t, IS THE'SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington fur the County cf King. Pobate notice. In the matter Of tho guardianship of James Elmer Galley, Lillian Galley and Edith Galley, minors. No. lOOSl). No tice of application for appointment of guardian. Notice is hereby given that D. A. Qalley lias tiled In the Superior Court of the Slate of Washington, for the County of Kins, a petition praying tiial a guardian of the persons and estates of James Elmer Galley, Lillian Galley and Edit hGailey, be appointed, and that let ters of guardianship be issued to D. A. Qailey and that Thursday, ti.e 27th day Of May, J you, at 'J::!0 o'clock a. in., OI huid ('ay, at tlie court room of the Pro bate Department of said Superior Court has U sen set for hearing said petition, When ami where any person interested may appear and show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be Witness, the Hon. A. W. Prater, Judge of said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court hereunto affixed this Ist day of April, 1908. • D. K. SICKELS, Clerk. By PERCY F. THOMAS, Deputy Clerk. April 2-Aprll 29, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Suite of Washington for the County of King. Probate notice. State of Washington, County of King, ss. In the matter of the estate of John C. Morrow, deceased. No. 6819. Notice of settlement of final account. Notice is hereby given that J. M. Wiestling, the administrator of the es tate of John C. Morrow, deceased, has rendered to, and filed in said Court his final account as such administrator, and that Thursday, tho tith day of May, 1909, at t o'clock a. m., at the court room of the Probate Department of our said Su perior Court, in the City of Seattle, in said King County, lias been duly ap pointed by said Court for the settlement of said account, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and tile his exceptions in writing to said account, and contest the same. \\ itness, the Hon. A. W. Frater, Judge of said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court hereto affixed this Ist day of April, 1909. D. K. SICKELS, Clerk. By JOHN M. WILMOT, Deputy Clerk. April 2-April 29, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington for King County. In the matter of the estate of William A. Murray, deceased. No. 9933. Notice to creditors. By order of said court made herein on the 23d day of March, 1909, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and to all persons having claims against said deceased or against said estate or against the community estate of said deceased and Elizabeth A. Murray, to present them with the necessary vouch ers to the undersigned administrator of said estate, at 709'Lowman Building, Se attle, Washington, the place of business of said estate, in Seattle, in said county and stale, within one year from and af ter the date of first publication of this notice or same will be barred. Date of first publication, April 2, 1909. WILLIAM J. MURRAY, As Administrator of said Estate. THOS. M. ASKREN, Attorney for Estate., 709 Lowman Building, Seattle, Wash. April 2-April 29, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington in and for King County. In Probate. In the matter of the estate of Charles H. Page, deceased. No. 10001. Notice to creditors. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court made herein March 26, 1909, no tice is hereby given to the creditors of and all persons having claim against Charles H. Page, deceased, or his es tate, to present sucli claims with the necessary vouchers attached to the un dersigned administrator of said estate at Room 10, Haller Building, Seattle, Washington, within one year from and after the date of the first publication of this notice, or such claims will be bar red. Drte of first publication April 2, 1909. GEORGE H. ALDEN, As Administrator of the estate of Charles H. Page, deceased. B. IJ. MOSER, Attorneys for said estate. April 2-April 29, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington in and for King County. In probate. In the matter of the estate of David H. T. Gage, deceased. No. 9406. Notice to creditors. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court made herein March 26, 1909, no tice is hereby given to the creditors of and all persons having claim against David H. T. Gage, deceased, or his es tate, to present such claims with the necessary vouchers attached to the un dersigned administrator of said estate at Room 10, Haller Building, Seattle, Washington, within one year from and after the date of the first publication of this notice, or such claims will be barred. Date of first publication April 2, 1909. E. E. SIMPSON, As Administrator of the estate of David H. T. Gage, deceased. R. R. MOSER, Attorney for said Estate. April 2-April 29, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington in and for King County. In progate. In the matter of the estate of Nancy W. McLean, deceased. No. 10063. No tice to creditors. Pursuant to an order of the Court made herein on the 26th day of March, A. li. 1909, notice is hereby given to the creditors, and all persons having claims against Nancy W. McLean, deceased, or against her estate, to present such claims with the 'necessary vouchers at tached to the undersigned executor of said estate, at Room 10, Haller Block, Seattle, Washington; said place being the place designated by said executor for the transaction of the business of said estate, within one year from the date of the first publication of this