fresh and CHOICE STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, are offering the same very cheap for cash. Look at our goods and prices. tf Jan. 1 ,'C9. JiVO. S, THAYER, (Licensed) A uctionee r Oilico at tho store of JUAiN iBiWiauia MAIN STREET, Dec, 26,!l863-tf.