Newspaper Page Text
' t . f ( "A The 'New York Tribune is accused of mak ing $180,000 test ye sr. Rerjidjtw to dine with the Glasgow author iiies. , - ' Burlingaine and suite have been received by Prince Napoleon, A new department of Indian affairs has been agreed npOn in committee. Drake qpposes Gen. Morgan Smith for the iliasouri inarsbalship. , . ' Bwrglers are operating on farmers' houses in Illinois, A Rocheiter canary ia accused of siurin "i snKee Doodle. New York cansot get velocipedes enough. it ttasji early hve thousand learners. Buffalo-eteaks sell in Chicago for twenty-five cents a pound. The Bfister, the new London comic journal, is ip te managed ny seceders irom Punch. Lonner is 3aid to be negotiating for the purchase of the Herald. A., man in , Greensboro, Vermont, nearly Droc ins wile a necK, receutly, by playfully suKiug uer. The Kansas Branch Pacific Railroad bill is still kicking. Mr Ticknor the ex-Boston publisher, intends 1 ' T " ' jucaung in rnns. Massachusetts last year-manufactured 100, 000,000 of boots and shoes, iNew Yorkers annually smoke 400.000,000 cigars. The Great Western Railway of England cost nearly 5doU,ouu a mile. Eugene speaks French only tolerably and scold in Spanish. Forty thousand hares were sent from Ger many to Paris for Christmas dinners. Mobile is to have a wagon and plow manu factory. The ex-King of Naples is dangerously ill at Rome. Nqw York had a masquerade on ice. thinj; ' Big Seward denies the story that there are any negotiations pending for the transfer of Cuba. There is almost an epidemic of Scarlet fever among the children in New York. Mrs. John . Wood is managing the uiosl aristocratic theatre in Loudon the Royal St James. Whoever has a square rod of jrround. make it produce something. . Victor Hugos new. work is said to .surpass any ot ins writings lor. tliu past decade, toiion is Dimming an iron Drig with circu lar tanka for the transjoitation of molatses in bulk. Cigar color i the favorite tint now with the Jimpress ot the rreneh. 'Seventv-two newspapers are at present pub lisked in Mad: id. Of these only fifteen are worth reading. It is not to be wondtred at, that a man for lorty years an edi!or ot a paper m Kentuckj-, is now a raving maniac. There were only seventy-seven thousand bales of American .cotton on hand in Liverpool on otli ufr. An ingenious chap wants to contract to keep the Hudson river from treezing by suiting ar tesian welU along its channel. Mr Dickens is to receive from Mr. Chappel $50,000 for afarewell series of readings in Eng land.- Repdft has it that Pike has lost half a miU lion through the lailure ot his dyking enter prise.'' A'.Bufmloniah whips his ife for fidelity to her marriage vows. It is impossible to please some people. Florence, the comedian, has become a partner in a New York copper house, and will soon quit the stage. In an Indiana jail the female convicts out number the males, three to one. Over five thousand horses were killed in Berlin last year for human food. y Carrier pigeons are again coming into use in England and France. .Massachusetts proposes a school of horticul ture fcr women. A European letter says that Carlotta will mae a journey to England and America this yoar.. . . A Paris writer on popular science makes out that the people of the United States are growing to a physical resemblance of the In dians! Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg assirts in his works on America, that the physical and moral characteristics of people of European origin, who have made their homes in the North, have become like the Iriquois, while those of the South have become like the Cher pkee. An exchange says: "In Cincinnati,, the other day, the rider of a velocipede, probably using whip and spur upon his ligneous charger too freely, got himself run awav with by the firy timber-beast, and considerably damaged, Not having properly broken his high mettled courser, he came near getting broken himself,'' P- M- H0DG-ES, 31 A I N STREET TUCSON. A. T. KEEPS constantly on hand a largewupply s tbeibest brand of Liquors and Cigars. Jan. 1st. '69 tf NSW GOODS ! GREATLY ' REDUCED PRICES AT -AT THE- SUTLER STORE CAMP BOWIE, (Apache Pass.) A Good Supply for travelers. tn ARIZONA OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 1S69. W Federal Officers. bovornor Richard C. MeCormick, Tuc3on. secretary Jaraes I'.T. Carter " Chief Justice William P.Turner, Prescott, Associate " Hcnrv T. Backus, Tucson. " " llarlcy II. Carttcr, La Paz. Marshal Edward Phelps. Tucson. Sup't. Indistns Gcorce W. Dent.La Pat. Surveyor General Shsnnan