notice, to wit: within one year from the second day of April, A. D. 1909, or such claims will be forever barred. SUSAN S. McLEAN, As Executrix of the estate of Nancy W. McLean, deceased. E. E. SIMPSON, B. B. MOSER, Attorneys for said Estate. April 2-April 29, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washinston for King County. E. B. Lyon, plaintiff, vs. Dr. Francis G. Bryant, Henry H. Baker, ana Marie L. Baker, his wife, the unknown heirs of any of the above named defendants who are deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown having or claiming any right, title, interest or lien in or to the real property described in the com plaint herein, defendants. No. 66269. Summons. The State of Washington to the said Dr. Francis G. Bryant, Henry H. Baker, and Maiic L. Bilker, his wife, the un known heiro of any of the above named defendants who are deceased, and all other persons or parties unknown having or claiming any right, title, interest or lien in or to the real property described in th" complaint herein, defendants: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the Brat publication of this summons, to wlt: Within sixty days aftor the 2nd day of April, 1909, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your an swer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, at their address or office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the com plain* which has been filed with the clerk of said court. Said action is brought to quiet plain tiff's title in and to the following de scribed real property in the County of King, State of Washington, to-wit: lots 1 to 10 inclusive, being the whole of block 11 Bay View Addition to the City of Seattle. HOWELL & BENJAMIN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. P. O. Address: 340 to 343 N. Y. Blk., Seattle. Wash. April 2-May 14, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE State of Washington for King County. In probate. In the matter of the estate of Cor- IKs P. Stone, deceased. No. 7500. No tice. Notice Is hereby given that the Wash ington Trust Company of Seattle, as ad ministrator with the will annexed of the ■ state of Corliss P. Stone, deceased, has this day presented and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, for King County, Its 2 —REPUBlican legals—Tomy first anual report and petition asking that the widow's portion of the said es tate be segregated and distributed to her, and that. The 29th day of April, 1909, at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at the Court of the Probate Department of our said Superior Court in the City of Seattle, King County, Washington, has been appointed by said Court for the settlement of said account and the hearing of said petition, at which time and place any person inter ested in said estate may appear and contest the same. Witness, the Honorable A. W. Frater, Judge of said Superior Court, and the seal of said Court hereto affixed this Ist day of April, A. D. 1909. D. K. SICKELS, Clerk. By PERCY F. THOMAS, Deputy Clerk. April 2-April 29, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington for the County of King. In probate. In the matter of the estate of John C. Morrow, deceased. No. 6819. Order to show cause why distribution should not be made. J. M. Wiestling, administrator of the estate of John C. Morrow, deceased, hav ing filed in this court his petition set ting forth that said estate is now in a condition to be closed and Is ready for distribution of the residue thereof among the persons entitled by law thereto, and it appearing to the court that said peti tipn sets forth facts sufficient to au thorize a distribution of the residue of said estate: It is therefore ordered by the court that all persons interested in the estate of the said John C. Morrow, deceased, be and appear before the said Superior Court of King County, State of Wash ingotn, at the court room of the Pro bate Department of said Court in the City of Seattle, on the 6th day of May, 1909, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m. of said day, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why an order of dis tribution should not be made of the res idue of said estate among the heirs and persons in said petition mentioned, ac cording to law.- It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for four successive weeks before the said 6th day of May, 1909, in The Seattle Republican, a newspaper printed and published in said King County and of general circulation therein- Done in open court this Ist day of April, 1909. A. W. FRATER, Judge. State of Washington, County of King, ss. I. D. K. Sickels, County Clerk of King County and ex-ofßcio Clerk of the Su perior Court of the State of Washington, for the County of King, do hereby certi fy that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an original order to show cause, made by said Court on the Ist day of April, 1909, in the matter of the estate of John C. Morrow, deceased. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this Ist day of April, 1909. D. K. SICKELS, Clerk. By JOHN C. AVILMOT, Deputy Clerk. Arjril 2-Apri] 29. 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington for the County of King. In probate. In the matter of the estate of James Wilbur Jones, deceased. No. 6771. Or der to show cause on sale of real estate. Amanda L. Jones, the administratrix of the estate of James Wilbur Jones, de ceased, having filed her petition in this Court, duly verified, praying for an or der of this Court for the sale of a part of the real estate of which the said de ceased died seized, for the purposes therein set forth; And it appearing to the Court from Kaid petition that the personal estate of the said deceased in the hands of said administratrix is not sufficient to pay the claims against the said estate and the expenses of the administration there of, and taxes and special assessments, that it is necessary to sell all or a por tion of the real estate of the said de ceased to pay the said claims and ex penses of the administration. And it ap pearing to the Court that said petition conforms to, and is in accordanpe with the requirements of law in such case made and provided. It is ordered by the Court that all persons interested in the estate of the said deceased appear before said Superior Court on Thursday, the 6th day of May, 1909, at the hour of 9:30 o'clocK in the forenoon of said day It the court room of the Probate Depal tment of said Superior Court, in the City of Seattle, in said King Coun ty, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why an order of this Court should not be granted to said adminis tratrix authorizing and empowering her to sell the said real estate of said de ceased, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the aforesaid claims and expenses of administration. It is further ordered that a copy of this order to show cause be published at least four successive weeks before the said 6th day of May, 1909, in The Seattle Republican, a newspaper print ed and published in said County of King and of general circulation therein. Done In open Court this Ist day of April, 1909. A. W. FRATER, Judge. State of Washington, County of King, ss. I, D. K. Sickels, County Clerk of King County and ex-offlcio Clerk of the Su perior Court of the State of Washing ton, for the County of King, do »>»'eby THE SEATTLE REPUBLICAN certify thnt the foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of an original order to show cause, niiule by said Court on the Ist daj Of April, 11109, in the matter of the estate of James Wilbur Jones, de ceased. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this Ist day of April, 1909. ■ D. K. SICKELS, Clerk. By G. B. MYERS, Deputy Clerk. April 2-April 30, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THE State of Washington, in and for King County. Aurora Land Company, a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Ed. Bleltb. and Jane Doe Bleith, his wife, whose true Christian name is unknown, and all persons un known, if any, having or claiming an interest in and to the hereinafter de scribed real property, Defendants. No. 64,716. Notice and Summons. The State of Washington to the above named defendants and each of them: You and each of you, as owners, claim ants or holders of an interest or estate in and to the hereinafter described real property, are hereby notifled that the above named plaintiff, is the holder of three delinquent tax certificates issjjed by the Treasurer of Kins County, State of Washington dated April 29th, 1908, numbered as follows: For the delin quent taxes of the following year in the following amounts and upon the real property situated in said King County described as follows, to-wit: Certificate No. 849521 on Lot Five (5), Block Four (4), Kirkland Syndicate's Second Addi tion to Seattle, King County, Washing ton; 849524 on Lot Eight (8), Block. Four (4), Kirkland Syndicate's Second Addition to Seattle; 849627 on Lot Eleven (11), Block Four (4), Kirkland Syndicate's Second Addition to Seattle. That the taxes for the following, prior and subsequent years have been paid by the plaintiff on the above described real property as follows: On each of said lots for the year 1905, Forty-six cents (46c); 1906, Fifty-nine cents (59c); 1907, Fifty cents (50c), which several sums bear interest at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum from said date of payment and are all the unpaid and unredeemed taxes upon and against said real prop erty. You and each of you (including said persons unknown, if any) are hereby further notified and summoned to be and appear within sixty days after the publication of this notice, exclusive of the day of the first publication, to-wit: 60 days after April 23, 1909, in the above entitled court and action and defend thia action and answer the complaint of said plaintiff and serve a copy of your ans wer on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated or pay the amount due, together with interest and costs. In case you fail so to do, judgment will be rendered herein, fore closing the lien of said taxes and costs against each parcel of said real prop erty for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each parcel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each, for said taxes, interest and costs, ordering a sale of each parcel of said property for the satisfaction of the sums charged and found against it re spectively as provided by law and as prayed in plaintiff's complaint now on file in this cause and court. AURORA LAND COMPANY, a Corpora tion, Plaintiff. F J. CARVER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office Address, 314 Northern Bank & Trust : 'dg., Seattle, Wash. April 23—June 4, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington, in and for King County. Aurora Land Company, a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Unknowns Owners, and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming an interest in and to the here