Day.San Francisco District Attorney Tucson. Assessor Henry A. BigeloWj Prescott, Collector Levi Bashford, " Dept. Collector Bustoms --J.F. Stone, Tucson iteceivcr of the Land Otticc-Uscar Buckalew. Territorial Officers. Auditor Charles II Lord, Tueson, Treasurer John B Allen " Attorney General James E McCaffrey " Delegate to Congress Coles Bashford " Comity Officers- rixi.v COUNTY Probate Judge John S Thayer ShcrilF Peter R Brady District Attorney Oury Treasurer Sidnoy R DeLong Recorder Oscar Buckalcw Supervisors John W Sweeney, E. N. Fish, John G. Capron Public Administrator,--Unas. II Aleycrs county seat Tucon. YAY'Al'AI COUNTY. Probate Judge Ilezikiah Brooks. Sheriff A John Moore District Attorney John M Rountrec. Treasurer William Cory Recorder John H Behan Supervisor.: John G Campbell, - Couilty Sc: t Prescott. - . TT I'M A COUXTY. Probate Judge Joseph B. Tattle. Sheriff David King. District Attorney Marcus D Dobbins. Treasurer Robot t Coles Recorder.-- Peter Doll. Supervisors-IV Itavena, C. Gross, M.Castinado Putlic Adiuinistrrtor -John Duff. county :je..' La P.iz MOHAVE COUXTV. Prooatc Judge Win. L Haskell Sheriff EII Smith Treasurer E M McCarty Recorder James P Bull Supervisors John Pearson, William Forrest Chas Atchisson. Dis't. Att'y. A E Davis. county Seat Hardj-ville. - ' ' I'AH PTE COBNTV. ' Probato Judge Daniel 31 Thomas. Sheriff - Treasurer Recorder Supervisors connty seat St. Thomas. Koiaries Pulilic. Puma Co. William S Baxter Afaricopn AVolls Mortimer R. Piatt, Tucson; .John Al. Cass iBache Puss ; J. B. MiKinnie, Florence ; Yavapai Co. Henry W Fleury, Prescott: AV. R Ferris, Wickenburg; Thos J L Hague Pconi. J Al Lenraruer, Lamp Ale L)ov oil. 1UMA Co. Charles II. Bnnlcy, Arizona City, H. D. Dobbs, La Pnz. Assistant Assessors Pima Co.- Mark Aldrich, Tueson. Yuma Co -Thos. J. Bidwcll, Ls Paz. Yavapai Co George Lount, Prescott: "W. R. Ferris, Wickenburg SJcpmy CJoiieciors. Pima Co. P It Bradj Tucson. I Ytuna Co Robt. Coles, La Paz. I Mohave Co Jas P. Bull, Mohave City. if PlaccS and Tiaics oriloltliat Courts. FIRST DISTRICT. Judge Backus Oscar Buckalcw, ffle rk In Tueson, Pima county, commeneinfc on thefirst Monday in April, and first Monday in October. SECOND DISTRICT. Judge Carttcr Clerk. In La Paz, Yuma county, commencing on the firs Monday in March and first Monday in September In St Thomas, ran uto oounty, commencing on the 3d Monday in J une. In Hardy villa, Aloha vc county, commencing 0 first Monday in January and first Monday in Junn THIRD DISTRICT. Judge Turner Edward W Wells, Clerk. In Prescott, lavapai county, commencing on thefirst Monday m April and first Monday in October. SUPREME COURT. . One term in each year at the Capital', commencing on the first Wednesday after beginning of the re gular annual session of the Legislature. Oscar Buckalew, Clerk. THE WEEKLY ARIZONIAN ESTABLISHMENT ! TUCSON, A. T. The only Newspaper published in the Territory of Arizona South of the Rio Gila. Having lately received a LARGE SUPPLY of NEW MATERIAL, we are prepared to execute ALL KINDS 03? JOB-WORK, POSTERS, PA PMHLETS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADINGS, BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS, HAND-BILLS, &c uPon the shortest not,cc; and as reasonable as can bedonc thisside of San Francisco. T.Ve would, particularly recommend our- sheet o merchants in San" Francisco, Cal., and New York, hiving business correspondence in this section, as the only advertising medium in the Territory, south of the Rio Gila, and as Tucson ;s in a section ol GREAT COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE. It i3 for the interest of every Business House hat wishes to get a share of the trade, to adver- ise n onr columns ; tneretore, senu in your . t f - i orders. Address: "Weekly Arizonian." Tucson, A, T SHERRY & DOONER, Publishers PUBLIC NOTICE! i LTi Persons are Wamnil nrr-iinat trmn-iaalntr nn Vhe property of the At 0 WRY SILVER APXE?. Work will be resumea on an extensive'scale assoon as proper arrangements can be made, and the con dition ofthe cOHntrv will iustifv it. The nronertv has been placed in the hands of the Military author ties of the United States, bv order of flcncral Grant, U. S. A. Commander-in-chief, at the request of the undersigned. All iust and legitimate claims against the Company will be settled upon resumption ui nuiR.. liic unuersigned relies upon his friends in Arizona to see that the snirit of this notice is carried out. SYLVESTER MCUVRY. President. Mowry Silver Alining Co. fcew York, 0tct4, '67- tf. TU VVJ1UM J 1 A Y ( )T( Ul, - " w v - , NOTICE