inafter described real property, Defend ants. No. 64,553. Notice and Summons. The State of Washington to the above named defendants and each of them: You and each of you as owners, claim ants or holders of an interest or estate in and to the hereinafter described real property, are hereby notifled that the above named plaintiff is the holder of one certain delinquent tax certificate issued by the Treasurer of King County, State of Washington, dated the 16th day of September, 1908, and numbered as follows for the delinquent taxes of the following year in the following amount and upon the real property situ ated in said King- County, described as follows, to.wit: Lot Thirty-five (35), Block One (1), Harry White & Co.'s sth Addition to Kirkland, King County. Washington, be ing certificate No. 854308, for year 1903, one and 1-00 dollars ($1.01). That the taxes for the following, prior and sub sequent years have been paid by the plaintiff upon said above described real property, to-wit: Lot Thirty-five (35), Block One (1), Harry White & Co.'s sth Addition to Kirkland, for the year 1904, Thirty cents (30c); 1905, Forty-four cents (44c); 1906, Fifty-three cents (53c); 1907, Forty-eight cents (48c), which several sums bear interest at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum from said date of payment and are all the unpaid and unredeemed taxes upon and against said real property. You and each of yon (including said persons unknown, if any) are hereby further notified and sumoned to be and appear within sixty days after the pub lication of this notice, exclusive of the day of the first publication, to-wit: 60 days after April 23, 1909, in the above entitled court and action and defend this action and answer the complaint of said plaintiff and serve a copy of your ans wer on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated or pay the amount due, together with interest and costs. In case you fail so to do, judgment will be rendered herein, fore closing the lien of said taxes and costs against eaoh parcel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each parcel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each for said taxes, interest and costs, ordering a sale of each parcel of said property for the satisfaction of the sums charged and found against it respectively as pro vided by law and as prayed in plaintiff s complaint now on file in this cause and AURORA LAND COMPANY, a Corpora tion. Plaintiff. F. J. CARVER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office Address, 314 Northern Bank & Trust Bldg., Seattle, Wash. April 23—June 4, 1909. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington, in and for King County. In the Matter of the Dissolution of the Pyle-Corson Feed Company, of Kent, Washington, a Corporation. No. 66.765. Notice Notice is hereby given that the Pyle- Corson Feed Company, a corporation, and Frank Pyle, its president, and Otto E. Kinder, its secretary, have presented to the Superior Court of the State of Wash ington, in and for King County, a pe tition praying to be allowed to disin corporate and dissolve said corporation, and that the 19th day of June. 1909, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A. M., or as Boon thereafter as counsel can be heard has been appointed and hereby fixed as theo time, and at the court room of Depart ment No. 4 of the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County of King aforesaid as the place at which said application is to ba heard. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Superior Court aforesaid this 20th day of April, 1909. D. K. SICKELS, Clerk of the Superior Court. (Seal.) By MAURICE THOMPSON, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court. McCAFFERTY & GODFREY, Attorneys for Petitioner. April 23 —June 18, 1909. The stockholders' meeting of the Con solidated Gold Mines Company will be held at the office of the Company, 312 Crary building, Seattle, Wash., on June Ist, 1909, for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year and to transact any other business that may come before the stockholders. N. A. THOMPSON, Secy. May 23d. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington, for the County of King. Probate Notice. State of Washington, County of King, ss. In the matter of the estate of William Sparks Thompson, deceased. No. 8851. Notice of settlement of final account. Notice is hereby given that G. Alston Hole, the administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of William Sparks Thompson, deceased, has rendered to, and filed in said Court his final account as such administrator, and that Thurs day, the 13th day of May, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Court Room of the Probate Department of our said Superior Court, in the City of Seattle, in said King County, has been duly appointed by said Court for the settlement of said account, at Which time and place any person interested in said estate may ap pear and file his exceptions in writing to said account, and contest the same. Witness, the Hon. A. W. Frater, Judge of said Superior Court, and the Seal of Said Court hereto affixed this Ist day of April, 1909. KXm ' BpiEaSi Clerk. By JOHN M. WILMOT, Deputy Clerk. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington, in and lor King County. . William E. Terrill, Plaintiff, vs. Kate Terrill, Defendant. —No Summons. The state of Washington to Kate Ter hill, defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within sixty (60) days after the 12th day of March, 1909, and defend the above entitled action, in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of plain tiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned, attorney for plain tiff at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be taken against you according to the demand of the complaint, which is filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to obtain a decree, of divorce from you upon the ground of desertion and abandonment for more than one year last past, by you of the said plaintiff. JAMES McNENY, Attorney for Plaintiff. 514 Marion Bldg., Seattle, Washington. March 12, April 23. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington in and for King County. Aurora Land Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. J. E. West and Jane Doe West, liis wife, whose true Christian name is unknown, and all persons un known, if any, having or claiming an interest in and to the hereinafter de scribed real property, Defendants. —No. 64545. Notice and Summons. The State of Washington: To the above defendants and each of them: You and each of you as owners, claim ants or holders of an Interest or estate in and to the hereinafter described real property, are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff is the holder of one delinquent tax certificate issued by the Treasurer of King County, State of Washington, dated the 17th day of Aug ust 1908, and number as follows, for the delinquent taxes of the following year in the following amount and upon the reael property situated in said King County described a"s follows, to-wit: Lot six (6), block seven (7), White Bros. Add. to Kirkland. King County, AVashington, being certificate No. 852921 for the year 1904, ninety cents .(90c). That the taxes for the following prior and subsequent years have been paid by the plaintiff upon said above describ ed real property, to-wit: __ ,<. Lot six (6), block seven (7), White Bros. Add. to Kirkland, for the year 1906, fifty cents (50c); for the year 1905, thirty-six cents (36c). Which several sums bear interest at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum from said date of pay ment -and are all the unpaid and unre deemed taxes upon and against said real property. You and each of you are hereby fur ther notified and summoned to be and appear within sixty days after the first date of publication of this notice, exclu sive of the day of date of publication, to-wit: March 12, 1909, in the above en titled court and action and defend this action and answer the complaint of said plaintiff and serve a copy of your an swer on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated or pay the amount due, together with In terest and costs. In case you fail so to do, judgment will be rendered herein, foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against each parcel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each parcel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each, for said taxes, interest and costs, ordering a sale of each parcel of said property for the satisfaction of the sums charged and found against it respective ly as provided by law and as prayed in plaintiff's complaint, now on file in this U AURORA LAND COMPANY, a Cor poration, Plaintiff. F J CARVER, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office Address: 314 Northern Bank & Trust Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Date of first publication, March 12. Date of last publication, April 23. IN* THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington, in and for King County. Aurora Land Company, a corporation, Plaintiff vs. Ed. Bleith and Jane Doe Bleith, -iis wife, whose true Christian name Is unknown, and all persons un known, if any, having or claiming an interest or estate in and to the herein after, described real property, Defend ants —No 65167. Notice and Summons. State of Washington: To the above defendants and each of them: You and each of you as owners, claim ants or holders of an interest or estate in and to the hereinafter described real property, are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff is the holder of three delinquent tax certificates issued by the Treasurer of King County. State FRIDAY MAY 7, 1909 if ■Washington, dated the 29th day of April, 1908, and numbered as follows, for the delinquent taxes of the following year in the following amount and upon the real property situated In said King County described as follows, to-wlt: Lot fifteen (IB), block four (4), Kirk land Syndicate 2nd Addition to Seattle, being certificate No. 849531 for the year 1904, ninety-eight cents (98c), lot nine teen (19), block four (4), K*rkland Syn dicate's 2nd Addition to Seattle, being certificate No. 849535 for the year 1904, ninety-eight cents (98c). Lot twenty two (22) block four (4), Kirkland Syn dicate's 2nd Addition to Seattle, King County, Washington, being certificate No. 849538, ninety-eight cents (98c). That the taxes for the following prior and subsequent years have been paid by the plaintiff upon said above describ ed reael property, to-wit: Lot fifteen (IB), block four (4), Kirk land Syndicate's 2nd Addition to Seattle, King County, Washington, for the year 1905, forty-six cents; for the year 190«, fifty-nine cents; for the year 1907. fifty cents; lot nineteen (19), block four '4), Kirkland Syndicate's 2nd Addition to Se attle, for the year 1905, forty-six cents; for the year 1906, fifty-nine cents; for the year 1907, fifty cents; lot twenty