is hereby given that in conformity with instructions received from the Collector of Customs for the District of Pajso del Norte, import- era ui nereauer ucreqmreu to pay duties on all supplies imported for the" use of the United States Troops, whether delivered under public or private omruci. J. F. STONE, Deputy Collector. Tucson, A. T., Sept 22, 1S0S; tf SOUTHERN OVERLAP TJ. S. MAIL. And Express Line .From Me9iln jN. Al. to lUCSOD, X. o THE undersigned will run a weekly two- horse buggy between the above points, in" at Mesilla, with stages for Santa Fe and th East, El Paso, and San Antonio, Texas; an.' at Tucson, with the Los Angeles and San Di, Semi-Weekly Stage Line, and the Weekly iine for.He.inosiHo and Uuaymas, tsonora : making a connectel stage line for any point in the United States!on the Pacific or Atlantic sloDes of the cciuinent, and points in northern auj and centra' Mexico. Particular attention paid to Express mat'er and comfort of Passengers. The company are responsible for all Express matter sent by their line except against India? Coaches leave lucson and aiesula evt:v f Sunday at -i o'clock, p. m. C. H. LORD, Passenger and Express Agn ;, Tucson, A. T. 423L I-a Mesilla, N. M P. P.. TULLV. ESTK v AN OCi' 4 TULLT & tOCHOA. Main Street, Tucson, A. T. o HliUislSi give notice to tneir inenus ana t ) public senerallv thatthev have received dir. : fVomthe East a full and complete stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,- llAKDWAKJS. .v and arc prepared to sell at as reasonable ter.- as any merchants in the Territory, wiro ua a cu . before purchasing elsewhere. Jan. 1st 1SC0. district Court Xolice "X the District Court for the First Judicial D JB triut, County of Pima, and Terntorj- Arizona. Territory of Arizona, vs John B. Allen, Territorial Treasurer for the Territory of Arizona, Cles Bashford, and Charles II. Lord Terri torial Auditor. i J tLo To Coles Dashford one of tLo defen Ju.!- above named : i ou are herebv summoned to be and at pear : - fore the District Court, for the Fhst Judi -ial I lr;ct, County of Pima, and Territory of Ariz a. Hi ans'-er th6 complaint of Granville JI !:; Attorney General for said Territory, ir. an in-;. , for injunction, to enjoin the presentation m.d i i:ent of certain Territorial Bond nrrt arr.n - :mleriii!; as follows: Territorial Roud.-, . . 75 76 77 78 79 t0 81 82 H3 84 &.' -'' .-8 S9 90 91 1)2 93 94 95 8U 1U7 M r - 110 111 112 113 11 t 115 llti 117 !!S li: 1. 121 122 12:1 121125 12G 127 128 12'J !::! : ; 132 1SS 13-t 135 13C 137 138 139 110 1 a I 143 144 145 146 147 !4S 149 150, and Tr.:t s Warrants numbering 42 51 52 55 105 and . You arc hereby required to unswer the curiij herei fikMj wilh.-1 four mon,hs from the ljon hereof, anil to serve a copy tneroi ii Uranvile H. Oury.nt his office in Tucson, itn county and Territory, within time a! v specified. And you aroalso notinea that 11 you ia:i answer the complaint ol lio piaintm wunm 1. four uionrhs aforesaii1, judgment will be la'.. against you bv default, and application mado tot- court for the relie" demanded in said oolrplainf. . Given under my hand and t'r-' L. S. seal of said District Court, at - v - J Tucson, this 14th day of January A. D.. 1S69. OSCAR BUCKALEW, 3lmo. Clerk. THOMAS 11 YERKES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL mERCIIAN"! Tnbac, A. T. T7" EEPS constantlv oil hand a large and we!I 1 sorted stok of DRY GOODS, GROCERll AiS U 1'linv ISIUNS, whicli will bo soll reason n and a LIBERAL CREDIT GIVEX. Grain tat in exchange, for goods at market prices. J.m 1st 1S03. tt. Kolicc to CJrcditoi's. In the matter of the estate ) of Hiram W. Fellows, deceased. J NOTICE is hereby given byjtheundpr-L'T administrator of the above named eit- the creditors of and all persons having ! -' against said deceased, to exhibit the sair,. v. the necessary vouchers to the undersigiif -d 1 ofiice in. the town of Tucson, County of Pi"" and Territory of Arizona, within twelve m -tr:-from the date of this notice. Dated at Tueson, A. T., Jan. 5th 1SG!. CHARLES H, LORD.- Adminstratnr. Notice to Creditors. Estate of Alonzo M. Erwin, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given by the und riijr'i Charles H. Lord, administrator of the e-rr , - . 1 ' . .1 1 i I. . . r-.. . I ditors of, and all persons having c. " ; against the said deceased, to exhibit them . the necessary vouchers to the undersigned. -his office in the town of Tucson, County Pima, and Territory of Arizona, within tw.i months from the date of this notice. Dated at Tucson, A. T. August 7th ISG?. CHARLES H. LORD, Administrator