two (22), block four (4), forty-six cents; for the year 1906, fifty-nine cents; for rhe year 1907, fifty cents. Which several sums bear interest at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum from said date of pay ment and are all the unpaid and unre deemed taxes upon and against said real property. You and each of you are hereby fur ther notified and summoned to be and apepar within sixty days after the first date of publication of this notice, exclu sive of the day of publication, to-wlt: within sixty days after March 12, 1909, in the above entitled court and action and defend this action and answer the complaint of said plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated or pay the amount due, together with interest and costs. In case you fail so to do judgment will be rendered herein, foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against each parcel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each par cel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each, for said taxes, interest and costs, ordering a sale of each parcel of said property for the satisfaction of the sums charged and found against it respectively as provided by law and as prayed in plain tiff's complaint, now on file In this cause and court. AURURO LAND COMPANY, a Cor poration, Plaintiff. P. J. CARVER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office Address: 314 Northern Bank & Trust Bldg., Seattle, Wash. March 12-April 23. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington, in and for King County. Aurora Land Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Ed. Bleith and Jane Doe Bleith, his wife, whose true Christian name is unknown, and all persons un known, if any, having or claiming an interest or estate in and to the herein after described real property. Defend ants. —No. 65104. Notice and Summons. The State of Washington: To the above named defendants and each or them: , , You and each of you, as owners, claim ants or holders of an interest or estate in and to the hereinafter described real property, are hereby notified that the above named plaintiff is the holder of two delinquent tax certificates issued by the Treasurer of King County, State of Washington, dated the 29th day of April, 1908, and numbered as follows, for the delinquent taxes of the following year in the following amounts and upon the real property situated in said King Coun ty described as follows, to-wit: Lot sixteen (16), block four (4), Kirk land Syndicate's 2nd Addition to Seat tle, being certificate No. 849532, for the year 1904, ninety-eight cents (98c). Lot twenty-four (24), block four (4), Kirkland Syndicate's 2nd Addition to Se attle, being certificate No. 840540, for the year 1904, ninety-eight cents (98c). That the taxes for the following, prior and subsequent years have been paid by the plaintiff upon said above described real estate property: Lot sixteen (16), block four (4), Kirk land Syndicate's 2nd Addition to Seattle: year 1905, forty-six cents; year 1906, fifty-nine cents; 1907, fifti' cents. Lot twenty-four (24), block four (4), Kirkland Syndicate's 2nd Addition to Se attle: year 1905, forty-six cents; 1906, fifty-nine cents: 1907, fifty cents. Which several sums bear interest at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum from said date of payment, and are all the un paid and unredeemed taxes upon and against said real property. You and each of you (including said persons unknown, if any), are hereby further notified and summoned to be and appeaer within sixty days after the serv ice of this notice upon you by publica tion, exclusive of the day of publication, to-wit: within 60 days after March 12, 1909, in the above entitled court and action and defend this action and answer the complaint of said plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer on the under signed attorney for plaintiff at his office below stated or pay the amount due, to gether with interest and costs. In case you fail so to do, judgment will be ren dered herein, foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against each parcel of said real property for the sums and amounts due upon and charged against each, for said taxes, interest, and costs, ordering a sale of each parcel of said property for the satisfaction of the sums charged and found against it re spectively as provided by law and as prayed in plaintiff's complaint now on filed in this cause and court. AURORA LAND COMPANY, a Cor poration, Plaintiff. F J CARVER, Attorney for Plaintiff. 314 Northern Bank & Trust Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Date of first publication, March 12. Date of last publication, April 23. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE State of Washington for King County. E. L. Siegrist, Plaintiff, vs. Laura Sie grist, Defendant. No. . Summons by Publication. The State of Washington to the said Laura Siegrist, Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: within sixty days after the 19th day of March, 1909, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your an swer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at his office below stated, and in case of your failure so to do judg ment will be rendered against you ac cording to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to secure a divorce from the defendant, above named, for cruelty. WILLIAM C. KEITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: 45 Starr-Boyd Bldg., Seattle, King County. Washing ton. March 19—April 30.